Food is poorly digested symptoms. Why food is not digested. Weakness and dizziness

What to do if the body is not able to get all the nutrients that are contained in food? You can follow a diet meticulously and count up to a gram of nutrient macronutrients, but if digestion is disturbed, all in vain! It's like a bank where you keep your hard-earned money and it's eaten away by hidden fees and service charges.

Now more and more athletes are complaining about poor digestion. Eating at least two or three staple foods causes bloating, gas, and other unpleasant symptoms that indicate digestive problems.

For those who care about their health, it is simply necessary to monitor digestion. Good digestion will help achieve the best results in bodybuilding. Bad - on the contrary, hinder progress. In this article, we will talk about simple ways that will help improve digestion and, as a result, maintain health and improve athletic performance.

Food transit time test

We offer a simple test with which you can find out how well the digestive system works.

1. Buy activated charcoal tablets.
2. Take 5 g on an empty stomach. Remember what time you took it.
3. Watch out for when you have black stools.
4. When black stools appear, this is the time for food to pass through the intestines.

If it turned out less than 12 hours, it can be assumed that not all nutrients have time to be absorbed.
The ideal time is 12-24 hours.
If the time is more than 24 hours, food stagnates in the colon. This may indicate potential problems as decay products that must be excreted can enter the bloodstream. It also increases the risk of colon diseases.


Next, let's talk about how the digestive system works. It can be compared to a fire hose from 7 m to 11 m, which begins in the oral cavity and ends at the anus. The inner layer of the digestive system is completely replaced every 3–5 days (!)

The main function of the digestive system is to break down food into various substances, which can later be used by the cells of the body to replenish energy, “repair”, grow, etc. As it passes through the digestive system, food is broken down into amino acids, glucose, and glycerol, depending on whether you are eating proteins, carbohydrates, or fats.

The most unpleasant thing is that, even adhering to the seemingly most correct diet, one can have problems. It doesn't matter what you eat if the food is poorly digested due to impaired digestion.

This is a word of caution to those who try to cram in as many calories as possible every day: your body can only absorb a certain amount. So let's take a closer look at the process of digestion from its very beginning to its very end.

Digestion starts in the head

In fact, digestion begins in the head. Remember Pavlov's dog, a famous example of classic training? Ivan Pavlov rang the bell, and his dogs began to salivate, as they knew that food was coming. The dog's body began to start the process of digestion already at the thought of an approaching feeding. The same thing happens with the human body, although, of course, in a more socially acceptable form.

Oral cavity

When food enters the mouth, saliva enzyme amylase starts the digestive process and breaks down some of the carbohydrates into maltose, malt sugar. This is due to the destruction of bonds between carbohydrate molecules and the appearance of disaccharides and trisaccharides.


From the oral cavity, food enters the esophagus. This is the "pipe" through which food is transported from the mouth to the stomach. This process usually takes 5 to 6 seconds. If the food is poorly chewed, this may take up to several minutes!

At the bottom of the esophagus is a small valve called the esophageal sphincter. Ideally, it should remain closed most of the time and prevent gastric juices and food from escaping back into the esophagus. If this is not the case, a person may experience reflux - a reverse current, or even a hiatal hernia.


In it, food is crushed, moistened and turned into a viscous liquid called chyme. Hydrochloric acid begins to break protein chains into small fragments. Hydrochloric acid and chyme are very acidic. If the acid comes into direct contact with the skin, severe burns can result. The properties of hydrochloric acid contribute to the sterilization of food and the destruction of harmful microbes that have penetrated into it.

Fortunately, a protective layer of mucus protects the walls of the stomach from burns and damage. Although, perhaps even among your friends there are people with a stomach ulcer. An ulcer appears when the protective layer is damaged, and hydrochloric acid literally burns a hole in the wall of the stomach.

The stomach also produces other substances: pepsin and lipase. Pepsin helps break down proteins, and lipase helps break down fats. Although most of the nutrients contained in food will be assimilated at further points on this journey, water, salt and ethyl alcohol can enter the bloodstream directly from the stomach. This explains the speed with which you can get drunk without eating or drinking on an empty stomach.

Usually food is in the stomach from 2 before 4 hours, depending on its composition. As you know, fats and fiber can slow down this process.

Small intestine

This part of the "hose" has a length of 4-6 m. It is here that most of the nutrients are absorbed. Tiny villi absorb all sorts of nutrients. These villi and even smaller microvilli are part of the intestinal wall and serve to produce digestive enzymes. In addition, they prevent the absorption of potentially harmful substances.

It is important to note that there are certain types of food and drugs that cause the intestinal wall to lose its ability to distinguish between what to absorb and what to block. This bowel condition is called leaky gut syndrome . This disease can cause a number of problems, which we will discuss below.

The first section of the small intestine is duodenum. This is where the absorption of minerals such as calcium, copper, manganese and magnesium takes place. Absorption of many water- and fat-soluble vitamins also begins here. In addition, fats and carbohydrates such as fructose, glucose and galactose are digested here. If the pH (acidity) of the stomach is insufficient (usually expressed as an insufficient amount of hydrochloric acid), these substances will be poorly absorbed.

The next section is jejunum. Its length is approximately 40% of the remaining length of the intestine. The jejunum has a layer of microvilli - a brush border that produces enzymes that facilitate the absorption of other carbohydrates: maltose, sucrose and lactose. Here, water-soluble B vitamins, as well as proteins and amino acids, begin to be absorbed. This is where most of the nutrients important to bodybuilders are absorbed.

The last and largest part of the small intestine is ileum. The ileum absorbs cholesterol, vitamin B12, and bile salts (needed to break down or emulsify fats).


The next stop on our journey is the colon. It is responsible for the absorption of water and nutrients remaining in the chyme into the blood. it the most important step in supplying the body with water .

On the right side, you have the rising part of the large intestine. This is where stool begins to form and water is absorbed. If the chyme passes through the intestines too quickly, and the water does not have time to be absorbed, diarrhea begins or, in simple terms, diarrhea.

The transverse part of the large intestine crosses the abdomen and goes under the ribs. And finally, the very last part of the large intestine goes down the left side of the body and connects to the rectum, through which the stool leaves your body.

Increase the efficiency of digestion

Now let's talk about how to turn the digestive system into an efficient mechanism. The most important step is to remove the barrier to digestion and absorption, namely the prevention of leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition in which the lining of the intestine becomes damaged and its walls become permeable to substances that should not enter the blood and interstitial tissues. Bacteria and foreign matter penetrate the intestinal membrane, but beneficial substances that should be absorbed do not.

Leaky gut syndrome is commonly seen in irritable bowel diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, various allergies, and many others.

So why does the intestine become too permeable? Doctors name different causes of digestive disorders. However, most doctors agree to recognize one of the risk factors chronic stress . You are surprised, aren't you?

In general, nervous stress is the cause of many diseases. All the stories about heart disease cite stress as the cause, not cholesterol or high fat intake. The same applies to the digestive system!

If you are constantly stressed, the body's digestion process slows down, blood flow to the digestive organs decreases, and the production of toxic metabolic products increases. The fact is that the body does not see the difference between: “Oh, my God! A rabid wolverine is chasing me!” and “Oh my God! I'm late for work again!" The body loses sensitivity and begins to respond equally to all sources of stress.

Improper nutrition

Poor quality ("chemical") food damages the intestinal mucosa. Sugar, artificial fats and processed foods inflame the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, if your diet contains too little coarse fiber, food will linger in the intestines (the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines will increase), while harmful decay products will irritate and inflame the intestines.

Undoubtedly, you have heard about the need to maintain the correct acid-base balance of the intestine? So, low-quality food (fast food, convenience foods) can upset this balance.


Perhaps among your acquaintances there are people whose condition worsened during the treatment. This happened because antibiotics, with which they were treated, along with harmful bacteria, they also killed the beneficial intestinal flora. This is usually blamed on broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Fitness and bodybuilding fans should know that anti-inflammatory drugs (NIPV) can also be harmful. Perhaps for the gastric mucosa, these drugs are not so terrible, but the inner surface of the intestine suffers very much. Sometimes taking these drugs even causes physical pain.

Very often, in order to cope with pain, a person increases the dose of the medicine. NSAIDs block prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation. At the same time, prostaglandins, which promote healing, are also blocked. It turns out a vicious circle!

It is also important that all these drugs can damage the brush border of the inner surface of the small intestine. These small, brush-like protrusions play the final role in the digestion of carbohydrates.

In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can slow down the process of renewal of the inner surface of the intestine, which occurs every 3-5 days. This weakens the intestines and can lead to leaky gut syndrome and other problems.


When the Candida fungus invades the intestinal wall and destroys the brush border, this leads to dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance in the intestinal flora in the intestines. This condition also occurs in the cases discussed earlier, when drugs destroy the beneficial intestinal flora that can resist the fungus.

Leaky gut test

How to determine the presence of leaky gut syndrome? There are symptoms such as diarrhea, chronic joint pain, fever, gas, constipation, flatulence, mood swings, nervousness, fatigue, dyspepsia.

If you suspect that you have increased intestinal permeability, you can get tested by your doctor. You will have to drink a mannitol-lactulose solution and collect urine over the next six hours. Your doctor will send these to a laboratory where they can determine if you suffer from leaky gut based on your levels of mannitol and lactulose in your urine.

What do the test results mean:
High levels of mannitol and low levels of lactulose indicate that you are healthy - you do not have increased intestinal permeability (mannitol is easily absorbed by the body, but lactulose is not).
High urinary levels of both mannitol and lactulose indicate some degree of increased intestinal permeability. The degree is determined by the specific content of drugs.
Low levels of mannitol and lactulose indicate that you are having trouble absorbing nutrients from your gastrointestinal tract.
Low levels of mannitol and high levels of lactulose are also indicative of disease. Usually this result occurs when there is Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

What to do?

Here we have arrived. This is the very information for which, perhaps, you started reading this article.

Read the following 8 points that you must follow to get rid of the problems that you have in varying degrees.

1. Probiotic Supplements
If you have problems, you may need to restore the bacterial flora. The weight of the bacteria that live in our digestive tract reaches almost 2 kg! Not all bacteria are beneficial (salmonella, for example), but many are.

When buying probiotic supplements, look for a product with a wide range of ingredients. Or just make sure that the following two names form the basis of the formula:
lactobacilli. You may have heard of lactobacilli Acidophilus, or L.Acidophilus? They are mainly located in the small intestine and help to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria such as E. coli, Candida and Salmonella. In addition, they are involved in the digestion of dairy products by breaking down casein and gluten, improve nutrient absorption and ferment lactose, acidifying the intestinal tract. The low pH value creates unfavorable conditions for pathogenic flora and yeasts. The intestinal flora contributes to the production of B vitamins and even vitamin K.

bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria are mainly found in the large intestine. They prevent the colonization of harmful bacteria in the colon. Bifidobacteria settle in the intestinal mucosa and protect it by crowding out harmful bacteria and yeast.

Bifidobacteria produce an acid that maintains the acid-base balance in the gut, killing microbes that can cause disease. This is a very important supplement for those taking antibiotics or other medications we talked about earlier. These bacteria reduce the side effect of taking medications, which is expressed in the destruction of beneficial intestinal flora. They also help regulate peristalsis, the process by which food moves through the gastrointestinal tract. This is very important, because if food stays in the intestinal tract for too long, it can cause disturbances. In addition, these beneficial bacteria are able to produce B vitamins.

When Using Supplements, Choose Lactobacillus Acidophilus and bifidobacteria bifidum. It is better to use those that should be stored in the refrigerator. Be very wary of online supplements that are advertised as probiotics that don't need to be refrigerated. Of course, such species exist, but the best and strongest strains are those that survive at low temperatures.

2. Prebiotic Supplements
Prebiotics are fuel for beneficial bacteria, while probiotics are beneficial bacteria themselves.

Prebiotics are indigestible substances that are used by beneficial bacteria as an energy source. They stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which we talked about. The two most common types are inulin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides). As a rule, prebiotics pass the digestive system unchanged and begin their miraculous action in the colon.

As for food choices, use artichokes, bananas, natural honey, garlic, onions, leeks, and chicory. Be sure to include them in your diet.

3. Antioxidants and Glutamine
Some substances can reduce the negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

Glutamine restores directly the intestinal mucosa. For the cells of the small intestine, this is the best food. This is the main tool for restoring and maintaining the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. Accept by 5 g twice a day.

N-acetyl-L-cysteine- Powerful antioxidant and immune booster. Together with glutamine and glycine, it is a precursor of glutathione and an important antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress. It fights against already existing disorders in the intestines and improves immunity. Take daily for 2 g.

Alpha Lipoic Acid(ALA), another amazing supplement. It reduces free radical activity, improves liver function, and is even involved in the breakdown of glucose and regulates blood sugar. ALA restores antioxidants in the body, thus protecting the body from intestinal infections. You can take it as an antioxidant three times a day between meals (half of this dose is in the form of R-alpha lipoic acid).

If you follow scientific research, you know that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori ( Helicobacter pylori) is the main cause of gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer. Antioxidants can help protect us from these diseases.

4. Foods that stimulate intestinal flora
In this battle, fermented and sour-milk products are your main weapons. Fermented foods have a high content of probiotics. They improve digestion and are simply loaded with digestive enzymes.

We list three of the best products.

kimchi- an Asian product such as sauerkraut.

Sour cabbage. In Europe, it is used to treat ulcers and indigestion.

Dairy products enriched with cultures of beneficial bacteria: yogurt (natural), kefir, cottage cheese. Their beneficial effect on the digestive system is well known even from TV commercials.

5. Fiber
High-fiber fruits and vegetables protect the colon and reduce the chance of intestinal diseases, including colon cancer. Remember that eating safe sources of dietary fiber can cause gas at first. This indicates the regulation of the intestinal flora, which is our goal.

Increase your fiber intake gradually. You should not expose the body to stress as a result of a quick change in the usual diet and a sudden transition to a large amount of fibrous food. Include either fruits or vegetables in every meal. Do not neglect vegetables in favor of fruits, as excessive consumption of fruits can cause gastritis.

Don't worry about choosing between soluble and insoluble fibers. Be guided by the total intake in grams, since most high-fiber foods already contain the right ratio. Try to eat vegetables and fruits that are typical for this season. They have the highest level of nutrients, including for digestion.

6. Refusal of junk food
Eat as little simple carbohydrates, trans fats, and alcohol as possible. Remember that sugar, artificial fats and processed foods inflame the gastrointestinal tract!

Simple and valuable advice: do not eat those foods that do not spoil for a long time. Natural, "live" products, contribute to better digestion of food!

7. Eat digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes are good because they can work in the stomach and intestines. Try to use the following main ingredients:
protease - helps break down protein
lipase - helps to break down fats
amylase - involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates

Bromelain and papain- two more excellent enzymes for digesting proteins. If you prefer to get them from foods, eat fresh pineapple for bromelain and fresh papaya for papain. These enzymes are activated in all three sections of the small intestine. This distinguishes them from the protease, which can only act in its upper part.

Betaine hydrochloride- it is a good source of hydrochloric acid, a chemical compound that is part of the gastric juice and is involved in the digestion of food, breaking down proteins and fats. The acidic environment also destroys pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that have entered the stomach.

8. Change your lifestyle
It is very important to learn how to relax, relieve stress and enjoy life without any doping and stimulants. Find what you enjoy doing the most and do it as often as possible! By the way, hard training is a great way to relieve stress from the worries accumulated during the day, but you probably know about it. Leaving the gym, you can feel physically tired, but the mental stress is at zero, you are relaxed and calm. By the way, when doing exercises, the intestines are massaged, which helps in the fight against constipation.

Eat when you feel a slight hunger. Eating in the absence of appetite is harmful, it disrupts digestion. That is why when overeating during weight gain, bodybuilders get digestive problems.

Try to chew your food slowly and relax while eating. Take your time, say a short prayer, express gratitude, or say anything else you feel like saying in front of those you love.

A balanced life is always good. Appreciate your loved ones and, sitting at a family dinner, enjoy deliciously cooked food together.

Approximate diet in view of the above

The following is a sample diet that those of you with digestive disorders can use. Naturally, it cannot be ideal for everyone, since all diseases are caused by different causes. And yet we are sure that the diet will help you. Portion sizes, of course, depend on the individual's weight and metabolism.

Breakfast: 1 cup natural full fat cottage cheese ( lactic acid product with live enzymes), ¾ cup boiled oatmeal ( 3 g fiber), 1 banana ( 3 g fiber + prebiotics). Banana can be added directly to oatmeal.
Snack: 1 apple with peel ( 4 g fiber)
Lunch: 200 g chicken fillet, ½ cup fresh papaya ( digestive enzyme papain), 8 young shoots of asparagus ( 2 g fiber)
Dinner: 200 g fish, 2 slices of wholemeal black bread, 1 pear ( 5 g fiber), 2 tablespoons of honey ( prebiotic).
afternoon tea: 50 g isolate, 1 cup raspberries ( 8 g fiber), 1 cup kefir, 1 medium sweet potato
Dinner: 200 g beef, 1 cup broccoli ( 5 g fiber), ½ cup fresh pineapple ( contains bromelain).
Night snack: 1 cup kimchi ( live enzymes and probiotics)


A well-known expression of bodybuilders says: "You are what you eat." You can improve a little: “You are what you eat, digest and effectively assimilate minus what you excrete as a waste product»

Most people, when eating, do not think about what will happen to it, and how the digestive organs will react to it. As a result, a situation arises when the stomach does not digest food - dyspepsia. This condition is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and they do not always pass without a trace, giving rise to diseases.

In order not to face such a situation, it is necessary to know why, when and what kind of food is not digested in the stomach, to take measures to prevent it.

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, this pathology has the code K31, is included in the group of functional disorders of the stomach.

It is easy to understand the reasons why food is not digested in the stomach, having an idea of ​​​​its structure and functions. This organ resembles a dense muscle bag in which food is accumulated, mechanically and chemically processed, partially absorbed and pushed into the intestine for further digestion.

The capacity of the organ is 500 ml; when stretched, it increases by 3-4 times. The chemical processing of food involves hydrochloric acid, the enzymes pepsin, which breaks down protein, lipase, which breaks down fats, and chymosin, which breaks down milk protein. Small amounts of water, sugars and alcohol are absorbed.

The anatomical and functional capabilities of the stomach are limited, therefore, with excessive load, various abuses, failures occur. It is also closely related to the central nervous system and other organs that affect its function.

The main causes of indigestion are:

Types and forms of the disease

Depending on which food component is not digested, there are 3 forms of dyspepsia:

  • fermentation;
  • putrid;
  • fatty, or soapy.

fermentation form

Pathology develops with excessive consumption of carbohydrates - potatoes, flour products, sweet foods. There are no enzymes in the stomach that break down sugars, and ptyalin (amylase) in saliva is not enough to break down excess carbohydrates. As a result, their stagnation occurs, bacteria join, fermentation occurs.

Favorable conditions for this are created by the use of kvass, beer, pickled vegetables and fruits. During fermentation, carbon dioxide is formed, it increases acidity, slows down peristalsis, causes flatulence and general intoxication, and a decrease in immunity.

putrid form

Rotting processes occur as a result of an excess of protein - meat and dairy foods, fish, sausages, eggs. Such food is already digested for a long time in the stomach, and excess protein is an excellent environment for putrefactive microbes. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, peristalsis is disturbed, the absorption of toxins leads to general intoxication, an increase in body temperature.

fatty form

Most of the time is spent on the digestion of animal fats - pork, lamb, beef, duck, with their excess, the lipase enzyme is not enough. Unsplit fats inhibit gastric secretion and peristalsis. A decrease in acidity plus stagnation leads to a reaction of saponification of fats, so the pathology has a different name - soapy dyspepsia.

Neutralization of the acid inactivates digestive enzymes, which leads to a violation of protein breakdown, stagnation, the entry of undigested food into the intestines, and upset stools.

There are also 2 types of "indigestion" in the stomach:

  • organic, associated with acute or chronic diseases - gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, diseases of the biliary tract;
  • functional - with dyskinesia of the muscles of the stomach (spasms, atony), too fast absorption of food with swallowing air, reflex in case of a heart attack.

Symptoms of pathology

Clinical manifestations of "indigestion" in the stomach are accompanied by the following symptoms:

The predominance of certain symptoms depends on the nature of dyspepsia. With the fermentative form, heartburn, belching with air, bloating, and stool retention are more pronounced. The putrefactive form is characterized by belching with a rotten smell, intoxication phenomena, fever. The fatty form is accompanied by alternating constipation and diarrhea, colic in the abdomen, feces have a “greasy” sheen, and are poorly washed off with water.

How to normalize the state?

What to do if the stomach does not accept food, if vomiting and other symptoms appear? Don't panic, this condition is treatable, which includes:

  • drug therapy;
  • diet therapy;
  • natural traditional medicine;
  • physiotherapy exercises.

Medical treatment

Medications in each individual case are selected individually, depending on the cause of dyspepsia and its nature, they include the following groups:

Agents affecting secretion

Antacids are used to reduce secretion ( Almagel, Maalox, Gastal, Gaviscon, Rennie), proton pump blockers ( Ortanol, Omez, Omeprazole). In case of secretory insufficiency, Acipepsol, plantaglucid, Pentagastrin, Betacid and analogues.


The drugs that perform mechanical protection of the mucous membrane include: bismuth derivatives (venter, bismuth nitrate, vikalin, vikair), mucus formation stimulants (misoprostol, enprostil).

Means affecting motor skills

To relieve spasms prescribed No-shpu, Drotaverine. Enhance motility prokinetics - Motilium,Cisapride, Domperidone. The choice of drugs is carried out by the doctor, determines the dose and method of administration.

Antibacterial agents

In case of an infectious lesion of the stomach, a putrefactive process, the detection of Helicobacter, antibiotics are used - clarithromycin, amoxicillin, tetracycline in combination with metronidazole.

Vitamin preparations

Among the many vitamin-mineral complexes for the stomach, bion-3, milgamma, vitrum, supradin, multitabs are more suitable, they contain vitamins A, C, E, B12, folic acid, biotin, and trace elements.

Diet food

Without the normalization of the diet and diet, you cannot count on even the most “magic” pills to help. It is necessary to revise your menu, give up addictions to unwanted products and give preference to useful ones.

In the acute stage of the pathology, especially in the putrefactive process, starvation is possible, but not more than a day, while it is necessary to drink plenty of liquid - drinking and low-mineralized water without gas is best.

The diet should include dishes with well-processed and easily digestible foods: low-fat boiled meat, stewed vegetables, fruit purees and juices, dairy products. It is necessary to exclude spicy, smoked, fried foods, animal fats from the diet, limit the intake of carbohydrates (flour, sweet).

The diet is very important, the daily ration should be divided into 5-6 doses so as not to overload the stomach. Specific dietary recommendations will be given by the doctor, they must be followed.

Useful video

How to speed up the process of digestion doctors tell in this video.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine drugs are a good addition to the main treatment. Calendula, chamomile, blackberries, celery seeds, marjoram, cumin have a beneficial effect on digestion.

At home, it is easy to prepare such healing infusions:

Special exercises

Therapeutic exercises are aimed at improving the blood circulation of the abdominal organs and normalizing peristalsis. It is performed while standing, excluding forward and downward bends, and lying on the mat - turns, bending the torso, raising the legs, diaphragmatic breathing, and so on, the exercise therapy specialist will instruct in detail about this.

Strength exercises should be excluded and the load on the press should be limited.


Prevention of digestive dysfunction is not difficult and includes the following measures:

What to do when food is not digested in the stomach? Of course, see a doctor. However, we should not forget about the phrase of the great healer Hippocrates, which has not lost its relevance: “It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it.”

First of all, calm down, digestive problems are a very common disorder: suffice it to say that in Russia, % of visits to the doctor are due to difficulties with digesting food!

In most cases, simple advice is enough to resolve digestive disorders, such as improving your lifestyle or limiting certain foods and drinks; but in other cases, digestive difficulties may mask gastrointestinal or even extraintestinal disease.

The main causes of slow and heavy digestion

Digestive disorders such as heartburn, acidity and heaviness are very common in our time in the Western world, and are mainly the result of lifestyle and diseases such as food or drug intolerance.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Bad habits that slow down digestion

Analyzing the points listed above, it is obvious that the main causes of slow digestion are derived from personal habits, roughly speaking, the wrong way of life. Let's see what aspects negatively affect the digestive system.

When you skip meals or eat a large portion at once, it puts undue stress on the gastrointestinal tract, and given that digestion is much slower and more laborious than usual.

Also, fried foods significantly stretch the digestion time, especially those that are 100% oil-soaked.

Alcohol is an important factor that delays gastric emptying (the effect depends on the dose: the more, the longer it takes gastric emptying).

Cigarette smoke also slows down the secretion of acid in the stomach.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can increase gastric emptying time and passage through the intestinal tract.

Hard to digest foods

Often, those who follow a healthy lifestyle may complain of digestive disorders associated with the consumption of certain foods or drugs:

  • All starchy foods: You may have difficulty digesting pizzas, breads and cakes made with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae yeast or brewer's yeast. The cause may be yeast intolerance. Often, some sources of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, such as pasta or rice, can also slow down digestion, especially when combined with high-fat foods: in these cases, it is recommended to eat whole grain products, as well as keep sugar levels under control. in blood.
  • Milk: People who are lactose or milk protein intolerant often experience bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking cow's milk. You may suspect intolerance when indigestion is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and constipation. The solution may be to use vegetable drinks such as soy, rice or almond milk.
  • Meat: it is difficult to digest for all people, especially fatty meats (veal, lamb and pork). The fats contained in it complicate digestion, increase the time of gastric emptying.
  • Fish: As with meat, some types of fish can cause poor digestion. The risk zone includes eel, mackerel, salmon and tuna.
  • Onion and garlic: They weaken the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. Their use should be avoided in case of reflux and dyspepsia.
  • Spices: in particular, mint and pepper, which increase the burning sensation and acidity.
  • Cabbage and tomatoes: vegetables in general, being rich in fiber, accelerate gastric emptying, therefore, do not cause digestive problems. Only a few, especially cruciferous ones (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and turnips), can cause gas and bloating. Some people also complain of intolerance to tomatoes, the use of which is accompanied by hives, nausea, fluid retention.

Medication and digestive disorders

Some medicines can cause digestive problems, but they usually appear with long-term treatment:

  • Potassium salts, are suitable for the treatment of hypertension, dehydration and replenishment of potassium deficiency. High doses of potassium salts can cause ulcers, indigestion, and nausea.
  • Alendronates used to treat osteoporosis can cause esophageal ulcers, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.
  • Antibiotics cause fermentation in the intestines and bloating because they kill the intestinal flora.
  • Digitalis, used for heart problems, often causes lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin - one of the most common causes of gastritis and peptic ulcers, because they reduce the protective force of the gastric mucosa and increase the excretion of acidic substances.

Psychological Factors - How Anxiety and Depression Affect Digestion

Scientists have found a strong link between digestive disorders and anxiety in humans, which trigger somatic emotions. Stress and emotional tension can cause digestive difficulties, as in the case of hysterical dyspepsia, but the mechanisms are still little known.

Hormonal changes: pregnancy, cycle and menopause

The hormonal changes that underlie menstrual cycles can interfere with digestive processes: an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone causes excessive intestinal motility, often leading to episodes of constipation, diarrhea, and digestive difficulties.

Hormonal changes, along with intense levels of stress, are the cause of poor digestion during menopause and pregnancy.

In particular, during pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, which has a relaxing effect on the muscles and, accordingly, the loss of tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. This makes it easier for stomach contents to rise up into the esophagus. In addition, the intestinal musculature does not contract strongly enough, the contents of the intestine move slowly and constipation occurs.

Difficulties with digestion of food appear at the beginning of pregnancy, but the situation worsens from the fourth month, when the stomach begins to grow and the fetus presses on the stomach and intestines. There are very few remedies for digestive difficulties during pregnancy, since such drugs, due to their high calcium content, cannot be used by pregnant women.

Diseases and symptoms associated with poor digestion

Digestive disorders occur more often after eating and are often associated with banal gluttony.

Reasons for slow digestion

But, sometimes the same symptoms can be associated with problems of the esophagus, stomach, liver and biliary tract, for example, if in old age digestive disorders occur half an hour after a meal, "intestinal ischemia" can be suspected.

On the contrary, duodenal ulcer gives symptoms directly during meals, and nausea before meals may indicate hepatobiliary dysfunction. Often, poor digestion is associated with a large dinner after fasting all day.

It is not uncommon for discomfort to occur independently of meals, for example during sleep: in the case of people suffering from reflux disease. In this case, it may be useful to raise the head of the bed by 10 cm.

Below we explain what diseases can cause digestive problems and what symptoms they present with.

Why the stomach does not digest food and how it is treated at home

If the stomach does not digest food (dyspepsia develops), a person develops heaviness in the epigastric region. Vomiting, stool retention, or diarrhea may occur. Dyspepsia can be caused by a variety of reasons. If such signs appear quite often, you should contact a gastroenterologist to determine the factors of indigestion and receive adequate treatment. When poor stomach function is clearly caused by simple and understandable reasons, folk remedies can be used. In any case, you will have to normalize the diet.

The treatment for dyspepsia depends on its type. It is divided into organic and functional. The first type of dyspepsia is caused by serious damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), which lead to disruption of their activity. With functional, pathologies are found in the stomach and intestines.

Often in patients, food is not digested for a simple reason - non-compliance with the principles of proper nutrition. Lack of proper diet can lead to the development of serious diseases. Overeating is said to be the main cause of dyspepsia. The abuse of food is especially harmful before going to bed. Another nutritional mistake is eating foods dry, which is why the stomach cannot digest them.

Dyspepsia can also occur due to dental diseases. They can provoke the entry of various bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract. Possible provoking factors include smoking, alcohol abuse. Ethanol intoxication can significantly disrupt the function of the stomach. For this reason, people feel nauseous during a hangover as undigested food is pushed back out. Dyspepsia in infants may occur against the background of stopping breastfeeding or other changes in nutrition. Psychological aspects can influence the process of digestion. If a person is subject to severe stressful situations, they can lead to disruption in the functioning of the digestive tract.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be triggered by intestinal infections. They are divided into the following types:

  1. 1. Salmonellosis. Causes indigestion, fever, vomiting and general weakness.
  2. 2. Dysentery. It affects the large intestine, provokes diarrhea with blood impurities.
  3. 3. Intoxication. Occurs against the background of poisoning by any substances, past infections.

Another possible cause is atony of the stomach. It is caused by a decrease in the tone of the muscle layer of this organ. Because of this, food stops moving in the physiologically correct direction, it accumulates in the stomach, squeezing its walls. This leads to an even greater decrease in muscle tone. Atony can occur in women during pregnancy.

Other possible reasons:

  1. 1. Weak secretion of gastric secretions. It may be due to hormonal changes or a malfunction of the secretory gland.
  2. 2. Metabolic disorders. Obstruction in the stomach can occur due to a slowdown in the release of enzymes necessary for digestion. They talk about gastrogenous, pacreatogenic, enterogenic and hepatogenic insufficiency.
  3. 3. Accumulation of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms on the gastric mucosa. With a significant violation of the digestion of food, it becomes a favorable environment for the accumulation of bacteria that aggravate the symptoms of dyspepsia.

The main symptom of obstruction in the stomach is vomiting. Food goes back because it cannot be digested and absorbed. For this reason, the vomit contains semi-digested pieces that have a rotten smell.

The following symptoms may appear:

  • belching;
  • rapid weight loss (with frequent vomiting, prolonged dyspepsia);
  • heaviness in the stomach, mainly after eating.

Dyspepsia usually appears after eating solid foods or overeating. If the pathology develops, obstruction can also be observed against the background of taking liquid food.

Similar signs can occur with stomach ulcers or malignant neoplasms. In these cases, vomiting will be accompanied by severe pain in the epigastric region.

To determine the exact cause of indigestion, you need to see a doctor. This is especially necessary if undigested pieces appear in the feces or vomiting occurs not for the first time. This is a clear sign that you need to undergo a medical course of treatment.

After a detailed examination, doctors may prescribe antibiotics, antifungal and antiseptic tablets. To restore the normal intestinal flora, Creon and Mezim-Forte are used. If the stool is liquid, there are pieces of undigested food, then the lack of hydrochloric acid is stopped by Omeprazole or its analogues. This is necessary to prevent the progress of gastritis.

If diarrhea is accompanied by almost undigested contents, this is a sign of gastroenteritis or colitis. These inflammatory diseases are treated in a hospital with antibiotics, for example, drugs Analgin and Regidron.

When dyspepsia manifests itself for the first time, they try to make certain adjustments to nutrition and lifestyle. Isolated cases of gastric arrest can be treated with folk remedies.

To eliminate dyspepsia and stimulate the stomach, you should follow a certain diet. It should exclude the use of foods with coarse fiber, fatty meats, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Foods to Avoid or Minimize in Your Diet

The digestive organs have certain capacities which they cannot exceed. If a person overeats, the stomach can not cope. For this reason, it is recommended not to consume more than the prescribed norm. As it can take a feeling of slight hunger after eating.

In order not to overload the stomach, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • chew food thoroughly so that it is easier to digest;
  • eat in small portions, but with a shorter interval between meals;
  • to give more aesthetics to food so that it looks appetizing - this will improve the production of gastric juice;
  • do not drink liquid before and immediately after eating;
  • drink no more than one glass of water in 1-1.5 hours;
  • do not take medications that are not prescribed by a doctor so that they do not suppress the function of the stomach and systems responsible for controlling the gastrointestinal tract;
  • do not watch TV or read while eating, as this causes some stress that disrupts the stomach and leads to overeating;
  • practice separate nutrition, that is, consume proteins and carbohydrates separately from each other (in the morning it is recommended to replenish the balance of carbohydrates, and during the day - the level of proteins).

In case of violation of the function of the stomach, both adults and children can use traditional medicine. The following recipes are distinguished that allow you to eliminate poor digestion:

  1. 1. Infusion of celery. You need 1 tsp. ground root of the plant, fill with 1 liter of hot water and insist for 8 hours. It is necessary to drink the remedy for 2 tbsp. l. during the day with breaks per minute. In the absence of raw materials for the preparation of infusion, you can use the seeds of the plant. Their effect will be the same. Children are advised to give celery juice.
  2. 2. Infusion of eucalyptus. It has several useful properties at once. Able to help with dyspepsia, provoked by metabolic disorders, indigestion and constipation. It is necessary to prepare the product from dried leaves, which should be steamed with 500 ml of hot water and infused until completely cooled. It must be drunk 80 ml before meals 3 times a day.
  3. 3. Decoction of mint. Need 3 tbsp. l. leaves of the plant pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover and insist. The cooled agent should be taken 100 ml every 4 hours.
  4. 4. Infusion of chamomile officinalis. 2 tbsp. l. fresh or dried raw materials should be poured with a glass of hot water and insisted. Then the remedy should be filtered and taken 70 ml during an exacerbation of dyspepsia.
  5. 5. Decoction of dill. This remedy helps to eliminate constipation and bloating, has a diuretic effect. 1 tsp seeds of the plant should be poured with boiling water, insist, strain and drink in small sips throughout the day.
  6. 6. Remedy of honey, aloe and red wine. You need to use 600 g of honey and red wine and 300 g of aloe. All components should be mixed and taken 1 tsp. on an empty stomach
  7. 7. Decoction of oregano. It is necessary to fill 10 g of the grass of the plant with boiling water, insist for half an hour. The resulting remedy must be taken 10 ml 2 times a day.
  8. 8. Infusion of wormwood, cinnamon and centaury. These plants in equal quantities (only 1 tsp) should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to keep the solution on low heat for 5 minutes, then cool, filter and drink 4 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

In old age, digestive disorders can be triggered by slow metabolism and constipation. Because of the latter cause, the elderly experience spasms and pain in the stomach, the intestines become clogged. Therefore, they are advised to perform an enema at least once a week. Before the procedure, you can drink a glass of wormwood decoction, which will help the stomach digest food in the future.

You can improve the work of the stomach at home with atony with the help of special exercises. We recommend the following set:

  1. 1. Lie on your back, clasp your legs with your hands and pull them to your stomach. From this position, perform swaying on a slightly rounded back.
  2. 2. Without getting up from the floor, you need to try to reach the floor behind your head with your feet.
  3. 3. Raise the lower limbs to a perpendicular position, slightly bend them at the knees and perform an exercise that simulates pedaling a bicycle.

To improve the condition of the stomach and intestines, you can do a light massage in the abdomen. Soft strokes are replaced by strong pressure. Massaging is carried out for 5 minutes.

And some secrets.

If you have ever tried to cure PANCREATITIS, if so, then you have probably encountered the following difficulties:

  • medical treatment prescribed by doctors simply does not work;
  • replacement therapy drugs that enter the body from the outside help only for the time of admission;

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? Do not waste money on useless treatment and do not waste time? That is why we decided to publish THIS LINK to the blog of one of our readers, where she describes in detail how she cured pancreatitis without pills, because it has been scientifically proven that pills cannot cure it. Here's the proven way.

The stomach does not digest food: what to do

The stomach is a tool for the thorough processing of food. At the same time, digestion takes from 20 minutes to several hours - depending on the composition and calorie content of the products. If the stomach does not digest food, dyspepsia is diagnosed. Consider why it manifests itself and what to do with such a diagnosis.

Causes of dyspepsia

It often happens that food stays in the body for a long time and is not digested due to overeating, snacking on the go, the wrong food, eating a bad combination of foods, or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, digestion can be affected by stress, depression, daily worries for any reason.

One of the factors in the development of dyspepsia is a late heavy dinner with the inclusion of fatty high-calorie foods. Like the whole body, the stomach must rest at night and those foods that it did not have time to digest in the evening remain until the morning, which is why after waking up you may feel discomfort in the abdomen, bloating, heartburn or nausea.

The reason for the delay in food in the organ may be a poor reaction of the sphincter that connects the organ to the intestines. The reaction may be impaired due to the presence of an ulcer or injury, which is caused by a large amount of acid in the gastric juice. Therefore, with such a violation, the patient often has a history of complaints of nausea, belching and vomiting.

There are also the following reasons why food is digested poorly:

  • insufficient secretion of gastric juice;
  • the presence of gastritis;
  • infection of the mucous membrane (presence of bacteria);
  • disturbed metabolic process.

The cause of pain in the stomach can be malnutrition. Insufficient secretion of gastric juice may be due to hormonal failure (often in pregnant women) or due to a violation of the functionality of the secretory gland, which is responsible for the secretion of juice. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to carry out fibrogastroscopy for diagnostic purposes to identify the cause of the pathology.

The presence of a sour taste in the mouth indicates the presence of an ulcer or gastritis. This is accompanied primarily by a decrease in appetite.

Types and forms of the disease

The disease can be divided into the following groups: functional and organic. With functional dyspepsia, there is a pathology of the intestines and stomach. With organic, there are disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be divided by type of disease and causes.

For example, dyspepsia caused by an intestinal infection can be differentiated into the following types:

  • Salmonellosis, which is accompanied by high fever, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness;
  • Dysentery, which disrupts the large intestine, accompanied by diarrhea with blood clots;
  • Intoxication dyspepsia, which occurs due to intoxication of the body with harmful substances.

With a lack of digestive enzymes, dyspepsia can be: hepatogenic, gastrogenic, enterogenic, pancreatogenic.

In addition to these types, there are others:

  • Alimentary, arising from malnutrition;
  • Putrid, arising from the consumption of large quantities of fish and meat, especially stale ones;
  • Fat, which is provoked by eating foods containing a large amount of fat;
  • Fermentation that occurs when eating the following products: sweets, beans, kvass, beer, bakery products.

What to do if food is not digested well

Such a disease can be treated in several ways - all of them are quite effective. Only when treating with folk remedies, you first need to consult a doctor. So, treatment can be divided into non-drug and drug.

The first works only in the early stages of the development of the disease:

  • after eating, it is recommended to take walks at a moderate pace for 30-40 minutes. This is necessary to activate intestinal motility;
  • do not tighten the belt on the skirt and trousers too much;
  • it is recommended to sleep on high pillows, as this prevents the release of substances from the stomach into the intestines;
  • watch your diet - avoid overeating, do not eat before bedtime, do not eat fatty foods.

Medical treatment of dyspepsia

Depending on the cause of indigestion, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  • antidiarrheals that can quickly eliminate diarrhea and pain - Smecta, Enterosgel, Alma-gel;
  • reducing the level of acidity in gastric juice - Maalox almagel, Gaviscon, Gastrocid;
  • containing enzymes that help improve digestion, break down products into micro and macro elements - Linex, Mezim, Immodium.

If dyspepsia arose due to stress or depression, then the psycho-emotional state of the patient should also be normalized. Naturally, you need to get rid of the reasons why the stomach does not work well, causing indigestion.

Treatment of dyspepsia with folk remedies

Of course, in folk medicine there are a large number of recipes that can be used to combat dyspepsia, but first of all, you need to see a doctor and consult on the question of why the stomach does not digest food well. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis, give recommendations, and conduct allergy tests.

Now consider some traditional medicine recipes:

  • Marjoram or cumin. You need to prepare the following drink: mix chopped cumin (or marjoram) with 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for a minute. Take once 100 ml per day;
  • Pour fennel (berries, 1 g) with boiling water, 250 ml, and heat for 10 minutes. Then cool the resulting broth, strain. It is necessary to drink throughout the day in small proportions;
  • Pour the dill grains with boiled water and let it brew for 30 minutes (250 ml of water per 1 teaspoon of seeds). Take all day 30 ml after meals.

Herbal decoctions will also help to cope. Here are the recipes for some of them:

  • Mix 370 g of aloe, 600 g of honey, 600 ml of wine (red). Take one teaspoon 5 times daily before meals. After a week, take two teaspoons twice a day. The course lasts at least three weeks;
  • Ground roots of elecampane mixed with cold water (200 ml). Let it brew for 9 hours. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals. Course from one to two weeks;
  • Mix together crushed leaves of sage, mint, chamomile, yarrow and pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and take three times a day before meals. This decoction is effective in relieving spasm;
  • Anise, mustard, buckthorn bark, licorice root, yarrow - mix all the ingredients in equal proportions. After taking one tablespoon of the resulting collection and pour 400 ml of boiled water, let it brew for a minute. It should be taken in the morning and evening before meals. The course lasts 1-2 weeks.


Prevention of such a disease relies on compliance with the basic rules that ensure the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines. You also need to avoid those factors that can affect the functioning of the digestive tract.

So, the following preventive measures should be noted:

  • controlling your diet
  • education of an adequate response to stress;
  • control of the general condition of the body;
  • control of bad habits.

Under the control of your diet refers to the following activities:

  • avoidance of rigid diets;
  • observance of proportions between fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • restriction in the use of semi-finished products;
  • the use of vegetables and fruits in large quantities;
  • control of salt intake.

As for bad habits, which are better to give up, they include:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent overeating;
  • dry snacks and "on the run";
  • consumption of large amounts of caffeine;
  • food for the night;
  • breakfast neglect.

Using preventive measures, you will not encounter indigestion. Be healthy!

Food is not digested in the stomach

Improper diet, non-compliance with the diet, eating dry food, eating food before bedtime are factors that lead to the fact that the stomach does not digest food. This condition is commonly referred to as dyspepsia. What are the types of dyspepsia, how is the diagnosis made, and how exactly to treat this disease for an adult and a child? These questions will be answered in this article.

Digestion in the stomach

The stomach is a kind of tool for processing food. The capacity of the stomach is about 2.5-3 liters. Food enters it through the esophagus. At the very beginning, food is broken down into fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and what is not digested is sent to the initial section of the small intestine (duodenum). When a person eats food, special acids are produced in the stomach, which help it to be divided into organic substances and digested. The stomach has walls that reliably protect it from the effects of acids. Food can be digested from 15 minutes to several hours. The indicator depends on the composition, calorie content, heat treatment of food.

Reasons why the stomach cannot digest food

Common causes of dyspepsia are oversights in the use of food and insufficient knowledge of the rules of nutrition. Dry food, snacks on the run sooner or later have a bad effect on health. There are some products that the body simply does not perceive and thus rejects, which is why the stomach “stands”. Discomfort and heaviness in the stomach can appear due to too fatty, spicy, or sour foods. Alcoholic drinks can cause a number of inconveniences, as they can induce the production of hydrochloric acid, and burden the walls of the stomach with this.

Here are some other causes of dyspepsia:

  • slow metabolism, when the digestive organs do not work well;
  • the presence of microbes in the gastric mucosa;
  • poor stimulation of the separation of gastric juice;
  • alcohol abuse in large quantities (applies to adults);
  • the presence of a disease - gastritis (can affect both an adult and a child).

There are cases when the normal functioning of the stomach is disrupted against the background of hormonal failure (mostly in pregnant women). If a person does not feel well in the morning, feels heaviness in the stomach long before breakfast, this indicates that he is a lover of a strong meal at night, which is strictly forbidden to do, since the stomach should rest at night just like other human organs. Knowing the reason why the stomach does not process food in any way allows you to start treatment on time, force you to follow a diet, and develop a certain diet.

Types of disease

Dyspepsia is divided into two groups: organic and functional. In the organic process, serious damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is not detected, only malfunctions occur in their work. With functional - pathologies of the stomach and intestines are detected. These are much more serious violations. Dyspepsia is also divided by type of disease and depends on the causes that provoked these diseases. For example, an intestinal infection can become a provoking factor. The dyspepsia caused by it is divided into several types:

  1. Salmonellosis. Accompanied by fever, indigestion, general weakness, vomiting.
  2. Dysentery. It affects the large intestine, manifested by diarrhea mixed with blood.
  3. Intoxication. It is formed as a consequence of poisoning with some harmful substances, with past infections.

Dyspepsia with a lack of digestive enzymes is divided into types: gastrogenous, hepatogenic, pancreatogenic, enterogenic. In addition to these types of disease, there are others:

  • alimentary - a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle;
  • putrid - the result of eating too much meat and fish, perhaps not always fresh;
  • fatty - provoked by an excessive amount of fat in the daily menu;
  • fermentation form - occurs when using food products such as beans, bakery products, sweets, as well as drinks in the form of kvass and beer.


If the stomach does not digest food, with the characteristic manifestations and symptoms of the disease, you should immediately seek medical help to diagnose and confirm the presence of the disease. First, you need to clearly and clearly, point by point, describe your symptoms and complaints to the specialist. Secondly, the doctor will determine what is better to prescribe - a laboratory test or a computer one. Computer includes ultrasound, tomography. Laboratory involves collecting blood for analysis, checking feces. Additionally, tests for Helicobacter pylori infection are carried out, analysis of the stomach with an endoscope, if necessary, by means of an x-ray.

What to do?

In the event that a malfunction of the stomach caused the presence of another disease (viral type, peptic ulcer, acute or chronic gastritis, etc.), it is necessary to treat the second disease, and at the same time get rid of the symptoms of the first. Treatment of the stomach, in which food is poorly digested, is prescribed by taking medications of various effects. Diarrhea can be treated with antidiarrheal medications, and constipation is treated with laxatives. Fever is brought down by antipyretics.


The doctor prescribes drugs to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, these include:

  • enzymes that contribute to better functioning of the stomach - "Creon", "Gastenorm forte";
  • painkillers that help eliminate stomach pain and normal functioning - "Drotaverin", "Spasmalgon";
  • Antihistamines that reduce the increased acidity of the stomach - Clemaksin, Ranitidine.

If you need to carry out therapy for a child, other, more gentle drugs are prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Dyspepsia can be successfully treated for a child and an adult with the help of folk remedies and recipes. Examples of popular recipes:

  1. Celery. Take 1 tsp. ground celery root, pour 1 liter of hot water and infuse for 8 hours. Next - filter and drink 2 tbsp. l. during the day. If there is no root, then you can use and make an infusion of celery seeds and juice, the effect will be the same. Celery juice, as a medicine, will please the child.
  2. Dill. The plant is endowed with a variety of useful properties that are long to list. The most significant are the ability to improve digestion in a child and an adult, eliminate bloating and constipation, and have a diuretic effect. To prepare a decoction, take 1 tsp. dill seeds and pour boiling water, then strain and drink a sip during the day.
  3. The collection of medicinal herbs can help normalize the metabolism in the body of both a child and an adult. Take honey, aloe and red wine. Honey and wine 600 grams each, aloe - 300 grams. Grind aloe, add honey and wine. Mix the components and take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach

In old age, there is a need for enemas, because with age the metabolism becomes slower, not like in a child, so the digestive organs wear out, frequent constipation occurs, pain and cramps appear in the stomach, intestinal blockage occurs. It is necessary to force the elderly patient to do an enema at least once a week. Before the procedure, drink a glass of infused herb wormwood, which will have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

Power correction

With the help of a diet, it is possible to alleviate and improve the condition of an adult and a child, especially during the period of taking medication. It is important to avoid fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, salty foods. This also includes fast food dishes (hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, etc.), as they contain a large amount of unhealthy fats. If you treat dietary nutrition with a positive attitude, your appetite will improve and, accordingly, the production of gastric juice. Why is it necessary to eat in a quiet, peaceful environment, so that no external stimuli distract you from such an important activity.

It is important to pay attention to the menu of the daily table. It is recommended to choose good quality products, free of harmful ingredients such as dyes and preservatives, so as not to burden the stomach. Product compatibility is important, that is, you should not eat meat with apples at the same time, since meat is digested poorly and for a long time, and apples quickly. An online food compatibility table will help. If you follow the recommendations, things will soon get better.

Regarding hot drinks, such as coffee or tea, which people are used to drinking immediately after eating, doctors are categorical - this is not recommended. Drinking hot drinks is allowed only an hour after or before a meal. These are the rules you need to follow for a speedy recovery in order to keep yourself and your child healthy.

It is felt by us not only by some sensations in the epigastric region, but also by the color, appearance and smell of feces. Most often, such studies are carried out by young mothers, since the feces of a newborn are a significant indicator of the health of the baby. But adults should also pay attention to the fact that there is undigested food in the feces.

Is it a pathology or a variant of the norm?

Each of us knows firsthand about the change in color, smell and consistency of feces, because indigestion, infections, and constipation happen to everyone at least once in a lifetime. But undigested food fragments can cause real panic in some. Under normal conditions, the feces do not contain any inclusions, lumps, pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood, etc. Very small white blotches can be present in both children's feces and adults - this is a variant of the norm. The remains of undigested food in the feces do not always indicate poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiently digested food can be a consequence of infectious diseases, constipation or indigestion. In most cases, the appearance of undigested food fragments does not mean that a person is sick. It’s just that the human gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest some products or parts of them. Why is this happening? To understand this, you need to know at least a little about what happens to food during the passage of the digestive tract.

What food should remain undigested?

Plant foods contain two types of fiber: digestible and indigestible. The first type should not remain in the feces in the form of fragments. If this still happens, it indicates that the stomach produces hydrochloric acid in insufficient volume. The same can be said if the excrement contains practically whole pieces of vegetables and fruits. But bran, peel, seeds, partitions, stem fibers contain indigestible fiber. It is found in the coarsest parts of plants, covered with a double shell and consisting of cellulose and lignin and incapable of digestion in the human stomach.

So the detection of fragmentary residues of indigestible fiber in the feces does not mean pathology, it is a physiological phenomenon.

When overeating

In addition, there is, so to speak, a limit to the amount of food that our stomach and intestines can handle at a time. If you overeat, then the body simply cannot produce as many enzymes and enzymes, so part of the food will remain undigested. This process is also quite normal and is not considered a pathology. The digestive process can be disrupted by physical activity immediately after a large meal, as well as eating when sick or under stress. Eating should be carried out in a calm atmosphere and in a normal mode. After the meal, you need to take a short break in your activities. In this situation, the body directs the right amount of resources for digestion, and the food is digested completely. If you notice undigested food in the stool systematically, then this indicates that the pancreas, stomach or small intestine are working in an emergency mode and need some help. It is these organs that are responsible for the breakdown of products into proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

What are the reasons?

Undigested food in the stool (lienterea) in adults is most often detected due to the presence of chronic inflammation in the stomach (gastritis) or pancreas (pancreatitis). It is necessary to start treating these diseases as soon as possible, since the inflammation will worsen over time, which will eventually lead to tissue death.

And over time, an ulcer, diabetes, oncology can develop. Given all these factors, you should be very careful about the presence of undigested food fragments in the feces. To find out what pathology this is caused, it is necessary to undergo an examination. In this case, it will be easier to make a diagnosis by knowing what type of food remains undigested: carbohydrate or protein. In order to break down proteins and carbohydrates, the body produces various enzymes. In addition, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are digested in different parts of the digestive tract. This provides information and allows you to analyze the results of the examination, and to conclude which of the organs or systems is not functioning well.

So, a person has pieces of undigested food in the stool.

If diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are detected, the doctor prescribes immediate treatment. In this case, therapy is a joint intake of antibacterial drugs, enzymes and anti-inflammatory drugs. When treating any pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, a diet should be followed.

The principles of proper nutrition

Common to all types of diets are the following principles of nutrition:

  • products must be carefully processed: remove coarse parts, films, seeds, peel, stalks;
  • you need to cook food only in a certain way: steam, boil, bake or stew (in no case should you fried);
  • exclude alcohol and smoking;
  • a large amount of fermented milk products enriched with lacto- and bifidobacteria is introduced into the diet;
  • eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.

All of the above activities contribute to the elimination of the causes of the appearance of undigested food in the feces of adults.

Indigestion in children

If deviations of this kind are found in a child, then this may alert parents. In fact, it all depends on age. During the first year of life, food may not be fully digested due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is not fully formed. This is the reason for the incomplete digestion of food, even by very young children who eat exclusively milk and mixtures. With the introduction of a new product into the diet, the likelihood of undigested food in the stool in a child increases.

Age features of the structure

In addition, the gastrointestinal tract of a child is much shorter than that of an adult and the food stays in it for less time and simply does not have time to be digested completely. Pieces of food in a baby's stool can be seen with the naked eye. These can be whole vegetables, fruits, etc. And in other cases, such fragments are found only in a laboratory, during a study. For example, this is how lactose deficiency is detected, in which undigested carbohydrates and lactose are found in the feces of children. The detection of whole pieces of food in the feces of a child should alert if this is accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia:

  • bloating;
  • intestinal colic;
  • impurities in the feces (mucus, etc.).

Why there is undigested food in the feces is interesting to many.


The above symptoms indicate an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. It is impossible to ignore dysbacteriosis (it will go away on its own), it must be treated, otherwise the violations will be aggravated more and more, and complicated by the addition of other diseases. In addition to the imbalance of microflora, the cause of dyspepsia may be an intestinal infection or an improperly selected diet. In order to prevent such phenomena, new products are introduced into the child's menu gradually, one at a time. Naturally, all products must be fresh. Eggs need to be boiled for a long time, and milk should be boiled.

Meat and fish products must be mashed, this reduces the content of muscle fibers in the child's excrement. Vegetables and fruits should be washed and rinsed with boiling water. Products of plant origin should not have any damage: darkening or soft spots. If, despite careful observance of all these rules, particles of food are still found in the child's feces, then the pediatrician must be informed about this. He will assess the degree of danger and, based on the accompanying symptoms, will determine further actions.

How to treat an ailment so that undigested food remains in the feces no longer appear.


First of all, as we have already said, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon. If it is nutritional errors, and there are no symptoms of inflammation (fever, chills, blood in the stool), then treatment is reduced to correcting eating behavior and consuming large amounts of water. Other reasons due to which undigested pieces of food are found in the feces of a child and an adult can be understood from the coprogram. Such a detailed analysis can reveal the presence of the simplest organisms and bacteria, which cause the infectious process. In this case, the doctor prescribes the treatment, based on the data obtained during the examination.

What are the types of dyspepsia, how is the diagnosis made, and how exactly to treat this disease for an adult and a child? These questions will be answered in this article.

Digestion in the stomach

The stomach is a kind of tool for processing food. The capacity of the stomach is about 2.5-3 liters. Food enters it through the esophagus. At the very beginning, food is broken down into fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and what is not digested is sent to the initial section of the small intestine (duodenum). When a person eats food, special acids are produced in the stomach, which help it to be divided into organic substances and digested. The stomach has walls that reliably protect it from the effects of acids. Food can be digested from 15 minutes to several hours. The indicator depends on the composition, calorie content, heat treatment of food.

Reasons why the stomach cannot digest food

Common causes of dyspepsia are oversights in the use of food and insufficient knowledge of the rules of nutrition. Dry food, snacks on the run sooner or later have a bad effect on health. There are some products that the body simply does not perceive and thus rejects, which is why the stomach “stands”. Discomfort and heaviness in the stomach can appear due to too fatty, spicy, or sour foods. Alcoholic drinks can cause a number of inconveniences, as they can induce the production of hydrochloric acid, and burden the walls of the stomach with this.

Here are some other causes of dyspepsia:

  • slow metabolism, when the digestive organs do not work well;
  • the presence of microbes in the gastric mucosa;
  • poor stimulation of the separation of gastric juice;
  • alcohol abuse in large quantities (applies to adults);
  • the presence of a disease - gastritis (can affect both an adult and a child).

There are cases when the normal functioning of the stomach is disrupted against the background of hormonal failure (mostly in pregnant women). If a person does not feel well in the morning, feels heaviness in the stomach long before breakfast, this indicates that he is a lover of a strong meal at night, which is strictly forbidden to do, since the stomach should rest at night just like other human organs. Knowing the reason why the stomach does not process food in any way allows you to start treatment on time, force you to follow a diet, and develop a certain diet.

Types of disease

Dyspepsia is divided into two groups: organic and functional. In the organic process, serious damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is not detected, only malfunctions occur in their work. With functional - pathologies of the stomach and intestines are detected. These are much more serious violations. Dyspepsia is also divided by type of disease and depends on the causes that provoked these diseases. For example, an intestinal infection can become a provoking factor. The dyspepsia caused by it is divided into several types:

  1. Salmonellosis. Accompanied by fever, indigestion, general weakness, vomiting.
  2. Dysentery. It affects the large intestine, manifested by diarrhea mixed with blood.
  3. Intoxication. It is formed as a consequence of poisoning with some harmful substances, with past infections.

Dyspepsia with a lack of digestive enzymes is divided into types: gastrogenous, hepatogenic, pancreatogenic, enterogenic. In addition to these types of disease, there are others:

  • alimentary - a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle;
  • putrid - the result of eating too much meat and fish, perhaps not always fresh;
  • fatty - provoked by an excessive amount of fat in the daily menu;
  • fermentation form - occurs when using food products such as beans, bakery products, sweets, as well as drinks in the form of kvass and beer.


If the stomach does not digest food, with the characteristic manifestations and symptoms of the disease, you should immediately seek medical help to diagnose and confirm the presence of the disease. First, you need to clearly and clearly, point by point, describe your symptoms and complaints to the specialist. Secondly, the doctor will determine what is better to prescribe - a laboratory test or a computer one. Computer includes ultrasound, tomography. Laboratory involves collecting blood for analysis, checking feces. Additionally, tests for Helicobacter pylori infection are carried out, analysis of the stomach with an endoscope, if necessary, by means of an x-ray.

What to do?

In the event that a malfunction of the stomach caused the presence of another disease (viral type, peptic ulcer, acute or chronic gastritis, etc.), it is necessary to treat the second disease, and at the same time get rid of the symptoms of the first. Treatment of the stomach, in which food is poorly digested, is prescribed by taking medications of various effects. Diarrhea can be treated with antidiarrheal medications, and constipation is treated with laxatives. Fever is brought down by antipyretics.


The doctor prescribes drugs to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, these include:

  • enzymes that contribute to better functioning of the stomach - "Creon", "Gastenorm forte";
  • painkillers that help eliminate stomach pain and normal functioning - "Drotaverin", "Spasmalgon";
  • Antihistamines that reduce the increased acidity of the stomach - Clemaksin, Ranitidine.

If you need to carry out therapy for a child, other, more gentle drugs are prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Dyspepsia can be successfully treated for a child and an adult with the help of folk remedies and recipes. Examples of popular recipes:

  1. Celery. Take 1 tsp. ground celery root, pour 1 liter of hot water and infuse for 8 hours. Next - filter and drink 2 tbsp. l. during the day. If there is no root, then you can use and make an infusion of celery seeds and juice, the effect will be the same. Celery juice, as a medicine, will please the child.
  2. Dill. The plant is endowed with a variety of useful properties that are long to list. The most significant are the ability to improve digestion in a child and an adult, eliminate bloating and constipation, and have a diuretic effect. To prepare a decoction, take 1 tsp. dill seeds and pour boiling water, then strain and drink a sip during the day.
  3. The collection of medicinal herbs can help normalize the metabolism in the body of both a child and an adult. Take honey, aloe and red wine. Honey and wine 600 grams each, aloe - 300 grams. Grind aloe, add honey and wine. Mix the components and take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach

In old age, there is a need for enemas, because with age the metabolism becomes slower, not like in a child, so the digestive organs wear out, frequent constipation occurs, pain and cramps appear in the stomach, intestinal blockage occurs. It is necessary to force the elderly patient to do an enema at least once a week. Before the procedure, drink a glass of infused herb wormwood, which will have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

Power correction

With the help of a diet, it is possible to alleviate and improve the condition of an adult and a child, especially during the period of taking medication. It is important to avoid fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, salty foods. This also includes fast food dishes (hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, etc.), as they contain a large amount of unhealthy fats. If you treat dietary nutrition with a positive attitude, your appetite will improve and, accordingly, the production of gastric juice. Why is it necessary to eat in a quiet, peaceful environment, so that no external stimuli distract you from such an important activity.

It is important to pay attention to the menu of the daily table. It is recommended to choose good quality products, free of harmful ingredients such as dyes and preservatives, so as not to burden the stomach. Product compatibility is important, that is, you should not eat meat with apples at the same time, since meat is digested poorly and for a long time, and apples quickly. An online food compatibility table will help. If you follow the recommendations, things will soon get better.

Regarding hot drinks, such as coffee or tea, which people are used to drinking immediately after eating, doctors are categorical - this is not recommended. Drinking hot drinks is allowed only an hour after or before a meal. These are the rules you need to follow for a speedy recovery in order to keep yourself and your child healthy.

Digestive Problems – Causes of Difficulty Digesting Food

Do you have difficulty digesting food? Is digestion difficult and slow? Exploring the causes (diseases and bad habits), remedies, and what to do to relieve symptoms when they occur.

First of all, calm down, digestive problems are a very common disorder: suffice it to say that in Russia, % of visits to the doctor are due to difficulties with digesting food!

In most cases, simple advice is enough to resolve digestive disorders, such as improving your lifestyle or limiting certain foods and drinks; but in other cases, digestive difficulties may mask gastrointestinal or even extraintestinal disease.

The main causes of slow and heavy digestion

Digestive disorders such as heartburn, acidity and heaviness are very common in our time in the Western world, and are mainly the result of lifestyle and diseases such as food or drug intolerance.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Bad habits that slow down digestion

Analyzing the points listed above, it is obvious that the main causes of slow digestion are derived from personal habits, roughly speaking, the wrong way of life. Let's see what aspects negatively affect the digestive system.

When you skip meals or eat a large portion at once, it puts undue stress on the gastrointestinal tract, and given that digestion is much slower and more laborious than usual.

Also, fried foods significantly stretch the digestion time, especially those that are 100% oil-soaked.

Alcohol is an important factor that delays gastric emptying (the effect depends on the dose: the more, the longer it takes gastric emptying).

Cigarette smoke also slows down the secretion of acid in the stomach.

In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can increase gastric emptying time and passage through the intestinal tract.

Hard to digest foods

Often, those who follow a healthy lifestyle may complain of digestive disorders associated with the consumption of certain foods or drugs:

  • All starchy foods: You may have difficulty digesting pizzas, breads and cakes made with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae yeast or brewer's yeast. The cause may be yeast intolerance. Often, some sources of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, such as pasta or rice, can also slow down digestion, especially when combined with high-fat foods: in these cases, it is recommended to eat whole grain products, as well as keep sugar levels under control. in blood.
  • Milk: People who are lactose or milk protein intolerant often experience bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking cow's milk. You may suspect intolerance when indigestion is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and constipation. The solution may be to use vegetable drinks such as soy, rice or almond milk.
  • Meat: it is difficult to digest for all people, especially fatty meats (veal, lamb and pork). The fats contained in it complicate digestion, increase the time of gastric emptying.
  • Fish: As with meat, some types of fish can cause poor digestion. The risk zone includes eel, mackerel, salmon and tuna.
  • Onion and garlic: They weaken the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. Their use should be avoided in case of reflux and dyspepsia.
  • Spices: in particular, mint and pepper, which increase the burning sensation and acidity.
  • Cabbage and tomatoes: vegetables in general, being rich in fiber, accelerate gastric emptying, therefore, do not cause digestive problems. Only a few, especially cruciferous ones (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and turnips), can cause gas and bloating. Some people also complain of intolerance to tomatoes, the use of which is accompanied by hives, nausea, fluid retention.

Medication and digestive disorders

Some medicines can cause digestive problems, but they usually appear with long-term treatment:

  • Potassium salts, are suitable for the treatment of hypertension, dehydration and replenishment of potassium deficiency. High doses of potassium salts can cause ulcers, indigestion, and nausea.
  • Alendronates used to treat osteoporosis can cause esophageal ulcers, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.
  • Antibiotics cause fermentation in the intestines and bloating because they kill the intestinal flora.
  • Digitalis, used for heart problems, often causes lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin - one of the most common causes of gastritis and peptic ulcers, because they reduce the protective force of the gastric mucosa and increase the excretion of acidic substances.

Psychological Factors - How Anxiety and Depression Affect Digestion

Scientists have found a strong link between digestive disorders and anxiety in humans, which trigger somatic emotions. Stress and emotional tension can cause digestive difficulties, as in the case of hysterical dyspepsia, but the mechanisms are still little known.

Hormonal changes: pregnancy, cycle and menopause

The hormonal changes that underlie menstrual cycles can interfere with digestive processes: an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone causes excessive intestinal motility, often leading to episodes of constipation, diarrhea, and digestive difficulties.

Hormonal changes, along with intense levels of stress, are the cause of poor digestion during menopause and pregnancy.

In particular, during pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, which has a relaxing effect on the muscles and, accordingly, the loss of tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. This makes it easier for stomach contents to rise up into the esophagus. In addition, the intestinal musculature does not contract strongly enough, the contents of the intestine move slowly and constipation occurs.

Difficulties with digestion of food appear at the beginning of pregnancy, but the situation worsens from the fourth month, when the stomach begins to grow and the fetus presses on the stomach and intestines. There are very few remedies for digestive difficulties during pregnancy, since such drugs, due to their high calcium content, cannot be used by pregnant women.

Diseases and symptoms associated with poor digestion

Digestive disorders occur more often after eating and are often associated with banal gluttony.

Reasons for slow digestion

But, sometimes the same symptoms can be associated with problems of the esophagus, stomach, liver and biliary tract, for example, if in old age digestive disorders occur half an hour after a meal, "intestinal ischemia" can be suspected.

On the contrary, duodenal ulcer gives symptoms directly during meals, and nausea before meals may indicate hepatobiliary dysfunction. Often, poor digestion is associated with a large dinner after fasting all day.

It is not uncommon for discomfort to occur independently of meals, for example during sleep: in the case of people suffering from reflux disease. In this case, it may be useful to raise the head of the bed by 10 cm.

Below we explain what diseases can cause digestive problems and what symptoms they present with.

Why food is poorly digested and how to avoid it

Due to the modern lifestyle, many people do not pay due attention to proper balanced nutrition. This factor provokes various pathologies of the digestive system. Also, such ailments are caused by constant stress, long-term medication.

The main signs of poor digestion are the following: constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, bloating after eating, excessive gas formation, heartburn. How to eliminate the symptoms of such a pathology and normalize the digestive process?

Causes of heavy and slow digestion

Poor digestion is considered a common disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, the treatment of which directly depends on the cause of the ailment. If there are malfunctions in the digestive process, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist to find out the root cause of this condition and determine the course of therapy. Poor digestion leads to the fact that vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements are not absorbed properly. Adequate timely treatment will help to correct the current situation.

Disturbances in the digestion of food are observed with increased acidity of gastric juice. In this case, the symptoms are supplemented by heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, and pain syndrome. To avoid complications resulting from hypersecretion of gastric juice (development of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases), it is necessary to take timely measures.

In most cases, the cause of slow digestion is a violation in the diet. A sedentary lifestyle also acts as a provocateur of this pathology. Long-term use of antibiotics and other drugs causes intestinal dysbacteriosis and other pathologies that impede the process of assimilation of food by the body.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor carefully studies aspects that have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.

To avoid failures in the process of digestion of food, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Fight overweight.
  • Avoid alcohol and soda consumption.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • To live an active lifestyle.
  • Eat a light, regular and balanced diet.
  • Give up smoking.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Cut down on anti-inflammatory medications.

Meals should be taken regularly and at the same time.

There should be at least 5-6 meals per day. Eat small meals. To avoid stress, reduce your intake of fried, fatty foods, which can significantly lengthen the digestion process.

Alcoholic drinks inhibit the emptying of the gastric cavity. Cigarette smoke greatly inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, making it difficult to digest even light foods.

Medicines and junk food

Gastrointestinal disorders are caused by certain medications and foods. The following groups are recognized as the most difficult to digest foods:


If a person has intolerance to milk protein, lactose, then the clinical picture when consuming products containing it is manifested as follows: diarrhea, bloating, pain. This symptomatology is manifested against the background of nausea, dizziness, difficulty defecation. The solution to this problem is to replace this product with almond, soy or rice milk.

Starchy products

Some people have trouble digesting cakes, pizza, regular bread, and other baked goods. In some cases, yeast intolerance is the cause. Products that are a source of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index can cause slow digestion. Basically, it's rice and pasta.

Meat products

Digesting meat is a long process. Especially when it comes to lamb, pork. This is due to the fact that meat contains a large amount of fat, which complicates the process of digestion and assimilation.

Tomatoes, cabbage

Most vegetables contain a lot of fiber in their composition, which contribute to the rapid digestion and emptying of the gastric cavity. However, some vegetables cause excessive gas production, which creates difficulties in the process of digestion. These foods include: turnips, broccoli, Brussels sprouts. Some people have an intolerance to tomatoes, manifested by hives, swelling and nausea.

Garlic and onion

Despite the beneficial and medicinal properties of these root crops, they help to reduce the tone of the lower esophageal valve. For this reason, garlic and onions are not recommended for use in dyspeptic syndrome, reflux.

With regard to drugs, prolonged or uncontrolled intake of certain drugs leads to a disorder of the digestive function. A similar side effect is possible with long-term therapy with the following medications:

  • Alendronates - they are used in the treatment of osteoporosis. In some cases, provoke diarrhea, nausea, pain in the abdomen, the development of peptic ulcer of the esophagus;
  • Potassium salts - used in the treatment of high blood pressure, as well as dehydration. An increased dosage provokes nausea, ulcers and intestinal upset;
  • Digitalis - is indicated for the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Provokes vomiting and nausea, disrupts appetite;
  • Antibiotics - are able to stimulate fermentation processes in the intestinal cavity, are the cause of bloating and dysbacteriosis, as they disrupt healthy microflora;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Aspirin, provoke various disruptions in the digestive system, as they significantly reduce the protective function of the mucous membrane.

Hormonal changes that occur against the background of the menstrual cycle can interfere with normal digestion. Such disorders are provoked by the fact that against the background of an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen, excessive intestinal motility occurs. As a result, there is severe digestion of food products, constipation or diarrhea.

Difficulties with digestion are also observed in the first weeks of pregnancy. In the second trimester, symptoms may increase, as the pressure of the uterus on the gastrointestinal tract increases with the growth of the fetus.

Features of therapy

Treatment of such ailments is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. Before taking medication, you should establish the true cause of the pathological condition. Based on the provoking factors, as well as the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes the appropriate therapy.

The best effect in normalizing the digestive process is provided by proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. It is important to eat regularly, chew food thoroughly, move more and avoid stressful situations. An excellent solution to the problem is herbal medicine, which helps to quickly stop unpleasant symptoms and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The following medicines are prescribed for treatment: Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin, Festal and others. These drugs are excellent help with such disorders from the digestive system.

If you are concerned about difficult digestion of food products, consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pathology and begin competent therapy. Do not self-medicate. Otherwise, there is a risk of starting pathology or improper treatment.

Why does an adult stomach not digest food and a method of treatment

Poor diet, snacking on the run, or heavy meals at night can all cause the stomach to not digest food. What to do when the stomach cannot digest food, and how to restore the work of the body, excites many.

1 Basic information about the disease

The stomach is the place where food is digested. Its volume in an adult is approximately 2-3 liters. Food enters the stomach through the esophagus, where it is broken down into its components: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. When the body feels the need for food, it gives a signal, and the amount of hydrochloric acid increases, which contributes to the breakdown of food. The speed of this process is different: carbohydrates are completely processed in 2 hours, while a similar process for fats takes up to 5 hours.

The deterioration of the stomach, in which it practically stops digesting food, is called dyspepsia and may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations: bouts of nausea, heaviness in the abdomen and a feeling of fullness. If timely effective measures are not taken, the consequences will be very serious.

Symptoms of dyspepsia can manifest as follows:

  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • bloating, distension;
  • symptoms of peptic ulcer: vomiting, nausea, heartburn, "hungry" pain;
  • belching;
  • after eating, there may be a burning sensation in the chest area;
  • heaviness and pain in the upper abdomen, not associated with eating;
  • pain in the upper spine;
  • sometimes there is vomiting, causing relief for a short period;
  • loss of appetite, rapid satiety (associated with undigested food in the stomach).

The disease can develop in different ways: according to the ulcerative, dyskinetic or non-specific variant. The dyskinetic variant involves the appearance of a feeling of rapid satiety, overcrowding, and discomfort. With peptic ulcer, there are signs of peptic ulcer, that is, belching, "hungry" or night pain, heartburn. The nonspecific variant combines signs of both ulcerative and dyskinetic course of the disease.

2 Causes of the disease

The most common causes of dyspepsia are malnutrition and lack of a culture of eating. Dry snacks, in conditions of constant stress and haste, will certainly affect health. The selection of products can affect the functioning of the stomach. There are a number of products that, depending on the individual characteristics of a person, the stomach does not perceive.

Discomfort can arise from fatty, heavy or overly spicy foods. Alcohol can also cause problems, as it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, thereby increasing the load on the walls of the stomach.

In some cases, disruption of the functioning of the stomach can be caused by hormonal failure - this phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women. Finally, the secretion of gastric juice may be the result of disorders of the secretory glands.

In some cases, poor health may occur in the morning. This suggests that a person abuses late meals. Like all human organs, the stomach must have time to rest.

There are other causes of dyspepsia:

  • decreased metabolism;
  • the appearance of bacterial colonies in the gastric mucosa;
  • insufficient concentration of gastric juice;
  • gastritis.

Regardless of the reasons why the stomach does not digest food, it is urgent to start treatment and seriously review the diet and food selection.

3 Types and forms of the disease

There are two main groups of the disease: organic and functional. Organic dyspepsia is a syndrome in which there are no serious violations of the structure of the digestive tract, only functional, that is, associated with the work of the organs. Functional dyspepsia is characterized by the appearance of structural pathological changes in the digestive tract. In this case, the symptoms will be observed more clearly and for a long time.

The main types of the disease are determined depending on the causes that provoked their occurrence.

Dyspepsia caused by intestinal infections can be of several types:

  • salmonellosis - characterized by an increase in temperature up to 39 ° C, the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and headache;
  • dysentery - usually affects the large intestine, the main manifestation is stool mixed with blood;
  • intoxication - develops as a result of poisoning with influenza, acute infectious diseases, poisoning with poisons.

Dyspepsia associated with a lack of digestive enzymes can be of the following types:

Alimentary dyspepsia is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and has 3 subspecies, characterized by an excess of any component.

Putrefactive develops when eating too many carbohydrate-containing foods, that is, meat, fish, and eggs predominate in the diet. Perhaps the development of the disease due to the consumption of stale meat products.

Fatty dyspepsia is caused by an excess of fats in the diet, especially refractory fats - lamb or pork fat.

The fermentation form is caused by an excess of carbohydrate-containing foods in the diet, such as bread, legumes, cabbage, sugar and some others, as well as fermentation drinks (these include beer and kvass).

4 Diagnostic methods

The cessation of digestion of food in the stomach can be a symptom of another, more serious disease, so if signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis. It is necessary to describe all complaints as accurately as possible: how long and how much the pain bothers you, when they appear, whether there is heartburn, whether there are other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

After that, the doctor may prescribe both instrumental and laboratory tests.

Instrumental studies may include ultrasound and computed tomography. With the help of electrogastroenterography, violations of the motility of the stomach, that is, its ability to promote the food mass, are detected. If more serious diseases (tumors) are suspected, the patient may be prescribed x-rays. The inner surface of the stomach is analyzed using an endoscope, often with simultaneous biopsy. Tests are carried out for the presence of the pathogen Helicobacter pylori.

Laboratory studies include a biochemical blood test, a stool test for the presence of dietary fiber and occult blood.

5 Treatment activities

If a violation of digestion in the stomach is caused by the development of another disease (flu and other viral diseases, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatic diseases, duodenitis, etc.), it is he who is treated first.

For the treatment of directly indigestion in the stomach, the patient is prescribed medications of various directions. For constipation, the patient is prescribed a laxative, but not for permanent use - only until the stool returns to normal. If diarrhea is observed, the patient should take antidiarrheal drugs.

The patient is prescribed some drugs designed to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Enzymatic - improve digestion, the work of the stomach and duodenum.
  2. Proton pump blockers - are prescribed for increased acidity of the stomach, manifested in the form of heartburn and sour belching.
  3. Histamine blockers are drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach, but have a weaker effect than proton pump blockers.
  4. Painkillers - antispasmodics that reduce pain in the abdomen.

Non-drug treatment consists of simple measures. After eating, it is advised to walk for at least 30 minutes. At the time of treatment, the load on the press is excluded: twisting, lifting or tilting the torso.

Since one of the reasons that food is poorly digested is malnutrition, it is reasonable to try to improve the condition with the help of a diet. Therefore, at least for the duration of treatment, you need to give up fast food, fried, fatty, semi-finished products, since all of the listed products have a large amount of simple fats.

It is important to have a positive attitude - it helps to improve the production of gastric juice. Therefore, while eating, you do not need to plunge into gloomy thoughts or be distracted by watching TV, reading the newspaper and browsing the news on the Internet.

The main rule is to seriously review the diet. It is important to give preference to natural and high-quality food. If the stomach does not accept any food, then you can switch to a separate diet, since a diet selected in accordance with the rules allows you to unload the digestive system and determine a product that is not perceived by the gastrointestinal tract.

Separate nutrition involves following several rules. The main thing is that you can’t mix carbohydrates and proteins in one meal, since their processing requires a different concentration of gastric juice. In this case, fats can be combined with both proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important not to mix foods that take different amounts of time to digest. For example, nuts take longer to digest, so don't eat them at the same time as an orange.

You also need to be careful with liquids. It is not allowed to drink hot coffee or tea immediately after eating. To avoid problems, you need to drink water 15 minutes before a meal and at least an hour after a meal.

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