Why dream of a swamp with clean water. Interpretation of famous dream books. What must be taken into account

Walking in a swamp in a dream means that you will soon have unfavorable circumstances: the expected inheritance will turn out to be illusory, and disappointment will befall in matters of the heart.

If you find yourself in the middle of a swamp - know that you will not be able to fulfill your promises. We saw other people in the swamp - close people will soon upset you. This dream can also portend illness.

In general, if you dreamed of a swamp, then in real life you are building a relationship with the wrong person. They pull you in and you don't have the strength to resist your partner's insistence. And in vain you think that you will not be able to find anyone else. You should not follow the saying about cancer without fish, otherwise you will spend your whole life with the wrong person.

Nostradamus believed that a dream in which you walk through a swamp is a dream of an unexpected obstacle in solving personal problems.

Drowning in a swamp - you will experience a strong shock caused by the betrayal of your friends.

A dream in which you help someone out of a quagmire indicates your untapped opportunities.

A swamp covered with ice means the fragility of the world around you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Walking in a swamp in a dream means that you will soon have unfavorable circumstances: the expected inheritance will turn out to be illusory, and disappointment will befall in matters of the heart.

If you find yourself in the middle of a swamp - know that you will not be able to fulfill your promises. We saw other people in the swamp - close people will soon upset you. This dream can also portend illness.

In general, if you dreamed of a swamp, then in real life you are building relationships with a completely wrong person. They pull you in and you don't have the strength to resist your partner's insistence. And in vain you think that you will not be able to find anyone else. You should not follow the saying about cancer without fish, otherwise you will spend your whole life with the wrong person.

Nostradamus believed that a dream in which you walk through a swamp is a dream of an unexpected obstacle in solving personal problems.

Drowning in a swamp - you will experience a strong shock caused by the betrayal of your friends.

A dream in which you help someone out of a quagmire indicates your untapped opportunities.

A swamp covered with ice means the fragility of the world around you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Dream Interpretation - Swamp, bog

When a person goes headlong into everyday affairs and worries, they say about him: “His swamp sucked”, therefore the swamp in a dream means routine, monotony, boredom.

According to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives in the swamps, which lures random passers-by at night with wandering lights and drowns them in a quagmire. Therefore, all unfavorable circumstances in your dream can be hidden behind the image of a swamp.

If you dreamed that you were drowning in a swamp, it means that in reality you are not satisfied and tired of work, it seems to you that time has stopped, that each subsequent day is an exact copy of the previous one, that no events are happening, but this mood will soon pass, and you you will again perceive life in all its colors.

A dream in which you safely pass through a swamp predicts that some unusual event awaits you soon, perhaps you will go on an exciting journey or a business trip that will bring many new experiences.

Interpretation of dreams from

And no wonder - this natural area is associated with danger, death and despondency. Throughout the history of mankind, swamps have taken many human lives, which continues to this day.

Of course, in modern world this happens less and less, but the attitude towards the swamp still remains the same. According to authoritative dream books, the swamp is bad sign promising losses, problems and hopelessness. However, there are exceptions here too, which you need to be aware of. On this page you will find out why the swamp is dreaming, the actions associated with it, its various inhabitants and other details.

Opinion of interpreters

What were you doing in the swamp?

If you happened to swim in a swamp - like swamp water, in reality you are surrounded by a sea of ​​envious people and gossips who will try to mix you with dirt with false accusations. Dreams are especially bad in which you get dirty with silt while swimming in a swamp - in this case, an ambulance awaits you.

I dreamed that you walked on it - a walk through the swamp portends deceived hopes and disappointments. What you firmly believed in will turn out to be an illusion, whether it is a relationship with a loved one, a future career or friendship. Seeing such an image, keep in mind - you want to build your life on a fragile foundation.

Drowning in the swamp - soon the dreamer will be betrayed by friends. Moreover, it will be so vile and treacherous that it will leave a wound in the heart of the sleeping person for a long time.

Fall into a swamp - in the coming days, a nuisance will happen to you that can affect any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. When this happens, do not blame yourself - such is the will.

Managed to get out of the quagmire - a happy exception from swamp dreams, which promises the dreamer a complete victory in life. However, it will not be easy, and the quagmire of enemies and life's troubles will constantly pull you down.

What was it like?

Another important detail on which the meaning of the vision shown to you depends is the appearance of the swamp itself.

  • green swamp- a harbinger of a mess in business, it will infuriate the sleeping person for a long time. Everything will fall out of his hands, and at some point it may seem to the dreamer that hopes for normal life does not remain. However, you should not despair - be hardworking and patient, and then you will be able to adequately endure the difficult time.
  • Mud-covered swamp- a sign that in real life you have chosen the wrong life partner, and this relationship will make you an unhappy person in the future. If you want to avoid this, face the truth and break up with an unloved partner.
  • Swamp overgrown with duckweed- an indication of the health problems of the sleeping person. Perhaps while they do not make themselves felt, but soon it may happen. To avoid possible troubles you should see a doctor more often and pay more attention to your own health.
  • Swamp with reeds- a dream prophesying many problems for you in business area. However, everything is not so bad here - dream books promise that if you remain calm and reasonable, you can quickly resolve all issues. The only “but” is the one in which you plucked or broke the reeds - in this case, the problems will be so severe that they will literally cover you with themselves.
  • dirty swamp- a harbinger of grief and sadness, which will soon burst into your life and overshadow it. If dirty swamp it was warm and pleasant for you, wealth can await you, which, however, will not be entirely honest, and therefore will not bring real joy.
  • clear swamp- a dream that means the following: your life is calm, honest and measured. On the other hand, it is rather bland and monotonous, and gets more boring day by day. Dream books warn: water will not flow under a lying stone, and changing your life is your task.
  • Swamp overgrown with flowers- a warning about possible temptations to have an affair on the side. Dream books say that it is better not to succumb to temptation, otherwise your soul mate may find out about everything, and you will lose everything at once.
  • Swamp with rotten water is a sign of uncertainty and difficult choice, which the dreamer will soon have to do. Moreover, you will have to choose literally blindly, relying only on luck.
  • Areas of clear water surrounded by moss- a warning from above: if you do not give up and stubbornly move towards the goal, complete victory awaits you.
  • A swamp overgrown with colorful moss or unusual plants - an indication of your fatigue from a quiet life and a thirst for change. Just take a step forward and they will find you.
  • peat swamp- an indication that difficulties bend you to the ground and you need someone's support and help.
  • A quagmire, among which a piece of land is visible- a favorable sign that symbolizes the future in resolving all problems.

Its inhabitants

If in a dream you saw representatives of the animal world in the swamp, remember who it was:

  • Herons- auspicious symbol. It indicates that in the near future all sorts of problems will fall on your head, which will lead you to despair. But, your relatives and friends will gladly save you, and this will stop the troubles.
  • snakes- You are constantly tormented by worries about your own health. This dream is especially relevant for women and girls, which symbolizes their fear of a possible pregnancy.
  • frogs- soon the dreamer will find himself in a very difficult situation. However, do not despair - your loved ones will immediately come to your aid.
  • toads- a harbinger of great difficulties, overcoming which will take a lot of time and take a lot of strength.
  • Worms- an indication of slippery and vile people who will try to slander you and ruin your life as much as possible.
  • water meters- a harbinger of the difficulties that the sleeper will have to face on. What is especially sad, colleagues will turn away from him, and he will have to solve problems alone.
  • mosquitoes- the personification of enemies who want to "drink your blood." Moreover, the more bloodsuckers were in a dream, the more enemies are surrounding you.

Miller's dream book

It means that soon you will find yourself in adverse circumstances. The legacy you expect will be illusory, and you will experience acute disappointment in matters of the heart.

If, walking through the swamp, you meet clean puddles and green bumps- this means that you will be able to keep luck and, having achieved it, you will be more careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you.

Be in the middle of a swamp is a sign that you are unable to fulfill your duty.

See other people in the swamp- means that people close to you will soon upset you. This dream may portend illness.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Swamp- symbolizes mental stagnation, "unsteady ground underfoot." Illness, disappointment, losses.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a swamp- indicates that in real life you are being drawn into a relationship with a completely wrong person. You do not have the strength to resist his perseverance and pressure. In addition, you are scared by the thought that you will no longer be able to find anyone, and without fish, as they say, and cancer is a fish.

Swamp- symbolizes your established habits and unwillingness to change your lifestyle.

If you find yourself in a swamp in good weather- you lead your life serenely, enjoy your health, communicate with your partners and you don't need anything else. Oblomov is resting!

If you pick berries in the swamp (cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries)- you have an active sex life with large quantity sexual partners, but the element of novelty has already disappeared from you. Each new contact is an open book even before the connection is made.

If you get lost in the swamp- you are confused in your sexual problems and can't find a way out of them.

If you are in a swamp bad weather - you are waiting for a breakdown and exhaustion.

If you fall through the swamp or drown- You have health problems. Don't put off your visit to the doctor!

Aesop's dream book

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Swamp- damage, disorder in the house; swamp to go- the danger of dishonor.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Swamp is a kind of warning that says that in recent times you have become too lack of initiative, inert, in general, you go with the flow. In your life, nothing more or less significant happens, for which you stubbornly continue to consider only fate-villain to blame.

If you dreamed that you were drowning in a swamp You don't have time to think. And the point is not at all that the monotony, like a swamp, draws you in. Apparently, a wonderful opportunity passes by you, a chance that not everyone gets, and at that time you are lying in front of the TV, thinking whether to reach out to grab luck by the tail, or still not be distracted from your favorite show.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Swamp- Disorder and turmoil in business.

Walk in a dream through a swamp- there will be unfavorable circumstances in all spheres of life: disappointment in love, a decrease in material wealth, problems and obstacles in business activities.

To see green bumps and flowers in a swamp in a dream- only caution, attentiveness, prudence will help you catch luck and never let it out of your hands again.

New family dream book

Walk in a dream through a swamp- means that soon you will have unfavorable circumstances: the expected inheritance will turn out to be illusory, and disappointment will befall in matters of the heart.

Caught in the middle of a swamp- know that you will not be able to fulfill your promises.

We saw other people in the swamp- close people will upset you soon. This dream can also portend illness.

Modern combined dream book

Walk in a dream through a swamp or swampy places- means that soon you will find yourself in adverse circumstances. The legacy you expect will be illusory, and you will experience acute disappointment in matters of the heart.

If, walking through the swamp, you meet clean puddles and green bumps- this means that you will be able to keep your luck and, having achieved it, you will be more careful and attentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you.

Be in the middle of a swamp is a sign that you are unable to fulfill your duty.

If you saw other people in the swamp- this means that people close to you will soon upset you. This dream may portend illness.

Eastern female dream book

Wade through the quagmire- to diseases caused by overwork and frustration. You may suffer because of the unreasonable behavior of someone close to you.

If you dream that you are walking through wetlands- you risk becoming a victim of circumstances.

If in the middle of the swamp you saw clear water and green bumps- prosperity awaits you, but on the way to it you have to overcome many dangers and expose someone's intrigues.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To dream about how you walk through the swamp- meet an unexpected obstacle in solving personal problems.

If in a dream you are drowning in a swamp- it means that in reality you will experience a strong shock caused by the treachery and betrayal of your friends.

A dream in which you help someone out of a quagmire- testifies to your unused opportunities.

If in a dream you saw a swamp covered with ice- this means the fragility of the world around us and its defenselessness before the impending civilization.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Swamp- to an unexpected illness, and the longer you stay walk in the swamp the longer the illness will last.

Children's dream book

Swamp- you are in danger of falling into a bad company or into an unpleasant situation, from which you will get out with great difficulty, or even you will not be able to get out at all.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Swamp- a reflection of the loss of direction in life. A reflection of the feeling of being "sucked" into something that is completely unnecessary. Reflection of the captivity of world and social conventions. Reflection of binding to stereotypes and / or old, unnecessary habits. A reminder of an unfulfilled obligation.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To dream about how you are drowning in a swamp- to a great loss.

If in a dream you manage to get out of the swamp onto a dry hummock- you can avoid great danger, which literally waits for you around the corner.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

To dream of a swamp and know that you can get to the right place only by overcoming this swamp, since you have no other road - you have to accept important decision: or pan, or gone.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Swamp- there will be a big mess in your affairs; drown in the swamp- you will be dragged into a bad business; see in the swamp native person - to lack of money.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Swamp- false path / delusion / spiritual stagnation.

Get into it- a mess in business / a warning against a false road from which it will be impossible to turn back.

Get stuck in the swamp- harm, loss.

Walk the swamp path- sadness.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Swamp- you will cry, trouble will happen to you, poverty, a lot of work, trouble; rotten swamp- wealth; get bogged down- deception; drown- failure, big mistake, dangerous business; walk the swamp path- obstacle in business, slander, gossip; a swamp will appear in place of the field- there will be hunger, a relative will die; walk in the swamp- expect illness, other people's troubles; fell- trouble.

Get into the swamp- mess in business; drown in it- get into an unforeseen dangerous business; swamp- joy.

Erotic dream book Danilova

Dream swamp- means the burden of an unsuccessful relationship or marriage, under the weight of which you feel that any attempts to escape are useless. You may be oppressed by depression or sexual dissatisfaction.

Esoteric dream book

Walk through the swamp- uncertainty, precarious position in business and family.

Drown in the swamp- a difficult situation, hopelessness, which can pull you towards suicide or unrestrained drunkenness.

Someone is drowning in the swamp- Your loved ones are in the same danger. Danger can be prevented if its cause is found.

Ukrainian dream book

Swamp- bad; wander through it- slander, slander rotten swamp to see- for wealth; if the swamp clung- some kind of disease, sore will cling.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Swamp- to the worst; to roam- slander; rotten swamp to see- to wealth; go through a rotten swamp, through a liquid quagmire- an obstacle in the arrangement of money affairs.

Collection of dream books

You feel that you are being sucked into the swamp and you are unable to get out of it.- You feel like you are sucked in by work.

Swamp- to the worst; to roam- slander; see the rotten swamp- to wealth; drown in it- to get into an unforeseen dangerous business.

Swamp- dreams of failure; walk in the swamp- to frustration in business; get stuck in a swamp- to great losses, losses.

Swamp- to the upcoming poverty and labor.

Walk in a dream through a swamp- after some time you will find yourself in a difficult position. Perhaps disappointment in your personal life.

If, walking through the swamp, you see clear islands of water- it means that success and luck will accompany you, but beware of ill-wishers and envious people, they can ruin everything.

Find yourself in the middle of the swamp- you avoid fulfilling your duties.

If in a dream you see other people in the swamp- soon you will overtake the disease.

Swamp- disorder in business, damage.
When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "About the Frog, which reached the goal"

One day, an old, fat, infantile toad was lying on its side in the mud, near its swamp.
Frogs jumped around and chatted that they had been tired of this swamp for a long time and that they could look for a better place to live.

The fat toad, croaking melancholy, answered all this: it is impossible!
Our swamp is the only place to live!

The frogs continued to complain about the tightness, dirt and boredom.

Suddenly one of the frogs said:

- I know that somewhere high in the mountains there is a clean lake in which you can see your reflection, and the air there is so fresh that you even feel dizzy!

- It's impossible! the toad croaked again. “If somewhere there is a place suitable for life, except for our swamp, then we will never get there anyway!

- But you have to try! shouted the young frogs! “How will we know if this is possible or not if we sit in our musty lair all our lives!”

- but live long life, and if you go to unknown lands, you will die

The frogs did not listen to the old infantile toad and set off on a journey to look for a clean mountain lake.
Long and hard was the frog way. Many were exhausted, many came back, remembering the words of the old toad.

They advised everyone else to return.
Only one frog, not listening to anyone, continued the journey.

At the end of the journey, high in the mountains, when he had no strength left at all, a reward awaited him - he saw a clear lake in front of him.
And the air was fresh and invigorating.

He became kinder because he was completely deaf and had never heard the word "impossible" in his life.

A dream about a swamp warns that in reality you will be drawn into a “swamp” situation with a person with whom you should not have built relationships at all. He puts pressure on you, and you are not able to resist his influence. Moreover, you are frightened by the fact that if you let him go now, you will be left with nothing. And in the absence of a better one, you can be content with this option.

Miller's dream book

Wandering in a dream through a swampy area dreams of future problems, there is a chance to get into an unpleasant situation. With such a dream, you should not count on the fact that you will get a potential inheritance. In addition, you may be disappointed in love affairs.

However, if in a dream you are walking through a swamp and encounter islands of clean puddles and green mounds on your way, then not everything is lost, and luck will still smile at you when you achieve your cherished goal. And having achieved what you want, you just need to show more attention to the potential intrigues and intrigues of your enemies.

I dreamed that I fell into the heart of a swamp, which means that the fulfillment of duty is too tough for you. If in your dream other people ended up in a swamp, you should be prepared for the fact that people close to you will bring grief. This can also dream of a disease.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To see yourself walking through a swamp in a dream is to deal with unexpected obstacles regarding personal matters.

If you had to drown in a swamp - in real life, strong shocks await you, the cause of which will be the betrayal and ugly actions of your friends. If in the process of sleep you save someone from the swamp, then the full potential of your capabilities has not yet been used. If in your dream the quagmire is covered with ice, then such a dream can be interpreted more globally. For example, the surrounding nature is fragile and vulnerable to the power of modern civilization.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The swamp dreams of bad events. If you have to wander through the swamp in a dream, there is a chance that you will be slandered. A swampy, rotten swamp dreams of wealth. Walking in such a swamp means meeting obstacles on the way, especially in matters of regulating money affairs.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Seeing a swamp in a dream is a bad prospect for the future. Walking through the swamp is dreamed of as a symbol of something dangerous approaching you. If in a dream you manage to get out of the swamp, then in household affairs you will succeed.

To see a swamp is to suddenly get rich. Falling into the swamp is a sign that bad things will soon affect your life. Walking in a swampy quagmire - false accusations against you will spoil your life. If you dreamed that you were raking dirt from a swamp, in reality you would be doing useless work.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

The phenomenon of a swamp in your dream warns that in reality a person who is alien to you in his interests and moral character, tries its best to start a relationship with you. On the one hand, you cannot resist such persistence and pressure. On the other hand, you are afraid of the prospect of eventually being completely alone if you reject him.

Aesop's dream book

If a person works hard, goes headlong into solving his problems, they say about him: "His swamp sucked." In this regard, and in a dream, the swamp symbolizes routine worries, chores, boring and monotonous affairs. According to folk omens, swamp - the habitat of goblin, kikimor and other representatives evil spirits, which leads random travelers with wandering lights to the swamp and destroys them, drowning in the bog. Therefore, the image of a swamp, a rotten bog, etc., can symbolize something unpleasant in your dream: unfavorable circumstances, problem situations, sore and haunting questions.

If in a dream you die in a swamp, in real life you are burdened by your work. It seems boring, complicated and useless to you. Such a dream can also mean that you are tired of the routine and everything connected with it: the days are similar to each other, there are not enough interesting events in life, you are not doing anything remarkable. However, such a mood will not oppress you forever, soon life will again shine for you with all the colors of the rainbow.

A dream where you successfully overcome a swampy area indicates that an exciting event awaits you very soon. There is a chance to go on a journey for new sensations, or take part in a business trip, which will also turn into new unforgettable impressions.

English dream book

Crossing a swamp in a dream means living a life full of various troubles, anxieties, worries. If in a dream it is difficult for you to make your way through a swamp, expect new sorrows and problems. But if you have no difficulty in crossing the swamp and quickly find places to stand on firm ground, then in the end you will have a modest wealth, and you will be glad of it. If a man in love has a dream, he will have a difficult path from various trials, disappointments and troubles. However, for everything experienced, he will be rewarded with a triumph over his ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

If you dreamed of a swamp, your life needs planning. You lack discipline and consistency in your decisions.

Chinese dream book

The swamp appears in a dream to warn of something bad. Wander through the swamp - there is a chance that you will be slandered. We saw a rotten swamp in a dream, it is quite possible that you will get rich. Walk in a rotten quagmire, you will experience difficulties in organizing money-related affairs.

Correct dream book

Seeing a swamp in a dream is an unfavorable omen. Crossing the swampy space, bog and mud warns that you can get sick if you continue to get tired, nervous and upset. The dream also implies that you may suffer as a result of the inappropriate behavior of a person close to you. If in your dream you are walking through a swampy area, in reality, circumstances can turn against you. Also similar dream interpreted differently in specific situations. If you are expecting an inheritance, most likely it will not go to you. Also, if a man in love had such a dream, it may mean that the subject of his passion will make a choice not in his favor. If in the swamp you still meet green bumps and gaps with clean water, not everything is so scary: it is in your power to cope with all the intrigues and obstacles and achieve prosperity.

Ukrainian dream book

A swamp in a dream is a bad sign. If you have to walk in a swampy place, they will want to slander you. If you dreamed of a rotten swamp, expect material wealth. If you are bogged down in swampy mud, something has stuck to you, stuck, in reality there is a chance of picking up some kind of illness in the same way.
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