Learning how to sleep properly. How to sleep during early and late pregnancy, which sleeping positions are best to choose

Hello my dear readers. Today I read a book until late at night. At first she sat in an armchair, then she wanted to sleep, but the plot was so exciting that she had to go to bed. I sometimes read lying down, although they say that it is harmful, but it is convenient. But that's not what we're talking about, I was lying on my back, then on my stomach, on my side, in short, I didn't change any positions until I read to the end.

Then she stretched out and blissfully fell asleep - was transported in a dream - to where young Jane first met Mr. Edward Rochester ... Oh, I got carried away, because I wanted to write not about this, but about what are the most optimal sleeping positions during pregnancy, so that and the child does not harm and the most good sleep. Because, I don’t know about you, but personally, if I don’t get enough sleep, then the whole day will go awry. And for expectant mothers, this is unacceptable, because if they are in a bad mood, then this will certainly be passed on to the baby, but does he need it? I think no.

The fact that a person is simply obliged to get enough sleep in order to maintain his health is clear to everyone. And here is a list of the unpleasant consequences of sleeping in an uncomfortable position, which are especially relevant for pregnant women:

  • Squeezing of veins, vessels and internal organs, as a result of which certain parts of the body may become numb;
  • The occurrence of cramps (more here) in the calf muscles is a terribly unpleasant sensation, they can occur not only due to an uncomfortable posture during sleep, but also due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as a decrease in physical activity. By the way, if such an attack touches you, in order to relieve pain, it is enough to pull yourself by the toe of a cramped leg. If, due to the stomach, it is difficult to reach the sock, then simply try to direct the thumb towards you with the effort of the muscles, sticking out the heel, or walk around the room, stepping on a full foot, after one of these manipulations the cramp will pass;
  • Violation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs and the fetus;
  • The consequence of these points can be chronic lack of sleep, stress, decreased immunity and other unpleasant phenomena.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach

Many girls, as soon as they find out that they will soon become a mother, immediately have concerns about sleeping on their stomachs and a lot of questions arise about how to sleep so as not to harm the baby. So, I want to please you, until about the middle of the second trimester, somewhere up to 15-16 weeks, you can sleep freely in the way that suits you: yes, yes, and on the stomach too, and also not on the back, on the side and in the way your heart desires.

All these positions are correct due to the fact that they are comfortable and familiar and definitely cannot harm the baby. The uterus during this period is not yet too enlarged in size, and the embryo is protected by amniotic fluid. But in the third trimester, there are two positions that doctors strongly do not recommend sleeping in. Which? More on that below.

What sleeping positions are contraindicated in the last months of pregnancy

So, during the last trimester it is better not to sleep:

  • On the stomach - although it is unlikely that anyone will think of it, and it is problematic to do this, especially if the tummy is very large;
  • On the back - the whole point is that the uterus, having increased in volume, presses on the spine and vena cava, as well as the intestines. Therefore, sleeping on your back is dangerous due to the squeezing of these organs. The supply of nutrients and oxygen may be difficult for the baby, and the expectant mother may feel worse - tachycardia and dizziness begin. Of course, this will not happen in five or even ten minutes of lying on your back, so do not go to extremes. And then some girls take this ban so literally that they refuse to lie down during ultrasound and other necessary procedures, during which they have to be in a supine position. Here we are talking about sleeping on your back for a long time.

"Pregnant" accessories and sleeping positions

The most correct and favorable position for sleeping during pregnancy is on the side, preferably on the right, so that there is no heavy load on the heart. Of course, sleeping all night in one position is difficult and even, I would say, unrealistic, and sometimes you want to stretch out on your back or lie down on your stomach. What to do in this case?

Modern manufacturers have taken care of a calm and comfortable sleep - they have invented special pillows for pregnant women. Such a pillow is usually used in an unconventional way - not under the head during sleep, but under the stomach, sides, back, pelvis, legs, shoulders, in short, under those parts of the body that “require” a more comfortable position when you go to the realm of Morpheus or just laid down to rest.

These pillows come in banana, zigzag, U-shaped, small, large, and simply huge. They have one thing in common - they are soft and incredibly comfortable. By the way, then it will be possible to use such a pillow while feeding the baby, because it is also not always easy to choose the optimal position for feeding.

Causes of poor sleep during pregnancy

But not always the causes of poor sleep are an uncomfortable posture, although it has one of the decisive values. But also, mainly in the last trimester, the sleep of a pregnant woman is affected by:

  • Increasing nighttime mobility of the baby. Some future mothers even take such excessive activity for pathology and begin to worry that the child does not have enough oxygen or that he is “suffering” and because as soon as the woman goes to bed, the baby begins to “play football”. As a rule, such fears are unfounded. And there is a simple explanation for this: when the mother is on the move, it cradles the baby, and as soon as she lies down to rest, the baby wakes up and develops vigorous activity. As I wrote above, it is difficult to lie in one position for a long time, and this also applies to the crumbs in the tummy. Just in the early stages, his movements are not felt or not felt so strongly by a woman.
  • The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which makes it necessary to get up several times at night. There is only one advice here - try not to drink a lot of liquid before going to bed. Distribute the volume of water and other drinks you drink per day so that you have a smaller amount in the afternoon, and it is advisable to minimize it a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • During pregnancy, due to the pressure of the uterus, there are pinched muscles (myositis, neuralgia). These are unpleasant and painful sensations. They may appear unexpectedly. In this case, consult a doctor about what remedies can be used in this situation. As a rule, after childbirth, such "sores" quickly pass. And so that they do not arise - try not to be in a forced position for a long time, do not cross your legs while sitting, do not hold the telephone receiver with your ear, do not sleep in an uncomfortable position.
  • Anxiety, anxiety associated with the upcoming birth, often occurring in pregnant women in the last weeks, are also causes of poor sleep. In these cases, relaxation means are excellent: meditation, yoga, listening to the sound of the sea or other sounds of nature, quiet classical music. And the attitude that everything will be fine, and problems need to be solved as they come up, and not thought out in advance, will be a great help in the fight against excessive anxiety.

How to improve sleep during pregnancy

Summing up all of the above, a few simple conclusions arise:

  • The choice of a comfortable position during sleep is a fundamental component of its quality.
  • The best sleeping position for pregnant women is on the side;
  • Special comfortable pillows for sleeping will help you choose the optimal position and sleep soundly all night;
  • Cramps of the calf muscles can be prevented by introducing foods rich in magnesium into your diet - buckwheat, seaweed, nuts, oatmeal. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use magnesium preparations;
  • Hiking before going to bed saturates the blood with oxygen, reduces muscle tension, which contributes to a deep healthy sleep;
  • Breathing exercises, meditation and other similar practices perfectly help to cope with stress, calm the nerves before going to bed;
  • Pregnant women are prone to overwork, do not wait until you fall down from fatigue, use the daytime to rest. Sometimes it is enough to take a nap for 20-30 minutes during the day, subject to complete relaxation, in order to feel full of strength and energy again. Conversely, do not lead a purely plant-based lifestyle with minimal physical activity during pregnancy. Try to walk more, move and lead a familiar active lifestyle.

And the book that I read almost all night, as you probably already guessed, is called Jane Eyre, I advise you to read it, even if you read it in your school years - in adulthood it is perceived differently, it causes a sea of ​​emotions.

Just read in a comfortable position. Health, dear girls, to you and your kids. Share your "pregnant" sleeping positions in the comments, click on the social buttons, and I will prepare a lot of interesting and useful information for you.

The well-being of the expectant mother is the key to the healthy development of the crumbs in her womb. The first largely depends on how the mother gets enough sleep, how comfortable she is to rest. Considering that a pregnant woman’s night sleep should last at least 7-8 hours, and sometimes she still needs to take a nap during the day, it’s worth knowing what sleeping positions to choose during different periods of gestation.

How to sleep in early and late pregnancy so as not to harm the baby

So, having learned about her new incarnation, a woman should not drastically change her usual sleeping position. Indeed, in the early stages, the fetus is tiny, the mother can still sleep on her stomach, if she is so used to it. The main thing is to get enough sleep and create comfortable conditions for sleep: ventilate the room, take care of the rigidity of the bed, the naturalness of bed and underwear.

1 trimester

Perhaps it's time to buy an orthopedic mattress, if before the onset of an interesting situation you put off such a purchase?

From the second half of the first trimester, it is already necessary to gradually wean yourself from sleeping on your stomach, if earlier this position was the most comfortable for you. Yes, and on the back will soon be no longer possible to rest. Both positions are unsafe for both the unborn child and the pregnant woman herself.

2 trimester

Sleeping on your stomach from 12 weeks should be forgotten. After all, the fetus begins to grow actively, its weight increases, the mother's tummy becomes more voluminous. Together with the future baby, the uterus also grows. And although the baby in the womb is protected by amniotic fluid, the mother's body weight is large, which means that the risk of injury increases if you sleep on your stomach. In addition, with sound sleep, many women do not control their movements. The side position is considered the most optimal in the second trimester.

3rd trimester

From the 28th week, if before that the expectant mother was still resting on her back, this can no longer be done. And it is better to change such a habit even earlier.

In the third trimester, the stomach, or rather the growing uterus and the growing fetus, is already pressing on all the internal organs. The load in the pose on the back is felt by the intestines and lower back. If your back hurts in the morning, then surely at night the woman slept for a long time on her back, and her musculoskeletal system felt pressure. And this position of the body in a dream puts pressure on the vena cava, creating an obstacle to the flow of oxygen to cells and tissues. This is the reason for the dizziness of pregnant women, breathing difficulties, lowering blood pressure and increased heart rate. It is also possible exacerbation of hemorrhoids and impaired blood flow in the placenta, kidneys. The future baby will "protest", moving more actively and more often.

How to sleep in the heat during pregnancy? Linen for sleep should be only natural, before going to bed you can turn on the fan for 20 minutes, keep the window open at night. In extreme heat, you can also rest on the floor at night.

How to sleep best at 9 months pregnant

The most optimal position in the third trimester and in the last weeks is the position on the left side. At the same time, blood circulation is not disturbed, the fetus and mother do not suffer. Pressure on the liver is not created, and the back will not hurt in the morning. Naturally, you can’t sleep on one side all night, because the left side will swell this way. It is necessary to change the position of the body, roll over for a short time and on the right side.

If at 9 months a woman is diagnosed with a transverse presentation, then she needs to rest on the side where the baby's head is located. When a pregnant woman has never slept on the left side of her body, it will be difficult for her to relearn.

How to sleep when pregnant with twins

Multiple pregnancy is a double load on the spine with a growing belly. Therefore, it is important already in the early stages to unlearn to rest at night on your back. The expectant mother of two babies simply cannot do without extra pillows. Let them be several, different in size, soft. With them, you can choose the optimal, comfortable position of the body for sleeping.

You can try to put one pillow under the stomach, the second between bent knees, or stretch one leg and press the other. With multiple pregnancies in the later stages, a roller under the lower back will help to improve rest. If you can’t fall asleep in any way, then you can try to take a reclining position by placing a few pillows under your back.

Buy a medium firm mattress. It should follow the contours of the body. The best option is orthopedic.

It is recommended to experiment with pillows, change the bed, or try sleeping on a firmer mattress. An excellent option for relaxing with a constantly disturbing back is special pillows for pregnant women. They have the shape of a horseshoe, allow you to take any position and, judging by the reviews of former pregnant women, they simply save you from insomnia.

Finding a comfortable posture for night and daytime rest is not an easy, individual task. It is possible that the position on the left side recommended by doctors will create inconvenience for the spine. Then it is necessary to find your comfortable position by trial method or frequent, but unsharp changes in body position.

Specially for -Diana Rudenko

The content of the article:

The body of a pregnant woman prepares her in advance for the upcoming troubles of motherhood. Hormonal changes lead to rapid fatigue and a constant desire to fall asleep, especially in the early stages. However, even during the rest period, a woman should think not only about herself, but also about her baby. While waiting for the baby, you should know: “Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?”, “In what position is it best to view dreams?” and “What pillow to choose for a growing tummy?”. About everything in order.

How to sleep pregnant in the 1st trimester?

Many women would like to skip this period of pregnancy. After all, it is in the first 12-14 weeks that their body undergoes serious changes. Expectant mothers change their taste preferences, some are worried about toxicosis, excessive irritability, insomnia, and in most cases, drowsiness. But, despite all these difficulties of life, in the first trimester, a pregnant woman can afford to sleep in any position convenient for herself, since the parameters of the uterus are still insignificant and do not go beyond the small pelvis. However, quite often sleeping on the stomach in the early stages does not allow the chest, which becomes very sensitive.

How to sleep pregnant in the 2nd trimester?

Starting from 12-14 weeks, many expectant mothers begin to notice a protruding tubercle on the abdomen. The uterus increases in size, and the fetus grows with it. Therefore, from the second trimester, pregnant women are strictly forbidden to sleep on their stomachs. After all, excessive pressure on the walls of the abdominal cavity can disrupt both the blood supply and nutrition of the baby. However, during this period, you can still see dreams while lying on your back, left or right side.

How to sleep pregnant in the 3rd trimester?

In the last months, sleep time is even more complicated, since shortly before giving birth, pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. The thing is that the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs and blood vessels can significantly complicate their work. Therefore, lovers of sleeping on their backs often face a lack of oxygen, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, heartburn, etc. In addition, the baby himself often tells his mother in which position to rest, starting to actively kick.

If we talk about what sleeping positions for pregnant women are recommended by experts in the last stages, then they prefer the position on the left side. To the right of the uterus, the vena cava passes, which plays an important role in transporting blood from the lower region of the body to the heart. Its squeezing can create, first of all, the pregnant woman herself, a lot of problems associated with circulatory disorders. In order to improve this process, experts recommend laying a blanket roller between the legs during sleep. The modern market offers many options for special pillows for pregnant women, which in the future can become indispensable helpers while feeding the baby.

How to sleep pregnant with twins?

There is no significant difference between the sleep rules described above during pregnancy for mothers of one baby and expecting twins. However, the uterus grows more intensively when carrying two children, so you will have to give up sleeping on your stomach and back a little earlier. In addition, the choice of posture during rest should be based on the location of the babies in the womb. For example, with a breech presentation, you should sleep more on the side where the heads of the twins are located. You can find out the position of the crumbs using ultrasound.

How to sleep on a pregnancy pillow

As mentioned above, today on the market you can buy a special pillow for pregnant women. There are several types of this textile item. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Horseshoe or U-shaped pillow

The length of the largest pillow ranges from 280-380 cm. This parameter is selected depending on the height of the pregnant woman. A feature of the horseshoe is that it collapses the body of the expectant mother on both sides, while the bend of the pillow is designed for the head. In addition, there is no need for a pregnant woman to move the rollers in order to turn from one side to the other.

Pillow in the shape of the letter "G"

Unlike the “horseshoe”, the L-shape is not as comfortable, but no less functional. The bent part of the roller can be placed both under the head and between the legs. The longitudinal segment of the pillow, lying on its side, can be placed under the stomach or along the back.

Bagel or C-pillow

This form of pillow is intended more for the abdomen. One tip of the roller is located under the body, the second serves as a support for the leg. Thus, the pillow, as it were, repeats the shape of the abdomen. In the future, in the middle of the bagel, you can place the baby to sleep by connecting the end and the beginning of the roller with ties. After all, in the first months of life, babies need limited space.

Boomerang or V-shaped pillow

Compared to the U-shape, the soft corner is not as versatile. Although sleeping on a boomerang pillow is no less comfortable. It is used to support the tummy, back, or simply put under the leg or head. However, when changing position, for example, from the left side to the right, this type of pillow for pregnant women will have to be moved. But compared to other forms, the "boomerang" has fewer parameters. Therefore, it is convenient to take it with you on the road.

General rules: how to sleep during pregnancy

To properly organize your sleep, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Exclude carbonated drinks, coffee, strong brewed teas from the diet.
2. By the evening it is necessary to reduce excessive physical activity. It is best if you take a walk before going to bed in the fresh air.
3. Refuse to drink liquids and food 3 hours before a night's rest. During the period of toxicosis before going to bed, you can only drink a glass of kefir and eat a few unsweetened crackers.
4. If you cannot fall asleep for a long time, do not take sleeping pills in any case. They can harm the baby.
5. For those who suffer from varicose veins, it is important to know that it is not necessary for pregnant women to sleep in compression stockings. At night, the legs should be allowed to rest, it is advisable to carry out therapy during the day. However, if you accidentally fall asleep in medical underwear, do not worry, nothing bad will happen.
6. Try to follow the regime: go to bed and wake up at the same time.

If suddenly during sleep you are overcome by convulsions, stand on the floor and perform a pinching massage for tightened muscles. Report the problem to your doctor, you may need to take calcium and magnesium supplements.

As soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, her life changes completely. There are a lot of questions and concerns. How to eat right? What physical activity is possible and what is not? How should a baby develop during pregnancy? How to sleep properly during pregnancy? What sleeping positions to choose?

And it is sleep disturbance that becomes one of the most important causes of constant fatigue and mood swings in a pregnant woman. In the early stages, sleeping according to the usual regime interferes hormonal changes in the body, at a later date - a large belly, which does not allow you to find the correct and comfortable position. In this article, we will figure out how to sleep properly during each trimester during pregnancy. Can I sleep on my stomach, on my back, or is it better to sleep on my side?

First trimester - don't fight sleep

Early terms are characterized by increased fatigue and drowsiness. The expectant mother is constantly sleepy and you should not deny yourself the desire to sleep, as this is also necessary for your baby. After all, right now all the vital organs and systems of the child are being formed. Now the question arises, how to sleep pregnant, in what position? In this period suitable for any comfortable position. You can sleep on your back, and on your left or right side, and on your stomach.

In the first trimester, the fetus is still very small and the uterus is protected from being squeezed by the pubic and pelvic bones, which allows you to enjoy sound sleep. The only thing that can prevent you from sleeping on your stomach is soreness of the chest, due to its increased sensitivity. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

Second trimester - getting used to the correct sleeping position

During this period, mood swings decrease, toxicosis stops, and everything seems to be fine, you can have a healthy sleep. But in the second trimester of a pregnant woman, choosing a position in order to fall asleep becomes more difficult. Sleeping on your stomach is not only not very comfortable, but also not desirable. Belly starts to grow, and although the fetus is protected from external pressure by amniotic fluid, adipose tissue and the wall of the uterus, it is not recommended to put pressure on it with the weight of your body. Up to 22 weeks, it is allowed to sleep on your back, as the diaphragm and spine are still in a comfortable state. And as soon as your baby starts to move, it is better to sleep on your side. From this point on, it is desirable to exclude sleeping on your back for the following physiological reasons:

In the second trimester, the optimal sleeping positions remain - the right and left sides. Most people are not able to control their sleeping positions, for this put pillows under your back that will prevent you from lying on your back.

Third trimester - trying to just sleep

The choice of positions to fall asleep in the third trimester is narrowing again. It is physically impossible to sleep on the stomach, on the back it is harmful to the health of the baby. Remains only left and right side. The question arises: on which side is it better to sleep during pregnancy in the third trimester? Doctors recommend on the left. The position of the inferior vena cava runs along the right side of the uterus. Therefore, sleeping on the right side leads to squeezing of the vein by the weight of the baby. Compression of the vein will lead to disruption of the blood supply to the child, and his tremors will prompt the need to change position during sleep. For a comfortable sleep, experts recommend placing a pillow between the legs, while bending the right leg at the knee, and stretching the left leg. This sleeping position helps:

  • absence of back pain;
  • lack of pressure on the liver and right kidney;
  • reduction of swelling of the legs;
  • improving the functioning of the kidneys;
  • increase blood flow to the placenta, which will allow the child to receive the amount of oxygen necessary for development.

If the child is in the wrong position, it is recommended to sleep on the left side, but with a transverse presentation, you should sleep on the side where its head is located. In case of any violations, your doctor will tell you the most appropriate position for sleeping during pregnancy.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is especially difficult for expectant mothers to sleep. The belly has grown as much as possible, it is difficult to get up on your own, since the weight of the child with amniotic fluid is very significant, it is difficult to breathe, frequent urination due to the strong pressure of the uterus on the organs and constant worries about the upcoming birth prevent the pregnant woman from falling asleep. And during this period, sleep is extremely important, because you need to gain strength.

Doctors recommend sleeping position - reclining with a pillow under your back. Because such a sleeping position during pregnancy, namely the last weeks, reduces shortness of breath, pressure on the diaphragm, which allows you to fall asleep. Additionally, you can put a pillow under your feet, thereby relieving stress from them.

But what to do if you can’t fall asleep on your side, but you really want to sleep. It is necessary to properly prepare yourself and the room for sleep, and for this you need:

Pillows for pregnant women - the key to sound sleep

How to sleep during pregnancy if the correct sleeping position is uncomfortable? For quite a long time, special pillows have become saviors for pregnant women. They are designed for special needs pregnant. Of course, these pillows also have disadvantages, such as:

  • take up a lot of space on the bed;
  • do not fit in the washing machine, it is better to purchase replacement pillowcases;
  • electrified.

But all these shortcomings pale in comparison to the fact that this pillow will allow you to sleep comfortably! These pillows are made from environmentally friendly materials that do not cause allergies. They are produced in various forms, each of which has its own advantages:

Full healthy sleep is of great importance in the life of a pregnant woman. Favorable for a woman's well-being is considered to be 8-10 hours of sleep at night. If the number of hours is less, this can affect the functioning of the immune system, which will lead to mood swings, decreased appetite. All these factors can affect the health of both the expectant mother and the baby. Therefore, take care of yourself, choose more comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy, try to surround yourself with positive events, get enough sleep!

An important part of our life and an integral element for maintaining health is good sleep. It is during sleep that we restore energy, “reboot” our brain and help all body systems prepare for a new day.

Recall any of the days when you woke up not getting enough sleep. The feeling of fatigue, weakness accompanies throughout the day, the concentration of attention is disturbed, any little thing can cause irritation, and the simplest work becomes much more complicated in our eyes.

Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems. To avoid such consequences, doctors recommend that an adult sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. But pregnancy changes the lifestyle of a woman very significantly, these changes also affect the duration of sleep.

Sleep duration. Why do pregnant women sleep a lot?

In order to feel good during pregnancy and create all the conditions for the normal development of the future baby, mothers begin to carefully monitor their health, try to avoid stress, eat better, walk more in the fresh air and, of course, have a good rest.

Many are surprised that pregnant women sleep a lot. But really, there is nothing strange in this. The female body begins to work “for two”, the load on almost all systems and organs increases, so expectant mothers get tired faster and more often feel the desire to sleep. In addition, drowsiness is often caused by a decrease in pressure, which often happens during pregnancy, as well as a decrease in immunity and a lack of vitamins.

In order for sleep to be beneficial and have a beneficial effect on the health of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to sleep about 12 hours a day. It doesn't have to be a one-time dream. It is much more correct not to stay in bed until lunch, but to set aside a couple of hours for daytime sleep.

The best time for mommy to rest will be night sleep from 22.00 to 7.00, that is, 9 hours to restore the body after the day's worries. After dinner, it is useful to set aside hours for sleep from 14.00 to 16.00 to "reboot" and recuperate a bit.

Some pregnant women claim that not used to sleeping during the day, so such a system is not suitable for them. Of course, every body is different, but even if you can't get enough sleep, just resting and relaxing for a couple of hours after dinner will give you an influx of energy and noticeably improve your overall condition.

Sleep problems

As already noted, expectant mothers sleep much more than non-pregnant girls. However, often even a long sleep does not relieve the feeling of fatigue. Why is this happening?

First of all, during pregnancy, the stage of drowsiness increases, when the consciousness is still sensitive to even the most insignificant external stimuli.

In the first months of pregnancy, sleep problems can be associated not so much with hormonal changes in a woman's body, but also with psychological problems. This is especially characteristic for the first pregnancy. Upcoming changes in life give rise to worries and fears, which, in turn, negatively affects the quality of sleep. Often women complain of nightmares that interfere with proper rest.

The following months may also be accompanied by insomnia. The development of the fetus increases the load on the mother's body, all systems begin to work in an enhanced mode, and it seems that they simply refuse to rest.

During this period, sleep problems are provoked by physiological causes: pain in the back, lower abdomen, legs, may occur night cramps in the muscles, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, indigestion often occurs. In addition to this, there may be dermatological problems(itching, inflammation).

Yes and growing tummy can cause problems with choosing a comfortable sleeping position, which also makes it difficult to relax.
In the last months of pregnancy, the activity of the baby may interfere with proper rest, but this may be a signal that the sleeping position is chosen incorrectly. How to choose the optimal position for sleeping during pregnancy, we will tell further.

It is not advisable to eat tightly before bedtime, it is best to refuse meals altogether. two hours before bed. But considering that the desire to have a snack can be overwhelming, and sleep on an empty stomach will also not be of high quality, you can afford to drink a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, eat fruit (banana, apple), or a small piece of meat. It is preferable to choose a turkey, because. it contains a natural mild sedative.

It is also advisable not to consume a lot of fluids in the evening to minimize the urge to urinate that interrupts sleep.

Give your body exercise. Natural fatigue from a walk or light exercise is great for healthy sleep. If the weather permits, indulge in a walk before bed. If this is not possible, then replace the walk with exercise.

But they should be performed during the day, and not at bedtime, because the body, excited by the warm-up, will definitely refuse to fall into a healthy sleep. As a preparation for sleep, you can perform several relaxing exercises offered by the yoga course for pregnant women. This will help you get in the right mood.

It will be useful to develop a certain sleep regimen so that the body itself knows when it is time for it to rest. Any rituals performed daily before bedtime can contribute to the formation of the regimen. For example, you can take a warm bath with lavender oil or drink a cup of chamomile tea. Choose what you like.

It is advisable not to load the body in the evening. All things that require stress (both physical and mental) are best done before evening.

Create conditions for comfortable sleep. Ventilate the room so that it is not stuffy, pick up comfortable clothes for sleeping.

Choose the right posture.

The correct position for sleeping in different periods of pregnancy. Sleep on back and stomach

One of the keys to healthy sleep and quality rest is the right choice of posture. Probably everyone has their own preferences: someone falls asleep sweetly on his side, grabbing a blanket with his knees, someone sleeps on his stomach, hugging a pillow, someone on his back. But when a woman becomes responsible not only for herself, but also for the future baby, she even has to choose a sleeping position taking into account her “position”.

Choosing a sleeping position in the first trimester

Let's first take a look at what happens to a woman's body during this period. In the first months, the uterus increases slightly, visually the pregnant tummy is still completely invisible. The fetus in the uterus is protected by the pubic bones. But already during this period, the sensitivity of the breast increases, because the mammary glands swell.

What position to sleep in? Almost any. However, the opinions of doctors differ on the issue of the possibility of sleeping on the stomach.

Some experts argue that even in the early stages, the expectant mother should stop sleeping on your stomach, even if this position is familiar and comfortable for her. This is explained by the fact that body weight transferred to the stomach during sleep can harm the development of the fetus.

But there are doctors who do not put any restrictions on choosing a sleeping position in the first trimester, arguing that the main thing is maintain a healthy and complete rest for a woman.

Who is worth listening to? Of course, consult with your doctor, because you trust this specialist. But if you want to get an opinion from the outside, we recommend choosing the golden mean.

When sleeping on your stomach does not cause discomfort, and this often happens due to increased sensitivity of the chest, you can safely sleep the way you want. However, it should be noted that in the future, such a pose will still have to be abandoned. Therefore, you can take a moment and start to gradually relearn.

Choosing a sleeping position in the second trimester

At this time, the tummy begins to grow, because there is a gradual increase in the uterus. Now the baby is protected only directly by the walls of the uterus and amniotic fluid.

However, there is still freedom in choosing a sleeping position. Again, only sleeping on the stomach raises doubts. The protection of the unborn child is no longer as reliable as in the first trimester, so the pressure of the mother's body weight on the tummy will be sensitive. But often, there are no problems with sleeping on the stomach during this period, because many women simply feel uncomfortable sleeping like this and they change their position voluntarily.

How to sleep in the third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, the tummy becomes already quite large, so it can cause some discomfort when choosing a comfortable position for sleeping.

What do the doctor's say? It's obvious that sleeping on your stomach becomes physically impossible. It is not only unsafe, but also simply uncomfortable for the expectant mother.

Many women try to sleep on their backs. However, it should be warned that during the last trimester, the uterus, having increased significantly, in the “lying on its back” position compresses the inferior vena cava. This is quite dangerous, because in this way normal blood circulation is disturbed and pressure decreases.

In a dream, a woman can even lose consciousness due to a lack of oxygen entering the brain. In addition, sleeping on your back in the later stages is fraught with vein diseases such as varicose veins and thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

An already grown baby puts pressure on the internal organs, so sleeping on your back can lead to disruption of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. In addition, such a sleeping position is harmful not only to the expectant mother, but also to her baby, because he will also feel the lack of oxygen. Therefore, we recommend abandon this position during sleep.

What sleeping position should you choose in the last months of pregnancy?

Here experts are unanimous - the best choice is sleeping on the side.

As an alternative, you can use a special pillow for pregnant women, which is made to support the body of the expectant mother in the most comfortable position.

Does it matter which side you sleep on?

Yes, it has. Doctors recommend sleep on the left side to facilitate the work of the kidneys, gallbladder, and also reduce swelling of the limbs. However, some mothers feel discomfort, pressure on the heart. If this happens to you, then it is allowed to sleep on your right side. Doctors recommend the same position for women with oblique presentation of the fetus.

Finally, I would like to note that if you still can’t fall asleep, you don’t need to torment yourself with thoughts about the need for sleep and count how many minutes you still have left to rest. Take a break, do what you like. For example, read a book, listen to your favorite music. No need to try to solve the problem of insomnia with the help of pills. Such drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Take care of your health and your future baby. And let good sleep help you with this.

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