What is good to eat at night. Foods that help you fall asleep quickly, what to eat before bedtime What you can eat delicious at night

Contrary to many disagreements, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat at night, to a greater extent, finds supporters who make a positive decision. In fact, there are foods that will not harm your body if you eat them after the "standard" six hours. We will tell you in more detail what you can eat at night, how late snacks affect the body.

Night watcher

It often happens that dinner is left far behind, the time is late, but you don’t feel like sleeping at all, and the treacherous rumbling in your stomach does not allow you to relax. Then the night trips to the refrigerator begin. The question arises in your head about what you can eat at night?

A late dinner simply makes us split in two: on the one hand, frightening with the possibility of gaining excess weight, and on the other, with hungry insomnia. How to find a compromise solution in such a situation? It's quite real. You just need to know some rules for late eating, as well as a possible diet that will not harm our body. Consider the options that are considered the most beneficial for our body, which foods can be included in the late dinner diet.

Blood sugar control

In order to wake up cheerful and healthy in the morning, it is important to correctly compose your late menu. What you eat before bed is important. Everyone should know what to eat at night. Studies show that what you eat for dinner affects the state of the body after breakfast the next day. Scientists have found that those who consumed foods with a low glycemic index at night, in the morning of the next day after breakfast, better control their blood glucose levels. Such control is important not only for those who suffer from diabetes, but also for everyone who wants to accelerate weight loss, and in general for the body of any person. To make it easier to manage blood sugar in the morning, it would be better to eat carbohydrate foods that have a low glycemic index for dinner, such as potatoes, legumes, lean meats, chicken breast with herbs, beef, salmon.

Not every carb turns into fat

Sport greatly affects the processing, assimilation of food. During physical exertion, the body sends the necessary nutrients in order to restore the expended energy, the muscles consume more carbohydrates during work. It doesn't depend on the time of day. Many, even playing sports, are afraid to consume carbohydrates at night, worrying that they, even despite training, will turn into fat.

It is not necessary, especially after intense training, to refuse dinner. It can even eliminate the positive result of the classes. After loads for 45 minutes, nutrients go to restore strength and strengthen muscle mass. From this it follows that in no case should you refuse carbohydrates, eat them, even if it's too late. What can you eat at night in such cases? Energy reserves will restore and prepare the muscles for the next workout carbohydrates - these are potatoes, bananas, grains, legumes.

Protein works at night

There is a myth that you can’t eat before going to bed, because the body sleeps and does not digest food, that everything eaten turns into a fatty layer, since energy is not consumed. This complete stupidity does not correspond to reality. During sleep, our body works, the lungs do not stop performing gas exchange functions, the heart pumps blood, and the stomach processes the contents. If dinner is planned wisely, then muscle mass grows at night. Knowledgeable bodybuilders for muscle growth eat protein-rich foods before bed: cheese, milk, yogurt, protein supplements. Research activities have already proven this to be beneficial. In 2012, their results showed that eating protein at night promotes muscle recovery and growth during post-workout sleep. To recover from a strenuous exercise, eat a serving of yogurt or a casein supplement at night.

Low fat dairy products

The question of what you can eat at night is completely solved if you include easily digestible foods that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract before going to bed at a late dinner. Fermented milk products with a minimum percentage of fat content will bring and provide the intestines with lactobacilli (beneficial microorganisms) of great benefit. You can drink kefir at night or eat low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt. In addition, dairy products are rich in calcium, and this is the key to the health and strength of your bones.

Is it possible to have milk at night

Many people who lose weight have a negative attitude towards drinking milk at night. They are supporters of the point of view that milk helps to gain weight. This can be considered true if you constantly drink a liter of fatty, close to cream drink before going to bed. In such cases, the result will be unimportant: an excess of calories can be harmful. But if you take an unbiased approach to the question of whether it is possible to drink milk at night, and consider it from a different angle? One glass of warm low-fat milk at night will bring much more benefits than a glass of sweet tea with a cookie or a sandwich.

Many are interested in how milk affects sleep. And here disagreements arise. Everyone knows the recipe - a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey perfectly promotes falling asleep. Tryptophan in the drink reduces stress, sleep becomes stronger, calmer. Many in this way solve the problem with insomnia. But there are exceptions. In some people, milk or honey has a diuretic effect, and healthy sleep is disturbed by frequent trips to the toilet. So everything is individual in this case.

To the question of whether it is worth drinking milk at night, everyone must answer for himself, based on his own feelings. In principle, there is no harm from it if the fat content of the product is low. Many argue about the content of lactose and its intolerance in adults. Some scholars argue that this is not entirely true. Each body reacts differently to lactose. Unpleasant sensations can cause milk in persons with low acidity of the stomach. So you should listen to your own reactions and draw conclusions.

Is it possible to have tea at night

The healing properties of green tea are very extensive. It saturates the body with nutrients and improves metabolic processes. Perhaps for this reason, many drink it not only during the day, but also before bedtime. For this reason, some complain of insomnia. Not surprisingly, green tea is high in caffeine. This substance is able to give the body energy and vigor. Many nutritionists do not recommend drinking green tea at night. But all people are individual, for some individuals caffeine does not cause insomnia. Therefore, if you do not notice negative consequences for yourself, then a cup of green tea in the late evening is quite acceptable.

The best option would be herbal tea - mint or chamomile. It will relax, calm, strengthen the immune system, and also protect against certain diseases. The main thing is that herbal tea does not contain a single drop of caffeine, it contains only vitamins and beneficial antioxidants.

As for black tea, it does not contain caffeine. A cup of this drink won't hurt you. For benefit, you can add a spoonful of honey or a little lemon juice to it.

Boiled and stewed vegetables. Chicken breast

Heat treatment of food of plant origin ensures easy absorption of fiber by the body, and the functioning of the digestive system depends on this. Stewed or steamed vegetables can serve as an excellent side dish for light meat dishes that you decide to eat in the evening. It is considered useful to cook vegetables in a slow cooker or double boiler without adding any oil or fat.

For those who are wondering if it is possible to eat apples at night, it is worth saying that fresh apples contain a lot of fiber that is poorly digested, which causes colitis and flatulence. There may be pain, swelling of the abdomen. Even one apple eaten at night can disrupt your sleep. Before use, you need to at least clean it. You can eat baked apples at night.

An excellent dietary product is the chicken fillet (breast). It contains vitamins A, B, E, minerals, protein, which will not harm your body in any way if you eat breast late in the evening. There are no carbohydrates here, it is appreciated by those who are worried about their figure.

fish paradise

Can you eat fish at night? This product is considered a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Fish contains iodine, which is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland, phosphorus - a participant in the process of bone tissue formation, as well as amino acids. Fish dishes can lower blood cholesterol, while often containing a small percentage of fat, and this plays an important role if such food is consumed at night. For a late dinner, low-fat varieties of fish are suitable: cod, pike, hake, pollock, pollack.

Seafood is high in protein, which, in turn, allows you to quickly saturate the body. Therefore, you can feast on seafood without fear for your figure, if a nighttime appetite suddenly wakes up.

What else can you eat at night

Is it possible to eat at night not just healthy food, but also something special, tasty? We offer several such dishes that will not harm your body if you eat them before bed.

Berries and cream. A hearty and simple dessert. Beat Greek yogurt, add a quarter cup of raspberries, blackberries.

Protein Dessert. Protein shake creamy consistency is very tasty and healthy. The taste can be anything - vanilla, chocolate, fruit.

Dark chocolate. You can eat a few small pieces of real 70% chocolate, not to be confused with sweet store-bought chocolates. Please note that this product contains caffeine.

Pistachios in shell. Great late dinner. The absorption process is delayed, as they need to be cleaned. The body will be satiated faster, while receiving a lot of useful substances.

Pumpkin seeds. Roasted seeds can be consumed at night. They contain magnesium, which is an excellent relaxant.

I’ve asked people more than once, “Which of the habits will be the hardest for you to break?” Answer options were received very different, but the habit of gutting the refrigerator under the cover of darkness took the top of the hit parade.

Why you shouldn't go to bed hungry

The temptation to lie down quickly, thereby bringing closer the cherished hour of breakfast, is probably familiar to almost everyone who once experienced the pleasure of a night meal. However, the fact remains that by curbing the desire to satisfy your hunger, you will sleep better.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) explains:

Snacking before bed helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, especially if you had an early lunch and were fairly active during the day. This is important because low blood sugar can cause you to wake up unexpectedly in the middle of the night. It also increases the risk that when you wake up in the morning you won't feel energized enough. The human body needs energy, which it spends, including on sleep.

If, in fear of earning indigestion, you refuse to snack before bed, then you risk not getting enough sleep. For this reason, we recommend that you absolutely kill the worm, but do it scientifically by choosing the right dishes for a late meal.

Products ideal for dinner at night looking

The whole trick of a competent snack before bed is to find the right food, as well as deliberately limit the amount of portion consumed. The specialists of the same Medical Center (UPMC) claim that by following certain rules of this “fight club”, you can find the perfect night menu.

So, more about these very rules:

  • give preference to foods low in protein, as well as those containing healthy fats.
  • Try to eat in small portions, aiming to consume less than 200 kcal per meal.

Food that is heavier can be regarded by the digestive system as an occasion to work hard, and right at the time when you are trying to sleep. Therefore, our task is to make this process as easy as possible, and the feeling of hunger surrendered to the mercy of the winner. So what to eat at night? Here are a few options without any competition:

  • low fat yogurt. Nutritionist Erin Coleman recommends this particular product as it contains dietary protein, probiotics and other beneficial nutrients. Thanks to the protein, satiety is felt for a long time, and this is exactly what we need: the feeling of hunger will wake up only in the morning, along with you. Here it is important to remember one thing: yogurt should be as sweet as possible.
  • White meat. Sports nutritionist Joel Marion advises to satisfy your hunger with a piece of chicken or turkey, as it will take a long time to digest. White meat contains glucagon - a peptide hormone that raises blood sugar levels. It helps the body delay the process of converting fats and carbohydrates into energy. Red meat is not recommended at night.
  • Cottage cheese. This wonderful and well-known product is another hint on healthy eating from Marion. Cottage cheese is digested very slowly, almost forever, and is made up of protein. As with low-fat yogurt, it doesn't have to be sweet, but if you add some berries to it, it won't interfere with your sleep.
  • Whole wheat crackers. According to research conducted by experts at Harvard Medical School, a few small cookies made from all-purpose flour will be enough to keep you going until breakfast. and lay down without remorse and feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Vegetables. Writer Karen BorsariKaren Borsariconsiders vegetables such as cucumber, carrots, and broccoli to be highly nutritious and, most importantly, low in calories. Moreover, they contain complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the feeling of satiety will stay with you for a long time and you will fall asleep peacefully. If the taste of the vegetables themselves is not enough for you, season them with mild hummus. It is rich in vitamin B6, an essential component for the production of melatonin.
  • Products included in the BRAT diet. BRAT is an abbreviation that stands for: bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. As you may have guessed, all of these ingredients are generally considered safe even for people with acute digestive disorders due to their easy digestibility. The same properties of this group of products make them indispensable for a midnight feast. By the way, bananas help to fall asleep: potassium and magnesium contained in them help to relax muscles. And they also stimulate the production of melatonin and serotonin - substances that are involved in many important processes in the human body.

All of the above products are very healthy in their own right, so if you like healthy food, then you don’t have to change your eating habits. Keep them in case of an unforeseen raid on the refrigerator and, as they say, you can sleep peacefully.

What You Shouldn't Eat Before Bed

Know: some products that have entered the stomach shortly before sleep can raise a real rebellion in it. Indigestion, heartburn, belching - you must admit, an unreasonably high price that you risk paying by inadvertently feasting on the coming dream. Here is a list of these dishes that are dangerous for us, night gourmets:

  • Foods high in carbohydrates and sugar, such as cookies and ice cream.
  • Oily, fatty and heavy foods.
  • Plentiful food, the digestion of which takes time and effort.

Let's not beat around the bush: none of these three points should be in your mouth before going to bed. Avoid spicy foods: they stimulate the production of gastric juice, which can make you feel uncomfortable. Finally, it is highly recommended to stop drinking alcohol and caffeine.

If you want to have a late snack, then it should not be chocolate and wine. Chocolate contains caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant. You will be surprised, but alcohol has a similar effect.

People think that a small amount of wine can help you relax, but this is not true: alcohol is stimulating, which can lead to sleep disturbance.

Karen Carlson

By following these simple rules, you will not only preserve your health, but also be able to afford the luxury of a nightly meal without any consequences.

Even after a productive day packed with workouts and diet, people are not immune to night time cravings. All day long, you can restrain yourself from eating junk food, but by late evening, your appetite increases. There is a breakdown, eating a much larger amount of food than the body needs. As a result, eaten extra pounds appear. There is an exit. Consider what you can eat at night.

What foods can you eat at night

Different foods are digested at different rates. It depends on whether you can afford a small bite late in the evening or it is highly undesirable. We will answer the most popular questions from losing weight people.

Can I have cottage cheese for dinner?

You can, it is saturated with amino acids and casein. By eating cottage cheese with a fat content of less than 8 percent, you will lower the level of insulin in the blood. However, you can eat cottage cheese only in a small portion 2 hours before bedtime, as metabolism slows down at this time of day.

Can you eat fruit at night?

Fruits are allowed to eat before bedtime, but not all. Like any food, they contain, some of the fruits are also high in calories. We will give a list of those that you can eat and not get better.

  1. Apples. They contain 47 calories. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to eat apples at night does not arise. The non-acidic varieties are ideal as a bedtime snack. In addition, this fruit contains pectin, which improves skin color.
  2. Citrus. Often the question arises, is it possible to eat grapefruit at night? It is known for its fat-burning properties, which is why it is often recommended as a snack. Moreover, grapefruits and oranges are low in calories (40 calories) and help the food eaten to be digested faster. But remember, if you are prone to peptic ulcers or gastritis, then citrus fruits are contraindicated for you, because of their ability to increase acidity. The same goes for lemon. If you eat lemon at night, it will increase the acidity of gastric juice, and in addition to everything, it will increase your appetite.
  3. Banana. It is believed that the fruit is high in calories, but in this case, you can have a snack with one banana and satisfy your hunger.
  4. Mango. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is therefore quite safe for an evening snack.
  5. A pineapple. Perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, toxins. In order not to add extra kilos, do not eat too much fruit, as it also increases the acidity. A couple of slices will be enough.
  6. figs. Rich in minerals and reduces appetite, perfectly saturates. It is worth eating fresh fruit, as dry figs are high in calories (250 calories).

Fruits are best eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly. Cut them into slices, do not eat them whole at once. Eat at least an hour before bed.

Do not deny yourself also berries before going to bed: blueberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries are low-calorie and are suitable for satisfying evening hunger.

Can you eat vegetables at night?

Vegetables are often found on the menu of various diets. Let's look at what you can eat at night to lose weight:

  1. Carrot.
  2. Broccoli, cauliflower.
  3. Lettuce leaves.
  4. Spinach.
  5. Avocado.
  6. Pumpkin. Better fresh, in the form of juice or seeds.

Please note that all vegetables should be fresh, boiled vegetables have a higher calorie content.

Hearty food.

It is not always possible to get enough of fruits, sometimes in the evening you want hearty food, and not light and sweet. There are several products for this. Let's find out what to eat for the night from this list:

  1. Lean white poultry meat (chicken, turkey).
  2. Low-fat fish (tuna, pollock, mackerel and other varieties).
  3. Buckwheat, rice
  4. Soy cheese, lean.
  5. Natural yogurt.
  6. Hummus.
  7. Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk with zero fat content.
  8. Nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts. You can treat yourself to a treat, but do not overdo it, you can eat no more than 40 grams.

Surprisingly, it is a fact - before going to bed it is better to eat carbohydrate food, as it is digested faster, therefore, from proteins, those that are digested for a maximum of an hour and a half are desirable.


What can you eat at night to? Better drink a soporific warm drink. It will help you sleep well and relieve hunger pangs.

  1. Warm water with a slice of lemon (what is its use -).
  2. Boiled milk with honey.
  3. Unsweetened green tea.
  4. Tomato juice.

What can be combined so as not to get better, and what can not?

What can you eat at night losing weight? With the right combination of products, you can not only not get better, but also lose weight by improving metabolism. What will be useful to eat at night than high-calorie foods, we learn from the list.

Favorable combinations:

  1. What's with the lemon? It is good with fish or meat. If you eat a slice at dinner, you can get rid of fat. The fact is that lemon, in combination with animal protein, produces a hormone in the body that burns body fat. So chicken in lemon juice is quite suitable for dinner. However, do not abuse the option so as not to unnecessarily irritate the intestinal mucosa.
  2. Hard cheese, feta cheese can only be combined with vegetables or similar animal proteins. What's better? For example, broccoli is a great addition.
  3. Dry cottage cheese, diluted with kefir, perfectly satisfies hunger without harm to the figure.
  4. Grains and vegetables go well together. Prepare buckwheat and garnish with lettuce or cabbage leaves.

Unwanted combinations:

  1. Starchy foods and acidic foods are not the best combination and should be avoided. Sour foods in this case include: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, tomatoes.
  2. Milk should be consumed separately from any other products, the same applies to melon and watermelon.
  3. Proteins and carbohydrates at one time are difficult to digest, cause gas and bloating.
  4. It is undesirable to mix proteins and dairy products in one meal.

Pay attention to the diagram below. It shows the main batteries and the possibility of combining them with each other. So, for example, it is known that fruits cannot be eaten with other foods and it is more favorable to eat them 30 minutes before taking any other element. The exceptions are juices from fruits and avocados.

What foods should not be eaten at night?

Along with permitted foods, there are prohibited foods that cannot be eaten for dinner:

  1. Alcohol. Having drunk a glass, you will give yourself slack.
  2. Mayonnaise, sour cream.
  3. Red meat.
  4. Coffee.
  5. Chocolate, pastries.
  6. Flour products.
  7. Pasta.
  8. Sugar.
  9. Legumes.
  10. Potatoes, tomatoes, onions.
  11. Zucchini, eggplant.
  12. Pepper.
  13. Spices, spices, salt.
  14. White bread.
  15. Corn.
  16. Pears, melons, watermelons are the best diuretic. You can’t eat them at night if you don’t want to run to the toilet all night.
  17. Grape.
  18. Fried food.

Such products are much easier to snack on and therefore it is difficult to avoid the temptation. But think about those fatty layers that can appear in the morning and better spend a little time, but prepare yourself something more useful.

In addition, watch a video about foods that should not be eaten before bed:

At night, it is difficult to resist the temptation of food, and sometimes it is unbearable to endure until the morning. But now you know the option that you can’t eat, and what you can eat at night, even to lose weight. Still, before you fill your stomach, drink a glass of water with lemon. But take your time and drink the liquid slowly. In most cases, this is enough to stop the desire to snack.

If you are interested in nutrition not only before bedtime, but also during the day, then study our material on the topic and lose those extra centimeters at the waist.

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For some, nighttime snacking is a nightmare of a lifetime, and for someone, it is an inexhaustible source of jokes. However, you can make this process completely ordinary and harmless if you replace donuts and fatty sausage with healthy products, such as cheese or popcorn.

website prepared for you a list of products that are ideal for a night snack. And if you are not yet ready to give preference to healthy food, you can simply eliminate food from the diet that is completely unsuitable for eating at night (we will talk about it at the end).

1. Cheese

Harvard scientists warn that overeating can interfere with sleep as much as hunger, so it is advised to give preference to a light snack at night. For example, it is recommended to eat a few slices of cheese, which has a rich enough flavor to satisfy the taste buds, and at the same time will not cause stomach heaviness.

2. Yogurt

According to nutritionists, Greek yogurt is ideal for a nighttime snack, as it is low in fat and high in protein. According to studies, the protein contained in such yogurt not only leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time, but also helps the body burn more calories during the day.

3. Crackers

We are not talking about any cookies, namely whole grain crackers. which you can have a snack without harm to healthy sleep and figure. Their composition is dominated by the so-called slow carbohydrates, which can give a feeling of satiety for a long time.

4. Popcorn

Clinical nutritionist Erica Cannall suggests nighttime snackers eat a bowl of popcorn without oil or salt. Such a snack will not affect the figure in any way.

Erica suggests adding flavor to the dish with black pepper or garlic powder.

5. Egg

A hard-boiled egg contains only 75 kcal, but it fights hunger very well. According to Erica Cannall, this snack option will allow you to forget about hunger until the morning and at the same time will not turn into extra centimeters at the waist.

6. Vegetables

If you know that you will definitely wake up at night to have a snack, but you understand that you will not be satisfied with one product, you can save some healthy food for yourself in the evening. For example, vegetable salad.

Give preference to green vegetables, since they contain complex carbohydrates that will provide you with a feeling of satiety until the morning.

7. Cinnamon Applesauce

Healthy nutritionist Karen Borsari recommends that those who crave sweets at night make themselves applesauce with cinnamon. You can add a small handful of raisins to it.

Such a dish will not only dull your cravings for donuts and buns, but also helps to reduce the level of orexin that made you wake up to eat.

Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you how you sleep. For fans of a healthy lifestyle, it is more common to associate a set of what is best to eat at night with the effect on weight. However, waking up with a feeling of fatigue and heaviness also largely depends on the choice of what to eat before bedtime. A positive charge and a feeling of cheerfulness will become part of the morning after answering simple questions. What is good to eat before bed? What can you drink at night?

Why is it better to eat at night?

Heavy dinners before bedtime cannot make you slimmer and healthier, but you should not go to extremes and suffer from hunger either. The difference between the last meal at 18:00 and waking up at 8:00 is 14 hours. The body will perceive the interruption in the supply of food as an emergency and begin to stockpile. The food received during the day will be mostly processed into fatty acids and sent to known "storage places": sides, buttocks, stomach.

In the absence of nutrition, the lipoprotein lipase enzyme becomes more active, which is responsible for replenishing the fat layer “for a rainy day”. Add to the above insomnia and a disgusting mood in the morning, and it becomes clear that fasting leads only to sagging sides and the accumulation of fatigue.

What can not be eaten before bed?

Let's immediately cross out the products that spoil sleep and figure at the same time. Snacks and light dinners are welcome, but when choosing what to eat at night, beware of food from the list:

1. Salty.

You can use seasoning within reasonable limits, but you should not get carried away. Excess salt will provoke fluid retention and the appearance of edema in the morning. This seasoning, like all spicy ones, whets the appetite, so it is not recommended to get involved in enhancing the taste of evening dishes. It is better to eat more insipid food at night.

2. Sweet and starchy.

The well-known problem with excess fast carbohydrates makes this food dangerous for the waist. Thinking about what you can eat at night, gather your will into a fist and give up the tempting quick satiety for the sake of a slender figure. Take the time to prepare a light and healthy dinner.

3. Fatty food.

Attractive taste properties of these dishes are blocked by off-scale cholesterol. Even in the daytime, it is difficult to cope with it, and in the evening the body relaxes, and all the excesses are laid out in reserve. It also slows down the speed of falling asleep, the quality of sleep worsens, and the likelihood of indigestion, on the contrary, increases.

What can not be loaded at night? Fat burgers. What can you eat before bed? Light and nutritious foods.

4. Alcohol

High-calorie drinks that increase appetite are a poor choice among what you can drink in the evening. Drinks and snacks tend to go in circles, bringing the number of calories to a critical point. REM sleep cycles, which are responsible for restoring strength, are disrupted. Long-term alcohol use disrupts circadian rhythms and causes insomnia.

The group of dangerous preferences that you can have a snack at night includes not only coffee. A product with a similar side effect that causes a feeling of cheerfulness and makes it difficult to fall asleep is chocolate. Excessive stimulation of the body before bedtime is completely unnecessary, leave the energy shake in the morning. For a similar reason, it is best to refrain from black and green tea.

What is better to eat at night? Definitely none of the foods and drinks listed above. The benefits for the figure and for sleep are absolutely impossible, and the harm is obvious.

What can you eat at night?

It is not worth dying of hunger, and it is not recommended to pounce on sweet, fatty, salty foods. When thinking about what is better to eat at night, follow simple rules: food should be hearty, easy to digest and help you fall asleep quickly. Here is a list of what you can eat before bed.

Dairy products

If you have doubts about what you can eat before bed, give preference to this group of products. Kefir is great and beautiful, embodying the perfect choice for an evening snack. Yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt can be excellent analogues and significantly diversify the evening menu.

Quick satisfaction of hunger thanks to live protein is combined with a beneficial effect on the microflora. Good activity of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to accelerated food processing. With proper nutrition and well-coordinated work of the internal organs, there will be no material for the fat layer.

Rich in calcium is good for the body as a whole, protein richness gently induces drowsiness and reduces acidity, negating the likelihood of heartburn. Thanks to their beneficial properties, fermented milk products are an excellent answer to the question of what to eat at night.

  • Beetroot contains a minimum of calories (42 kcal - 100 g) and thanks to betaine it burns fat perfectly. The pectin included in the composition normalizes the intestinal flora and removes toxins from the body.
  • Celery is rich in fiber, good for the stomach, and has a negligible calorie content (13 Kcal - 100 g). It is worth considering the property of this product to remove excess water from the body. Eat celery, but in moderation.
  • Cabbage contains few calories (white: 29 Kcal - 100 g), has a beneficial effect on the intestines, promotes fat burning and strengthens the immune system.
  • Potatoes are recommended for use only in baked form. Other cooking methods for this product will not work.

It is almost impossible to make a mistake in choosing what to eat before bedtime, preferring vegetables. Steam, boil, stew, cut into salads - they will retain their beneficial properties and become the basis of an amazing evening menu.


Being a wonderful and healthy dessert, fruits can not always contribute to a sound restorative sleep. Only some fruits are considered the best in the category “what you can eat before bedtime”.

  • Citrus fruits are rich in fiber and quickly saturate, improve digestion, lower blood cholesterol levels, remove toxins and toxins and prevent the fermentation of undigested food in the evening.
  • Bananas provide normalization of sleep, contributing to the release of serotonin (“hormone of happiness”), cleanse the body and speed up metabolism, and due to their fibrous structure, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cherry is a natural source of melatonin, which contributes to the regulation of circadian rhythms and calm sleep.

If a strong desire for sweets creeps into the dilemma of what to eat before bed, allow yourself some dried fruit. Being an excellent alternative to sweets, they contain vitamins and perfectly satisfy hunger. The downside is the high calorie content, and the plus is the ability to combine with almonds, which help muscles relax due to the high magnesium content.

Many options for light and healthy desserts will become more accessible if doubts are forever gone about whether it is better to eat at night: fruits or sweets.


Vegetables make a great meal on their own, fruits are a great alternative to sweets, but sometimes dinner needs more serious action. When in doubt about what to eat at night, take vegetables as a side dish, and for the main dish, choose a “bigger beast”.

  • Chicken breast is classified as a dietary product due to its low carbohydrate content. A complex of minerals, vitamins A, B, E and phosphorus make this meat incredibly useful. Boil the breast or steam it, and for dinner you will get a dish that is absolutely harmless to the figure.
  • Fish contains a small percentage of fat and is rich in iodine and phosphorus. With easy assimilation, this product helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood. The ideal of what is recommended to eat before going to bed are varieties of saithe, cod, pollock, hake.

Avoiding caffeinated drinks (coffee, black and green teas), give preference to herbal infusions that promote general relaxation of the body, including muscles.

Warm milk with honey will quickly soothe and induce drowsiness thanks to a combination of proteins, melatonin and calcium. An ideal natural sleeping pill will relax the nervous system and give a pleasant awakening.

You can get by with a glass of water. The body will be cleansed, the feeling of hunger will be dulled, the water-salt balance will be restored, the work of the gastrointestinal tract will normalize.

However, drinking too much liquid is not recommended, so as not to create an unnecessary burden on the bladder and cause swelling.

Answers to the question of what you can eat and drink in the evening with proper nutrition come on an intuitive level. Do not lean on calories, focus on vegetables and fruits, eat protein and follow the measure. Your body will thank you in the morning.

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