The woman lived all her life with the mutilated. A girl with a disfigured face marries her lover - photo

Acid assault is one of the most common and brutal forms of violence around the world. The victims of such an attack are left with a disfigured face, which is a cruel reminder of what happened throughout their lives. These girls, which you will see in the continuation of the article, were real beauties until they were completely assassinated.

1. Katie Piper

In 2008, 35-year-old Danny Lynch doused his girlfriend, famous model Katie Piper, with sulfuric acid. As a result, the girl received third-degree burns, lost her eyelids, half of her left ear and most of her nose. Severe injuries were inflicted on the eyes, mouth, tongue, esophagus, hands, arms, neck and décolleté. Even the doctors who took Kathy that ill-fated day were horrified - according to them, they had never encountered such terrible injuries. Over the next three years, Katie underwent more than 80 surgeries on internal organs, only after them the girl was able to eat and drink normally. Plastic surgeons also did the impossible - they reconstructed the face of the model using synthetic skin. Today, Katie looks very good, and the former lover is serving a life sentence in one of the British prisons.

2. Jessica Notaro

Italian model and Miss Italy 2007 finalist Jessica Notaro was attacked with acid by a former lover. After a short romance, the girl decided to break up with the young man, but she could not even think that he would be capable of such cruelty. As a result of the tragedy, Jessica received strong chemical burns face, body and eyes. Today, the girl spends about 800 euros a month (about 40,000 rubles) on medicines that help her cope with pain. She can only undergo plastic surgery in a year, when her body is a little stronger. Recently, Jessica appeared on a TV show where she took off her headscarf for the first time, and addressed the "ill-fated" ex: "I want you to see what you did to me. This is not love".

3. Dana Vulin

In 2012, Australian Dana Vulin was the victim of an overly jealous wife of one of her acquaintances. Suspecting Dana of an “assassination attempt” on her beloved husband, the jealous woman poured water over the girl ethyl alcohol and set it on fire. As a result, Dana received third-degree burns on her face and body, for a long time spent in a coma. The Australian underwent many operations and spent two years in a special mask - according to the girl, her burned face was so ugly that she was afraid to walk past the mirror. In addition, Dan was wearing a kind of spacesuit all the time, which, in turn, hid the deformity of the body. And so, after a long and hard work on herself, the girl finally took off her mask and showed the world a new self: albeit with scars, but again beautiful.

4. Eleonora Kondratyuk

A terrible story happened to our compatriot Eleonora Kondratyuk. The winner of the "Beauty of Sochi" and "Miss Charm" contests became a victim of a rejected fan back in 1999. The girl was returning home when she was attacked from behind and doused with concentrated sulfuric acid. The acid burned the eyes, respiratory tract, skin on the face, neck and shoulders. In a critical condition, the girl was taken to the regional burn center, where doctors literally pulled Eleanor out of the other world. Despite more than 300 operations, return to normal life the girl did not succeed. Eleanor leads a reclusive life, and if she leaves the house, she hides her face with a veil. The former model is a frequent visitor to burn centers: she spends a lot of time with people who find themselves in similar situations.

5. Laxmi Saa

6. Reshma Kuresh

Reshma Kuresha is another Indian who suffered from acid: when the girl was 18 years old, she became a victim of her own brother. Reshma received severe burns face and body, lost an eye, but did not give up and did not give up. Today, the girl maintains a microblog in which she uploads a video, proving that the victims do not become disabled, but can achieve a lot. And last fall, during New York Fashion Week, Reshma took part in the show of the collection of Indian designer Archana Kochhar and became a real star of the podium. In an interview with reporters, the model admitted that she entered the catwalk with one goal - to draw attention to the availability of acid in India. Reshma noted that in Asian countries this problem has a global scale, and she herself is trying in every possible way to change the attitude towards the victims of such attacks in society.

7. Shirin Mohamadi

Shirin Mohamadi was only 18 years old when her rejected fiancé poured acid on her. The girl lost her right eye and ear, her mouth was badly damaged, deep burns all over the body. To date, Shirin has undergone several plastic surgery, but the difficult process of rehabilitation is not over yet.

Plastic surgery is very dangerous occupation, many women and men disfigure their faces by going to the wrong doctor or having too many surgeries. In the photo in this article, you can see what your face can turn into if you do not approach this issue wisely.

Nikki Cox

This case does not look as bad as all the following examples, but if you compare the photos before and after, you can see a huge difference. Nikki Cox definitely picked the wrong doctor as she went from supermodel to living mannequin. That is why Botox injections are very dangerous path, in which either everything goes well, or a similar result is obtained.

Daryl Hanna

Daryl Hannah was one of the most chic women of the eighties. But as people age, their bodies begin to change without giving any advance signals. And some women are taking drastic measures. In Daryl's case, things didn't go as planned, and she ended up looking even older as a result.

Jian Feng Sues Wife for Scary Children

A Chinese man sued his wife (and won) when he noticed that his children had terrible facial features that were characteristic of his wife - and which he did not know about until recently. Plastic surgery may change your appearance, but it still doesn't change your DNA.


If you look closely at this photo, you will see that this woman has rough edges on her face that should be smooth. This is caused by the formation of scar tissue from braces. However, even if your doctor has done a lot of braces for you, but with high quality and successfully, their traces will not be visible. Furthermore, postoperative care also plays very important role so that your plasty doesn't end on the operating table.

Jacqueline Stallone

This woman is a mother famous actor Sylvester Stallone. Jacqueline, aged 93, deeply regrets having decided to have so many plastic surgeries - she admits that she has had many injections of Juvederma, a Botox analogue used mainly for the cheeks. And now she herself says that she looks like a chipmunk stuffing her mouth with nuts.


This woman definitely has a lot of puffy lips. In general, there is special product, which is used to temporarily increase the volume of the lips, and the only side effect- it's a slight tingle. You can also use lipstick a little further than the lip line to make them appear fuller. But pump them up various substances not recommended, otherwise the result will be the same as in the photo.

Christina Ray

On the this moment Christina holds the Guinness World Record for the most big lips. She's had over a hundred injections that make her lips look like they've been stung by a swarm of bees. But at the same time, unlike many people who have undergone unsuccessful plastic surgery, Christina does not regret what happened - apparently, the operations were successful for her, and this is exactly the look she aspired to.


One of the biggest fears of plastic surgery is the fear of not looking like a person. After all, after plastic surgery, you cease to be human by 5 percent, and every time you go under the knife, more and more plastic appears in you and less and less human remains. good doctor will tell you exactly what you need to fix, and most importantly - when to stop. But there are too many bad doctors who only care about money.


You can observe another result of unsuccessful plastic surgeries, which you obviously do not want to have if you decide to go to a plastic surgeon. That is why it is very important to find a good reliable doctor who does not chase after your money and will not persuade you to new operations. You shouldn't try to get discounts, as you could end up with something far worse than an empty wallet.

Pete Burns

Most of the plastic surgery with a terrible outcome is on the lips. Pete Burns, founding member and vocalist of Dead or Alive another victim similar plastic. At the same time, Pete himself is happy with what he sees in the mirror - he said that he knows that his face can literally fall apart, but this will not stop him from new operations.

Michaela Romanini

Botox and lip injections are considered lunchtime surgeries, as they can take no more than half an hour. Botox is actually a toxin that smoothes out wrinkles but paralyzes the muscles in your face. Michaela Romanini had a lot of Botox injections, which smoothed out her wrinkles, but then immediately went to sunbathe, which gave her even more wrinkles. She herself admitted that she was addicted to plastic surgery, and as a result, from one of the most charming secular lionesses in Europe, she turned into something unrecognizable.


There is another example of a catastrophically poorly done work with someone's lips. Lips are most often the first thing that catches the eye, but if the lips occupy half of the face, then something is clearly wrong here.

Donatella Versace

Donatella Versace was once very beautiful woman. However, she is now a walking example that being overweight in anything can end badly for you. And because of a large number plastic surgery and excessive sunburn, the once-beautiful lady looks like a sun-dried fruit. But at the same time, Donatella herself believes that she looks great, takes care of herself, her skin and hair.

Amanda Lepore

Plastic surgery consists of many stages, each of which can be both scary and painful. Amanda Lepore spoke about how painful her operations were, but with her initial appearance there was no point in doing everything she had done - including breaking her ribs to make herself look thinner.

Hang Mioku

Once upon a time, Hang Mioku was a beautiful Korean model. However, age took its toll, so she began to inject silicone, which she became addicted to. When her doctors refused to give her further injections, she began buying silicone and a special oil on the black market, pumping it under her skin, making her face look terrifying. Attempts to fix everything gave little - the damage that Han inflicted on herself can no longer be restored.

20 years ago, face transplant surgery could only be seen in science fiction films, but nowadays this incredible procedure is no longer a fiction - over the past 10 years, new faces have already received 28 victims of severe accidents and accidents. Of course, this procedure is not cheap - the operation itself costs patients half a million dollars, plus about $40,000 annually is spent on medicines. Is it worth it or not - see and judge for yourself!

10. Isabelle Dinoir - the world's first partial face transplant

The first ever face transplant operation took place in France, in a hospital in the city of Amiens. She was carried out on 46-year-old Isabelle Dinoir, who was mutilated own dog. In May 2005, a woman drank large dose sleeping pills. Although many considered it a suicide attempt, Isabelle stated that the overdose was an accident. While the woman was unconscious, her black Labrador Tanya tried to wake up the mistress and at some point began to gnaw on her. When Isabelle woke up and looked in the mirror, she found to her horror that part of her face was missing. Some time after the tragic incident, Isabelle met with surgeons Bernard Devochelle and Jean-Michel Dubernard, who offered to transplant her the face of a woman who died in a nearby town. Isabelle got new cells bone marrow, skin, nose and chin. The operation was successful and is turning point in the history of surgery.

9. Oscar - the world's first full face transplant

A nightmarish accident involving a firearm left a Spaniard named Oscar virtually faceless. The man lived with this for five years, until in 2010 his mouth was covered with skin, making it impossible for him to breathe, eat or speak. His life was turned upside down when he met surgeon Juan Baretta, who offered him a full face transplant. On March 20, 2010, Dr. Barrett began the longest facial surgery in history. He had to restore the missing facial muscles, nose, lips, upper jaw, teeth, cheekbones, palate and lacrimal system. The procedure began with the surgeon removing the facial tissue from the donor, without damaging the nerves and blood vessels. As a result of the procedure, Oscar was able to breathe and eat on his own for the first time in several years.

8. Connie Culp

One horrific day, mother-of-two Connie Culp was shot in the face by her own husband. Soon after, the man committed suicide, and Connie, being a real fighter, held on and continued to live despite the horror that she had to go through. Without a nose, cheeks, one eye and mouth, Connie couldn't breathe and had to make a hole in her throat. For four years, Connie suffered without a face, and finally, in 2008, she got a second chance at life. The operation to restore her face was performed by the surgeon Maria Semenova, and the result was the most positive: Connie received new nose, cheeks and smooth skin. A year later, Connie even regained her sense of smell - just think, smell! Thanks to the efforts of Semyonova and her colleagues, the woman not only regained her lost ability to smell, but was even able to eat solid food again.

One horrific day, mother-of-two Connie Culp was shot in the face by her own husband. Shortly thereafter, the man committed suicide, and Connie, being a real fighter, held on and continued to live despite the horror that she had to go through.

Karman also became a victim of domestic violence - ex-husband beat her with a bat and then doused her alkaline solution. The woman miraculously survived, but 80% of her body was disfigured by terrible burns. Carmen has undergone a face transplant and is now able to move her lips and speak clearly. At first, she experienced an identity crisis, as her face was no longer felt by her face. Looking for answers, Carmen turned to her daughter dead woman who gave her a new face. The women later became friends and found solace in each other.

6. Grzegorz

In one day, this Polish man had more trouble than most people experience in a lifetime. Two years ago, as a result of an accident with a stone-cutting machine at a brick factory, Grzegorz actually lost face. 33 year old man in urgently had a face transplant operation that lasted 27 hours. Now he can breathe on his own, see, eat, taste and speak, although his speech is difficult to understand because the muscles of his face have yet to regain mobility.

5. Richard Norris

In 1997, a handsome 22-year-old named Richard Norris got his hands on a shotgun at just the wrong time. Depressed, Richard attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. The guy's parents immediately took him to the hospital, and he survived - which cannot be said about his face. Ashamed of his ugliness, Richard became a real hermit - for 15 years he lived away from people in a house without mirrors, without saying a word. One day, his mother found a doctor who specialized in face transplants. Despite the risk, Richard agreed to the operation. Surgeon Eduardo Rodriguez did a miracle - he was able to restore the face of the patient so successfully that Richard now speaks again, stopped hanging mirrors and feels confident enough to live in society.

4. Sharla Nash

In 2009, 55-year-old Sharla Nash from Connecticut, as always, came to visit her boss. But this time, her life changed forever - she was attacked by an almost 100-pound chimpanzee belonging to her boss. The woman miraculously managed to escape death, but she lost her arms and part of her face. Sharla found hope when the US Army offered to pay for her $300,000 face transplant. Although Sharla never served in the army, the military offered to help her on the pretext that her case needed to be studied in order to subsequently perform similar operations on the maimed soldiers. Sharla agreed to the operation and follow-up studies. The face transplant was successful, but the hands, unfortunately, could not be transplanted. Sharla sued her boss for $4 million.

3. Dallas Vince

A tragic incident in 2008 left Dallas Vince without a face - his eyes, nose, ligaments, muscles and soft tissues instantly melted as a result of contact with a high-voltage wire. For two years, the man lived without a face, fed through a tube and got used to blindness, until one day he learned from Dr. Lawrence Altman about the possibility of a full face transplant. After long hours operation, Dallas has an entirely new, almost fully functioning face. He considers himself a real lucky man: “Life after the tragedy exists. My whole life is a miracle."

2. Mitch Hunter

An Indiana soldier sacrificed his face to save the life of a strange woman. In 2001, the car Mitch was in crashed into a power pole, causing it to fall. Mitch saw a high-voltage wire fall on a woman from another car and rushed to help. He saved the woman, but because of contact with the wire, he was shocked for five minutes - as a result, the guy's face simply melted, he also lost his leg and several fingers. For several years he lived in torment, until surgeon Bogdan Pomagach of Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital offered him a face transplant. Dr. Pomagach restored Mitch's nose, eyelids, lips, as well as the muscles and nerves that are responsible for facial expressions with a face transplant. A few years after the operation, Mitch regained the ability to speak, he can now feel the skin on his face, grow hair on it, and move the muscles around his mouth with little effort.

1. Patrick Hardison

Patrick Hardison knew what dangers awaited him when he decided to become a firefighter. What he didn't know was that he would be the face plastic surgery by undergoing the most expensive face transplant in history, costing a million dollars. In 2001, Patrick ran into a burning building - a feat for many, another working day for him. While he was putting out a fire in one of the rooms, the ceiling collapsed on him. Over the course of 14 years, Patrick underwent more than 70 operations to save what little was left of his face, but this did not improve the situation much. Everything changed when he met surgeon Eduardo Rodriguez, who assembled a team of 150 doctors to perform the most extensive face transplant in history on him. Doctors used tissue from the face of the deceased 26-year-old courier to reconstruct Patrick's scalp, ears, ear canals, cheeks, nose and cheekbones. The results of the procedure are amazing: Patrick was able to grow hair on his head for the first time in 14 years, his ears are completely restored, his hearing has improved, and his lips have taken an almost perfect shape. Patrick is optimistic about the future and believes in a successful recovery.

No, it's not easy. And even if a person is an optimist in life, it is not easy. And even if there are understanding, loving, immensely patient people next to him, it is still not easy.

Probably, there is no such force in the world that would lighten the burden of people who are forced to live with ugliness.

The stories of people who have encountered this problem, posted on one of the special forums, do not leave indifferent (I give them in the author's retelling):

“I was married to a woman who was disfigured by a gas explosion all over her face, head, chest and arms. We met when she had already gone through several operations on her face, and the scars were visible, but did not make a terrifying impression.

We began to communicate, she turned out to be strong, interesting person, we were great together, communication became tighter, but she was afraid that I would see her disfigured hands and chest. I cannot express in words how much effort I spent to convince her that appearance does not matter.

She never fully believed me, and together we went through a series of operations on her chest and arms - she had to endure terrible pain and terrible inconvenience, but she did everything to regain at least a reminder of her former appearance.

These people are unhappy, scared and closed in on their problem, communication with them costs incredible mental strength.

“I was born ugly: I have a very asymmetrical face, no left ear, and the skin on the disfigured side is so thin that this defect cannot be corrected with operations.

As a child, I was not bad: my parents placed me in a small closed private school, where children with various problems studied, and there no one mocked or laughed at me, the teachers did not big eyes and the parents of other children did not come up with pitiful questions.

But you can’t study at this school all your life, and I went to Big world. What to say? People think that a freak is inferior.

If they communicate with me, then as with a backward or deaf person. For some reason, it is difficult for people to even pretend that they do not notice anything unusual. We do not ask for something special, on the contrary, we want to be like everyone else.

I had to associate with other disfigured, and we sometimes argued which is better: to live normal for a while and then only get your deformity in some accident, or, like me, to be born deformed and not even know what it is - to live with an ordinary face. It seems to me that I would be glad if I could live at least a little, like all ordinary people.

“I consider my sudden ugliness (the consequences of a car accident) a gift.

How much I saw in life after I became ugly: both shit and human beauty ... I talked with people like me. We all love to talk about what happened to us, we consider ourselves special in some way, and maybe this is our way to live life with significance, realizing our special mission.

Now I help people who find themselves in the same situation as me: I communicate, listen, together we are looking for some kind of psychological training and courses, we study proposals plastic surgeons we support each other. I even had a young man, although I used to be alone. The main thing is to accept everything in your life as a gift. To each his own".

VELVET: Anna Sevyarynets

The whole life of this 28-year-old Australian Dana Vulin turned upside down a few years ago. The girl was very beautiful and often attracted the attention of men. Once, an overly jealous woman almost burned her, mistakenly thinking that Dana was interested in her husband.

As a result of the attack, Dana received third-degree burns on 60% of her body, including her face. It almost killed her, but didn't break her. She came out of this creepy story with a proudly raised head and showed by her example to everyone - you need to fight for life and not give up, no matter what happens.
She underwent many operations and spent two years in a special mask. Today she showed everyone her new face. On one of the broadcasts, she said: "I want everyone to see my scars, because now they are part of me."
The history of its restoration is simply amazing.
She was attacked by a woman who saw her husband just talking to Dana at a New Year's party. This is a photo of Dana before the attack.

The jealous wife began to pursue Dana, she called her several times and said that she would destroy her pretty face.

After some time, being under the influence of drugs, the woman broke into Dana's apartment, doused her with denatured alcohol and set it on fire. Then she ran away, and Dana heard her laugh.

As a result of the horrific attack, Dana received third-degree burns that covered 64% of her body, including her face.

The girl admits that before this incident she was very proud of her appearance.

After the operation, the doctors gave her a special mask, which she had to wear for 30 long months. According to her, this mask gave the feeling that she was nobody and nothing, because her face was completely invisible.

In the same mask, she was present at the trial, giving evidence. The attacker was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

But the difficulties did not end there. While recovering from this horrific attack, Dana faced yet another test. During the examination, the doctors told her that she had cervical cancer. She was shocked, but she wasn't going to give up. She had to undergo surgery to remove cancer cells and long-term rehabilitation.

The mask always gave her a sense of facelessness.

In the end, after daily work on herself and on the restoration of her body, Dana agreed to come to one of the television programs to remove the mask and tell her story. She said: “It would probably be easier to die than to go through all this, but I never took the easy way ... And if you ask me today how I feel about my body, I will answer that I am damn proud of myself!”

Knowing that her story can inspire the struggle of other people caught in difficult situation, Dana came to the show and took off her mask in front of the audience.

Everyone was surprised to see her new face. Despite the scars, she almost regained her former beauty.

Dana asked everyone to see what was hidden behind this new face - incredible fortitude, self-confidence, self-respect, courage and determination.

Dana says: "I strong personality, and the story of the burn showed me that I will remain so. I will always be a confident woman."

Dana's example once again reminds us that the body is primarily important strong spirit and a strong personality, ready to deal with difficulties.
Here are some more of her fresh photos. Today Dana says: “Every day I worked diligently on myself and now the results are really visible. I am recovering slowly, but little by little I am becoming like the old Dana.
A truly inspiring story of an incredibly strong woman!

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