Status about the pain caused by a loved one. Statuses about mental pain in the soul and in the heart

The pain of uncertainty is much stronger than the certainty of pain.

Lord, why, when I start to forget him, does he always come in a dream?

Do you think she's in pain? Relax, she doesn't care for a long time and every word she says is a lie. She's lying, but only because she doesn't trust anyone herself. And you are the reason.

Pain, we inflict ourselves on ourselves, not people close to us ... We just expect more from people than they can do for us ... Rely less on someone, create yourself, and the pain will disappear into the unknown !!!

Despondency, grief and pain can kill just like viruses.

The most severe depression is depression with a smile on your lips...

When you truly, sincerely love a person, you will never hurt him, not even on purpose. And you will protect him. Where love is not mixed with convenience, profit, habit, there is no place for pain.

There is exactly as much pain in your heart - as much as you ... Allow ... It to be ... In you ... Forget ... Forgive ... Let go ...

I am convinced that the suffering and pain of others give us pleasure, and no small

It's terrible to resurrect the pain again.

Maybe around the corner I'll take off my heels, rub my mascara on my face, sit on the floor and burst into tears, but now I have to walk past with my head held high, and then around the corner.

I despise those who, having failed to create their own, destroy someone else's ...

I don't write poetry anymore - My soul has hardened with pain, And who cares About the words I've suffered? I don't write poetry anymore...

If pain instead of reason speaks in us, We must learn to live, not sparing ourselves. Pour salt, and do not be afraid, on your wounds, Then it will be tastier to lick them!

Of course, it hurts when it's not mutual, but it hurts much more when it's mutual, but it's not meant to be.

The people who hurt us will forever remain for us - boiling water in which we will never dip our souls again.

The soul hurts and asks for mercy, Says: “Forget it! Think again, come to your senses!" But the sobbing heart answers: “I will not forget, I remember forever, I will remember forever.

I am one of those deceitful people who hide pain behind a smile...

About migraine almost in Japanese))) The pain in the head settled in an impudent dragon. Hiding in a mink from a blanket. I am and I am not. The world is clear without glasses. Green tea will help. Irritating smells, sounds. Strawberry, Rachmaninoff. I live again.

Don't bare your soul in front of people. Nothing but rape awaits her.

Lokomotiv is now in the heavenly league, fighting with Pakhtakor Tashkent.

Before hurting others, remember: Everything comes back!

It's amazing how he can human memory to cling to moments that need to be forgotten, crossed out, turned over ...

The pain will pass. And someday, believe me, we will wake up happy. Just not together...

Do you want to listen to my heart? Just come closer to me. You didn't even know, but it breathes the Pain of your soul.

Well, what are you shouting, MY SOUL? Who…what cares…your scream???

Forgiveness the best medicine from pain. - Here I kick his cold corpse and immediately forgive! With all my heart I will forgive, honestly!

Anything can be a drug. Like the pain you give me. Nowhere without her.

Do not lie, I ask you, even in small things! After all, I always find out your lies, As if with a boot with a horseshoe You will walk through the soul, without even wanting it ...

We often don't see someone else's pain... Sometimes we don't understand why others cry... Then why are we surprised when they don't understand us???

Have you heard that cry when the soul cries? She needs someone's help. And it's good when they understand you, They will save you from loneliness forever. Does loneliness scream? It seems to me that it is silent. He is silent from pain and from tears, That someone so rudely inflicted on the soul.

People sooner or later get tired of pain.

When there is pain in the soul, it makes no sense to flaunt your fictional happiness.

Some people come into our lives to shine our soul, and after others you can’t find a remedy to wash their dirty traces ...

Just please don't hurt me. I believe you.

Only by touching someone else's pain, you can know the measure of your own pain.

I love summer and sunglasses... No one sees you walking and crying...

Do not answer love with pain ... It is not worth tormenting a loving soul ... So that by chance the sad vale Suddenly your happiness could not be destroyed ...

Pain is good. It means you are still alive.

Tears of happiness are the most salty, because with them comes the deepest pain.

The heart is so empty that the pain of the soul is reflected in the eyes.

She, too, is bored, feigning indifference. She loves to talk, preferring silence. She runs away from the past, thinking about it and dreaming of returning. She is used to pretending that everything is fine. And only a pillow at night knows that the rain has not yet passed.

Do not hope - and it will not hurt, And do not trust anyone! And how to live then, people, I don’t understand something!

Time heals by writing out a prescription for a medicine, but does not guarantee that it will help - just for you?!

Falling down, it is especially painful to perceive other people's ascents.

Heart, I beg you, I beg you, Don't knock so hard! Soul, I conjure you, Do not tremble so! Oh, memory, yes, I know, I know, You don't want to let him go. I don't curse you, I'm learning not to wait for you anymore!!!

Sometimes those who are very dear to you have to hurt. so that it doesn't hurt anymore.

It hurts me to see you with someone else.

Never punish children without fault! Don't take your anger out on them! Don't harm them! Don't hurt them! Children, they are closer to God. He hears them more often!

sad statuses for social networks, your page in Odnoklassniki or VK about pain in the soul.
If your heart is very bad, rejoice: you have found a cruel mistake in your program. And you have a great opportunity to correct it, because heartache is the seventh sense of a person, with the help of which these errors are detected. Igor Grishin

Time heals everything but the truth.

In the soul - loneliness. It hurts to sit and know that no one in the world cares about you. And the most annoying thing is that there is no one to even talk about this problem with.

My heart sleeps 24 hours in the arms of sadness...

Cats scratch at the soul - and sadness, turning every minute darker into dull melancholy, as if there, inside, the sun is setting.

It hurts, but it's okay. I'm used to.

There are people we meet and ask, "Are you okay?" They answer, “Good.” Saying nothing more, because they are prisoners of themselves and social norms. They cannot express the suffering that devours and breaks the soul. And we move on, in the hustle and bustle sometimes we don’t notice their glances, we don’t hear the silence of their cry in their silence, not seeing that the arrow of the barometer of their heart has stopped at the line “Storm”.

The trouble is, all of a sudden I don't care. I have no goals, no ambitions. I really don't like this.

I'm so tired of the pain I hear and feel. Tired of the roads, tired of being alone, like a sparrow in the rain. Tired of the fact that there is no one to share, consult. I'm tired of people hating each other. It's like shards of glass in the brain. I was tired of wanting to help so many times and not being able to. I'm tired of the dark. But most of all, pain. She's too much. If only I could end it all myself!

From myself and my own thoughts I run that I used to be wings for flight. And in fear of loneliness I rush to the despicable crowd, an old enemy. For help - to have at least someone nearby.

There is a kind of sadness in the world that cannot be expressed either in words or in tears. It is impossible to explain to anyone, the pain settles as a heaviness at the bottom of the heart, like snow during a windless winter night.

Strength, strength is needed: without strength you can't take anything; and strength must be obtained with the same force

Inside me, the world is thrown into turmoil. I watch, I listen, I wait. A second passes, a minute, an hour, a day, and the ditch of my fears grows like a hole...

After pain and disappointment comes indifference. Indifference kills everything.

There is nothing sadder than sitting in a car when you have nowhere to go. No, perhaps even sadder is to sit in a car near the house where you lived for almost ten years and which suddenly, overnight, ceased to be your home. After all, usually when you have nowhere to go, you can always go home.

"There is nothing worse than being alone with the emptiness in your own heart."

Tears are not a sign of weakness at all. They talk about having a soul.

"Freedom - back side loneliness."

How sad it is when in your heart there is no love, no pain, but one continuous emptiness.

And time - it does not heal. It does not darn wounds, it simply closes them on top with a gauze bandage of new impressions, new sensations, life experience. And sometimes, clinging to something, this bandage flies off, and Fresh air hits the wound, giving it new pain... and new life… Time is a bad doctor. It makes you forget about the pain of old wounds, inflicting more and more ... And so we crawl through life, like its wounded soldiers ... And every year the number of poorly applied bandages grows in my soul ...

Some words have an expiration date.

You can persuade yourself to be tolerant… But if you are forced to do something, then, excuse me, you can’t tolerate it!

Unspoken gratitude is like a nod to someone in the dark.

People say that you need to live in the present, do not look back, do not look into the past ... But I can’t, I don’t know how to live on, for me the past is a thousand memories .. memories associated with you ...

A pure heart restores vision, cleanses the eyes.

“You know, being single is actually easier. It’s easier than engaging in self-deception, waiting for mutual feelings or suffering from betrayal.

Sadness is a faithful companion of a lonely person. Sometimes she puts on the bright clothes of thoughts about past pleasant moments, but more often - the dark mantle of hopelessness.

It's sad, but suffering is perhaps the only reliable way the awakening of the soul from sleep.

It is sometimes difficult to understand the silence of another person, because it expresses too much...

Illusions of the soul, atmosphere of the planet.

As sometimes I want to say a lot. But it’s embarrassing to speak in the eyes, it’s not right on the phone, and writing is too much.

I hate being drunk. You think that you will be cool and happy, but in reality you are sad and bad.

You go where he might be, or where he has been, pretending that everything is really good. But you can’t fool yourself - in fact, all this is terrible, and very painful. And you can look good as you like, buy a new dress, get a new hairstyle, it will not remove longing in your eyes (No Makeup)

Sometimes I feel unbearably sad, but in general life goes on as usual.

When you are very upset about something, it is very difficult to swallow.

If you want to get rid of sadness, do not attach your heart to anything or anyone. Sorrow and pain, comes from attachment to visible things. There has never been, is not and never will be a carefree place on earth. A carefree place can only be in the heart ...

In sadness, we become excessively proud. We create the appearance that we don’t need anyone, even though someone else’s hand on our shoulder is so important to us.

My smiler is out of order.

Even a stone can destroy drops of endless rain.

Life is a strange thing. Sometimes she mixes events so much that it is impossible to separate one from the other. Joy coexists with sadness, the pain of loss with new happiness. Sometimes it seems to me that there is much more fantasy in it than in dreams.

From the storm of life, I took out only a few ideas - and not a single feeling. I have long been living not with my heart, but with my head. I weigh, analyze my own passions and actions with severe curiosity, but without participation.

I have learned to live without feeling. In an empty house without warmth, comfort. One web of the past and an endless stream of guests. They come, they go. Nobody lingers...

After everything that happened to me?! Cupids can pierce me with arrows, and I won't feel a thing.

Being on the top of the mountain, we peer into the abyss. Falling into the abyss, we contemplate the sky.

If you hear a song that makes you cry and you don't want to cry anymore, then you just turn off the tape recorder. But you cannot escape yourself. You can't just pick up and turn yourself off. You can't get rid of the thoughts swarming in your head.

You, lowering your eyes, hide sadness from me, I understand everything, but for some reason I get angry.

When you feel bad, go to your room and scream at the top of your lungs for a couple of minutes. And everything will pass. This is called catharsis.

Lord, can I temporarily die, right now? Here, I’ll lie down in a corner quietly and go into oblivion for three days? You will show me everything there, we’ll drink coffee somewhere, we’ll chirp, and let my body rest from global bewilderment, lie down evenly. (Jonathan Tropper)

If you do not take the world to heart, it will not break ...

It is sad and painful when you hug someone you loved so much that even the thought of her lit up your whole being with a bright flash. In the soul now - no, not hatred, it would be better - inside you have an icy boundless emptiness. She grows in you, and it makes no difference to you whether you hug her or take your hand away and walk away.

I don’t want anything ... I don’t want to go - too much strong motion: you don’t want to go on foot - you get tired; lie down? - you will have to lie around in vain or get up again, but you don’t want either one or the other ... In a word, you don’t want anything.

…Apathy has peaked. There is no faith, no desire, no anger, no hatred, not even desire. Everything has become too tiresome.

Heartache is always sudden. Unlike physical pain, one cannot prepare or get used to it, it covers one's head, and not everyone can recover from it.

It feels like you have a radar at home, and when I'm happy, you feel it and rush to hurt me.

When it hurts so much, you don't feel it a second time.

My heart turned into a ball of thin elastic bands, which were torn one after another.

I need to turn off the speech apparatus when the brain stops working.

I never tire of wondering how the most ordinary day in the blink of an eye turns into a living hell. (Erich Maria Remarque)

It is a mistake to assume that all people have the same ability to feel.

The scent of yesterday is still here today.
I'm out of money. I, exhausted, washed ashore and possessed. I have to leave because you're still here in my air, teasing my sense of smell, invading my air waves. You're everywhere on the sheets and in the bathroom. My couch smelled of you. You left your underwear, your coat, your books and your smell here, in my resting place. Where I crawled to die, like a cat under the house after being hit. Lying and waiting.

There is no more insignificant, stupid, despicable, pathetic, selfish, vindictive, envious and ungrateful animal than the Crowd. (Hazlitt W.)

The pain stings more sharply when it is caused by one of the relatives.

Millions of people have chosen to avoid sensitivity. They became thick-skinned, and only to protect themselves so that no one could hurt them. But the price is very high. No one can hurt them, but no one can make them happy. Natalia Solntseva

Sooner or later, any hurricane, any storm will subside ... and the usual calm will come. No storm lasts forever...

Section topic: the saddest statuses for social networks about pain in the soul. Do you want to learn the greatest gift? - take pain, longing, sadness, fear, torment into your soul. And now turn them into strength, into a smile, happiness, confidence, peace. You can do it, because it is Your torment, your fear, your sadness, longing and pain ...

But she was happy and almost did not know tears ... Through the pain and cry: I'm STRONG, whispered: I'm tired ...

There is no pain stronger than the pain in the heart, the broken heart...

Pain is a state of mind, you can get used to it.

In life, something is always missing for complete happiness, either stools, or ropes, or soap.

The sight of someone else's pain makes it easier to endure your own.

It's clear you're drunk. - I didn't get drunk, I tried to drown out the pain!

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.

Do you want to hurt me? What about the meaning? I will smile, condescendingly look and turn away ... and it will hurt you.

Life is a smile, even when tears flow down your face.

Live through pain, love through tears, laugh even if it hurts...

Why does a person need a heart? It only brings pain!

When we say that we fear death, we think first of all of pain, its usual predecessor.

Darling, I brought you so much pain... where to put it?

Love is like a tick in the heart ... you have to tear it out along with the pieces, experiencing hellish pain ...

People sooner or later get tired of pain...

People are too cruel and obsessed with their problems to understand someone else's pain.

I was crushed by my own love ... As much as I loved, it hurt so much.

Forever in the heart will remain a tender pain.

It is not words that cause pain, but the arrogance and arrogance that offended us.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other.

There is no such pain, there is no such suffering, bodily or spiritual, which time would not weaken and death would not heal.

She is not like everyone else! She has a pain in her heart, which she can skillfully hide ... Her smile is always bright and will never be fake!

Try to escape the rain if it's inside.

Why are there people who brought into your life the most happy moments and the biggest pain at the same time? Now, remembering you, there is a smile on my lips, tears in my eyes ...

It's hard to forget the pain, but it's even harder to remember the joy. Happiness leaves no scars. Peace teaches us so little.

Know how to forgive and let go, so as not to increase the pain ...

What could be worse than death? - The pain of the closest and dearest person!

What does not hurt is not life, what does not pass is not happiness.

Feelings are broken and the heart is erased to dust, only pain and some kind of stupid fear remain.

I'm trying to learn how to hide the terrible pain behind a sincere smile...

I smile to hide the pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!

I'm slowly but surely blowing my mind… My heart and soul shrank to the point of pain. I think I can hear him breathing...hundreds of kilometers away from me...

I smile to hide the pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!

It hurts to be disappointed in people close to you... To be disappointed in yourself is even more painful...

Silent cry of the heart unbearable pain in the shower...

It just hurts a lot and I don't have the strength to say "I've had enough".

Don't be sorry for hurting me with love.

I miss those times when it was considered that the most terrible pain, this is poured brilliant green on a downed knee.

There are so many drugs in the world, and yet they haven't come up with anything that removes this terrible pain in the shower.

If a person brings a lot of pain, it doesn’t matter how much joy he brings ...

Depression is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign that you've been trying to be strong for too long.

It's not the loss that matters. Pain is what matters. If it doesn't hurt, the loss doesn't matter.

And it doesn't seem to be sad... And it doesn't even hurt... But it's wildly empty... And tears involuntarily.

In appearance, everything seems to be cool: a smile from ear to ear, solid positive ... blah blah blah ... but inside it’s just a kapets, what a pain ...

Sometimes I just physically feel myself exhaling the pain...

The heart is so empty that the pain of the soul is reflected in the eyes ...

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.

You don’t understand what path I went to meet you, what pains I endured and everything went smoothly, and you took it and left ...

I was crushed by my own love ... As much as I loved, it hurt so much.

Sometimes it is so important to support a person, just like that, from the heart. So that he does not break from pain ..

It hurts to see the empty and indifferent eyes of people close to you ...

It hurts, my heart said, if you forget, time calmed down, but I will constantly return, whispered the memory.

Pain is never pleasant and instructive. because it sometimes kills even the strongest.

Pain ... Every morning pain in the soul from the mere thought that he is no longer around ...

Lose loved one always hurts. Especially if he made a promise to be there.

Sometimes you just want to talk to someone like that, for real, for example, about what hurts, why you fall asleep closer to 5, or about the fact that the tea is cold.


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Pain in the soul. What could be more unpleasant and humiliating than this feeling. When you are torn apart from the inside, when you want to scream to the whole World around you about your problem, you want to cry, fall, and sob on your knees. Each of us experienced disappointment in life when people betrayed, when love left, or it was destroyed along with our own feelings, not giving the opportunity to go back and fix everything on new way. When the closest people left us, who were the most dear, beloved and the only ones. It would seem that nothing can break the most strong in spirit of a person, but everyone has pain in the soul. It's just that someone knows how to keep it in themselves, while experiencing severe suffering, and someone pours everything out, on others, causing pain to their friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Take care of yourself and loved ones, take care of your heart and soul, and let the statuses about pain in the soul help you realize some aspects of this difficult condition.

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