What is the difference between dental implants and prosthetics? Difficult choice in the dentist's office: clasp dentures or prosthesis on implants

Comparison of prosthetics and implantation of teeth is made quite often, although it is not quite correct. In fact, modern prosthetics and implantation in most cases solve completely different problems related to the correction of defects in the dentition.

Why and when do you need dental implants?

If we talk about implantation and prosthetics in comparison, then in general, implantation has more opportunities for restoring the dentition. An implant can replace one missing tooth in any area - one-stage implantation is especially convenient in this regard. No less successfully used implantation for prosthetics of teeth with removable or non-removable structures - not only a bridge, but also a complete removable denture can be installed on implants.

Stages of classic two-stage dental implantation

Fig 1. Fig 2.

Fig 3. Fig 4.
Fig1. Missing 2 adjacent teeth
Fig 2. Implant placement completed
Fig 3. Installation of individual abutments on implants
Fig 4. Installation of metal-ceramic crowns on implants

Of course, implantation before prosthetics is more preferable than grinding healthy teeth for crowns. Nevertheless, the prices for implantation and prosthetics of teeth by traditional methods differ quite significantly, and for this reason, many patients who have compared the price aspects of prosthetics and implantation of teeth choose a more affordable removable prosthesis, stamped crown and other “budget” methods of restoring the dentition.

Prosthetics after implantation of teeth

A patient who compares prices for implantation and in its traditional form and opts for implantation will not lose at all: prosthetics after dental implantation provides a more predictable result. Qualitatively performed implantation before dental prosthetics guarantees the stability of structures due to excellent fixation of implants in the bone and a high cosmetic effect. The only drawback of this technique is the duration of orthopedic treatment: implantation for dental prosthetics is performed at least 3 months, and even more often - six months before the installation of permanent crowns or bridges. The exception is, but so far, modern dental prosthetics and implantation using an express method are rarely combined in practice. An exception to the general rule is mini-implantation, which is used as the basis for fixing complete removable dentures - in accordance with this technique, the entire procedure, including the installation of the prosthesis, is performed in one visit.

Types of prosthetics after dental implantation

Fig1. Fig 2.

Fig 1. Removable denture with fixation to implants
Fig 2

Types of implantation for prosthetics

However, the installation of mini-implants, due to the specific scope of their application, is usually considered as a separate area in implantology. In traditional implantation and prosthetics, it is possible to use only normal-sized implants that can withstand significant loads on the jaw. The traditional implantation technique consists of two stages. At the first of them, the gum is cut, the implant is installed and the gum is sutured until it is completely engrafted. At the second stage, the actual prosthetics are performed after implantation of the teeth (installation of the abutment, formation of the gums and fixation of the prosthesis on the abutment). Today, one-stage implantation is becoming more and more widespread, performed without preliminary incisions in the gums - the implant is installed directly into the hole of the extracted tooth. For such a procedure as simultaneous implantation of teeth, non-separable implants are used with a crown already installed on them, which reduces not only the integration period, but also the stage of prosthetics after implant installation.

Modern methods of treatment allow to solve any problems associated with the absence or significant destruction of teeth. However, when choosing a restoration method, the patient often asks the question: which method of dental prosthetics is better? Implantation or prosthetics?

Undoubtedly, implantation is better than prosthetics, it is a more popular procedure, since it restores teeth naturally and functionally. But much depends on the specific situation: on the individual characteristics of the patient's jaw system, the professionalism of the doctor.

First, let's explain the differences between the two methods:

  • prosthetics is the replacement of lost teeth with removable or fixed structures made of various materials. They are fixed exclusively on the gums, if there are no teeth left in the row, or they cling to the abutment teeth with hooks - this applies to removable dentures. Fixed models are mounted on a support in the form of roots or crowns of living teeth,
  • Implantation is also a replacement for lost teeth. Despite the fact that this approach also uses prostheses (both removable and fixed), this method is wider. The prostheses are fixed on a support in the form of implants - metal roots that are implanted into the bone tissue.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method.

Classic prosthetics: advantages and disadvantages

When it comes to a significant absence of teeth, complete adentia or the inability to resort to fixed prosthetics, the patient is offered to replace the teeth with removable structures. They consist of a plastic base on which artificial crowns are fixed. Well-made removable devices look quite natural and aesthetically pleasing, mimic the look of natural teeth well.

The advantage of the method lies in its cheapness, simplicity, and the absence of contraindications. The installation of such a prosthesis does not require special serious preparation, it takes little time and can be performed without surgical intervention.

Unfortunately, the advantages end there, because removable structures have many disadvantages:

  • are poorly held and can fall out during a conversation at the most inopportune moment, giving the patient constant discomfort and self-doubt,
  • unevenly distribute the chewing load during meals: worsen the quality of nutrition and in some cases even have a negative effect on the digestion process,
  • require a long addiction: cause rubbing of the mucous membrane, bleeding gums, problems with diction,
  • their use does not eliminate bone tissue atrophy, and its gradual shrinkage leads to the need for constant correction of structures and their frequent replacement,
  • short service life: the service life of prostheses with the most careful use does not exceed 5-7 years.

Fixed dentures, of course, are devoid of all the listed disadvantages of removable structures. They are fixed more reliably, look natural and natural, since there is no artificial gum in them. Do not rub mucous membranes. Here are just the indications for their installation are strictly defined: restoration of a destroyed crown or the absence of 1-3 teeth along with the root (in a row). In this case, a dental bridge is placed, but it is attached to two living teeth, which are preliminarily heavily ground, even if they are completely healthy.

Dental implants: advantages and disadvantages

Important! Implantation is an operation that involves implanting an artificial root into the jawbone. The implant fully performs all the functions of the tooth root and serves as a support for its upper part - the crown.

Implantation allows you to solve any problems - to restore one, several teeth or a full row. With single restorations, an implant and a crown are installed, with multiple restorations, the number of implants is noticeably reduced. So, there are treatment protocols that allow you to restore the full row in just 4 or 6 pieces. artificial metal roots. It all depends on the situation, the state of health of the patient and his jaw system.

In order to carry out dental implantation, significant preparation is required, which includes: testing, consultations with specialists, sanitation of the oral cavity, sometimes bone tissue growth (after all, after removing a tooth or wearing conventional prostheses, the bone sags, i.e. atrophies). The implant is installed surgically and it takes a long period of time for its engraftment - from 2 to 6-8 months. After that, you can attach a permanent prosthesis (before that, you need to wear a temporary structure).

On a note! Today, there are methods of implantation that allow you to abandon bone growth and fix the prosthesis immediately, bypassing the stage of wearing temporary removable structures. These are immediate loading implantation protocols.

The undeniable advantages of implantation, compared with conventional prosthetics, are as follows:

  1. efficiency: the implant fully performs the functions of a lost tooth root, evenly distributes the load on the bone tissue during chewing, involves all its layers and does not allow the tissue to atrophy,
  2. high aesthetics: the variety of materials used for the manufacture of implant-mounted crowns allows artificial teeth to look flawless,
  3. comfort: removable and fixed prostheses on implants are securely fixed in the oral cavity,
  4. quality and durability: artificial roots can serve throughout the life of the patient.

Naturally, implantation has its downsides. The main one is cost. This is an expensive pleasure, not available to every patient. However, in the long run (after all, implants will last at least a couple of decades), this method turns out to be a good investment. Another disadvantage is the restrictions on implantation. Treatment involves surgery, and sometimes even more than one, so there are very specific health conditions that can lead to complications after the installation of implants. Therefore, they are contraindications for treatment.

Important! Since the treatment costs quite a lot of money, before implanting teeth, you need to carefully study the options where the best dental implantation is performed. After all, 90% of the success of treatment depends on the professionalism of the doctor and the equipment of the clinic.

How to choose a clinic for dental implantation

There are a large number of dentists that are ready to offer the service of dental implantation. To determine where it is better to do dental implantation, the patient needs to pay attention to some points:

  1. Experience of a medical institution. It is better to contact clinics that have proven themselves and have existed for a long time.
  2. Personnel qualification. The specialists performing the treatment must have experience in successfully carrying out such operations, confirmed by various certificates and patient reviews. It is also recommended to give preference to those doctors who inform the patient about all aspects of the procedure, in detail and competently answering important questions.
  3. Equipment. Modern equipment, the availability of diagnostic equipment will make dental implantation more accurate, safe, comfortable and of high quality. The use of protective equipment (shoe covers, masks, gloves, diapers, caps) guarantees the sterility of the operation and reduces the risk of complications after it.
  4. Location of the clinic. It must be remembered that implantation involves surgery and anesthesia. You will also need to repeatedly visit the implantologist. The convenient location of the medical center saves time and makes the process more comfortable when you want to get home as soon as possible after the operation.
  5. implant models. The most correct choice will be made in favor of dentistry, offering several brands located in different price categories and satisfying the needs of a wide range of patients. These can be both expensive Swiss models and budget designs of American or Israeli production. Which system is better - it is impossible to say unequivocally. First of all, a doctor should be able to work with a brand.
  6. Quality assurance. The presence of a quality certificate for the implant and documents confirming the guarantee of the work of specialists indicate that the clinic is ready to be responsible for the quality of the services provided and be responsible for the work of its implantologists.

The best clinics in Moscow

It is rare to find an institution that successfully combines all the advantages at once. It is especially difficult for residents of the capital to make a choice, because dental implantation in Moscow is offered by so many clinics.

When choosing a clinic, you can easily get confused, so we recommend paying attention to the most popular ones. Experienced doctors work in the centers listed, there is all the necessary equipment for implantation - these are the clinics where it is better to do dental implantation and which are primarily recommended by the patients themselves.

If you choose between implantation and prosthetics, then in the absence of contraindications, it is definitely better to make a choice in favor of dental implantation. The high cost of the method will more than pay off with an unsurpassed result, and a perfect smile will delight for many years.

Learn about a patient's experience with Immediate Load Dental Implants at Smile-at-Once Dentistry

When choosing between classical methods of prosthetics and the installation of prostheses on implants, one must focus on the individuality of each case, the availability of the product and the prospects for its use. A competent dentist will correctly assess all the pros and cons of the existing situation, and suggest the best option.

Permanent prosthetics

To understand the difference between prosthetics and implantation, you need to understand the features of each method for restoring teeth and eliminating adentia. The choice is influenced by the degree of damage to the crowns and roots, as well as the number of completely missing teeth and the condition of the remaining ones.

With the loss of the occlusal surface of molars and premolars in the amount of 30% to 50%, it is recommended to use inlays instead of filling or installing a crown. Their advantage lies in the individual production, due to which they adhere more effectively to the tooth, as well as in their increased resistance to stress and damage.

The result is achieved due to the material of the tab:

  • metal alloys (gold, chromium-cobalt);
  • all-ceramic (zirconium dioxide);
  • composites.

In case of loss of a larger volume of hard tissue, it is necessary to place an artificial crown, which is fixed on the remains of the tooth due to dental adhesive cement, which is additionally reinforced with pins. The preservation of the roots in the gum is mandatory, otherwise there will be nothing to attach the crown to, while it is recommended to use a stump tab instead of a pin. Like a regular tab, the stump one is cast according to an individual cast, but it does not serve as a full-fledged prosthesis, but as an additional support for the crown. It can be solid or collapsible if the prosthetic tooth has more than three roots, and consists of a base part and fixing pins. The whole system is much more reliable and durable due to the stump design, but at the same time increases the cost of prosthetics.

Important! The material for manufacturing the stump insert should not differ from the crown, so that antagonism does not arise between them: metal-ceramic cannot be combined with ceramics or composites, and vice versa.

The lack of roots suitable for the installation of a crown complicates the situation, as it involves fixing the bridge structure, and here the choice between implantation or prosthetics in favor of the second method becomes less obvious. The reason is the need to fasten the bridge overhanging the empty hole at the expense of adjacent abutment teeth, which requires them to be turned under crowns, and this is bad from the point of view of preparing completely healthy incisors, canines or molars. In addition to the fact that the entire system becomes noticeably more expensive, and the patient puts the teeth turned under the support at risk, the reliability of the bridge structure is not optimal, and the lower the larger area of ​​adentia has to be compensated.

The dental bridge has a number of disadvantages that do not allow it to be considered the optimal method of prosthetics:

  • limited length;
  • gradual loosening of supporting teeth under load;
  • atrophy of the alveolar process under the coronal bridge.

Bridge to teeth

An alternative to mounting the product on abutment crowns are interlocks and adhesive mounts. The first allow for a more gentle preparation, the second prostheses do not require it at all, since they are not put on, but are glued to the back surface of the dentition using a composite. The disadvantage is the increased cost of dental work and the shorter life of the bridge, so these options are only considered as temporary.

Note! The positive difference between classical and full-fledged prosthetics is in a significantly lower price for materials and work, the rapid manufacture of the prosthesis and the simplicity of the whole process, which does not involve invasive intervention.

Removable prosthetics

It is impossible to understand what is the difference between prosthetics and implantation without analyzing removable dentures available on the dental services market. A common advantage of removable structures is the possibility of prosthetics for an almost or completely missing dentition. Such products do not cause discomfort to the patient during their manufacture or fitting, and care for them is even easier than for healthy teeth, since the false jaw is easy to remove and thoroughly clean. In addition, removable dentures can compensate for the absence of only one or more crowns, acting as a temporary replacement while waiting for permanent dentures.

There are three main types of removable structures that differ in the method of fixation:

  • solid (acrylic);
  • flexible (nylon);
  • clasp.

The first type is the most affordable and popular among the population with an average or low income, and is an artificial plastic crown, fixed in an acrylic base that imitates the gingival row and palate. The whole system is quite rigid, which has a good effect on its behavior during chewing loads, but causes noticeable discomfort when worn. The size and hardness of the prosthesis lead to a long adaptation - up to several months, and this process does not always end successfully.

Nylon products have a smaller and more flexible base, which makes them easier to get used to and makes everyday use more comfortable. At the same time, the material itself looks more natural than acrylic, therefore it effectively masks the entire structure in the oral cavity. The disadvantage of nylon is not the most optimal distribution of the load on the gum and, in some cases, insufficient fixation on it. This leads to a change in the relief of the gums and "sagging" of the prosthesis due to its flexibility, which causes discomfort to the patient during chewing and articulation.

Additional Information. Nylon, compared to acrylic, cannot be adjusted or optimized in changing conditions, so the entire structure will have to be changed to a new one - just as expensive.

The clasp type, which is also arc, solves the problem of unreliable fixation, and at the same time does not cover the sky, which is achieved due to the metal arc, which serves as the basis for artificial crowns. Its fixation is achieved by clasps, which require a small turning of the supporting teeth, or attachments, which are more preferable from a visual point of view. The main disadvantage is the high cost and the presence of metal elements in the oral cavity, which leave a characteristic aftertaste and can irritate the mucous membrane.


Qualified dentists have no doubts about what is more effective - implantation or prosthetics, since with a complete loss of roots, the first option is optimal for the patient's health. The installation of implants is justified both when prosthetics of one tooth, and when compensating for the absence of a whole row in the lower or upper jaw. The essence of the process is the introduction of a titanium pin with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm and a length of 10 to 13 mm into the bone tissue, which is securely fixed there due to its adhesive surface. An abutment is installed on top of the implant - a special adapter necessary for the subsequent fastening of the prosthesis.

Implantation of several teeth

The stages of prosthetics on implants are as follows:

  • the dentist examines the patient's oral cavity to make sure that there are no pathologies that are a contraindication for implantation, and also collects an anamnesis;
  • the edentulous area is studied visually and with the help of computer scanning, the tactics of prosthetics is determined - the number and size of screws;
  • under local anesthesia, the gum is dissected to access the bone, in which the dentist drills a canal with burs of ever larger diameter;
  • the titanium pin is screwed in, the gum is tightly sutured;
  • after a period of three to six months, when the osseointegration of the implant is completed, a gum shaper is attached to its top;
  • after a few weeks, an abutment is screwed on instead of the shaper, after which the patient is ready to install the prosthesis.

Implants are fused with the bone like real dental roots, so they can serve a person for a lifetime, strengthening his jaw and preventing its atrophy and curvature. The main disadvantages of implantation relative to conventional prosthetics are the long waiting time from start to finish, surgical intervention in soft and hard tissues, as well as the highest possible price among all alternative options.

The problem of adentia has been present in society for a couple of decades. Due to the lack of teeth, many people faced various problems and difficulties in social life. That is why the majority had to use the "false jaw". Instead of a pair of lost teeth, people resorted to dentures: removable or non-removable. They, as a rule, relied on those teeth that remained. This article will discuss implantation and prosthetics, the differences between these methods and their advantages and disadvantages.

The key rule in the restoration of missing teeth is the correct functioning of the jaw lines. Today, this problem can be overcome by dental implantation, which is the best way of prosthetics.

Prosthetics, in itself, means dividing the process into two points:

  1. Aesthetic restoration of dentition
  2. The performance of dental lines

From an aesthetic point of view, a denture should look as close to natural teeth as possible. The main factors to be taken into account in this regard are:

  • the same color and transparency of the enamel;
  • the prosthesis should exactly the same repeat the shape of the tooth in terms of anatomy;
  • the performance of the rows must be ensured closing rows;
  • the contour of the gums must be very accurate and look natural
  • must be respected "pink" aesthetics of a smile.

If we turn to the functionality of this technique, it is necessary to take into account the participation of teeth in natural processes, namely in chewing and speech. During prosthetics, the entire load that is applied falls as one on the adjacent teeth.

Differences between implantation and prosthetics

The best way to restore teeth

One of the decisive moments in the choice of dental implantation is that the actual implants interact with adjacent teeth, and this most often contributes to the correct chewing process. Another advantage of implantation is that it is a clear efficiency of the process in terms of the functionality and aesthetics of the teeth.

The disadvantages of dental implants include a high price, in contrast to prosthetics. But if we take into account the fact that implantation itself is done, as a rule, for a longer period than classical prosthetics, then this procedure has the opportunity to become more cost-effective care behind the oral cavity. As a rule, unlike prosthetics, dental

Implantation will serve you for a longer period

The main differences between prosthetics and implantation

The key difference between prosthetics and dental implants is considered to be prosthesis installation method. All other familiar differences between them are considered to be due to this difference.

At the very beginning, both removable and non-removable prostheses are installed with support on adjacent teeth. But for this, in the beginning, healthy teeth lose their nerve and become “dead”, as a result they will begin to collapse and after some time a fresh, new prosthesis may be required, which will take on the role of “healthy” teeth. Another factor that occurs between the gum and the prosthesis is that actually between them there is often a gap in which bacteria and food debris accumulate.

Before choosing any procedure, consult your doctor

When use of a denture, the load during chewing increases and this leads to the destruction of healthy teeth and deterioration of the jawbone. As a result, it will be possible to renew this bone only by resorting to surgical interventions.

Indications for both treatments

Due to various reasons, just a few years ago, there were severe contraindications and prohibitions for such a method as implantation, but with the modernization of devices and techniques, these fears have almost completely disappeared.

Previously, in case of diabetes or blood clotting, implantation was forbidden and only prosthetics were allowed. To date, such systemic diseases are not an obstacle to implantation.

One important condition is that the patient must undergo thorough examination and preparation, as well as follow the recommendations of the doctor and undergo a rehabilitation course. Then the method of implantation of teeth will pass as it should, without any side effects and discomfort.

Choice between dental implantation and dental prosthetics

What will last longer: implantation or prosthetics

The crown, which is installed on itself implant, works 10 to 15 years old, and bridging prostheses needs to be changed after 5-7 years. Removable dentures are more likely to have more problems, for example, they “strongly ask” for periodic replacement.

Compare prices: implantation or prosthetics

As a result, it can be noted that the most effective, comfortable and economical method of restoring teeth is considered to be their implantation. BUT classical prosthetics gradually disappears into the past. But implantation also has its own pros and cons, and in this case it is worth taking into account the patient's well-being, and for this, provide him with an appointment for all important tests and checks.

The loss of one, and even more so several, not to mention all teeth, leads to a number of functional and aesthetic disorders. First of all, in the place of the lost tooth, a decrease in the jaw bone tissue begins, the so-called resorption. The teeth adjacent to the defect begin to move, trying to occupy the vacant space, which leads to a displacement of the dentition, a violation of the closure of the teeth, and also a curvature of their position.

With all this, the temporomandibular joint suffers, which is fraught with jaw clicks, headaches, constant tension of the facial and lingual muscles, malocclusion and deterioration in the quality of chewing food. In the absence of front teeth, diction is seriously affected, saliva is sprayed when talking. With the loss of teeth in the lateral parts of the cheeks, they begin to sink, which not only makes the face look older, but also causes permanent microtraumas of the mucosa - simply “biting” the cheeks. By the way, negative changes in appearance, provoking, among other things, psychological problems, are a separate important aspect of the consequences of partial and complete edentulous.

What are the hallmarks of proper dentures?

The main rule in the restoration of missing teeth is a harmonious and effective recreation of both aesthetics and functionality of the dentition. For 100%, only one modern technique can cope with this task, namely, dental implantation. Today it is the best option for dental prosthetics.

What is meant by restoration of function and aesthetics? From an aesthetic point of view, a denture should not differ externally from natural teeth: it should have the same color and transparency of the enamel as the neighboring ones; repeat the anatomical shape of the tooth (this point also applies to functionality, as it ensures the correct closure of the dentition), the soft tissues of the gums should fit snugly to it, the contour of which should be natural and neat (the so-called “pink” smile aesthetics).

As for the function, here we are talking about the full participation in chewing and speech, as well as the correct distribution of the load. When prosthetics rely on adjacent teeth, the entire load falls on them, which leads to their destruction and bone resorption under the prosthesis, the formation of “pressure sores” on the oral mucosa and poor hygiene. When restoring teeth by implantation methods, an artificial tooth completely takes on all the functions of a natural one and does not differ in appearance from the neighboring natural teeth of the patient.

What are the pros and cons of dental implants?

Unlike traditional prostheses based on adjacent teeth, the implant does not interact with them in any way, contributing to the correct distribution of the masticatory load. One hundred percent efficiency in restoring functions and aesthetics is the main and indisputable plus of implantation. In addition, the conditions of our clinic and the qualifications of doctors make it possible to reduce the treatment time using a gentle implantation technique (minimally invasive) without additional bone growth, by installing implants immediately after tooth extraction. At the same time, chewing efficiency and aesthetics are not lost, since temporary crowns are made for the patient during the engraftment of implants. Among the minuses, a higher price compared to traditional prosthetics is usually called, however, in terms of a long term, implantation is not only not expensive, but even a much more economical measure. The fact is that, unlike classical prostheses, a dental implant serves its owner throughout life.

How exactly is traditional prosthetics different from implantation?

Prosthetics differs from implantation in the way the prosthesis is installed, all other differences are the result of this. Firstly, both removable and non-removable dentures (with the exception of the false teeth, which we will talk about separately) are installed based on adjacent teeth. To do this, in most cases, these supporting, initially healthy teeth are depulped, that is, they lose the nerve. A tooth devoid of a nerve is a dead tooth, it is easy to guess that it will soon begin to collapse, and in a few years a new prosthesis will be required, replacing, among other things, the once perfectly healthy abutment teeth. Thus, the answer to the question: "Which is better - prosthetics or implantation?" becomes more and more obvious.

Secondly, between the gum and a removable, as well as a fixed prosthesis, in most cases there is a certain gap in which plaque, bacteria and food debris accumulate, which negatively affects the gum under the prosthesis.

Thirdly, as already mentioned, the load during chewing in the case of traditional prosthetics is unevenly distributed, which leads to accelerated destruction of the supporting teeth and irreversible changes in the structure of the jawbone, in other words, to its loss. By the way, the only way to restore a resorbed bone is through surgery.

As for a complete removable denture, here the loss of bone tissue becomes catastrophic, and reliance on the gum mucosa (due to the absence of supporting teeth) leads to constant rubbing and chronic diseases of the oral cavity. And if bridges and clasp prostheses simply cause inconvenience, both aesthetic and functional, then the false jaw is a real disaster: it constantly moves inside the oral cavity, falls out, rubs, interferes with speaking, does not allow you to fully chew food.

Is implantation always possible and are there indications for traditional prosthetics?

A few years ago, there were strict contraindications for implantation, but with the improvement of techniques and the development of medicine, these contraindications have practically disappeared. As for such systemic diseases, diabetes, coagulation disorders (blood clotting) and some others used to mean one thing: only traditional prosthetics, no implantation. Taking into account that, today, the implantation of dental implants is also possible in these cases, the only difference is that the doctor performing the operation must have the knowledge and skills appropriate to the situation, and the patient must undergo thorough preparation for implantation and strictly follow the recommendations and listen to his own body during the recovery period.

We compare service life: what is more durable - prosthetics or implantation?

As mentioned above, a titanium root implanted in the jaw during implantation serves its owner throughout life due to the phenomenon of osseointegration - the ability of bone tissue to fuse with the implant body. A crown placed on an implant lasts from 10 to 15 years, depending on whether it is a posterior or anterior tooth. As for bridges or clasp prostheses, they require a complete replacement on average every 5-7 years, and the abutment teeth underneath, which are prone to destruction, increase the length of the required prosthesis over time. Removable dentures require regular relining and periodic complete replacement.

Dental prosthetics and implantation - which prices are higher?

As mentioned above, in terms of the long term, implantation is no more expensive, and even more economical than installing a traditional prosthesis. This is due to the fact that the implant is paid for by the patient only once, and the crowns on it need to be replaced very rarely, while the usual removable or fixed dentures, each of which is cheaper than the implant itself, must be completely renewed much more often, which ultimately rises to more than a large amount.

Reflecting on what is better - prosthetics or implantation, let's compare conventional prosthetics. A reliable implant together with a ceramic or ceramic-metal crown, indistinguishable from a natural tooth, will cost an average of 50,000 rubles and will last the rest of your life. A bridge that replaces just one missing tooth costs about 30,000 rubles. Further - simple mathematics: the next installation of the bridge, which will be required in 5-7 years and will restore not one, but most likely two or as many as three teeth, will reduce all the "savings" to nothing.

Which is better - prosthetics or dental implants?

Before you finally decide on the choice in favor of prosthetics or implantation, we would like to draw your attention to one important point that is of paramount importance in any treatment. This is the presence of specific indications and contraindications for prosthetics or implantation in your case. And to form a clear idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of these procedures, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

  • Prevention of further atrophy of the jawbone.
  • No need to replace implants throughout life.
    • High price.
    • Long terms of engraftment of implants.

    Summing up, we can say that the most effective method of restoring lost teeth is implantation. Traditional prosthetics are slowly but surely becoming a thing of the past. Conscientious specialists prefer not to turn to him even in case of complete adentia: a modern solution to this problem is the installation of a full prosthesis on 2, 4 or 6 implants or mini-implants. However, implantation has its pros and cons, which the doctor must take into account when choosing one or another treatment method.

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