Conversation “Why do we need road signs. Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules in the senior group. What are road signs for?

Abstract of a design lesson in a group preparatory to school

What are road signs for?

Blinova-Zakharova Anna Leonidovna,
GBDOU Kindergarten №62
Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

Program content:

To acquaint children with road signs and their types: warning, indicative, prohibiting.

Learn to distinguish signs; reinforce the skills of compliance with the rules of the road.


Road signs, three traffic lights for the stop game. Audio recording "Street noise".

Preliminary work:

Watching traffic, looking at pictures, reading books.

Lesson progress:

You guys are all walking the streets with mom and dad, but soon you will go to school and you will have to walk the streets on your own. Dangers may lie in wait for you on the streets and roads. (Audio recording)

So what kind of danger awaits you on the street? (children's answers)

Yes, there are a lot of cars, buses, people on the street and it seems that there is a complete mess, but in fact no one bothers anyone. What do you think helps keep order on the street? (regulations). Traffic Laws. Who are these rules for? (children's answers)

Child reads a poem

street alphabet,

Avenues, roads,

The city gives us

Lesson all the time.

Here is the alphabet

Above head:

The signs are posted

Along the bridge.

ABC of the city

Always remember

So that it doesn't happen

You're in trouble. (Y. Pishumov)

There are many different road signs on the streets. Road signs are the best friends of drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own meaning. Road signs tell you what the road is like, how fast cars need to go, how to go, where pedestrians can walk. (Show signs "Caution children")

What is the name of this sign? Who is he warning? What does this sign warn drivers about? Guys, why do you think this sign is surrounded by a bright red rim? (children's answers)

(Show signs "Pedestrian crossing") What is the name of this sign? This sign is called a pedestrian crossing and it is a pedestrian crossing sign. And how do they differ? That's right, a blue sign for pedestrians. This is an indication sign. What does he say to pedestrians?

For pedestrians only

Sign at the crossing

In the blue square

transition pointer.

(Sign "Bicycle path") This is also an index sign, but what is it called?

The strictest signs are prohibitory, they are circled in red. (No traffic) What does this sign mean?

At the end of the lesson, the mobile game "Stop" is held.

The rules of the road are taught from childhood. And this is absolutely correct, because safety while driving on the road and sidewalk depends on this knowledge. In addition to the rules for crossing streets and driving as a pedestrian or driving rules, you also need to know road signs. You may ask: what are they for? In fact, without them on the road it would be very difficult to figure out who should give way to whom or where you can park your car.

Traffic signs, depending on the shape, color and image, have completely different purposes. Triangular signs with a red border are needed to warn and inform drivers about a dangerous section of the road, the need to slow down and increase attention. Round road signs with a white or blue background, as well as a red border, are prohibitory. They are needed to draw the attention of drivers to certain prohibitions (travel, parking, etc.), so red was chosen for the edging, which is associated with danger. The installation of round road signs with a blue background is carried out in those places where it is necessary to indicate the direction of movement of cars, minimum speed, and the like. They are prescriptive and are designed to help drivers and pedestrians cross a particular stretch of road correctly.

In addition to these signs, there are also service or information signs. They have a rectangular shape and are made in the form of plates. Prescription signs may have a green, blue, yellow or white background and are required to indicate a pedestrian underpass, a residential area, an artificial roughness. White background signs are used to indicate additional information. With the help of them, you can depict an underground or ground pedestrian crossing, as well as an approaching food point, a place of rest, a telephone, a hospital, a car wash.

Thus, one can easily understand that without traffic signs it would be very difficult for both drivers and pedestrians to behave correctly on the road. Therefore, it is necessary to know at least the most basic designations in order to feel confident in any situation and know exactly how to act.

Road signs have been known since the time of Ivan the Terrible, but still raise questions from road users. But they are designed to regulate traffic and ensure safety on the road. Imagine for a moment that road signs have been cancelled. What will happen on the road then?

Without road signs, real chaos will begin. Well, how to drive through an unregulated intersection if all drivers think they are right? We have to agree among ourselves. And you can agree, for example, by blinking your headlights, they say: “Drive on.” Only for some drivers, blinking is associated with another action: "Part way, I'm flying." So they will stand and blink until someone dares to pass first. And this idea can occur to two drivers at once. And in the end - a classic accident at the crossroads.

You can, of course, regulate traffic at intersections with traffic lights. But you can’t put a traffic light at every intersection, and some are turned off at night.

Everyone complains - traffic jams, but the reasons for their occurrence lie not only in the fact that there are more and more cars every year. This means more parking spaces are needed. And some consider the roadway to be the ideal place. Convenient - parked to the side of the road, calmly go about business. No need to cut circles in search of a parking space. It would have been so if the “No Parking” sign was excluded. After all, it was invented precisely in order not to block the roadway, and is installed, as a rule, in places with increased bandwidth. Otherwise, many cities would have narrowed down to one endless traffic jam.

And how will pedestrians cross roads without a zebra? Yes, even on the "zebra" is often unsafe. But this is more likely from a general lack of culture and disrespect for each other. The pedestrian considers himself right, the driver - himself, someone did not notice, someone specifically did not miss. But if you are extremely careful and cross the road at a pedestrian crossing in compliance with safety measures, this is often the only way to get to the other side of the street. But to do this in a dense stream of cars that rush at an unlimited speed (there are no signs) is impossible.

Let someone road signs seem absurd, there are such. But in general, they regulate not only traffic, they are responsible for our lives. The task of the participants in the movement is to be extremely attentive to them and unquestioningly follow their instructions.

Elena Parusova
Conversation "Why do we need road signs"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street; recall famous road signs and introduce new signs.


1. To form children's knowledge about warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, informational and indicative road and service signs.

2. Develop children's attention, creative imagination.

3. Develop sustainable skills for safe behavior on the street.

4. To instill in children a sense of responsibility, to bring to the consciousness of children what a violation of the rules can lead to traffic.

5. Enrich vocabulary children: warning, forbidding, information-indicative, prescriptive.

preliminary work:

Conversation about the rules of the road, about the city we live in, oh road on which children go to kindergarten, watching a cartoon "Curdled But".


1. Image road signs(forbidding, prescriptive, informational and indicative road and service signs) .

2. Workbook, pencils, paper.

Introduction of the game moment: Postman Pechkin.

Course progress.

caregiver: Guys! Soon you will go to school and you will have to walk the streets without moms and dads, on your own. By roads a lot of cars are moving. Crossing the street in the wrong place is dangerous. All traffic on the streets follows strict rules - rules traffic. About which we will talk with you today. Postman Pechkin came to us today, he lives in the village and does not know the rules traffic let's help him!


To the stormy street,

Noisy, loud, talkative

And drive and pass

Be careful on the way!

There is at every intersection


Go the road is easy

There is no risk or hassle here.

The teacher shows the children road signs, explains where and why are they installed, tells their shape, color about their difference from each other. The postman Pechkin, together with the children, examines road signs.

warning signs:

1. "Children" - Plot roads near a children's institution (school, health camp, on the roadway of which the appearance of children is possible.

2. "Intersection with a bicycle path"

3."Railway crossing with a barrier "-

placed in front of everyone railway crossings, respectively equipped or not equipped with barriers. Signs are duplicated on the roads with two or more lanes for traffic in one direction, and on single lane roads if the visibility distance of the crossing outside built-up areas is less than 300 m, and in built-up areas - less than 100 m.

Forbidding signs

1. "Entry prohibited" - installed on the sites roads or one-way carriageways to prohibit the movement of vehicles in the opposite direction. On the roads with several carriageways separated from each other by a boulevard or a dividing strip, sign set for each carriageway with one-way traffic.

2. “Movement prohibited” - used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles in certain areas roads.

3. "Movement on bicycles is prohibited" - the movement of bicycles and mopeds is prohibited.

4. “The movement of vehicles with explosive and flammable goods is prohibited” - the movement of vehicles carrying explosive substances and products, as well as other dangerous goods subject to marking as flammable, is prohibited, except for the cases of transportation of these dangerous substances and products in a limited amount determined by in the manner prescribed by the special rules of carriage.

Signs of special regulations

1. “Pedestrian crossing" - in the absence of markings at the crossing, it is installed to the right of roads at the near border of the transition, or to the left of roads at the far end of the transition.

2. "Residential zone" - the territory on which the requirements of the Rules apply road movements of the Russian Federation, establishing the order of movement in a residential area.

3. “Bus stop location and (or) trolleybus"

Service marks

1. "Point of medical care"

2. "Resting place"

3."Food item"


The city where

We live with you

You can rightly compare with the primer.

Here it is, the alphabet

Above your head.

Alphabet of streets, avenues, roads,

The city gives us

Lesson all the time. (Y. Pishunov)

There are many on the streets road signs. Road signs best friends of drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own meaning and name. The road signs tell, what is road how to travel, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Our guest understood how gotta move in the city. And now he will complete the task with us, draw those signs, which he remembered and will remember again what they mean. Children draw those signs what they remember. The best works are exhibited at the booth traffic.

Summing up, selection of the best works.

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Game program according to the rules of the road "Why do we need road signs" "Why we need road signs" Goals and objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; cultivate skill.

Target: to give children an idea about road signs and their meaning in human life.


1. Introduce children to the concept of "road signs" and their varieties.

2. Develop logical and associative thinking, memory, speech.

3. Continue to form a sense of responsibility for your life.

Methodological support: tables with road signs, traffic rules notebooks, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, a microdistrict model, road signs on stands from didactic games on traffic rules.

Motivation: personal interest of children.


1. Conversation about traffic signs

- In the last lesson, we considered different signs and icons. Look at the board, what did I hang there?

(Tables with road signs)

Yes, they are road signs. Let's remember why a person needs these signs?

(children's answers)

Let's take a closer look at the road signs.

(Children look)

- In what geometric shapes are the signs drawn?

(Triangles, squares, rectangles, circles)

- Yes you are right. And I see a road sign that is drawn in a polygon. Look for him among all the signs.

(Children are looking for, if they don’t find it, the teacher shows it on the table with a pointer)

Let's count the angles of this polygon.

(Calls the child at will to the table "Road signs")

- That's right, angles - 8. What is the name of such a geometric figure by the number of angles?


“Look, there are letters inside the sign on a red background. Do any of you know these letters? I see that these are not letters of the Russian alphabet.

(Children's guesses)

— I studied German at school. In German it is read as "Stop". And it reads like this in Latin. What does this word mean?

(Children's guesses)

- And in the rules of the road, this sign means - "Movement without stopping is prohibited." So, if the driver sees such a sign on the road, he must stop.

2. Work in notebooks

Open your notebooks on traffic rules and let's draw a STOP sign with felt-tip pens or pencils.

(Children draw, the teacher helps the one who

needs help)

Let's look at the table again. Are there similarities between all road signs?

(children's answers)

What difference do you see between them?

(children's answers)

(Children count together with the child who is standing at the table)

- Yes, there are a lot of signs, both drivers and pedestrians need to know them so that there are no accidents on the roads. And we will study traffic signs in order to follow the rules of the road and save our lives.

3. Playing the situation with the stop sign

- Let's go to the layout of our microdistrict. Find in the game "Road Signs" reviewed by us

sign. Now I will put this sign on the road. Who will be the driver of this car?

(A child is selected - the driver)

- ... (Child's name) is driving along this road. He looks carefully and sees a road sign. What should you do?


4. Making suggestions

The teacher invites the children to come up with sentences with the words: road signs, pedestrian, traffic light, driver, zebra.

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