Orthodox rehabilitation centers. Stream. Rehabilitation center

The life of Father Alexander Gavrilov flowed calmly and measuredly. But 15 years ago, something happened that changed her forever: a relative of the priest became a drug addict. The father did not want to put up with the problem and did everything possible to help native person. He acted at random, and at the end of a long journey of trial and error, he managed to achieve a result. Over time, he began to notice that dependent people a lot: on the street, in the temple, in hospitals. So the idea arose to organize a rehabilitation center in the Leningrad region, in the village of Ruchey - father Alexander served there at one time.

Several times a week, Father Alexander comes from St. Petersburg to the "Ruchey", serves the liturgy and communicates with addicts - it turns out something like an open lecture. The priest explains in a simple and understandable language the basics of faith, the subtleties of recovery and answers questions. All other meetings are closed from prying eyes, only dependents can attend them. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

The priest graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, trained in the USA in two of the best rehabilitation centers for addicts - Greymore and St. Joseph Center, from where he took12 step program, which consistently gives positive result. Five years ago, the center moved to the village of Rodovoe in the Pskov region and now bears the name "Ruchey" in honor of the place from which it all began. There we went with the photographer Yulia Makoveychuk to see how dependent people live and recover.

The Vyada River, on the banks of which the "Stream" is located. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

The first thing I remember was the big gate at the entrance to the old noble estate with a chic park. Beautiful and somehow ominous at the same time: it feels like this place holds some kind of secret. For the first half hour we did not see a single person - only nature, a huge wooden house and a driver who met us with a photographer at the Pskov railway station and brought us to the village of Rodovoe.

An old house where addicts live. To the right is a church. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

After a solid local breakfast ( semolina, loaf with jam and tea) we went on an excursion. The house built in 1879 on the banks of the Vyada River immediately arouses interest. A beautiful staircase to the second floor, old stoves - the house has central heating, but these stoves cannot be removed. They and the stairs are a monument 19th architecture century, and it's simply beautiful. In general, the very fact that you are in an old noble estate immediately adds respectability to this place.

These plaques are found all over the house. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

There are many rooms, they are bright and spacious. Up to 35 people can live in the Ruche at the same time. Membersprograms gradually replace each other, returning to normal life. The tour is conducted by the director of the "Ruchya" Igor Gerasimov and his deputy Yuri Strekalovskiy. They know their business, love it and sincerely want to develop it.

This is how the daily routine looks like in the "Stream". Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk


Later, the staff consultant of the center Maxim, a silent man in a tracksuit, joins us. They tell us about the amenities and show them along the way. The work was done enormously: central heating was installed in the house unsuitable for habitation, toilets and showers were equipped on all floors, a gym, a recreation room, several lecture halls with TVs were organized. People are still invisible.

Consultant Max. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

During the conversation, it turned out that Maxim is a former rehabilitator himself, the experience of using drugs is 20 years. I was even at a loss at first: yes, a person cannot “surprise” his consciousness along with the body for so long and look normal at the same time! Further - more: an ex-wife, a drug addict, a child, three prison terms, a federal wanted list ... But 5 years ago, Maxim got into the "Creek" - and all this time he has been sober. And not just sober, but now he helps alcoholics and drug addicts to get rid of addiction: after therapy, he was in post-rehabilitation, worked at a factory as a mechanic, but returned to the center as a consultant. Maxim realized that in order to work he needed to get higher education. Bottom line: a drug addict with twenty years of experience is now a student of the Faculty of Psychology, has a stable income, lives in the center of St. Petersburg, runs crosses every day for 7-10 kilometers and is planning a wedding with his girlfriend. Looking at him, you understand: every addict really has a chance.

Who are consultants?

Basically, these are addicts who have successfully completed inpatient rehabilitation, lead a sober life for several years and have received appropriate education. They stay to work in the "Ruchye" and help the current residents of the center in solving their problems.

A meeting of alcoholics and drug addicts begins. In addition to dependents, only consultants are present - this is the law. Julia took a photo and immediately left. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

The center also has experienced psychologists. But the trust and authority of the addict always has a person who knows this situation from the inside. No university can train such a specialist. Therefore, the best consultants of "Ruchya" - former patients with recovery experience, experience of sobriety and specialized education.

Counselors attend anonymous meetings of alcoholics and drug addicts, monitor the daily routine and discipline in the center, can talk to a person and help him both physically and morally.They also work in hospitals and drug dispensaries in St. Petersburg, Pskov, Vyborg, in the Crimea and the Leningrad Region.


Dinner. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

We met with the rehabilitators in the dining room, which is located near the main building in a small summer house. The hostess Raya and the cook Lyuba work there. These two good people they do everything so that addicts and guests can eat tasty and varied food 4 times a day. The only thing that Yulia and I lacked was coffee. They don’t give it to rehabilitators - too much excitement nervous system to nothing. But it is full of tea for every taste, honey and jam.

Rehabilitators pray before eating. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

Before and after meals, everyone sings a prayer together. Rehabilitators are not involved in cooking: they have certain duties, but they relate to cleaning the territory and the house itself. No one suits a labor camp here.


The guys just scored the ball. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

After dinner in the fresh air, I was madly sleepy, and in general the whole situation began to resemble a sanatorium. But after a short break, the male part of the rehabilitators poured onto the football field: twice a week, despite the weather, drug addicts and alcoholics enthusiastically kick the ball and, like children, rejoice at small victories. Consultants do not lag behind and join the game. It builds on this most of therapy - to show people that they are part of a large recovering family.

Rest at halftime. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

I, as a true skeptic, immediately assumed that the guys were kicked out to an exhibition game for " beautiful picture". Sleepily yawning after dinner, I took 10 minutes for all the entertainment and guessed it wrong: the guys played two full halves of 45 minutes. And so twice a week in any weather.

Girls play table tennis. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

Tired of the mere thought of running, we set off with a photographer in search of the female half of the Creek. We find them in the gym, which is located in the main house. Girls play table tennis, chatting. Some are downright bored. After 15 minutes, free time comes, and everyone goes out to smoke or breathe fresh air. By the way, smoking is allowed on the territory of the center, there are two smoking rooms - for boys and girls. How so? And like this: too strict prohibitions will only provoke rehabilitators to indulge in all serious. As the consultants themselves admitted, it is generally not recommended for wards to quit smoking in the first year of a sober life. But some chose to quit right away and start running, following the example of Maxim.

Every morning starts the same way - with exercises. There is no permanent host, every time it is held new person at your discretion. Some - following the example of consultants - have already managed to run a couple of kilometers and make fun of sleepy comrades. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk


Let's get back to the girls. If the guys are mostly drug addicts, then the girls, as a rule, have problems with alcohol. Everyone's history of addiction is different.

After the game, Sveta talks about her addiction. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

Svetlana is a nurse and child psychologist of Education. After the death of her mother, which she still cannot survive, she played online games for 4 years, and after that she started drinking. Sveta still has not accepted the fact that she is an alcoholic and this is for life. She has 15 days left until the end of her rehabilitation. The girl admits that she began to feel better and the program benefited her. At the time of the release of this material, Sveta should have already graduated hospital treatment in the "Stream" and return home to her husband.


Bridge over the river Vyada. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

Where do those who have nowhere to go end up? Especially for such people there is a post-treatment program, which is designed for the gradual entry of addicts into society, in other words - social adaptation. They are helped to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg, to find a feasible job. Alcoholics and drug addicts continue to go to anonymous meetings - without this it is impossible to stay sober for a long time. Someone finds a soul mate, someone is just trying to find himself in a new life, and some return to the center as consultants. It is better not to go home after rehabilitation: a familiar environment in 90% of cases provokes a breakdown. Moreover, not all cities have anonymous communities of alcoholics and drug addicts.

Free time

Most of the time, addicts spend at anonymous meetings, trainings, write diaries and daily sum up the results of work on themselves. Free time there is, but it is well distributed throughout the day. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

At the end of the day, rehabilitators have an hour and a half of free time, which they usually spend in a common room. They drink tea, talk about their own, someone without hesitation talks about past life. If someone did not have time to write their assignments, they sit there with a notebook at the table. Someone goes out for a walk or plays table tennis. No one interferes with anyone - the house is huge, there is enough space for everyone.

Vlad tells how he got into rehabilitation. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

The guys carefully offer us tea and share sweets. They talk about everything: who completed the task, what was delicious for lunch, etc. Someone shares memories of their personal lives from the past, someone silently drinks tea. There are no definite answers to questions about plans for the future - I would finish the treatment, and then we'll see. Some admit that they are rather tired of the rigid daily routine and rules of conduct. But at the same time, they understand that it is impossible without discipline: the brain is trying to deceive them and suggest that they are wasting time here.


During the liturgy, everyone embraces. This allows you to feel like part of a large convalescent family. By the way, addicts are called “families” here. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

In the morning we went to the liturgy. No one was late, everyone arrived on time. The addicts unanimously analyzed the liturgy and sang under the guidance of the director of the "Ruchya" Igor Gerasimov, a musician by training. It’s hard to call it a full-fledged choir: everyone is standing where it’s convenient, it’s just that the regent sings the loudest, and the rest follow him in the book. It turns out pretty well. In general, all these three days I tried to catch on their faces an expression of indifference to what was happening or anger, irritation from the rules and daily routine. But I didn't see anything.

The children sing the liturgy according to the books. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

Unseen thing: after a few weeks in the center, alcoholics and drug addicts, most of whom have never gone to the temple, begin to sing and participate in Church Sacraments. No one forces them to go - they come by themselves. But not because they will be kicked out or stopped feeding - addicts feel that church life helps them recover. You can't fool people with a background like that.

Those undergoing rehabilitation have simple responsibilities. Alexey reads morning and evening prayers, on which all dependents are present. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

The children gather in the common room for a lecture. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

"Creek" is not a panacea for addiction for the rest of your life. Addiction - incurable disease which is constantly being worked on. There are breakdowns after which people undergo rehabilitation again, but this is not so scary, because now they know that there is a way out.

Father Alexander holds an open lecture. We were also allowed to listen. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

You can get into the "Stream" only voluntarily: addicts are not forcibly kept, and it is impossible to cure a person without his desire. The entrance, like the exit, is always open to people who decide to fight addiction. 80% of those who have completed the inpatient part of therapy lead a sober life for more than three years. To sign up for rehabilitation, just call the center and arrange an interview, which is conducted with each candidate before treatment.

In 2005, the first rehabilitation center was created in the village of Ruchey in the north of the Leningrad Region, since it was there that the temple was located, in which the founder of the center served at that time. Naturally the center adheres Orthodox traditions helping addicts find themselves.

A few years later, the rehabilitation center in Ruchey grew and it became too crowded in a small house in a remote village on the very border with Karelia, where, moreover, it was difficult to get to (not to mention the harsh climate with long winters and summer midges). Therefore, in 2010, it was decided to move. Not far from Pskov, we managed to find a beautiful building of an empty noble estate surrounded by a park, and by agreement with the administration of the Pskov region, a new drug rehabilitation center was opened here in early 2011, retaining the old name - "Ruchey".

Rehabilitation center "Ruchey" is located in a quiet picturesque corner of the Pskov region, 60 kilometers from Pskov, in the village of Rodovoe, Palkinsky district, on the banks of the Vyada River. The territory of the house is surrounded by an old park, there is an apple orchard. Everything is created in the center the necessary conditions to undergo treatment. There is a canteen with 4 meals a day, rooms for 2, 4 and 10 people, a sauna. Transport links make it easy to get to the center.

In a cozy house rehabilitation center we lead a normal sober life, which is greatly helped by live friendly communication with our consultants. All the time that you spend in the center will become work on yourself, gaining or returning the lost life values and connections. Patients in the process of rehabilitation learn that they are sick, not bad, that their illness is not their fault, that their behavior can be immoral, but their illness is not.

After receiving information about the symptoms and causes of their disease, patients begin to take responsibility for their recovery. In the process of rehabilitation, the patient is convinced that in a sober state he can feel better than in a state of intoxication. He remembers, learns and learns from the experience of others to enjoy life in other ways, actively using his personal reserves. Gradually, he will learn to enjoy life without the help of mind-altering substances.

An important part of the center's program is the involvement of Russian priests in work with addicts and their relatives. Orthodox Church. Conversations with them, acquaintance with the traditions of Orthodoxy contribute to spiritual recovery. We can say that "Stream" is Orthodox center rehabilitation, which is important, given that the use destroys a person in the spiritual sphere. The home chapel was consecrated in honor of St. Alexander of Svir the Wonderworker. Turning to his intercession strengthens the patients and staff of the center in their difficult daily work. Over the years, the Rehabilitation Center "Ruchey" has achieved high results in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.

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