The beauty of a man with Venus in Aries. Female ideal: sensual, passionate, impressionable. Love and relationships

Venus - the planet of love, creativity and harmony, found itself in the fiery, combative and impatient sign of Aries, does not feel very comfortable. Venus in Aries in a woman is not an easy to interpret astrological indication. In this regard, it is especially important to elaborate on the interpretation of all aspects of this complex, but at the same time, unusual and bright star combination.

Characteristics of Venus in Aries

How can the peaceful planet Venus manifest itself in the sign of Aries, which loves struggle, competition and competition? Of course, such Venus performs a peacekeeping function. People with Venus in Aries are able to reconcile any enemies. They are not afraid to stand between two people who sort things out, they separate the fighters without any fear and do everything to restore their relationship as soon as possible.

Since it is a very active, energetic and athletic sign, the owners of Venus in Aries love physical education and take part in competitions and competitions with pleasure, where they can show the world themselves and their best virtues and qualities.

Appearance and behavior

Venus in the sign of Aries gives a woman a bright, open, energetic and fighting character. She loves to dress in bright and fashionable clothes and spares no expense to look gorgeous, spectacular and expensive.

Such a woman is very enterprising and knows how to earn money, but she is not always able to save money. Throughout her life, she needs to pay special attention to financial matters and avoid unnecessary expenses or find a partner who will take on the function of saving money.

Since Aries is a sign that loves self-expression and the attention of the public, women with Venus in Aries should definitely engage in creative activities. This will allow them to direct the indefatigable element of Fire into a peaceful, harmonious direction.

So, the natural talents and abilities of Venus in Aries, which should be developed throughout life, include the following:

Love and relationships

Venus in Aries is very outspoken, sexy and doesn't tend to hide her intense feelings and emotions. I must say that from love to hate she has one step. But on the other hand, the owner of Venus in Aries can never be reproached for insincerity of feelings. She will never fake smile and communicate with an unpleasant man. Venus in Aries is always real, open, sincere.

A woman who has Venus in Aries in her horoscope attracts a crowd of admirers from her very youth due to her bright appearance, charm, charm, bold behavior and numerous talents. She never hides the details of her personal life, but she does not listen to the advice and instructions of her parents or mentors, who are trying to reason with her and keep her from making mistakes in love. Meanwhile, passionate and romantic girls should beware of inconstancy in feelings, adventures and adventures on the love front.

Venus in Aries falls in love at first sight, but, as a rule, every time is like the first. With age, the passions in her heart calm down a little, but even in maturity, the owner of Venus in Aries can meet love that will turn her whole life upside down.

So, Venus in Aries in a woman characterizes her as a person who is open to everything new, successful, positive and active. Such women are most often in demand in society and loved, because they are always bold in their desires and actions, and this allows them to confidently, cheerfully and cheerfully follow their chosen path.

This woman is looking for a man impulsive, passionate and strong, both physically and spiritually. She is not attracted by boring and monotonous relationships, because she herself is like lightning on a sunny day. If Venus is in Aries in a woman, then she is quite energetic and loving. The man next to her must recognize her leadership in the relationship. It is impossible to break or lead astray such a woman. She truly enjoys her freedom and power. In addition, even in a banal dispute, she must always be right. Her sexual desires are also above average. Therefore, a man should not hide his desire, but get intimate with her not only at night in the bedroom, but even in public places. Next to such a woman, a man can forever forget about his rich experience. She likes games in bed, "seasoned" with aggression. After all, they have a vigor. Although, sometimes it can look soft and supple. But, this happens so rarely that it seems like an illusion.

For such a woman, the priority is men of athletic build, active and attractive. She loves competition, both in everyday life and in bed. Therefore, playing poker, throwing pillows in bed, and even "shooting" with her eyes is a completely natural phenomenon for her. The more experiments, the better Venus in Aries manifests itself in a woman. This power-hungry and insanely passionate Lady loves danger, especially if it is associated with sexual pleasures. She's the kind of person who gets turned on by having an intimate relationship in the back of a taxi, in a supermarket, or at an altitude of 7,000 kilometers on an airplane. After all, it is so inimitable. This woman is demanding and unique, but this is what intoxicates a man. After all, together with her violent passion, she is able to preserve a fragile nature.

If Venus is in Aries in a woman, then she lives more with emotions and passions than with reason. If a man has the Moon in his horoscope, and he himself belongs to the Air sign, then he will be constantly jealous of this woman. Find fault with her for no apparent reason and try in every possible way to "drowse" her uncontrollable desire. Such a woman does not like halftones in a relationship. She is used to getting everything from life or easily refuses everything. But if a man falls in love with her, then his feelings will never fade away. They will burn with hot and bright fire. He should either submit to her, or, conversely, become stronger and more stubborn than she.

Women with Venus in Aries

Venus in Aries in a woman gives her passion, impulsiveness, increased interest in the opposite sex. Her energy is enough for everything, no matter what she undertakes. Outwardly, these are extremely attractive girls who know how to please men. But their excessive ardor and emotional instability, often reaching aggressiveness, makes them an object of strong desire, and not candidates for life partners. Girls with Venus in Aries very often get married at an early age, but this marriage is short-lived. She is very poorly versed in people, goes for rapprochement only at the call of the flesh. Mutual passion quickly flares up, but also quickly burns out, leaving behind nothing but disappointment. In addition, it is difficult for a woman with Venus in Aries to be faithful to her partner - she is too insatiable for this and loves male attention. Such a feature of her certainly does not contribute to the preservation of a strong marriage.

At the same time, these are very purposeful women who achieve their goals by all means. And for this, any path will be good, for her there are no prohibitions. If Venus is closer to Taurus, then such a woman cares more about her moral character and spiritual growth. In her life, defeats can happen, and she experiences them very hard. At the same time, such negative features as idleness, immodesty, wastefulness, craving for pleasures and luxury, immorality and immorality come to the surface. The positive qualities of a woman with Venus in Aries include the ability to give herself completely to her loved ones, creativity, a passionate thirst for life and work, the desire for an ideal in everything.

If in your natal chart Venus is in the sign of Aries, then this characterizes you as an attractive, passionate, restless, inspired person with quick thinking and a lot of ideas. You are open to people, but it is difficult to call you friendly, since you have a strong tendency to suppress people. You have a craving for everything beautiful, you appreciate art, or you yourself are a representative of creative professions. You should pay special attention to developing the ability to understand and accept the feelings and thoughts of other people. By working on yourself, you will learn to suppress your egocentrism, which will greatly facilitate and decorate your life.

Astrologers say that the sign of Aries is one of the most inappropriate manifestations of Venus. The peacefulness of Venus collides with the hostility of Aries, as a result of which disharmony, harshness, and aggressiveness arise in the personality, which is especially bad for a woman. A woman with Venus in Aries is not distinguished by delicacy and softness: she will tear down all the walls in her path if she considers that something lies behind them that she needs. She can be very cruel to people at times. Truly Venusian principles are perceived by her as a weakness. A typical representative of a woman with Venus in Aries is Marilyn Monroe.

At the time when Venus passes through the constellation Aries, the feelings of these women become even more aggravated, they react very sharply and emotionally to any remarks addressed to them, they try to find a catch in everything, they are easily offended. They themselves become intolerant of people: what would have gone unnoticed at another time will cause a storm of indignation and rejection during this period. It is difficult for them to sit in one place, they are drawn to changes and forcing events. But vehemence and impulsiveness do not always lead to good consequences. There is a high probability that later you will have to disentangle the consequences of your rash actions for a long time. If it happens that a woman with Venus in Aries begins an affair during this period, then it will become unforgettable, albeit very fleeting. A woman will burn with passion, infecting her lover with this feeling. She does not need any long courtship and other romance - only active actions.

If you are married to a woman with Venus in Aries, then try your best to meet her needs and not lose her interest in you. Otherwise, be prepared for betrayal on her part - she cannot live without adventure. But, having worked up on the side, she, as a rule, returns to the family, since the sudden outbreak of passion turns out to be just a surge of hormones that quickly passes. Despite all her eccentric antics, the charm of this woman knows no bounds, she invariably attracts attention: the admiring glances of men and the envy of rivals. Excessive passion and sensitivity of these ladies does not always have a good effect on business relationships, work, social activities. Having quarreled with colleagues and management, she can quit her job overnight, while going to the store and spending the last money on beautiful trinkets. But with all this, there will not be left without a piece of bread - one of the many suitors will definitely help. Increased irritability, nervousness of these women can provoke the development of various psychosomatic diseases; skin diseases, neuroses, etc.

Summing up and summarizing all of the above, we can advise women with Venus in Aries to take the path of self-improvement: pay a little less attention to their needs and a little more to other people. Many problems in the life of these young ladies will disappear as soon as they have children. Then she will be able to direct all her stormy energy into a peaceful direction, over time she will become more balanced and wise.

Venus in Aries

Here Venus is visiting Mars, in a fiery sign. This so-called expulsion of Venus - that is, the Sign opposite the sign (Venus rules Libra), is the Sign of exile for the planet.
Venus in Aries in your horoscope on the psychological plane will give sharp, sharp, even rude feelings that are still being formed karmically. Aries is associated with the immediacy of manifestations, so your feelings are usually pronounced, with a great return of energy. You probably put all of yourself into the emotions you show. Most likely, internally you are an emotionally passionate and impetuous person, carried away and impulsive, you quickly flare up, you are sometimes overwhelmed with emotions. The expression of feelings in you sometimes goes beyond the limits and limits of decency. Periods of violent passions can be replaced by periods of apathy and emotional indifference.

Since Aries is associated with a one-time ultimate surge, when all your energy is invested in emotion, then a recovery period should follow. However, it should be noted that in reality everything usually looks a little more complicated. The above behavior of a person with Venus in Aries does not take into account the influence of social phenomena, norms and upbringing. In most cases in society, such violent manifestations of feelings cause general misunderstanding or condemnation, and other people will not always accept you emotionally. Such a social reaction can be perceived by you somewhat painfully, and you begin to suppress the manifestations of your feelings at an early stage or from childhood, preventing them from unfolding.

Because the Venus in Aries is visiting Mars, and Mars characterizes the will, then volitional control of emotions is quite possible: you “clamp them in a fist” and do not allow them to manifest. This is especially noticeable in women. The consequence of such clamping is usually a subsequent depressive state, because these outbreaks are held at too high a cost. Lacking normal conditions for expressing your emotions, you sometimes fall into melancholy, become gloomy (or gloomy) and irritable.
However, there are situations when social control is reduced. One of those moments happens when you get really pissed off, then you sort of get sanctioned to go beyond social approval. In this case, you often begin to manifest in a more natural way than usual. Or it can be this situation: if there is a sincere relationship and you know that you will be accepted in any manifestation and there will be no “click on the nose”, even if it is too open. In this case, you can indeed manifest almost exactly as we have described.

You appear to be an easily ignited person, you have a hot temperament, you are affectionate and selfless, extravagant and uneconomical in feelings, and you may have a strong thirst for possession. With Venus in Aries, women are like Amazons and men are like invaders, and it's practically independent of the spiritual level, you just have this type of energy. You can be a person of an extremely high level of spiritual development, but, nevertheless, your energy is most likely of an aggressive nature. You most likely prefer active partners or show great initiative in relationships. You probably fall in love easily and, in principle, are capable of betrayal, but only under the influence of passion, on impulse.

Usually you are experiencing hard failures in love, rejection of your feelings and not only in the love sphere. Since everything is invested in your feelings and these are huge impulses, their rejection gives rise to a “collapse” of emotions and this causes a severe depressive state, and recovery takes a long time, because Aries is a sign of the first zone and potentials are still poorly formed inside. Although Aries is outwardly a very strong sign, in fact it has almost no core inside, that is, that internal strength, those reserves, due to which you can quickly recover. True, here you still need to look at the position and status of Saturn, which shows the way to restore strength.

If you don’t see a strong Saturn in your cosmogram, then you will probably come to your senses for a very long time after a failure, so your relationship with people can be quite complicated. Moreover, if you are a woman, then such a moment is interesting: on the one hand, you most likely have a normal human desire for a man to be a leader, to manage the situation, and on the other hand, you look like an Amazon and do not like to be led. You are able to often "pounce" on your man and love him very actively. But if a man starts to irritate you, then you can start to break out.
Most likely, you often have problems with the choice.

The sign of Aries is always a problem of choice, your vision is painted in black and white and it can be difficult for you to find a harmonious position. Your behavior in situations of choice may be similar to a task in one of the psychology test systems: an Amazon girl sits on a branch of a tall tree, she is afraid to jump, but refuses to be filmed. The best solution is this: a person who doesn't know anything comes up and just takes it down from the tree. In this case, everyone is satisfied, especially the Amazon, because she gets rid of the need to make a choice.

As a rule, it is rather difficult for men to deal with a woman who has Venus in Aries, because these women in love do not always know how to behave and what to choose - whether to defend their independence, or to feel like a woman, to feel that they follow the man.
In general, most likely, the criterion of harmony is a whole problem for you. Because of the "black and white" assessment of reality, you are able to rush in one direction or the other, so you may lack diplomacy in relationships with a partner, harmony and balance in love. And with the "evil" Venus in Aries, you may even have some rudeness in relationships.

In order for you to develop normally emotionally and develop your own criterion of harmony, you must always actively seek it, actively engage in activities. You comprehend harmony precisely in dynamics, in action. There is almost no static in your life, and therefore these criteria are not spontaneously developed. Since Venus is also associated with the accumulation of strength, relaxation, it would be better for you to prefer active forms of recreation, for example, tourism with a fairly heavy load.

In a previous post, I wrote that in order to understand how to attract a man need to study:

His sexual planets;
- relation of sexual planets to each other;
- aspects of sexual planets;
- the strength of each sexual planet.

Everything you read below is only my personal opinion based on professional experience and detailed analysis of several hundred male cards. Repost is allowed, but link to the original source obligatory.

man with Venus in Aries- male leader In 90% of cases - unconditional, not tolerating objections. Not a tyrant - no. Rather, stubborn and standing on his own to the last. Impulsive, rather sharp. He does not like to compromise .. Man with Venus 0 to 5 degrees of Aries- this is a man "with a touch of Pisces", i.e. hysterical leader. Not accepting his leadership, which he so diligently demonstrates in a relationship, can bring the poor man to depression and a bottle of expensive cognac. Venus in Aries is often referred to as "walking". I don't agree with this. Aspects to Uranus indicate betrayal in a relationship. but not the Sign of Venus.

man with Venus in Taurus- male general. Leader? Yes. But this is a wise leader who knows how to listen to others. He feels quite comfortable in any relationship, almost always he is loved. Calm, unemotional, almost always kind, generous. In relationships, he appreciates stability, and in the house - comfort. Such a man generally tries to make his life as comfortable as possible. for myself. man with venus 0 to 5 degrees of Taurus sometimes it can break into a scream, but it will quickly come to its senses and pretend that nothing happened. Apologize? Hardly. But he will feel guilty for sure.

man with Venus in Gemini- a male speaker He talks a lot, often - emotionally gesticulating. With any aspects (or their complete absence) - a fan of flirting. Often - the matter does not go further than conversations. He loves the very state of falling in love, talking about love (not about sex!), Romantic stories. Likes to decorate everything. He's not lying - no, he just adds emotionality, I'll tell you with fictitious details. man with venus 0 to 5 degrees of Gemini likes not so much to flirt as to talk with people around anyone about pressing matters so far. At the same time, he does it as if he is not talking about the repair of the apartment, but about the whole construction of the castle. Lots of bright, but absolutely unnecessary details in the conversation.

man with Venus in Cancer- male parent. Moreover, a retired parent who constantly requires attention. Often offended, but quickly departs. Doesn't focus on resentment. In dealing with the opposite sex often puts pressure on pity. There is an opinion that a man with Venus in Cancer is looking for a mother. I don't agree with this. Such a man will cook borscht for himself, but sex man with cardinal water Venus needed regularly. And it is desirable - sensual, "vanilla". However, when Venus is afflicted, BDSM fantasies can also arise. man with venus from 0 to 5th degree of Cancer- charming, sociable. Can he change? Yes, if the woman herself invites him home. Aspects in this case do not play a special role.

man with Venus in Leo- a man from a typical Russian fairy tale. Finds a princess, marries her and they live long. He lives happily, she - how lucky. In a relationship, it requires an external gloss, playing for the public. Even if there are problems in the family, dirty linen will not be allowed to be taken out of the hut. A man tries to make his woman as spectacular as possible, does not spare money for her appearance. If he wants to enlarge her breasts, then he will. Even if for this you have to tie her, the woman, put her in the luggage compartment of the car and take her to the surgeon. man with venus 0 to 5 degrees Leo- a kind of king in depression, whose self-esteem will have to be raised regularly. Words, caress, look. It is important for him that his superiority be demonstrated to him.

man with Venus in Virgo- man tactician. When connecting with Pluto, he is a manipulator, which, by the way, can manifest itself not at all in love relationships, but in business. A man with Venus in Virgo is unemotional and cold on the outside, but full of passions inside. Not passions, namely passions. Emotions. He carefully analyzes each event, without showing a view. Looking for pluses and minuses in everything. A rather capricious type that requires attention and at the same time repels a woman from herself. Rarely argues, but does so by gathering a whole folder of arguments. man with venus from 0 to 5th degree of Virgo- an informal leader in a relationship. He will never raise his voice. And for all attempts to protest adopted by him the decision will be answered with oppressive silence.

Maria Vlasova.

Who are you really?

Today I will reveal to you all the female secrets of Venus in Aries!

You will find out what highlights such a woman has. What is she like in feelings, love, sex. How to dress, act and conquer men. How he appreciates the beautiful and how he treats money ...

If you have Venus in Aries, then you will know where to slow down the horses. If your girlfriend has it, then you will understand what to fear.

And if you are a man and your chosen one has Aries Venus, then get ready, now you will receive the key to controlling the most obstinate woman on earth.

So, I begin to reveal the secrets of Venus in Aries.

Secret number 1. How to attract admiring glances?

A woman with Venus in Aries is the most passionate and amorous woman. Despite the fact that this position is inharmonious for her, she is very bright and energetic.

Aries is a male sign. Therefore, the femininity of Venus is colored by the passionate and combative characteristics of Mars.

For such a Venus, any experience of emotions is a firework. It does not matter what feelings she experiences - love, hate, joy or sadness. She flares up like a flame, attracting admiring glances. But as quickly as the flame ignites, it also quickly dies out.

Secret number 2.

When a man begins to court such a woman, she quickly understands whether this is her man or not. In her storm of passions, the representative of fiery feelings will drag anyone who she likes. As soon as she falls in love, she goes into feelings quickly and with her head.

Such a woman cannot live without bright climaxes of feelings. If it is impossible to get them nearby, he will find them on the side. Because for her life is boring without experiences. She is not interested in such an existence - without passion and a flight of inspiration.

She does not dramatize events, as Venus in Leo sometimes does. Does not weave a web of intrigue, does not set up networks and does not build intriguing plans to conquer a man, like Venus in Scorpio. She is direct and honest in her feelings.

In her youth, a girl can break firewood, but with age she becomes calmer.

Secret number 3. How not to incinerate the chosen one?

Such a Venus has a problem that it is difficult for her to understand the needs of her partner. If an impulse to action has come to her, then it must be done momentarily. She doesn't care if it's appropriate now.

It does not always come to her understanding that the partner next to her may be too hot. Because of this, there may be .

Secret number 4. How to dress aesthetically?

  • Or such a woman always dresses bright, attractive and sexy, so that all the eyes of men are riveted to her image. And it may not always be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Or her image is more subject to a comfortable sporty style in which she can appear anytime and anywhere.

Secret number 5. Where is the sense of beauty?

Musical pieces that will please the fiery Venusian are stormy and virtuoso, with a growing climax.

Artistic canvases attract with bright colors and dynamic plots. Everything that pleases the eye evokes emotions.

Secret number 6. What do long preludes lead to?

Sex for them is always a passion. It is necessary here and now, while the fire is raging. These are Amazons in bed. Long-playing preludes do not withstand the intensity of her passions. Half measures are not for her. If the partner is not ready for action right now, then later she will not need to.

But you need to know that the partner must light the first spark, otherwise its flame will not flare up. So with fire properties.

Such a girl is not very patient. She will not dissemble and endure for a long time if she falls out of love. Feelings of disappointment can come to her as quickly as love.

Secret number 7. What is the money spent on?

The owner of fiery Venus spends money quickly. When she liked something, she would immediately give money for it without hesitation.

Therefore, if you decide to please such a girl with a purchase, then do not hesitate.

Secret number 8. 48 degrees and two neighbors!

You can often observe the coincidence of the Zodiac sign of Venus with your solar sign. This is because this planet never moves further than 48 degrees from the Sun and is either in the sign of the Sun or 2 neighboring signs of the Zodiac - Taurus, Pisces, Gemini or Aquarius.

The sun is our intrinsic motivation in life. Therefore, Aries Venuses will differ primarily in the solar sign.

Consider Venus in Aries +

  • Sun in Aries- this is the most reckless Venus. There are no brakes here. Especially if other fiery planets are present.
  • Sun in Taurus- in this position, the fair sex is more slow and prudent. They will try to make everything beautiful.
  • Sun in Pisces- here emotional ardor should be supported by confidence in the future.
  • Sun in GeminiThe Gemini woman loves to talk. For her, a man with fiery Mercury will be a good partner.
  • Sun in Aquarius- such girls are very inventive and friendly. After a night of love, partners can become just friends.
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