Statements about the leadership of Russian authors. Aphorisms about the leader

: It befits Caesar to die standing.

Steve Jobs :
Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower.
Sam Walton:
Outstanding leaders find a way to boost the self-esteem of their staff. When people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can achieve.
Jan Bremmer:
The skill of a leader matters, but so does the strength of his country.
V.M. Bekhterev:
It is impossible to be the leader of the people without embodying their dreams.
Boris Andreev:
If you want to remain king, under no circumstances should you imagine yourself without a crown.
Yuri Andropov:
Sometimes in politics bluffing is acceptable, but this is not an occupation for heads of state. At this level, you need to be, not to seem.
Giacomo Casanova:
Lead the one who wants to go; the one who does not want to be dragged.
Angela Merkel:
A man who has no support from his own party cannot lead Germany along the right way.
Second salient feature leader - the simplicity and clarity of those plans, combinations and decisions to which he came. The simpler and more specific the operation plan, the better it is.
I.V. Stalin:
The workers cannot have faith in leaders where the leaders are rotten in the diplomatic game, where words are not backed up by deeds, where leaders say one thing and do another.
Yulia Timoshenko :
It is easier to lead a people than to move them.
To lead means to foresee.
Whoever wants to become a leader of people must, for a good period of time, be known among them as their most dangerous enemy.
Henry Ford :
Asking: "Who should be the boss?" - it's like asking: "Who should be the tenor in this quartet?" Of course, someone who can sing in a tenor voice.

"To whom,
Who doesn't
Who is darkness
Who is the world.
To whom honey
To whom firmament
To whom ice
To whom death"
V. Orlic (epigram "Commune")

"Without fire, there will be no smoke,
And without clouds there is no rain...
It all depends on the mode
And regimes come from the leader”
Don Aminado

“The world is ultimately simple. There are masters, there are slaves. There are few rulers, clouds of slaves. It has always been like this - under the pharaohs, sultans, kings. It will continue to be so. So it is ordained by God. And no matter what cataclysms occur in society from time to time, everything will return to its eternal circle.
A. Ivanov "Eternal Call"

“Self-affirmation, power occupy the highest hierarchical level of the pyramid of human needs priorities”
A. Maslow

"The stronger the power, the more terrible its application"
F. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov"

"Power is the eyes of Medusa Gorgon"
S. Zweig

“The will to power is the drive from inferiority to god-like superiority”
A. Adler

"To command oneself is the greatest power"

"Power - terrible drug forever enslaving a person prone to this kind of drug addiction "
A. Anatolyev

“There is no worse misfortune in the world,
Than an idiot who seized power "
L. Filatov "Three oranges"

“People believed that sacred and important is not this spring morning, not this beauty of the world of God, given for the good of all beings, - beauty that disposes to peace, harmony and love, but sacred and important is what they themselves invented in order to rule over each other. over the other"
L. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

"The power in everyone who has tasted this fruit leaves a poison of eternal aftertaste of its unforgettable sweetness"
M. Djilas

"There is no beast more ferocious than a man, combining evil passions and power"

“Caesar is not allowed to do much, because everything is allowed to him”

"Power is given only to those who dare to bend down and take it"
F. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

"The only way to get rid of a dragon is to have your own"
E. Schwartz "Dragon"

Tyranny is a habit that turns into a need
F. Dostoevsky "Uncle's Dream"

“The low soul, having come out from under oppression, oppresses itself”
F. Dostoevsky "Notes from the Underground"

"Those who are executed are remembered,
And not those who executed "
V. Vysotsky

“The higher the monkey climbs, the better his ass is visible”
D. Rumsfeld

"Lead, someone must follow"
Lao Tzu

"The final test for a leader is that he leaves people with a conviction and a desire to keep going."
V. Lippman

“Leadership is the ability to raise the human vision to the level of a broader horizon, to bring the effectiveness of human activity to the level of higher standards, as well as the ability to shape a personality, going beyond the usual, limiting its limits”
P. Drucker

"Leadership is the road that you take to find the best life has to offer"
N. Savidova

“The task of a leader is to give meaning to the lives of people following you”
I. Vorotnitskaya

“The best leader is the one that people just know exists. Not such a good leader is the one to whom people submit. Worse is the leader whom people despise. And with a good leader who doesn't say much when his job is done and his goal is achieved, people say, "We did it ourselves."
Lao Tzu

"The team makes the leader"
A. Kalabin

“Man allows you to do whatever you want with yourself. He is more trainable than a monkey."
Y. Semenov

“Throwing pebbles into the water, look at the circles they form”
K. Prutkov

"The whole art of government boils down to two things: bestow and punish"
Mohammed II

"Everything that is empty is easily managed"
M. Ende "The Neverending Story"

"The crowd has many heads, but few brains"
W. Knorring

"Who subdues people not good deeds but by violence, he makes their hearts desire another master.”
H. Manuel

"In order to control a multitude of people, it is better to be humane than arrogant, and it is better to be merciful than cruel"
N. Machiavelli

“When you cannot correct yourself, how will you correct others?”

"Ignorant people imagine that they think and control the destinies of those who actually think"
J. London

“Minds are like parachutes. They only work when opened."
T. Devor

“Due to trouble, there is an opportunity to negotiate”
O. Holmes

"You have only one way to convince others - to listen to them"
B. Washington

"First make sure, and then convince"
K. Stanislavsky

“The only way to set people up for vigorous activity is to communicate with them”

“Whoever has not studied man in himself will never reach a deep knowledge of people”
N. Chernyshevsky

“To manage well, you need to know who and where you manage”
H. Marty

“The ability to communicate with people is the key to success in any business”
L. Iacocca "Career of a manager"

"Management is nothing more than setting other people to work"
L. Iacocca "Career of a manager"

“You should always represent in your mind the interests of the person with whom you are dealing”
L. Iacocca "Career of a manager"

“The car is made of iron! So, you don’t feel sorry for her, he started it - she forges rubles for you without any words, without any hassle. A man - he is restless and miserable. Howls, whines, cries, asks ... there is a lot of superfluous in it ”
M. Gorky "Foma Gordeev"

“If we take into account all the virtues that are required from a servant, how many masters are there worthy of being servants?”
P. Beaumarchais "The Barber of Seville"

“There is no substitute for the art of management. The management system cannot create leaders. However, it can create conditions under which the ability to be a leader will manifest itself or be suppressed.
C. Killen

"In management, there is perhaps nothing more important than the art of putting your thoughts into someone else's head"
S. Parkinson

"Managing is making believe"
N. Machiavelli

“Better one bad commander-in-chief than two good ones”
Napoleon I

“First of all, what characterizes mastery? The ability to do something quite complex. And craftsmanship is the ability to do something difficult with someone else's hands. A musician needs only his skill, a conductor also needs skill.
S. Parkinson

“Management is the most creative art, it is the art of arts, because it is the art of creating talents”
R. McNamara

“The hardest thing in this world is not to convince people to accept new ideas, but to make them forget the old ones”
D. Keynes

"Becoming a captain
Keep the sailor in you"
V. Vysotsky

“To be able to manage means not to interfere good people work"
L. Kapitsa

"The art of management is not to let people grow old in their positions"
Napoleon I

"I listen to people's words and look at their actions"

“A noble man, when he leads people, then uses the talents of everyone, a small man, when he leads people, he requires universals from them”

"To lead untrained people to fight is to abandon them"

"Wanting to take, you must give"
Fei Tzu

"To foresee is to control"
Lord Northcliff

“Only the person who is able to defend his point of view can lead others”
D. Carnegie

"If you teach a man anything, he will never learn anything"
B. Show

“Learn to listen and you can benefit even from those who speak badly”

"The greatness of a great man lies in how he treats small people"
T. Carlisle

"If you skillfully hold the reins, the horses will run on their own"

“You can’t change the essence, but you can help it manifest itself brighter”
N. Skuratovskaya

“What can not be commanded in a whisper,
This has been proven by experience."
K. Prutkov

"A good ruler is justly likened to a coachman"
K. Prutkov

"Ruler! Let not your days pass idle;
Throw pebbles, if there is leisure,
But watch: in the water they breed -
Ruler! Avoid walking on the hillside:
Sliding, or you fall, or you trample your boots;
And do not go on the road, if not at night -
Letting the play of the service fountain rest,
Follow the opinion of the country more closely;
And in order not to become a victim of self-deception -
Watch out!
K. Prutkov

“You must manage with the help of reason: you cannot play chess with the help of good heart»

"Be nice to people on your ascent - you will have to meet them when you go down"
M. Twain

“The possession of power, no matter how limitless it is, does not teach how to use it”
O. Balzac "Shagreen leather"


So, which of these statements is true? Does the author want to explain or confuse everyone around? No matter how many statements, the truth is always the same! I am the founder new school philosophy and I have my own opinion on this matter. The ideal ruler must be wise and strong. Wisdom is needed in order to understand the essence of things (cosmic laws) and to rule in such a way that maximum amount there were enough people. And strength is needed so that the state can protect itself from internal and external enemies. And what do we see today? The President issues a decree that takes into account the interests of one handful of people. The rest suffer. Dissatisfied, they take to the streets and demand that the president change his decree. In reply strong structure states disperse demonstrators (citizens of the state!), using tear gas and batons to do this. You can talk about happiness for a long time, being outside of harmony. But you can become happy only by being inside some kind of harmony. People who have received power do not create any harmony - they do not even utter such a word! Not a single president of the planet Earth has ever uttered the word harmony! And by the way, I have never heard the word wisdom from the lips of the presidents either. So draw your own conclusions. I want to create a site dedicated to truth. I want to create my own team. We need a smart programmer and designer. Therefore, I offer you, Andrey, cooperation. the main task my project is to improve people's lives. And improve your life too.

Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg, Sam Walton... What does true leadership look like in the eyes of the leaders themselves? 21 quotes from successful and witty personalities for your motivation and inspiration.

Nobody says that being a leader is easy. Leadership can be overwhelming, exhausting, and even intimidating. But it can be easier if you know how real leaders think.

Powerful Leadership Quotes

1. The key to successful leadership these days is influence, not power.
Ken Blanchard

2. Most effective method to do something is to do it.
Amelia Earhart

3. No person will become a good leader if he wants to do everything himself or get rewarded for everything.
Andrew Carnegie

4. Done is better than perfect.
Sheryl Sandberg

5. Your actions matter more than your words.
Steven Covey

6. Leave your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.
Robert Louis Stevenson

7. The test of leadership is to be strong but not rude; kind, but not weak; brave, but not arrogant; reasonable, but not lazy; modest but not timid; proud, but not arrogant; playful, but not stupid.
Jim Rohn

8. Stop fussing. If you want to be successful, put your best effort into what you truly love to do.
Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey

9. Productivity means doing things right. Efficiency means doing the right thing.
Peter Drucker

10. There are two ways to radiate light - it is to be a candle or a mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton

11. Think about people and they will think about your business.
John Maxwell

12. The question is not who will allow me, the question is who will forbid me.
Ayn Rand

13. An outstanding leader can step off the pedestal and raise the self-esteem of his staff. If people believe in themselves, they can reach incredible heights.
Sam Walton

14. My job is not to be easy for people. My job is to take those great people that we have and push them and make them even better.
Steve Jobs

15. As a leader, I am very demanding of myself and others. However, I make sure that people succeed in what they do. This inspires them to be like me in the future.
Indra Nooyi

16. Leadership is the art of empowering people to bring their ideas to life.
Seth Godin

17. The first duty of a leader is to set a goal. The last one is to say thank you. Between them, the leader is the servant.
Max DePree

18. In order to cope with oneself, one needs a head; in order to cope with others, you need a heart.
Eleanor Roosevelt

19. Leadership is the ability to turn a dream into reality.
Warren Bennis

20. You control the situation - people follow you.
Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

21. The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay

1) Leadership is the art of getting people to do what you want own will. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

2) Go to people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. When the work is done and the tasks are solved, people will say to a good leader: “we did it ourselves.” - Lao Tzu

3) One who has not learned to obey cannot be a good leader.
- Aristotle

4) The highest measure of a person is not what he is in moments of comfort and joy, but what he becomes in times of problems and contradictions. - Martin Luther King Jr.

5) Without revelation from above, the people perish. - Proverbs 29:18

6) There is no such person who would be good enough to control another person without his consent - Abraham Lincoln

7) good leader runs too far ahead of his followers. - Theodore Roosevelt

8) Today, the key to successful leadership is not power, but influence. — Kenneth Blanchard

9) A good leader takes a little more blame and a little less profit. - Arnold Glasgow

10) Leaders don't create followers, they create new leaders. - Tom Peters

11) The goal of leadership is to help someone who is doing poorly to do their job well, and to help someone who is doing well to do even better. — Jim Rohn

12) It seems to me that the most effective leaders never say “I”. And not because they have weaned themselves from saying "I". They don't think "I". They think "we"; they think "team". They understand that their job is to make the team a functioning organism. They do not shy away from responsibility, but "we" receive recognition. This is how the trust needed to solve problems is built. - Peter F. Druner

13) I always remember the axiom: a a shepherd. He stands behind the herd, lets the smartest ones go forward, and the rest follow them, not realizing that they are being guided all the way from behind. — Nelson Mondelo

14) The task of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; kind, but not weak; assertive, but not cocky; thoughtful, but not lazy; cautious, but not cowardly; proud, but not arrogant; with a sense of humor, but not sarcastic. — Jim Rohn

15) It is not given to become a great leader to those who want to do everything themselves or take all the credit for themselves. — Andrew Iarnegie

16) When something good happens and you're celebrating a victory, it's best to stand aside and go ahead and poison others. You can only step forward when danger appears. People will appreciate your leadership. — Nelson Mondelo

17) I believe that once leadership meant "muscles"; but today it means "getting along with people." - Mohma Gandhi

18) Leadership and learning are impossible without each other. — John F. Kennedy

19) Effective leadership means putting the big questions first. Effective management is the discipline of their implementation. — Steven Novy

20) People make history, not the other way around. During the period when
there is no leadership, society is marking time. Progress
happens when courageous, skillful leaders
take the opportunity to make a difference. — Harry Truman

21) Of all the animals, let the sovereign become like two: a lion and a fox. a lion
is afraid of traps, and the fox is afraid of wolves, therefore, one must be like a fox in order to be able to bypass traps, and a lion in order to scare away wolves. - Niccolo Machiavelli

22) Every man is looking for a leader to enthusiastically follow him to whatever fortress he wishes to attack - Jack McDevitt

23) Managers act according to the rules, the leader acts correctly.
- Warren Bennis

25) No popular leader has ever admitted that he is indifferent to the truth. - Maurice Merleau-Ponty

26) People ask what is the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader works in the open, the boss - in the open. The leader leads, the boss drives. - Theodore Roosevelt

27) I came up with my own method of selecting personnel: I looked for people who were captains of student teams back in college. Such people are born leaders. - Jack Stack

28) If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit.<...>Woe to you, blind leaders... - From the Bible Matt. 15:14; 23:16

29) We are rich in goods, but poor in spirit! Richard Nixon

30) History shows that the most famous winners usually faced intolerable difficulties before they reached their triumph. They won because they refused to be defeated. — Bertie Charles Forbes

31) The biggest bankrupt in this world is a person who has lost his enthusiasm for life. — Matthew Arnold

32) Creative people and innovators believe. They believe in themselves and in their decisions, and forget those who do not share their point of view. They demonstrate such confidence in their ideas that the fear of failure that haunts other people recedes. - Gene Landrum

33) Responsibility is what people fear the most. However, this is exactly what helps us grow in this world. — Frank Crane

34) There are people who are able to lead entire nations solely due to their charm. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

35) If you can become an eagle, do not strive to be the first among jackdaws. - Pythagoras of Samos

36) If they spit in your back, then you are ahead. - Confucius

37) - Leader is not a title or position. To lead means to act. And anyone can become a leader. - Robin Sharma.

38) Leading a people is much easier than moving them. - David Fink, American psychiatrist.

What makes a person a leader?

Special talent? Self confidence? Ability to motivate and train others? The ability to see perspective?

Yes and no.

There are many qualities that are characteristic of leaders, but there is no universal formula. It is impossible to confidently say: "He who meets such and such criteria is an outstanding leader."

Here's what they say about the essence of leadership 40 famous people reaching incredible heights. Let their quotes inspire you and set the bar for you to strive for!

“True leadership grows out of individuality. Of course, sometimes the result is not perfect. But leaders should aim for authenticity, not perfection.”

Sheryl Sandberg(Sheryl Sandberg), COO social network Facebook

“Don't follow the crowd. Let the crowd follow you."

Margaret Thatcher(Margaret Thatcher), former British Prime Minister

"Just because you're the loudest doesn't mean you're right."

Brian Halligan(Brian Halligan) CEO and co-founder of HubSpot

“When you don’t have an opinion, anything will pass for an argument. Everything can be disputed. But if you are sure of something, the solutions are obvious.”

Jason Fried(Jason Fried), CEO and co-founder of 37 signals

“Manage things. Lead people."

Grace Hopper(Grace Hopper), Rear Admiral, US Navy

"Without willpower, inertia always wins."

Tony Shay(Tony Hsieh), CEO of Zappos

“To control yourself, use your head. Use your heart to control others."

Eleanor Roosevelt(Eleanor Roosevelt), former First Lady of the United States

“Praise when praise is deserved, and especially if it is late.”

Dharmesh Shah(Dharmesh Shah), co-founder of HubSpot

“Management is the art of doing things right. Leadership is the art of doing the right thing."

“Nothing of value comes easy. Relationships of all types require work. Clients demand work. Building a team takes work. If something didn't cost you the effort, chances are it has no value and won't give you a competitive edge."

Rand Fishkin(Rand Fishkin), Founder of Moz

"You can't have everything you want, but you can get what's really important to you."

Marissa Mayer(Marissa Mayer), President of Yahoo

“Before you become a leader, you strive for your own success. For a leader, success is watching others grow.”

Jack Welch(Jack Welch), former CEO of General Electric Company

“If your actions lead to results that inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and achieve more, then you are a great leader!”

Dolly Parton(Dolly Parton), performer and songwriter

"The job of a leader is to inspire and motivate people to help them realize their full potential."

Denise Morrison(Deniz Morrison), CEO of Campbell Soup

"Execution skill determines whether a company succeeds or not."

Pete Cashmore(Pete Cashmore), founder and CEO of Mashable

“A good leader is one who gets a little more when we are talking about responsibility, and a little less when it comes to gratitude.”

“If you are honest and serve the people who work for you, they will do the same for you.”

Mary Kay Ash(Mary Kay Ash), founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

"Give people as much freedom as they need, not as much as you are willing to give."

Janet Rankin(Jeannette Rankin), American public figure

"The only guaranteed losing strategy is to never take risks."

Mark Zuckerberg(Mark Zuckerberg), co-founder and head of the social network Facebook

"Motivation, passion and focus must come from above."

Kevin Plank(Kevin Plank), founder and CEO of Under Armor

“A leader leads people where they want to go. An outstanding leader is where they don't necessarily want to go, but where they definitely want to be."

Rosalynn Carter(Rosalynn Carter), former First Lady of the United States

“My job is not to make life easier for people. My job is to make people better."

Steve Jobs(Steve Jobs), founder of Apple

“It is difficult to explain what it means to be a good leader. But if people are ready to follow you to the ends of the earth, then you are a good leader.”

Indra Nooyi(Indra Nooyi), CEO of PepsiCo

“Children do not do what you ask them to do, even when you ask. Organizations are not too different. Get ready to listen. Learn to influence people.

Ellen Kuhlman(Ellen Kullman), CEO of DuPont

“I prefer to do what helps the company move towards success. I don’t spend a lot of time on what I personally enjoy doing.”

Michael Dell(Michael Dell), founder and CEO of Dell

"People don't like to follow pessimists."

Bob Iger(Bob Iger), CEO of The Walt Disney Company

“Don't be afraid that you don't know something. This can become your main strength and encourage you to act differently from the rest.

Sara Blakely(Sara Blakely), founder of Spanx

“Leaders go ahead and stay there, setting the standard by which they will evaluate their work and the work of their subordinates.”

Fred Smith(Fred Smith), founder and CEO of FedEx

"Leadership is the art of empowering people to bring their ideas to life."

Seth Godin(Seth Godin), American entrepreneur, author

"There are many bad reasons to create a business. But only one is good right reason. I think you know her: it changes the world.”

Phil Libin(Phil Libin), CEO of Evernote

● ●

“If you are successful, it means that someone, somewhere, gave you a life or an idea that took you in the right direction.”

Melinda Gates(Melinda Gates), co-founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

“The hardest thing is to make the decision to act. The rest is a matter of perseverance."

Amelia Earhart(Amelia Earhart), the first female pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean alone

"Everything you've ever dreamed of is on the other side of fear."

George Adair(George Adair), real estate developer

"The best leader is the one who has the good sense to hire good man and let him do what he likes. And able not to interfere in this process.

Theodore Roosevelt(Theodore Roosevelt), former President of the United States

“Never tell people how to act. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."

George Patton(George Patton), General of the US Army

"Leadership doesn't always keep pace with compromise."

Woodrow Wilson(Woodrow Wilson), former President of the United States

"The main task of a leader is to instill in other people confidence in their abilities and a desire to continue."

Walter Lippman(Walter Lippmann), reporter

“You don't become a leader by making people do things. This is violence, not leadership."

Dwight Eisenhower(Dwight Eisenhower), Former US President

“Your background doesn't matter. Success is determined by self-confidence and fortitude.”

Michelle Obama(Michelle Obama), former First Lady of the United States

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