Download period diary. Women's calendar. Ways to keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle

Women's calendar(Advanced Woman Calendar) is a handy application for the beautiful half of humanity, which allows women to keep track of their menstrual cycle. We all know that the health of a woman at all times depended on the so-called critical days. This program tracks the current menstrual cycle, its start and end and displays the day of ovulation.

Each lady can personalize the Period Calendar for herself and, after personalization, know exactly what day her cycle is on. Knowing the state of affairs on the health front, you will be able to plan your working week. The application accurately marks the days with the onset of menstruation, days with high probability fertilization and the period in which a woman may feel unwell.

Functions of the Women's Calendar program

WomanLog is equipped with a system of notes and reminders. You can leave notes for yourself about this or that day female cycle, control and analyze your mood and periods increased activity in sex. Such reminders will not let you miss significant event, moreover, you will be notified if the cycle goes astray from the standard rhythm, as well as those days on which it is very easy to become pregnant.

A calendar for a computer will help you get full information about the menstrual cycle and everything related to it will also show data that can help you achieve your goal. For example, if you have a goal to "conceive a child", you will be shown the days in which to get positive result most likely, this will take into account all previously collected data and information on basal temperature (most low temperature body during sleep).

In addition, the estimated date of birth can be calculated, the sign of the zodiac under which the child will be born, as well as the days on which a certain gender can be conceived (it is clear that accuracy in such a case should not be expected). If, on the contrary, pregnancy is not desired, the application will notify you on which days you need to be especially careful, even when using contraceptives.

The ladytimer is to be trusted. Your data can even be placed under a password, no one else will get access to personal information. The program is able to draw graphs showing the state of basal temperature, while the days on which there was sex are marked. In this way, it will be possible to more accurately calculate the day of conception, which will be useful when consulting a gynecologist.

There are a lot of functional online versions of the program. You can download the app for your phone from Google Play.

Installing a female cycle calendar on a computer

The program is provided on a shareware basis to get around this limitation and get full version, we suggest you download the torrent using the button at the bottom of the page. After the application has been downloaded, do the following:

  1. Installing the Women's Calendar.
  2. We copy the crack from the subfolder to the directory with the installed program, confirm the replacement.
  3. We launch the application and select the Russian language in the File-Configure menu.
  4. We use the program.

Developer: FeminaSoft
Official site:

Women's period calendar - an application that allows you to track women's health on Android. The woman who installed the program should mark on the calendar the features of the personal menstrual cycle (beginning and end active phase, total duration). The application will calculate and display the day of the estimated ovulation automatically. Fertile periods are calculated and shown when the chances of conceiving a child increase dramatically.

How to use?

The application helps a woman to plan sexual life. You need to enter data about your personal menstrual cycle, and the program will calculate the next date for the start of menstruation, " safe days”, estimated ovulation. Accidentally pressing a finger on any icon in the Women's Period Calendar for Android application will not reset the settings - to cancel the action, you need to click on the window again.

Menu items:

  1. The calendar is divided into months. On this page, you can see the previously set settings, the days of the approaching period. To add a new note, information about the onset of unscheduled periods or sexual intercourse, you need to make a long tap on a suitable date.
  2. In the notes category, you can find a suitable entry. If you click on the red cross in the window that opens, you can create a new record or correct the current one.
  3. The monthly schedule tells about the past "critical days" of a woman in the form of a diagram. The picture shows the duration. menstrual period and duration of bleeding, data on the amount of intima for the studied periods, average readings per month are provided.
  4. In the settings, you can set the length of the biocycle and menstruation, set a PIN code to enter the program, enable or disable some functions and notifications. If you set up notifications, even when the application is turned off, reminders will be sent to the gadget.

The program helps to monitor the menstrual cycle, pay attention to the delay in time, learn in advance about the days when the probability of pregnancy is extremely high. Automatic calculations and convenient functions make the Women's Period Tracker for Android indispensable in Everyday life modern woman.

Women's calendar for Android is free program, which determines the menstrual cycle, the period of ovulation, the days most favorable or undesirable for conception and pregnancy. With its help, you can get to know your body better, as well as get a personal personal assistant and a diary.

You can download the Women's Period Calendar on your phone for free for Android devices in Russian, because it will be useful to all girls and women.

Key features:

  • notifications about cycles and ovulation;
  • the most accurate calculation medium duration periods;
  • a reminder of taking medications, the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as their delay;
  • conducting personal diary with control of weight, mood and body symptoms;
  • history and search for notes;
  • temperature and weight charting;
  • pregnancy mode;
  • personal data protection system.

The program is quite easy to customize according to your own wishes. A friendly and intuitive interface will leave only positive emotions from using the women's calendar.

By opening the application and going into its settings, you can adjust:

  1. duration of menstruation, cycle, ovulation and auspicious days- automatic detection is available for everything;
  2. pregnancy - just press to pause the countdown of monthly periods and start counting the time until the birth of the baby;
  3. reminders - notifications about menstruation, ovulation, days of conception and taking pills;
  4. theme and a pet that will remind you of events with text in a frame above a cute face.

Separately, it is worth considering the functions of the diary. It allows you to add notes about mood, symptoms, sexual intimacy, medication, doctor visits, fitness, weight, and even body temperature in a specific period. You can write your own personalized notes, marking in them what seems relevant in given time. Keeping such an electronic diary will help make life easier in the future and make informed decisions based on specific information.

Women's calendar for Android even provided for the creation of several accounts on one device and protection of their personal password.

The developers of the Women's Calendar go to meet their users. If any of the functionality still causes difficulties in using the application, you can always turn to the help point in the form of video files located in the application settings. True in this case without good mobile internet or Wi-Fi is still indispensable.

Every woman has monthly menstruation before menopause. This cycle is natural physiological process , which is associated with the release of blood from the uterus. As a result of the gap, there is an exit that was enclosed in it. Menstruation allows a woman to track ovulation and, if necessary, plan to conceive a child.

Very correct if a woman keeps a menstrual calendar. The cycle diary allows her to avoid many troubles and, if necessary, contact a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Keeping a menstruation calendar has a number of positive aspects:

  • Calendar helps keep track of work reproductive system. And if even minor deviations occur, the woman promptly turns to the doctor with certain complaints.
  • You can easily, since the calendar will accurately identify.
  • Always avoidable unwanted pregnancy, since the calculations will determine the safest days for sexual intercourse.
  • The calendar makes it possible not to use contraceptives. This is especially true, which have a number of unpleasant side effects.
  • Knowing your cycle, you can easily plan your vacation, travel, classes in gym, visiting the pool.

There are two ways to maintain a calendar.

  • To do this, you can use the usual small calendar, in which it is enough to underline the numbers of the beginning and end of critical days. If this is carried out for 3-4 months, you can accurately determine your cycle: the time of the next menstruation, their beginning and end.
  • The girls run to modern method keeping a calendar. For this they use mobile app, which has convenient programs for controlling women's days. Using the keyboard, they simply mark the beginning and end of menstruation, and special programs independently calculate the days and safe period for sexual contact.

IMPORTANT! These methods will help to trace the course of the cycle, identify their failure, help analyze their cause, and in case of any doubt, contact a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Is it necessary for infertility

Despite the fact that a woman diagnosed with infertility, a calendar of women's well-being will help the doctor monitor her health. Even with this diagnosis in women ovulation occurs, and you can easily calculate the days that are favorable for conception. Infertility is treated.

And if a woman has a chance of having a baby, it is important to monitor the menstrual cycle to determine perfect days with a high percentage of the likelihood of conceiving a child. This is especially important for patients who have developed infertility due to hormonal disorders.

The benefits of keeping a calendar in women with infertility are as follows:

  • You can determine if a cycle is normal.
  • Did the woman have monthly failures or not.
  • What kind negative feelings were during critical days.
  • After what time did menstruation begin, if there was a delay.

IMPORTANT! Having studied all the information, the doctor can control the patient's reproductive work and select a set of drugs that will remove deviations in the cycle.

Cycle calculation rules

Exists Several variants, which will help to correctly calculate the cycle. A woman herself can choose the one that is most convenient for her.

calendar method

On the calendar mark the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the days for how long they lasted. Be sure to indicate how you feel on a given day. Then the following calculations are carried out:

  • Choose the most short cycle and subtract 18 from the number of days.
  • Choose the longest cycle period and subtract 11 from the number of days.
  • The number that is obtained from the calculations is the days of ovulation.

IMPORTANT! This is an approximate calculation as this method is difficult to accurately determine the date of ovulation.

For health

A woman who keeps a daily record of her health can easily determine the days of ovulation.

To do this, you need to follow the following signs:

  • . During ovulation, they have a thicker consistency, are abundant and have a yellowish tint. Outwardly, they resemble the protein of a chicken egg.
  • May be observed.
  • Increased libido. This is especially pronounced in women who do not lead a permanent sexual life.
  • and they start to hurt.
  • Taste preferences change. There is a desire to eat sweet or salty food. Often there is an aversion to perfume.
  • May be observed indigestion or flatulence.

Basal temperature

Within a month, a woman may change basal. But calculate more the exact date ovulation is possible after its regular measurements for 3-6 months. To do this, immediately after waking up in the morning, you need to measure the temperature in the vagina, in the rectum or in the mouth.

IMPORTANT! Sleep should be at least 6 hours long.

Measurement run from 6 am to 8 am. Hold the thermometer for at least 5 minutes.

With the help of the received data make a schedule. Where the x-axis represents the day and y represents the temperature. And if the temperature is normally 36.3 - 36.8 degrees, then the day before ovulation it decreases.

Then going on her sharp rise within 37 - 37.5 degrees. This period is the moment of ovulation. Further, the temperature decreases and remains within the normal range until menstruation.

For several days before critical days, it decreases again.

Considering all these nuances with the help of a graph can be easily calculated ovulation day.

Application of the test

Ovulation is possible, which are sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to conduct a study of morning urine. They do it daily. The test can determine the level of LH hormones. They are always in the urine. But the day before ovulation, their balance changes. This will be indicated by the second, barely noticeable strip on the test.


Ultrasound can accurately determine ovulation day. For this, it is necessary to conduct 3-4 studies. The first is carried out after 5-8 days from the beginning of menstruation.

On the monitor progress will be seen eggs in the uterus. At the second ultrasound session, you will see how much she has advanced. The doctor calculates the days of ovulation according to the testimony. Two more examinations are carried out to confirm the calculations.

Do I need a calendar for conception

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. To accurately plan a pregnancy, a calendar will help, with which you can accurately calculate the most favorable days for conception.

woman required monthly mark the day of the beginning of menstruation and the day of their end. In this way, you can easily see the delay in menstruation. If there are no changes within a week, you can sign up for an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy.

Calculation of ovulation for conception of pregnancy will allow not only to accurately plan pregnancy, but also to calculate the birthday child. The simplest is the Naegele method. To do this, subtract 3 months from the first day of the last period and add 7 days. The resulting number will indicate the estimated date of birth.

IMPORTANT! This formula is suitable for women with regular cycle, which lasts 28 days.

If the cycle is less or more, you must add or subtract the difference between the number of days of the 28 day cycle and the woman's cycle.

Women childbearing age It is recommended to keep a calendar of menstruation. It will help you track your cycle., determine the exact day of ovulation, identify pathological changes. Knowing exactly the dates of the beginning and end of menstruation, you can easily avoid pregnancy or, if you wish, determine the most perfect time for conception.

is a handy application for Android that will appeal to every woman. After all, now you can monitor your cycle and its important days without constant calculations.

Purpose of the program
The modern application "" will help every woman at any time to monitor the state of her cycle, without making any effort.

Each user is very pleased with the accuracy of calculations. The application will warn its owner with high accuracy about the approaching period and the day of ovulation, and will also help not to miss taking the pills.
Calculations show high accuracy, both for a constant cycle and for an irregular one.

Main functions
A convenient program will help a woman in the following matters:
1. Determine the beginning of the next discharge, and also calculate the day of ovulation.
2. Will not let you miss the time of taking contraceptives.
3. Thanks to the capabilities of the software product, you can keep your own unique beauty diary: mark the time of sleep, exercise, control body weight, track the amount of water consumed, count the number of steps while walking.

4. Save all data about the cycle, as well as any important information.
5. Analyze data that has been previously saved and display it in the form of graphs and tables.
6. The application offers new daily tips, which you can learn a lot of useful and interesting information about yourself and your body.
7. The program allows you to keep a calendar when planning a pregnancy: mark basal body temperature, fertile days. Also keep all the results of previous pregnancy tests.

A user-friendly project is presented with intuitive interfaces.

Everything is clear and understandable here, and the control is performed by simple clicks on the touch screen.

- comfortable free way control your health and monitor your cycle and other important points at any moment, since all the necessary information is always at hand - in your favorite Android device.

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