The magical world of scrapbooking: six ideas for creating family photo albums. How to make scrapbooking photo albums for children and weddings

Scrapbooking is the art of creating and designing original photo albums. The main goal of this direction of needlework is to turn a boring photo album into a unique story from our life. In this article, you will learn the history of scrapbooking, as well as how to make an album cover, binding and secrets.

In the 16th century, notepads were popular for writing down important dates, quotes, recipes, and more. At the end of the 17th century, a book appeared in which there were additional blank pages so that the owner himself could paste the illustrations he liked. After the advent of color printing, collectors actively began to collect cut-out images in their albums. This was the beginning of the development of scrapbooking.

In the 19th century, when photography began to actively develop in scrapbooking, a real revolution took place: they started special pockets for photos and colored pages on their own. Girls' albums with drawings, photographs, stickers and secrets became popular. Today there are many styles of scrapbooking and it has regained popularity all over the world.

Scrapbooking album, do it yourself

Scrapbooking photo album cover


- canvas;
- cardboard or paper with millimeter markings;
- synthetic winterizer;
- PVA;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- eyelets;
- rings.

  • Decide on the dimensions of the album. In our master class, the album turned out to be 30 × 30.
  • With the help of a cardboard or a sheet, measure on a regular cardboard 30 cm long and 30 cm wide.

  • Cut a piece of synthetic winterizer of the same size.
  • Glue the synthetic winterizer onto the cardboard with PVA glue.
  • Cut off a square of canvas, while making a margin of 1 cm on each side, so that it is convenient to stick. Glue the canvas on the padding polyester.
  • To close the pieces of material, a sheet of cardboard is glued on the inside. The back cover for the album is ready.

  • Glue a synthetic winterizer on the front of the cover, and canvas on top, but without a window.
  • Now carefully cut out the window and glue the edges to the cardboard.

  • Make holes for the eyelets at a distance of 2 cm from the edge.

If you want the album to be not on rings, but like a bound book, then do not make holes for the eyelets. You can decorate the cover to your liking, not necessarily the same as in the first master class.

Sheets are needed to complete the album. It is best to use cardboard. Also cut additional strips, 2-2.5 cm wide, for gluing the main sheets together. Ready-made color pages, such as paper or thin cardboard with color prints, will also come in handy.

On each strip in the center, measure a strip 2-4 mm wide, for this you can use a pen that does not write or a sharp object. This is done so that the album can store voluminous decorations, for example, convex flowers made of paper. The edges of the strips must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees on both sides. Bend the strips so that the marked strip remains in the center, and start gluing to the pages. All pages must be glued evenly so that the album also comes out even, and not skewed.

You can determine the number of pages yourself. After the middle of the album is ready, we start binding. To do this, take a gauze or bandage, cut a strip along the height of the album and at the same time 1.5-2 cm more width. Now you need to take a piece of braid or tape and stick it on the top and bottom edges of the binding. The lace will make the edges look aesthetically pleasing, and the binding will also be more durable.

From thick paper, make a spine that completely closes the binding and protrudes 1-1.5 cm. Attach it to the album, and glue the cover on top of the folds of the spine.

Do not glue the spine itself to the binding, otherwise the pages of the album will not open freely. Open the cover and glue the protruding layer of bandage or gauze and the ends of the braid to it. The most convenient way to do this is not with PVA glue, but with a transparent “Moment”.

Everyone who wants to make a photo album plans to make it interesting, beautiful and original. Sometimes the volume of the album does not allow to place a large number of photos in it, so we offer a unique idea for its design.

Secrets is a way of arranging inscriptions, drawings or photos, which is known to every schoolgirl who had a “girl's album”. There are several options for their design for a photo album.

  1. Secrets on the basis of a postcard. Make a postcard in the background color of the album page. Glue the main photo on the front side, and a secret inside. The flip page can be secured with tape, a clasp, or a cord.
  2. Secrets in pockets. Think in advance where such a pocket will be located and make it in the color of the page. Paste the main photos on top and decorate the page. Do not forget to put a secret photo in the pocket. In the photo, it is better to make a loop or make a hole for the grommet so that it is convenient to pull it out. You can decorate the pocket in such a way that additional pictures are pasted on it and visually hidden.

Thanks to the secrets on one page of the photo album, it is easy to stick a vertical and horizontal photo. Also, the photo itself can become a pocket for another one. You can stick a photo on a postcard and glue a few more photos inside. “Sandwiches” made of photo and paper look original, thanks to which you can hide a few surprises on the page.

Do you want to stick a large photo in the album, but feel sorry for the place? Glue the photo on a piece of paper in the background color so that it is convenient to stick the fold to the base of the album. Now the large photo can open, and paste other photos under it. Secure a large photo with thread or a lock. In the same way, it is easy to stick many more photos, if instead of a large photo you use a few small ones, and save the technology for secrets.

To make your album look creative, cut off the vertical or horizontal parts of individual pages and decorate them as if they were a continuation of the next page. Do not forget that it is permissible not only to stick a photo, but also to sew it on. This will bring zest to the finished product. Sew some photos with an accordion and fasten to a cord.

If it seems that some photos do not fit into the plot, hide them behind a decorative door. For children's albums, use drawings of flowers or animals, behind which secrets will also be hidden.

Also watch the video: Scrapbooking: DIY Wedding Photo Album

It all depends on the preferences of the owners of the future family heirloom and the style of execution. See more crafts in this.

Printed photos in a beautiful themed album are not only pleasant memories of a vacation or a special day in your life, but also a great gift for an anniversary or memorable date. A specially designed do-it-yourself photo album will help to make such a present really memorable and individually.

Unusual do-it-yourself photo album using scrapbooking technique

We will need:

  • colored paper in several colors,
  • scrapbooking paper with patterns or drawings,
  • glue stick,
  • stickers and ribbons for decoration,
  • ruler,
  • scissors,
  • printed photos.

The number of sheets of paper should be twice the number of photos. Each sheet is folded in half. Then fold half of the sheets again - each half in half again to get an accordion with wings in one direction. On the first part of the sheets, which have one fold, we place photographs. The fold should go along the photo approximately in the center. We bend the photo, glue it to the paper. We make a “cover” from an accordion sheet. We cut a hole to the size of the photo with scissors, decorate the paper with stripes or figures from scrapbooking paper. We apply the “accordion” to the sheet with the photo with the central fold outward. Glue the "wings" of the accordion to the sheet.

Repeat the process for each photo, then glue the finished pages together. On the cover we paste on an additional colored sheet of a contrasting color, decorate with paper and stickers. Glue on the ribbons. Do-it-yourself author's photo album is ready.

DIY photo album in retro style

We will need:

  • a ready-made photo album with paper pages or a large format notebook,
  • curly stamp,
  • photo corners,
  • glue stick,
  • scissors,
  • sponge for tinting the edges of paper,
  • glue gun or Moment glue,
  • twine, ribbon or braid for decoration (can be replaced with stickers),
  • cover fabric,
  • pictures or texts printed or cut out of paper "antique",
  • Photo.

We tint the edges of the sheets with a sponge in brown-yellow color, make strokes on the page, giving the paper an aged look. We put a “monogram” pattern on each page with a stamp. We lay out the photos, glue the corners, insert the photo. We add decor to the pages - stickers, phrases, pictures, ribbon bows or pigtails, pieces of ribbon. Glue with a glue gun. To decorate the cover, cut out a rectangle of the desired size from the fabric, glue it with a glue gun. We also glue the fabric inside the cover. If the joint is too noticeable - mask with tape or cord. Retro album is ready.

DIY wedding photo album

We will need:

  • album rings with a diameter of 4 cm,
  • regular and curly hole punch,
  • cardboard,
  • scrapbooking paper,
  • scrapbooking stickers,
  • chipboards,
  • white cardstock,
  • vintage paper tape with various patterns,
  • paper, plastic or metal flowers,
  • plaster figurines of the newlyweds,
  • pearl halves on glue,
  • openwork braid, cord or lace,
  • glue squares for photos,
  • glue,
  • creasing stick,
  • scissors,
  • Double-sided tape,
  • ruler.

From cardboard cut out 10 sheets of the same size. We make holes with a hole punch for the connecting rings. We select paper for decorating the cover and sheets in mauve, beige or pastel colors. Let's start with the cover. We cut out strips of paper of several colors with scissors, join them, glue the joints with adhesive tape. The finished sheet of paper should be larger than the cardboard blank. We place the cardboard on the paper, glue it. We wrap and glue the edges, making scoring tape along the edge of the cardboard and paper cover. We seal the inside with a solid sheet of paper. We decorate the cover with lace, roses, figurines of the bride and groom, pearls and a sticker. Similarly, we make the back of the cover, but do not decorate with voluminous details.

For pages we use individual decor. We glue the ends of the cardboard with vintage tape, glue the corners with an overlap. You can use the same pattern or style each page differently. We cut out stripes from white cardstock, decorate one edge with a figured hole punch. On the page we make a composition of two shades of paper - the top and bottom are plain, the central strip is colored. To do this, we glue a plain sheet to the cardboard, then on top of it - a colored strip, close the joints with narrow strips of figuratively cut cardstock. We glue the corners to the size of the photo, place the decor on the page, fix it. We fasten the finished album with rings.

DIY photo album for a baby

We will need:

  • album for drawing on a spiral fixer,
  • ruler,
  • scissors,
  • pencil,
  • printed baby pictures,
  • spray glue,
  • stickers,
  • scrapbooking paper or wrapping paper,
  • colored paper,
  • ribbons and varnish marker to match the ribbons,
  • double-sided adhesive corners for photos.

Crop the album to the desired format (preferably square). We decorate the cover using plain paper and ribbon. We make an inscription with a marker, draw any pattern on the back of the cover. We decorate each page with stickers, colored paper, place corners for photos. We add inscriptions, make envelopes for leaflets with the achievements of the baby. We cut out a heart, put it on a ribbon, glue a bookmark to the cover. Children's photo album is ready.

Taking pictures is a unique activity that is not only popular these days, but also helps a person to open up and show himself. Modern technologies allow not only to take high-quality photographs by inventing and improving modern technologies, but also to share them instantly.

Every day, every second person shares their personal or other people's photos on social networks, by mail. However, it is much more pleasant to fit comfortably and look through the album. Especially if it is decorated with clippings, quotes and interesting thoughts. Undoubtedly, the second such will not be found.

A lot of articles have been written about how to make a photo album with your own hands, a lot of videos with master classes have been shot. It's quite difficult to make a choice. However, there are basic knowledge and invaluable tips that are worth learning before getting started.

Choosing a theme for the upcoming album

Of course, the idea of ​​creating a unique photo album with your own hands does not arise just like that. Perhaps a person is driven by the idea of ​​making money on such things. However, most often the decision comes suddenly, after a significant event in the desire to save every bright moment.

Creating an ordinary classic album is not difficult. It is enough to have a few hours of free time and a rich imagination. You can decorate an ordinary photo album, or you can create your own album from scratch.

The most popular photo albums are:

  • wedding theme. A wedding is a wonderful moment to start a new family life. The mass of events on this day exhausts the newlyweds, depriving them of the opportunity to enjoy this day and just contemplate each other. A professional wedding photographer is no longer a novelty. Beautiful photographs that convey every emotion of this day simply must be framed accordingly.
  • Photo album for the birth of a baby. The arrival of a child in a family is an important milestone. And every parent strives to remember everything and display it in the photo. However, even the most attentive mother is not able to remember every important moment, because there are so many of them. A photo album with quotes will help you remember the most important thing even after many years.
  • Album with a school, educational plot. The first day of kindergarten, first grade, graduation party, institute are the stages of growing up, which are accompanied by wonderful memories.
  • Capturing a bright moment in life. This is not only a vacation, or a trip. You can also create an album as a gift, for example, for an anniversary, or for a memorable date. Thematic albums for beloved, beloved are popular.

The reason for creating a photo album can be anything. The main thing is the creative inclinations and the availability of tools.

Tools and materials needed to create a photo album

The original handmade album is quite an expensive thing. Its cost will include not only the price of the materials used, but also the dignity of handicraft. But this does not make such a photo album inaccessible. On the contrary, everyone can make it with their own hands, using their talent and imagination.

In order to make a photo album yourself at home, you must have:

Required tool:

  • miniature scissors;
  • hole punch simple;
  • knife-cutter;
  • pencils;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • glue stick;
  • curly scissors;
  • figured hole puncher;
  • Double-sided tape.

Necessary materials:

  • paper. It should be tight enough. You will also need paper for substrates for photographs, its density should be lower than the density of the main sheet;
  • thick cardboard (2 sheets). You need it to create a cover. You can use old unnecessary cardboard boxes;
  • cover material. To do this, you can use completely different material. Old pieces of fabric, jeans, decorative colored paper, to create a soft cover you will need thin foam;
  • decorative material (depending on the general idea: fur, leather, wood, iron, beads, buttons, ribbons and other decor). You can make small details of the decor yourself: knit, sew, dazzle, dry.

Interesting details for your creation can be found both at home and in the scrapbooking store.

Making an album cover

When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can get to work. When making a photo album with your own hands, they often start with the cover.

There are two options for creating a cover:

  • Use a ready-made one: buy a new one, or remove it from an old album. This method is the easiest. All that is required from the master is to decorate beautifully using decorative material. You can sheathe such a cover with any fabric (depending on the idea), use colored paper, various decor. Often this option does not require gluing the inside.
  • Create a new one. This option is already more complicated. Since it requires certain knowledge. In order to make a cover, you need to decide what form the future album will be, how many photos to fit on 1 page. Having decided, you need to cut out a page from cardboard that we need in size. Do the same with the second sheet of cardboard. Next, you need to draw 2 lines on each sheet (2.5 and 3.5 cm from the left edge of the sheet). After that, cut with scissors along 2 lines.

To decorate the top of the cover with colored paper, you need:

  • take a sheet of colored paper, 4 cm more than a cardboard sheet on all sides;
  • place the album sheet in the middle and circle with a pencil;
  • it is good to cover with glue a sheet of colored paper, or both parts of the cover sheet;
  • put the cut sheet of the cover in a drawn square on a colored sheet of paper so that its edges clearly coincide with the drawn lines;
  • wrap the remaining edges of the colored paper onto the cover, gluing them tightly. It is important to try to do this carefully so that the waters come out as even and beautiful as possible;
  • also needs to be done with the trim of the inside of the cover. Colored paper can cover poorly glued corners.

When making the first albums, you should pay attention to the already finished covers. Building new ones from scratch can be tricky.

To work less on the cover design, you can use designer cardboard instead of ordinary cardboard.

Useful page design tips: how to fill the page correctly

It will be easier to fill the pages of the album in a disassembled state. Having issued each sheet, you can begin to collect the album.

Making an album is a whole science. Therefore, when filling out the page, you should follow certain rules:

  • Initially, the semantic center of the page should be determined.
  • Choose the right colors that complement the photo without breaking out of the overall color scheme.
  • Choose decor for pages that will match in color and meaning.
  • Choose captions for photos that will definitely correspond to the general meaning. These can be quotes of famous people, aphorisms, or your own thoughts. You need to write down words in the album based on the harmony of color.
  • Arrange large and small details on the page should be based on balanced proportions.
  • Each album page should have a bright accent. However, you should make sure that the page is not reloaded. It's hard to watch this album.
  • Each page should visually resemble a triangle "photo - title - caption".

It's good if the page has an odd amount of detail.

In order for the page to be balanced, one should try to follow the rule: a large item - several small ones. For example, in the upper corner you can place a large three-dimensional detail, and in the opposite corner below, several small ones.

Family Album Ideas

Creating a family album is quite an exciting undertaking that can be a great project for the whole family.

A family album is not only a collection of family pictures in one book. With this album, it is important to convey the history of the family, its spirit, having collected all the memorable moments in one photo album.

A family album can consist of named pages:

  • Little dad with grandpa or little mom with grandma and vice versa. This is an interesting idea that will help determine the similarities between all generations.
  • The birth of a new family or marriage. Here you can also place not only the wedding of mom and dad, but also grandparents. Scanned documents look original, their clippings, newspaper clippings made in vintage style.
  • The birth of a baby in the family. How to design this page is up to each mother individually. After all, everyone has their own ideas about the importance of a particular moment in a child's life. However, experience shows that a couple of pages are not enough for this event. Sometimes one album is not enough. The creation of mini photo albums made in the style of diaries looks original. It can be a whole series from birth to the right moment. Such an album is filled not only with pictures, but also with important records.
  • First year of life.
  • First time in first grade and beyond.

Pages that are intended for the baby can be supplemented with envelopes that will help save the first curl, the tag from the hospital, the first fallen tooth of the child.

A mother can supplement a children's album with her thoughts and memories. Addresses to your child, which he will read with pleasure when he grows up. You can also write down all the memorable dates here: the first sound, laughter, the first word, the first step, the first tooth. Such records will be a great addition to the corresponding pictures.

Another great idea for a family album is to make a family tree.

When choosing the style of making a family album (any other too), it is important to maintain this style in the smallest detail. So old photos, baby pictures will go well with retro and vintage style. Decor for such an album can be found in grandmother's things.

Original do-it-yourself photo album design ideas

Before you start work, you need to complete its sketch. On a regular sheet of paper, outline everything, down to the smallest detail. So you can not only visually evaluate the final result, but also not forget anything. Do this with every sheet. Their number, by the way, must be calculated in advance at the rate of 1-2 photos per sheet.

The photo album page must have 5 elements:

  • name of the picture;
  • a caption for each photo: when, under what circumstances the photo was taken. Perhaps there is something important in the picture that you would not like to forget over time;
  • page background;
  • decorations;
  • additions.

The blank pages of the album need to be marked with a simple pencil, so, after completing the design, it will not be difficult to erase the extra lines.

The page must be filled from top to bottom. The probability that paints, color works will be smeared will decrease to 0. To begin with, it is worth doing the work with a felt-tip pen and paints so that they have time to dry before the photo is pasted.

Inscriptions and quotes are written in the album with ink, felt-tip pen or helium pen. Ink color, font size, and letter tilt should also be considered in advance. You can use newspaper clippings to beautifully lay out the right words. Only after that the album is decorated with flat decorations. They are glued and sewn on. Volumetric parts of the decor are recommended to be fixed at the very end. Do this with glue, thread and needles, carnations.

It is better to glue the details of the album with a special glue gun.

Regarding the decoration of the album cover, the cover design looks beautiful with the help of small photos collected in mini collages. The form of these collages can be given completely different from banal geometric shapes to more artistic ones.

You can fasten album pages in various convenient ways:

  • using massive rings. Then each sheet of the album must be processed with a hole punch, making a hole in the right place;
  • use the same hole punch to make holes on each page and fasten them together with beautiful ribbons. In this case, you can use different methods of interlacing: from the simplest, all in to more complex;
  • album pages can be stitched;
  • you can glue the album.

Today, in the world of digital technologies, it is much easier to save your life in pictures. No need to sit for hours waiting for the result. Just a second and the perfect shot is ready. Most people store their photos on their gadgets, on the Internet. It is much more pleasant to look at photos, to touch them with your fingers. It is even more pleasant if this is an album with a unique decor, where there is something to remember, something to touch. Such an album captures, and every detail evokes its own emotions.

If there is a great desire, but no imagination, you can use ready-made ideas, which are quite a lot on the Internet. A lot of articles have been written about how to make a photo album with your own hands, a lot of master classes with detailed instructions have been filmed.

In the modern world, most often people take electronic photos: selfies on phones, photos on soap dishes and professional cameras. Share them by sending each other or posting on social networks.

But even some decade ago, photographs had to be printed from photographic film in an atelier, pasted into a photo album. But paper photo albums have not faded into the background and year after year their popularity is growing.

And the point is not only in their popularity, but also in the fact that the design of a photo album is a creative process, and its production unites all members of the family. Such an album will not only be a wonderful decoration for your living room, but also a great gift.

How to make a photo album?

Making a photo album is not so difficult if you stock up on the right tools and materials, and, of course, an original idea. Here are some examples of story topics:

  • birth of a child;
  • wedding or anniversary;
  • vacation;
  • graduation, etc.

There are many such reasons. So, having decided on the event that you want to display in your photo album, it's time to think about the tools.

How to make a photo album with your own hands?

You will need:

  • nail scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • stapler;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • markers and pencils;
  • double-sided tape;
  • paints.

Here are the main tools that are most often used in the manufacture of a photo album. But this is not all that you may need - it all depends on your imagination.

In addition, you will need the following materials:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • self-adhesive;
  • cover: it can be decorated with fabric, leather, fur, rhinestones, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for making a photo album

  • Let's start from the basics. To do this, we need any pages in the cover. It can even be an ordinary student notebook or notepad;
  • Let's decide on the number of photos. On average, there are 2-3 photos per page for a photo album. Based on this, we calculate the number of pages we need;
  • from paper we make a substrate for each page;
  • glue the substrates on sheets of cardboard;
  • we punch holes for fastening in the resulting squares;
  • we decorate the cover of the photo album with prepared material (for beginners, it is better to use ready-made binding, having previously laid foam rubber or other soft fabric under it to give the cover softness and volume);
  • we make holes in the binding, and then with the help of a cord or wire we fasten the pages to the cover; the base is almost ready.

Photo album design ideas

Choosing photos and making the basis of a photo album is not all. As a result, all the components of filling the photo album should merge together.

For this you need:

  • according to the meaning, select the center of the composition on the sheet;
  • choose a palette of colors that should be combined with each other;
  • choose decor elements, and try not to “overdo it” with them (this can be paper, cloth, plastic, metal, etc. You can use lace to decorate a wedding photo album, and decorate a children's photo album with clippings from children's fairy tales, small toys);
  • choose a place for photos, captions to them.

Gift photo album options

There are plenty of topics for creating a photo album in every family: “Farewell, school!”, “Our first-born”, “The whole family is assembled”, “Crimea-2012” ...

Consider the design options for a photo album on a specific example - "My grandfather is a sailor":

  • we cut out the substrate from colored paper or aquamarine-colored fabric, we also make the edges wavy;
  • make a name at the top, for example, “Remember, captain!”;
  • we decorate the name with fish cut out of colored paper or other material;
  • place an old photo in the center of the composition;
  • glue the anchor in the lower left corner;
  • Opposite the glue is a sticker with a signature, indicating the fleet and years of service, for example: "Pacific Fleet, 1960-1963."

The page is ready!

If this is your first experience of such work, we recommend making a photo album with no more than 20 pages.

family photo album

Probably everyone remembers family gatherings, the visits of parental friends to visit, and many hours of revision of family photo albums, accompanied by constant exclamations a la “What a nice little one!”, “Where are you?”, “How Andryushka waved”.

This trend has not lost its popularity even now. How to make such a photo album that would not be ashamed to show guests?

Let's look at a specific example that is gaining more and more popularity - mini-albums united by one storyline: a walk, some kind of event, etc.

  • take a sketchbook for the base;
  • cuts off half or even three-quarters of it;
  • we make a booklet that will open according to the principle of an accordion;
  • on one page we place only one photo, on the second page we have a signature, decoration, quote or something else.


On the Internet and bookstores you will find a lot of tips, manuals for the design of paper photo albums, even training sessions are held.

But it's best to turn on your imagination and make a unique photo album with your own hands!

DIY photo album photo



In the 21st century, people take digital photographs every day. They are stored in mobile phones, shown to friends on a social network. But a homemade photo album with commemorative pictures, inscriptions and decorations makes an unusual impression. A do-it-yourself photo album, design ideas and its final edition is a matter for the whole family, a creative way to express your attitude to life. The whole family will show their talents by creating a photo album with their own hands, design ideas will surely come to your mind.

Friends of the house will gladly leaf through such a work of art. A handmade album will be a priceless gift.

Album themes

Making a classic photo album with your own hands is not difficult if you have the right materials, tools and original ideas. The design depends on the chosen theme.

Topics traditionally devoted to do-it-yourself photo albums:

  • the birth of a baby;
  • wedding;
  • travel;
  • school prom;
  • bright event.

You can make an album for an anniversary for a colleague or as a gift for your beloved man. Children's albums and photo books for parents are popular. After the topic is outlined, you should stock up on tools. In the table you can see what you need to create a photo album with your own hands.

Materials and tools for work


  • miniature scissors;
  • hole punch simple;
  • knife-cutter;
  • pencils;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • glue stick;
  • curly scissors;
  • figured hole puncher;
  • Double-sided tape.


  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • cover material;
  • fur, leather, lace, beads, chains, etc.

An important role for the original design is played by decorative details. These are any interesting gizmos found at home or in a scrapbooking store.

How to make a base for a photo album

The base of the future masterpiece is the pages in the cover.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a photo album with your own hands:

  • count photos. 1-2 pictures are placed on 1 page;
  • cut out paper backing for each page;
  • stick the substrates on cardboard squares with a side of 30 cm;
  • punch holes for fastening;
  • cover the cover from the purchased album with material;
  • punch holes in the binding;
  • attach the pages to the cover with lace or rings.

Home artists make round-shaped albums, in the form of a heart or a house. It is better for a beginner to start with square sheets. It is more convenient to make the base part of each page separately, and then staple the pages to the album cover. D Decorative additions are glued last.

Experienced craftsmen make the album cover for photos with their own hands. It is better for a novice designer to use ready-made binding. It can be pasted over with foam rubber, sheathed on top with a beautiful fabric. The soft layer inside creates the effect of "puffiness" and looks especially good in newborn photo albums.

The top cover of the cover is made of a fabric that matches the style, fur or leather.

Composition: learning to design photo albums

Picking up beautiful photos and stocking up on jewelry is far from all that is needed to create a photo album with your own hands. All elements should form a visual unity.

Each sheet is filled out according to the rules of scrapbooking:

  • select the semantic center of the page;
  • choose the harmony of shades for photography, inscriptions and decorative details;
  • choose an ornament to match the meaning of the photo;
  • balance the proportions of large and small parts;
  • make bright accents;
  • do not overload the page with decorations;
  • outline the triangle "photo - title - signature";
  • place an odd number of details on each page.

Create a contrast of one large element and several small ones in the opposite corner. For example, at the bottom right there is a large snowflake, at the top left there are three small stars.

Family album designs

The family album should reflect not only the history, but also the spirit of the dynasty. It is important to select the most important memorable photographs.

For example:

  • "Little Dad with Young Grandpa";
  • "At the wedding table";
  • "We will have a child";
  • "The first time in first class".

Beginners should try their hand at designing a small album with their own hands - 15-20 pages. You can decorate the family album inside with scanned documents, maternity hospital tags for newborns.

Ideas for creating a page about a sailor grandfather in stages:

  • cut the mother-of-pearl turquoise paper backing along the edges with scissors with a wavy edge;
  • make the name “Over the seas, over the waves” at the top;
  • highlight the name with strips of decorative tape with the image of fish;
  • place a vintage photo in the center;
  • attach a small anchor at the bottom left;
  • stick a sticker on the opposite side with the inscription "Black Sea Merchant Fleet, July 1979".

A young mother can make a photo album of a newborn with her own hands. Children make albums as a gift to their parents. Another popular type is the wedding photo album. Making a family album with your own hands becomes an exciting joint project.

Photo album as a gift to the teacher

Traditionally, gifts are prepared for the graduation party for the class teacher and the first teacher. The best way to capture the memory of childhood will be self-made photo albums. They include the brightest pictures from school life: lessons and excursions, concerts and work on the school grounds. There are many design styles for the photo album: a children's theme (for the first teacher), a computer theme (for a computer science teacher).

The stylization “under the school” is popular in albums for teachers - notebooks with an oblique ruler, a blackboard, autumn leaves. The pictures are accompanied by amusing illustrations: scanned "remarks" from schoolchildren's diaries, fragments of school essays. Often graduates make photo albums as a gift with wishes.

Ideas for the page:

  • light paper background;
  • in the center - photo;
  • to the left of the photo - a strip of decorative tape with maple leaves;
  • above the photo - a calendar for a month (printed or made by hand);
  • to the right of the frame is a sticker in a box with the inscription: “History lesson, 02/04/2016”
  • at the bottom - the inscription in blue marker "One day in our lives."

In the photo album for the teacher at graduation, all students can sign. DIY albums for teachers are the perfect addition to the pockets with commemorative video CDs.

Original Photo Album Ideas: Capture Life

Digital technologies provide us with a lot of photographs from all walks of life. It's nice to show your friends a photo album created by your own hands, the ideas of which were suggested by life itself.

Here are some interesting stories:

  • "The best moments of the year";
  • "I love this town";
  • "My hobbies";
  • "Me and my cat";
  • "Men in my life";
  • "House and garden";
  • "Great selfies"

Good for photo album quotes. You can print them on a printer or write with a gel pen on colored stickers.

Review your digital photos, choose topics with a similar plot. Think about how and how to decorate a photo album. Any gizmos from home will do: lace trimmings, buttons, colored paper clips, dried flowers.

It is interesting to make several photo albums with your own hands in the style of diaries. They decorate such a photo diary album with simple stickers, often with statuses from the Internet.

The covers of self-made photo albums are decorated with “all sorts of things”: openwork knitting, straws, collages from small photographs. Vintage albums are decorated with gizmos from the "grandmother's chest".

Little Album: Great Memories

Sometimes a whole series of photographs connected by one plot accumulates. For example, a romantic walk with a loved one, a friend's wedding, a baby's smiles. These images are easy to combine into a mini album.

There are several options for how to arrange an unusual photo album:

  • use half paper size;
  • take as a basis a purchased small format album;
  • make a book that folds out like an accordion.

When decorating a mini photo album, only 1 photo is placed on the page. Inscriptions, decorations, quotes are placed on a parallel page.

Making a photo album page step by step:

  • background - scrap paper "Dandy";
  • on the right side of the page is a photograph trimmed along the edges with scissors “Scallop”;
  • on the top corner of the photo - a chip-heart;
  • on the left side of the page there is a blue inscription “We are together under an umbrella”;
  • under the inscription - a fabric autumn leaf;
  • along the edge of the left page - a vertical strip of decorative tape;
  • on the adhesive tape the inscription "Autumn is ...".

To create a mini photo album with your own hands, you will need double-sided paper. The slope of the photos will add dynamism. Under the pictures, you can glue shreds of bright fabric, lace.

In the “mini” style, you can complete a large family cycle: “I was born!”, “First steps”, “Walking with grandma”, etc.

Page decoration in a homemade photo album

A sketch of the photo album page must be drawn in advance. On a typical page, there are 5 main components: title, photographs (1-2), inscriptions to them, background, decorations and additions. The page is marked with a simple pencil.

First, do all the work with paints, felt-tip pens, so as not to smear later. Complete the page starting from the top. When the art elements dry, glue the photo in the intended area.

The inscriptions to the photos of the album are made with ink, gel pen, felt-tip pen. Then attach flat decorations. Volumetric elements are more convenient to attach when the album is fully assembled. They are glued, sewn or nailed. It is convenient to use a glue gun when making photo albums.

For the design of photo albums, a variety of materials are used: paper, fabric, wood, metal, plastic, felt. The theme of the pictures will tell you how best to decorate photo albums. A wedding photo album is decorated with lace and pearls, a traveler's album is decorated with pebbles, shells. Jewelry can be made with your own hands: knit, cut out of paper.

Applications do not have to be bought in scrapbooking stores. Dried flowers and leaves look even better than plastic ones.

The Internet and special reference books contain thousands of extraordinary tips on how to make photo albums of any subject with your own hands. Scrapbooking master classes are held by specialists. But it’s much more fun to invent and create on your own!

Master class: scrapbooking (3 videos)

Various album design options (45 photos)

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