Facial aging program. Anti-Aging Program at Anadolu Medical Center

Good day!

Sometimes, I get such questions, on the one hand they are extremely interesting, and on the other - sad (after all, with every passing year you begin to think about how time would stop a little).

In general, the topic itself is quite curious, and for many users it is just an interest, and many donate money to look at the result. Actually, that's why I decided to write this short article, in which I will show how you can look at a photograph of your face for free after 20-30 years.

What you need: a photograph of a face in which you (well, or not you ☺) are looking directly at the photographer (like, for example, in a passport, only larger and in better quality). You can also take photos of your relatives, acquaintances, friends - compare photos with yours (looking ahead, I will say that not everyone may like it, and without permission - it is permissible to do this only for yourself, without publishing ready-made "aged" photos anywhere) ...

So, now we can start...

Ways to look at yourself in old age

FROM service -

A good and solid service that allows you to "age" any photo in a matter of seconds. The finished photo can be downloaded or "shared" with your friends.

To upload a photo, you need:

Prophecymaster Software

Another way to find out how your face will change in 20 years is to install a special program Prophecymaster. The process of "aging" in it is automated and occurs almost instantly (you only need a photo in JPG, BMP or PNG format).

By the way, those who doubt the accuracy of the algorithm can take photos of their grandparents in their youth and drive them away using the program. Then compare the result (by the way, finished photos can be sent by e-mail if you have a registered copy of the program).

According to the developers, the technologies embedded in ProphecyMaster, are the result of research experience in the field of face recognition. Similar algorithms have long been used by professional studios. Now, having downloaded and installed the program, you can also start using these algorithms for free!

By the way, I will add that the program works quite well with old photos in poor quality: i.e. you can use a scratched photo, faded, speckled, black and white, etc. In general, I recommend to get acquainted ...

Android App - AgingBooth

Aging Booth is an easy-to-use program that will playfully show you what your face will look like decades later. The resulting photos can be shared with friends and family using Email, Facebook, Twitter. You can see an example of one processed photo in the screenshot below. (left - original photo, right - 30 years later).


  1. you can upload photos from your gallery or take a photo directly from the camera;
  2. there is an automatic cropping function (if the photo shows something else besides the face);
  3. the process of processing a photo is almost instantaneous - no Internet connection is required;
  4. you can save the resulting photo in the gallery;
  5. the ability to send the received photo to Facebook or Twitter;
  6. program shows top scores with people aged 15 to 60.

PS: I hope everyone understands that these software solutions only show approximately how your face will change. No one, except the Lord God, knows for sure what will happen and how it will be...

Science has proven that organisms living on earth, whether unicellular or multicellular mammals, have a biological program of self-destruction. However, many factors influence the inclusion of this program. And these factors can be influenced. And in the case of experimental mice, dogs, rats, yeast, worms and plants, scientists are already doing it successfully. Just like with a person.

The aging program is a program so that it can be regulated. This is how everything is arranged in biology - a whole system of “regulators” was invented over each process, and this is what distinguishes biology from physics. Several methods have been scientifically proven to regulate, and specifically, slow down the rate of aging: this is a restriction of nutrition, caution in consuming sugar, physical exercises, Cold shock. They should work particularly well also in young and possibly older adulthood. The aging program is a biochemical program of self-destruction, laid down by nature for the successful evolution of the species and maintaining the genome of the species in the best condition. In more detail about this, I highly recommend the book "Life without old age" by V.P. Skulachev.

Below is an excerpt from that book:

What practical recommendations follow from the fact that we consider it possible to regulate the rate of aging in sociopsychological ways. It turns out that in order to age more slowly, you need to follow 7 principles to slow down aging.

7 principles for slowing down aging

Get students. Or just get into situations more often when a certain number of people receive some important information from you. In this regard, an interesting profession is the conductor of an orchestra. Basically, he doesn't really teach his musicians anything. But a) as a rule, the musicians are younger than him, b) for quite a long time the conductor is in the center of attention of the entire orchestra, which he leads. As a result, conductors clearly have to live longer than flutists.

Provide for yourself moreover, it is desirable that some share of your income is obtained as a result of vigorous activity, and not just like pension payments that come regardless of your performance.

Related to point 2: feel like a master of your own fate.

To take care about SMB, to have someone who depends on you (the more dependent the better), or just to be needed by someone. Interestingly, this "someone" does not have to be a person. For example, according to statistics, having a pet prolongs the life of its owner who has had a heart attack. Also religious people live longer than atheists: on the one hand, most religions suggest periodic food restrictions - fasting, which is useful. On the other hand, religion partially solves the problem of "necessity" - no matter what happens, God needs a believer, and God will not leave him in trouble.

Stay active as long as possible. First of all, physical. It can even become a kind of ritual - no matter what happens in the world, every morning from 8 to 9 I go for a run (if you are under 60) or an active walk (if you are over 60 or you just don’t like to run). Imagine primitive man- if every morning he stubbornly goes hunting, then the tribe takes him with them. Of course not for physical strength, but for the very "utility" that we are trying to imitate.

Periodically fall into state of stress, but it is necessary to quickly get out of this state. This point should be considered in more detail. As described in section 7.6 of the second part, the body, having landed in a situation where the mobilization of all vitality, decides that he cannot temporarily afford the luxury of running an aging program. These stresses include starvation, cold shock, severe exercise stress. As everything is told in the same section II.7.6, as a result, our youth should be extended by periodic fasting (which, by the way, is provided for by almost all religions - this is hardly a mere accident), "winter swimming" and playing sports (but not to the detriment of health - about this below). It can be assumed that other stresses, i.e. acute experiences, should have a similar effect. Let us recall once again that we are considering man in his primitive state. It was more than natural for him to get stressed while running away from the cave bear and getting into fights with neighboring tribes. It is unnatural if such stresses cease. This means that this elderly individual is in full comfortable conditions and loafers. There is no need to teach fellow tribesmen anything - yet it is so comfortable. So what is the significance of this relaxed individual for the evolution of the species Homo sapiens? None, and therefore, his phenoptosis program will be accelerated in order to quickly update the population and not slow down evolution.

No less dangerous should be constant stress. Leaving aside the unpleasant biochemical consequences of such a state, which are closely associated with oxidative damage to cells, tissues, and organs, the biological and evolutionary meaning of the accelerated death of individuals that are constantly under stress is understandable. What is stress? This is an inadequacy, a discrepancy between the state of an individual and the situation in which it has fallen. In other words, inability. Namely, the driving force of evolution is directed at the rejection of insufficiently adapted individuals - natural selection. Death, but in fact - phenoptosis, i.e. in fact, suicide caused by stress is nothing more than a way of the same acceleration of evolution, in which modern man absolutely not needed.

There is the simplest and most common way to occasionally arrange small stresses for yourself, but each time more or less calmly get out of them. This method is to do not the easiest, but favorite and important work, which periodically throws you new difficult tasks, on whose decision something depends, who have their own deadlines or some other unpleasant circumstances. It is important that you periodically successfully solve these tasks and enjoy the work done and the fact that you are doing something important. In this sense, the pleasure of work or the feeling of satiety after dinner seem to have the same meaning - to fix that the state of stress (whether it is chasing a mammoth or completing the writing of a book by the date set by the editor of the publishing house) has ended, and now they are thrown into the blood substances that cause a general pleasant relaxation of the body. Let us repeat once again that simply the periodic introduction of such relaxing substances into the blood (and their list is known) will shorten life rather than prolong it. Pleasure should be earned precisely by successfully overcoming stress. If it turns out “out of the blue”, then you risk falling into the category of “evolutionary bums” and your aging will be accelerated. Recently, this rather speculative consideration received experimental confirmation - in July 2013, an article by Barbara Fredrickson and co-authors was published in the prestigious journal PNAS. In this work, the physiological aspects of obtaining pleasure of two types were studied - hedonic, i.e. associated with a short-term, simple receipt of positive emotions, and eudaimonic, received from serving some big goals, making sense own life, awareness of one's own need for something more. It turned out that the reaction of the body's immune system in cases of hedonism or eudemonism is completely different. In the first case, short-term simple pleasure has a negative effect on the immune system, provokes inflammation and reduces the production of antibodies. That is, more like stress than resolution. stressful situation. Getting "true" pleasure from work, serving higher goals, etc., on the contrary, has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the production of antibodies. Note that, by all indications, the immune system plays a crucial role in the process of phenoptosis. Thus, the aging of the body begins with a weakening of the immune system, the immune system kills us in cases of acute phenoptosis associated with systemic inflammation, etc.

Our book has several purposes, but the most important of them is to instill doubt. To make you think about the fact that old age is not inevitable, that maybe everyone has a chance to stay young and live much longer, despite the fact that this was not provided by nature. We have given enough arguments that such a turn in the plot of your life is quite possible and achievable from the point of view of biology.

If our arguments seem convincing to you, as we hope, you will follow the news from the anti-aging front more closely. In the meantime, modern pharmacology is not able to offer us real money to prolong youth, everyone can try to make a small contribution of their own by trying to take a closer look at their own lives and the lives of those who are dear to them.

A simple call to parents or senior comrades asking for advice in some kind of life situation - we used to think that this was just politeness, but it turns out that this is something more. An additional small signal to the “big biological clock” of these very “senior comrades” that aging needs to be slowed down a little - their fellow tribesmen still need them. The retirement of an emeritus professor (often orchestrated by his young assistant) is not at all a concern for the health of a respected professor (“... it’s bad for you to strain at your age, you need more rest, go to the village, go to Fresh air... "), but rather a direct damage to this health. This, of course, is not yet an attempted murder, but something like that.

We sit at work, everything is more or less adjusted, the bosses are happy, they will soon retire, and then they offer to take three students for training. And why do we need these difficulties? At our well-deserved age (63 years)? After all, they will constantly ask something, confuse everything, they need to be looked after, and then they will also begin to compete with us when they learn more or less. And do I need it? If you don't want to get old, then you should!

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. Sometimes a person is forced to work as a security guard all his life, and his true calling is the reconstruction of great battles from soldiers. And he set aside all the money he earned so that, having retired early, he could completely devote himself to this cherished idea of ​​his. And get, as a result of the most terrible exertion of forces and the most sophisticated intrigues, the status of a modeling guru on soldiers. In this case, of course, the recommendation to work longer is incorrect. Because true work and the highest goal such an enthusiast is soldiers. True, if all this is happening quietly in an enthusiast's garage, then slowing down aging most likely will not happen. Of decisive importance is the fact of communicating with other people and their recognition of your authority, which then you will have to maintain for the rest of your life (being a “guru” is not so easy).

By the way, there is an unexpected statistical confirmation that such a state of "guru", that is, a relative (but not absolute!) High position in any community, really prolongs life. Confirmation came, as is often the case in gerontology, from the insurance business, or rather from actuaries - life insurers. It is “vital” for them to be able to predict how long their client will live in order to correctly calculate the cost of insurance. A very talented mathematician, Mikhail Boguslavsky, and at the same time a classmate of one of the authors of this book, works as an analyst in such a London insurance agency. After learning about our work on life extension, he shared with us statistics on life expectancy prediction. His team analyzed a bunch of parameters and found that the best way to predict life expectancy for the British is by ... postal code. In fact, in Britain, you can tell a lot of things from a person's postal code, because there is a separate postal code for every three houses. As a result, there are expensive indices (prestigious quarters), cheap, seaside, factory, university, etc. The initial assumption of analysts was that the owners of "expensive" indexes would live longer than "cheap" ones. In principle, this was confirmed, but there was no such significant difference interesting for actuaries. However, meticulous mathematicians continued to work and found out that there is a powerful correlation with life expectancy in people for whom next rule: if its index is noticeably “more expensive” than others. At the same time, the absolute value of the index, i.e. housing, actually special significance Did not have. The owner of a small shop, surrounded by hard-working miners, lives as long as a billionaire surrounded by unfortunate millionaires. Apparently, both of them feel successful, having achieved something (guru - see above), and due to this, the aging program gives them additional chances to benefit the species, somewhat prolonging their lives.

In fact, the considerations formulated above are by no means new. Mankind has long been purely empirical - that is, empirically - came to such conclusions. And, unfortunately, they do not use them very often. As Oscar Wilde wrote: “To regain my youth, I am ready for anything - just not to get up early, not to do gymnastics and not to be a useful member of society.” The purpose of this book is not to agitate the reader for this or that specific recipe for long youth, but to convince him that there really is a chance to live longer, and most importantly, living longer, living much better.

All the same Oscar Wilde said: "The tragedy of old age is not that you are old, but that you are not young." Now we understand that we are losing youth not as a result of some inevitable physical or chemical law, but because of the operation of the genetic program that we inherited from our primitive ancestors. The work of the program can be slowed down in the next few years - getting up early, doing gymnastics and trying to be a useful member of society, and then the mitovitans should come to the aid of all of us. It must be remembered that they will work especially well for “useful grandparents”.

The purpose of this book is to present scientific


As the unforgettable Faina Ranevskaya once remarked, “old age is just disgusting. I believe that this is the ignorance of God when he allows you to live to old age. The famous Russian gerontologist V.N. Anisimov, once traveling in a neighboring compartment with one of the hierarchs Orthodox Church, asked him if the attempts of scientists to extend the earthly human life beyond the 120 years mentioned in the Bible as the limit allowed by God can be charitable. The priest answered literally the following: “If the Lord allows them (scientists), then it’s possible!”.

In biology, as in any complex science, great importance has a precedent. To date, the precedent for maximum longevity among people is Jeanne Calment (Jeanne Calment) - a French woman who lived 122 years and 165 days. Apparently, longevity in this case was to some extent predetermined by genetics: Jeanne's mother, father, and brother lived to 86, 93, and 97 years, respectively. In the scientific literature there is no indication of any features of her lifestyle. Perhaps the only thing that can be mentioned here is the unfading sense of humor of the record holder. Somewhere at the age of 90, she entered into an agreement with her lawyer that he would serve her for free, and in return she bequeathed her Paris apartment to him. After that, he lived for another 15 years and died at 75, when Zhanna was 105. During her remaining 17 years, Zhanna did not get tired of telling any listeners who came to hand how deftly she cheated the lawyer.

Even in countries like Japan, where the average life expectancy is the highest and has already exceeded 80 years, there is still a huge 40-year reserve of longevity, if we focus on Jeanne Calment's record. This reserve turns out to be much larger if we use the life span of non-aging animals, primarily mammals, such as whales, which live to be at least 200 years old, as a guideline. In general, the very fact that there are living beings belonging to the same class as man, but not allowing, in the language of Ranevskaya, "such disgusting as old age" is very significant. This is another argument in favor of optimists who consider aging an optional attribute of human life, sincerely believe in life without old age and work to bring this possibility closer. And there, who knows, maybe one of the pioneers of gerontology, Alex Comfort, was right, who argued that if a person maintained the same resistance to diseases throughout his life as at the age of ten years, then at least half of humanity could live up to seven hundred years.

The promises of scientists to find in the next couple of decades a pill for life, if not eternal, then long, for several centuries, sound both tempting and frightening. On the one hand, one can fantasize about how a person will be able to enjoy life for several hundred years, playing with his great-great-great and so on grandchildren, on the other hand, will he remember the name of this descendant? But will the Earth withstand so many centenarians and will they fight over food or chairs? How many years in five hundred years can one genius do, but how much is a villain or a fool? Vladimir Skulachev leaves these topics for philosophers. His task is to test his own hypothesis and, if it is correct, try to prolong not old age, but youth, freeing him from many senile diseases and infirmities. And for how many years, let the person choose.

Vladimir Petrovich, you are one of the few scientists who believe that old age is not the result of accumulating breakdowns in the body, inevitably leading to death, but a program that can be canceled. What led you to this thought?

Our world could not have arisen by chance. And natural mechanisms too. The conclusion is that either there was a Lord God, or evolution invented mechanisms by which it accelerated itself. Among them is the mechanism of aging. A simple example: two hares - smart and stupid - in their youth are equally good at running away from a fox. As they get older, they run worse and worse, in the end the smart one will run away, and the stupid fox will be eaten. And the next generations of a smart hare will accumulate more perfect qualities. The assumption that evolution offered such an aging mechanism led to the idea of ​​a program that triggers this mechanism. And if there is one, then it is, in my opinion, atavistic. At least for a person. We do not need this atavism at all. It was inherited by people from their animal ancestors from the time when it was necessary to adapt to the environment. Now man does not adapt to nature, on the contrary, he adapts nature to himself.

So, evolution is no longer necessary for man?

In a way. Think, when a man wanted to take off, he did not wait for the mercy of evolution - when it would give him wings - but invented an airplane. At some point, evolutionary circumstances recede. For example, one of the mechanisms of evolution was sexual reproduction. The genes of mom and dad were mixed, and so a certain variety was obtained. But now such a mixture is not so important, because smart person make progress, upbringing and education. By the way, some organisms can divide both vegetatively and sexually. When the population becomes ill, it switches to sexual reproduction in order to improve the qualities for survival. While the population prospers, individuals simply copy themselves. And now, in principle, we are close to being able to reproduce by cloning. It's just that humanity is unlikely to want to give up sexual reproduction, because this atavism is pleasant. But old age - by no means. Even Mechnikov noticed that we have inherited many traits from animals that are not only not useful, but even harmful. The worst is aging.

But what you are talking about is hard to accept as a sufficient argument for saying that aging is a program.

In 2002 Nobel Prize was given to three scientists - Brenner, Horwitz and Sulston - for their discovery of the genes for programmed cell death. Studies of cellular transformations of the nematode worm led to the discovery of the genetic mechanism of such a phenomenon as apoptosis - cell suicide. The program of apoptosis is embedded in the genome. Cell suicide genes are present in all living organisms. There is another argument that seemed quite convincing to me: there are living organisms in the world that have abandoned aging.

At some point, these species were given a choice - to evolve or not to age. And they chose the latter, considering themselves perfect enough for life. For example, a pike does not age (many people remember the semi-legendary story about how they caught a pike with a ring in its stomach, which is two hundred years old). There are some ageless sea ​​fish. There is one large sea bird that lives for fifty years and then suddenly dies.


Yes. There are at least two signs of agelessness: the first is the ability to produce offspring at the same pace as in youth, the second is to grow at the same pace. Sea bass grow to monstrous sizes. However, it is rather difficult to observe fish and birds, but there is such a river mollusk, a pearl oyster, that lives in our northern rivers for two hundred years. And the more it lives, the better it reproduces. And it's growing all the time. It grows until there is a disproportion between the growth of the shell and the muscle that holds this shell, attaching to the bottom. The shell stands vertically at the bottom, passing plankton for food through the valves. After two hundred years, the shell becomes heavier and the muscle cannot hold it. She falls, she is covered with silt, and after a few days the mollusk dies of hunger. The death of a pearl oyster is not the result of weakening vital functions, but the result of growth disproportion.

Still, it's strange why any species decides that it can reverse the aging program.

I think that at some point, mutants appeared, devoid of the aging program. And it turned out that for the species it was not a disaster. Well, what are the enemies of the pike, she is the most large predator in a river. Or at the pearl. Birds that take to the skies live much longer than mammals of the same size. The bat lives seventeen times longer than the shrew, its closest terrestrial relative. The bats flew away from enemies and flew to new sources of food. And they could afford to reverse aging. For those who swarm on the ground, life is more difficult.

Does a man have more enemies than a bat?

How to say. Maybe we, as non-flyers, are at greater risk. But it is very likely that a person has a huge reserve for longevity. Now a person lives much longer than he lived a thousand years ago, and even a hundred. Yes, old age itself is, in my opinion, a disease. How theoretically could an aging program be done? As a mechanism that constantly degrades a living system. It can be worsened in many ways. For example, poisonous forms of oxygen.

One of the common versions is that aging is associated with the shortening of the terminal sections of DNA - telomeres. What's with the oxygen?

You correctly noted that this is one of the versions. You see, I have a diagram hanging on my wall - signals of apoptosis, cell suicide. A cell can kill itself in at least twelve different ways, from poisonous oxygen species to proteins that simply cut DNA without judgment or consequence. One of them is associated with telomeres. By the way, the foundations of this theory were laid by our compatriot Alexei Olovnikov. He discovered that as cells divide, each subsequent copy of DNA becomes shorter. Such a shortening could be a disaster for the body. And nature offered such a mechanism - so that semantic genes would not fray, rather meaningless texts appeared on the ends of DNA. And they began to fray. As soon as a third of this text is frayed, although the genes encoding proteins are still far away, a signal is sent for cell suicide.

What's with the oxygen?

I believe that one of the reasons for fraying or shortening of telomeres may be DNA oxidation. It is known that oxygen can also take part in other mechanisms of cell suicide.

Why are you so interested in the version of the effect of harmful forms of oxygen on aging?

Because for many years I have been useful features oxygen. I never thought that I would be doing gerontology. All my life I have been engaged in biochemistry, that side of the life of the body, which is responsible for the production of energy. Where does the energy come from to drive blood, digest food, run? Oxygen plays a key role in this process. This is the oxidizing agent that burns food in our cells, extracting useful energy from it. Almost all the oxygen that we absorb is involved in this, and this is at least one hundred and forty liters per day. But it has long been noticed that a small part of these one hundred and forty liters of oxygen is converted in a completely different way and produces not energy and water, but poison. This takes about one percent of oxygen. We are producing poison within ourselves all the time. Scientists have been looking for an explanation for this for a long time. And they suggested that our phagocytes kill bacteria with this poison. Today this is a proven fact. There is a special protein that forms this poison, releasing it outside the cell. For some time, this calmed the scientists - they say, they found a use for poison. But then it turned out that these poisonous forms of oxygen, free radicals and hydrogen peroxide, are formed not only outside the cells, but also in the holy of holies - in the mitochondria, in which, in fact, the sacrament of turning food into useful energy takes place. Mitochondria have their own DNA, which contains several important genes that are not repeated in nuclear DNA. So the poison damages this mitochondrial DNA. And this seems like a strange sabotage in the activity of the organism, a mistake of nature, mismanagement.

And what happens in the mitochondria?

This one percent conversion of oxygen into poison is enough to spoil everything in the mitochondria, because the poison is very strong. The hydroxyl radical in its toxicity argues with bleach. Imagine that you have bleach all the time, and in a very inaccessible place - in the mitochondria. And it devours the genes of mitochondria, which because of this stop working.

But after all, it is believed that everything in a person is arranged perfectly, since something is happening there, then this is necessary for something ...

Yes, it is generally accepted that if we see some kind of absurdity in the body, then this is not a mistake of nature, but our stupidity. Nevertheless, I was very worried about the question why the mechanism that has developed over millions of years is so harmful to the body. And all the time it seemed to me that, while doing the useful functions of oxygen, I was missing something important. After all, ninety-nine percent of oxygen is just energy, and one percent is a bet on life. One molecule of a poisonous oxygen radical is enough to hit a unique place - and the end.

And you proposed to fight these harmful forms of oxygen with the help of antioxidants?

Exactly. The body itself fights them with the help of substances with antioxidant properties, but over time they cease to cope with this work. So they need to be added. The fact that some artificial cations (positively charged ions) easily penetrate the membrane was discovered in 1969 together with Yefim Arsenievich Lieberman. And they published an article in Nature. Later, Michael Murphy at Cambridge applied this principle to antioxidants. And we are back to our penetrating cations. We have created an antioxidant that we think is more effective. The antioxidant can accumulate in mitochondria and neutralize poisonous forms of oxygen without touching ordinary oxygen.

You said that you are already doing experiments on mice. Are there any results?

Yes, my colleague in St. Petersburg, the chairman of the Russian Gerontological Society, Vladimir Anisimov, is conducting experiments. The results will appear in two years.

Get long-lived mice?

I would like to. As long as it's a pure idea. After all, I could be wrong. On this occasion, I always remember one anecdote. When Einstein died, the Lord called him for a conversation. He asked a bunch of questions, after which Einstein also asked for an answer to one question: what does the formula of the universe look like? The Lord made a grimace, reluctantly took a piece of paper, scribbled something on it and handed it to Einstein. He looked and exclaimed: "Lord, but here is a mistake!". To which the Lord, with a heavy sigh, replied: "I know." Whether I succeed or not, I don't know. First, it's not a fact that I'm right about the existence of an aging program, because most gerontologists say that there is no program. Secondly, maybe oxygen does not play such a role. big role in aging. Thirdly, we may not greatly benefit from the fact that we will live long - a person is not yet adapted to the Methuselah years.

What will stop him?

Would you like to live eight hundred years yourself?

I would like to be free to choose.

I heard your research is sponsored by a big Russian businessman...

He was interested in our topic, and for two years he gave us grants of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, this year he gave the third. And now we are discussing a large five-year investment project to create drugs based on penetrating positively charged antioxidants. With their help, it will be possible to treat old people's diseases, such as cataracts. There is an opportunity to try to fight a heart attack, stroke, and other diseases in which premature and excessive cell death occurs due to oxidative processes. You can also try to fight cancer, in which, on the contrary, the apoptosis program is blocked and cancer cells become immortal. But even if we manage to simply clean the dirtiest place in the body - mitochondria - with the help of antioxidants, I will be satisfied.

Do you know Aubrey de Grey, who says he collects all the theories of agelessness?

familiar. It's pretty a strange man. He put forward a new theory every year. Then he found money, founded a company, trying to collect and study all the factors of aging. For some reason I thought it was irrelevant.

And who is more serious?

There is such a scientist Pierre Pauli, who also professes the point of view that death is a program. And he tries, based on the results of the analysis of the hormonal status, to predict what has broken in the body, where the signal for aging came from. He conducts experiments with melatonin and, by the way, with antioxidants. But there are few such people. While we are dissidents in gerontology.

Now biology is on the rise, the interest of society and business in it is growing. But in Russia, as you know, both with biology and science in general, everything is unfavorable - the aging of personnel, the collapse scientific schools. Who will implement your projects?

This is true for all of our science, but there are exceptions. Four years ago, a new faculty was created at Moscow State University - bioengineering and bioinformatics. It was the principal's idea. We organized a faculty, the dean of which was to be the director of the Belozersky University Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology, that is, me. We wanted to rely not only on the physics and chemistry of the living, but also on mathematics. This is a very tricky calculation, because we have amazing mathematical traditions. Now, with the growing interest in biology, a niche has formed in which interdisciplinary knowledge is important. We planned in advance to create not an ordinary faculty, but a faculty for cultivating the scientific elite, Nobel laureates.

And how is it different from the usual?

Our faculty is small, enrollment is only forty people. A big competition, a big dropout during studies, not everyone can stand it. For each student, there is one mentor who grazes him for all five years. This is not only a teacher, but also an older friend. We have wonderful teachers. In general, I believe that a scientist can be trained in at least thirteen years. We are already starting to work with high school students, in the last two grades. Then five years of university, then three years of graduate school and three more years of doctoral studies. Such hard work with schoolchildren and students will allow you to nurture real scientists from them. We can say that we have a piece production. If nothing happens in thirteen years, then there's nothing to be done, so it's not destiny. Regarding the equipment: here we are lucky. We initially received good funding, and our equipment is no worse than in European universities. Internships for students in other countries are planned, the first ones have already taken place in Holland, at Leiden University.

The faculty has been in existence for four years. Any hints of future Nobel laureates?

We have students and even schoolchildren who have achieved impressive results. The journal "Biochemistry" will soon publish an article prepared by seven schoolchildren, quite a serious scientific work. A first-year student took second place in the competition of works at the international conference of young scientists on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of DNA. Another student distinguished himself at a conference in Oxford with the topic "Biochemical mechanisms of the formation of consciousness", hitting the top six. Of course, this is some hyperbole about Nobel laureates, but the fact that we are ready to form a scientific elite, not laboratory assistants and school teachers, but scientists capable of breakthroughs, and with all the measure of responsibility. This is very important for biology right now.


Bioengineering is quite new area in the development of mankind, here achievements will be incomparably more important than in technical progress. No matter how a person bathes in luxury and technical achievements, if something hurts him, he is not up to them. And if old age with sores, even more so. But now we are increasingly invading such complex areas in the body, where every step is like walking on a razor's edge. It is for these new and complex tasks that we are raising young people. A huge ethical burden will fall on them, because one wrong step can kill humanity. Perhaps we are interfering with something that cannot be interfered with. We are still too uneducated to avoid failure in principle. For example, we are playing with a substance that does not exist in nature - phosphonium ions, so we must be very careful. But after all, when they started using antibiotics, no one knew how it would end. In any case, our experimental mice are still alive.

Gerontological mainstream

genome sequencing and fundamental research cell life allowed scientists to put forward various concepts of the mechanisms of aging and methods of combating it.

Some scientists are looking for genes for aging, several such genes have been found in nematode worms, similar sequences have been identified in mammals, including humans. With the help of directed genetic mutations, scientists get living organisms - the same nematodes or fruit flies, as well as mice that live much longer than their brothers in appearance. However, so far no triumphant cries have been heard, since, according to the researchers, it is not enough to correct something in one or two genes, it is necessary to provide for the interaction of many genes and reactions in the body.

Other areas related to the search for a means of prolonging youth are associated with hormone therapy. Some scientists believe that old age comes due to the accumulation of defects in the immune system, and they are conducting experiments on replacement therapy by introducing thymus hormones into the animal organism, thymus, the degradation of which, in their opinion, leads to immunity failures.

A group of Italian and Russian scientists believe that the culprit of aging may be the neuroendocrine gland - the pineal gland, one of the main hormones of which is melatonin. A decrease in the level of this hormone also leads to malfunctions in immune system, deterioration reproductive functions and reactions to stress. Scientists testing drugs such as epithalamin and thymalin in mice and rats have achieved a significant increase in their lifespan, an average of 20%.

After the discovery by Leonard Hayflick of the limit of cell divisibility, scientists began to work on the study of telomeres and the special enzyme telomerase, which makes cancer cells practically immortal. Researchers are solving the problem of whether cells can be redesigned in such a way that they do not stop dividing, but also do not turn into tumors.

Galina Kostina, www.expert.ru

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I will teach you how to independently stop the genetic and mental program of aging and death of your body and thus prolong your life for decades. The technique I discovered allows you to achieve this, if you are ready for it. To the question of whether you are worthy, I leave the answer to the Universe itself. That is why I do not want to solve the problem for you and do not intend to. In the process of training, you will receive all the necessary information and be able to achieve the appropriate level of personal and spiritual development in order to accomplish your work worthily and effectively.

The course of study is completely individual. It will take two to three years, depending on your internal pace, your concentration and the time resources that you will be able to devote to it. Having reached the end of the training, you will master the procedure for stopping the program of aging and death of your body, and along the way - deep layers of occultism and magic.

Since the procedure I have developed is new and tested on a very limited circle of people, I invite volunteers - not only students, but also associates. Accordingly, payment is set at a minimum amount of 10,000 rubles for 4 classes (usually for a month). When the course is fully tested and debugged, the tuition fee will increase several times. Hurry!

The interview before enrollment is free of charge. I reserve the right to refuse training without explanation (or with a partial explanation) of the reasons.


Aging and Death Program

Limiting the duration of a person's life to one hundred and twenty years is a divine institution, which the Bible tells about [Gen. 6:3], is confirmed in the history of mankind: scientists do not know of a single reliably documented case of any person on Earth living longer than this period.

Life expectancy of 120 years is not due to purely physiological reasons. This restriction is carried out by a program embedded in the human genome, which could be called the genetic program of aging and death of the body, as well as an innate mental program, which psychologists call "the desire for death" and which, as a rule, turns on in old age, depriving its elderly carrier "taste for life".

These programs begin to act in concert at a certain age, regardless of the degree of wear and tear of the body, and quickly lead it to death. Their evolutionary and social meaning is understandable: old people should give way to young people and not "litter" the human community beyond a reasonable measure. However, their automatism conflicts with what has been achieved so far. highest level development human personality and spirit. The expediency of extending the maximum achievable life span for some highly developed individuals, who, even in extreme old age, could bring invaluable benefits to humanity, contributing to its spiritual growth, has ripened.

The question of the existence of a genetic program for aging and death is being actively discussed modern science. Some serious scientists, however, still a few, such as Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev, share the point of view expressed by us and try - quite successfully, I must say - to find its scientific substantiation at the level of biophysics and molecular genetics. Important indirect confirmation is provided by such studies as, say, the discovery of programmed cell death genes, for which three scientists - Brenner, Horwitz and Sulston - received the Nobel Prize in 2002.

Scientists, for their part, are investigating the genetic program of aging and death of the body and are looking for ways to delay or stop it. And probably in 50 or 100 years strictly scientific methods will be found.

I, for my part, approach the solution of this problem as a magician and psychologist, relying on that known fact that many complex physiological programs in the body are strongly correlated with subtle mental and energy programs, and the leading role often belongs to unconscious mental programs, while physiology performs the function of an executor. (As they say, "all diseases are from the nerves.")

True, in this case, the physiological program is embedded in the genes. So why not turn to the highest ranking Forces to stop or cancel this genetic program? After all, according to the Bible, it was precisely such Forces that once created and invested in the human genome a program of aging and death.

It should be noted that subtle Forces The Universe is equally represented both in the outer Cosmos and in the psyche of each person. And, therefore, by controlling these Forces, we get the opportunity to control the energy-information, mental and, ultimately, the genetic structure of an individual human individual.

Reasonable hope for success is given by the fact that people have matured with their minds to understand the mechanism that limits the life span of each person to one hundred and twenty years. So, the next step in development has been passed and it's time to move on.

What will stop the program of aging and death lead to?

The person will not live forever. Process natural aging will take its course, and, having reached decrepitude, a person will die sooner or later. Perhaps it is not necessary to wait for complete decrepitude - it is better not to cancel the program of aging and death at all, but to turn it off for some reasonable time. But the time delay will be calculated in decades, and the maximum life expectancy can probably be increased by two or three times.

There will also be factors such as illness and injury. People with a stopped program of aging and death will still have to take care of their health. No one is able to cancel death from a serious illness or premature deterioration of the body.

Stopping the program of aging and death does not lead to the rejuvenation of the body (well, or, perhaps, leads to its one-time insignificant rejuvenation). The aging process slows down several times, starting from the age at which the main procedure was performed. Keeping yourself in shape is still your task.

The specific period of life extension is individual, it depends on your current age, condition and characteristics of your body.

And how does all this fit in with karma?

Naturally, the question arises: how does such a significant increase in the life span of a person agree with his karmic task, individual, generic and incarnation karma?

We will have to carefully diagnose and work out this important aspect of the problem in the course of training. Actually, the task of stopping the program of aging and death can be considered as the task of developing a new karmic program for a many times longer period of human life. From this point of view, this task acquires a system-forming, fateful and spiritual character.

I can say only one thing right away: in most cases this problem finds a solution, and this solution plays exclusively important role throughout a person's subsequent life.

Important ethical and social questions arise

First, stopping the program of aging and death should not be massive, otherwise our world, already fragile, will inevitably collapse. This procedure can only affect a select few. How to define them?

I don't want money to solve this issue. Yes, rich people are quite often mature people in business and social terms. But far from always they demonstrate the same maturity in terms of spiritual, personal and cultural. Therefore, I believe that it is immoral and harmful to prolong life for very large sums of money.

I am also not going to take responsibility for the choice. “Judge not, lest you be judged” (Matt. 7:1].

Remains the only way, - so that the choice of the worthy occurs naturally during a long and difficult learning process. In this case, the process itself becomes the selection criterion and the "highest judge". Secret occult knowledge will protect itself from the unworthy, as, in fact, it should be by the nature of things: those who do not need it will fall away by themselves. And those who need it will acquire the necessary knowledge and be able to apply it.

Therefore, I offer not a service to stop the aging and death program, but training on how to do it yourself. The course of study is long and difficult, requiring diligence, attention, considerable effort, and continued practice. Moreover, it is associated with significant changes in the worldview and personality structure. Strictly speaking, this course in itself serves as a path of spiritual ascent, although at the same time it leads to the solution of a specific problem. This is the filter that I consider necessary to put.

Secondly, you, who decided on this path, should keep in mind that in case of success (which depends entirely on you), you will almost certainly outlive your children and grandchildren. Because there is no guarantee that among them there will be worthy to enter the circle of people with a stopped program of aging and death. The path of a long-liver is a path of loss and loneliness, and you need to be prepared for this. This is not joy at all, but service.

How is training structured?

A comprehensive program of aging and death of the body has four components - genetic, energy, mental and karmic. The procedure for stopping it is divided into four parts: informational, psychological, energetic and magical.

The informational part is teaching the basics of the occult and ritual magic. The information that the student will acquire is partly contained in a variety of literature, and partly unique, but all of them are of the deepest and most serious level.

The psychological part aims to work out and remove unconscious resistances and blocks that impede the solution of our main task, as well as personal and spiritual growth. The program of psychological study depends on the mental state and personal characteristics of the student and is built strictly individually.

The energy part includes various sets of exercises and practices aimed at strengthening and developing the student's subtle energy bodies, cleansing and activating the main energy centers, teaching visualization, astral projection, concentration, developing sensitivity, will and other qualities necessary for a magician.

The magical part consists of a sequence of rituals, practices and initiations that will make you a magician. It is based on an integral system of ceremonial magic in the tradition of European Hermeticism, in particular, the most powerful Enochian magic. Here, to the magical part of training, karmic study also belongs.

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