Search service lisa alert. Search squad "Lisa Alert": why is it called that

Friends, fellow search engines, media representatives and everyone

who is not indifferent to the problem of missing children!

It is known that many children go missing every year. We will not cite statistics that have set the teeth on edge, which only the lazy did not quote. What is certain is that now there are really huge resources for the operational search for the lost, thanks to several formed search and rescue teams. But these resources have become difficult to use, because the struggle for the right to be considered the “main”, “largest”, “most popular” search detachment in Moscow and the region is already crossing all boundaries. People forget about the goal, joining the struggle for leadership, which discredits the very idea of ​​a volunteer movement to find children. For a long time we did not participate in the general controversy, considering it unworthy and frivolous for adults. But recent events simply force an answer. To begin with, I would like to tell you how it all began ...

And it all started in the forests near Chernogolovka, in June 2010, where many of us ended up by accident. At the autoforum, a call for help in search of a 4-year-old boy was thrown by Yulia (Taiga). The search continued almost around the clock, for 4 days. Then we were lucky and Sasha was found alive. Video: Sasha is sitting in the arms of Alexander Efimov (YoFA), it was he who discovered him. It is also seen how Pavel Filippovich (Pavel, Rasp) contacts the headquarters to report the situation. In total, more than 500 people took part in those searches. It is difficult to imagine the joy of the search engines when this news came, and the feeling with which they returned home. It was then, for the first time, that attempts were made to rally the volunteers into a single detachment, but the idea was unsuccessful.

In September, after the terrible fires burned out, and the dense forest became completely impassable because of the rubble, information came that 5-year-old Liza Fomkina and her aunt had disappeared in Orekhovo-Zuyevo. Active searches began when several days had already passed, but warm weather gave a chance for salvation. Pavel Filippovich (Pavel, Rasp) undertook to coordinate the search. For almost a week, he, along with Maxim (a car forum mate) and Maria (a family friend) coordinated more than 300 volunteers who worked alongside the police and military. They searched for the girl and aunt all over the city, in the surrounding villages, in abandoned basements and houses, in endless forests and swamps, and even in neighboring cities. The entire Internet was, figuratively speaking, “on the ears”. Little Lisa was discussed on forums and blogs, social networks and psychics.

Communities of all-terrain vehicles, quad bikers, cynologists, a forum of ferret lovers and other thematic resources broadcast information about the progress of the search around the clock, helped with notification and attracted the media for this. The goal was one - to notify as many people as possible so that they come in search. Those who searched in Chernogolovka also arrived and, of course, there were many new volunteers - among them Dmitry (Koleso), who searched at night and returned to the office in Moscow in the morning, and Alexander, the head of the volunteer fire brigade, Dmitry Volkov came with him (bayaga), who extinguished forest fires in the area before searching (now he leads the PSO "Polar Star") and Dmitry Lobanov (Hunter, Dmitry) with a dog - they were the ones who found the traces of Liza and her aunt, Masha, and friends, professional rescuers two Igors (Igor-73 and Igor - 107) and many, many, many others! It is simply impossible to list everyone! Several hundred caring people who abandoned their everyday lives and fled to the Moscow suburbs. The auto-forum, where Pavel described the chronology of events and attracted volunteers, collapsed from the number of visitors. The well-known LiveJournal wwwHYPERLINK "" was opened, where about 20,000 people from all over the globe visited per day. Lisa and Masha were found too late. But that gigantic resonance, those mistakes and conclusions that were made after the searches left no other options than the creation of a professional volunteer search squad.

It became clear that one of the reasons for the failure in the search was the delay in obtaining operational information about the disappearance of children, the disorganization and unpreparedness of volunteers. The newly formed detachment was called upon to take on the training of volunteers, conducting training, and coordinating searches. Moreover, a team of volunteers has formed who have gained enough experience in conducting search operations. And under pressure from the public and volunteers, Pavel Filippovich (Pavel, Rasp), it was he, and not Grigory Sergeev (Grigoriy) and no one else created the Liza ALERT squad. LJ 13sep2010 a cry was thrown about the recruitment of volunteers in the detachment. Several hundred responses came, among them many who took an active part in the search. Even representatives of show business and authorities responded. Of course, there were those who joined on a common wave, many just sympathizers and "onlookers". The fact that they eventually left - did not come as a surprise, it has always been and will be so. But, the more precious to us that time-tested and experienced backbone that continues what we started has become. So, in memory and thanks to the little girl, the Liza ALERT detachment arose.

Late autumn and winter are a search lull. People walk less in the forest, they get lost less - a great time for training and exercises. Groups were created in certain areas of search, an action plan was built and general gatherings of all volunteers were held in order to develop a unified strategy and the governing body of the detachment - the Council. Large general detachment exercises were carried out, with the participation of all-terrain vehicles and foot search engines.

In February 2011, the detachment had to go through hard times. The administrators of the resource (, led by businessman Grigory Sergeev (Grigoriy), who were recruited on a voluntary basis, decided to remove the Council from managing the squad and start managing the squad on their own. Dishonest methods were used: the ability to communicate on the forum was limited to the leadership of the detachment and volunteers who disagreed with the administrators, personal messages were turned off, banned by IP address, people were involved who had nothing to do with the detachment and had never participated in the search. In order to disrupt the holding of the general meeting, photocopies of powers of attorney were presented, including from people who had never taken part in the activities of the detachment. Who were these people? And how such actions were supposed to help look for children? Information about training was deleted, and an entertaining meeting was scheduled at the recreation center on the same date. Slander on the leadership of the detachment spread, and new volunteers who sincerely did not understand anything and asked fair questions to the admins on the forum most often received a ban. In secret from the rest of the detachment, meetings were held that were passed off as a general meeting of the detachment. When the leadership of the detachment demanded that the administrators resign, they simply disconnected him from the forum. Soon, in a close circle, the initiative group of the forum gathered and proclaimed itself the leader of the detachment. These people did not ask anyone registered on the forum, did not look at the key searchers who did so much for the formation of the detachment. The main activity on the resource now is to attract as many people as possible, which is not difficult to do, given the number of interviews that they give out in the media, using the well-known and honest name of the detachment. Participating in the search, they misinform everyone, for example: the parents of Sasha Stepanov, who disappeared in May in the Mozhaisk district, are sure that a certain Grigory volunteer found him. 0 & p = 1 "sha, read Grigoriy Sergeev (Grigoriy), (43 minutes), although it is known for certain and displayed in the investigative documents that the huntsman A. Lebedev found the boy, who is not related to the search groups. Recently, accusations have been made against us, the organizers of the “Liza ALERT” detachment, that we interfere with the site administrators in their, as they say, “common cause”. Of course, we interfere J We do not distribute interviews, we do not involve the media for self-promotion, we do not conduct demonstration training under the guns of cameras, we do not wave flags and we do not take credit for information about the happy return of the lost to the family, but in fact we organize training and training. It is more difficult for them, knowing that the Liza ALERT squad exists as a legal entity and a community of professional search engines, and not as an Internet forum that accumulates caring people around it, and cannot use this huge human resource due to the lack of a clear and professional organization. It became more difficult for them to speak on TV, to give interviews in newspapers and magazines, telling how they organized the detachment. Because they did not organize it, and this is increasingly coming to the surface. It is even more strange that these people consider themselves entitled to give us instructions and accuse us of registering a detachment, which was publicly announced back in the fall of last year.

Do you believe that what is written here is true? Try asking uncomfortable questions on the forum and see how they react. To begin with, during the day your registration will be considered and checked whether you are worthy to communicate on the "volunteer" forum, information about this is posted on the forum. Your question will most likely be deleted, and you yourself will be banned or put on pre-moderation. Read the old forum topics, for example, the "Activities" section, pay attention to the nicknames of the people who read here. Are we a “detachment that exists only on paper”? But after all, it was we who organized the LA, as evidenced by all the early topics created on the forum. The authors of the undertakings have carried out and are conducting trainings and are in charge of a real detachment. Only these people are no longer on the site. And not on their own initiative. Try it, there is not much time left - what if you have time to read these topics before they get into the closed, from ordinary users, section?

But the ambitions of such "volunteers" as Grigory Sergeev (Grigoriy) will not stop us from achieving our initial goals and objectives. The team's work will continue. We will conduct training, training, participate in searches. That's what we've been doing all this year. In spite of everything, we are still sure that strength and results are not in quantity and “loudness”, but in quality. We weren't going to get into a public squabble with these people, but the sudden flood of accusations from them forced us to tell the truth. And, we are still sure that no matter what the detachment is called, the result of its work and the professionalism of the search engines are much more important than the number of publications and interviews in the media. We encourage all volunteers to strive for this.

Sincerely, the leaders of MoOO "PSO "Liza ALERT"

Pavel Filippovich

Dmitry Lobanov

Stanislav Shakel

DPSO Lisa Alert (Volunteer Search and Rescue Team, Search Team Lisa Alert)- a non-profit public organization, consisting of volunteers, and engaged in the search for missing people. Also known as the Volunteer Search and Rescue Squad Lisa Alert. The name of the organization comes from the name of 5-year-old Liza Fomkina, whose search gave impetus to the creation of the detachment, and the English word Alert(translated as an alarm). The main part of the search takes place on the territory of the Moscow region and nearby regions. Priority is given to the search for children and the elderly, as well as people lost in the natural environment. The detachment is not engaged in the search for missing soldiers and their identification. The detachment does not provide paid search services; searches are carried out free of charge by the efforts of volunteers.

Squad functions

  • Operational search for missing people;
  • Carrying out preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of cases of disappearances;
  • Training members of the DPSO Liza Alert and state PSOs in the skills of conducting search operations, methods of providing first aid to victims, using search equipment (compass, walkie-talkie, navigator, etc.) and other skills necessary for search work.
  • Dissemination of information about the Liza Alert DPSO in order to attract new volunteers and optimize interaction with government agencies in the process of conducting search activities.

Functions of squad members


  • hotline operators round the clock receive, process and transmit appeals to PSO units, advise applicants on primary actions in the event of a missing person.
  • the information coordinator provides the necessary data to the headquarters, sends volunteers;
  • the infogroup is engaged in the dissemination of information in the media, attracting volunteers;
  • the cartographer prepares maps of the search area.
  • the coordinator directs the search and rescue operations;
  • the operational cartographer puts the necessary information on the map;

In the search area:

Organization of search activities

Applications for conducting searches are received in the form of a call to a round-the-clock telephone number or to the website of the PSO "Liza Alert" by filling out a special form. Anyone can apply. Usually this is done by relatives and friends of the lost or official services. The only condition is that the person must be officially listed as missing, i.e. should be a police report.

Upon acceptance of the application, the coordinator and information coordinator of the search are determined. Members of the squad are notified by posting a relevant topic on the forum, sending SMS and e-mail newsletters to subscribers from among the members of the squad, posting information on Twitter. At the same time, calls are made to the Central Reference Ambulance, the Accident Registration Bureau, as well as hospitals in the corresponding region. Volunteers ready to leave notify the search coordinator of the time and place of the search, with the help of the information coordinator, depending on the territorial location of the search engines, vehicle crews are formed.

Maps of the search area are prepared and printed. Orientations are compiled and replicated with a photograph of the missing person, a description of the main signs and an indication of the date and place where the person was last seen. Information about searches on the Internet and the media is being disseminated.

Upon arrival at the search site, the relatives and friends of the lost person are interviewed, contact is established with the official services involved (police, Ministry of Emergency Situations). A field headquarters is organized, including: a headquarters tent and / or a car, workplaces for a radio operator and a cartographer, a medical officer on duty, a kitchen, and parking. All available and emerging information in the search process flows to the coordinator. The territory is divided into squares and zones.

The coordinator, taking into account the skills, abilities, capabilities of volunteers, divides them into groups and directs them to perform tasks on the ground. The data coming from the search groups are brought together, the surveyed territories are marked on the maps. When conflicting information appears, all possible versions are worked out. The search coordinator is responsible for analyzing all the information obtained in the course of the search and making decisions regarding the conduct of further search activities. Searches begin and are carried out at any time of the day and are conducted until the discovery of the lost one or until all available versions are worked out. Further, active searches can move into a passive phase until new information appears.


In addition to direct search activities, the detachment is engaged in the following activities:

  • attracting and training volunteers in first aid, working with a navigator, radio station, compass, cartography, leading a search group, leading a search in general, etc.;
  • conducting training trips, where all kinds of search activities are practiced;
  • work with the media;
  • establishing contacts with formal and informal organizations;
  • carrying out preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of cases of disappearances;
  • Carrying out promotions aimed at updating the attention of society to the problems of the missing.

The detachment took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the flood in Krymsk (Krasnodar Territory) in the summer of 2012.

The detachment is the Winner of the ROTOR award in the nomination "Internet Community of the Year".


The detachment is built on the basis of goodwill, mutual assistance, selflessness. PSO "Liza Alert" does not accept financial assistance, does not have current accounts and virtual wallets. This is the principled and unchanging position of the detachment. Those who wish can help with the dissemination and / or collection of information, assist in providing or donate to the detachment the equipment necessary for conducting search operations (a public list of equipment is available on the Organization's website), as well as food for catering to searchers during search operations.


The detachment consists of people of different nationalities, professions, views, religions. The main thing that unites them is an indifferent attitude to someone else's misfortune, enthusiasm, willingness to spend their time, effort and money for the benefit of the victims. Minors are not allowed in the group.

Regional divisions and colleagues

The Moscow detachment is the most numerous and active. Units of the detachment, of varying degrees of organization, were formed in more than ten regions of Russia: Tver, Krasnodar, Ivanovo, Leningrad, Kostroma, Rostov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Altai, Kursk, Tatarstan ... In a number of regions, local search and rescue teams are emerging: Tula, Perm, Vologda, Vladimir, Khabarovsk, Omsk, ... The structure of the detachments is networked, there is no coordination from the center, interaction takes place with the aim of exchanging information, training (including remote) and assisting in the creation of an independent capable regional structure.

Why do people disappear?

People who are unable to independently navigate in space and left unattended are easily lost. This category includes young children, people with mental disabilities, memory disorders, including senile ones. The detachment has to look for victims of accidents and crime. A separate category is the so-called. "runners" - people hiding of their own free will.

History of creation

The idea of ​​​​creating a squad to search for missing children came in the fall of 2010 after searching for little Sasha, who got lost in the forest near Chernogolovka, and 5-year-old Liza Fomkina, who, along with her aunt, got lost in the forest near Orekhovo-Zuev. The prototype of the name of the detachment was the international warning system AMBER Alert.

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An excerpt characterizing Lisa Alert

- Not. I only say that it is not arguments that convince you of the need for a future life, but when you walk in life hand in hand with a person, and suddenly this person disappears into nowhere, and you yourself stop in front of this abyss and look into it. And I looked...
- Well, so what! Do you know what is there and what is someone? There is a future life. Someone is God.
Prince Andrew did not answer. The carriage and horses had long since been brought to the other side and had already been laid down, and the sun had already disappeared to half, and the evening frost covered the puddles near the ferry with stars, and Pierre and Andrei, to the surprise of the lackeys, coachmen and carriers, were still standing on the ferry and talking.
- If there is a God and there is a future life, then there is truth, there is virtue; and the highest happiness of man is to strive to achieve them. We must live, we must love, we must believe, - said Pierre, - that we do not live now only on this piece of land, but we have lived and will live forever there in everything (he pointed to the sky). Prince Andrei stood leaning on the railing of the ferry and, listening to Pierre, without taking his eyes off, looked at the red reflection of the sun over the blue flood. Pierre is silent. It was completely quiet. The ferry had landed long ago, and only the waves of the current with a faint sound hit the bottom of the ferry. It seemed to Prince Andrei that this rinsing of the waves was saying to Pierre's words: "True, believe this."
Prince Andrei sighed, and with a radiant, childish, tender look looked into Pierre's flushed, enthusiastic, but still timid in front of his superior friend.
“Yes, if that were the case!” - he said. “However, let’s go sit down,” Prince Andrei added, and leaving the ferry, he looked at the sky, which Pierre pointed out to him, and for the first time, after Austerlitz, he saw that high, eternal sky, which he saw lying on the Austerlitz field, and something long asleep, something the best that was in him, suddenly awoke joyfully and youthfully in his soul. This feeling disappeared as soon as Prince Andrei entered the habitual conditions of life again, but he knew that this feeling, which he did not know how to develop, lived in him. A meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrei an epoch from which, although in appearance it was the same, but in the inner world, his new life began.

It was already getting dark when Prince Andrei and Pierre drove up to the main entrance of the Lysogorsky house. While they were driving up, Prince Andrei with a smile drew Pierre's attention to the turmoil that had taken place at the back porch. A bent old woman with a knapsack on her back, and a short man in a black robe and with long hair, seeing a carriage driving in, rushed to run back through the gate. Two women ran after them, and all four, looking back at the carriage, ran frightened up the back porch.
“These are God’s Machines,” said Prince Andrei. They took us for their father. And this is the only thing in which she does not obey him: he orders to drive these wanderers, and she accepts them.
- What are God's people? Pierre asked.
Prince Andrei did not have time to answer him. The servants went out to meet him, and he asked where the old prince was and how soon they were waiting for him.
The old prince was still in the city, and they were waiting for him every minute.
Prince Andrei led Pierre to his quarters, which always awaited him in perfect order in his father's house, and he himself went to the nursery.
“Let's go to my sister,” said Prince Andrei, returning to Pierre; - I have not seen her yet, she is now hiding and sitting with her God people. Serve her right, she will be embarrassed, and you will see God's people. C "est curieux, ma parole. [This is curious, honestly.]
- Qu "est ce que c" est que [What is] God's people? Pierre asked.
- But you'll see.
Princess Mary was really embarrassed and blushed in spots when they entered her. In her cozy room with lamps in front of the icon cases, on the sofa, at the samovar, sat next to her a young boy with a long nose and long hair, and in a monastic cassock.
On an armchair, beside him, sat a wrinkled, thin old woman with a meek expression of a child's face.
- Andre, pourquoi ne pas m "avoir prevenu? [Andrey, why didn’t they warn me?] - she said with meek reproach, standing in front of her wanderers, like a hen in front of chickens.
– Charmee de vous voir. Je suis tres contente de vous voir, [Very glad to see you. I am so pleased to see you,] she said to Pierre, while he was kissing her hand. She knew him as a child, and now his friendship with Andrei, his misfortune with his wife, and most importantly, his kind, simple face, endeared her to him. She looked at him with her beautiful, radiant eyes and seemed to say: "I love you very much, but please don't laugh at mine." After exchanging the first phrases of greeting, they sat down.
“Ah, and Ivanushka is here,” said Prince Andrei, pointing with a smile at the young wanderer.
– Andrew! said Princess Mary pleadingly.
- Il faut que vous sachiez que c "est une femme, [Know that this is a woman] - said Andrei to Pierre.
Andre, au nom de Dieu! [Andrey, for God's sake!] - repeated Princess Marya.
It was evident that Prince Andrei's mocking attitude towards the wanderers and Princess Mary's useless intercession for them were habitual, established relations between them.
- Mais, ma bonne amie, - said Prince Andrei, - vous devriez au contraire m "etre reconaissante de ce que j" explique a Pierre votre intimite avec ce jeune homme ... [But, my friend, you should be grateful to me that I explain to Pierre your closeness to this young man.]
– Vrayment? [Really?] - said Pierre curiously and seriously (for which Princess Mary was especially grateful to him), peering through glasses at the face of Ivanushka, who, realizing that it was about him, looked around at everyone with cunning eyes.
Princess Marya was quite unnecessarily embarrassed for her own people. They didn't hesitate at all. The old woman, lowering her eyes, but glancing askance at the newcomers, knocking her cup upside down on a saucer and placing a bitten piece of sugar beside her, calmly and motionlessly sat on her chair, waiting to be offered more tea. Ivanushka, drinking from a saucer, looked at the young people with sly, feminine eyes from under his brows.
- Where, in Kyiv was? Prince Andrei asked the old woman.
- There was, father, - the old woman answered loquaciously, - on Christmas itself, she was honored with the saints, heavenly secrets from the saints. And now from Kolyazin, father, great grace has opened ...
- Well, is Ivanushka with you?
“I’m walking on my own, breadwinner,” Ivanushka said, trying to speak in a bass voice. - Only in Yukhnov did they agree with Pelageyushka ...
Pelageyushka interrupted her comrade; She seemed to want to tell what she saw.
- In Kolyazin, father, great grace has opened.
- Well, new relics? asked Prince Andrew.
“Enough, Andrei,” said Princess Mary. - Don't tell me, Pelageushka.
- No ... what are you, mother, why not tell? I love him. He is kind, exacted by God, he gave me, a benefactor, rubles, I remember. As I was in Kyiv, Kiryusha the holy fool tells me - truly a man of God, he walks barefoot in winter and summer. Why are you walking, he says, out of your place, go to Kolyazin, there is a miraculous icon, Mother Blessed Virgin Mary has opened. With those words, I said goodbye to the saints and went ...
Everyone was silent, one wanderer spoke in a measured voice, drawing in air.
- My father, the people came to me and they say: great grace has opened, at Mother Blessed Virgin Mary drops from her cheek ...
“Well, well, well, you’ll tell me later,” Princess Marya said, blushing.
“Let me ask her,” said Pierre. - Did you see it yourself? - he asked.
- How, father, she herself was honored. The radiance on her face is like the light of heaven, and from mother’s cheek it drips and drips ...
“But this is a deception,” Pierre said naively, listening attentively to the wanderer.
“Ah, father, what are you talking about!” - Pelageyushka said with horror, turning to Princess Marya for protection.
“They are deceiving the people,” he repeated.
- Lord Jesus Christ! – crossed said the stranger. “Oh, don’t talk, father. So one anaral did not believe, said: “the monks are deceiving”, but as he said, he went blind. And he dreamed that Mother Pecherskaya came to him and said: "Trust me, I will heal you." So he began to ask: take me and take me to her. I'm telling you the truth, I saw it myself. They brought him blind right to her, came up, fell down, said: “heal! I will give it to you, he says, in what the king complained. I saw it myself, father, the star is embedded in it like that. Well, it has dawned! It's wrong to say that. God will punish, ”she addressed Pierre instructively.
- How did the star find itself in the image? Pierre asked.
- Did you make your mother a general? - said Prince Andrei smiling.
Pelageushka suddenly turned pale and clasped her hands.
“Father, father, sin on you, you have a son!” she spoke, suddenly turning from pallor into a bright color.
- Father, what did you say, God forgive you. - She crossed herself. “God, forgive him. Mother, what is this? ... - she turned to Princess Marya. She got up and almost crying began to collect her purse. She was evidently both frightened and ashamed that she enjoyed the blessings in the house where they could say this, and it was a pity that she now had to be deprived of the blessings of this house.
- Well, what are you looking for? - said Princess Mary. Why did you come to me?...
“No, I’m joking, Pelageushka,” said Pierre. - Princesse, ma parole, je n "ai pas voulu l" offerr, [Princess, I really didn’t want to offend her,] I just did. Don't think, I was joking, - he said, smiling timidly and wanting to make amends for his guilt. - After all, it's me, and he was just joking.
Pelageyushka stopped incredulously, but there was such sincerity of repentance in Pierre’s face, and Prince Andrei looked so meekly at Pelageyushka and then at Pierre that she gradually calmed down.

The wanderer calmed down and, brought back to conversation, then talked for a long time about Father Amphilochius, who was such a holy life that his hand smelled of his hand, and how the monks she knew on her last journey to Kyiv gave her the keys to the caves, and how she, taking crackers with her, spent two days in caves with saints. “I will pray to one, I will read, I will go to another. Pine, I’ll go and kiss again; and such, mother, silence, such grace that you don’t even want to go out into the light of God.

“A 12-year-old boy disappeared…”, “A girl left home and did not return, her eyes are blue, her hair is blond…”, “A man is missing…”. Such announcements about the loss of people are full of pages of printed publications and Internet resources. Who is involved in the search The police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and volunteers, such as representatives of the organization "Lisa Alert". Why is it called the search squad and what does it do? This will be discussed below.

Who is looking for missing people?

The statistics are harsh and inexorable, and it shows that in Russia, every half an hour, up to two hundred thousand applications from relatives searching for their missing loved ones are received annually at the police departments. The vast majority of these appeals are processed promptly, and people are located and returned to their families. Police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and more recently, volunteers of the Lisa Alert search squad are involved in the search. The life of the missing people depends on the coherence of the work of each member of the team and the efficiency of actions. Caring people form the backbone of the Liza Alert search squad. Why is it called that?

Liza - a girl who did not have time to help

The history of the detachment began in 2010. This summer, the boy Sasha and his mother disappeared. Volunteers came out to search, and the child was found alive and well. And in September, a girl, Liza Fomkina, from Orekhovo-Zuevo, went missing with her aunt and got lost. In the case of Lisa, the search was not started immediately, precious time was lost. Volunteers joined the search only on the fifth day after the disappearance of the child. 300 people were looking for her, who sincerely worried about the fate of a little unfamiliar girl. She was found 10 days after she went missing. Unfortunately, help came too late. A 5-year-old girl survived in the forest without food and water for nine days, but did not wait for her saviors.

Volunteers who participated in the search on September 24, 2010 were shocked to the core by what happened. On the same day, they organized a volunteer search squad "Lisa Alert". Why it is called so, every participant in this movement knows.

Alert means search

The name of the little heroic girl Liza has become a symbol of human participation and complicity. The word "alert" in translation from English means "search".

In the United States, the Amber Alert system has been operating since the mid-1990s, thanks to which information about each missing child gets on the scoreboard in public places, on the radio, in newspapers, and appears on the Internet. In our country, unfortunately, there is no such system yet. Employees of the Liza Alert search squad are trying on their own to introduce, if not an analogue of such a system in Russia, then at least make information about someone else's misfortune available. Indeed, in the case when people disappear, and especially children, every minute counts.

Who are the members of the search party?

Why the squad is called "Lisa Alert", you now know. Let's talk about its composition.

The detachment from Moscow, the first in this truly all-Russian movement, is the largest and most active. To date, divisions with a different number of participants have been formed in forty regions of the country.

There is no single control center here, each department operates independently. But there is a constant connection between them, which is carried out as a result of the training of new employees, the exchange of experience and information. The organization does not have settlement accounts, all activities are carried out on a voluntary basis. Volunteers are provided with the necessary equipment, means of communication and transport during the search work. During long searches, the participants of the rescue operation are provided with food.

Search engines do not charge money for their services. Those who want to help can sign up for a detachment, provide assistance with technical means or other feasible support. And each participant knows why the group is called "Lisa Alert", and is afraid of not being able to meet those who are in trouble.

How is the search going?

Representatives of the detachment seek to inform people about what to do if a person is missing. The fate of the lost people depends on the clear and timely actions of the relatives who applied. According to statistics, when contacting on the first day, 98% of the lost are found, on the second day - 85%, when contacting on the third day, the percentage of a happy outcome decreases to 60%. And later, the chances of finding a missing person alive, especially a child, are practically reduced to zero.

In the case of Liza Fomkina, active searches began only on the fifth day, which led to a tragedy that shocked the volunteers. That is why the search party is called "Lisa Alert" - it is not only a tribute to memory, but also an eternal reminder that someone is waiting for help at the moment.

Interaction with government agencies

Representatives of the search engines over the years of the detachment's existence have established contact with the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. After all, the main task of finding missing people lies with the authorities. But what can one district inspector do if a person is lost in the forest? given the scope of the search.

The Lisa Alert search party comes to the rescue. Volunteers create mobile search groups, draw up an action plan, collect information about the missing person, where and when he was last seen. Every little thing can be the key to a happy ending.

Where does the search begin?

There is a hotline in the search squad. A single number valid throughout the country. For those who have lost their loved ones, but hope to find them, sometimes he becomes the only thread to salvation. The operator takes the call, but the volunteers don't act without a missing person's report being filed with the police. It is not uncommon for hooligans to call and tell the tragic story of a missing person. If there is a statement to the police, representatives of the search squad enter the case, deploying organized and well-coordinated activities, not forgetting for a minute why it is called "Liza Alert".

Operation "Search"

Each member of the detachment is given his place and his role in the operation. At the main headquarters, they operate remotely, collecting information bit by bit, distributing it in the media, on the Internet, posting ads, and compiling a map of the search area.

An operational headquarters is deployed directly on the spot. In it, the coordinator determines the search and rescue plan, a detailed map of the area is drawn up with the definition of search squares for each member of the group. Here, the radio operator provides communication with each participant, so that in case of detection, the rest of the participants in the search can come to the rescue immediately. During long searches, the support team arranges for the supply of food, water and other necessary materials so that the search continues without stopping.

Teams of volunteers trained to navigate rough terrain work directly in the search area. Beginners are always put next to experienced searchers. If necessary, helicopters of the aviation group will take to the skies to provide aerial reconnaissance. If the search area is far away, then the groups can be delivered by all-terrain vehicles. As part of the search engines there are cynologists with dogs who help to find lost people. If the tragedy occurred near a reservoir, divers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations inspect the water area. All these forces are involved, depending on the complexity of the search, in order to have time to come to the rescue and not repeat the situation that happened many years ago, and remind yourself why it is called “Lisa Alert”.

Who can become a squad member?

The ranks of the search detachment "Liza Alert" are open to everyone. Everyone can provide all possible assistance. Students, retirees, accountants, housewives, athletes or freelancers can all become members of the Volunteer Squad. Anyone who has reached the age of majority can become a volunteer. Those who are still in school can help spread and search for information on the Internet, but do not participate in active searches.

Why the Lisa Alert search squad is called that, we have already explained to you. Volunteers are taught first aid techniques, taught how to work with navigators, a compass, a radio station, and the basics of cartography. So that each volunteer can provide the necessary assistance to the victim and notify other team members of the find.

Search engines keep up with the times

The Lisa Alert search team has its own hotline number, the same throughout Russia. In each phone, these treasured numbers must be memorized. After all, in the case when a person is lost, there is not a minute to lose. The operator will instruct the applicant about the algorithm of actions.

Also on the official website of "Lisa Alert" you can find a search form, by filling out which, each applicant can be sure that this information will be seen in different parts of the country.

Now Lisa Alert has also got a mobile application. Anyone can download it to a smartphone. It's more of an app to notify volunteers that a person is missing in a particular region. It helps to quickly assemble rapid response teams.

Forewarned is forearmed

Members of the group are active preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of disappearances. Simple rules sometimes help save someone's life. Also, the staff of the Lisa Alert detachment (why they called it that, many think) developed clear algorithms for how to act during search operations in the forest, on a reservoir, in the city and in other conditions.

Despite all efforts, in Russia between 15,000 and 30,000 children go missing every year. Every tenth of them - forever. That's why "Lisa Alert" is called that, and the victory of these people is someone's life saved!

⠀ March 7th. Evening. ⠀ Evening application, two girls 11 years old, Podolsk. Moscow is standing before the Women's New Year. Headquarters at 22:30 in Mack in Podolsk in the parking lot. Inforg Maria collects departures, equipment, orientations, surveys. Interaction with the police. As a result, we have several anchor points, the girls can be in the shopping center, in a couple of places, in the entrances and with friends. ⠀ Then 26 tasks for which 75 people managed to send, lack of equipment. We receive a tasty certificate from a caring citizen, the inorg rechecks, passes the certificate to the police, since the certificate can be brought to the apartment, the check and that's it - they were found alive). By this time, one in the morning, 89 registered participants in the search. At 1:40 on March 8, everyone returned to headquarters, the search was completed. Thanks to all participants. I even managed to train one participant in the course of coordinators.”

Grigory Sergeev, chairman of the detachment: ⠀ “The Yarovaya bill passed the first reading, in which it becomes possible to determine the location of a mobile phone without a trial. But only for children. ⠀ If it's not a child that's gone, don't give a chance. Why such an injustice is unclear. Meanwhile, many adults with mobile phones get lost and die. I will now give the figures that are known to the LA detachment, these are the searches that we conducted and where we did not save a person. And these are not children. These are adults with mobile phones. ⠀ I addressed the president with this problem in July 2017. The dead were counted from the moment of this meeting until the end of 2018 - there are 70 of them. Seventy lives that could not be interrupted. For the understanding of the layman, these are people who could be found by pressing one button. ⠀ As a last resort, if it is not possible to establish the position through the networks, well, give us what rescuers around the world use. There are such things - virtual base stations that can be on the back of a rescuer, in a car, on a helicopter, on a drone. They will make it clear to the meter the location of the missing. All countries use them. But we are not. And people keep dying. ⠀ While the State Duma is waving away half-measures, people continue to die. Even children under this bill will not be much easier to look for. We are looking for a phone only if the parent and the owner of the contract agreed in writing. Searching without any technical details. That is the same as now. It looks like this: here is the tower and here is the azimuth. For many, this is the direction in which the lost. In fact, this is the middle of the repeater sector, the angle of which is usually 120°. That is, from the base station for tens of kilometers, for the entire width of outstretched arms. Usually we already know the direction where the lost one went. Rescue requires more precision. ⠀ It is necessary to add the correct words about accuracy to the bill, extend it to all ages, remove the written consent that argues with other regulations. We know what to do both at the legislative level and at the practical level. We hope that Irina Yarovaya's bill can be corrected. Wrote to her assistant. Looking forward to seeing you." (swipe to watch full video)

Volunteers of the search and rescue squad "Lisa Alert" helped to find alive more than 20 thousand people in seven years. Even more could have been saved if the detachment had been helped by more people. To become a volunteer as easy as possible, Beeline launched a new search. BigPiccha interviewed three mailing list volunteers about their first experience helping the squad.

Alexander Ovchinnikov: “I used to look for the dead, but now I’m looking for the living”

I signed up for the newsletter about a month ago. The first time I received an SMS that a woman was missing near my dacha, but I had already left there. And the second time a person disappeared on the street next to me, already in the city, and I decided to go. But in general, he signed up for searches throughout Moscow, so it was a coincidence. Previously, he was looking for those who died during the Second World War in different regions of Russia, but now he decided to participate in the search for living people.

How was the search?

There were several carriages in cars, we were given a plan of places where my grandmother could go: the Izmailovo Church, a store next to the house. Her son said that he did not find the keys to the dacha at home, but she could hardly go there: she has Alzheimer's disease, and he has been taking her to the dacha himself for a long time.

Did volunteers also work at the dacha?

No, the coordinators called the watchman and found out she wasn't there.

Did the real search differ from your ideas about it?

No, it didn’t differ, I had previously watched a video from the search for “Lisa Alert” on YouTube, went to a training event at the Beeline office where I work, it was interesting to watch. They told how to protect the child from loss.

Have you told your children?

My child is still small, he is five years old, but there was information on how, for example, to collect children in the forest. It is forbidden to dress in green or brown, because a volunteer can walk a few meters from a lost person and not notice him. Then, if a person goes to the forest, he must have some kind of Snickers with him.

If a person is missing, you do not need to call him, you are unlikely to be able to help him. You ask: "Where are you?", he will say: "I'm in the forest." Well, that's it, you can't do anything about it. Therefore, you need to call not him, but the police, the Ministry of Emergencies. It is believed that a statement about the loss of a person is accepted within three days. This is a big misconception: the police in Russia are obliged to accept the application on the first day.

Are you still going to search?

I'll try, it depends on the time and how close it is to me. I think so, it's interesting.

Have you told your friends about them?

Of course, family, relatives, relatives. Shared photos on Facebook. Basically they wrote: “Well done, great”, but perhaps someone wants to come. I drew some attention to the detachment.

Mikhail Semenov: "I get more than I give"

I probably learned about Lisa Alert from social networks, there were constant reposts with information about the missing. Then I went to the forum and studied the search technique more deeply. As a student, I was engaged in sports tourism, we traveled together to some Kyrgyzstan and rafted along the rivers on catamarans for a month. It was such an experience of communicating with the forest, non-standard situations did not frighten us at all. Therefore, I am familiar with maps, equipment, walking in azimuth and so on.

What role did you choose for yourself in the detachment?

Walking search engine. There are very different professions, and each person can help. This is cartography, mailing lists, reposts, the dialing group is very active and effective: it can find people without going out into the street.

How did you go from reading the forum to actively searching?

I was in the subject, but there was no motive to take action. The motive was the search for Artem Kuznetsov in the Lipetsk region.

Why exactly him?

(Pause.) The child is small, three years old. They came with their father and sister for haymaking. Artyom wanted to play hide and seek, but his sister didn't want to, and he ran away from her. They couldn't find him for a very long time. It was a resonant search, when a lot of people are involved, they use the media. I found out about him through social networks, began to shift it to myself: I have children. I'm talking about it now, and a lump in my throat. It was impossible to pass.

The boy was never found. He spent about four days alone in the forest and eventually died of dehydration.

What are your memories of the search for Artyom, probably it was very difficult emotionally?

Yes, definitely. When there is a long distance to the search area, then people cooperate and ride in a carriage with someone else. We drove there for six hours and another six hours back, and during this time I was given such a course as a young fighter. I got into an interesting crew - with one of the most experienced searchers and with a representative of the PR service of Lisa Alert. We talked about everything: about the specifics of the search, about experience, about different situations. For me, it was such an introductory theoretical course.

We had not reached literally ten minutes when the information about the stop of the search came. It often happens that you do not reach the search and get a hang up. Artem was found dead. First, they found his sandal and the place where he spent the night, and then himself. Cynological dog found, if I'm not mistaken.

Do such stories demotivate or, on the contrary, encourage more participation and involvement of people?

When you talk to people about memorable searches, everyone says: those who we did not find are remembered. The analysis of where the work has not been done begins. This is absolute mathematics, everything can be calculated: on average, a child is within a diameter of five kilometers from the place of loss. This is an area of ​​20 square kilometers. It takes a lot of people to close them. One team closes such and such territory. That is, we can calculate: with our resources, we could find, but did not find.

At that time, we were very short of people. We drove up and saw that the locals were working in the hayfield. They asked themselves: how can people live, exist, when this happens nearby? Local residents knew about the search, but did not go out, for some reason they thought that it was the father who was guilty and the death was violent. Then they drove the poor father, he answered on a polygraph.

And only when they found the shoes of this child, they began to drive state employees out in search ... The governor helped us a lot, they additionally provided about four to five hundred policemen and civil servants for the search.

Was it done promptly?

No, unfortunately it took a long time. We did not have time - so it was not prompt. It was already on the fifth day of the search, when the child spent five nights in the forest alone.

How many people did it take to find him?

I can’t say for sure, but offhand in the region of 2000 people.

BigPicchi note. During the search for Artem Kuznetsov, the volunteers were greatly helped by the mobile base station (pictured), which Beeline brought to Lipetsk from Moscow. Thanks to her, it became possible to synchronize maps, coordinate better and work faster, which is very important for searches.

This was my first search, but not the only one. Now I am subscribed to all searches in Moscow and the Moscow region. On the eve of the summer season, when many people get lost in the forest, I participate in the city searches. Everyone can help, it does not have to be a person with sports experience, like me, with equipment, with free time. My last experience was the search for an adult male: 33 years old, disabled, disoriented. He and his father rode bicycles in the Meshchersky park, he got scared of the dog and left in an unknown direction.

They couldn't find him for four days. He could not call for help, and people do not react to such lost ones. They will approach a small child, if the grandmother sits alone at the bus stop in the evening, they will also help, but he outwardly looks like an adult man, so he does not attract attention.

Then I worked out the task at the stations. It was necessary to conduct a survey, make a sticker and communicate with the linear police departments in the Belarusian and Kiev directions. The task was to interview, let's say, the residents of the station, visually inspect if there are people who look like the lost one, paste over our stands with orientation papers and ask the police if there were any incidents with similar people on the line of incidents in four days: with men of the same age and, for example, with a bicycle.

I was amazed that in the Kiev direction, all the employees, let's say, "Lisa Alert" are friendly. They immediately said: let's leave the orientation, we will look. The officer on duty at the police department immediately informed all employees of the department by radio that a search was underway, ordered everyone to come to the duty unit, handed out a photo of the missing person, and everyone took a picture of him. It was very prompt and without words at all, on the machine.

My work took two hours, I printed out 20 orientations and pasted them, closed a large part of the search. Even if you walk for several days and do not find a person, this is not a reason to be upset, on the contrary, you should be proud, because you have narrowed the search area. So, it is not here, you need to concentrate on other places. It's about motivation.

I understand that you are easily combining the search with family and work?

Yes, I have two children, my daughter is a year and a half, my son is three and a half, I have a job - I am a sales manager at Beeline. Of course, there is not much time, but to devote two hours after work to a really important matter related to people's lives is not so much.

I know volunteers who go out searching two or three times a month, combining it with work and business. Anyone can help, the more people the better. Someone can print orientations, someone can take them to the headquarters near the metro, someone can take the search engines to the forest or city search in a free car.

One of my motivations is this: now I don’t have the opportunity to fully go hiking. I tried to hunt, but I feel sorry for the animals, and I couldn't. And the search is communication with nature, physical activity and, if this does not sound cynical, also a kind of hunting. Such an unusual hobby. I get more than I give.

Do you encourage family and friends to participate?

Yes, I'm subversive in many places (laughs). Without fanaticism, of course: you cannot force a person. It's just that there are people who can't get past the problem. I analyzed why I was doing this: I can’t get past a crying child if he is alone, I can’t help but carry the bag to the subway. Some people have such upbringing and a sense of responsibility, some do not. Probably, no one can be blamed and reproached. I tell the guys from tourism about the search, and sometimes we go together.

Igor: “Someone has to do it. I should"

I recently found out about Lisa Alert, went to the site and subscribed to the newsletter.

What search have you already been on?

We walked around the city with a friend, I invited him. In St. Petersburg. I don't have any special impressions. Probably, someone has to do it - so I have to do it. My friend, who absolutely agrees with me, did the same. That's the whole principle. From our police, even in 2018, there is no sense.

Do you encourage your relatives and friends to participate in the search?

No, I'm not knocking anyone out, I'm not putting together any team. It’s just that if I see among my relatives a person who agrees with me, coincides with me in the vision of this problem, then I’ll just offer him, and he will 100% take it and go, as happened with my best friend. I just told him: "Let's go", he agreed, and the time was night. We got into the car and drove off.

Long searched?

(Turning to a friend.) How long did we walk, Ruslan? Four, five o'clock.


No, the person was not found.

Will you still ride? At night?

It doesn't matter, there will be time - I'll go right away, and that's it. Of course I will. I don’t care where, I have a car - I’ll take it, I’ll go anywhere.

How to become a volunteer

To quickly learn about new searches in your area, subscribe to a free SMS-mailing from Lisa Alert about searches near you. The mailing list is free and available for Beeline, Megafon, MTS and Tele-2 subscribers.

In the search, any help is important: calling hospitals, printing and posting orientations, interviewing witnesses, interacting with relatives and the police, the opportunity to take pedestrians to search or take part in the search operation itself. In the summer there will be a lot of searches, but there are always not enough people. We really care about everyone.

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