Thick white discharge from nipples. Discharge from the mammary glands with pressure - the causes of the appearance

Women's breasts begin to develop during adolescence. The transformations that take place in the glands of the breast occur under the influence of hormones. In the lobules of the gland, milk or colostrum is produced during pregnancy, feeding the newborn. In each nipple there are holes through which the secretions of the body are released to the outside. Discharge from the mammary glands with pressure is a natural phenomenon or a serious pathology.

Physiological causes

It is especially suspicious if the discharge takes on a form that is completely dissimilar to milk. It is necessary to carefully study the smell and color of the discharge. Only a doctor can competently deal with the root cause. The liquid sometimes appears by itself, without pressure. The state of excretion is liquid or thick. Colored substances from the nipple with an unhealthy aroma are especially dangerous.

  • Pregnancy. Yellowish or whitish secretion appears at 7-9 months of pregnancy. This is how the breasts of a pregnant woman prepare for the formation of milk.
  • In connection with the weaning of the baby from the breast. Up to two years after the end of feeding, the mother may have a slight discharge.
  • Abortion artificial or natural (miscarriage). The body of a pregnant woman is preparing long before the baby is born. Termination of pregnancy often leads to the appearance of colostrum from the nipples.
  • The use of oral contraception and drugs containing sex hormones. These tablets contain hormones that stimulate lactation. As soon as the tablets are canceled, the discharge stops.
  • Antidepressants. A side effect of antidepressants is the cause of a small secretion when you press on the nipples.
  • Squeezing, slimming, synthetic underwear. Irritation of the nipples is the main cause of secretion.
  • Menstruation. Discharge on critical days is associated with hormonal changes.

If a woman has given birth, she has a functional discharge of a cloudy whitish color. In nulliparous, only transparent substances are normal. If the secretion is purulent, bloody or has a black, green, gray color or a nasty aroma that is unnatural for milk, this is a sufficient reason to think about an existing latent disease.

Pathological causes

Tumors, inflammations, hormonal disruptions in the gland, pelvic diseases lead to the appearance of a substance from the nipples. Hormonal imbalances appear after the use of certain drugs, oral contraception. Abortion and diseases of the endocrine system are also the root cause of the development of pathologies, after which discharge from the mammary glands is noticed when pressed.

In order not to miss oncology, at the first inexplicable appearance of secretion from the nipple, contact the doctors. Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is a sign of pelvic disease, provoked by problems with the internal microflora. Most often these are dysbacteriosis, candida fungus, polycystosis, adenitis, other inflammatory diseases and neoplasms in the small pelvis. Injuries to the chest also cause inflammation with the appearance of purulent secretions.

Highlight Color Meaning

The density and color of the substance that appears from the nipple when pressed is important information for the doctor. According to these characteristics, the specialist makes assumptions about which of the diseases caused such symptoms.

clear liquid

Colorless, odorless discharge is natural if it occurs before menstruation or after intercourse.

White discharge

The whiteness of the discharge makes one think of milk coming out after childbirth, with galactorrhea. If this is not caused by pregnancy, then it can make you think of a pituitary tumor, which sometimes forms after taking contraceptives for a long time.

yellow discharge

Yellowish secretion from the nipple (sometimes cream-colored) indicates pregnancy or the appearance of colostrum after childbirth. If a yellowish substance stands out before menstruation, especially if the gland hurts, then this is most likely a symptom of mastopathy.

greenish liquid

Such an unpleasant color is formed by purulent discharge, which is formed with different types of mastitis.

Bloody issues

Bloody substance from the nipples is a possible sign of oncology, the destruction of blood vessels in the ducts. This nature is possessed by dark and light red discharge.

dark liquid

Brown discharge also indicates damage to the blood vessels, the blood enters the ducts and coagulates there. Brown and darker substances appear during the formation of cysts and other neoplasms of the gland (sometimes of a malignant nature).

When discharge from the nipple is the norm

During pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, colostrum is secreted, it clearly appears when pressed and has a yellow color. Colostrum can be produced in the early stages of pregnancy, when the expectant mother herself is unaware of her situation.

A woman in labor necessarily has lactation to varying degrees. It lasts the entire period of feeding. When a child switches to a different type of food, a woman produces milk for a long time. Milk production does not end immediately; when pressed, milk is released up to three years after breastfeeding is stopped.

An interesting historical fact: among the Indians, if the mother of an infant died, they gave it to their grandmother. An elderly woman put her grandson to her breast, a hungry baby sucked an empty gland for days, and after a while milk appeared. This is excellent evidence that you should not stop breastfeeding if there is not enough milk - with persistent stimulation, lactation will certainly increase in any woman who has given birth, regardless of age. After a miscarriage or abortion, milk often begins to flow. This is due to hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. After the normalization of the balance of hormones, the discharge disappears.

Slight transparent secretion with pressure is characteristic before the onset of critical days. This phenomenon is caused by changes in the amount of hormones, which is characteristic of the luteal phase of the cycle and some diseases. It will not work to figure out the reasons on your own, you need to contact a mammologist who will prescribe a diagnosis to identify the nature of the symptom.

Hormone balance changes occur in women who take hormonal pills or medications to treat depression. Physical activity or overly tight underwear irritates the nipples, causes tension in the muscles of the chest and discharge when pressed. Transparent or white, odorless substances are often a variant of the norm. The appearance of a foul odor, pus, blood, staining - all this indicates a disease. In addition to discharge, other changes in the chest area are sometimes noted, the general condition may worsen.

Diseases in which there is discharge from the nipples

  • Mastitis- Inflammation of the breast. Inflammation occurs when bacteria enter the gland. This often happens during feeding, when cracks form on the nipples, or when milk is released that is not associated with childbirth.
  • Mastopathy- benign formations in the gland (cysts, fibrosis, etc.). Sometimes with mastopathy there are mild pains and secretion from the nipples.
  • Intraductal papilloma. With this disease, papillomas form in the ducts, which are destroyed by pressure. A reddish substance protrudes from the nipples.
  • ectasia- expansion of the milk ducts. Ectasia is sometimes a physiological condition, it develops when the gland swells before menstruation or during pregnancy. In the normal state, the swelling resolves on its own - this is a normal physiological process. In some cases, the swelling becomes irreversible - this is already a pathology. In the stretched ducts, cysts, fibromas and papillomas are formed. Irreversible ectasia occurs with hormonal changes after forty years.
  • Galactorrhea- a disease in which pressure from the nipple leads to the release of milk, but this does not apply to breastfeeding. The main cause of galactorrhea is a hormonal imbalance, an excess of prolactin. The disease sometimes accompanies diseases of the brain or thyroid gland.
  • Oncology of the gland- a malignant formation, manifested by the asymmetry of the nipples, the growth of one breast, deformation changes in the skin, seals and other symptoms.

What to do if there is discharge from the nipples

With the manifestation of unnatural substances from the chest, one should not wait or be treated with home methods. Self-medication is dangerous for many reasons. First, it is urgent to exclude oncology, only a doctor can do this. The second danger is that folk recipes often offer warming up the chest, thermal compresses, which sometimes really help in some conditions, but with inflammation they will seriously worsen the situation, and sometimes start the growth of a neoplasm in the body.

What can not be done with discharge from the nipples?

  • It is forbidden to warm the chest in any way.
  • It is forbidden to squeeze out the liquid, it stimulates the discharge.
  • You can not take hormones at your own discretion. This also applies to hormonal contraception, it is supposed to be taken only as directed by a gynecologist.
  • You can not postpone the consultation of a mammologist. In small towns, such a specialist cannot be found, then you need to consult a gynecologist, and in rural areas, you can first consult a therapist.

Diagnosis of diseases

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will definitely ask how long the woman noticed the discharge. It is important whether the discharge is constantly present or only sometimes. Important points are the presence of pain, old and new injuries, the woman taking hormones and antidepressants. After a thorough examination, the doctor will conduct instrumental diagnostics: mammography, ultrasound examination. Sometimes ductography is prescribed - an X-ray examination using contrast, which is injected into the ducts. All these diagnostic measures are most effective on the second or third day after the end of menstruation. Before menstruation, the glands swell, so there is an error in the study.

If the doctor has reason to suspect an oncological tumor, then a puncture is taken - a sample of tissues and fluids. The resulting tissues are carefully examined with the help of instruments, the detection of certain types of cells indicates a malignant formation.

In the treatment of cancer, it is fundamentally important at what stage of the disease the therapeutic measures were started. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an annual preventive examination of the breast by a mammologist or gynecologist. Equally important are timely gynecological examinations and treatment of endocrine diseases.

Until recently, women were encouraged to do breast self-exams. Recently, this recommendation has been canceled - an unprepared person is not able to distinguish a pathological formation from a normal gland lobule. A trained doctor owns palpation methods, but if you yourself have replaced some changes in the condition of the chest, play it safe and visit a medical institution. Better a false alarm than missing the onset of cancer. Avoid breast herbs and taking unnecessary drugs, hypothermia and frequent stress are undesirable - all this affects the health of a woman.

Fluid from the mammary glands is released not only during the period of gestation or lactation, but also in a non-pregnant woman. The secretions that appear when pressed can be of different colors, smells, textures, and have an admixture of blood clots. Usually these are signs of a serious illness, and only a mammologist after the examination is able to diagnose the cause of a particular pathology, taking into account the nature of these secretions.

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    Discharge from the breast

    From the nipple of the female breast, when pressed, a specific secret can be released. Normal discharges are:

    • before menstruation;
    • during pregnancy;
    • with lactation;
    • some time after feeding the baby;
    • when taking antidepressants;
    • during puberty;
    • strong hormonal medications;

    The allocation of any consistency from the channels of the mammary gland is considered normal if the liquid has a white or transparent hue and a small volume.

    Types of secretions

    By the color of the discharge, the doctor is able to easily determine the disease that is the cause of the disease:

    • White. Appear after taking contraceptives and with a pituitary tumor.
    • Greens. The dark green color is given by pus, which is released during mastitis.
    • Brown. Occur when a cyst or tumor forms in the mammary gland. A dark liquid is released when it enters the milk ducts of the blood when the capillaries are damaged.
    • Transparent. If they appear before menstruation, then this is the norm.
    • Yellow. A creamy yellow discharge (colostrum) is discharged after childbirth in the first days. If a yellowish tint appears before menstruation and is accompanied by pain, then mastopathy can be assumed.
    • Purulent. Appear with the development of an abscess inside the ducts, observed with mastitis. Bloody discharge is dangerous. Often they indicate a malignant neoplasm.
    • Blood. This is a sign of the development of a malignant neoplasm or damage to the blood vessels.
    • Black. Observed during the decay of a malignant neoplasm.

    The amount of fluid released can be small or large enough to require the use of breast pads.

    It is impossible to squeeze out liquid from the nipples. This will only increase the highlights.


    The appearance of secretions that are not associated with feeding is always a danger and a reason to visit a gynecologist or mammologist. After a visual examination and palpation, additional diagnostics will be assigned to determine the exact diagnosis:

    • mammography;
    • cytological laboratory research;
    • biochemical and general blood test;
    • ductography (X-ray with a contrast agent).

    Examination of the mammary glands with a mammograph

    The following symptoms indicate pathology:

    • glands unevenly increase in volume;
    • the substrate is produced in only one gland;
    • chest skin very pale or slightly red;
    • heterogeneity (tuberosity) of the glands;
    • general malaise, fever.

    The reasons

    The causes of discharge from the mammary glands are often associated with many diseases, but the following are considered predominant:

    • hormonal imbalance (excess estrogen);
    • chest injury;
    • purulent inflammation (abscess);
    • galactorrhea;
    • ectasia;
    • the appearance of a cyst in the mammary gland;
    • Paget's disease;
    • intraductal papilloma;
    • fibrocystic mastopathy;
    • mastitis.

    In some women, discharge from the milk ducts is found during menstruation or 2-3 days before menstruation. This does not apply to deviations. The secretion of milk in late pregnancy is a sign that the woman's body is preparing to feed the unborn child. The glands, increasing and swelling, begin to secrete a transparent white liquid (colostrum).

    After the end of lactation and the restoration of the menstrual cycle, fluid is released for several more weeks, but this phenomenon is most often normal.

    Discharge during sexual arousal and nipple stimulation is acceptable because the milk ducts contract. They are transparent, odorless and no more than 2-3 drops in volume.

    Treatment of pathology

    Discharge is not a disease, but only a sign of it. It is necessary to find out the cause that caused the symptoms of a particular disease in order to select a therapeutic treatment regimen. It can be conservative, but surgical opening of purulent cavities is not excluded:

    • Milk duct ectasia is treated with compresses, and if infected, antibiotics are prescribed. In special cases, surgical treatment is indicated.
    • Mastitis and abscess are cured with antibiotics or opening of purulent cavities.
    • Intraductal papilloma (benign formation) develops in the lactiferous duct near the nipple. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the affected area.
    • Treatment of galactorrhea involves the elimination of the underlying cause that caused the disease.
    • Therapy of discharge from the chest with mastopathy is conservative, symptomatic.
    • With Paget's disease, the affected mammary gland is removed with a further course of chemotherapy.
    • Hormonal failure for a woman's body has serious consequences. A blood test is required to study sex hormones. Hormonal preparations are prescribed for treatment.
    • In case of a chest injury after a mammological examination, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

    Until the complete cessation of discharge from the chest, hygiene rules must be strictly observed.


    For the prevention of diseases of the mammary glands, it is necessary:

    • regularly independently perform palpation of the glands;
    • be examined by a mammologist every two years, and after 45 years - annually;
    • oral contraceptives should be selected only by a specialist;
    • get rid of bad habits;
    • reduce excess weight;
    • avoid mental trauma and stress.

    You should not resort to folk methods, warm the chest with heat compresses. This will only exacerbate the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the glands. With self-medication, you can lose time and start the disease. Therapy should be prescribed and monitored by a physician.

By themselves, small rare discharges, even if you are not a nursing mother, do not bode well. The color of the discharge should alert:

If the discharge is clear or yellowish, watery or contains blood;

If discharge from one or both nipples is noted constantly.

The reasons

There can be several reasons why you may have discharge from your nipples.

Milk duct dilation(ectasia) is one of the most common causes of discharge from the chest. One or more ducts become inflamed and the duct becomes filled with a thick, sticky green or black discharge. Most often occurs in women 40-50 years old.

Galactorrhea- secretion of milk, colostrum or milky fluid from the mammary glands. The reasons are an increase in the level of prolactin in the body, as well as other hormonal disruptions in the body as a result of taking hormonal contraceptives, thyroid insufficiency, pituitary tumors (prolactinoma), etc.

Mastopathy. Discharge from the nipples in this case is transparent, yellow or green.

It is difficult to establish one specific cause of mastopathy, but what happens in the mammary gland is known: inflammation, edema, fibrosis, cystic degeneration. Treatment is aimed at these mechanisms of development of pathological changes in the mammary gland.

Wobenzym is a drug that has a complex effect on both some causes of the disease and pathological changes in the mammary gland in mastopathy. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, fibrinolytic actions. In addition, Wobenzym is perfectly compatible with other drugs that are used in the treatment of mastopathy.

Diseases of the pelvic organs(uterus, appendages), as well as the condition after an abortion or miscarriage. How abundant the discharge after an abortion will be depends on how long the pregnancy was terminated. The shorter the period, the less changes have occurred in the body, and the less discharge will be. Usually, bleeding continues for about 2 days, in the future, with the normal development of the situation, only meager discharge occurs.

Closed breast injury. The discharge may be clear, yellow, or bloody.

Purulent diseases mammary gland (accumulation of pus). In this case, surgery and antibiotic therapy will be required.

Mastitis(acute infectious inflammation of the mammary glands). Treatment can be either conservative or surgical, depending on the degree of neglect.

Intraductal papilloma(benign tumor). Discharge from the chest is usually bloody and thick. Surgical treatment with obligatory histological examination of the removed material (to exclude malignancy).

Mammary cancer(malignant tumor). Just like intraductal papilloma, it can be asymptomatic. Particularly alarming signs are the presence of spontaneous bloody discharge from only one breast, as well as, at the same time, an increase in the size of the mammary gland and / or detection of nodular formations. However, it is worth noting that cancer is only in last place in the list of possible causes of discharge from the nipples.

Paget's disease(a special form of breast cancer) - a tumor that affects specifically the nipple. Signs of this cancer are burning, itching in the nipple area, redness or darkening of the areola, peeling of the skin of the nipple and areola, a change in the appearance of the nipple, bloody discharge from the nipple.

At the doctor's

When you are going to see a doctor, think over in advance the answers to the questions that he will definitely ask you.

Breast discharge, nipple discharge- a very common cause of complaints with which they turn to a mammologist.

Fluid may leak from one or both breasts, sometimes by itself, sometimes from pressure.

The color of the discharge from the chest can be clear, cloudy, colostrum-like, white, gray, yellow, greenish, purulent, brown, or even bloody.

The consistency of the discharge can be thick or completely liquid, watery.

It must be remembered that suddenly appearing breast discharge in non-breastfeeding women are a rather alarming symptom and are often a sign of various serious diseases.

Possible causes of discharge from the nipples:

. Dilation of the milk ducts (ectasia)- one of the most common causes of pathological discharge from the chest. One or more ducts become inflamed and the duct becomes filled with a thick, sticky green or black discharge. Most often occurs in women 40-50 years old. In some cases, surgery is required to remove the affected duct.

. Galactorrhea- secretion of milk, colostrum or milky fluid from the mammary glands. The reasons are an increase in the level of prolactin in the body, as well as other hormonal disruptions in the body as a result of taking hormonal contraceptives, thyroid insufficiency, pituitary tumors (prolactinoma), etc.

. Mastopathy(usually fibrocystic form). The discharge from the nipples is clear, yellow or green.

Acute or chronic diseases of the pelvic organs(uterus, appendages), as well as the condition after an abortion or miscarriage

. Closed breast injury. The discharge may be clear, yellow, or bloody.

. Purulent diseases of the mammary gland(accumulation of pus). Treatment - surgical (opening of the abscess) + antibiotics

. Mastitis(acute infectious inflammation of the mammary glands). Treatment can be either conservative or surgical, depending on the degree of neglect.

. Intraductal papilloma(benign tumor). Discharge from the chest is usually bloody and thick. Surgical treatment with obligatory histological examination of the removed material (to exclude malignancy)

. Mammary cancer(malignant tumor). Just like intraductal papilloma, it can be asymptomatic. Particularly alarming signs are the presence of spontaneous bloody discharge from only one breast, as well as, at the same time, an increase in the size of the mammary gland and / or detection of nodules.

. Paget's disease(a special form of breast cancer) - a tumor that affects specifically the nipple. Signs of this cancer are burning, itching in the nipple area, redness or darkening of the areola, peeling of the skin of the nipple and areola, changes in the appearance of the nipple (deformation, retraction, ulceration), bloody discharge from the nipple. The standard treatment is a mastectomy (removal of the entire breast). Sometimes it is possible to remove only the tumor within healthy tissues.

If you find any discharge from the chest, you should consult a mammologist for an examination.

To clarify the cause of the discharge and make the correct diagnosis, a thorough comprehensive examination is necessary:

mammologist examination,
. Ultrasound of the mammary glands ,
. cytological examination of discharge from the nipples,
. blood test for hormones,
. if necessary - mammography with contrasting ducts.

If, in addition to the discharge, there are any warning signs of trouble in the mammary gland, such as swelling, induration, pain, this is a reason for an emergency unscheduled visit to the doctor and an additional in-depth examination.

Discharge from one nipple deserve special attention and research.

In case of bloody discharge from the chest, it is necessary to consult a doctor URGENTLY!

The phenomenon occurs in women not only due to pathological changes in the body. Rare secretions from the glands are a natural process. It is determined by the characteristic structure of the paired organ. The liquid has a bloody or purulent consistency, accompanied by soreness, seals. If you find these symptoms, you should make an appointment with a mammologist. The specialist will identify the causes of discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, during pregnancy or before menstruation.

Noticeable discharge from the mammary glands is a sign of their defeat by an infectious-inflammatory or tumor process. The exception is pregnancy, lactation. All other cases require medical intervention. Factors contributing to the pathological condition: improper wearing of a bra, hormonal failure, history of trauma, mastopathy, cancer.

Types of secretions

In addition to the lactation period, the discharge is a liquid of varying density, odor, color, seepage intensity. It flows through the milk ducts in the same way as breast milk. The features of secretion are also taken into account - it is released spontaneously or due to palpation. The risk of developing the disorder increases with age and the number of births.


The norm is the appearance of a few drops of liquid with significant squeezing of the mammary gland during breastfeeding. This consistency prevents the walls of the milk ducts from sticking together, therefore it is acceptable. After the end of the lactation period, milk production gradually decreases over several months. If the process takes longer, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The cause of unnatural milky white discharge is an increased level of prolactin, indicating potential pathologies, which include:

  • Imbalance of hormones in the body
  • Galactorrhea observed even after 20 weeks of lactation
  • Ectopic or frozen pregnancy, its artificial interruption
  • Destabilization of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland due to damage, the presence of a cancerous tumor
  • The consequence of surgery - pinching of the nerve endings of the mammary gland
  • Disease of the ovaries or adrenal glands
  • Excessive use of contraceptives

Symptoms are complemented by uncomfortable sensations when using a bra, tingling and burning in the chest area. The intensity of fluid secretion increases with physical activity, running.


Purulent fluid from the nipples is the first sign of mastitis, intraductal papilloma. It is an abnormal benign neoplasm in the cavity of the milk duct, obliterating its lumen. Pus indicates an abscess, an abscess in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland, nipple.

Relief of the inflammatory process involves the use of antibiotics, the use of special compresses, and in exceptional cases, the opening of an abscess. Papilloma affects women over 40 years old. The disease is confirmed with the help of ultrasound, ductography, laboratory studies of secretion samples.


They have nothing to do with bearing or feeding a child. In 80% of cases, they confirm the diagnosis of a benign or malignant tumor. Blood is present when the tumor damages the capillaries of the excretory ducts, which run from each nipple deep into the gland.

The amount of secretions and the intensity of their staining increases with the growth of the neoplasm. It is especially dangerous if there is no history of damage to the chest, bruising of its soft tissues. Less commonly, a similar condition occurs against the background of the use of a tight bra made of synthetic fabric. The material rubs the body, forms bleeding cracks on the sensitive epithelium of the nipple.

The condition is dangerous by infection of the glandular tissue with pathogens. In medical practice, this pathological condition is defined as calves. The disease is accompanied by acute pain, purulent and bloody consistency from the nipples. Therapy involves observing the rules of hygiene, the use of special healing creams.

Dark green

Manifestation of cystic, nodular or fibrous mastopathy, breast abscess, intraductal papilloma. At the same time, periodic chest pains are observed (especially before menstruation), small nodules are groped. The etiology of the disease includes obesity, liver, kidney failure, problems with the activity of the thyroid gland, ovaries. These factors destabilize the hormonal balance, provoke the development of pain in the lower abdomen (including during intercourse). Additionally, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

Isolation of colostrum before menstruation

The natural process during pregnancy, in other cases, indicates hormonal disorders that contribute to the development of diseases of the mammary glands. The diagnosis is confirmed by the results of a blood test for prolactin. The use of contraceptives is the main reason for the appearance of a sticky yellowish liquid from the nipples on the eve of menstruation. Concomitant symptoms: enlarged nipples, discomfort in the chest, hypersensitivity.

It is permissible to secrete a colorless and odorless secret during menstruation up to 2 drops on palpation. High levels of estrogen at the beginning of the cycle contribute to breast swelling. Its value is normalized after menstruation.

With sexual arousal

Female nipples are capable of secreting up to 4 drops of a white or clear liquid during orgasm. The phenomenon depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. With an increase in sexual arousal, hormones are released into the blood. Their number reaches its maximum concentration during the onset of the highest pleasure during intimacy. Positive hormonal changes stimulate the natural lubrication of the breast, being a sign of complete female satisfaction.

Discharge during pregnancy

Changes in the female body are natural during pregnancy. They also apply to the state of the mammary glands, which:

  • Increase in volume, which contributes to the occurrence of discomfort, itching of the skin
  • Increase their sensitivity, after which the woman reacts to minor touches
  • Change the color of the areolas (during this period, the venous network of the breast is more noticeable)
  • Exude colostrum - the first breast milk

Discharge from the nipples during pregnancy is acceptable, is a natural phenomenon, has a yellowish tint. At first, the colostrum is quite thick, with the passage of time its consistency becomes thinner. The period of appearance of secretion varies from the first trimester of pregnancy to the period after childbirth.

You should be alert when colostrum becomes bloody or bright yellow. The condition is accompanied by pain sensations of a aching nature in the chest area. There is a deformation of the glands. Symptoms indicate the occurrence of a pathology that requires examination by a specialist. Recommendations for breast care during pregnancy include hygiene, refraining from expressing secretions, using a comfortable bra.

The reasons

Breast milk is a natural secret, consisting mainly of lactose. If it contains bloody or purulent impurities, it is difficult to identify the etiology of the pathological condition by one appearance of the consistency. Similar phenomena are observed in men in the presence of a pituitary tumor, acromegaly, accompany the intake of certain medications. Against the background of severe endocrine disorders, high levels of prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia), craniopharyngoma, a pathological condition is diagnosed in children.

The secretion of milk during lactation is a natural reaction of the female body, which makes it possible to provide the child with good nutrition. Under other circumstances, the symptoms serve as a reason to suspect a number of diseases.


It is an accurate definition of the diagnosis when milk leaks from the breast with unnatural factors - the absence of pregnancy or after menopause. The cause of the disease are:

  1. Hormonal disorders, excessive use of contraceptives
  2. Endocrine diseases, damage to internal organs (renal failure)
  3. Mechanical damage to the armpit, traumatic encephalopathy
  4. Diseases of the epidermis in the décolleté area, consequences of laparotomy
  5. Pathology of the hypothalamus, tuberous sclerosis

Depending on the etiology, the degree of progression of provoking factors, the milk takes on a different shade - from pale yellowish to dark brown. With a reduced concentration of sex hormones, ovarian atrophy, the development of persistent lactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome is not excluded.

It is one of the most common postpartum complications. The development of the disease is explained by the structure of the epithelial tissue of the nipple. The risk of mastitis increases due to the need for frequent lactation, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

In 9 out of 10 cases, pathology develops due to the penetration of staphylococci or streptococci into the tissues of the mammary glands. Suppuration of tissues develops, which contradicts the possibility of further feeding the child. It is accompanied by the discharge of a cloudy thick liquid mixed with blood from the nipples.

Symptoms are added:

  1. Redness of the skin, fever
  2. Swelling of the nipples, ingress of purulent masses into milk
  3. Pulling pain, weakness of the body

The phenomenon complicates lactation if the delicate skin of the nipple is damaged in the form of numerous cracks. You can prevent blood from entering the milk by lubricating the breasts with lanolin ointment when feeding. But first you need to get the approval of a doctor.

Sequelae of a chest injury

Domestic troubles, accidents, force majeure, aggression from others, accidental falls are potential causes of chest damage. Injured adipose tissue, cellular substance in the depths of the mammary gland leads to necrosis, septic mastitis.

The likelihood of the disease increases with the detection of:

  • significant edema, seals in the chest
  • darkening of bruised areas
  • damage to the milk ducts, subsequent spontaneous release of bloody fluid from them
  • high temperature of damaged areas

Minor hematomas resolve on their own in 2-3 weeks. With extensive damage, only external treatment with ointments or antibacterial agents as a therapy is not enough. In 35% of cases, the consequences of injuries of any kind appear after 12-18 months.

Timely access to a doctor reduces the risk of developing a cancerous tumor.

It is characterized by the formation of single or multiple nodules of various density and size in the area of ​​the mammary gland. They have clear contours. Prolonged lack of treatment is dangerous by the degeneration of the neoplasm into a malignant tumor. The condition is accompanied by aching pain with a periodic increase in their intensity before menstruation.

The irradiation of pain in the back, armpits or forearms is caused by pinching of the nerves by pathological nodes. Premenstrual symptoms (swelling and enlargement of the breast, discomfort in the lower abdomen, irritability) accompany discharge from the nipples. The secretion has a green or purple color, the volume varies from a few drops, protruding on palpation of the chest, to copious masses.

Malignant education

It is possible in any area of ​​the chest, inside and outside the milk ducts. Bloody discharge is one of the signs of a cancerous tumor, which is confirmed by specialized diagnostics. Therapy includes exclusively surgical methods: maste- and lumpectomy.

It is one of the varieties of a malignant tumor on the nipples with spread to the areola. The origin of the pathology is not fully understood, there are only theories. The development of the disease affects men and women, mainly from 45-50 years. Symptoms include:

  • Inflammation of the tissue of the nipples, redness and the appearance of a scaly rash on the chest
  • Pain, itching, areola hypersensitivity
  • Regular bleeding from the nipples
  • Palpable firm nodules in the chest observed in every second case

Pathology can spread to one or both glands simultaneously. The disease is oncological, involves surgery, the use of anticancer, hormonal drugs.

Which doctor should I contact?

For chest pains, discharge from the nipples of unclear etiology, you should contact a gynecologist or therapist. The mammologist carries out treatment of diseases of initial, moderate severity independently, without the assistance of an oncologist. In severe clinical cases, the intervention of an oncologist is inevitable. Therefore, aggravating the condition of the body and self-medicating is dangerous for life and health. Therapy in the early stages of pathology minimizes the likelihood of further implementation of radical therapeutic techniques.


Initially, breast diseases are detected by palpation. The detected nodules are accompanied by soreness and give reason to suspect a specific pathology. The optimal time for the procedure is 9-11 days from the onset of menstruation, when the breast takes on a normal state. Probing makes it easy to determine the degree of swelling, dilation of veins and arteries, asymmetry of the contours of the glands. In addition to thermography, complex diagnostics include:

  1. Laboratory blood tests. They allow to identify inflammatory processes by increasing the level of leukocytes, increasing ESR.
  2. mammography. Helps to detect a neoplasm in the early stages of development more accurately than MRI, which is prescribed less often due to the large number of false results.
  3. Ductography. Allows you to exclude or confirm the presence of ectasia, intraductal papilloma, neoplasms. The injected contrast agent helps to determine the specific localization of the malignant neoplasm.
  4. ultrasound. The result of the study provides a clearer clinical picture in case of suspicion of inflammation or tumor processes. The method is informative in terms of determining the spectrum of damage. Ultrasound must be performed before surgery.
  5. Cytological examination of the secretion sample of each nipple for analysis of bacterial microflora.

Blood tests for the presence of a high concentration of prolactin are carried out in order to confirm the pathology of the pituitary gland. Detection of the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone gives an idea of ​​the state of the thyroid gland. The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood reveals a standard pregnancy test. The doctor pays special attention to the color and temperature of the skin of the chest, the size of the lymph nodes. The study of the anamnesis, assessment of the nature of secretion from the nipples contribute to the establishment of a more accurate diagnosis.

Discharge cytology

In a cytological study in the fluid secreted by the mammary glands, the exact number of cancer cells is determined. The diagnosis is confirmed by accompanying methods. Puncture of the skin of the areola is performed with suspicion of Paget's cancer. A biopsy of the epidermis of the nipple is an accurate diagnostic procedure that allows you to determine the number of tumor cells. It involves taking a piece of tissue for examination under a microscope and differentiating the nature, type of neoplasm.


Therapy involves an integrated approach. The desire to replace full-fledged medical or surgical treatment with traditional medicine recipes can lead to irreversible consequences. The amount of therapeutic intervention depends on the cause, nature and severity of the detected diseases. Treatment includes taking hormonal drugs, antibiotic therapy, topical application of antiseptic ointments. Additionally, vitamins and painkillers are administered.


To prevent the development of breast diseases, it is necessary:

  • Maintain optimal body weight, daily physical activity
  • Follow a nutritious diet and sleep
  • Avoid blows, bruises, cuts, punctures and other injuries to the chest and décolleté
  • Do not neglect natural feeding
  • Give up bad habits, minimize the number of stressful situations
  • Avoid excessive use of hormonal drugs
  • Get examined by a mammologist twice a year

It is equally important to regularly carry out independent palpation of the glands. In the presence of neoplasms, they can be most clearly felt during menstruation. In everyday life, it is better to use comfortable underwear made of natural fabric. The bra should support the chest, not compress it.

Video: Discharge from the nipples

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