How to wean a cat to climb on the kitchen table: life hacks for raising a cat. How to wean a cat to climb where it is not necessary? How to wean a cat off the table

In the process of exploring an apartment, cats sometimes find themselves in places not intended for them, causing surprise among the owners. Wherever they find four-legged pets - in refrigerators, in pots, in bread baskets, in multicookers. In a word, cats are ready to visit all household units in which they are placed. But one question sounds in the minds of the owners in unison - how to wean a cat from climbing tables?

Probably, every owner of a fluffy pet has encountered unauthorized attacks by a cat on the table more than once. The reasons for this behavior can be very different. From curiosity to the desire to be closer to a heated, warm place.

As a rule, the cat endows kitchen tables with a special “sacred” meaning, remaining uninterested in other work surfaces. It also happens that along the way, feline representatives settle in bins and fruit baskets. So why did the light come together like a wedge for your pet in the kitchen? Let's figure it out.

First of all, it is worth touching on the topic of the subtlest sense of smell of a cat. Nature rewarded all felines with the finest scent that helped animals survive in the wild. Our domesticated pets are able to smell the prey at great distances without even making eye contact with it. In apartment conditions, cats continue to be hunters, they only replace forests and deserts with cozy rooms.

Seductive scents

The kitchen is a real paradise for cat noses. During cooking, it is replete with dozens of different smells, to some of which a person remains insensitive. In cats, these aromatic ensembles arouse irrepressible curiosity. Sometimes it seems that the cat is able to anticipate the impending cooking. After all, before a person has time to take up a knife, a four-legged friend is at his feet and begins to closely monitor the process.

Important! It is not recommended to feed a pet with food that is intended for the owners. If such feeding becomes a habit, then later the cat may begin to have health problems. For more information and what the consequences will be, read on our portal.

Innate Curiosity

It is not surprising that even in the time free from the culinary experiments of the owners, the kitchen retains its value for the pet. This is a real interactive platform where you can satisfy your curiosity. Cats tend to go out on reconnaissance and are completely full when their goal is not to search for food. At such moments, our favorites are driven by a purely research interest.

The need for a strategic vantage point

To uncover the second reason for the interest of cats in tables and other elevated surfaces, one should again turn to their hunting roots. One of the main advantages of wild cats is the ability to easily move through trees. Thanks to this skill, their wild counterparts easily destroy bird nests and find food. But the main reason why cats rush up is of a strategic nature.

Representatives of the cats strive to occupy the point from which the most complete overview of the territory “entrusted” to them opens. Such a point cannot always be a table: if a more profitable pedestal is found in your house, then do not hesitate - sooner or later your pet will certainly become interested in it.

Stock preparation

Despite the fact that domestic cats are surrounded by care and attention, they do not part with their habits. Even if for several years feed is poured from their feeders, like from a cornucopia, they do not miss the opportunity to get their own food on their own. And the reason for such "missions" is not at all greed or excessive appetite of the cat. The animal feels the need to store provisions. So, the owners of dune cats sometimes find food hidden from the kitchen under pillows, under blankets, and so on.

This behavior will be especially characteristic of wild breeds and cats that were taken from the street. Their self-preservation instincts will be fully manifested - when they see food, they will certainly try to stock up on it for the future.

Watching the bustling life on the other side

If your table is adjacent to a window, which is common in modern kitchens, get ready for frequent visits from your four-legged friend. Cats are attracted to such viewing platforms, because through the window they have an excellent view of birds and yard cats. And since a window may be the only chance for a pet to take part in street life and interact with its inhabitants, he will not miss it.

By the way, a long stay of a cat at the window can cause sudden outbursts of aggression in him. This behavior will be especially characteristic in the spring months, when the pet will see potential rivals in stray cats.

The search for the "bunker"

It also happens that the cat is torn on the table in search of salvation. This reason is relevant for families in which there are extremely curious and annoying little children who can not wait to touch the cat's whiskers and pull the fluffy tail.

Also, the reason for the escape can be other pets with which the cat for some reason does not get along. Then the table begins to serve as a refuge from enemies and dangers that lie in wait below.

Love for heated corners

If the stars aligned so that the table in your house is next to a battery or other heat sources, then you should not be surprised that the cat is literally drawn to this surface. Frequent pet visits are explained by a simple desire to warm up.

A heated keyboard is a favorite resting place for kittens and adult cats

One of the manifestations of this desire is the incredible attractiveness of laptops for felines. Thanks to the battery life, the turned on device becomes so warm and cozy for all the cats in the house that it acts like a magnet.

Lack of own territory

The last reason refers to a rather rare phenomenon, but still taking place. Sometimes the owners find their pets fast asleep on the tables. Moreover, such incidents are not isolated. Cats choose a table as a soft bed in cases where they do not have a secluded place in which they can spend time feeling safe. Or the bed already available to the cat, for some reason, does not suit the demanding pet.

Every family member, including a pet, needs a place to rest. Here are some tips on how to make your cat's corner more comfortable.

Let's summarize all the above reasons for the interest of cats in the tables:

  • the curiosity of the researcher;
  • gourmet scent;
  • the desire to control the situation from a bird's eye view;
  • stockpiling supplies for "harsh times";
  • desire to participate in the life of society outside the window;
  • salvation from the tenacious hands of a baby or the sharp claws of another pet;
  • pleasant pastime in warmth and comfort;
  • the need for "their" safe place.

What is the right way to respond to this behavior?

There are owners who live soul to soul with cats, share cutlery with them and do not mind the cat's ambitions regarding tables and other surfaces. Such permissiveness can have its consequences, but everyone has an individual approach to the acceptable behavior of a pet. Perhaps this article will encourage such owners to look at the consequences of the freedom given to the cat from the other side.

For the category of owners who have set themselves the goal of once and for all getting rid of the master's habits of a four-legged friend, the following is a list of outcomes that unlimited walking of cats on the tables can lead to:

  • Cats shed, leaving dead hair in any available places. Moreover, there are breeds in which molting is not limited to specific months. Any visit of a pet to the table can end with wool in a sugar bowl, mugs, salad bowls. Of course, the owner will not be poisoned by cat hair. But he will have to put up with "fluffy" food;

  • Cat's curiosity can play a cruel joke with a pet. In the kitchen, knives and other sharp objects that the cat runs the risk of running into are usually stored. Representatives of felines are extremely careful and will not rush to the edge themselves. But the occurrence of traumatic situations is always possible. For example, a cat can catch on a tablecloth and drop a heavy object on itself;

  • Human treats are absolutely not intended for cat stomachs. If your pet gets used to eating leftovers from the table, then he can cool off to his food. Constant begging for goodies during feasts will take up a lot of time from the owners. But the main danger is that if the owner of the pet gives up and starts feeding him, then sooner or later the cat will have problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

  • Permissiveness in one issue will entail permissiveness in all others. Do not forget that the designation of boundaries is an integral aspect of raising an animal. Whether we like it or not, we still have to say a firm and unequivocal “no” to the cat one day. Moderate rigidity in dealing with a pet will help him maintain health, and the owner's nerves.

  • Preventive measures

    Everything ingenious is simple - if your cat makes periodic pilgrimages to the table for food, if possible, remove all goodies from the reach. An abandoned sausage or smoked fish can attract the attention of even a well-fed, contented pet. Strong odors will simply oblige the pet to go on reconnaissance.

    One possible reason for a cat's love of kitchen surfaces is malnutrition. Sometimes the owner simply does not pour enough food into the bowl, sometimes the composition of this food does not provide enough nutrients.

    If you "spoil" your pet with food from the supermarket, get ready for frequent bursts of appetite. Cheap food is an analogue of human fast food - they lull hunger for only a couple of hours, being useless pacifiers.

    The sooner the cat learns the word "no", the better life will be together.

    Remember that the tricks that will be described above can be avoided if you take up raising a pet from an early age. The “no” command must be learned by every pet. The sooner the kitten gets used to the fact that the word of the owner is the law, the easier it will be to interact with him in the future. Of course, cats are not trainable like dogs. But they are able to capture human intonations and assimilate the desired reaction from them.

    Briefly about parenting strategies

    Before moving on to the tips themselves, you should dwell on the attitude of the owner to the behavior of his pet. Remember that starting to limit a cat's needs when angry or irritated is a waste of time. To intimidate a cat, or even worse - to physically punish her, will not be difficult. But the consequences of such measures will be depressing.

    With the wrong choice of parenting methods, you will get one of two things. Or a frightened cat with a lot of phobias, who will be afraid to go out to people and be in constant stress. Or an embittered cat who, to spite you, will continue his visits to forbidden places in order to only assert his right. All these painful manifestations can be avoided if you choose a competent strategy.

    The most difficult, but also the most correct way out is to reach an understanding with the cat on the issue of boundaries.

    Many of the measures that will be listed below may seem cruel and bizarre to the hosts. In a sense, it is. All subsequent methods are based on causing a sharp negative reaction in a cat and experiencing stress. In other words, all tips for weaning a pet are based on negative reinforcement in the terminology of behaviorism. Therefore, the experience of frustration for a cat is inevitable.

    Table 1. Simple tricks for dealing with a sly cat


    Cats are very sensitive to loud noises, and therefore try to avoid excessive noise. If you place tin cans on the surface, the cat will certainly drop at least one of them. Further reaction will not keep you waiting - the pet will leave the scene of the crime as quickly as possible

    It's no secret that unforeseen contacts with water cause a deep hostility in a cat. As soon as the pet steps on the tray with one paw, in the next fraction of a second he will hasten to change his place of residence. Don't forget to push all high-backed chairs before using this method - the cat can easily hit a sharp corner, being in a state of shock.

    Most often, it is advised to use the most radical flavor - citrus. Rosemary and lavender oils are suitable. However, the effect will be equally strong from all oils, since their smell is too rich for a sophisticated feline sense of smell. You can also purchase a special repellent liquid at pet stores, but its effect is inferior to essential oils or the most common orange peels.

    The foil method is in many ways related to the can method. Loud noises, instantly betraying the cat, make him immediately disappear from view. Unpleasant tactile sensations are added to the sounds - scratching metal with claws is a real torture for pets

    This method can be ranked among the most radical. Both double-sided and classic options are acceptable. Having stepped into this sticky material, the cat will swing its paws for a long time and convulsively, dreaming of getting rid of the annoying piece. Scotch will deal a painful blow to a cat's love of cleanliness. Your pet will spend more than one hour diligently licking dirty paw pads

    Pet stores sell special electric mats that can deliver minor current discharges. As soon as the cat repeats its attempt to climb the table, the mat will work, and the pet will experience a weak but noticeable discharge. The humanity of this method and its consequences are questionable.

    At first glance, this method is the simplest: you see a cat on the table - you splash it. However, this method has nuances. The cat should not notice you, concentrating on unpleasant drops. If the pet has a persistent association of the spray gun with the owner, he will begin to be afraid of you and avoid you. You are required to instill in a cat a completely different association: "table - spray"

    If you notice that your pet loves to climb high, but don't want to give up your table for this hobby, nail some shelf so that the cat can climb on it without causing inconvenience. If the cat does not have enough personal space and he compensates for this lack by occupying the table, take care of a comfortable corner for your pet

    Video - Scotch against curious cats

    By the way! Aromatic oils also provide invaluable assistance when trying to wean a cat from chewing on houseplants and flowers. But the danger of using them lies in the possible allergy of your pet to strong odors.


    Now that you are familiar with the various ways to restrict a pet, a few words should be said about their application. Too often shocking the cat with scotch tape, baking sheets with water and strong-smelling substances risks ending with a pet breakdown. Approach this process with moderation. If the cat is used to visiting the table, then it will not be possible to abruptly tear him away from his favorite pastime.

    In addition, the above measures indicate that the owner missed an important point in raising a cat. All tricks are based on creating the illusion of an aggressive, hostile environment - spray gun spray from nowhere, sticky tape, harsh sounds. All this makes the cat afraid of the environment, and not listen to you. Therefore, if there is still such an opportunity, start by instilling a sense of boundaries in the cat.

    A cat sitting comfortably on a desk or dining table looks very cute. However, traces of the pet's stay are unlikely to please the owner. Climbing onto the tables, cats try products that are not intended for them, leave paw prints and hair, spoil important documents, and drop dishes. It is difficult to wean an animal from visiting the table, but this must be done as early as possible, until the bad habit has taken root.

    5 reasons why a cat climbs on the table

    Before resorting to tough measures to educate a pet, it is worth analyzing the behavior of the cat and understanding why it stubbornly climbs onto the table. Felinologists most often identify the following reasons:

    1. Curiosity.
    2. The search for food.
    3. Desire to find a safe and comfortable place to sleep.
    4. Passion for hunting.
    5. The table is on the way to the window.

    Ways to wean a cat to climb tables

    The cat can climb on the table out of curiosity

    Starting the fight against a bad habit, keep in mind that cats do not tolerate hard pressure. They will not obey commands, and when abused, they will become cowardly or aggressive. The task of the owner is to do everything possible so that the cat independently refuses to try to climb onto the table.

    Try different ways. What works well for some animals may not work for others. The retraining process can be long. It will take several days to consolidate new skills, at this time you need to carefully monitor the animal and, if necessary, correct its behavior.

    The cat climbs on the table out of curiosity

    Young animals and kittens are very inquisitive. It is important for them to study the room in which they are located. Cabinets, chests of drawers, bookshelves, sofas - the cat methodically explores everything that it can get to. Often he is attracted to interesting objects that lie on the table. It is difficult for a pet to resist rustling pieces of paper, sweets in rustling candy wrappers left in a vase, flowers, pencils. Tassels and fringes on tablecloths or swinging pendants on a table lamp can attract a cat.

    What can be done

    • Evaluate the table from the cat's point of view. Remove all objects that may attract his attention, hide papers, magazines, newspapers. An empty flat surface will not arouse the interest of a curious animal.
    • Do more with your pet, play with it. Buy a cat a post with a hanging toy, or just throw a crumpled piece of paper on the floor, which the animal can drive around the room. The cat will certainly be interested in rubber balls, mechanical mice, balls filled with catnip.

    Looking for a treat

    Remove everything edible from the table

    Even a well-fed cat cannot resist the tempting smell of food. Some animals are particularly gluttonous, others just want to try something tasty. This habit is very dangerous: the cat can get poisoned or just get an upset stomach.

    What can be done

    • Remove everything edible from the table. Do not leave food wrapped in foil or covered with a lid.
    • After eating, the table should remain empty and clean. When you finish your lunch or dinner, immediately remove the plates so that the cat cannot check their contents. Wipe down the countertop, the pet may be attracted to puddles of milk or crumbs.
    • Make sure that the cat is fed, there is always fresh water in the bowl. From time to time, pamper your pet with delicious pieces, giving them from your hands. The cat will understand that it is better to ask for a treat, rather than looking for it on your own.

    Peace and security

    Cats always try to control the situation. That is why they like to be located on a hill, from where you can watch what is happening. On the table, the cat is warm, comfortable, if necessary, he can quickly hide.

    What can be done

    • Buy a cat. This design is convenient and reliable, the cat can lie on a hill without disturbing others.
    • The cat may not be attracted to the table itself, but to the place where it stands. Perhaps there is a battery nearby, or it is in this corner that the sun's rays fall from the window. Rearrange the table, and in its place, install a cat house, pouffe or chair. Most likely, the cat will willingly agree with such a replacement.

    hunting instincts

    On the table, cats can look for prey

    Often the cat jumps on the table in search of prey. It can be any tasty piece or an interesting object: a candy wrapper, a nut, an eraser. Once having found an entertaining object on the table, the cat will return for it again and again.

    What can be done

    Switch the cat's attention. Place treats on the windowsill in the opposite corner of the room or in another safe corner. The pet will quickly understand that the hunting grounds have moved, and will gladly accept the conditions of the game.

    Window to the world

    A dining or writing station is often placed next to a window. Cats love to watch the world sitting on the windowsill, but it's even more convenient to do it from the table.

    What can be done

    Move the table. Empty the window sill, lay a rug on it so that the cat can watch what is happening outside the window with maximum comfort.

    Radical measures

    So that the cat does not climb on the table, you can cover the table with foil

    If the suggested solutions do not help, try to take more effective measures. Beating and scolding an animal is useless, but there are tricks that can quickly and effectively wean a cat from unwanted behavior.

    • If you notice that the cat has jumped on the table, spray it with water from a spray bottle. It is desirable that the pet does not understand where the water came from. The method works great for cats that do not like moisture.
    • Line the countertop with foil, securing it with double-sided tape around the edges. The rustling and rattling surface irritates cats, and it is very unpleasant to walk on slippery and cold foil.
    • Place an electric mat on the table that gives a weak but unpleasant discharge. The method is harsh, but it works great on the most naughty animals.
    • The electric mat can be replaced with a baking sheet filled with water. Once stepping on it, the cat will not make repeated attempts to climb onto the table. Please note that water can ruin the countertop and floor, the cat can simply turn the container over. Reception is not suitable for writing and computer tables.
    • Arrange fresh orange peels on the countertop.. Cats don't like the smell of citrus. The crusts need to be changed frequently. Instead of fresh zest, you can use aromatic lamps or napkins soaked in orange, tangerine or lemon essential oil. This is the most effective way to protect your computer and other office equipment from a cat.
    • Try a special repellent liquid with a lemon-floral scent. Treat the legs of the table and the edges of the tabletop with it.

    What not to do

    • scream at the cat
    • apply physical punishment;
    • refuse to communicate with the guilty animal;
    • deprive the cat of food and treats.

    Remember: the pet does not consider his act bad. From his point of view, climbing onto the table is a completely logical behavior. By consistently and gently weaning your cat from an unpleasant habit, you can maintain a trusting relationship with the animal and peace in the house.

    Probably every owner has faced undesirable behavior of pets. And if sometimes this behavior indicates health problems, then the habit of climbing tables and other surfaces where the animal does not belong is just a manifestation of natural curiosity. This behavioral feature is quite easy to correct. There are several ways to wean a cat to climb a table.

    Effective humane ways to wean a cat from climbing tables and other surfaces

    Fall and noise

    Watch your pet carefully to understand which side is best for him to jump onto the table. If nothing stops your cat on the way to the cherished goal, force all the paths, leaving one. On this edge you need to put a tray or not a thick plank.

    You can use empty tin cans. Put them on the edge of the table, and when the cat tries to climb on the table, he will bring them down and be scared of the noise.


    Your pet's sense of smell is several times sharper than that of humans. It is known that cats are extremely negative about citrus and the smell of eucalyptus.

    Some cats are comfortable with citrus scents.

    You can use an orange or half a lemon. It should be understood that the smell disappears quickly enough, therefore, to achieve a positive result, the peels will have to be changed every few days. That is why it is best to use essential oils that are absorbed into the surface for a long time. If you do not want to rub the table itself, then you can cover it with a sheet.

    You can also pour oil into the aroma lamp, which is left for the whole night. The cat will try in every possible way to avoid the negative smell and simply will not come to the table. The downside of this method is only that if it didn’t help the first time, then it won’t help anymore. If the cat's curiosity is much stronger than its irritation, then you will have to resort to other methods.


    A cat can be taught to jump on tables with foil. As in the first case, you just need to determine from which side your pet jumps onto the table, blocking all other paths.

    As a rule, the cat, jumping on the table, pulls up on its front paws. It is necessary to wrap the edges of the table with foil and do not fix anything. Flexible foil will quickly take the desired shape, but will slip off when you try to grab the edge of the table. Unlike the first, this method is absolutely safe. But it is better not to use it when raising a kitten, because he can fall and simply hurt himself.

    Duct tape

    The most effective and fastest way to correct your pet's behavior is scotch tape. Minus - the tape may leave traces on the table.

    So, all you need is double sided tape. For this method, it is necessary to build a sticky frame by spreading small pieces of adhesive tape around the perimeter (the length reaches up to 12 cm). When your pet jumps, he will stick to him, which will discourage the cat. In addition, a sticky base will remain on his paws, which will take a very long time to lick.

    This method is best not to use if you:

    • long haired cat. It is almost impossible to comb out the sticky base from the wool, you just have to cut it out.
    • shy animal. Once in a trap, a cat can be seriously scared.

    water splash

    The owner will need to constantly be near his pet. The downside is the lack of stealth, the cat will remember that it is you who are splashing. The method is to spray it every time you try to get on the table.

    Wet cats feel defenseless, so they try to avoid water.

    It is best to take warm water. Spray so that the water hits the cat's face. An adult animal will quickly understand that the threat is related to your presence and will jump onto the table only in your absence. In addition, it is only effective if there are no securities or food on the table.

    You can buy a few children's water guns and hide them in the kitchen and other areas where there are tables. Thus, you can instantly react to the bad behavior of the cat and scare him away.

    This method can be improved by using a plastic tray. It must be placed in the same way, but the addition is water, which is poured in a thin layer. When the cat jumps, he will take a "cooling shower." It should be understood that this is only suitable for those cats who do not like water procedures.

    Own house

    Some pets may fall asleep on the table. Apparently, they really like the hills. Undoubtedly, this should not be allowed. Your fluffy must have his own soft and comfortable place where he can rest. Cats love their house very much. After all, this is their territory.

    Have you prepared a place to rest, but the pet continues to climb the table and watches everything that happens from a height? There is nothing surprising. He is watching. Perhaps he is trying to hide there from annoying children or dogs. Make him your couch on a hill. It can be purchased at the store or you can make it yourself.

    Praise will wean the cat from climbing tables

    A sophisticated method that requires titanic patience and attention is praise. Your task is not to punish your animal or scare it, but to praise it for good behavior. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    If you see that the cat is about to jump on the table, you need to distract him with a toy and generously give treats for exemplary behavior.

    The game satisfies the cat's prey hunting needs

    If there are no toys nearby, then you can take the kitten in another way. In extreme cases, the pet can be distracted by his own bowl.

    Perhaps it will be a minus for you that the cat constantly follows you. Under no circumstances should you get angry. Domestic cats are social and if your pet asks for communication, then he should receive it. Jumping on tables is the least of what the owner of a neglected pet can face.

    Electricity is the last hope

    This technique is not entirely humane, but in advanced situations, only he can help. In addition, for implementation, you will have to spend money on purchasing a rug (you can buy it at a large pet store). The meaning of such a device lies in the fact that it gives a small discharge of current that is not dangerous to the health and life of the cat.

    It should be borne in mind that a cat feels an electric shock much more strongly than a person. A light sting to the pet will feel like a strong click. The rug should be laid only when you are at home. An alternative option can also be an ultrasonic or electric collar, which is controlled using a remote control.


    It should be understood that the kitchen table is not your pet's playing field. It is necessary to try to wean your pet from this bad habit. First of all, you need to remove all food from the table.

    After making sure that there are no entertaining "toys" on the table, the cat will most likely find the object uninteresting. So you can solve several problems at once: firstly, the cat will stop climbing on your kitchen table, and, secondly, it will stop stealing food from it.

    Today, there are a large number of different ways to wean a cat from climbing tables. If one turned out to be ineffective, then the second or third will certainly lead to the desired goal. However, it is worth educating your animal from childhood, making it clear to him that the dining table or countertop is not the best place to relax or walk.

    Cats are incredibly smart, cute, inquisitive and active animals that give us a lot of joy and positive. But some behavioral habits, innocent at first glance, the pranks of a small kitten or an adult cat give the owners a lot of problems. For example, cats, especially growing pets, are very fond of hanging or riding on curtains. The addiction is characteristic of both high-bred and ordinary outbred cats. If you are familiar with this problem firsthand, and you do not know how to wean a cat from climbing curtains, we recommend reading this article.

    The appearance of a kitten in the house is not only a joyful event, but also a great responsibility. The owner must not only create optimal conditions for keeping, but also pay great attention to raising a pet. The cat must know what is allowed and what is not.

    At the same time, you need to understand that, unlike humans, our smaller brothers practically cannot resist their natural instincts. For example, cats are inquisitive, active, cannot live without height, being in a closed space where there are no trees, other various elevations. Therefore, kittens are happy to climb vertical surfaces, furniture, other hills, from where they have an overview of the territory and, of course, cannot ignore curtains, curtains and tulle.

    As a rule, cats use curtains in the following cases:

    • for games;
    • as a safe place when the pet is scared of something;
    • to get attention or just out of boredom;
    • to wrap themselves in them.

    Little kittens jump on curtains, curtains, not only because of hyperactivity, their stupidity or stubbornness, but also because of curiosity or bad manners.

    Adult cats are less likely to show interest in curtains, but it is possible that if the cat is frightened, experiences severe stress, he will climb curtains, cornices at every opportunity.

    How to properly raise a cat

    How to wean a kitten to climb curtains? This question is found in many thematic forums. Let's consider several options for solving this problem.

    Cats, although they are distinguished by high intelligence, but unlike dogs, the process of education, instilling the right skills requires a more thorough approach, time and patience.

    Advice! You need to teach a fluffy pet good manners immediately after the adaptation period has passed, the baby will get used to the new place, get used to his family members. Adult animals are much more difficult to wean from bad behavioral manners.

    Do not try to eradicate "bad" habits, bad behavior with a rude attitude, and even more so, with physical force. This approach will not give the proper result, and in the future the cat will be out of spite or do dirty tricks in the absence of the owners. Rudeness - provokes fear, cowardice, anger in animals.

    If the cat constantly climbs curtains, spoils tulle with claws, wraps up or plays with curtains, first of all you need to convey to the pet the idea that curtains are a forbidden place. Such behavior should not become a habit for a kitten or an adult pet.

    Weaning Methods

    If you are tired of torn curtains, tulle with traces of cat claws, an energetic pet loves to climb curtains, you need to immediately take measures to prevent such destructive actions.

    Among the most effective options are:

    • Elastic fastening of curtains. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the curtains are fixed with some freedom, not rigidly, but on elastic elements. As soon as a kitten, an adult cat hangs on the curtain, the fabric under the weight of the pet will sag down from the fasteners and, at the same time, it is best with a crash and noise. Frightened, the cat will run away, and the curtains can be returned to their original place. After several unsuccessful attempts, the animal realizes that climbing the curtains is associated with danger, very unpleasant, terrible sensations.
    • Verbal reprimand. Have you noticed that the kitten is playing with the curtains, jumping on the curtains? Strictly scold the animal, lower it to the floor away from the window. Make it clear that this is not possible. Cats perfectly catch intonation and understand what they want from them. Therefore, talk to your pet more often, be persistent until the cat realizes his guilt. Will have to show patience. Do not think that a strict tone will instantly drive your pet away from the curtains. It is possible that the cat after a while will again be taken "for the old." But if you act persistently, the cat will also obey the “warning call”.
    • Fright, various "scarecrows". Almost all cats do not like surprises, sharp unusual sounds, so when you notice that your pet is sneaking up to the curtain or already hanging on the curtain, shout loudly “No”, “No”, “Fu”, “Shoo”, clap your hands. Spray your cat with water from a spray bottle. After rolling up a newspaper, slap it on a hard surface next to the cat. As a rule, the last option is the most efficient and effective. Cats are very frightened by rustling sounds, creaking, clapping, screaming, rustling. Repeat the steps until the kitten or adult pet understands that such entertainment is fraught with dangers.
    • "Substitutes" for curtains. Switch the pet's attention to other objects, for example, put a twisted carpet, a path, a snag or a log in the corner of the room, hang an old rug, a towel on the cabinet doors. Build a special vertical support on which the animal can climb up. A great option is a vertical pole with a rectangular platform on top. It is possible that it will be much more interesting for a kitten to climb on it than on curtains.

    • Help to keep the cat away from the curtains repulsive scents. Cats are naturally endowed with a strong sense of smell and can detect odors that humans cannot. In addition, some aromas attract cats, while others, on the contrary, scare them away. Using this trick, you can once and for all wean a kitten or an adult pet from climbing curtains.
    • Cats can't stand the smell of citrus. They do not like cloying strongly sweet floral aromas (lavender, rue). Place orange, tangerine, lime peels on the windowsill, under the curtains, or simply spray the edges of the curtains with a citrus-scented air freshener.
    • You can also put an aroma lamp on the windowsill, bowl with essential oil of grapefruit, lime. Apply a few drops of essential oils to tulle, curtains. In veterinary pharmacies, pet stores sell special sprays or cat repellents with odors that repel cats. But before using them, make sure they don't stain the fabric.


    If the above tips did not help, the cat continues to show interest in curtains, curtains, replace them with horizontal, or best of all, vertical blinds. Lamella should have a smooth, glossy metal surface. Cats can't climb on them. No object of interest - no problem! Do not forget that cats love to sit on the window and watch what is happening outside. Therefore, move the blinds to the side or lift them up.

    You can move the curtains to the side or lift them up so that the fabric is out of the reach of the "tenacious" paws. Over time, the pet will lose interest in them. If this does not help, remove the curtains from all window openings for a while. After the windows are covered again, carefully monitor the behavior and actions of the cat. If the prankster again takes up the “old”, conduct an “educational” conversation in a strict tone with the pet.

    Advice! If the kitten jumps on the curtains, spoils the curtains, be sure to purchase a high scratching post at the pet store (best under the ceiling).

    The temptation to hang on the curtains, play curtains increases in your absence, when no one is at home, and the cat can fool around with impunity. Therefore, leaving the house, close the rooms where the window openings are decorated with curtains. You can also use special motion sensors that are fixed on the curtains and are triggered by making sharp sounds as soon as the cat tries to hang on them.

    Once every three to four months clip your pet's nails. If the procedure is carried out periodically, the animal, without long tenacious claws, will forget about its capabilities.

    Switch the attention of the active pet to other objects. Do not leave the kitten unattended, provide him with a variety of toys (clockwork mice, balls), a house, equip a playground for "training" or purchase a play complex for cats with multi-level playgrounds. Having organized a varied and active cat, you can not worry about the safety of curtains and other interior elements.

    There are many ways to help your cat stop climbing or playing with curtains. Try each of the options, as each animal is different.

    Show patience, perseverance and consistency in your actions if you want to raise an obedient and well-mannered cat.

    Cats are stubborn and sometimes restless creatures. They love new, unexplored surfaces. How to wean a cat to climb a table is a question that owners of such pets often face. Consider the basic guidelines for instilling good manners in your pet.

    The cat does not always steal food from the tables. Of course, this is a fairly common reason for the appearance of a pet on such a surface, but far from the only one.

    Among the main factors stimulating a cat to visit this place are the following:

    • display of curiosity. It is quite possible that you put some interesting thing for your pet on the table before leaving the house. Cats are creatures that are interested in everything. If they have already explored the entire apartment, every corner of it, be prepared for the fact that they will also begin to climb onto the table, especially if they leave something there;
    • product theft. Most often, cats climb onto the kitchen table for the remnants of food. Do not lay out all sorts of goodies here after your meal is over. A domestic predator will quickly understand what's what. In addition, for this animal, a piece of stolen food is a kind of prey;
    • daytime sleep. Interestingly, the cat loves to take a nap in the place where it smells like food. Such scents soothe her. That is why the pet can choose the countertop in the kitchen as a place to sleep;
    • adoration for high surfaces. The cat likes to climb higher to observe the situation in the house. Such a pet can often be seen on the windowsill, because from there a wonderful view of the street opens up. For a furry pet, it is difficult to find a more interesting activity than watching what is happening from above. That is why the cat can often climb on the table. By the way, in most cases, such a habit is formed when several pets live in your house at once;
    • looking for a warm spot. If your home is cool in winter, be prepared for the fact that the cat will find a way out. The higher it is located above the floor, the warmer.

    When the reason for this behavior in a cat is clear to you, it's time to start fighting the bad habit.

    Video "How to wean a cat to climb a table, tear wallpaper and eat flowers"

    From this video you will learn how to effectively wean a cat from climbing on the table, tearing wallpaper and eating flowers.

    Ways to teach a pet

    If a cat climbs on the kitchen table, you need to stop such liberties. There is no point in throwing a kitten from the surface or beating it. You will not achieve a full-fledged result, but you can ruin your relationship with a cat. Consider the basic ways to raise your pet.

    Scaring sounds

    In order to wean your cat from climbing work surfaces in the kitchen, leave tin trays or bowls in the center of the countertop. The next time the animal jumps in there, the dishes will fly down with a crash. Such a sound will certainly frighten the pet, and if not the first time, then after several such situations, he will forget about this surface.

    Since the furry pet is not too fond of loud, unpleasant sounds, this can be used in the process of instilling good manners in him. Cover the countertop with foil or plastic bags. When the cat begins to rustle on the table with its paws, it will simply be frightened of the effect.

    Pungent odors

    If the cat continues to climb on the table, it's time to apply caustic fragrances, because they can also scare the animal. A good way out of the situation is to treat the countertop with vinegar solution. Of course, the smell will remain for some time, but the cat will stop napping on this surface.

    Alternatively, place a few wedges of fresh lemon on the table or drizzle some lemon juice on the napkins. Cats also don't like citrus scents, and you should keep this in mind if you want to wean them from climbing on the table.

    Irritant surface

    When a kitten jumps on the table, it is important to fix in time in his mind not the most pleasant associations with such a process. To do this, place a baking sheet with cold water in the center of the surface and wait until your cat decides to try his luck again. Having bathed, the pet will be frightened in earnest, so it is unlikely to try to climb onto the table again.

    Watch the cat in the process. If she suddenly decides to be careful and go around the pan, put her paws in the water. In this case, a reflex will be fixed in her mind: the table is an unpleasant place for her. True, it is quite possible that you will have to repeat this procedure.

    Double-sided tape should also be referred to irritating surfaces. They can glue the kitchen work surface. A cat, having once ridden on such a table, will no longer want to repeat his experience. True, keep in mind that peeling off adhesive tape is not so easy.

    Radical Methods

    You can wean a cat from walking on the table using more radical methods. Buy a special electric mat, spread it on the countertop and connect it to the mains. The cat will receive a light shock as soon as he jumps in there again. Such measures will once and for all help your pet forget about his favorite prank. Do not worry about the health of the cat - a little current will not harm her in any way, but you will certainly achieve the desired effect.

    What methods cannot be used

    If your cat jumps on the table, steals food from there, or likes to lie down on such a surface, you need to deal with such a habit carefully, showing cunning first of all, and not perseverance. That is why throwing a pet off the table is not worth it. It is also not recommended to use force against him. Isolation is another forbidden method. No need to lock the cat on the balcony or in the bathroom. This approach will not solve anything, but you will pretty scare your pet.

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