Education in part-time form at school. Full-time part-time education at school according to the new law on education

Attributes of childhood in the form of the first and last calls, desks, harsh and fair teachers, classmates do not attract everyone. Moreover, this is decided by parents, for whom until recently there were no alternatives to compulsory schooling and who were obliged to attend classes. Their schedule was arranged for a small group of children - young circus performers and athletes, actors, musicians, or whose parents were diplomats. The rest had to sit out a certain amount of time in the classroom.

24 years ago, Boris Yeltsin, with his power, gave Russian children the opportunity to study at home, and to take exams. Very quickly, family education (as it is also called homeschooling) found a residence in our society. Who chooses it? Mostly those who, for various reasons, cannot send their children to school. Here are just a few categories:

  1. yoga,
  2. Vegans
  3. Adherents of mixed or secular education from religious motives,
  4. Freelancers, that is, people working on the Internet,
  5. Those who travel constantly
  6. People whose children are deeply disabled. Just parents who have had a dislike for the traditional school since their school days.

Another question - is it good or bad, and who is bad or good?

Hooray, you don't have to go to class!

So those who have experienced all the charms of the traditional school can rejoice. Because they themselves have unlearned, and now their children will not go to hated lessons. It turns out that this can be done. And no one will give the child absenteeism. Because a special form of education is framed correctly.

Previously, even before the current Law on Education, many chose such a form of education as an external student. That is, this program existed in schools and educational centers. Children attend school once a week, receive advice on selected subjects, and then take an exam. Moreover, the child may not even receive such consultations. Just passed the exam. Externship is provided in the current version of the law on education as an external student only in the form of passing exams.

Children can be enrolled in the school on a part-time or part-time basis. How and what is here?

Correspondence students

What is this category of students? These are children studying at home in family education under the state program, when they need expert advice. They, being at the moment anywhere in the world, are registered with one of the Russian schools. This is very convenient for families who live abroad and strive to ensure that their child receives a certificate from a Russian school.

There are schools that actively work with the so-called correspondence students. Special centers are being opened that provide assistance to those who teach their child at home. For example, a boy from the Moscow region studied at an external office in Novosibirsk. Being attached to a local, so-called traditional school, the child received assignments via the Internet, and passed exams and tests via Skype. Another studied at the Center for Family Education, but continued to be registered with his Moscow school. This student visited the Center once a week, attending only some of the lessons. Everything else was studied by him at home.

Why did these families choose this form of education? Because their children could not physically sit out the right amount of time at school. After many hours of sitting, they not only get tired, but also cannot absorb the entire amount of information. As a result, they cannot do their homework on their own.

Part-time students

This form of education involves the preparation of an individual curriculum. It indicates what subjects he goes to study in class, and what he teaches himself, as well as how and at what time he will take tests on them. Thanks to such a plan, in-depth and accelerated study can be envisaged. If agreed with the school administration, children can only go to individual lessons, spend a day or two here, and work the rest of the days at home, at the education center, family club, visiting a tutor. That is, as the parents decide.

Here is an example. Mom teaches correspondence courses. Grades are based on the work done at home, given by the teacher (mother brings notebooks to school). At school, the child writes dictations and tests. When classmates go to physical education or ORKSE, or during breaks, the child writes small tests and dictations. What is the benefit? The fact that children learn, and do not sit in the classroom, doing nothing. And this is very difficult for a child.

Or another example. Parents transferred the child to part-time education, because their child was often sick and the children did not like him. Seeing that he had lost interest in studying, dad and mom changed the uniform. As a result, the child gets enough sleep, does not suffer from bullying by classmates, does not get nervous that a huge homework has not been completed. This way of getting an education is more suitable for children who get tired and often fall ill.

However, here it is necessary to prepare for drawing up a clear daily routine, a flexible schedule (daily lessons, but if suddenly the weather is not right or the child is tired, all this can be done tomorrow).

Here, parents should convey to the child the information that he is at “home schooling”, and not just resting at home, because he wants to.


Homeschooling is suitable for children who cannot go to school for health reasons. You need to confirm this with a doctor's note. The teacher, if the child is not able to attend classes, studies with him at home. Each class has its own norm of hours - 8-12, depending on the class.

Alas, not every teacher can come home. And then the children do not receive knowledge on this subject. Without hearing the answers of the guys with whom they could learn, these students do not have the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others. In addition, they depend on the level of professionalism of the teacher and what kind of personal relationship will develop with him. But in principle, parents consider the system flexible, allowing to take into account the capabilities of children and so on.

distance workers

With distance learning, children do not attend school, receiving assignments and sending them by e-mail, meeting with teachers on Skype. Who benefits from this form? Disabled children, especially from the outback, where they cannot turn to qualified help, including a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist.

It is not very pleasant that children are absolutely isolated from their peers.


Well, the scope of the law has extended to many forms of alternative education. Which to choose? It depends on the characteristics of each child and family. By choosing the right approach, you will definitely benefit. The child learns without going to school, while gaining knowledge and realizing himself more widely!

Not all schools can offer a student all of them at once, it depends on the permits received and the occupancy of the educational institution.

Full-time education

This is the usual form of schooling, recommended for all students. It is used by most school children. It is based on attending classes every day, doing homework, writing test papers, and the teacher's direct control over the progress of each student. With this format of education, the student spends a significant amount of time at school, and his success directly depends not only on himself, but also on the work of the teacher.

Evening form of education

In this case, all the characteristic features of daytime education are also valid for evening education: it also consists of direct communication between the student and the teacher, only it takes place in the evening. Usually, either adult students study in the evening, who once had to leave school, but they want to finish secondary education, or several classes are rearranged from daytime to when there are too many children at school, so there are not enough classrooms for everyone.

external student

This is a rather unusual form of education, it is not allowed in all schools. For such training, the student does not have to come to school every day, classes are organized for him every few weeks or every week at a certain time, where the teacher goes through new topics with such students, works out the most difficult issues. It is especially convenient to study for those children who are actively involved in sports sections or choreographic circles, often leave for competitions, or for those children who want to devote maximum time to certain subjects, preparing for exams and not wasting time on everyday trips to school. They can study in a regular or enhanced program, completing several classes in one year.

Home schooling

This form of education can be prescribed by a doctor if the child falls ill with a serious illness, or a parent can choose if they want to teach the child on their own at home. The school has no right to prohibit such a form of education or not provide a place for such a child. Then the student does not need to attend classes during the year, he can only come to school at the end of the academic semester to pass the necessary tests or exams to confirm the level of knowledge and transfer to the next one. However, if such a child needs advice or help from teachers, it should be provided to him. Family schooling is becoming more and more popular among some parents who believe that schooling kills creativity in their children, teaches them to obey the system, and breaks the child's psyche. However, it is rather problematic to educate their children for 11 years, usually such families use the help of educational sites, the services of tutors, or invite school teachers to their homes.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted three years ago, provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right of choice belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted three years ago, provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right of choice belongs to the parents of the student, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

However, in reality, not all educational organizations are ready to implement both forms of education. The reason lies in the constituent documentation, which in most schools does not yet comply with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why is this process moving so slowly? Everything is very simple: in view of the lack of applications from those wishing to choose a correspondence or part-time form of education, since most parents do not have information about such an opportunity. In addition, correspondence education in the minds of Russians tends to be associated with universities rather than schools. Schools are also in no hurry to announce such rights in order to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Previously, students who did not want or could not study full-time were sent to night schools that had licenses for correspondence education. However, now the annex to the license indicates only the level of education, and not its form. Basically, evening, or shift, schools today have become a part (structural division) of secondary general educational organizations, becoming centers of education, which were the first to amend their constituent documents and began to offer training in three forms.

But such a change in the status of evening schools did not lead to success everywhere. Especially if we take into account the reduction of curricula and funding by a factor of 0.65 from the norm of day schools.

In addition to education centers, they changed intra-school documentation, in accordance with the new legislation and the Federal State Educational Standard, and in some schools in rural areas, where the correspondence form is more important, since children often have to be transported over long distances, which takes a lot of time and exhausts students.

For the part-time form, a group must be opened at the school if at least nine people are recruited. If there are 16 people in the group, then 72 hours are allocated for individual consultations, which include laboratory and practical exercises, as well as intermediate certification. When organizing the learning process for the entire academic year, the hours are distributed evenly - 2-3 training days weekly, in accordance with the current SanPiN.

The whole process of organizing part-time and distance learning is approved by the order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the curriculum and taking into account the abilities and needs of students applying for a similar form of education.

The final state certification passes, like all graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the current Regulations on it. But the forms of organization of training (distance, group or individual) may vary depending on the mutual consent of the participants in the education process.

In general, the school administration does not seek to offer the mentioned forms of education, with the exception of isolated cases, since an attempt to implement the correspondence form on a mass scale can lead to serious difficulties in the education system.

Photo taken from

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