From what they take nise. Nise dispersible tablets. Medications for infections in the mouth, gums, or tooth


Nise (Nise)


The drug has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiplatelet action. Suppresses the formation of prostaglandin in the focus of inflammation, selectively inhibits COX2. Rarely can cause side effects due to the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in healthy tissues. Slows down lipid peroxidation, has no effect on phagocytosis and hemostasis. When taken orally, it is well absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the drug is reached 1.5-2.5 hours after administration. Its half-life is 3 hours. The main metabolite in its composition is the active hydroxynimesulide. Given in the liver medicine biotransformed. The output is carried out mainly by the kidneys. Does not accumulate with prolonged use.

The preparation in the form of a gel has a local anti-inflammatory analgesic effect. With its help, pain in the joints is weakened or disappear during movement and rest. Neutralizes swelling and morning stiffness joints.

Indications for

This drug appoint at the following diseases : osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, tendonitis, rheumatism, Bechterew's disease, muscle pain, post-traumatic pain, spinal pain, infectious diseases, all kinds inflammatory processes, febrile syndrome, myalgia and neuralgia.

Nise in the form of a gel used for degenerative and inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system such as rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, articular syndrome during exacerbation of gout and rheumatism, sciatica, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, osteoarthritis, lumbago, bursitis, sciatica, inflammatory lesions of the tendons, ligaments.

Mode of application:

The drug is taken orally. For adults, two doses per day of 100 mg are prescribed. If necessary daily dose can be increased to a maximum of 400 mg.
Experts recommend taking the suspension or tablets before meals, but if you experience discomfort in the stomach, you can take the drug after meals.

Nise presented in the form of dispersible tablets, should be dissolved in water (one tablet per teaspoon) and taken after meals.
Children over two years old the drug is prescribed in the form of a suspension, for children older than three years - in the form of a suspension or dispersible tablets. Older children (from 12 years old) can take the tablets. Optimal dose for them should be calculated based on body weight: 3-5 mg per kg. Adolescents who have reached a weight of 40 kg can take medicine according to adult dose- 100 mg twice a day.

Nise in the form of a gel applied to the skin. Before this, the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin should be thoroughly washed and dried. A column of gel, the length of which is 3 cm, is applied to the most painful area and rubbed to a thin, even layer. This procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day.

You can use the drug within 10 days.

Side effects:

Using this medicine the following side effects have been noted: headache, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, gastralgia, stomach pain, tarry stools, toxic hepatitis, ulceration of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, petechiae, melena; purpura, oliguria, fluid retention, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hematuria, high activity of "liver" transaminases. There are also various allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock or skin rash.

When using the gel local adverse reactions: urticaria, itching, peeling of the skin. If there is a transient change in skin color, then discontinuation of the drug is not required. When applying the gel to large areas of the skin, systemic side effects, which are characteristic of taking tablets and are listed above.

In the event that any side effects, you should stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor for advice.


Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
- bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
- "aspirin triad";
- violations of liver function;
- pronounced kidney failure(QC<30 мл/мин);
- pregnancy;
- lactation (breastfeeding);
- dermatosis, damage to the epidermis, skin infections in the area of ​​application (for gel);
- children's age up to 2 years;
- hypersensitivity to nimesulide and other components of the drug, acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs.
Caution should be given drug for arterial hypertension, heart failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin dependent).

other medicinal
by other means:

Potential drug interactions(due to drug competition for protein binding) while Nise is taken orally with digoxin, phenytoin, lithium preparations, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, other NSAIDs, anticoagulants, cyclosporine, methotrexate, oral hypoglycemic agents.


nise contraindicated for use during pregnancy.
If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should decide on the termination of breastfeeding.


Symptoms overdose is an increase in the severity of adverse reactions. As a rule, this is a violation of kidney function, liver failure, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, convulsions, respiratory depression, increased blood pressure.

Treatment: If any of these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug and provide treatment: first of all, gastric lavage, activated charcoal and symptomatic therapy. There is no clear antidote. Hemodialysis and forced diuresis do not bring the desired results.

Suspension for oral administration, yellow, with a pleasant odor and characteristic taste, redispersible upon shaking.
Nimesulide - 50 mg
Excipients: sucrose, sorbitol, methylparaben, propylparaben, xanthan gum, citric acid, quinoline yellow WS, pineapple flavor, polysorbate 80, glycerol, purified water.

Gel tube 20 g contains:
Nimesulide 10 mg/g, Methyl salicylate 100 mg/g, Menthol 50 mg/g, Capsaicin 0.25 mg/g
Other Ingredients: diethyl phthalate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyethoxylated hydrogenated castor oil, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate (E211), disodium edetate, butylhydroxytoluene (E 321), carbomer, trometamol, purified water.

Nise is a drug that has two properties at once: anti-inflammatory and analgesic (for local use). The main active ingredient is nimesulide, which in turn belongs to selective reversible inhibitors of the COX-2 type (endoperoxide-PGN2 synthesis). The action of Nise is aimed at reducing the concentration of the short-binding PGN2, a substrate that is the result of kinin-stimulated PGE2 synthesis, directly in the focus of the inflammatory process or in the ascending pathways that conduct pain impulses along the spinal cord.

Composition and form of release

Release form

  • Tablets.
  • Gel.
  • Suspension.

The composition of the drug

Nise is available in two versions of tablets: for oral administration and dispersible (to be taken, they must first be dissolved in a small amount of water).

1 tablet contains 100 mg of nimesulide - the main active ingredient. Additional components of the drug are microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, talc, colloidal silicon anhydrate, sodium glycogen, calcium hydrogen phosphate.

According to the instructions, 1 dispersible tablet contains 50 mg of nimesulide. In addition, the composition of the drug includes microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, talc, pineapple flavor, sodium carboxymethyl starch, calcium phosphate, silicon dioxide, aspartame.

The composition of the Nise gel

The excipients are: methyl salicylate, diaethyl phthalate, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyoxyl 40 from castor oil, carbomer 940, disodium edetate, purified water, butylated hydroxytoluene, capsaicin, menthol, trometamol.

The composition of the suspension Nise

Nimesulide is the main active ingredient.

Additional substances of the Nise suspension are sucrose, sorbitol, methylparaben, propylparaben, pineapple flavor, yellow dye, xanthan gum, polysorbate 80, citric acid, glycerin, purified water. Unlike other forms of the drug, Nise suspension is recommended to be used before meals. However, if at the same time the child feels discomfort in the stomach, it is better to transfer the time of admission to the end of the meal.

Storage conditions

List B: dry dark place, temperature not higher than 25 degrees.

pharmachologic effect

A decrease in the concentration of PGE2, which is the mediator of the inflammatory process or pain syndrome, leads to a decrease in the activation of prostanoid receptors of the EP type. This action gives an analgesic effect in combination with anti-inflammatory.

In the case of using Nise as a local anesthetic, it causes a decrease in pain or their complete elimination in the place where the gel was applied, in particular, this applies to joint pain at rest and in motion, reduces stiffness in the morning, as well as swelling in the area of ​​the joints. In addition, the use of the drug can increase the range of motion.

The main difference between Nise and other NSAIDs is that only it is able to selectively, that is, selectively, suppress COX-2, inhibit the production of prostaglandins directly in the focus of inflammation.

Nise rarely causes various side effects. This is due to the possibility of inhibiting the production of prostaglandin in healthy tissues.

In the case of using the drug in tablets for oral administration, we can talk about good absorption from the stomach and intestines. The time for which the maximum concentration is reached is about 2.5 hours. The half-life of the drug is 3 hours. Biotransformed Nise in liver cells. The process of excretion from the body is carried out by the kidneys. With prolonged use does not accumulate.

Indications for use Nise

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system of inflammatory and degenerative origin (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, sciatica, bursitis, inflammation of the ligaments and tendons, sciatica, lumbago);
  • pain in muscle fibers;
  • inflammation in the post-traumatic period (as a result of damage to the ligaments, bruises);
  • elevated temperature.


  • ulcer;
  • individual intolerance;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • "aspirin" asthma;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

In diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and heart failure, Nise should be taken with extreme caution.

Side effects

  • gastralgia;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • allergy;
  • fluid retention in the body, swelling;
  • headache;
  • anemia;
  • hematuria;
  • skin rash, itching, peeling.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage of tablets

Tablets for oral administration are called the drug Nise 100.

Nise tablets should be taken immediately after meals. It should not be crushed or crushed in any other way. It is enough to swallow it and drink a little water. It is undesirable to take Nise before meals. This can lead to irritation or other stomach discomfort.

Standard doses of Nise are prescribed for patients over 12 years of age. People who have reached the age of 65 should not decrease the standard recommended doses. In addition, the dose of the drug should not be adjusted in the direction of its reduction in patients who are diagnosed with renal failure with a creatinine clearance level, which was determined using the Rehberg test, up to 30 ml / min. If the indicated indicator is higher than 30 ml / min, then taking Nise is contraindicated.


The instructions indicate the following scheme for taking Nise in order to relieve pain, eliminate fever and reduce the inflammatory process: 1 tablet of the drug, the equivalent of which is 100 mg of the active substance, twice a day, while the intervals between doses should be the same.

It is possible to increase the total daily dose of Nise only as directed by a doctor in case of emergency up to 4 tablets per day with an interval of 6 hours. The maximum dose of the drug, regardless of the severity of the pain syndrome, is 400 mg. Ignoring this rule threatens to overdose.

You need to take this type of Nise either directly during a meal, or immediately after it. Before meals, it is not recommended to take it, since side effects from the digestive system may develop. To take one tablet, you need to dissolve it in 1 tsp. water. You do not need to drink additional water or other drink.

Reception scheme

  • for patients over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed in the amount of two tablets per day (total daily intake of 100 mg of nimesulide);
  • for children aged 3 to 12 years, the maximum allowable norm of Nise is calculated taking into account body weight: 3-5 mg of the main substance per 1 kg of weight (for example, with a child weighing 20 kg, the daily dose is from 3 * 20 \u003d 60 mg to 5 * 20 \u003d 100 mg, that is, 60-100 mg should be taken per day), and the resulting dose should be divided into several doses throughout the day at regular intervals.

If the weight of the child exceeds 40 kg, but his age is less than 12 years, then the patient is prescribed a norm for an adult.

Method and dosage of the gel

This form of Nise is intended for local anesthesia.

According to the instructions, Nise gel is required to be applied to a skin area that has previously been thoroughly washed and dried. If the drug is used to anesthetize an unopened wound, warm water and soap will do for washing, and a towel will help to dry. If the skin is damaged, Nise gel cannot be used.

For one use, about 3 ml of gel should be squeezed onto the skin area, which should be distributed over the affected area without rubbing. Ignoring this rule can lead to the formation of a burn, which, although it passes on its own, however, causes some discomfort. Leave the drug Nise for 2 minutes so that it is absorbed. Next, the treated area should be covered with a gauze bandage; airtight bandages cannot be applied.

Reception scheme:

The number of procedures per day is no more than 4, otherwise side effects are possible. The maximum allowable daily dose is 30 g of gel or 1.5 tubes. The duration of treatment using Nise gel is calculated purely individually, taking into account the speed of pain relief, but not more than 10 days.

In the event of irritation in the area of ​​​​use of the drug Nise, it should be discontinued. The gel contains capsaicin, which can cause burning and redness of the skin. In some cases, this effect develops into hypersensitivity. This reaction is considered normal.

When taking Nise gel, you need to be extremely careful and prevent the product from getting into the eyes, nasal mucosa, mouth and other organs. After use, the tube with the product must be carefully closed and hands washed.

Method and dosage of the suspension

Before each use, shake the vial with the suspension, and only then pour the product into a measuring cup. The suspension can be used to treat children older than two months according to certain schemes:

  • for children under the age of two: 1.5 mg of the drug per 1 kg of the patient's weight (if the child's weight is 10 kg, then the daily dose is 1.5 * 10 = 15 mg, which must be divided into 3 doses);
  • for children under 5 years old: a single dose - 2.5 ml three times a day;
  • for children under 12: 5 ml three times a day;
  • for children over 12 years old: adult dose, which corresponds to 10 ml of suspension twice a day.

This form of the drug can be used not only for children, but also for adults who are contraindicated in taking pills. However, people with diabetes should not take it.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, as well as during lactation, the use of the drug Nise is contraindicated.


Overdose symptoms are apathy, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting. With a quick response, you can get rid of them. If the overdose is significant, then the development of bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, renal failure, respiratory depression is possible.

Treatment is to eliminate a specific symptom. Activated charcoal, osmotic laxative are prescribed.

Interaction with other drugs

Due to the fact that both alcohol and Nise have a toxic effect on the liver, it is undesirable to take them at the same time. The drug is able to increase both the effectiveness and toxicity of other drugs: it reduces the effect of furosemide, increases the risk of side effects when used together with methotrexate.

Domestic and foreign analogues

The most popular analogues are:

Nise's analogue - Nimesulide

It has antipyretic, pro-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This drug will relieve the symptoms of the disease, and not the disease itself.

Nise analogue - Artrum

Available in the form of a gel and is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. The main active ingredient is ketoprofen. Not to be used by patients under 15 years of age.

Diclofenac - analogue

Available in ampoules and tablets. The main action is the elimination of pain syndrome. When using the drug in injections, the maximum daily dose is 1 injection. The duration of treatment is not more than two days.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Nise in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the Nise drug, the instructions for use of which include general information and a treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

The drug under the name Nise is presented in the form of an antipyretic and analgesic medication. The medicine does not belong to the category of hormonal drugs, and is also not a drug. The medication is used mainly as a symptomatic remedy for the complex treatment of various types of ailments. The main scope of the drug Nise is the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. Nise is used for children to reduce high fever, but whether this can be done needs to be clarified in more detail.

The composition and form of release of the drug

Nise is a fairly popular drug, so the drug is produced in the following forms:

  • tablets;
  • dispersible or soluble tablets;
  • suspension;
  • gel for external application.

The composition of any form of release of the drug Nise includes the active substance nimesulide. The dosages of this substance in different forms of drug release are different:

  1. The tablets contain 100 mg of nimesulide.
  2. In soluble tablets, its amount is 50 mg.
  3. The suspension contains 50 mg of nimesulide.
  4. 1 gram of gel contains 10 mg of nimesulide.

In addition, the composition of the drug Nise, depending on the form of release, includes additional substances. These are various chemical compounds, dyes, flavors, citric acid and water.

It's important to know! Nimesulide is one of the best substances that has a decrease in high temperature in children, which rises when viral and respiratory diseases occur. Despite this, nimesulide is officially banned for use in children under 12 years of age.

Need for use

Nise contains nimesulide, the manufacturer in the instructions indicates the following age restrictions on its use:

  • For children under 3 years old, syrup is allowed.
  • Children from 3 to 12 years old are allowed to give Nise in the form of a suspension and soluble tablets.
  • Children over 12 years old are given a medication in any form of its release.

Depending on the form of release of the medication, they resort to its use for the following ailments:

  1. Soluble and conventional Nise tablets are used for arthritis, joint damage, gout, osteochondrosis, sciatica, sciatica, inflammation of the ligaments and tendons.
  2. The suspension is used for the following indications: at a temperature above 39 degrees, the presence of inflammatory processes, and also to relieve pain in children.
  3. The use of ointment is resorted to for such indications: muscle pain, traumatic inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, gout.

It's important to know! The drug Nise is not a medicine, but is a symptomatic remedy that only relieves pain, but does not affect the cause of its occurrence. The remedy is always prescribed in conjunction with other medicinal medicines, which should be considered before giving it to a child.

Features of the use of the drug Nise

The drug has different forms of release, so the features of their use have significant differences. How to properly apply certain types of medication Nise, we will learn further.

Tablets Nise

Nice in the form of tablets is used immediately after a meal. It must be swallowed completely, and then washed down with water. If the tablet is taken before meals, then the consequence of such improper use may be irritation and discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract. Children are allowed to give pills no earlier than 12 years. The dose of tablets for adolescents from 12 years of age is similar to the adult dosage.

Regardless of the purpose for which Nise is used, the dosage of tablets should not exceed 2 single applications per day of 100 mg. The interval between subsequent applications of tablets should be 10-12 hours. If necessary, the dosage of taking tablets can be increased to 400 mg per day, but according to the individual prescription of a specialist.

The duration of treatment depends on the symptoms. If the doctor prescribed antibiotics after using Nise, then there is no need for its further use. In order to relieve pain syndromes, the duration of taking Nise can stretch up to several weeks.

It's important to know! Before using the tablets, be sure to consult with a specialist, and make sure that they are taken rationally.

Nise dispersible tablets

Soluble tablets are used both during and after meals. Before meals, taking the drug is contraindicated, as this may contribute to the occurrence of adverse symptoms. Features of the application are the need to dissolve the tablet. To do this, the tablet should be placed in water, the amount of which should be equal to a teaspoon. After dissolving the tablet, the resulting solution should be drunk without drinking water and other drinks.

The manufacturer recommends giving soluble tablets to children from the age of 3 years. For children over the age of 12 years, the dosage for the use of soluble tablets is 100 mg 2 times a day. From the age of 12, the maximum dosage can be 400 mg per day. For children from 3 to 12 years old, the dosage is calculated individually, according to the body weight of the baby. For 1 kg of body weight, 3-5 mg of the drug is required. The resulting dosage is divided into 2-3 doses per day.

It's important to know! It is necessary to dissolve the tablets, on the packaging of which there is a corresponding inscription - dispersible. Regular tablets cannot be dissolved, so they must be taken whole.

Suspension Nise

Nise suspension is used before meals, but it must be monitored so that there are no side symptoms. If there are signs of nausea and pain in the stomach, then it is better to switch to using the suspension after a meal. Before giving the child a suspension, the vial with its contents should be shaken thoroughly. After the contents of the vial become a homogeneous consistency, it is necessary to collect the product in a special measuring cup, and then take it inside. If the need arises, the suspension can be washed down with water. The suspension contains flavorings, so children willingly take this drug.

The dosage of the suspension is used for children from 2 months of age. You can use the medicine in the following doses:

  1. For children in the age category from 2 months to 2 years, the dosage can be calculated by body weight. At the same time, no more than 1.5 mg of the drug falls on 1 kg of weight. The value obtained, for example, for a baby weighing 10 kg, 15 mg of the drug is required, is the daily norm. This amount is recommended to be divided into 2-3 doses or given once.
  2. In the age category from 2 to 5 years, it is allowed to give Nise in a volume of 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day.
  3. For children over 5 years old and up to 12 years old, it is allowed to give a suspension of 5 ml 2-3 times a day.
  4. For children over 12 years old, it is allowed to use the medication in an adult dosage, that is, 100 mg 2 times a day.

It's important to know! If the mother gives the child a Nise suspension, then she must first read the instructions for use. Despite the fact that the drug is allowed to be used even for children from 2 months, it is highly not recommended to do this without the appointment of a specialist.

Nise suspension is contraindicated in patients who have signs of diabetes mellitus. In difficult situations, you can resort to taking Nise in the form of a suspension for 10 days.

Ointment Nise

Is it possible to resort to the use of Nise ointment for a child? This form of release is also suitable for use in children, but if there are appropriate indications. It is impossible to bring down the heat with the help of Nise ointment or gel, since this form of release is intended to relieve pain syndromes that occur with such ailments as osteochondrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis and others.

It is forbidden to smear open wounds, as this may precede the occurrence of adverse symptoms. For single use, it is required to squeeze out 3 cm of gel from the tube. It is impossible to rub the gel into the skin, so it should be evenly distributed over the surface of the skin. After 1-2 minutes, you can start applying a gauze bandage. Apply the gel is allowed no more than 3-4 times a day. The duration of the gel application depends on obtaining positive results.

It's important to know! If you rub the gel into the skin, it can lead to a burn. It is not recommended to prescribe a medication for children under 7 years of age due to the fact that children's skin is susceptible to the negative effects of the medication.

Overdose and side effects

If the mother gave the child Nise's medicine in a dosage more than expected, then you should definitely call a doctor. An overdose of the drug is not permissible, since in almost all cases the following side symptoms occur:

  1. Development of symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
  2. Drowsiness and apathy.
  3. Impaired kidney function.
  4. The appearance of signs of a convulsive state.
  5. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Bleeding in the stomach and intestines.

To eliminate the signs of an overdose, it is required to cleanse the stomach with an enema. In addition, you should take drugs such as Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, as well as laxatives.

It's important to know! Side effects may occur due to prolonged use of the drug. Giving a child Nise longer than the doctor prescribed is strictly prohibited.

Application of Nise on temperature

Nise is one of the best medications that not only relieves the symptoms of pain, but also helps to reduce high fever. After taking the medication, there is an effective decrease in high temperature to normal values. An important advantage of Nise in reducing intense heat is that he is able to actively maintain the temperature for a sufficiently long period of time.

Pediatricians do not recommend the use of Nise for children in order to reduce the temperature at the level with such safe antipyretics as Viburcol, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. This is due to the fact that high efficiency hides a whole list of side symptoms that can occur not only with overdoses.

Nise is used only when antipyretics such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol have proven to be ineffective. At the same time, do not forget that you should first consult with a specialist. If the doctor does not recommend giving the child Nise, then you should obey him.

It's important to know! In most countries, in particular in Europe, preparations containing nimesulide are prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age. In the Russian Federation, this remedy is approved for use, but only if there are appropriate indications.

Contraindications for the use of Nise

There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is strictly forbidden to resort to the appointment of the drug Nise. A complete list of contraindications can be found in the instructions for a particular form of release of the drug. Below are the main types of contraindications, if found, Nise should be excluded.

In tablets and suspensions, it is forbidden to use Nise for the following ailments:

  1. Excessive sensitivity to one of the components of the drug.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Blood clotting disorders.
  5. Renal and liver failure.
  6. Exacerbation of intestinal diseases.
  7. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

These are the main contraindications, in the presence of which you need to refuse to take Nise. Otherwise, taking the drug can lead not only to the development of side symptoms, but also to death. It is especially important to take into account all contraindications in children, since there are many cases of deaths when the day before the parents gave the children the drug Nise. Autopsies performed after deaths in children showed the presence of meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, nephritis and carditis.

What does this indicate? This suggests that after the use of antipyretics without special need, there are signs of selective inhibition of prostaglandins. This means that after taking Nise at a high temperature, there is a decrease in fever, but this automatically creates a useful environment for the reproduction of various pathogenic microorganisms. When parents bring down the temperature of a child that has not reached 39 degrees, they must be aware of the consequences. After taking Nise, the child really becomes easier, but at the same time, active reproduction of various pests begins in his body.

When any disease occurs, patients or their relatives are actively looking for exactly those drugs that can quickly and effectively cure the disease, stop the main symptoms or alleviate the patient's condition. In the event of inflammatory diseases, Nise is the right remedy.

"Nise" is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, the main action of which is aimed at inhibiting cyclooxygenase 2 and directly blocks the production of prostaglandins in the inflammatory focus.

This action is due to the fact that prostaglandins are enzymes that provoke an inflammatory process, they also have the ability to increase the sensitivity of nociceptive receptors, after which the pain becomes stronger and longer. And the enzymes of the cyclooxygenase group are activators of prostaglandins.

Release form

This drug has four active forms, while each has one active ingredient -. But they differ in the composition of excipients. Forms of the drug "Nise":

  • Tablets - are issued in quantity No. 10 on one plate. Compound:
    • The main active ingredient nimesulide - a substance with anti-inflammatory action, blocks the activity and synthesis of urokinase, elastase, interleukin metalloprotease, collagenase, which helps to reduce the activity of destruction of cartilage tissue lesions in arthritis;
    • Auxiliary - calcium phosphate, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, corn starch, talc, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium glycolate, aspartame. These substances in the heap contribute to the manifestation of a slight adsorbing effect, improve the solubility and absorption of this drug in the acidic environment of the stomach;
  • Dispersible tablets - dissolve in water before use, which improves the absorption of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract. The main composition of this option does not differ from conventional tablets;
  • Suspension - this version of the drug, in addition to the main active ingredient, contains sorbitol, methylparaben, xanthan gum, sucrose, polysorbate 80, propylparaben. Most often it is prescribed for children because of the ease of use and sweet taste, the main feature of this variant of nise is a pronounced detoxification activity, in addition to the main anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • Gel - the main substance remains nimesulide, and additional substances are represented by the following substances: propylene glycol, potassium phosphate, PEG-400, carbomer-940, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, timserosal, isopropanol, water, butylated hydroxyanisole. These components are aimed at improving the penetrating abilities of the drug, as well as better infiltration of the affected area.


Due to the activity of nimesulide (the main active substance), the drug has antipyretic, antiplatelet, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects, inhibiting cyclooxygenase enzymes and other biologically active substances activated by it.

Due to the complete blockade of prostaglandins in addition to the site of inflammation, these drugs do not cause allergic reactions, blocking the release of mediators.

Another feature of Nise is expressed in the inhibition of phospholipid oxidation, which helps to strengthen the cell walls at the site of the inflammatory focus, also does not affect the cells of the immune system, and the antiplatelet effect does not affect hemostasis.


Thanks to auxiliary substances, one and a half hours after administration, the maximum content of the active substance in the blood is reached. If dispersible tablets are taken, the maximum concentration occurs even faster. The half-life of the drug does not exceed 3.5 hours. The active substance actively binds to blood plasma proteins, its formed elements, and is transported throughout the body.

This drug practically does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. But its penetrating ability into other tissues is significantly pronounced. "Nise" has a penetrating ability through the hematosynovial barrier, which makes it possible to effectively relieve inflammation in the joint cavity, stop inflammation and pain in the tendons and peritendon synovial capsules.

The main substance is able to penetrate and accumulate in the mucous and submucosal tissues of the external female genital organs, in men the accumulation occurs near the bladder and at a short distance from it, along the urethra. This feature contributes to the effective treatment of serous inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and prostatitis.


Taking the drug is necessary in the presence of severe pain, inflammation, fever. "Nise" is taken for the combined treatment of the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the joints and ligamentous apparatus - arthrosis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, bursovaginitis, tendinitis, rheumatism, myalgia, tendovaginitis. It can be used to relieve pain in case of bruises of the limbs, bone structures, spine;
  • Infectious processes - it is necessary to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to combat fever, inflammatory response and relief of the main manifestations of an acute infectious disease;
  • Tuberculosis - taking nise is recommended to combat constant subfebrile condition, also with the development of exacerbations or activation of the process, it is taken against the background of antibiotic therapy;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - due to increased concentration in these areas, it becomes possible to quickly stop the pain syndrome and inflammatory reaction.

With the help of the gel "Nise" there is a local anesthetic effect in case of injury, sprain or tears of the bone-ligamentous apparatus, muscles. Blocking the action of prostaglandins, with local exposure, there is a decrease in the size of edema of the affected tissues, hyperemia is completely removed.

Local application of the gel allows you to stop all inflammatory manifestations in the affected areas.

Instructions for use

For adults, the allowed maximum daily dose is 450 mg, this dose is prescribed only by a doctor. This dose is resorted to in rare and difficult cases, with the ineffectiveness of other anti-inflammatory drugs. On average, for the relief of pain, inflammation, swelling, the doctor must prescribe "Nise" in 100 mg.

Children need to calculate the dosage of the drug in relation to kilograms of body weight. The optimal dose is 3-4 mg per kilogram of body weight. The drug is prohibited for children under the age of two years. Up to 12 years, the drug is prescribed in the form of a suspension or dispersing tablets, dissolving the necessary part of them in a teaspoon with water. After twelve years, the tablet form of the drug is allowed. Children weighing more than 40 kilograms can take "Nise" at adult dosages.

When applied topically, the gel must be applied to clean, washed skin. It is forbidden to apply the drug to areas of skin with damage.

When using the gel, it is necessary to ensure that it does not get into the eyes, on the wound or mucous membranes.

The maximum use of the drug of any form does not exceed 10 days. If before this period the disturbing symptoms do not subside, it is necessary to consult a doctor for additional help and a possible replacement of the drug.

Side effect

If you experience any suspicious reactions, discomfort behind the sternum or in the abdomen, deterioration of the general condition, the appearance of blood in my skin or yellowness of the skin, you should consult a doctor urgently. Perhaps this drug is not tolerated by the body properly, it needs to be replaced.

Taking "Nise" may appear manifestations of general intoxication, patients complain of:

  • General weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Change in the nature of breathing;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Nausea, can reach up to vomiting, while antiemetic drugs do not stop the current situation;
  • Chair change.

Since this drug is a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, there are frequent undesirable manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract. There is aching dull pain in the abdomen, most often in the epigastric region and the right hypochondrium. Perhaps yellowing of the sclera, biochemical analysis is characterized by high activity of transaminases.

Patients may notice a single vomiting, without initial manifestations of nausea, while the vomit is dark brown or light red, which indicates the opened ulcer bleeding and its duration. The appearance of dark mushy feces may indicate intestinal bleeding.

When applied topically, the side effects of the gel are:

  1. Itching - during examination, scratching can be determined;
  2. Redness is local;
  3. puffiness;
  4. Perhaps the manifestation of side effects, as in the use of tablet forms of the drug, when applied to large areas of the body. This phenomenon indicates a good absorption of the drug by the skin, and an increase in its concentration in the blood.

Since drowsiness and dizziness occur after administration, Nise must be taken with caution by drivers, the military and those people whose profession is associated with speed of response and attentiveness.


There are a number of contraindications to the use of this drug:

  • Liver diseases characterized by the development of acute liver failure or leading to it;
  • Ulcerative formations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Type 2 diabetes;
  • Hypertension;

You need to consult a doctor if you have acute heart failure, pregnancy or lactation.

Contraindications for external use are infectious skin diseases with damage to the outer epidermis, wounds of various etiologies.

There is a lot of controversy about the use of the drug in renal failure, since in the normal state of this organ, the use of nise does not affect the results of laboratory parameters, nor does it change the nature and amount of urine.

But since it is excreted only by the kidneys, it means that it increases the filtration load, which can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition, with pre-developed renal failure.


This drug has a significant competitive effect with drugs that stimulate cardiac contractility, lower blood pressure and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

This effect occurs due to the maximum binding of nimesulide to plasma proteins and most formed elements, which is a significant obstacle to other drugs. This phenomenon leads to an increase in the toxic effect of drugs or a decrease in their effectiveness.

It is forbidden to take nise with alcohol, drugs or other psychotropic substances. This combination increases the load and toxic effect on the liver and kidneys, which can lead to the development of acute organ failure, the development of toxic shock, coma. Such conditions often end in death.


Neglecting the rules of taking the drug, taking large dosages, with the ineffectiveness of previous methods, one cannot do without the development of an overdose state. At first, dizziness, apathy, loss of consciousness or increased drowsiness may occur. At this stage, it is necessary to wash the stomach, drink plenty of fluids and induce vomiting.

Terrible conditions in case of overdose is the development of renal, hepatic, cardiovascular insufficiency. These conditions require urgent hospitalization and detoxification infusion therapy.

nise- a synthetic drug used in the treatment of joint diseases and the reduction of pain of various etiologies.

When applied topically, Nise is said to relieve pain and swelling in the joints and reduce morning stiffness. The active substance of the drug Nise has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. The drug is effective in processes associated with pain, inflammation and swelling. Nise inhibits platelet aggregation and reduces bronchospasm, which is caused by the action of histamine and acetaldehyde. Also, the drug has an antioxidant effect and slows down the formation of toxins.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) from the sulfonanilide class. It is a selective competitive inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins in the focus of inflammation. The inhibitory effect on COX-1 is less pronounced (rarely causes side effects associated with inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in healthy tissues). It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and pronounced antipyretic effect.

Pharmacokinetics. Absorption when taken orally is high (food intake reduces the rate of absorption without affecting its degree). The time to reach the maximum concentration (TCmax) is 1.5-2.5 hours. The connection with plasma proteins is 95%, with erythrocytes - 2%, with lipoproteins - 1%, with acid alpha 1-glycoproteins - 1%. Changing the dose does not affect the degree of binding. The value of the maximum concentration (Cmax) is 3.5-6.5 mg / l. The volume of distribution is 0.19-0.35 l / kg. It penetrates into the tissues of the female genital organs, where, after a single dose, its concentration is about 40% of the plasma concentration. It penetrates well into the acidic environment of the focus of inflammation (40%), synovial fluid (43%). Easily penetrates through histohematic barriers.

Metabolized in the liver by tissue monooxygenases. The main metabolite, 4-hydroxynimesulide (25%), has a similar pharmacological activity, but due to a decrease in the size of the molecules, it can quickly diffuse through the COX-2 hydrophobic channel to the active site of binding the methyl group. 4-hydroxynimesulide is a water-soluble compound that does not require glutathione and conjugation reactions of the II phase of metabolism (sulfation, glucuronidation, and others) to be eliminated. The half-life (T1 / 2) of nimesulide is 1.56-4.95 hours, 4-hydroxynimesulide is 2.89-4.78 hours. 4-hydroxynimesulide is excreted by the kidneys (65%) and with bile (35%), undergoes enterohepatic recycling. In patients with renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance 1.8-4.8 l / h or 30-80 ml / min), as well as in children and the elderly, the pharmacokinetic profile of nimesulide does not change significantly.

Indications for use Nise

Rheumatoid arthritis; articular syndrome during exacerbation; psoriatic arthritis; ankylosing spondylitis; osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome; osteoarthritis; myalgia of rheumatic and non-rheumatic origin; inflammation of ligaments, tendons, bursitis, including post-traumatic inflammation of soft tissues; pain syndrome of various origins (including in the postoperative period, with injuries, algomenorrhea, toothache, headache, arthralgia, lumbar ischialgia). The drug is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, does not affect the progression of the disease.

Dosage and administration

The lowest effective dose should be used for the shortest possible course. Tablets are taken with sufficient water, preferably after meals. Adults and children over 12 years old - inside 1 tablet 2 times a day. In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to take the drug at the end of a meal or after a meal. The maximum daily dose for adults is 200 mg. Patients with chronic renal failure require a reduction in the daily dose to 100 mg.

Application features

Since Nise® is partially excreted by the kidneys, its dose for patients with impaired renal function should be reduced, depending on the indicators of creatinine clearance. Given reports of visual impairment in patients taking other NSAIDs, treatment should be stopped immediately if any visual impairment occurs and the patient should be examined by an ophthalmologist. The drug can cause fluid retention in the tissues, so patients with high blood pressure and cardiac disorders Nyz should be used with extreme caution. Patients should undergo regular medical supervision if they take medications along with nimesulide, which are characterized by an effect on the gastrointestinal tract. If there are signs of liver damage (skin itching, yellowing of the skin, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, increased levels of "liver" transaminases), you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor. Do not use the drug simultaneously with other NSAIDs. The drug can change the properties of platelets, but does not replace the preventive action of acetylsalicylic acid in cardiovascular diseases. The use of the drug may adversely affect female fertility and is not recommended for women planning a pregnancy. After 2 weeks of using the drug, it is necessary to control the biochemical parameters of liver function. This dosage form is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, but if it is necessary to use nimesulide in children over 7 years of age, 50 mg dispersible tablets and suspension can be used in strict accordance with the instructions for medical use attached to them. Since the drug can cause drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Side effects

The frequency of side effects is classified according to the frequency of occurrence of the case: often (1-10%), sometimes (0.1-1%), rarely (0.01-0.1%), very rarely (less than 0.01%) , including individual messages. Allergic reactions: rarely - hypersensitivity reactions; very rarely - anaphylactoid reactions. From the side of the central nervous system: infrequently - dizziness; rarely - a feeling of fear, nervousness, nightmares; very rarely - headache, drowsiness, encephalopathy (Reye's syndrome). On the part of the skin: infrequently - itching, rash, increased sweating; rarely: erythema, dermatitis; very rarely: urticaria, angioedema, swelling of the face, erythema multiforme exudative, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome). From the urinary system: infrequently - edema; rarely - dysuria, hematuria, urinary retention, hyperkalemia; very rarely - renal failure, oliguria, interstitial nephritis. From the gastrointestinal tract: often - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting; infrequently - constipation, flatulence, gastritis; very rarely - abdominal pain, stomatitis, tarry stools, gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcer and / or perforation of the stomach or duodenum. From the side of the liver and biliary system: often - an increase in "liver" transaminases; very rarely - hepatitis, fulminant hepatitis, jaundice, cholestasis. On the part of the hematopoietic organs: rarely - anemia, eosinophilia; very rarely - thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, purpura, prolongation of bleeding time. From the respiratory system: infrequently - shortness of breath; very rarely - exacerbation of bronchial asthma, bronchospasm. From the senses: rarely - blurred vision. From the side of the cardiovascular system: infrequently - arterial hypertension; rarely - tachycardia, hemorrhages, hot flashes. Others: rarely - general weakness; very rarely - hypothermia.

Interaction with other drugs

The effect of drugs that reduce blood clotting is enhanced by their simultaneous use with nimesulide. Nimesulide may reduce the effect of furosemide. Nimesulide may increase the possibility of side effects while taking methotrexate. The level of lithium in plasma increases with the simultaneous administration of lithium preparations and nimesulide. Nimesulide may enhance the effect of cyclosporine on the kidneys. Use with glucocorticosteroids, serotonin reuptake inhibitors increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components; complete or incomplete combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent polyposis of the nose or paranasal sinuses and intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs (including history); erosive and ulcerative changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum (duodenum), active gastrointestinal bleeding, cerebrovascular or other bleeding; inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) in the acute phase; hemophilia and other bleeding disorders; decompensated heart failure; liver failure or any active liver disease; anamnestic data on the development of hepatotoxic reactions when using nimesulide preparations; concomitant use of potentially hepatotoxic substances; alcoholism, drug addiction; severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml / min), progressive kidney disease, confirmed hyperkalemia; the period after coronary artery bypass grafting; pregnancy, lactation; children's age up to 12 years.

Carefully. Ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, congestive heart failure, dyslipidemia/hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, peripheral arterial disease, smoking, creatinine clearance less than 60 ml/min. History of gastrointestinal ulceration, presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, older age, long-term use of NSAIDs, frequent alcohol use, severe physical illness, concomitant therapy with anticoagulants (eg, warfarin), antiplatelet agents (eg, acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel), oral glucocorticosteroids ( eg prednisolone), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (eg citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline).


Symptoms: apathy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting. Gastrointestinal bleeding, increased blood pressure, acute renal failure, respiratory depression may occur. Treatment: Symptomatic treatment of the patient and supportive care is required. There is no specific antidote. If an overdose has occurred within the last 4 hours, it is necessary to induce vomiting, provide activated charcoal (60-100 g per adult), osmotic laxatives. Forced diuresis, hemodialysis are ineffective due to the high connection of the drug with proteins.

Questions and answers on the topic "Nise"

Question:Hello! If you take Nise tablets while intoxicated, will there be any side effects?

Answer: Both alcohol and nise increase the load on the liver, and when used together, this load is increased significantly. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug while intoxicated. The average time for the disintegration of alcohol in the blood, depending on the serving, the strength of the drink and the weight of the person, is 5-12 hours.

Question:Hello! I am 8 weeks pregnant, I am 34 years old. I would like to give birth, but not knowing that I was pregnant, I took the drug Nise during pregnancy. For the entire period, about 4 tablets. And drank red wine. How might this affect the fetus? Thanks a lot!

Answer: Nise is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should decide on the termination of breastfeeding. There is no official information about the effect of nise on pregnancy. The effect of alcohol on the fetus depends on the amount and time of its intake.

Question:Hello. I took Nise for several days as a pain reliever. For the second day I feel a spasmodic headache and dizziness. Can I overdose? If yes, what should I do in this situation?

Answer: If the symptoms are associated with taking the drug, then most likely this is not an overdose, but a side effect. The maximum daily dose for adults is 400 mg. Overdose symptoms: apathy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting. Possible side effects - dizziness, very rarely - headache. It is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to select a replacement.

Question:Hello. Why does a gynecologist prescribe Nise to girls if he negatively affects fertility? What can replace Nise without harm?

Answer: The active ingredient in Nise is nimesulide, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. I don’t know where you got the information about the effect on fertility, but this group of medicines is actively used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, with algomenorrhea and with some forms of metrorrhagia. So you can't replace it.

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