Dream interpretation male neck. Why is Neck dreaming. Modern dream book. Why is the neck dreaming

American dream book

Neck - lack of flexibility and mobility.

positive sign- flexibility; the ability to see a situation from all angles.

negative sign- someone is sitting on your neck.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If you see a collar on your neck in a dream, causing embarrassment, then in reality you will be involved in some extremely unpleasant business.

If you dream that someone's neck was cut and his head was given to you, then if you were suffering from an illness at the time of the dream- this dream is for healing.

If you are healthy but burdened large quantity debts- in reality you will be able to get rid of all debts in the most miraculous way; in gratitude for the incredible mercy of Heaven, you are supposed to soon go on a pilgrimage to holy places in order to pray and offer gifts.

Idiomatic dream book

"Hang on someone's neck"- become a burden, rejoice at the meeting; "break or twist one's neck"- do not calculate the strength, get involved in a deliberately impossible dangerous project; "push in the neck"- drive away; "break someone's neck"- win; "stretch your neck" - curiosity, foresight.

Islamic dream book

Pain in the neck- indicate the bad attitude of the author of the dream towards the people around him and that he is the object of complaints. This dream can also mean that its author abused someone's trust and suffered divine punishment as a result.

Small Velesov dream book

Neck - wealth, inheritance, honor, gift; short - demotion at work; long, thick- promotion, wealth; thin - work with your head; twisted, curved- loss, misfortune, shame; inflamed, swollen- disease; reduced - get money; in wounds, abscesses - a disease, a mistake.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream on his neck a collar that causes embarrassment- will have an unpleasant business around his neck.

If someone sees in a dream that someone's neck was cut and their head was given, then for the patient- this is for healing, for the debtor to be freed from debts and to perform the Hajj.

New dream book 1918

To see the neck - honor, power, inheritance.

Family dream book

If you dreamed about your own neck- try to improve your family relationships. Otherwise, they will harm your business affairs.

A dream in which you admired someone's neck- portends that your cynicism can destroy someone's happiness.

A woman who saw herself in a dream with a very thin neck- you should follow your character, otherwise over the years she will become very grumpy.

dream interpreter

Neck - generally means honor, wealth and inheritance; have a longer and thicker neck- means exaltation in ranks and virtues and the acquisition of wealth and glory; but have a shorter neck- signifies the opposite of the above; have the neck turned to the side- means shame, loss and unhappiness.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Neck?

Dream about your own neck- a sign that annoying family troubles will interfere with your business.

Admire another person's neck- predicts that your cynical attitude to life will cause the rupture of many family ties.

If a woman dreamed that she had a thick neck- in the near future, she will gain a reputation as a grumpy person if she does not learn to restrain her temper.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The neck is a reflection of flexibility or inflexibility (inertia) in general. Reflection of harmony between intellect and feelings.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Look at your neck- danger, surprise, which must be guarded against. having a fat neck is a success.

Swollen - a disease.

Thin - useless work and torment.

Have a swollen blue neck- with difficulty endure the surrounding life, suffer from the hustle and bustle of life.

Not to have a neck - not to have an independent will, to act automatically or under someone's suggestion.

Have a cut neck- adversity.

Scratching your neck is sadness.

If your neck seems too long for you- this means that in reality idle curiosity distracts you from real problems, threatening to become a source of misunderstanding for you.

Meet in a dream a man with a long neck- a sign that someone is showing excessive interest in your affairs.

A man with a short neck drawn into his shoulders, seen in a dream- portends danger.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Wash your neck - to health; see a thin, long neck- to the deterioration of health; see strong, strong neck - to health.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Neck - the wife will insist on her own, what she wants will be.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Neck - someone else will sit on your neck.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Neck - someone will decide, and you will have to fulfill.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Neck in a dream?

Neck long, thin- ill health; beautiful - confidence, imminent engagement; wash - health; hold or choke- want to harm your well-being; swollen - happiness.

Miller's dream book

If you dream that you see your own neck- this means that unfavorable family relationships will harm your business affairs.

Admire someone's neck- portends that your experience and cynical attitude to feelings will push you to destroy someone else's family.

If a woman sees in a dream that she has a thin neck is a sign that she will quickly become grumpy if she loses control of her temper.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Neck in a dream?

If you dreamed of someone's excessively long neck - say, a giraffe or a swan- it means that in reality you will be at risk by taking part in a rather dubious case.

If in a dream you were hit on the neck- only patience and endurance will help to avoid serious troubles in an extremely tricky situation.

Headless neck- says that you will soon meet a person with whom fate will bind you firmly and for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Neck according to the dream book?

The neck is the dreamer himself as a person.

Curve, thin - misfortune, loss.

Pressure or collared - strong addiction.

In cuts, boils- miscalculation, miss; disease.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were washing your neck- you have to pay a large amount the state.

In a dream, you cut someone's throat, it doesn't matter if it's a person or an animal- A long streak of bad luck awaits you ahead.

If you dreamed that your throat was cut- your enemy will have a long streak of bad luck and you can benefit from it.

If you dreamed that you were rubbing, scratching your neck- soon you have to make a serious choice.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

To see the neck - honor, power, inheritance; crumpled neck - to receive money; damaged or boiled, wound - fatal mistakes, illness.

Medieval dream book

Crooked neck - to great sadness.

Ukrainian dream book

To see the neck - honors, power, inheritance.

Erotic dream book

dream of a human neck- suggests that your sexual needs are becoming more sophisticated and exotic.

If in a dream you are looking at your neck in a mirror image This means that the trouble business area will affect your sexual activity.

Seeing yourself with an unnaturally thin neck- in real life you are intolerant towards others and close people, do not take into account their opinion and point of view.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Neck according to the dream book?

Neck - symbolizes how flexible you are in communication and life in general.

More interpretations

You watched your own - you will suffer due to the fact that not everything is going smoothly in the family.

I dreamed that it was too long for you- be careful and refuse to participate in anything that involves risk.

Got hit in the neck- the time is coming, which will be a serious test for your patience.

A dream in which you sit on someone's neck- it means that in real life you will use this person in the most brazen way for your own personal purposes. Try to remember exactly who you saw and in reality treat him with due respect.

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A lot of proverbs and aphorisms are associated with the neck - they put a collar on it and soap it, and many don’t mind sitting on the neck either ... But what is the dream of the neck for?

In dreams, as in sayings, the neck is most often associated with the fact that either someone is using you for their own purposes, or someone is you. But in order to understand a dream in detail, it is necessary to recall all its features.

Was the neck decorated with something - a necklace or a scarf? Maybe in a dream you were bitten or cut? Or did the lips of a loved one touch her? Try to reproduce every little thing in your memory, and only then will you be able to correctly interpret the meanings of dream books.

What is the dream of a person's neck?

According to the small dream book of Veles, who saw a thick neck in a dream will soon be in abundance, he will be lucky in everything, and this will radically change his life. But if, in addition to being thick, the neck is also short, the interpretation takes on the opposite meaning - there is a high probability of demotion and a decrease in income.

A dream with hair on the neck also cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Liquid, but rough, the dream book interprets as failure, hair on end portends a quarrel with relatives, and short ones warn - maybe it's time to think about thrift? Soon there is a risk of facing financial difficulties.

And what does the dream mean in which you climbed onto someone's neck? Also expect financial problems, in connection with which you will begin to go into debt to friends and relatives. But if someone is comfortably located on your shoulders, get ready to lend yourself.

According to Miller's dream book, a kiss mark on the neck indicates low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with one's appearance. Start changing. Pay more attention to yourself, love yourself - and not only you yourself will change, but also the world around you, and the issue of attractiveness will remain far in the past.

The desire for intimacy, most often intimate, reflects what is dreamed of when a man kisses his neck in a dream. But if similar dream a woman saw, the dream book advises her to ask herself - is enough attention paid to her husband? As soon as the answer is given, the problem will be solved by itself, everything will work out with intimacy, and this aspect of the relationship will no longer be so acute.

From a slightly different angle, you should look at the same dream if an unmarried girl saw him. In this case, she should change her views on relationships with men, settle down and find the only one who will remain close to her. for a long time. The dream interpretation warns against fleeting relationships that can cause more harm- for example, reputation and self-esteem - what good.

If in a dream a man kisses the woman he loves on the neck, he is overwhelmed by a storm of emotions and desires, which are not so easy to pacify. But you don’t have to - give your other half everything you can, because many can only dream of such a passion.

But what does a dream mean in which a married woman touches the neck of a strange man with her lips? The dream book advises a good review family life. Surely there are moments intimate nature, with which she is unhappy, and she can easily look for a replacement for them on the side. Be sure to discuss all the problems with your spouse, and then the solution will come by itself, and thoughts of betrayal will no longer arise.

But unmarried girl, a neck in a dream, which is touched by lips, the dream book promises pleasant changes: the one who does not dare to confess his sympathy will be the first to take a step forward, and the ensuing relationship will develop into a serious relationship.

Problems in the service are a reflection of what acne on the neck dreams of. Dream Interpretations portend difficulties that may well put you in an unpleasant position, but if there are a lot of acne, there is a great chance of losing your job due to a series of minor failures.

Jewelry around the neck

If you were born in the summer and in a dream your neck is decorated with beads, you will soon get an expensive chic thing. And those born in the autumn months are waiting for an equally valuable gift from a loved one.

A shawl or scarf tied around the neck hints at sexual dissatisfaction. Having seen such a dream, he tries to seek intimacy in real life, to make new acquaintances. This is if the scarf is light and airy. But if it is warm, knitted or downy, then you will really need it soon - the cold season is approaching.

A necklace on the thin neck of a young girl is a harbinger, if not of a luxurious, but from a pure soul, gift from a fan. An erotic dream book interprets this differently - she who sees a necklace in a dream will very soon acquire a large number admirers.

The dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov gives a different interpretation, however, not with a necklace, but with a necklace - to see it means to expect trouble in your personal life. And the same dream according to Freud's dream book speaks of the complete subordination of the dreamer to his bed partner.

The girl who dreamed about her neck gold chain, will receive a marriage proposal very soon, but for a man the same dream - bad sign. A thick chain around the neck suggests that in real life such a person is under the heel of women.

The same dream has another interpretation for both men and women - you should trust your partner, otherwise it will not only be difficult, but impossible to achieve mutual understanding and harmony. Dream Interpretations teach you to restrain your jealousy and resentment, and relationships will become many times stronger.

A handkerchief, especially if it is multi-colored, soon promises a promotion. But a dark scarf, and especially a black one, is interpreted by dream books as a very bad sign - your relative will be struck severe illness. But, fortunately, curable, the most important thing is to react in time to such a dream.

Betrayal from relatives and friends is a symbol of what the snake around the neck dreams of. You should take a closer look at your surroundings - some treat you not at all as they show. Think about it - maybe you suspected someone of sycophancy earlier? And someone for a long time does not give money, given on loan? Decide for yourself - do you need such friends?

And why is the drawing on the neck dreaming? Tattoo? Such people in reality are in a very strong dependence on loved ones, and this does not suit them, it even oppresses them. The dream book advises - try to change something in your life. Find a job, make new friends, try your best to get out of the situation of addiction, and you will feel how life changes in better side.

A pleasant evening with family and friends is what a mole on the neck dreams of, although in reality it is not in this place. And if there is, but smaller, a replenishment will soon appear in the family. If a girl had such a dream, she is likely to expect a child.

Wounds on the neck

Why dream of a snake bite on the neck? To betrayal from a loved one or even a loved one. The one you trust the most, in reality, does not deserve your location at all. Behind your back they may well gossip and even weave intrigues. Be careful and do not trust the most valuable people in whom you are not completely sure, otherwise you will find yourself in a very difficult situation.

If the dog's teeth are closing on the neck, and the pain is so real, as if this is not a dream at all, then the dream books warn you. Expect a quarrel with a loved one, and be careful, the reason for the quarrel will be an act that you did not commit, but the blame for it will be entirely placed on you.

Guilt before friends and relatives is what dreams of blood on the neck. Do not allow yourself unseemly actions in relation to loved ones, especially in the days following sleep, otherwise a sense of shame and remorse will make life unbearable.

A tragic event is what a scarred neck dreams of. Moreover, this case will directly depend on the emotional mood that can plunge even into severe depression. She will not leave without a trace and even after a long time will leave traces.

If in a dream you were pricked in the neck, the dream book interprets this as the fact that you are the object of slander and slander, and their initiator is a person close to you. Such rumors can change your person in the eyes of others, not for the better, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to regain your good name.

Shame and disgrace - an interpretation of what dreams of turning your neck, and sometimes a very serious illness. If this happened by chance, the cause of shame or illness will lie entirely with you, but if they helped you curtail it, the dream book says - beware, in reality gossip is about to start spreading about you.

What if there's a knife in your neck? You will not be able to agree to the conditions that are put forward to you. Try to resolve the conflict peacefully and find an option that suits both sides, but do not succumb to provocations, bending to the demands of others.

To see a cut on your neck in a dream means to fail in the implementation of your plan. Take a break from important things for a while, allow yourself to relax and unwind. And if the neck is broken, the dream book warns of difficult period from troubles and disappointments, but it will not be long, moreover, it will not be difficult to return the desired state of affairs.

Idiomatic dream book

The neck is dreaming, what does it symbolize?

Neck - "Hang on someone's neck" - become a burden, rejoice at the meeting. “break or twist your neck” - do not calculate your strength, get involved in a deliberately impossible dangerous project. "Push into the neck" - drive away; “break someone's neck” - win; Stretch your neck - curiosity, foresight.

Autumn dream book

What does the neck dream of in the fall?

Neck - The wife will insist on her own, what she wants will be.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of a neck in the summer?

Neck - Someone else will sit on your neck.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the Neck dreaming, interpretation of sleep:

Neck - Wealth, inheritance, honor, gift; short - demotion at work; long, thick - increase, wealth; thin - work with your head; folded, crooked - loss, misfortune, shame; inflamed, swollen - disease; reduced - get money; in wounds, abscesses - a disease, a mistake.

Gypsy dream book

What does the neck mean and why dream:

Neck - Generally means honor, wealth and inheritance; to have a neck longer and thicker than usual means exaltation in rank and dignity and the acquisition of wealth and fame; but to have a neck shorter than usual marks the opposite of the above, to have a neck rolled to the side means shame, loss and misfortune.

Erotic dream book

Why is Neck dreaming in a dream?

Neck - A human neck seen in a dream suggests that your sexual needs are becoming more sophisticated and exotic. If in a dream you are looking at your neck in a mirror image, this means that troubles in the business sphere will affect your sexual activity. Seeing yourself with an unnaturally thin neck - in real life, you are intolerant of others and loved ones, do not take into account their opinion and point of view.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why does Neck dream in dreams?

Neck - See - honor, power, inheritance; crumpled neck - to receive money; damaged or boiled, the wound is a fatal mistake, a disease, this is Neck's interpretation from the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book

What is the dream of the Neck for folk beliefs Little Russia:

Neck - To see the neck - honors, power, inheritance.

Spring dream book

What does the neck dream about in spring?

Neck - Someone will decide, and you will have to fulfill.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Neck - The dreamer himself as a person. Long or thick - authority, respect, prosperity. Curve, thin - misfortune, loss. Pressure or with a collar is a strong addiction. In cuts, chiries - miscalculation, miss; disease.

Big dream book

Neck - See - honor, power, inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why dream and how to interpret Neck?

Neck - Represents spontaneous moments of life, random turns. If you are being strangled in a dream, this is a symbol of evil power, an enemy that "blocks your oxygen." The neck is a symbol of life changing in one direction or another. A thin, thin neck is fruitless work. A fat, swollen neck is a disease. The inability to turn the neck - to be under someone's tight control.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

What does Neck dream about in a dream book:

Neck - If you dream that you see your own neck, this means that unfavorable family relationships will harm your business affairs. Admire someone's neck - portends that your experience and cynical attitude towards feelings will push you to destroy someone else's family. If a woman sees in a dream that she has a thin neck, this is a sign that she will quickly become grumpy if she loses control of her character.

Muslim dream book

What is the dream of the Neck according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Neck - If someone sees in a dream on his neck a collar that causes embarrassment, he will have an unpleasant business on his neck. If someone sees in a dream that someone's neck was cut and their head was given, then for the patient it is for healing, for the debtor to be freed from debts and to perform the Hajj.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Neck is dreaming, why?

Neck - Long, thin - unhealthy; beautiful - confidence, imminent engagement; wash - health; hold or choke - they want to harm your well-being; swollen - happiness, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book of Khubaishi Tiflisi

Why is the Neck dreaming - the interpretation of the astrologer:

Neck - If in a dream you see a collar on your neck that causes embarrassment, then in reality you will be involved in some extremely unpleasant business. If you dream that a person’s neck was cut and his head was given to you, then if you were ill at the time of the dream, know that this dream is for healing. In the event that you are healthy, but burdened with a large number of debts, in reality you will be able to get rid of all debts in the most miraculous way; in gratitude for the incredible mercy of Heaven, you are supposed to soon go on a pilgrimage to holy places in order to pray and offer gifts.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Why is Neck dreaming in a dream book?

Neck - Long, thin - unhealthy - beautiful - confidence - wash - health - swollen - happiness - hold or choke - want to harm your well-being

A lot of folk sayings and sayings are connected with the neck: they hang on it, and sit, and they even say that it controls the head - where it turns, the eyes go there. And why is this moving and unprotected part of the body dreaming? The dream interpretation usually associates it with paraphernalia, dependence, manipulation, but in order to correctly decipher its predictions, you need to remember all the details in a dream.

Maybe it was wearing some kind of decoration - a scarf, a pendant, beads, or it was damaged - by a bite, a knife, or simply broken. Or maybe your lover's lips touched your neck? Only by thoroughly remembering all the details, you can make the correct interpretation of the dream book.

What is the dream of a person's neck?

The Small Velesov dream book interprets what a thick neck dreams of as unexpected wealth, luck, which will completely turn the way of life. But if it is not only fat, but also short, then everything will be the opposite - you will be demoted at work, and earnings will drop significantly.

The hair on the neck in a dream is a versatile symbol that is interpreted by the dream book depending on the length and color of the hair. If they are rare, hard and curly, then the dreamer will face misfortune. If they stand on end, and goosebumps go on the skin, then you will quarrel with your relatives. If they are short, as if trimmed, heed the dream book's advice on frugality, soon material resources will not be enough for a normal life.

If in a dream you had to sit on someone's neck, the dream book predicts that you will be unable to provide for yourself on your own, and you will have to ask for money from loved ones. If your shoulders are busy with a burden, then on the contrary, you will have to borrow funds.

According to Miller's dream book, a hickey on the neck is a symbol of subconscious dissatisfaction with oneself, and one's appearance in particular. Try to take better care of your appearance, love yourself with all the shortcomings, and then your attractiveness to others will instantly increase.

A display of desire intimacy is what dreams of if a man kisses on the neck in a dream. For married woman the dream book gives advice to pay more attention to the spouse, and then you yourself will not notice how sexual satisfaction will no longer cause problems.

If a lonely girl dreamed of a kiss on the neck, then she should reconsider her priorities in promiscuity with members of the opposite sex. The dream interpretation warns that multiple fleeting romances will negatively affect reputation and lower self-esteem.

A man who had to kiss his beloved on the neck in a dream is subject to strong sexual feelings, and cannot calm his violent passion. Let everything remain as it is, love your soul mate, many dream that such passionate relationship continued for as long as possible.

A married woman who in a dream kissed a man who is not her husband on the neck should think about family relationships. It is better to discuss with her husband what nuances of an intimate nature do not suit her, and then thoughts of betrayal will no longer visit.

For a young girl whom a guy kisses on the neck in a dream, the dream book has prepared a special prediction: very soon a man you like will take a decisive step towards more serious relationship and finally show his feelings.

Acne on the neck in a dream is a sign of problems in the professional field. The dream interpretation predicts that misunderstandings may occur at work, which will lead to a demotion. If there are a lot of pimples, then you are threatened with dismissal due to a series of failures.

Neck decorations

For those born in the summer, beads around the neck in a dream are a sign of the acquisition of some expensive and luxurious thing. And autumn birthday people who saw such a dream can count on chic gift from a loved one.

A scarf around your neck in a dream is a sign of unsatisfied sexual desires, the dreamer is looking for opportunities in reality intimate relationships, new fascinating acquaintances. But if the scarf is warm, downy, then this is a sign of a change in the weather - to a cold snap.

For a young lady, a necklace around her neck in a dream is a dream book prediction about a poor, but sincere gift from a boyfriend. The erotic dream book gives a different interpretation - the necklace portends the dreamer the appearance of many admirers.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a necklace around the neck in a dream means impending failures on love front. And Freud's dream book interprets such a picture in a dream as the complete subordination of the dreamer to his sexual partner.

A girl who saw in a dream a golden chain around her neck can expect a marriage proposal from a beloved man. fat for a man gold chainbad sign. In reality, he is subjected to humiliation and manipulation by the fair sex.

A scarf around the neck in a dream, especially colorful and bright, promises the dreamer to climb the career ladder. But if the handkerchief was black, then a serious but curable illness will overtake a member of your family.

If you dreamed of a golden chain around your neck, then the psychoanalytic dream book warns: without trusting your soulmate, you will never achieve spiritual harmony and harmony with yourself. Stop being jealous and offended over trifles, and love bonds will become much stronger.

The snake around the neck is a symbol of the betrayal of friends. Some individuals from your environment treat you in a completely different way than they show. Take a closer look at those who engage in sycophancy and do not return borrowed money - such "friends" in life will not do anything good for you.

Why dream of a tattoo on the neck? In reality, you feel dependent on loved ones, and this is incredibly depressing to you. Try to get a job, change your circle of friends, do everything to get out of the position of bondage, duties to others.

Gatherings in the family circle portend what a mole on your neck dreams of, if in fact you don’t have it there. If it is, but in a dream its dimensions were much larger, then expect replenishment in the family. For girls, such a plot can predict pregnancy.

Why dream of a wound on the neck or damage to it?

The betrayal of a loved one predicts what a snake has bitten in the neck in a dream. The one you trust the most doesn't really deserve respect. Behind his back, he weaves intrigues and spreads rumors. You do not need to trust the innermost to those in whom you are not sure, it will come back to you sideways.

Why dream of blood from the neck? The dream interpretation interprets such a plot as a feeling of guilt in front of a relative. In the coming days, do not commit any reprehensible acts towards loved ones, otherwise remorse will be so great that they will not let you live in peace.

If in a dream a dog bites on the neck, and you feel everything as if in reality - the sharpness of the fangs, pain, then in real life you will quarrel with a person dear to you, and the cause of the conflict will be an act that you did not commit, in which you will be accused.

Why dream of a scar on the neck? This is a dream book prediction about a tragic accident that will be associated with your emotional state. deep depression will disturb the peace, and even after the passage will leave deep traces in the subconscious.

An injection in the neck in a dream is a symbol of gossip and gossip about the dreamer's person. Beware, rumors around you will be spread by a person close to you, and they will be able to decide you for a long time the respect of others if you do not take any action to restore your reputation.

By Gypsy dream book, roll your neck in a dream - a symbol of shame. If the incident in a dream happened by an absurd accident, then you yourself will become the cause of your shame, and if someone folded it to you, then in reality you will become a victim of gossip.

In reality, you will be presented with demands that you will not agree with if in a dream they stuck a knife in your neck. Try to come to an amicable agreement with those who demand to fulfill their conditions that are unacceptable to you - you can always find a solution that suits everyone.

Why dream of a bite in the neck? The interpretation of the dream book depends on who bit you. If it was a person, then you will quarrel with a friend, and if it was an animal, then at work there will be problems in understanding with colleagues.

You will miscalculate your plans and ideas if you see a cut on your neck in a dream. The dream interpretation advises in the next few days to move away from serious matters, and take a little rest. The same can be said about a broken neck - a period of failure and disappointment in oneself is coming, but it will end soon, and it will not be difficult to get things right.

The neck is the part of the body on which it is located.

It is the neck itself that helps the head turn, for this the neck muscles are used.

Various supply routes pass through the neck - such as the esophagus, larynx, trachea and supplying the brain blood vessels. Cervical vertebrae and muscles are designed to provide the head with the greatest mobility.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the word neck

If you dream that you see your own neck, this means that unfavorable family relationships will harm your business affairs.

Admire someone's neck - portends that your experience and cynical attitude towards feelings will push you to destroy someone else's family.

the neck in a dream is the Sleeper himself; became thicker - to honor; someone squeezed - to addiction;

bitten by someone - to malaise or trouble in business (lost lawsuit)

Modern dream book. Why is the neck dreaming

Having a fat neck in a dream is a success;

thin - to useless labor and torment;

swollen blue neck - means it is difficult to endure the surrounding life, to suffer from the fuss of life;

not having a neck means not having willpower; having a cut neck is a nuisance.

In a dream, looking at your neck is a danger, a surprise that you need to beware of.

Scratching your neck in a dream - to sadness.

To have a collar around your neck - in reality means to get into an unpleasant position.

To see in a dream for a man a beautiful female neck - to the whims of the beloved woman;

an ugly naked neck for young people is a harbinger of what will not take place.

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