How to summon the tooth fairy at home. Who can be called during the day - the calls of harmless good entities. Sunny Bunny - Wish Fulfillment Spirit

Does the tooth fairy exist? This question is most often asked by children who are influenced by mass culture and have not yet had time to develop critical thinking. But still, in the prepared material we will talk in detail about this mythical creature.

The Tooth Fairy is a fictional character. Most often it is found in European fairy tales. Also, the image of the tooth fairy is used in a number of modern works and is reflected in films.

There are many versions regarding the appearance and features of the life of this creature. Since the character is fictional, writers often changed it and presented something of their own. By studying various sources, one can understand that there is no consensus.

Most often, the Tooth Fairy is depicted as a middle-aged woman with wings. Outwardly, she is somewhat similar to an elf. The tooth fairy has a noble and pleasant facial features, due to which it is easy to contact with children.

This creature is good and does not pose a danger. Of course, there have been other versions of the tooth fairy in popular culture. Some writers deliberately made her cunning and evil, hiding her negative character traits under the guise of virtue.

A similar literary device has long been used by writers. Agree, it is very original to deliberately make a good character evil and insidious in order to impress readers and change their idea of ​​​​a famous hero.

Where does the tooth fairy live?

It is important to understand that the modern image of the Tooth Fairy was formed relatively recently. It was created by various literary works, films and cartoons in which this character appeared.

It is known that the prototype of the Tooth Fairy existed even among the ancient peoples of Europe. They believed in a creature that takes milk teeth from children at night, leaving a small present or a coin in return.

The tooth fairy can be compared to Santa Claus or Santa Claus. Naturally, parents who want to make the child believe in a beautiful fairy tale leave coins under the pillow. There is nothing wrong with this, because the baby will grow up and understand that the relatives simply wanted to create a happy childhood for him.

Before you call the Tooth Fairy, you need to find out where she lives. According to literary sources, she lives in forests and caves. Every evening she flies out to hunt for children's teeth, taking with her a bag of coins and presents.

The fairy lays out the collected incisors in a cave, forming her own logistics. It is believed that this is necessary to quickly find the desired tooth in the future.

How to summon the tooth fairy?

It is believed that the fairy does not need to be specially called. It is enough to prepare the fallen tooth for the exchange, and she will arrive on her own the next night. The cutter must be left in the access zone so that the fairy can freely pick it up and put a gift.

With tooth

How to summon the Tooth Fairy? Many parents remove the front milk teeth on their own, as they have a very weak fixation in the gums. During this procedure, there is practically no blood, or the discharge is minimal.

If the tooth has a root system, then a specialist should deal with the removal. The dentist, using special tools, can easily pull the milk incisor out of the gum. In the future, the tooth is transferred to the parents, you can give it to the child so that he calls the fairy.

First, let's talk about the classic way. The tooth should be placed under the pillow before going to bed. The child needs to read a poem to call the fairy, you can compose it yourself.

Now the baby can go to bed. In the morning, the cutter will disappear from under the pillow and a coin will appear. In the US and Europe, it has the denomination of one dollar or euro. In our country, the largest coin at the moment is 10 rubles.

The second option is to put a tooth in a glass of water, put a container near the bed. Additionally, the child can read a poem of invocation before going to bed. It is believed that in the morning a coin will lie near the glass.

The third way is to put the chisel in a matchbox or ashtray. The box must be left open so that the fairy can quickly pick up the tooth and leave a present for the baby.

But what if the incisor fell out during a walk or hiking in nature? You can wrap it in a handkerchief and take it with you. But it is also suggested to immediately give it to the tooth fairy. For this you need:

  • Throw a tooth on the roof of a low building.
  • Put it in a hollow in a tree.

The fairy will find the chisel on her own and bring a present to the child at night. It is important that the tooth remains in the access zone. If it accidentally falls into a roof drain, into a pipe, or gets into the cracks between the roof, then it will become problematic to find it.

No tooth

It is important to understand that this creature is interested in milk teeth. Therefore, it can only be attracted with children's incisors. Without a tooth, the chances of summoning a fairy tend to zero, it makes no sense for her to waste time visiting your house.

What to do if it didn't work out?

Adults understand that the tooth fairy is a fictional character. Its basis was ancient mythology. The writers studied pagan beliefs and created their own creature, which changed over time in popular culture and gradually formed a modern look.

The meaning of the existence of the Tooth Fairy is compensation for pain and suffering from a fallen incisor. With the help of this fairy tale, parents encourage their children to get rid of a tooth that has begun to wobble as soon as possible. After that, the relatives take the chisel on their own and put a coin in as compensation, supporting the child's faith in this creature.

Naturally, the kid will grow up and realize that the Tooth Fairy does not exist and that she is a fairy-tale character. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with making a child believe in this legend.

First, tell the child about this creature. You can introduce him to fairy tales in which the character appears. Then stock up on 10-ruble coins and confirm in practice its existence. The kid will be able to buy sweets or chewing gum, he will no longer be afraid of removing milk teeth and visiting the dentist.

There are situations in which it is difficult not to get confused. For example, you have a bedridden patient in your arms, and he has a toothache. What to do? It will not work to take him to the city dentistry. Can't a person really endure unbearable pain? Today the topic of conversation is how to call a dentist to a disabled person at home.

When is it not possible to go to the dentist?

The problem with visiting specialized medical institutions occurs in people suffering from serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Bed patients and disabled people of the 1st group are not able to visit the dental office for obvious reasons.

To seek help at home, you need to have a good reason, and even better - documentary evidence. That is, you should prepare in advance documents confirming the disability of group 1 or a certificate from the attending physician about the patient's condition.

Where to go to call a dentist

It all depends on your financial capabilities. We can safely assume that a doctor from a paid dentistry will have better equipment and the service itself will be at the proper level. But families with disabilities rarely have the funds for expensive treatment, so they have a direct road to free city dentistry. An important point: it is better if you decide in advance what to do with a bad tooth: remove or treat. It is clear that sometimes it is difficult to decide, so if you are not sure, call for treatment. Well, if there are no options, then you will need a surgeon. All this must be brought to the attention of the registry when you issue a call.

Free dental clinics have a schedule for home visits. So if you say you need treatment, you may be given a day next week. Another thing - if you receive a call for acute pain - the doctor will arrive on the same day.

The nuances of calling a dentist to a disabled person at home

Get ready for possible difficulties. Get into the position of a doctor - working in an environment where the patient is not in the dental chair, and with a portable instrument is very difficult. In addition, under such conditions, it is impossible to take an x-ray of a diseased tooth and you will have to treat or remove it, as they say, at random.

Therefore, prepare for the arrival of the dentist. Look for additional lamps and organize good lighting in the room, prepare a chair for the doctor, just in case - a bowl and a towel. Ask in advance at the reception, it may be necessary to buy painkillers and a syringe of a suitable size for anesthesia. Realize that in such conditions it is difficult to expect a perfect result, so be patient and be polite. The doctor will appreciate all this, and it will be easier for him to work in a friendly environment.

Have you had experience calling a dentist at home? If yes, write about it in the comments, our readers will be very grateful to you!

Since ancient times, people have tried to establish contact with deceased relatives and other representatives of the other world. As a rule, to successfully call the spirits, a ritual is required, this is done in order to stir up the dead.

In nature, there are dangerous ghosts and harmless spirits that are incapable of causing harm.

Almost every person, at least once in his life, thought about the existence of life after the end of the earthly journey.

Extrasensory perception teaches people that any spirit that lives in the other world can be called, but at the same time they call for caution, because wrong actions can have a detrimental effect.

Today, people provide thousands of confirmations that the other world is actively manifesting itself in reality, while these statements are proved by photo and video evidence, but despite this, the scientific world refutes even the very likelihood of such incidents.

Perfume varieties

Many people (especially teenagers) wonder: who can be summoned from the spirits? It should be remembered that people who are not versed in the field of summoning spirits can become victims of lower spiritual entities, whose main goal is to mislead.

And the souls of famous people in the past, extremely rarely and with great reluctance make contact with strangers, so the safest way out will be to call on deceased relatives.

But if the caller is on fire with the desire to summon a spirit that is safe and represents the magical level of the other world, then these should be:

  • Forest, tooth and other fairies;
  • Gnomes;
  • Mermaids;
  • Goblin, water and domovyata

Most often, depending on which spirits are invoked, people want to get answers to questions or achieve the fulfillment of desires. Harmless creatures from the other side of existence are called mainly during the day, at which time their strength is much stronger.

Summoning the Tooth Fairy

There are several ways, by performing which you can call the well-known, kind charmer - the tooth fairy. Her magic is good and she is incapable of harm. Following the instructions described, you can call other magical entities that bring only light and heat.

The first way to conduct the ceremony

In the first case, it is necessary to put a fallen milk tooth under the pillow, many believe that the tooth should be placed in a glass of water.

In any case, the tooth should be at the head of the bed and then, the caller, loudly and distinctly, pronounces the words of the spell:

"Tooth Fairy, Appear!"- 3 times

As soon as a person watches a dream, the tooth fairy will appear and take the fallen tooth, leaving a small present or a coin in return.

In the event that the call was made in order to ask a question, then the performer of the ceremony should close his eyes tightly, pretending to fall asleep.

You can open your eyes after there is a feeling of the presence of otherworldly energy. Taken by surprise, the entity will be forced to answer any question.

The second way to conduct the ceremony

Another popular method (used by people living in predominantly forested areas).

A person who wants the fulfillment of a wish must go to the forest fairy's "house" (most often it is a hollow in an old tree) and leave a milk tooth in it. While doing so, say:

"Tooth Fairy, Come to Me Today".

The tooth fairy will definitely come to thank the donor at night, the main thing is not to fall asleep, but to pretend to be asleep.

Good spirits summoned on the street

In the magical world, there are many entities that are not capable of causing tangible harm to a person. Calling these spirits is very simple, they include:

Calling these spirits is not difficult, but it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the ceremony.

It is better to carry out the ritual in the daytime on the street, if all parts of the ritual are correct, then the person will receive the most faithful of the assistants.

To do this, you need to go outside and close your eyes to imagine the image of a bright creature that treats a person with love. And then three times, distinctly (you can quietly) say:

“Spirit, dear, bright, kind, appear. Become a Helper and a Friend.

After pronouncing the last word, the person conducting the ceremony will feel the warmth flowing into his body and this will mean that the spirit has come to the call and is ready to provide any possible help.

Then, you should tell him what kind of desire is needed from him, then let go. If the spirit agreed to cooperate, then each time it will appear nearby, ready to provide assistance and support.

Calling spirits at home

At a time when the sun's rays illuminate the rooms in the house, you can call the gnome-sweet tooth. The ceremony should be carried out at home.

This creature is able to fulfill absolutely any desire and brings happiness and joy to the house, as well as many sweets.

There are two magical rituals designed to invoke this entity.

First way

In order to call a sweet tooth gnome into the house, you need to spoil your own property (it does not have to be significant).

Then, on the floor in the kitchen, draw a house with multi-colored crayons and put a candy in its center (preferably in a rustling wrapper).

Before leaving the kitchen, open the window wide open and walk out. As soon as the rustle of an opening candy is heard in the house, you can mentally make a wish.

Second way

As in the first case, the ritual must be performed in the daytime, but the place of the ceremony is transferred to a dark room.

In any darkened room, sweetness (in a rustling package) is suspended by a thread, after which the door must be tightly closed. You can make a wish as soon as you hear the rustle of candy wrappers.

The advantages of these rituals are that they can be carried out without candles and mirrors. The main thing is to believe and good essences will surely fulfill any desire.

More serious creatures

Despite the fear of the other world, people at all times tried to get in touch with representatives of the ghostly side of reality. But in order to avoid various complications, it is better to conduct rituals to summon spirits that cannot bring that destructive revenge that should be expected from demonic creatures.

These include:

Sunny Bunny - Wish Fulfillment Spirit

The most harmless spirit that can fulfill any desire is a sunbeam.

To call it, you need to draw a bunny on a piece of paper, but without removing the pencil from the surface of the sheet.

This drawing should be placed on the windowsill so that the sun's rays fall directly on it. And the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Sunny bunny, come to me. Fulfill my wishes!"

These words must be repeated 5 times, pronouncing each word very clearly. Then, you need to close your eyes tightly, and close the drawing with your palms.

Without removing your hands, you need to make a wish, referring to the sunbeam. As soon as the wish is made, the palms must be torn off the surface of the paper and the cheerful and kind ghost should be released.

After a few days, the wish will surely come true.

Rite to call a fairy, with a candle

To conduct a ceremony for beginners, you need to buy in advance:

The ceremony should be held during the full moon, at 12 noon. You need to sit down at an absolutely clean table and set a small bowl of water in the center, and around (at an even distance from each other) candles, nearby you need to put a delicious sweetness (a reward for the fairy, for her work).

Then the window into the room opens slightly (so that the creature can enter the room), after which, having lowered its head into a container of water, it is necessary to exclaim three times:

“Fairy of desires, I conjure, hear my call! Come and make a wish!"

As soon as the performer of the ceremony hears a distant bell ringing, and ripples appear on the surface of the water, then the fairy agrees to fulfill the desire of the person.

If after the ceremony, silence reigns around, then the magical creature does not want to make contact.

But if the fairy nevertheless decided to fulfill a wish, it is worth remembering that at a time she can fulfill only 1 wish. And the caller should not abuse her kindness and call her more than once a month.

It is necessary to clearly formulate a wish and not try to guess what no one can fulfill (magic power, elixir of eternal life, etc.).


Magicians and sorceresses around the world are warning about the dangers that lie hidden in unsuccessful séances.

Sometimes people want to show their skills and call dangerous spirits, or hostile otherworldly forces, pretending to be good creatures, trying to harm a person. In order to avoid the consequences, you must:

  • Before conducting sessions, the head should be cleared of negativity or extraneous thoughts;
  • The appeal to the spirit should be personal, but it is better to ask the angel for help;
  • Spirits must be treated with respect, you can not mock them and ask tricky questions. You also need to ask their permission before each question;
  • At the end of the session, it is important to express gratitude and say goodbye to the spirit

By fulfilling all the conditions, one can not only fulfill a desire with the help of spiritual power, but also find a faithful ally in the person of wayward spirits.

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The dream of all children when watching their favorite cartoon is to meet the character that you see on the screen every day. And it's really possible, it just takes a little effort.

You can call at home:

  • ruminant dwarf
  • I'm sweet
  • mermaid
  • tooth fairy

As everyone knows, the tooth fairy is a fairly popular character in children's stories and cartoons. There is a legend that says that a fairy comes at night to visit children who have recently got rid of a milk tooth and in return gives a gift: a bag of sweets, a coin or a note with wishes. You can also call the tooth fairy at home on your own, without waiting for her official appearance. We offer you 4 ways to call a sorceress for home and 2 if you are away.

Ways to summon the tooth fairy

The first method is known to all

Unfortunately or fortunately, only the child who has recently lost a milk tooth can summon the tooth fairy. In fact, there are a fairly large number of old ways to call a fairy, who must pick up the tooth and exchange it for a present. The most standard of them is the way in which you just need to put the fallen tooth under the pillow, before going to bed, saying the simple phrase “Tooth Fairy, appear, but take my tooth as soon as possible”, and then forget about it and go to bed in order to wake up in the morning in anticipation .


This method has another, slightly less well-known variant, in which the child needs to put the tooth in a small sealed envelope and then under the pillow. After that, turn off the light in the room and close the door firmly, leaving only the window ajar. The child should then say "Tooth Fairy, come to me" three times.

In addition, if desired, as a return gift, the fairy should read a poem learned in advance or sing a short song. A poem or a song can also be composed if there are no ready-made suitable options. Late at night, during sleep, the tooth fairy should fly in and pick up a gift from under the pillow, replacing it with a coin or sweets.

Method three

As mentioned above, there are really a lot of ways to call a fairy, so the next method will be calling with water. To do this, the child needs to put the tooth in a small transparent glass filled with pure spring water. The glass must be placed close to the bed. The main rule is not to cover the container with a cloth and a lid, because then nothing will work out - the fairy simply will not come or she will not be able to replace the old milk tooth with a gift.


Next - a method that is similar to the previous one. To use it, you need a matchbox, in which you should also put a tooth and leave it in the light of the moon on the windowsill in the child's room. As with other methods, instead of a tooth in the morning there will be a present or a coin.

How to summon a fairy on the street or at a party?

If it so happened that the tooth fell out outside the home, and for example, at a party or on the street, and the child really wants to see the tooth fairy without waiting for his arrival home, you should use this method. To do this, you need to go to a low house, through the roof of which it will be possible to throw a tooth. Or find a hollow in which you can also put a milk tooth. In both the first and second cases, after a short time, the tooth fairy will take it away and exchange it for a gift.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to call a little fairy to your home, and anyone who wants to verify this can check them for authenticity.

According to tradition, a child who has lost a milk tooth (especially if this tooth is the first one) puts it under the pillow in the evening or in a glass standing on the nightstand next to it. In the morning, a coin or a small gift is found in place of the tooth.

During the day, when the fairy sleeps sweetly, tiny airborne ones fly around the world, looking for children whose teeth are loose. Their names are entered in a special . Waking up, the fairy reads the magazine and develops a plan for a night trip.

It is believed that the teeth can be a fairy on any day, with the exception of Christmas. If the tooth is nevertheless donated on Christmas, the fairy will die, and the life of the culprit of her death will turn into one, which will end in slavery or suicide.

The teeth collected by the fairy are stored in a large warehouse, which is located in her palace, and the fairy's numerous assistants enter the names of their former owners into a card file. A variety of fairies fly there, wishing to buy teeth or beautiful jewelry made from them by elves.

Fairy Appearance

In the magical world of fairies, the tooth fairy is one of the most beautiful. She usually wears a sparkly white dress and gorgeous sparkling jewelry made from baby teeth. Tiny fairy shoes are made of iridescent snow-white silk, small wings flicker with golden sparks, and such a radiance emanates from her hair, as if silk and pearl threads were woven into them.

The Tooth Fairy always carries around a small pouch filled with magic powder. If the child begins to stir in his sleep when she flies in for a tooth, the fairy showers him with a pinch of powder, and the baby falls asleep sweetly.

A slightly different image of the tooth fairy was presented to the young viewers by the creators of the animated film "Dream Keepers". In it, she looks more like a tiny bird in iridescent yellow-green-blue plumage. Another distinguishing feature of this fairy is its amazingly beautiful violet eyes.

True, as strange as it may seem, most of the cinematic stories of the tooth fairy are filmed in the horror film genre. There are also comic versions where the fairy often appears in the form of a man.

Although the tooth fairy is not a traditional folklore character, it has long gained the same popularity as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. And this is not bad at all: after all, thanks to her, children understand that a reward will surely follow the pain and suffering associated with the loss of a tooth.

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