Sterilization of dogs: the pros and cons, advice from a veterinarian. Castration of dogs: types, pros and cons, postoperative care, dog behavior after surgery

Having ventured even into such an easy procedure as castration of dogs, the advantages and disadvantages must be taken into account comprehensively, and not only from the position “I am so comfortable, and therefore it will be so.” Is a dog happy that has the ability to mate, but often gets a "hat" from his owner for tags in the apartment? Will the behavior of the pet change after his castration, or will he, as before, run away, rush at dogs and passers-by? How do you decide if your pet needs to be neutered?

Description of castration and psychological aspects

First of all, we should talk about the psychological aspects, because they are the ones that worry most of the owners much more than the risks associated directly with the operation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of castration of males, if you look at the peace of mind of a pet? Is the male tormented by discovering the “precious loss”?

Now a lot of people are saying:“All dogs that will not be used for planned breeding must be castrated. Dissatisfaction tortures the dog, and this is cruel. The main advantage of male castration is that dogs have every chance to enjoy life without exhausting themselves with the daily zeal to mate a bitch. Perhaps such an assessment of the issue came to us from the feline world, or more precisely, cats. Being loners, almost all cats only “think” how to fertilize more females. Because of this, keeping an uncastrated cat in the living room, which does not have the ability to mate often, is really a mockery.

Is it correct to evaluate the arguments for and against the castration of males, from this point of view? Naturally, no. Dogs are pack animals. In each collective, any individual performs its own function, and reproduction is the privilege of units. Only the most agile, intelligent and fearless individuals mate, other males are intercessors, guards, hunters, but not producers. That is, physically and psychologically, each male is ready for life without mating, the lack of partners does not affect his condition in any way. The conclusion of zoopsychologists: partial castration of males - yes, and there is no universal castration of all "just like that, let it be just in case."

What does "partial" mean? It's about the males. who can not cope with the influx of hormones. The highest level of sex hormones can be the result of a disease or an innate feature of the body, the result is the same - as soon as you do not raise a pet, he will still “break the tower” just from the aroma of a female in heat.

In such a situation, the behavior of the dog after castration will gradually smooth out. The desire to run away, fight with males, mark houses, make cages, etc. will decrease. The situation is gradually improving, including when it comes to mature males that have been mated more than once. However, if the dog is has a cocky character, marks at home, runs off in search of adventure because of obvious bad manners, then the castration of the dog will have practically no consequences (of course, not counting the loss of fertility). In this case, training is needed, not hormone control!

What is sterilization and castration?

Most people who are ignorant of these matters believe that castration is used only for males, and sterilization is a female procedure. But, this is absolutely not the case.

During sterilization, females tie the fallopian tubes, and males - the seminal ducts. In medicine, the operation is called a vasectomy. In this case, all the genital organs are saved in the animal, they still continue their own activity in the production of hormones. Pupils retain sexual desire, so that they can mate, but they will never have offspring.

Castration is the most radical operation, during which the reproductive organs are cut out of the quadruped. Females have their ovaries and uterus removed, or just the ovaries. Males cut off both testicles.

It turns out that in the first variant a violation of sexual functions occurs, and in the second - their complete deprivation.

Why castrate a dog?

If you look at the pupils female, everything is clear here. The dog will not lure packs of excited males, will not indulge in "breaking bad", being in danger.

There will be no estrus, and therefore, uncontrolled conception and unwanted offspring will not happen. The owner will not need to get rid of or adopt puppies (and not always by reasonable methods). True, there is a great possibility that a mestizo puppy from good hands will end up on the street, turning into one of the homeless dogs.

Regarding males, for them the highest level of hormones in the absence of mating becomes the root cause of hostile behavior. They mark the whole area, including household items, and also cause inconvenience by jumping on people, including children.

They become uncontrollable during walks, attack other males and enthusiastically, even fanatically, pursue females in heat, practically spend the night under their doors. And if the females, sooner or later, estrus stops, then in males this state lasts throughout each year.

In addition to these reasons, there is a need for castration for medical reasons. A prerequisite may be an inflammatory process that originates in the genitals (as a rule, testicles suffer in dogs) or the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Castration of dogs: pros and cons

Among the advantages of castration of males, the following can be noted:

Naturally, castration is unable to fully influence the character of the pet, but only partly corrects it. For more obvious changes, training, sufficient physical training and exercise are necessary. There are also such cases when the dog becomes balanced only with age.

There is a myth that castration lowers the protective properties of dogs, but in fact there is no connection. If the dog was a good guard, then after the procedure he will remain so.

As with every surgical intervention, castration has possible side effects and complications. Among the main drawbacks of castration of dogs, damage to the hormonal balance should be noted, which cannot but affect the well-being of the animal.

The procedure may be a prerequisite for the following states:

Owners of a four-legged creature should also be aware that pets tolerate anesthesia worse than people. Veterinarians regard its threat as higher than from surgery. In this case, everything depends on the correct calculation of the dose. With a small dose, the dog may wake up before the operation is completed. At an excess dose, there is the highest risk of cardiac arrest.

Now a number of veterinarians speaks out against castration, because it can still negatively affect the well-being of the dog.

How does castration take place?

General anesthesia is used for castration. Preliminary activities include the following:

  • Placing the dog on a sterile surface;
  • Entering anesthesia;
  • Elimination of wool from the place where the operation will be performed;
  • Disinfection of the incision area.

In dogs, the veterinarian makes incisions in the scrotum, after which the spermatic cord is pulled and the testicles are removed.

Small sores that have arisen sprinkled with a special powder agent - tricillin, which helps to avoid side effects. The duration of the operation is approximately 5 minutes, after the operation it is not necessary to remove the sutures.

In female animals, the operation is much more complicated, because penetration into the internal cavity of the body is made. The doctor cuts the inguinal region and removes the organs (ovaries alone or together with the uterus). The operation takes approximately 30 minutes. After suturing, bandages are put on the dog, sometimes a special blanket is used so that the animal does not lick or scratch the damaged area.

Best age for castration

Regarding males, there are age limits. They are castrated no earlier than six months, otherwise the dog's growth and physical formation may stall.

Female animals are castrated before the first estrus, this period varies in the range of 6-9 months. If everything is done on time and correctly, then the dog will be protected from the formation of neoplasms in the mammary glands.

dog spaying cost

In each clinic, the price of castration of dogs varies, based, first of all, on the size of the dog and gender. In addition, prices vary in private and municipal veterinary clinics.

Usually, in any case, castration of bitches is more expensive. In the price of the procedure the cost of pharmaceuticals, anesthetics and materials used is also included:

It is possible to call a veterinarian at home, in this case the price of the operation increases by 1 thousand. Castration costs more at night and during the manifestation of concomitant complications.

Postoperative care

While under anesthesia, all vital processes in the animal's body slow down, in addition, heat transfer . Therefore, it is necessary to cover the dog blanket or flannel.

The dog after the procedure, even before he fully wakes up or during the weakness caused by awakening, may urinate more than once. It is recommended to take care of disposable absorbent diapers for transportation and at home in advance. At home, it is allowed to use oilcloths.

Once at home, the animal is placed in a favorable warm place, however, do not put it near the battery, windows and in a draft.

Bye quadruped did not come to his senses, you need to continuously monitor his condition:

  • pulse - it may be weaker, but even;
  • breathing - it must also be even, in the absence of delays;
  • mucous membranes - pallor and cyanosis indicate that not everything is fine with the pupil.

Each owner of a male who is not involved in breeding is faced with the problem of castration. Is it necessary to carry out this operation if the dog is not actively involved in mating? Before making a decision, it is necessary to weigh all the advantages, disadvantages and consequences of this procedure.

The main reason why the owners refuse the procedure is its alleged cruelty and unnaturalness. People are sure that after it the life of a pet cannot be complete - it will not be able to mate and will suffer. Castration is seen as a physical and psychological trauma to the animal.

However, it is important to remember that dogs are pack animals. Reproduction in a pack is not intended for everyone, but only for the strongest and most developed males. Scientists-zoopsychologists assure that the selective conduct of this operation does not pose a threat to the psyche and physical health of the dog. The absence of mating will not affect his condition.

Important: castration has no effect on the dog, except for a decrease in sexual activity and related behavioral aspects.

An unneutered male is under stress if his sex drive is not satisfied. The dog may develop prostatitis or diseases of the external genitalia. But the satisfaction of the sexual instinct can be dangerous. Due to mating with homeless bitches, venereal sarcoma occurs.

  • is permanently in an excited state;
  • constantly marks the territory (typical for dogs of small decorative and hunting breeds);
  • runs away from home
  • makes gardens;
  • aggressive towards other males or your family members (children).

In this case, after the operation, the character and behavior of the dog improve, become calmer. However, if aggressive behavior is not associated with high hormonal levels, but with ordinary bad manners, castration will not help.

Castration is recommended for males with elevated levels of sex hormones.

Males are also castrated for medical reasons.- with injuries or neoplasms of the genital organs (testes, scrotum).

What is the best age to castrate a dog?

The most suitable moment is at the beginning of puberty. At this time, the body has already formed, but the sexual desire has not yet taken over. The dog does not leave marks yet, and it is better to have the operation before he develops this habit. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get rid of it later.

But castration of an adult is a normal procedure. Sometimes owners deliberately delay the operation, expecting that the dog's behavior will change after puberty is over.

Important: Most veterinarians say that the main condition is well-being, and not the age of the dog. It is safer to castrate a healthy older dog than a young and sick one. However, remember that an older animal has already undergone age-related changes, and a doctor's consultation is necessary.

It is much more dangerous to castrate an animal at a too young age. Early castration has advantages - the body recovers faster, the puppy does not remember stress for as long as an adult. However, there are more risks:

  • it is more difficult to correctly calculate anesthesia;
  • subsequently, defects in the reproductive system and the development of urolithiasis are possible;
  • The reactions of a growing and changing organism are unpredictable.

Castration of dogs varies by breed.

The time of the operation depends on the breed:

  • small breeds - 7 months;
  • giant - from a year to a year and a half.

The benefits of the manipulation are more even behavioral responses.

Castrated males:

  • get sick less;
  • do not make cages and do not mark everything around;
  • less likely to run away, get hit by cars;
  • rarely come into fights with other males.

In addition to its positive effect on restless behavior, castration is an excellent preventive measure against a number of diseases that arise due to high hormonal levels:

  • cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • prostatitis;
  • violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • less risk of diabetes.

Castration of dogs carries a wide range of positive aspects.

If the procedure is indicated due to diseases of the genital organs (scrotum, seminiferous tubules), then this will help the dog recover.

Important: indications for the operation do not depend on the breed, it is necessary to be guided by the individual behavior of the dog.

After the operation, the risk of certain diseases increases.- osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and hemangiosarcoma (heart disease), hypothyroidism (dysfunction of the thyroid gland). According to studies, the risk of prostate cancer is also increased by four times and that of urinary tract cancer by two times.

Important: many of the "cons" of castration are fictional. For example, it is claimed that a neutered dog has reduced working qualities. This is not the case, as evidenced by the example of castrated draft huskies in the North, which are active and the same size as the leaders of the pack.

Another "minus" that some owners talk about is a change in the nature of the pet. Neutered males are said to become passive, sleepy, move little and become depressed. In reality, the nature of the animal remains the same, only aggression and the desire to mate go away.

Most of the disadvantages of dog castration are invented by the owners.

Operation cost

The price of the operation depends on several factors:

  • location (client's home or hospital);
  • dog size;
  • additional care in the pre- and post-operative periods.

In the capital, the cost of castration is from three to eight thousand rubles. In other cities - from one and a half thousand.

Important: maintenance of cryptorchid males (with one testicle not descended into the scrotum) is more expensive, because both the testes and the testicles themselves are removed.

Preparing for castration

First of all, you need to take care of vaccination. The dog must be vaccinated at least one month before the operation, and preferably earlier.

Before a dog is castrated, it must be vaccinated and dewormed.

Important: do not trust a veterinarian who only examines the animal. A thorough examination is required - general and biochemical blood and urine tests, a heart check.

Sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics to the patient for SCHSD, Mexidol 48 hours before the procedure. For 3 days, the dog is given light food so that there are no problems with defecation.

Immediately before the operation, the dog is limited:

  • in food - for 10 hours;
  • in drinking - for 6 hours.

Before castration, the dog is limited in drinking and eating.

You need to take with you:

  • disposable diapers;
  • napkins;
  • blanket;
  • stretcher if the dog is large.

And remember that in the postoperative period, the puppy will need peace and attention.

Possible complications after opration

Geriatric cognitive disorders may occur. The dog will no longer navigate the house or open space, her sleep will be disturbed, she will lose the acquired skills.

Negative consequences may occur if the procedure is carried out too early, at the age of 3 months. Such a puppy may grow up to be less robust and larger than his littermates (however, this does not always happen). If the manipulation was carried out on time, before the onset of puberty, then this does not affect the physical parameters of the male.

Care after castration - the first hours

After anesthesia is administered, the skin is incised and the testicles are removed. Stitches are placed on the wound, which are removed a week or one and a half after the operation.

After castration, the dog needs rest, so do not water or feed until the effect of anesthesia wears off.

On the way home, cover the dog with a blanket, spread a diaper or oilcloth in case of arbitrary urination. At home, put it in a prepared place, monitor the state of the pulse, temperature and mucosa. While the animal is sleeping, turn it over every half hour to the other side. Do not feed or drink until the anesthesia wears off completely.

Care after castration - next steps

During the recovery period, follow the instructions of the doctor, give the pet the drugs prescribed by the veterinarian, check the bandage so that it is not too tight, and change it in time. Treat the seams with an antiseptic. Within a few days, swelling of the genital organs is possible. If there is discharge, bleeding or nausea, contact your veterinarian immediately.

After castration, it is necessary to monitor the dog's diet, you can not overfeed.

Pay attention to your pet's diet. Under no circumstances should you overfeed. Due to the decrease in the hormonal background, the male is less worried about the females in heat, he moves less in search of an object for mating and consumes less energy.

Important: If a dog has a phlegmatic character by nature, then after manipulation it may give the impression of being passive, inactive. It is necessary to spend more time with her, stimulate her to action, try to interest her in new games.

When making a choice - to castrate a dog or not - it is necessary first of all to take into account the individual characteristics of the dog (health, age, behavior, and so on). This operation is not indicated in all cases, and before it is carried out, consultations with a veterinarian and a cynologist are required.

Conducting surgery, which involves the removal of reproductive function in dogs, is called castration. This type of operation is recommended to prevent the occurrence of unwanted matings and to significantly improve the working properties of adult dogs. Castration of dogs is a rather serious operation, the consequences of which can have a number of side effects. Before making a decision in favor of castration, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of the operation.

Indications for carrying out

The operation is not performed on all animals without exception. It depends on the physical form, the level of hormonal substances in the body and the breed of the dog. It is advisable to make a decision in favor of surgical intervention together with a qualified veterinarian who will help to avoid complications associated with the individual characteristics of the animal.

The main indications for castration in dogs of both sexes:

  1. Improving the quality of the working plan in dogs - used for protection of the territory or as a mount, the dog, as well as the guide dog, are castrated, allowing you to eliminate sexual desire and better focus on work.
  2. Uncontrolled reproduction - when keeping a female, there is a high probability of uncontrolled conception and bringing a large number of puppies. Removing reproductive function will avoid unwanted offspring.
  3. Complications in the health of the animal - the removal of the gonads in dogs require such anomalies as cryptorchidism, as well as ailments (malignant neoplasms on the testicles and ovaries, cysts and prostatitis).
  4. Elimination of behavioral problems - castration of a male is carried out with unreasonable ejaculations and unmotivated aggression. In most cases, a violation in the behavior of dogs is observed with an excess of male sex hormones. After the castration, the dog becomes more obedient, aggression disappears, and the need to establish the leadership qualities of the leader disappears as unnecessary.


The solution to the issue of reproduction of dogs can be solved with the help of castration or sterilization. The basis of both surgical interventions is to stop the reproductive functions of dogs. Both procedures involve the complete cessation of the function of procreation. But they are fundamentally different, since castration involves the removal of testicles in males and ovaries in females (sometimes a hysterectomy is performed). Sterilization involves ligation of the spermatic cord or fallopian tubes. After sterilization, the dog has the opportunity to mate and all sexual instincts are preserved, but there will be no offspring.

As with any type of surgical intervention, the operation of castration of dogs has a number of contraindications. Only after carrying out diagnostic measures, the veterinarian can make a final decision.

Castration is prohibited for animals with a history of pathology of the cardiovascular system and renal structures. In addition, early intervention in puppies under 6 months of age can cause serious health complications. The same applies to dogs of mature age - after 6 years. Castration is not recommended for:

  • loss of appetite;
  • severe exhaustion of the body;
  • within 30 days after routine vaccination;
  • noticeable deterioration in the condition of the coat.

Arguments for and against castration

Conducting castration in females and males makes it possible to make animals more obedient for keeping in an apartment or private house. Do not forget that the operation to remove the reproductive function can lead to complications and the development of pathologies in the body of the animal. Before making a final decision in favor of castration, it is important to think carefully, having studied the complications of the operation. The risk for dogs during the operation can be assessed by a veterinarian in a veterinary clinic after a complete diagnosis of the dog's body.

Most owners, especially large dogs, begin to seriously approach the issue of castration of a pet only after the animal becomes sexually mature. This period is marked by the beginning of the process, during which the male begins to diligently mark his territorial boundaries, showing interest in the opposite sex. Females, in turn, in search of a male, can dig and run away from home, and on walks they break off the leash.

This is due to a sharp increase in the concentration of specific sex hormones in the body of females and males. As a result of the physiological process, dogs become less controllable, unreasonable bursts of aggression may appear.

Note! If the aggressiveness and disobedience of a pet are associated with a violation in training and a lack of proper behavior, then castration will not allow you to get rid of such problems associated with hormonal changes.

Qualified veterinarians agree that it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention selectively, based on the individual characteristics of a single specimen.

Advantages of castration:

  • loss of ability to reproduce offspring, avoidance of unplanned pregnancies in bitches;
  • complaisant and balanced disposition of the animal after the operation;
  • increasing the life span of a pet;
  • reducing the risk of developing prostate adenoma;
  • reduction of possible malignant tumors in the reproductive system;
  • the animal is less likely to develop diabetes.

Cons of the operation:

  • castration affects hormonal changes;
  • increased risk of developing pathologies in the thyroid gland;
  • cancerous neoplasms in bone structures;
  • tumors of the circulatory system;
  • disorders of the urinary system (urinary incontinence);
  • disorientation and sleep disturbance (in adult males);
  • obesity - a sharp increase in appetite and, as a result, disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Age for castration

The most optimal age, according to veterinarians and professional breeders, is the period immediately after the onset of puberty. Timing will vary depending on the individual breed. So, in puppies of small breeds and dwarf breeds, puberty occurs in the period from 4.5 to 7 months, in large breeds a little later - 7.5 - 10 months. To more accurately determine the onset of puberty, it is recommended to undergo an examination in a veterinary clinic.

It is worth remembering that earlier complete disposal of the reproductive organs in dogs can lead to the development of pathological conditions in the urinary system and cause deviations in the overall development of the skeleton, muscles and intelligence of the dog.

Conducting surgery at a later date may not bring the desired result and sexual desire, as well as the corresponding behavior, may remain unchanged.

Preoperative period

There are a number of recommendations that allow you to properly prepare the animal for the upcoming operation. First of all, the dog must be physiologically healthy, defecate regularly, have a good appetite. Doubting the health of your pet, it is advisable to first undergo an examination by a veterinarian. Additional blood tests, urine tests, and an electrocardiogram may be ordered.

An important role in the proper preparation for surgery is played by deworming. Veterinarians advise treating your pet for helminthic infestations every 3 months. If deworming was not carried out in a timely manner, it is important to give anthelmintic drugs 10 days before the planned operation.

The mandatory list of requirements for proper preparation for deworming includes routine vaccination. You need to vaccinate your pets against various infectious diseases regularly. From the last vaccination before castration, at least 4 weeks must pass.

Note! It happens that the owners are categorically against vaccinating their pets. In this case, before castration, veterinarians recommend introducing a special serum that allows you to protect the dog in the postoperative period for 2 weeks from possible infection.

Fasting for 12 hours is a necessary measure, the observance of which will allow you to avoid complications during the operation to remove the reproductive organs and exit from anesthesia. A starvation diet will not harm the body, since dogs are predators and fasting for 3-4 days is not dangerous for the animal.

Ways to castrate dogs

Modern veterinary medicine has several methods of castration used to deprive dogs of reproductive functions. There is a surgical method, a scrotomy, a chemical method and a vasectomy.

Surgical castration of males and females is a simple and reliable technique. Neutered dogs live much longer than their counterparts, do not experience unnecessary stress. The stages of surgical castration include:

  • introduction of an animal into a state of deep anesthesia;
  • fixation in the dorsal position;
  • extension of the thoracic limbs to the cranial side;
  • stretching of the pelvic limbs;
  • treatment of the surgical field with the use of special antiseptic solutions.

Operation technique:

  1. Open method of surgical intervention - includes capturing the walls of the scrotum above the testis, dissecting the skin along the middle suture, opening the dense vaginal membrane and removing the testis by pressing on the sac. The mesentery of the testis is divided, and the vessels and the vas deferens are tied with a ligature.
  2. Closed method - includes dissection of the skin in the scrotum, removal of the entire vaginal sac through an incision and opening access to the spermatic cords. The section of the vas deferens is ligated, a special clamp is applied and the testes are removed one by one.

For medical reasons, a scrotomy may be performed, which includes the removal of the scrotal sac. In most cases, scrotomy is performed on older males, as the scrotum sags and swells after surgery, which increases the risk of injury. In addition, the removal of the scrotum is carried out in conjunction with a general castration for testicular neoplasia and dermatitis.

Chemical castration is a fairly new method and involves the temporary cessation of sexual desire in dogs. The most relevant is the implementation of this method in elderly, sick or severely weakened animals to improve watchdog and service qualities.

The manipulation consists in the introduction of a special non-steroidal contraceptive, which begins to act after 1.5 - 2 months, and the result lasts for more than six months.

It is worth noting that there is a high risk of developing allergic-type reactions in the connective tissue area, as well as swelling at the injection site. Also, there is an opinion that chemical castration of dogs disrupts the activity of the body, bringing irreparable harm to it.

Vasectomy - ligation of the spermatic cord in a male. At the same time, the hormonal background remains the same, but there is no possibility of having offspring. It is preferable to use this technique if it is not possible to remove the testicles surgically. After a vasectomy, the pet continues to experience sexual desire, but cannot find a surge, which negatively affects the dog's body - there is a risk of developing pathological conditions in the genital and urinary tract, as well as malignant tumors of the testes.

Castration of a male cryptorchid

Cryptorchidism is a pathology that includes the non-descent of one or two testes at once into the scrotum. Sex glands linger in the inguinal canal of the abdominal wall.

The technique for castrating a male cryptorchid is somewhat different from a conventional surgical operation to remove the reproductive function in dogs. So, an undescended testicle can be localized in any part up from the scrotum. Conducting competent palpation by a veterinarian will accurately determine the location of the testes.

To detect and further remove the testes during castration of cryptorchid, the method of laparotomy along the midline in the area of ​​the penis is widely used. As a rule, the testes are localized in the middle section, and after their discovery, the vas deferens and testicular vessels are tied up. When the testicles are located under the skin in the area of ​​the inguinal ring, a conventional incision is made in front of the scrotum, the testicles are removed from the wound with pressure. Special ligatures and clamps are applied, then the glands are removed.


Castration can be carried out at home with a call to the veterinarian, and in a veterinary clinic. The main condition for the normal operation is a qualified doctor. It is not worth risking the health of your pet by turning to unprofessional doctors or trying to castrate the animal yourself.

Conducting castration of dogs at home is quite possible, especially if there are indications for this. But still, doctors strongly recommend castration in a veterinary clinic. This is due to the fact that veterinary clinics have specialized equipment necessary to minimize the risks and negative consequences for the animal's body in the event of dangerous, critical situations. The castration of dogs lasts an average of 20 to 45 minutes for males and 50-120 minutes for females.

Postoperative period

After the operation, it is important to be attentive to the health of the pet, although caring for the dog is not difficult. After a complete exit from the state of anesthesia and the doctor's conviction that the state of the pet's body is normal, the dog is given to the owner. Dogs and bitches may experience involuntary urination, but after 3-5 days this problem resolves itself. In order for the pet not to lick and bite through the seams on the body, they put on a special collar around the neck.

A few hours after recovery from anesthesia, the dog can be offered a small amount of water and food. If the animal refuses food for 1-2 days, do not panic - this is a variant of the norm.

Castration in the vast majority of cases does not entail the development of complications. After surgery in males, the scrotal area may swell, the wound surface may become infected, abscesses may appear, or the sutures may diverge. If the edema does not go away for several days, and a purulent exudate with blood impurities appears from the wound, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

A loving owner is always concerned about the welfare of the pet. And when it comes to surgery, there is no limit to excitement! Endless "what if?" interfere with thinking soberly, and can push to the wrong decision. Let's figure out what castration of dogs is, how this procedure goes, what methods of castration exist and what to consider, giving preference to one method or another.

The most important thing to remember is that castration is not an abdominal operation, comparable in complexity to the removal of a mole or the correction of an ingrown nail. For an experienced veterinarian - an ordinary procedure, worked out to jewelry accuracy. Even the castration of a dog suffering from severe chronic ailments leads to complications in extremely rare cases. But!

Like any surgery, castration comes with some risks. For example, if the suture is processed incorrectly, manipulation with non-sterile instruments, etc., infection, suppuration of the incision, edema, and other complications may develop. Therefore, the castration of a dog, despite the banality and simplicity of this procedure, can only be entrusted to an experienced veterinarian! The simpler the manipulation, the higher the risk of negligence. A competent and responsible veterinarian will not be too lazy to tell you how the castration of dogs takes place, comprehensively examines the patient, talks about preparation for the procedure and postoperative care. Run away from a doctor who answers all questions: “Don’t worry, it’s a matter of five minutes, we’ll talk longer!”.

The choice of technique for the operation of castration of a male dog is the prerogative of the veterinarian. Of course, the owner has the last word. But the fact is that the doctor prefers the method with which he is well acquainted. Those. in the case when the opinions of the owner and the doctor do not coincide, you should not insist on your own: either agree with a professional, or let another doctor carry out the castration of the dog, for which the method you have chosen is not something exceptional from practice.

Traditional approach

The generally accepted method of castration is the removal of the testicles. A male, if he has not been untied, completely loses interest in girls, is not able to mate and bear offspring. There is nothing complicated about how dogs are castrated: a small incision between the penis and the scrotum (or in the scrotum), the testicles are brought out, cut off, and sutured. The procedure lasts approximately 15 minutes plus the time for premedication, anesthesia and postoperative treatment (total about 40 minutes). In some cases, removal or suturing of the scrotum is required, especially if it is an adult very large male. When castrating small dogs, the scrotum is left, and sometimes not even sutures are applied.

Anesthesia, as a rule, is general, but not as deep as when spaying bitches. If there are contraindications to anesthesia, the dog is very old, etc., deep sedation is possible in combination with local anesthesia. In some clinics, castration of dogs takes place under the so-called. "mask" anesthesia, which significantly reduces anesthetic risks. If possible, it is advisable to repay the dog's stay in the hospital until the complete recovery from anesthesia (if immediately after the procedure the dog reacts to the owner, i.e. the anesthesia was shallow, this is not necessary).

If the owner believes that without Faberge his boy is not a boy at all, the testicles are replaced with helium prostheses. By touch and by sight - one to one, but it will not be possible to deceive the exhibition expert, they, for their practice, forgive me, "groped". And it's not worth trying.

Temporary solution

Some owners, for various reasons, rejecting the surgical method, prefer chemical castration of dogs. The procedure is simple: the dog is given several injections or a capsule is injected under the skin, which gradually releases into the blood a drug that controls the production of sex hormones. The advantages are obvious: no anesthesia, no incisions, no preparation for surgery and no recovery period, the cost of manipulation is significantly lower. In addition, if you stop the injections and wait a certain period, the male can again be used for breeding.

Read also: Castration of dogs: at what age and how to prepare

Partial Solution

Not wanting to deprive their pets of the “joys of life”, some owners ask for a vasectomy for the male: there will be no puppies, but they can have fun with the girls as much as they like. For the owner, the difference between a vasectomy and how a male is castrated is insignificant: the same anesthesia, incision, suture, treatment, recovery period, etc. But if during castration the testicles are removed, during vasectomy the spermatic cords are dissected or tied up - spermatozoa cannot enter the seminal fluid, the male becomes sterile. Sexual attraction, desire and the ability to mate are preserved. Those. it is impossible to solve any behavioral problems with this method.

Despite the simplicity of such an operation as castration of dogs, the age and condition of the pet must be taken into account. In addition, it is important to properly prepare the dog for the procedure and for the introduction into narcotic sleep - this will avoid many complications. Of course, the last word belongs to the veterinarian, and we will give only general recommendations.

Let's start with the question that almost all owners ask themselves: "At what age does the castration of dogs take place with the least likelihood of undesirable consequences?". Most doctors are inclined to believe that the main thing is the condition of the pet, and not how old he is. It is safer to castrate an elderly and healthy dog ​​than a young but suffering one, for example.

If we talk about completely healthy dogs, then the castration of an adult male is a normal phenomenon. Most often, the owners delay the decision, expecting that by the age of three years the behavior problems will disappear by themselves (grow up and go crazy). Sometimes this happens, especially if the upbringing of a pet has been given due attention.

The most suitable period for castration is considered the moment of the onset of puberty. At this age, the pet's body is already fully formed, but the problems associated with libido have not yet begun. Some habits, such as marking corners, may persist after castration, so it is best to prevent them altogether. Castration of dogs at what age will be timely depends on many factors. For example, from the breed: at 7 months in the case of small dogs and in a year and a half in the case of giant breeds. However, the age of onset of puberty is individual: in order to "seize the moment", you need to monitor changes in your pet's behavior.

Late castration of dogs - age 7 years and older - is less preferred, because. even if the pet is absolutely healthy, age-related changes have already affected his body: the heart is weaker, the vessels are worn out, the suture heals longer, etc. Often the recovery period is delayed up to two weeks. However, a lot depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the proper preparation of the pet, so you should not refuse castration just because of “Oh, we are already 9 years old ...”.

Early castration is the riskiest choice. On the one hand, the growing body will quickly recover, the wound will heal in a matter of days, it is easier to distract the puppy - less stress. But for a three-month-old baby, it is difficult to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug (sometimes babies simply do not wake up after anesthesia). In addition, castration of a male dog under the age of 5 months can cause abnormal development of the reproductive system - a rare but not exceptional phenomenon. And this is also the period of changing teeth, the first vaccinations, changing children's fur to an adult fur coat, etc. - there is no point in taking risks, it is better to wait for the onset of puberty.

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