Have a great evening and good night. Good night wishes in prose. Good night wishes to your beloved man in your own words

The star is talking about something.
And the night music flows.
Dear blue goes.
And a beautiful dream arrives.
Good night the forest whispers.
Everything is resting.
And sleep descends from heaven.
The planet fills with happiness.
Good night wonder world.

The day flew away, leaving the place of the night,
And you're getting ready for bed
Our calendar is extremely accurate,
We see the moon behind the sun in the sky.

You sleep, good night to you!
And dreams of joyful, colorful,
I also wish you, by the way,
Peace, happiness, simple joys.

Dark night outside the window
Quietly slumbers the whole house,
The stars in the sky are burning
The world is full of silence!

Sleep sweetly in bed
The lights will go out soon.
"Good night," I'll say
In a dream I will show the whole world!

I won't disturb the peace
Your dream is amazing.
Walk the moon path
Happiness awaits us ahead!

Good night, may you dream of rain
He will wash away the barriers of our paths.
May he wash away betrayal and lies,
And happiness will be our reward for everything.

Good night, may you dream of light
And in the warm summer, the sun shines brightly,
May we never have trouble
And joy will be a gift to you and me.

Good night me
I wish you with all my heart.
It is impossible not to wish.
I know about this for sure.

Let the clear light from the stars
It will warm you in your sleep.
We're all serious
We just have to believe.

It's time to make the bed.
Sweet drowsiness overcomes.
Good night, I tell you.
Let the bustle of the day recede.

Let the restless thoughts lag behind,
And the sleep guardians, having gone down to the bed,
They will not tire of protecting your peace,
Before insomnia, slamming the door.

Good night sweet dreams.
Run away from everyday shackles.
Fall into a deep sleep
Look at the world far away.

Everything is possible in the world of dreams
Up to harmful sorcerers.
So go to sleep quickly
And create your world in a dream.

Snow covered the moonlit path.
Silence ... And not a single sight can be seen.
Asterisk barely noticeable crumb
Hiding behind a blizzard cloud.

Under the blizzard, good night to you,
Let summer and flowers dream
May your world be so strong
That cherished dreams will come true.

In the starry night sky, the round moon came out
And now I wish you the most beautiful sleep.
Sleep quietly because everything around fell asleep,
Space plunged us all into the world of dreams.
Sleep without stupid thoughts and memories...
May you dream the world of your desires.

We wish each other good dreams
Love will fly to us from a fairy tale!
Will give strong feelings forever,
Snow-white love, like snow!

Here eyes are closed - the dream flies:
He sprinkles the flower of love on us!
And the heart beats with happiness
It keeps love in our blood!

Are you sleeping? Are you awake? Open up your eyes
Look what dances
In the sky. Comets - in a waltz,
Meteors are dancing salsa.

Make a wish soon
About a magical date
Stars, as people think,
They will do any miracle.

Think that we are with you
For a long time they walked with one fate,
Never stumbled
Holding hands tightly.

Are you sleeping? Are you awake? I will find a star
I'll ask for a kiss.
However, even without permission
Kiss if you want.
Bright, sweet dreams!
Here now - Good night!

Good wishes for the coming sleep, so that your dear people have a calm night.

Good night, serene.
In the sky let the night boundless
The stars twinkle for you
Your quiet sleep is guarded.

Sweet, tender dreams
Thoughts of colorful creations
I want to wish you.
Let me roam in the world of dreams,
You will find what you really want
And prophesy in reality.

Here the light in the windows goes out and the night has come to our city. I wish you to fall asleep in dreamy bliss! So that marvelous visions in your dream come from a fairy tale! So that joy and happiness, from what you see, is enough for you for the whole next day! magical, sweet night! pleasant, long dreams!

The night shrouds the world in noble darkness,
When rest quietly enters the house,
Man becomes free
In my dreams in a completely different world.

Good night I wish you
May you have a good dream
Where I hug you tightly
Where hearts only beat in unison

Night has fallen on our city,
Everyone falls asleep, you too
Get ready to sleep now
Do you remember me...

Sleep tight, sweet, long,
See beautiful dreams...
Wake up easy in the morning
And don't sleep through your work.

May the night be peaceful
And the day will be pleasant
I'll chase the nightmares away
You know, I'm not lazy.

Good night! Time for bed! The clear sun has already set behind the horizon, and the moon has risen to replace it, ready to sing to you lullaby. Night poured a fabulous scattering of stars into the sky. May you sleep long and sweetly today, may you dream of the most pleasant and good dreams. The stars and the moon will illuminate your dream.

The night gently covered us with blue velvet,
The day flies away, with it care sailed away
I so want to forget about the bad
And that night was ours alone.

Good night, magical dreams
I want to wish you, dear,
May the new day be successful
So that I can tell you about love.

Time to sleep, good night
We are very, very tired
Eyes don't want to see
Fall asleep, fall asleep

lips are tired of talking
And teeth can't chew
Our legs are tired
that trampled along the path,

The hands are asleep, they are tired
Picked up and grabbed
And they wrote and waved
We were not given rest

Sweet dreams, it's time for bed
Sleep well until the morning!

I wish you not to overeat at night, so that your sleep is sweet and deep! I wish you to sleep until the very roosters, not to be awakened by the car alarm! I wish you to spend the night calmly in order to prepare for the next, but already stormy ... Sweet dreams!

Fall asleep, finally!
If you're going to roam
And count dogs, sheep,
Always thinking about the weather
And the morning meal
And about what to go out to people,
And about bread and water,
There will be no right sense!

Sleep well, sweet dreams!
Stuff your ears with cotton,
Count cows first
Or other horned cattle!

Good night! Let you dream
Hawaiian island, sun, sea, beach.
And it's so easy to fall in love in such a place
In your ideal: figure, make-up,
Bottomless eyes, desired voice,
Hearts that beat only in unison.

But the alarm clock will ring unexpectedly!
Here it will be an unexpected bummer.
Don't think how strange it all is
May this wonderful dream come true!

Rather, close your eyes and lie down in bed, I turn on the stopwatch! Just don't lie down on the edge - remember about gray wolf who can grab the barrel. The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner you wake up. May you have the sweetest dreams in the world, in which the stars will play hide and seek with you, and the moon will illuminate your path.

Sleep well, dear
I'm going to the match
Even if my club loses-
I promise not to wake you!

May you dream of victory
The cup that they are trying to take
If suddenly this miracle happens,
I will kiss you in the morning!

good night wish
I want you, my good
And sweet and peaceful sleep
And to wake up easier.

Let no nightmare disturb
Neither stuffiness, nor obsession,
Neither an enemy-neighbor, nor an evil mosquito...
And dreams will come.

Let about me and let with me
You will see dreams in color.
Good night my dear
Beloved, precious, dear.

Minutes pass and night falls. This terrible night loneliness, because you are from me for unbearable hundreds of kilometers. Don't be afraid, because it will fly by, and tomorrow I will come and be by your side. Now close your eyes and quickly plunge into the fabulous world of Morpheus, where the hours will fly by unnoticed. Sweet dreams to you and see you tomorrow, my precious love!

Busy day tired you pretty much,
He was long, beautiful in his own way.
And whoever says anything here
You're tired, I agree with that.

Lie down in bed, close your eyes.
I'm ready to wish now
To you, mon sher, beloved star,
Good night, strong sweet dreams!

The night covered the whole world with its caress,
She gave everyone a dream from a personal fairy tale
And brightened the sky with a starry rash,
Lunar path instantly turned silver.

Good night! Let a wonderful dream
Dream for you, lovely angel,
Will give strength for daily accomplishments,
It will save you from various temptations!

Let a soft bed shelter you from the problems of the day, and the waves of Morpheus take you to the valley of sweet dreams, let your peace be disturbed only by the quiet singing of a cricket and the whisper of leaves about how beautiful and sweet you are. Good night, my love, I want to dream about you so much.

Good night, gentle, sweet,
I wish you until the morning!
I'll sneak a peek into your dream
Let me in, please!

I'll lie quietly next to you,
I'll press my cheek against your chest
I can't stop cravings!
But you, dear, sleep tight!

I guard you like an angel
I prophesy wonderful dreams to you!
Love you! Love you! Kohai!
And for you all about love poems!

The work day is over. All worries are left behind. ahead night rest. Honey, I wish you peace Good night. You had a hard day today, so go to bed as soon as possible. I'm so sorry that I can't be with you. I would sing you a lullaby and soothe you with hot kisses. Good night my love, good night and sweet dreams. May a bird of happiness fly to you in a dream and fulfill your every desire. Let a pleasant dream come true in the morning.

The day rode away on a white horse, and the night galloped to replace it on a beautiful black horse. Everything around has calmed down, all nature and people are preparing for a night's sleep. It's time for you to finish your work, it's time for rest. I call you, my love, to wish you good night. May you dream today sweet Dreams in which I will certainly be. I will tell you, my beloved, about all the ardent love for you. Good night and have a great night's rest my kitty. I love you my only one.

Yellow-eyed night comes into its full rights. In the dark sky, like a million small light bulbs, the stars are blinking, as if whispering to each other. A handsome month brightly illuminates the entire night sky. Silence around. It's time for you, my kitten, to sleep. Postpone everything until tomorrow, because, as they say, the morning is wiser than the evening. Go to sleep and may you have the sweetest dream. I wish you a pleasant and peaceful night's rest, so that you wake up in the morning in good mood. Good night to you my love.

The night covered the whole earth with its dark veil, and ordered everyone to rest. A good wizard distributes pleasant dreams. I'll ask that he brought you the most good dream Because you deserve all the very best. May you have the sweetest and most pleasant dream. I so want to appear in your dream and confess my love to you, my only one. I wish you a pleasant rest, so that tomorrow you wake up in a great mood. May the night give you the most amazing rest. All the best to you, my dear.

Often, the day is so hectic and difficult that you want it to end as soon as possible. And today, the stress at work was unbearable. But we coped with all this, and now we just want a calm and quiet rest. Dear, I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. Let a good wizard come to you in a dream and tell you how to solve all problems, and you remember everything well. Enjoy your night's rest, gain new strength so that you wake up in the morning in a great mood.

The sun was covered with a dark curtain. The stars appear one by one in the sky and wink at the handsome moon. Everything around calms down and calms down. The queen of the night comes into her own. I wish you, my beloved, good night and pleasant dreaming. May today's dream be the most pleasant of all dreams. Let it be like honey, sweet. Let nothing disturb your night's rest. I will ask the stars, let them sing you a pleasant lullaby, like a little one. Good night to you, my dear.

magic wand the night touched the earth, and everything around was quiet. Only joyful stars begin their dance in the dark sky, because their time has come. All night long, together with the moon, they will take turns winking and playing funny Games. And you, my love, it's time to sleep. I know that you like to read deep night, but tomorrow you have a lot of work, so go to bed. Good night, my dear, and sweet dreams. I wish you a quiet night's rest, so that tomorrow, with renewed vigor, you can easily solve all problems.

I want to be close. I understand that this is impossible, but nothing forbids me to want it. I'll be by your side very, very soon. Close your eyes. I will dream of you. Just don't chase me away. I dream of becoming best sleep for you…. Good night sweety.

I'm not tired of fighting. I know that everything will be forgotten when there is reality between us. We'll be fine, I assure you! But I need you to believe in it just as much as I do. Sleep, my love, we need to forget all the bad things. Good night, my dear.

When the night covers the city, and the stars illuminate the whole sky with light .... When my soul does not sleep .... I think of you. I'm glad to think of you. Because you are the most desired and most beloved. I'll just be lost without you. You will not let me fall, right, my sunny one? May you have only good dreams!

Darling, good night. I would give anything to sleep next to you. I know how unrealistic it is now, but I will not stop dreaming about it. I open my eyes - next to you. And nothing that I met all this in my dreams. The main thing is that you are near, my dear.

In the sky, like light bulbs, stars turn on. The evening comes into its own. The day is only a memory. Darling, it's time for bed. Let the stars sing you Wishes in your own words to your beloved guy good night, a lullaby. Good night to you, dear, and sweet dreams. Let nothing disturb the night's rest. Rest, and gain new strength for tomorrow. May a good angel protect your peaceful sleep, and my love will be the guardian of your rest. All the best to you, my love. May all your dreams come true tomorrow. I love you.

In the black sky, beautiful stars arrange their evening round dance. And a month, as a glorious sultan, chooses the most worthy star for himself. Night confidently enters TV its own rights. It's time for you, my love, to go to bed. After all, you can’t redo all the work, and the morning is wiser than the night. Good night to you, my one and only. Good night and most pleasant dreams. Let the good night sleep sure to come true in the morning. I wish you a pleasant night's rest. May a good sleep invigorate you tomorrow.

Tired day gives furrows of control to the beautiful yellow-eyed night. Lanterns are lit on the streets, and distant, unattainable stars twinkle in the sky. Everything slowly calms down and gets ready for bed. Honey, it's time for you to go to bed. Postpone everything until tomorrow. After all, a good night's rest is favorable for tomorrow. I wish you good night and sweet pleasant dreams. May you dream of all the good things, may the night's rest be calm. May a good angel protect you, my love.

Night covers the earth with a dark veil. It's time to rest. There is silence all around, only in the sky they twinkle joyfully, flirting with the moon. It's time for the stars. And it's time for everyone to get ready for bed. Darling, I wish you good night, and I want to dream about you. Then I would be the first to declare my love to you. Just like you don't laugh at all. Sweet dreams to you, and a good night's rest. May my love warm you at night, may the good guardian angel protect you, my joy.

The hectic day was left somewhere behind, taking all the problems with it. There comes a wonderful time of rest, when, falling asleep, you can dream about something good, make plans for tomorrow. The stars with the moon - well done, slyly look into your window, wishing you good night. I, too, my love, want to wish you a very good night. May you have good, sweet dreams. Let the night's rest bring you a good mood, and tomorrow you wake up refreshed, full of strength and energy.

What a beautiful night sky. You can look at it for a long, long time. It calms, distracts from all problems. It seems that millions of distant stars want to fulfill any wish. Let's make a wish to be always together, so that our love is as light and bright as these stars. I wish you, my love, good night, and I want to fall asleep in your gentle arms. Good night to you and have a good rest. May you have sweet, pleasant dreams. May a good sleep give you a lot of vivacity and good mood by tomorrow.

Outside the windows is evening. Narcissistic stars twinkle in the dark sky. Everything calms down and gets ready for sleep. The crazy rhythm of the day is gradually forgotten, it's time to rest. We broke up just half an hour ago, and I already miss you, my love. What a pity that our separation will last the whole night. I so want to cuddle up to you, my affectionate. But so far this is not possible, and therefore I wish you, my dear, good night and sweet dreams. May a good angel protect your nightly peace.

Here comes the end of the day. All problems are left behind, and ahead of us is a pleasant quiet evening and a night's rest. Darling, I so want to be next to you now, to whisper in your ear the most tender words and melt in your sweet kisses. But all this is just a dream, because you are now far away, and I can only wish you good night and the sweetest words on the phone. May you dream the most today beautiful dream. Have a good night's rest, my love. I send you a sweet air kiss.

The day with its problems rushed away irrevocably, and the yellow-eyed beauty night came to replace it. Everything slowly calms down and prepares for sleep. Only cheerful stars coquettishly wink at the handsome moon. It's time for their star entertainment. And it's time for all people to go to bed, and not interfere with the stars, frolic in the night sky. Dear, I wish you a calm, good night and the most affectionate, sweet dreams. May the Lord protect you, may nothing disturb your nightly rest.

So the beautiful gentleman evening came to visit us, who always comes in a pair with a dark-haired beauty at night. Beloved, it's time to forget the daily bustle, and indulge in a pleasant night's rest. I wish you good night, my joy. May the guardian angel bring you the kindest, sweetest dream on your wings. Have a good night's rest. I want to see you tomorrow in a wonderful, cheerful mood. I love you, my only one, and send a kiss.

The day rode away from us on a white horse, and a beautiful black horse brought the night to replace it. Everything around is gradually calming down. All nature and people are getting ready for bed. It's time for you to rest, my beloved, you still can't redo all the work. Go to bed, because the morning is wiser than the evening. I wish you good night, my joy. May you have the kindest, sweetest, most fabulous dreams. I wish you a good rest so that tomorrow you will wake up in a wonderful cheerful mood.

The day was left, somewhere behind, and beautiful night legally enters into their full rights. The stars start a merry round dance along with a wonderful month. I'm calling you, my love, to wish you good night. May this night give you the most pleasant, sweet dream, which will come true in the morning. Let my love be a talisman for you at night. Let the night rest give you vivacity, strength. Good night my joy, good night and most delicious dreams. Let the stars sing you a lullaby, and good luck awaits you tomorrow.

Twilight falls on the ground, everything around gradually calms down and prepares for a night's rest. It's time for rest. It's time for you, my love, to go to bed. I wish you good and good night. May today's dream be the sweetest, most pleasant. May your guardian angel protect your night's rest. Good night to you my love, good night and all the best. Let today's dream be like fairy tale. Sleep, my dear, and gain strength for tomorrow.

Everyone knows that the most important thing in life is love. I was convinced of this myself when I met you, my beloved. I'm so glad that I have you my only, favorite and most main man on the ground. I want to always be with you, not parting for a single minute. We broke up just half an hour ago, and I already miss you. Good night, my unique one. May you have the sweetest dream, may nothing disturb your nightly rest. May the angel protect your peaceful sleep.

The night slowly and beautifully descends on the earth. The stars, winking at the beautiful moon, start their night dance. Everything is getting ready for bed. Spanking and you fit to sleep. I also want to wish you a good night. May tonight give you the sweetest, most beautiful dream. Let it turn into reality in the morning. I will ask for the most bright star for her to sing you a lullaby. May the guardian angel bring you a sweet dream on golden wings.

The yellow-eyed night is gradually coming into its full rights. It lights bright stars in the dark firmament, and invites the month to begin its immediate duties - to illuminate the whole earth. My beloved and most important person in the world, I wish you good, good night, and pleasant fairy-tale dreams. May your most cherished desires come true in a dream. You should definitely get a good night's sleep so that tomorrow you will be cheerful and in a great mood. Good night, my good, sound sleep to you.

Magical night is fraught with many miracles. Everything is enough for robots: for the stars to shine brightly, for a good sorcerer to give dreams to people. I will ask him to give you the kindest, most pleasant, sweetest dream. May sleep give you wonderful moments and pleasant moments of relaxation. Go to bed early, because tomorrow is your big day. Good night to you, my love, and the sweetest dreams. May the Lord protect you in a dream and in reality. Let the night rest be pleasant and calm. Good night to you my angel.

The day with its problems and worries has already passed. A full-fledged hostess stepped on the ground - a yellow-eyed night. As if light bulbs turn on in the dark sky of an asterisk. All nature and people are gradually getting ready for sleep. Honey, it's time for you to go to bed. I wish you a good, good night and the most pleasant, sweet dreams. May a good dream be sure to turn into reality tomorrow. Let nothing disturb the night's rest, so that you wake up the next day in a great mood.

The daily accelerated rhythm was left somewhere behind. We are gladly greeted by a good-natured hostess - the night. Everyone is getting ready for bed. It's time for you, my love, to go to bed. Save all your work for tomorrow. After all, as they say, the morning is wiser than the evening. I wish you good, good night, and pleasant, sweet dreams. May you have an amazing magical dream. May he fulfill all your cherished desires. I wish you a good sleep, and meet tomorrow morning in a great mood. Good night my love.

With a light step, slowly, the mistress of the darkness comes to us - the yellow-eyed night. The stars are merrily winking at each other, waiting for a date for the handsome month. It's so interesting to watch the night sky, look at the stars, and think of the most cherished desire. My desire is very simple, to be with you always, my love. But you need to wait a bit, but for now I wish you good night, my only one. May you have a pleasant, sweet dream, in which I will definitely be. May a good angel protect your night's rest.

The day came to an end, and politely yielded its rights to the yellow-eyed night. The warm lights of lanterns and the twinkling of stars in the dark sky remind everyone that it's time to relax. Darling, it's time to rest. I kiss you tenderly and wish you good night. May you have the sweetest dream today, may all the good things from your dream come true tomorrow. Let the night rest be calm, and give you new strength and vigor for tomorrow. Good night to you my love. May the guardian angel protect you in a dream.

Today on our website we have collected and publish the wishes of a good night in prose.

You can please and pamper your dear ones not only expensive gifts. Can you just say nice words that will bring joy and pleasure.

A person close to you can be delighted even at first glance by banal wishes of a good night. How good it is to fall asleep, knowing that you are loved, taken care of and worried about and remembered. Touching wishes for the night in prose can be whispered in your ear.

If you can’t be near your loved ones when they go to bed, then using the services of the phone, it’s quite possible to wish sweet and restful sleep. You can call and read these lines aloud or send a message that will be a surprise and a pleasant surprise.

Good night wishes in prose

The sweetest dreams, let you dream tonight! Let me into your dreams and we will spend this night together. We will enjoy each other like never before! I need to be with you even in a dream! Feel the smell of your body, caress your favorite places.. Good night my love, sweet and tender dreams!

Let a soft bed shelter you from the problems of the day, and the waves of Morpheus take you to the valley of sweet dreams, let your peace be disturbed only by the quiet singing of a cricket and the whisper of leaves about how beautiful and sweet you are. Good night, my love, I want to dream about you so much.

It's getting dark outside the windows. The night is taking over. I know you're getting ready for bed now. So I wish you only clear, sweet, bright dreams, so that you do not see grief, hatred and enemies in them. What would after a long have a hard day, in a dream you were able to relax both mentally and physically. A moon shines in the night sky - it sends you a gentle, affectionate kiss from me. Good night, my dear man!

In dreams, we often see the future or the desired. I want your sleep to be blessed and strong, to help in real life get closer to happiness and avoid trouble, and let your dreams inspire you with strength and will certainly come true! Have a good and wonderful night.

My happiness, let the wonderful night wrap your sleep in silence, brightly shine the stars to illuminate the path of your sweet dreams, let it soothe your soul, make you forget the problems and bustle of the day, fill you with harmony, the energy of heavenly bodies, rainbow hopes and dreams that tomorrow, of course, come true.

So the day has come to an end, I'm going to sleep, but first I close your beautiful eyes so that you can sleep well. Good night.

The stars play hide-and-seek between the night clouds, peering into the bright face of the moon. These stars shine like your eyes, with which I wish you good night.

Lovely Good Night Wishes

The moon has risen in the sky, the city slowly calms down and falls asleep, the lights gradually go out in the windows! The night is a time of calm, relaxation and recovery! Let all the fatigue accumulated during the day go away, and you wake up in the morning, full of strength and energy!

May all your thoughts fall apart during this night, and cleanliness and order will come in your head. Relax your body and soul, watch fantastic dreams and wake up only with a good mood.

Spending amazing days with you, I want to extend them into breathtaking nights and dream about good morning! Good night!

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Spending amazing days with you, I want to extend them into breathtaking nights and dream of good mornings! Good night!

Specially for the site

Let the night take you into its world, twilight gently wrap, rock, lull, without causing fear. Let the soul enthusiastically travel through its dreams, and each cell enjoys relaxation and bliss, is saturated with heroic strength.

Specially for the site

Here the night thickens and the mysterious guest enters the houses. May she be immensely kind to you, arrange a place to rest, cover with a veil of bliss, put angels who will quietly sing about endless happiness and love in your magical dreams.

Specially for the site

Calls you Magic world dreams, where the nymphs are circling in a beautiful dance, and the White Rabbit is talking with the Cheshire Cat. Let your pillow be soft, the blanket cozy, and the night will give serenity and strength for new fantastic achievements.

Specially for the site

Good night, my dear. Let you dream of our, still tiny, but friendly family.

Specially for the site

So the remnants of the day burned out, a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take everything away anxious thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a serene sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night.

Specially for the site

May the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!

Specially for the site

May your dreams be sweet and fragrant, like flower nectar. Let them be bright and colorful, like a rainbow after a warm summer rain. Good night!

Specially for the site

Let the darkness of the night from daytime adversities be a gentle cover of sleep, body and soul plunge into bliss. I wish you a serene rest in the realm of Morpheus, the world of fantasy and dreams, to gain vitality and get inspiration for tomorrow.

Specially for the site

So ended a long day full of events and vivid impressions. Close your tired eyes and you will be carried away by a night dream, fabulous and unique. Let it be kind and colorful, and in the morning you will wake up in a great mood. In the meantime, good night! Specially for the site

No wonder they say that the night is so mysterious and brings romance to the world. After all, during the day we have no time to dream, to think about pleasant things. We have a lot to do during the day. But at night, when you just lie in bed and think about something so special for you ... So, let every night bring you one step closer to achieving your dreams. Each star sends you a charge of vivacity the next day, and the moon fills your soul and heart with the most beautiful feeling - love. Good and good night.

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