Why dream of a big bathroom. What is the dream of the bathroom

A bath in a dream is a symbol of suffering, illness and grief. A broken bath portends many problems and difficulties. bath with clean water- to problems in love relationships, especially if something floats in it. See interpretation: water, bath, wash.

Too hot water in the bath - to scandals and conflicts. The hotter the water, the worse things will go and the bigger the scandal will be. It is considered a very good omen if you take a bath in a dream and enjoy it, because such a dream portends wealth, joy, health and good news.

A lot of trouble awaits you if in a dream you climbed into a bath of water right in your clothes. If other people prevented you from taking a bath, then beware of slanderers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Bath

Fill up the bath warm water: try to reflect on your life, does everything in it suit you? Most likely, after you find an opportunity to realize your Creative skills you will feel much better.

The apathy that has become habitual will disappear from life forever.

Take warm nice bath and enjoy it: you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Communication will give both of you great pleasure.

Memories of the past will resurrect your old dreams and desires, and you will feel younger.

To be in a bath, from which all the water gradually leaves - you do not have enough faith in your own strength.

Apparently, some time ago, someone shook her hard, and you believed this person.

Try to look at yourself from the outside take a bath with aromatic oils: you consider yourself an aesthete, although in some situations you behave far from ideally.

Stop admiring yourself and try to evaluate yourself more critically, this will do you good.

You lie in a bathtub full of foam: you inexcusably rarely think about how others around you react to your words.

You should be careful, otherwise you will lose the affection of those who are dear to you.

Mittens knit mittens in a dream for yourself or someone else: you can be let down by those whom you completely trust.

Try to be more careful in choosing those who know your secrets.

It is not pleasant to learn something about yourself from "third parties".

Finding someone else's mitten is a dream - you attach too great importance empty talk and gossip of those who have absolutely nothing to do with you.

Be more indifferent to such things.

Interpretation of dreams from

In a dream, you are in the bathroom - you need to be very careful in new things. When a pregnant woman dreams that she herself is taking a bath, a threat of termination of pregnancy is possible. If a man has this dream, it is likely that he is being cheated on.

dreamed about the bathroom

Seeing dirty, muddy water in the bathroom - to illness and even possibly death, clean - to health, goodness, well-being.

what is the dream of the bathroom

If the bathtub itself is empty in the bathroom - anger and disappointment await, full - success in love and other affairs.

which means if the bathroom is in a dream

Being in a bathhouse, a bathroom - success in your endeavors, washing there - washing off all the bad things from yourself, to a better life.

bathroom in a dream what is it for

According to Freud, the bath symbolizes the sexual organs of a woman. If you bathe in the bathroom, a desired pregnancy is possible soon.

dream bathroom

If you are in a bathroom with an empty, empty bath, there may be imminent losses in your personal life, illness. If you bathe in a full bath - to success in love.

dream bathroom

If you fill the bathroom with pleasantly warm water - take a look at your life from the outside, you need to change something, realize your creativity.

The bathroom symbolizes the personal, intimate thoughts of a person, reflects his conscience, feelings for a partner or other experiences that are not told to everyone.
Therefore, according to her condition, one can judge the meaning of sleep:

A clean room with the same water in the sink or bathroom prophesies spiritual uplift or the need to clear thoughts;

Run down and dirty room cloudy water or walls stained with something promise trouble caused by your bad deeds or words.

According to Freud

If you read Sigmund Freud's dream book, the bathroom in it denotes your feelings and experiences in your personal life. Water in any form is a sign of sensuality in dreams, and the bathroom is the embodiment of your hidden desires. if you accept cold bath- love disappointment awaits you, and you already know about it. Most likely, you were warned about this outcome, but you, without listening to anyone, did it your own way. Hot water- pleasure, most likely bright, but fleeting.

If you see a dream where the bathroom is empty and water does not flow from the taps, your feelings are burned out or they don’t exist at all, and you still unconsciously want to find a new hobby in the form of a sexual partner.

According to Miller

You can interpret in different ways what the bathroom is dreaming of. If it is empty, you will part with your lover or your feelings will cool. An unmarried man takes a bath - in reality he will have to worry about his appearance and attractiveness. She can tell a married woman about her wife's infidelity. If you are not alone in the bathroom - beware of people standing nearby with you. They are able to slander, having learned some details of your life, or give out important secret. A long stay in the bathroom also means that you need to listen to yourself and evaluate your actions.

According to Vanga

If you take a bath, it means atonement or purification of a spiritual nature. When you dreamed about a bathroom where there is dirt and muddy water, difficulties are coming in relations with people that will be caused by your bad deeds. flowing water- wait for the news that will change your life. Clean - something good, dirty - bad news. If, standing in the bathroom, you drink water directly from the tap, your thoughts will soon be updated in better side, you will reach an understanding of some important issue.

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