The most significant skyscrapers in the development of US architecture in the 19th-20th centuries. tallest skyscrapers in usa

The Sears Tower was built over 30 years ago. In 1974, the skyscraper became the tallest building in the world, surpassing the World Trade Center in New York by 25 meters. For more than two decades, the Sears Tower held the lead and only in 1997 gave way to the Kuala Lumpur "twins" - the Petronas Towers.

Today, the Sears Tower is undoubtedly one of the most magnificent buildings in the world. Until now, this building remains the tallest skyscraper in the United States.

The height of the skyscraper is 443.2 m, the number of floors is 110. Construction began in August 1970, and completed on May 4, 1973. The chief architect is Bruce Graham, the chief designer (project engineer) is Fazlur Khan.

Upon its completion in 1974, it was the tallest building in the world, surpassing the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a skyscraper holding this record for nearly 25 years. The Willis Tower is now the tallest building in the United States and the ninth tallest building in the world.

The design of this giant skyscraper was born in the late 1960s. It was built for the Chicago company Sears Roebuck and Company, and was developed by specialists from the well-known construction company Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The "father" of the skyscraper was the architect Bruce Graham, who led this unprecedented project at that time, which, however, remains an outstanding masterpiece of technical thought today. And not only the height makes the Sears Tower remarkable.

There was a lot of controversy at one time around competitors for the title of the tallest building in the world. In 1998, the Petronas skyscrapers (in Kuala Lumpur) displaced the Sears Tower from the first line in the TOP 10 of the greatest buildings. All the fuss is due to the fact that the total height of the Sears Tower, including antennas, is over 500 meters, while the ends of the decorative Petronas spiers are only 452 meters away. from the earth. At first glance, it is obvious that the "twins" are much smaller than the Chicago giant. However, the commission, which determined the championship for the Kualalumpurs, did not think so. The fact is that the cyclopean height of Sears is a bit artificial - additional meters were added to the building by television antennas.

The roof of the Sears Tower is located at a height of 443 meters above the ground. The spiers of the Petronas Tower also add height to the skyscraper, but they are an inseparable structural element of the building, so experts took them into account when determining the overall size of the object. Now it becomes clear why the Taipei 101 skyscraper bypassed both the Sears Tower and Petronas - the roof of this giant is located 449 meters from the ground. Taipei 101's spire added extra feet to the building, with the record at 508 meters. Here is the arithmetic.

Before talking about the construction of a skyscraper, it is worth briefly mentioning the main characteristics of the building and voicing the most interesting figures. So, the cost of the Sears tower with a height of 443 meters was 150 million dollars - at that time it was quite an impressive amount. Today, the equivalent of the costs would be almost $1 billion, which is 1.5 times less than investments in the Taiwanese Tibei 101. However, the Sears company, which acted as the customer of the project, was one of the leading places in world trade and did not live in poverty.

It was planned to create several hundred thousand jobs in the premises of the Sears Tower, uniting the personnel of the corporation in one huge office. They decided to rent out some of the rooms, because the maintenance of the building cost a lot of money. The tenants did not want to huddle in tiny stuffy "bedbugs", therefore, in order to increase the commercial attractiveness of the tower, the designers were instructed to create a bright building with spacious halls and large office areas. It is clear that only high ceilings could provide light and air, and, consequently, the dimensions of the skyscraper should have been increased due to growth upwards.

In the 70s of the XX century in America there was a real boom in skyscrapers - skyscrapers grew like mushrooms after rain. So, the 110-story Sears promised to become the greatest building not only in Chicago, but also in the USA, and even in the whole world. In 1969, the very idea of ​​​​building a giant tower was born, but the customers of the high-rise building were not driven by a desire for bragging, but by a purely practical interest. At the disposal of the developer was an area in one of the business districts of Chicago, barely exceeding 5,000 square meters. m.

The bulk of the concerns for the development of the skyscraper fell on the Skidmore architectural bureau. In April 1971, construction entered an active phase, and in the spring of 1973 the building was fully completed. Amazing pace, right?
The uniqueness of the Sears Tower is that, if desired, this skyscraper could be “extended”, increasing additional floors - this is a feature of the pipe architecture. The main building material that went into the construction of the Sears Tower was steel. Steel is known to be a very durable material. To form a skyscraper, load-bearing structures were used, consisting of welded pipes with a square section. Initially, it was planned to introduce 15 such pipes, because in addition to offices in the Sears Tower, a hotel was planned. However, later the hotel was excluded from the project, and the number of pipes was decided to be reduced to 9. These giant pipes, made into a single stepped conglomerate in a 3x3 arrangement, allowed the building to effectively withstand the wind.

In 1969 Sears, Roebuck & Co. was the largest retailer in the world with approximately 350,000 employees. The management decided to gather thousands of workers in offices under the roof of a building in Chicago's west business district. The construction of the building required 279,000 sq. m of land, and given the projected expansion - and even more, so that the architects of "Skidmore" knew that this building would be one of the largest office buildings in the world. Sears management decided in advance that the original building should be carefully planned to accommodate an army of sales staff, while the unoccupied space left for future growth was planned to be leased to small firms until Sears needed it. . To this end, it was necessary to make small rooms with a high ratio of the area of ​​window openings to the area of ​​the room in order to increase their attractiveness for future tenants. A small area required a greater height of the building. The architects of Skidmore proposed a design for a tower with a footprint of 5,000 sq. m, gradually tapering upward by a series of bevels, giving the Sears Tower an exceptionally impressive stepped look. As Sears' expansion plans grew optimistically, the tower passed the 100-story mark and overtook the unfinished World Trade Center in New York for the title of world's tallest building. Limited in height, not by the laws of physics or lack of imagination, but rather by US Federal Aviation Administration limits to protect air traffic, the Sears Tower was funded entirely by the Sears Corporation and was to be topped with two antennas for local television and radio broadcasts. Sears and the City of Chicago approved the project and the first armature was installed in April 1971. Construction was completed in May 1973 at a cost of approximately $150 million at the time, which would have been equivalent to $950 million in 2005. For comparison, the Taipei 101 skyscraper built in 2004 in Taipei would have cost about 1 billion 640 million dollars in 2005. Performance Be that as it may, Sears' optimistic growth expectations did not materialize.

Rivalry with familiar competitors (such as "Montgomery Ward") continued, and then the company was surpassed in influence by other giants of retail trade: "Kmart", "Kohl" s and "Wal-Mart". In the 70s, when the company lost market share and management became even more cautious, the Sears Tower did not have the future that Sears had planned.The tower stood half empty for about 10 years, while in Chicago in the 80s more and more office buildings.The company was forced to mortgage its own building.In 1993, Sears began downsizing its office space in the Sears Tower and by 1995 completely vacated the building, moving to a new building in Hoffman Estates in Illinois.Since that time, the Sears Tower changed owners several times, but Sears Corporation retained the rights to its name.It is now an office building that rents space to more than 100 different companies, including large law firms, insurance companies AI and financial services firms.

The stepped structure of the Sears Tower is only to a small extent a design whim of the architect, mostly it plays a purely functional role. So, 9 square pipes are located at different heights. The area occupied by one pipe is 22x22 meters. The tubular design is an invention of design engineer Fazlur Kahn. He calculated that each individual square pipe takes on part of the strong wind load and therefore the pressure on the building is distributed evenly. As you can see in the photo, not all pipes have the same height, only 2 of them reach the very last floor, while 3 pieces rise to the 90th, 2 more pieces end on the 66th, and 2 are interrupted on the 50th floor. That is, the building begins to narrow from the 50th floor.

The skyscraper is crowned with 2 television antennas, each about 88 meters high. It should be noted that the final height of the Sears was not limited by technical capabilities, but by the regulations of the US Air Force. Just a more powerful structure would be a serious obstacle in the path of aircraft. In the 70s of the XX century, pipe design was innovative. In order to provide the building with the necessary stability, a solid foundation was organized, supported by 114 piles driven deep into the ground. The weight of the tower is truly colossal - more than 440 million pounds!

To strengthen the tubular load-bearing structures, a network of beams and columns was used in the outer walls. Black aluminum was used to finish the skyscraper, which is distinguished by plasticity, good decorative qualities and lightness. The windows were tinted to avoid overheating of the building. For ventilation at the level of 29,64,88,104 floors, large ventilation grilles were made, which also perform a decorative function, covering the beam trusses. 104 high-speed elevators run inside the building, dividing the skyscraper into 3 zones. The building has a system of signs to help people find their way around. The Sears Tower has a special fire extinguishing system that works automatically, in addition, the building itself is built of refractory material, so even in the event of a fire, it is not in danger of collapse.

The steel frame of the skyscraper is clad in black anodized aluminum (total area is 113,312 sqm) with more than 16,100 dark bronze glass windows. Six automatic washing machines clean them 8 times a year.

The total mass of the building is 222,500 tons. It stands on 114 stone-filled concrete piles driven deep into a solid rock base. The lowest level of the tower lies 13 m below street level. More than 600,000 cubic meters of concrete went into pouring the foundation - this amount would be enough to build an 8-lane five-mile freeway. 3220 km of electric cable was laid in the building. And telephone cables (their length is 69,200 km) can wrap our entire planet around the equator 1.75 times.

The construction of the Sears Tower was completed on May 3, 1973. Its total cost was more than $150 million. At the height of construction, up to 2,400 workers worked here.

The area of ​​office space inside the huge building is more than 418,000 square meters. m; that's more than 57 football fields. The highest functional floor of the building is at a height of 436 m. The Sears Tower elevator system includes 106 high-speed elevators, including 16 double-deck express elevators. At a speed of 488 meters per minute, they deliver passengers to the two upper lobbies, from where they are transported to the floors by local lifts. The complex is designed for 12,000 people, about 25,000 people visit the building every day.

Due to fluctuations in the real estate market, the huge tower remained partially empty several times. However, in recent years, the Sears Tower has again become one of the most prestigious buildings in Chicago. However, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York, the owners of many companies lost their desire to rent offices in high-rise buildings. The Sears Tower is currently occupied at about 88 percent of the space. Some business leaders take extra precautions, sometimes quite unusual ones. So, the president of one company occupying the 88th floor of a skyscraper bought parachutes for his employees: in case they suddenly have to urgently leave the building.

The Sears Tower is one of Chicago's most popular attractions. About 1.5 million tourists visit it every year. The observation deck is located at around 412 m. It offers a breathtaking panorama of Chicago and the surrounding area, lying at a distance of 70-80 km from the city. They say that on a clear day from the tower you can see four states at once - Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan. In the old days, tourists who wanted to climb the Sears Tower observation deck were not checked. Today, incoming checks are even more thorough than at the airport. In addition, about a dozen police officers patrol the perimeter of the building, and parking cars near the skyscraper is completely prohibited. These are necessary security measures after the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings in New York.

In addition to its main functions, the Sears Tower serves as a television and radio broadcaster. In March 2000, it was modernized. Now, four combined antennas, each 9 m high, are installed on the tower at the four corners of the roof. This addition made it possible to provide digital television to the entire Chicago area. There are plans to install additional 7-meter broadcast antennas on the roof of the Sears Tower. This measure will allow the tower to remain in the top line of record-breaking skyscrapers for some time.

In March 2004, reports surfaced that the insurance company MetLife Inc., which had owned the tower for the past 15 years, had decided to sell the Sears Tower.

One of the tallest buildings in the United States - Sears Tower in Chicago - invites tourists to tickle their nerves. Four glass balconies, collectively called Ledge, installed on the western side of the Skydeck observation deck, will allow tourists to look at the city in a new way.

And thanks to the transparent floor, not a single detail of the surrounding landscape will escape their eyes. The balconies are installed at the height of the 103rd floor of the skyscraper, each of them can simultaneously accommodate up to 5 people. They are made of heavy-duty three-layer glass and are able to withstand weights up to 5 tons. At the same time, the thickness of each layer of glass is only about 1.3 centimeters, and the thickness of the glass walls themselves is about 4 centimeters. The balconies have a retractable design, which will allow for easy cleaning and maintenance of the skyscraper.

Interesting facts about the Sears Tower

The skyscraper collapses in the documentary "Life After People" after 200 years.

The building is featured in the movie Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon.

The area occupied by the Sears Tower is equal to an 8-lane highway.

The steel used to build the skyscraper would have been enough to produce 50,000 cars.

There are so many telephone wires in the building that they could wrap around the globe 1.75 times!

From the highest observation deck "Skydeck" on a clear day you can see 4 states of the USA: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.

6 automated washing machines are installed on the roofs, which clean 16,100 windows of the Tower every 1.5 months.
The total area of ​​the Sears Tower is equal to 57 football fields.

The Sears Tower antennas receive lightning strikes at least 600 times a year, and even more often!

The Sears Tower has toilets 103 meters above the ground - these water closets are recognized as the highest in the world.

The top of the Willis Tower is considered the highest point in Illinois. The tip of the tower's antenna reaches 527.3 m above street level or 708 m above sea level, the roof height is 442.1 m above street level or 623 m above sea level, the "sky deck" on the 103rd floor of the building is at a height of 412 m above street level or 593 m above sea level, Walker Drive - the main entrance is 181 m above sea level. (The highest natural point in Illinois is Charles Hill, 376 meters above sea level.)

The building is tilted to the west by 10 cm due to the somewhat asymmetrical design, which creates an unequal load on the foundation.

The design for Willis Tower includes nine square steel tubes, 3 blocks, 3 tubes. Willis Tower is the first building for which this project was used. The design allows, if desired or necessary, to complete more floors from above.

The restrooms on the 103rd floor are located 412 meters above street level.

Tourists who come to Chicago consider it their duty to visit the highest point in the city - the Skydeck observation deck. It is located on the 103rd floor of the Sears Tower, 412 meters from the base of the building. Skydeck is taller than Chicago's other famous tourist attraction, the observatory at the John Hancock Center. In fairness, we should also mention the second observation deck - it is located on the 99th floor and plays the role of a spare, being operated during preventive maintenance on Skydeck. The view from the observatory is magnificent! In good weather, you can see the surroundings at a distance of 40-50 miles, admire the modern architecture of Chicago and even look with a telescope into other states of America - Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. Fiction? Not! The way up takes no more than 1 minute, and the elevators are very reminiscent of shuttles, a kind of space shuttle, equipped with 50-inch flat-screen monitors, from which a view of the receding Earth is broadcast. In total, 2 high-speed elevators run to the observatory. Skydeck is not only an observation deck, but also an interactive museum that helps visitors to Chicago get acquainted with the history of the city. In special electronic kits, everyone will be able to take a virtual tour of the capital of Illinois.

On windy days, visitors to the observatory can feel the vibration of the building in their own skin. In the Sears Tower there are not only offices, but also restaurants, cafes, bars, where you can taste the most delicious dishes of North American, European, Mexican cuisine or have a quick bite to eat, discussing the beauties of the "windy city" you have seen. Every year, the Sears Tower and Skydeck are visited by more than 1 million tourists from different parts of the world. For vacationers there is a separate entrance from the south side of the tower.

July 24th, 2012

What famous skyscrapers have we walked around with you? And here they are:

In general, that's all for now, but we will not stop there. Let's go to Canada.

Each year, the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats, a non-profit organization affiliated with the Illinois Institute of Technology (USA), selects buildings that are the perfect combination of sustainability, ingenuity and beauty. This year's winners are buildings from Australia, Italy, Canada and Qatar. In addition, the tower from Abu Dhabi for the first time received a separate award for innovation. The award will take place in October in Chicago.

Only last year, the construction of 88 buildings over 200 meters high was completed, and the jury considered 78 applications at that time. Here are the results of this hard work.

America's Best Tall Building winner Absolute Towers located in Mississauga, a rapidly growing suburb of Toronto, Canada. One of these towers, for obvious reasons, is named after Marilyn Monroe. They are scheduled to ship next month. This couple is accompanied by three more traditional skyscrapers. The total cost of the project is $470 million.

It's no secret that asymmetry in architecture drastically increases the price of the issue (Marilyn meanders 209˚ from the base to the top), and these residential buildings are no exception: more than half of the total budget went to this feminine couple.

Each floor (and each apartment) is different, so the architects and engineers had to puzzle over the dimensions of the supporting walls and columns. They even designed a custom crane to complete the project in a reasonable amount of time!

The harsh climate also created problems. Since each floor has a continuous balcony, the engineers had to come up with a way to prevent the flats from depressurizing. The resulting "thermal pads" are so effective that they may be patented. In general, Absolute Towers is one continuous innovation.

In 2006, Jansong's architectural bureau took part in a major international competition for the creation of the "Absolute World" project. , including high-rise buildings in the territory, which is surrounded on all sides by the roads of the former suburbs, and now - parts of the Toronto metropolis - Mississauga (Mississauga). This complex will have a large number of luxury rooms, saunas, swimming pools, sports facilities, restaurants, boutiques and much more. According to the permanent mayor - Hazel McCollion - this huge complex will finally make Mississauga a "full-fledged city."

By January 2006, out of 90 contestants representing 60 countries, only 6 applicants remained, and among them MAD. According to Ma Yansong, at that moment, their group had hope to win. And in March 2006, a selection committee of nine members of a group of urban planning architects and urban design experts, as well as 6,000 citizens who took part in the vote, preferred their Absolute World development project, and, in particular, the Absolute World South Tower - the South Tower, hereafter called Absolute Tower .

This tower has 56 floors, a height of 170 meters, an area of ​​45,000 square meters. meters. This magnificent building does not have the distinct vertical lines usually associated with high-rise buildings, on the contrary, it has a lot of horizontal lines. The structure itself has gentle curves reminiscent of a female figure, and it quickly acquired another name that has become almost official: it is called "Marilyn Monroe" for its sexuality (if this term is applied to the fundamental structure) and irresistible attraction. From the lowest floors, the building will rotate, making a 360-degree turn. In part, this is reminiscent of the Turning Torso turret project. , designed by Santiago Calatrava in Malmo ( Malmo, Sweden.

Absolute Towers is being built by Fernbrook Homes and Cityzen Development Group. Engineers, electricians, designers were involved in the development of the MAD project. After the excitement around the Marilyn Monroe tower began, and many applications were received from potential buyers, the builders decided to carry out the 5th phase of construction (Absolute Towers is the fourth building of Absolute World, the previous three are high-rise buildings of a more traditional solution). The fifth, northern tower will have 50 floors and 150 meters in height, its area will be 40,000 square meters. meters.

Thanks to the success of the Absolute Tower, Fernbrook Homes said the building will follow the same architectural style and become a Marilyn Tower equivalent, "just as flexible and romantic, but more durable and perhaps more durable." Opposite the female tower there will be a male tower. These buildings, according to the customer, will complement each other, "speak the same architectural language", while having their own individuality.

Ma Yansong himself said this about the two towers in an interview: "They speak to each other and coordinate with each other. There is a connection between them, a halo that transcends each individual construction to create a completely unique and original urban space."

The construction of both towers began at the same time - in 2007, and is expected to be completed simultaneously at the end of 2009. The internal designs of the blocks that make up the buildings repeat each other in many ways. What everyone has in common is the huge balconies that wrap around the entire block and will be accessible from all the main rooms. Latitude view from the balconies - up to 180 degrees. In most cases, the central rooms will have an open floor plan that allows sunlight into the rooms. At the very top of the towers there will be a terrace. The upper floors will be occupied by clubs consisting of several levels.

Many believe that these two towers Absolute World is sure to become a kind of style icon, which will be the quintessence of ideas about the modern city. “I have always tried to design something as organic as possible, close to nature, but high-rise buildings should reflect the achievements of modern technology and culture. High-rise buildings are signs of culture,” Jansong explains his position as an architect.

"MAD" - from English it can be translated as "crazy", "crazy". This is an extraordinary name for a Beijing architectural studio that creates innovative projects. MADs burst into the world of architecture, filled with a thirst for changes in the urban structure, introducing it to a new culture - the culture of high technologies which distinguishes our era from the rest.This group has a special attitude to the form in the context of space, introducing into it and reflecting in it the age of electronic technology, high speeds and fantastic ideas of the city of the future.

The city should have iconic buildings that reflect not only its past history, but also the one that is happening now, - this is how the architects who united under this seemingly strange name think. MAD design symbolizes the coming of a new era. With its projects, the studio reflects the transformation into architecture of the way of modern life in a multimedia format that dominates the life of the metropolis today.

The MADs became the first Chinese architects to consistently win competitions outside of China, and this success made them the darlings of the media. The MAD group has an office in America, opened an office in Tokyo and started projects in South America and Denmark. In a few years they have achieved what young architects can only dream of.

The structures created by him are being introduced into the life of today's city, becoming components of modern life. To solve this problem, MAD partners with engineers, programmers, artists, power engineers from China, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States.

Studio MAD has won numerous awards, including the 2006 Architectural League of New York's Young Architects Forum Award. The group has also won numerous international project competitions, including: in 2005 - "Solar Plaza Competition" in Guangzhou; in 2004 - "Shanghai National Software Outsourcing Base" in Shanghai; "Absolute Tower" project in Toronto, Canada, won the international competition in 2006,

Under construction are: "Absolute Tower" in Canada, "Sinosteel International Plaza" - 358-meter tallest tower in Tianjin, China; "Mongolian Museum in Inner Mongolia" in China, private villas in Copenhagen, Denmark and other projects.

Their own joint history began in 2003. Before that, all co-owners of MAD - Ma Yansong, Yosuke Hayano and Dang Qun worked in teams of designers and designers. Founded Ma Yansong Studio. Born in Beijing, Ma Yangsong received his Master of Architecture from Yale University's Department of Architecture in 2002. Prior to founding MAD in 2003, Ma Yasong worked with Zaha Hadid and other architects in London and New York. He also taught architecture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. In 2001, Jansong received a scholarship from the American Architectural Institute for advanced research in architecture. In 2002, he was awarded the Samuel J. Fogelson Memorial Award of Design Excellence for excellence. His works WTC Rebuilt - Floating Island and Fish Tank were exhibited at the Beijing Architecture Biennale and the National Art Museum of China in 2004. The composition "Ink Ice" was shown during the China Calligraphy Art Exhibition in 2005. In 2006, he received an award from the League of Young Architects of New York (Architecture League New York Young Architect Award). And recently, Yangsong became the face of the popular Chinese brand Kitchenware.

Yosuke Hayano was born in Nagoya, Japan. He received a BA in Architecture from Waseda University in Tokyo in 2001 and a MA in Architectural Design from the Architectural Association Research Laboratory in London in 2003. His project "SoHotel / Synapse" was exhibited at the Architectural Club (Archilab), at the International Architectural Conference in Orléans, France, in 2002; "Latent Utopias" - in Graz, Austria, in 2002. He was awarded the 2006 Architecture League of New York Young Architect Award and was invited to teach by the Architectural Association. Prior to MAD, Haiano worked as a designer at Zaha Hadid's architectural studio in London.

Dang Qun is from Shanghai. She was educated at the Huanghe University, in Zhengzhou, China. In 2001 - a master's degree in architecture from the University of Yowah. Prior to MAD, Dang worked for several major architectural firms in the United States, including Eastman Perkins on projects of various sizes. She has also worked as an Associate Professor (Assistant Professor) at Yow University, taught at the Pratt Institute, and was an Associate Professor at Yow University in the Foreign Studies Program in Rome, Italy. Her designs have been published in a number of professional journals and exhibited at national architecture exhibitions and conferences. Dang Tsung received the Certificate of Merit from the American Institute of Architecture in 2000. She has also received the Architecture & Culture Award, Design Media Award, and Academic Excellence. in 2001

In an interview, Ma Yansong was asked exactly how the three of them met and why they came up with the name of their studio: Crazy. Ma replied that he wanted to do something unusual, original, so he registered his company in America and called it "MAD", but at that time he was not even sure that he would be doing architecture. This happened even before meeting with his future colleagues.

Yansong met Yosuke Hayano and Dang Tsun while working in London. Young architects have created several joint projects and won competitions in China. This made it possible to start a real independent practice. In 2003, they returned to China together. At this time there, according to Jansong, was a very convenient moment to start a new business.

For young architects, according to Ma, there are two ways, one of them is the construction of private houses, and the second is participation in competitions. There is much less private property in China than in the West, so the group chose to compete. The problem was that they were ordered to design, they participated in competitions and even won them, but they did not reach construction, and in China every architect strives to build as many square meters of space as possible. So the band had to waste a lot of time. However, they stubbornly developed their own ideas.

Jansong considers the victory in the international competition for the construction of the Absolute Towers tower in Toronto in 2006 to be a turning point. After Toronto, the developers began to realize that such unusual futuristic projects can make money, and a lot has changed for the group. Their ideas began to be realized, the attitude towards young talented architects changed, people believed in them.

Winning a major international project on another continent is the first case in Chinese practice. Their victory was not only an architectural event, but was widely covered in national news.

But not only abroad, MAD has taken a leading position in the implementation of its idea of ​​creating special high-rise buildings, the architects of the group were the first in China to create a project that allows them to see the China of the future - "Beijing - 2050" through their eyes, no one has created such projects before them.

“China is developing very rapidly,” says Yangsong, “and has the opportunity to do something completely new in the future. Older generations accept Chinese tradition as something unchanging . The band is trying to change that perception."

And St. Peter's Cathedral, Paris with the Eiffel Tower and Versailles, London with Big Ben and the Ferris Wheel, then New York with the Statue of Liberty and numerous skyscrapers in Manhattan. And although America's largest metropolis was not the birthplace of skyscrapers, and there are buildings in the world that are much taller and more original, but it is with the word "skyscraper" that we imagine Manhattan skyscrapers.

Equitable Life Building, built in 1873, is considered the first skyscraper in the Big Apple. The building, 43 meters high, had only 8 floors. The first building to exceed 100 meters was the New York World Building, completed in 1980. Unfortunately, this building has not survived, it was destroyed in 1955 to make way for the construction of a new entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge. The relay race among New York skyscrapers after the New York World Building passed to the 119-meter Park Row Building, erected in 1899.

new york world building

park row building

In 1902, at the junction of Broadway, Fifth Avenue and East 23rd Street, the inimitable Flatiron Building from an architectural point of view, also known as the Iron House, appeared. The 94-meter skyscraper has never been the tallest building in New York, but still remains one of the most original buildings in the Big Apple.

Flatiron Building or House-Iron.

A new stage in the construction of Manhattan skyscrapers began with the competition of famous American tycoons - Walter Chrysler and Jacob Rzskob. The project of the owner of the Chrysler Corporation was the first to be implemented, so in 1930 the first skyscraper appeared, which exceeded the mark of 300 meters - the Chrysler Building. But the palm among skyscrapers belonged to the 77-story building for only one year - in 1931, the Empire State Building, the project of the founder of General Motors, appeared. The 443-meter building held the lead for four decades. Something similar in architectural terms, skyscrapers are still considered the most striking sights of New York. The Chrysler Building is one of the most original illuminated skyscrapers in the city, and more than 75 million people have visited the observation deck of the Empire State Building.

chrysler building

The backlight makes the Chrysler Building skyscraper the most original building in New York at night.

Empire State Building

In 1973, Manhattan was decorated, but after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the leadership returned to the Empire State Building again.

Twin Towers of the World Trade Center

In May 2013, the new World Trade Center or Freedom Tower was opened, which became not only the tallest building in New York, but the entire Western Hemisphere. It is noteworthy that its height is 1776 feet (541 meters), and, as you know, in 1776 the US Declaration of Independence was signed.

Freedom Tower.


The first skyscraper in the history of building skyscrapers appeared in the United States in 1885. The ten-story building adorned Chicago with its slender forms and for a long time allowed America to believe that it was the world leader in the field of "skyscraper construction". But at the end of the 20th century, they began to appear one after another in China, then in the United Arab Emirates, then in Hong Kong, pushing the United States into the background.
However, we want to pay tribute to the American cause and spirit of patriotism and dedicate our issue to the tallest skyscrapers in US history. So, the majestic top 10 are America's tallest skyscrapers.
1 Willis Tower

It was built by Chicago in 1973. The height of the high-rise building is 442 meters with an additional 85 tower spire. The skyscraper has more than a hundred floors, because it is considered the tallest building in America.

2 Trump Tower Chicago

This skyscraper was built in 2009. Taking into account the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the architecture of the building underwent some amendments, as a result of which it was “reduced” to 92 floors.

3 Empire State Building

The skyscraper was built in 1931. It stands in New York, towering 381 meters and 102 floors above the ground. The spire of the skyscraper was originally planned to be used for "catching", but the idea later seemed unsafe.

4 Bank of America Tower

Another high-rise building of America, built in New York in 2009. Beauty 366 meters tall, embodied in 54 floors. The skyscraper has 2 spiers, which are located at different levels, while one of them generates electricity that is useful for the population of America.

5 Aon Center

It was built in Chicago in 1973, thanks to which the skyscraper rose above the ground by as much as 346 meters. The skyscraper has only 83 floors, but the view of the city from its highest windows is simply amazing!

6 John Hancock Center

This skyscraper stands in Chicago, the date of construction is 1969. It is 344 meters high or 100 floors. But the highlight of the skyscraper is not in this, but in the fact that here are the highest premises intended for housing.

7 Chrysler Building

The next building has been towering like a proud bird over the mortal world of New York since 1930. It is 319 meters and 77 floors, which glorify the skyscraper as the tallest brick building in the world.

8 New York Times Building

This skyscraper has been scratching the New York sky since 2007. 319 meters high or 52 floors - confident, stylish and very exciting!

9 Bank of America Plaza

The skyscraper from Atlanta comes from 1992. Pretty high - as much as 312 meters and 50 floors. And people are not afraid to soar so high above the gray reality?

10 US Bank Tower

Our top skyscraper from Los Angeles completes. It was built a long time ago, in 1989. It is slightly inferior in height to its predecessors: 310 meters and 73 floors, but this building is considered the tallest in the world, which has its own helipad.

For many years I was haunted by this photograph, often found on posters and covers. And today everything is clear. Specifically, the question inside me was: how did these men get on the beam. I'm afraid of heights. Not to the point of insanity, but my rare surreal dreams are associated with this phenomenon of fear. When viewing photos and reading text, my palms naturally sweat from fear.
The bulk of the material is rudzin , the owner of the most interesting diary

"Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper" - photo from "Construction Workers Lunching on a Crossbeam - 1932" series by Charles C. Ebbets

Such a miracle as a skyscraper would not have been possible without the invention of the steel frame. Assembling the steel frame of a building is the most dangerous and difficult part of construction. It is the quality and speed of assembly of the frame that determines whether the project will be implemented on time and within budget.

That is why riveters are the most important profession in the construction of a skyscraper.

Riveters are a caste with their own laws: the salary of a riveter for a working day is $ 15, more than any skilled worker at a construction site; they do not go to work in the rain, wind or fog, they are not on the contractor's staff. They are not alone, they work in teams of four, and if one of the team does not go to work, no one comes out. Why, in the midst of the Great Depression, is everyone turning a blind eye to this, from an investor to a foreman?

On a platform of boards, or simply on steel beams, there is a coal stove. In the oven, the rivets are 10 cm long and 3 cm diameter steel cylinders. The "cook" "cooks" the rivets - drives air into the oven with small bellows to heat them up to the desired temperature. The rivet has warmed up (not too much - it will turn in the hole and have to be drilled; and not too weak - it will not rivet), now you need to transfer the rivet to where it will fasten the beams. It is only known in advance which beam will be fastened when, and it is impossible to move a hot furnace during the working day. Therefore, often the attachment point is located 30 (thirty) meters from the "cook", sometimes higher, sometimes lower by 2-3 floors.

The only way to pass a rivet is to drop it.

The “cook” turns to the “goalkeeper” and silently, making sure that the goalkeeper is ready to receive, throws a red-hot 600-gram blank with tongs in his direction. Sometimes there are already welded beams on the trajectory, you need to throw it once, accurately and strongly.

The "goalkeeper" stands on a narrow platform or simply on a bare beam next to the riveting site. His goal is to catch a flying piece of iron with an ordinary tin can. He cannot move without falling. But he must catch the rivet, otherwise it will fall like a small bomb on the city.

"Shooter" and "emphasis" are waiting. The "goalkeeper", having caught the rivet, drives it into the hole. "Stop" from the outside of the building, hanging over the abyss, a steel rod and its own weight holds the head of the rivet. "Shooter" with a 15-kilogram pneumatic hammer rivets it from the other side within a minute.

The best team does this trick over 500 times a day, the average - about 250.

In the photographs - the best brigade in 1930, from left to right: "cook", "goalkeeper", "emphasis", and shooter.

The danger of this work can be illustrated by the following fact: masons at a construction site are insured at a rate of 6% of their salary, carpenters - 4%. Riveter's rate - 25-30%%.

One person died at the Chrysler building.
Four people died on Wall Street 40.
Empire State has five.

The frame of the skyscraper consists of hundreds of steel profiles several meters long and weighing several tons, the so-called beams. There is nowhere to store them during the construction of a skyscraper - no one will allow organizing a warehouse in the city center, in conditions of dense development, on municipal land. Moreover, all structural elements are different, each can be used in one single place, so an attempt to organize even a temporary warehouse, for example, on one of the last floors built, can lead to great confusion and disruption of construction deadlines.

That is why, when I wrote that the work of riveters is the most important and most difficult, I did not mention that it is also the most dangerous and difficult. The work is harder and more dangerous than theirs - the work of the crane crew.

The order for the beams was agreed with the metallurgists a few weeks ago, trucks bring them to the construction site to the minute, regardless of the weather, they need to be unloaded immediately.

Derrick crane - an arrow on a hinge, is located on the last floor built, the installers are on the floor above. The winch operator can be located on any floor of an already constructed building, because no one is going to stop lifting and distract other cranes to lift a heavy mechanism several floors higher for the convenience of installers. Therefore, when lifting a multi-ton channel, the operator does not see either the beam itself, or the car that brought it, or his comrades.

The only guideline for control is the strike of the bell, given by the apprentice at the signal of the foreman, who, along with the entire brigade, is dozens of floors above. Blow - turns on the winch motor, blow - turns it off. Several crews of riveters work nearby with their hammers (have you ever heard the noise of a jackhammer?), other crane operators raise other channels at the commands of their bells. It is impossible to make a mistake and not hear the blow - the channel will either ram the crane boom, or throw the installers preparing to fix it from the installed vertical beam.

The foreman, controlling the derrick through two operators, one of whom he does not see, achieves the coincidence of the holes for riveting on the installed vertical beams with the holes on the raised channel with an accuracy of 2-3 millimeters. Only after that can a couple of installers fix the swaying, often wet channel with huge bolts and nuts.

In New York on 6th Avenue there are monuments to these guys, installed in 2001. The most famous photo became the model, she is the first in the preview here. So, at first they made a monument exactly like in the photo, i.e. 11 dudes are sitting on a beam. And then the most extreme on the right was removed under the root. And only because of the fact that he has a bottle of whiskey in his hands!!! I understand if this was done in our country during Gorbachev's time, but they had it in 2001!! Apparently they did not want to destroy the legend about the brave guys. Now these are 10 quite decent guys sitting on a steel beam. Fine. But somehow it's embarrassing.

The names of all these heroes are known, thanks to relatives, you can read

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