Calling spirits in the house. Summon good spirits day and night

If you want to hold a séance and evoke the spirit of a dead person, then you first need to think carefully about why you need it. Do not disturb the souls of the dead over trifles. If you want to get answers to your questions or clarify any situation, then you can resort to the help of the other world.

Before proceeding with the ritual of summoning the spirit, you should follow several important rules for communicating with spirits and prepare for a seance.

  1. It is recommended to conduct a seance between 12:00 and 4:00 at night. At this time, the greatest activity of the souls of the dead can be traced.
  2. Natural wax candles should be used in the ritual, there should be no electric light.
  3. Write down in advance on paper all the questions that you want to ask the spirit, formulate them in such a way that they can be answered either “yes” or “no”.
  4. Open vents or windows, close doors.
  5. Remove all jewelry and metal objects from yourself.
  6. Whatever happens, calmly and respectfully address the spirit.
  7. How to summon a spirit at home

    In order to call the spirit of the deceased, you will need an old thick book, large scissors and a red woolen thread (you can take a ribbon). Two people should participate in this spiritualistic session.

    Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings of the scissors stick out. Tie the book in the middle with thread to attach the scissors to the book.

    After that, one person takes the little finger of the hand for one ring of scissors, the other for the second ring. The book should be hanging.

    From this moment, you can begin to call on the spirit of a deceased person. Start calling him by his name, call him, ask for help. If you feel a little cold, it means the spirit has come. To be completely sure of this, ask him: “Are you here?”, And if the book swings, then this is the answer yes.

    Ask questions to the spirit and watch closely to see if the book is rocking. If yes, then the answer is yes, if the book is not moving, the answer is no.

    Don't forget to thank the summoned spirit for the information provided. After the ritual, be sure to fumigate the room with incense and take a shower. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Practicing magicians often turn to otherworldly forces for help. For a novice sorcerer, the rite may turn out to be unsafe: not all inhabitants of the subtle worlds are favorable to people, in addition, they can get angry for vain anxiety.

It is for this reason that you should be clear about who you intend to call. To begin with, it is better to get acquainted with harmless spirits. Some of them are so peaceful and responsive that they willingly fulfill requests.

Communication with entities

One of the basic rules for communicating with otherworldly entities is that you should not be afraid of them. Spirits differ from people only in that they do not have a material shell, but they are endowed with other possibilities, sometimes inaccessible to a person.

There is also a lot in common: spirits can empathize, be capricious, joke. Not surprisingly, they enjoy being treated in a friendly and respectful manner.

How to summon a harmless spirit?

To feel more confident, choose a daytime ritual and invite friends to participate.

You can call on a good spirit in a familiar environment: in the yard or on the street near the house, there is no need to retire to deserted places.

Agree in advance what you intend to ask, hold hands and say three times:

“Spirit, dear, bright, kind, come to us. Become our helper and friend."

Close your eyes and try to imagine who you are calling. If you suddenly feel warm, know that this is his positive response. It is time to tell him about your desires, then thank and say goodbye.

It is possible that you will meet more than once: the spirit can express a desire to come to the rescue, advise, protect. You will have an invisible friend.

Wish Fairy

To summon the wish-granting fairy, two items required:

  • Bell.
  • A paper on which a wish is formulated in detail and unambiguously.

Please note that fairies never miss a chance to play a joke, therefore, think over the text of your desire so that there are no ambiguous interpretations in it.

Use the wording "Let it be" instead of "I want."

For the ritual, it is advisable to choose a place that is not too crowded., so as not to embarrass passers-by, at the same time, privacy is not a prerequisite.

Take the bell in your left hand, in the other hand, hold a piece of paper on which your wish is written. If you are left-handed, swap items.

Ringing a bell, go around three circles from right to left, freeze and say three times while continuing to ring the bell:

“Fairy of desires, I call you, I trust in you. Fulfill my cherished dream ”- tell me what you want. Now sit back, close your eyelids and mentally repeat the same text three more times.

Do not hesitate for a second in your actions and a positive result - this is the key to success. Fairies instantly feel any doubts of the summoner and may, in turn, doubt the sincerity of your intentions.

Now be careful not to miss the signs. Any random and at first glance an inconspicuous event may be the key to the fulfillment of desire.

Who can be called along with a friend?

A wish-fulfilling fairy can also be invited to your home. Wait until the full moon to tap into the energy of the moon. Daytime is preferable for the invocation ritual. because fairies love sunlight.

You should know what fairies do not like: when they are disturbed for nothing to do. Remember that you are dealing with magic, so take the rite seriously.

First, be clear about what you want and why you need it. Secondly, remain calm and friendly when you feel the presence of a fairy. These entities do not harm people under any circumstances.

The worst thing that can happen is that the fairy will not want to communicate. To avoid misunderstandings, prepare properly for the ritual. You will need the following ritual paraphernalia:

  • A piece of paper with a wish on it which must be learned by heart.
  • Three glasses or fine glasses filled with clean water.
  • Three dice Sahara.
  • A little chalk.
  • Clothes with pockets.
  • Small table.

The table can be improvised, for example, a stool covered with a beautiful napkin, it will be placed in the center of a circle drawn in chalk. Keep the note in your left pocket throughout the ritual.

Put the glasses on the table, put sugar in each. Wait for them to completely dissolve enter the circle and say five times:

“I call you, fairy of desires, wake up from sleep, come to me at least for a minute!”

State your wish loudly and clearly., word for word as written on the sheet in your left pocket. At the end of the ceremony, thoroughly wash the floor so that no traces of the circle remain.

Transfer the glasses to the windowsill and leave for a few days until the moisture evaporates.

Want to chat with a vampire?

Daylight hours are safe enough to make contact with the dark forces without risking anything.. For example, summon a vampire. What for? To get answers from him to any questions.

You have to deal not with yourself, but only with his energy, therefore, he is not afraid of daylight, and he will not be able to cause physical harm.

You and your friends should prepare for the visit of an unusual guest:

  • Draw a circle with salt.
  • Lock the doors and curtain the windows.
  • Light two black candles outside the circle.

Enter the center of the circle and say in a whisper:

"Vampire, I call on you.

Come to me, tell me all the secrets.

Come in peace to my house and tell me everything you know."

The presence of a vampire is accompanied by a chill in the literal and figurative sense: a chilling sensation will make itself felt. Some even manage to see a dark energy clot. There is no place for fear in this rite, the vampire does not take seriously those who fear him.

The vampire can be asked any questions, preferably no more than three. At the end of the conversation, say goodbye to the guest, thank him and say:

“Go away from where you came. Leave as if you weren't invited. Leave my house and don't come back."

When the vampire leaves the room collect salt from the floor and sprinkle on the threshold and window sills so that he could not return as an uninvited guest.

Spiritual session at home

A seance is perhaps the most popular and time-tested way to summon spirits. Despite its venerable age, it has not lost its relevance in our days.

As a rule, several participants gather for the session, the time, place and cost of paraphernalia are not of fundamental importance for the summoned spirits, although some of them have individual preferences.

Easy pre-preparation will help to tune the participants in the right way.

Spiritism session represents a safe opportunity to touch the world of magic, sometimes with its help it is possible to discover the talent of clairvoyance.

Communication with the spirit through a saucer scurrying around the witch's board does not require occult experience, even skeptical beginners are pleasantly surprised by the result.

And yet, the greatest effect can be achieved by those who are open to encounters with the new and unknown.

The principle is simple: moving along the board, the saucer marks with a pointer the letters to be folded into words. Answers can contain numbers or consist of one-syllable agreement or denial.

In order for the seance to be successful, follow a few rules:

  1. Summon cute spirits who you trust.
  2. Remember that spirits have personal preferences, for example, not everyone is ready to respond to a call in broad daylight.
  3. In the room chosen for the ritual there should be no outsiders: no pets, no uninvited guests like mice and insects.
  4. There must be no jewelry or metal objects on the fingers and wrists of the participants.
  5. Only one person can conduct a dialogue - a medium the rest will remain silent.
  6. Communication with the other world is interrupted as soon as the medium removes his hands from the saucer.

Be sure that famous people who cause you admiration and respect, as well as loved ones who have gone to another world, will not harm you and will truthfully answer your questions.

All you need is a witch's board and a white saucer with smooth edges. You can buy a witch board in an esoteric shop or make it yourself. The classic version is made of special types of wood with symbols carved on the surface.

However, if cardboard or thick paper serves as a board, and letters, numbers and other necessary elements are drawn in pencil, this will not degrade the quality of the "communication".

The sheet will need to be quite large - at least half a meter in length and width. Draw a circle, on its outer side write out all the letters of the alphabet in random order, on the inner side place the numbers from zero to nine and the words YES and NO.

You will need one more item: white saucer made of porcelain or faience. Make sure the edges are straight that do not prevent slipping. Turn the saucer upside down and draw an arrow on the side.

It will not be superfluous to create an appropriate entourage in the room: bring comfort, light candles and incense sticks, get rid of distracting elements for the duration of the session.

Choose a medium in advance, think through questions, coordinate actions. From the moment the spirit appears, there should be no extraneous conversations.

The medium holds the saucer over the candle with the inner side toward the flame until it becomes warm, then places it in the center of the board and touched with both hands. The rest of the members follow suit.

“Spirit (genitive name), please appear to us!” the medium exclaims three times.

Ask the spirit to appear, not to come. Energetic presence for a spiritualistic dialogue is quite enough, and you don’t need a real ghost in the room.

When in the ensuing silence someone feels that something unusual is beginning, the medium asks the first question: “Spirit (name), are you here?” If the saucer turns with the pointer to the word "yes", you can continue the session. If not, try again or contact another spirit.

At first, the saucer may seem slow or, conversely, too restless. Its activity can be adjusted with your fingertips. In the process, the problem will disappear by itself.

The medium should remember the rules of etiquette: to greet the guest before proceeding to inquiries, make sure that he agrees to provide information, thank you for the visit, say goodbye politely.

Help cards

With the help of a playing deck, you can summon not only an incorporeal spirit, but also a living and healthy person. Who will we call? For example, a guy you like. The purpose of the ritual is to make him want to seek a meeting with you.

Unlike a full-fledged love spell, the action of the rite is short and does not carry side effects.

Cards have a strong energy memory and store information about everyone in whose hands they have been. So that one of the players does not appear in front of you instead of your loved one, use only a new deck.

Shuffle the cards well, charge them with your energy, talk to them, say the guy's name and start laying out in a vertical line.

Don't say another word until the ceremony is complete. Paired suits put aside. Ideally, you should be left with four cards of different suits.

If it does not add up, it is permissible to shuffle the remaining cards one more time, but no more. If this does not help, try again no earlier than in a day - the secondary on the same day in the subtle world will not be counted.

How to summon spirits

Calling the spirit with scissors at home

Calling ritual with a needle

Often lower beings come to the call of novice mediums. They may even impersonate the spirit you want to talk to, but their main goal is to scare you and take away a piece of life energy from you.

Do not try to call the souls of famous people, writers, musicians, poets, especially in the initial stages. Such souls are constantly tormented by the world of the living, therefore, they either do not come to calls to newcomers at all, or they do, but nothing good should be expected from such visits. The easiest way is to call the soul of one of your deceased relatives or acquaintances with whom you had a strong energy connection. Nevertheless, before summoning the spirit of your old acquaintance, try to remember if you offended him with something during your lifetime? The fact is that souls often remember all grievances, and can be very vindictive.

Seances are often held by whole groups of people. Such rituals are especially difficult to conduct due to the fact that they impose certain requirements on all those present, in particular, each of the participants must certainly believe in the success of the ceremony. At the same time, with a competent approach, group spiritualistic sessions can be much more successful than single ones, since each participant receives the energy necessary for the ceremony.
How can you summon spirits alone

Not everyone dares to summon spirits alone. To do this, you need to be very well prepared both mentally and physically.

To call the spirit on your own, you need to follow a number of rules:
the session should be carried out at night, the greatest activity of the souls of the dead falls on the time from 12 o'clock at night to 4 o'clock in the morning;
the ritual should be carried out by the light of candles made of natural wax, there should not be any electric lighting;
all questions that you want to ask the spirit must be written down in advance on a piece of paper, from which they are subsequently read out;
to make it easier for the spirit to enter the room, you can open a window or window;
on your body there should be no jewelry and any other metal objects;
before the session, they fumigate the room with incense, which has excellent properties that repel lower entities;
after the end of the session, you need to thank the spirit and order to leave the room and not return;
to protect yourself, you should not try to call three or more spirits at the same time;
do not drink alcohol before the ritual.

Calling the spirit with scissors at home

Careful preparation for the ritual is the key to its success.

In addition to the already standard ways of conducting a seance, there are other rituals that allow you to establish a connection with the spirit of a deceased person. One of these methods is the rite with scissors. This magical ritual requires the participation of two people. In the ceremony, in addition to scissors, you will also need: a red ribbon and some kind of spiritual book.

Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings are on the outside. After that, the book must be tightly tied with a prepared ribbon. When these preparations are made, grasp the rings of the scissors with your little fingers and call for the desired spirit. As soon as the entity answers your call, you will notice that the book sways a little from side to side. After that, you can safely ask the spirit questions that interest you. If the spirit answers the question positively, the book will noticeably turn to the right, if the answer is negative, to the left.
How to call spirits during the day with a witch board

Self-manufacturing of the board will not affect the quality of the seance in any way.

Several people must participate in this magical rite. Draw an even circle on paper using a compass. On the outside of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet, and on the inside, the numbers from 0 to 9. You can draw a vertical line in the center and write the words “yes” and “no” above and below it.
When the witch circle is ready, you can proceed directly to the rite of summoning the spirit. Although a seance can be held during daylight hours, it is desirable that the room be in twilight, for this you need to hang curtains made of thick fabric on the windows and light several church or other candles made of natural wax.

In addition to drawing paper with letters and numbers, for the ceremony you will also need a new saucer, on the underside of which you will need to draw an arrow with dark paint.
When all preparations are made, all participants should sit side by side, around the sorcery board. After that, the medium takes a saucer in his hands, warms it up a little over the fire of a candle and puts it in the very center of the drawn circle. After that, the words of the call of the spirit are read and its appearance is expected.
Calling ritual with a needle

The needle can be used not only in this ritual. Also, with the help of a needle, the sex of the unborn child is determined.

The ritual of calling spirits with a needle is practically no different from the spiritualistic session described above. To conduct this rite, you must also prepare or buy a witch's board, only instead of a saucer you need to use a pendulum, which will act as a needle.

When the Ouija board is ready, take a needle with a black thread, hold the pendulum in your right hand and say the words of the spirit's call: "Spirit (such and such), come to my call." These words must be repeated three times. After that, wait a while, and try to concentrate on your feelings. As soon as you feel something strange, someone's presence nearby, ask the first question: "Spirit (such and such), are you here?". Usually the spirit, if it comes, answers immediately.

As soon as the spirit comes and speaks about it, you can proceed to pronouncing the questions that interest you. To get an answer, you need to move your hand with a pendulum along the drawn circle and write down the letters on which the needle stops briefly. The first spiritualistic sessions can be difficult, since it is not so easy to get used to the behavior of the needle, however, after some time of practice, you will learn in a split second to notice the response of the spirit that comes at the tip of the needle

Many peoples believed that spirits are able to provide a living person with their patronage and protection, bring good luck, good health, and family well-being to life. Stories about this still excite the hearts and minds of people, therefore the question of how to summon a spirit is still relevant today. In fact, there are a huge number of different rituals, the purpose of which is to call the spirit, and some of these rituals are completely safe and even beginners can use them.

In order to summon spirits, you need to take it very seriously - this is not a game.

Calling a spirit is a difficult task, but almost anyone can handle it, following certain rules. First you need to learn as much as possible about spirits in general. For example, you should not take on the challenge of the soul of a deceased person until you understand that the mood of the spirit can be changeable. In addition, not every entity should be trusted unconditionally, remember that you do not have any power over the spirit, and nothing prevents the evil entity from deceiving you, misleading you for some unknown benefit.

When working with different spirits, you need to remember different features. For example, if you are going to call the soul of your deceased loved one so that he will reveal the future to you, then you may also not wait for the truth. If very serious troubles await you in the future, illness of loved ones or death, then the spirit can simply hide this information from you so that you do not get upset ahead of time.

If you communicate competently with the called entity, do not offend her in any way, then you can count on receiving a wide variety of information, help in difficult life situations, and even protection. There are cases when spirits helped to find the loss.

Every person has ever tried to summon a spirit. This case is more than dangerous, it threatens not only our lives, but also the lives of our loved ones. Spirits are unpredictable. You have to be careful with them. If, nevertheless, the desire to carry out this ritual caught fire, then go ahead.

Ways to summon the spirit:

1. How to call your double.

Method one:

You need to turn your face to the north side, close your eyes and raise both hands up. It is important to pronounce these words: "The dream of Leah Granos." After completing the action, open your eyes. Further, squatting down, say: “My double, show yourself, let me know. Insure, support and help!”. Anything can be the answer - an unexpected gust of strong wind, a rustle, a creak, a squeak - any sound. When the communication is over, you should say: "Granos Lee." You can communicate with a double at any time of the day. It is required to exclude the days, the numbers of which will be 17 and 13.

Method two:

A double can be called not only for communication, but also to help relatives, relatives, if they are in difficult situations. It is necessary to go outside, be sure to stand in the direction where you need to send a double and say: “Nord sen sana. Double, fly (here you need to specify the place). Help (here you need to specify the name and problem). Be a faithful friend and ambassador."

Method three:

We need a drawing paper on which the alphabet will be drawn. Put candles on the sides of the drawing paper, draw an arrow on the saucer. Heat the saucer over the flame, then put it in the center of the drawn circle, put your hands on the saucer and say your name. After, you can feel strange sensations. Other participants, after the work done, can ask any questions, and the saucer will show letters, and words are made from these letters.

2. Calling the Queen of Spades.

Method one:

A sheet (white) is required to be hung on the wall, a square (black) should be located in the middle. The light is turned off and the following words are pronounced: "Queen of Spades, come and fulfill all desires." These words are spoken three times. When the silhouette of the Queen of Spades appears in the square, you should already start making your wish. After making a wish, you should say loudly and clearly: “Queen of Spades, go away!”. If the Lady gets too close, then she can strangle a person.

Method two:

The call is made at night. It is important to tie a black thread on the wrist. Then say the same words 10 times: "Queen of Spades, come." After, when it begins to manifest itself, you need to quickly cut the thread and say these words: “Unclean, get out!”.

Kinds of spirits.

1. Informative (acting).

3. Background.

Safety rules when calling spirits.

1. The spirit must be approached personally. Call him by the name that he had during his lifetime. If it's spells, then no names!

2. The fortuneteller must turn to the guardian angel or God.

3. Ask the spirit for permission to communicate. Address by name, do not rush him, do not specify, do not set your own conditions. Inadvertently, you can get angry.

4. Say special words confirming that the fortuneteller does not have any bad intentions. These words need to be learned from mediums, magicians.

5. You must not forget to install protection. Suddenly the spirit gets angry and you can suffer.

6. Final action. Gratitude for fellowship.

7. Before making contact with spirits, one should cleanse oneself. Do not drink, do not smoke, do not swear for several days before the ritual. Before the ritual, remove all jewelry.

How to call the spirit yourself.

You can call the spirit yourself. To call the spirit all alone, you should perform a ritual without electricity, and use only natural wax candles. Divination should be carried out from 12 at night to 4 in the morning. At this time the spirits are very active. Contacting a spirit all alone is extremely dangerous. All why? But because this lesson requires the support of a professional, a psychic, a magician. It is impossible to contact the world of spirits and magic on your own.

This ritual must be performed by candlelight.

1. You need to take a sheet of paper on which the necessary questions are written.

2. In order for the spirit to enter the room, you need to open the window.

3. All jewelry and objects made of metal must be absent.

4. For the ritual, incense must be present, which repels small, unclean and unnecessary forces.

5. At the end of the session, of course, it is important to thank the spirit for the presence, and say not to come again.

6. Only one spirit should be called, and not many, for this you need to adhere to safety rules.

7. Must be in a sober and normal state.

There are many more ways to call the dead: with scissors and with an ordinary needle, but the most common method is the Ouija board. These methods will help to find out all the questions of interest to a person. It's interesting to know how it is after death. The methods are easy, but not safe. The main thing is not to forget to follow the safety rules. No one knows how the spirits will behave, what they have in mind and what their goal is.

The other world is a topic that has always interested people. Since ancient times, attempts have been made to establish contact with entities in order to obtain the necessary information from them. Calling spirits can occur through various rituals that are easy to master on your own.

Calling spirits - myth or reality

Life after death is of interest to many people, so there are a huge number of versions of what happens after the heart stops. If you ask psychics if spirits can be called, the answer will be positive, but at the same time they argue that this is not entertainment and rituals should be treated responsibly. Spirits play an important role in the beliefs of different peoples. On the network you can find a huge number of messages and even photographs confirming contact with otherworldly entities, but scientists deny the existence of spirits.

Who can be summoned from the spirits?

It is believed that rituals to call the spirit can be mastered by any person if desired. You should start with something simple and only after successful practices get in touch with the souls of dead people. To call the spirit, it is necessary to carry out the ritual, according to all the rules. In most cases, at the initial stages, lower entities get in touch, the purpose of which is deception. When figuring out which spirits can be called day and night, it is worth pointing out that the souls of famous personalities get in touch with difficulty, so it is better to communicate with deceased relatives.

Who can be summoned from good spirits?

The list of entities that can be contacted is extensive. Among the simplest and most accessible "interlocutors" are various fairies, gnomes, mermaids, and so on. The call of a good spirit can occur in order to fulfill one's desire or to receive answers to various questions. You can communicate through rituals with your relatives and the souls of other people, for example, famous personalities.

Who can be summoned from evil spirits?

People who own and are interested in black magic cause dark entities, for example, various demons, dark angels, larvae and many others. The summoning of dangerous spirits occurs for various purposes, for example, they can be tied to a person so that they spoil his life, ask for additional magical power, and they are often used in dark rituals to induce evil eye and damage.

How to summon a spirit?

There are many rituals, but all of them are united by a set of rules. If you are interested in how to call different spirits, we recommend that you consider the following features:

  1. Start the ritual after sunset, but the best time is from 12 to 4 am.
  2. You can conduct seances alone or in company, the main thing is that all participants believe in magic.
  3. You can not turn on the electricity, so it is best to use the light of candles, which must be made of wax.
  4. It is recommended that you write down all questions in advance so that they are clear and do not have any ambiguous meaning.
  5. To make it easier for the spirit to enter the house, open a window or window.
  6. When invoking the spirit, take off your jewelry and especially the Christian cross.
  7. To scare away the lower entities, it is recommended to fumigate the room with incense before the session.

How to call the spirit on the Ouija board?

The most popular ritual involves the use, but not everyone can find it, so you can do it yourself. The people who call the spirits claim that with the help of spiritualistic sessions they were able to get in touch with various inhabitants of the other world. To create an improvised board, take a saucer and whatman paper, on which draw a circle and its diameter should be 2-3 times larger than the dish. On the outside of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet in any order and the numbers from 0 to 9. Write the words "Goodbye" and "No" on the bottom, and "Hello" and "Yes" on the top.

There are a number of rules on how to summon a spirit using a spirit board:

  1. In the dark, light candles and sit in front of the blackboard. If several people participate in the ritual, then everyone should sit in a circle. You can put the made board on the floor to make it comfortable, but it must be even.
  2. Heat the saucer over the flame of the candle and place it in the center of the drawn circle. It is important to first make a mark on it by putting a line anywhere.
  3. The call of spirits should begin with the fact that all participants in the ritual should touch the saucer with the fingertips of both hands. After that, start summoning the spirit. The movement of the saucer will indicate that he has come.
  4. Be sure to say hello to the invisible interlocutor, and he must do it in response by moving the saucer to the correct word. Only then can you start asking your questions. The saucer will begin to move, pointing to the letters that will form the answers to the questions. At the end of the ritual, say goodbye to the spirit.

How to call the spirit on the cards?

One of the easiest ways to summon spirits involves the use of normal cards, but they should not have been previously used for the game. Calling spirits at home is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Sit in a dark room and light a candle nearby. Draw a circle around for protection.
  2. Shuffle the cards, thinking of the spirit you want to connect with. First ask if he wants to talk, and take out one card and determine the answer by the color of its suit: red - yes, and black - no.
  3. Continuing the call of the spirits, lay out a few cards face down in front of you and start asking questions. After each petition, turn over the card and determine the answer by suit: hearts - yes, spades - no, diamonds - perhaps, clubs - I don’t know.

How to summon a spirit with a mirror?

The presented rite can be used to communicate with the spirit of a deceased relative, but it can be adapted to other entities if desired. Describing how to call the spirit, we will offer a ritual for which prepare a coin, a large mirror into which the deceased previously looked, a sharp needle and a wax candle.

  1. While alone, prick your finger to draw blood, and write all the letters of the alphabet on the mirror with it, as well as the words "yes" or "no." You can replace the blood with a marker, but then the effectiveness of the rite is reduced.
  2. Light a candle nearby and place a coin on the mirror edge. Press it with your finger so that it does not fall.
  3. Say a plot and wait for the spirit to get in touch and set the coin in motion. Ask if the spirit is ready to communicate, and after obtaining consent, start asking questions. From the letters on which the coin will point, it will be possible to add up the answers.
  4. At the end, say goodbye in spirit, ask him to leave and blow out the candle. Turn the mirror upside down and leave it for 10 hours.

How to summon a spirit with a candle?

The next rite is considered a classic and uses candles and a reflective surface. If you want to get in touch with a good spirit, then use a white candle, and if with an evil essence, use a black one. Also for the ritual, prepare a bowl of water. Instructions on how to simply summon a spirit involve going through the following steps:

  1. Sit in front of a mirror with a container of water in front of you, and light a candle nearby. It is important that the liquid is reflected in the mirror.
  2. Watch the flame in the reflection for a while to relax. While doing this, keep in mind the spirit you are planning to connect with. After that, peering into the mirror surface, say a conspiracy three times.
  3. Look in the mirror without looking away or blinking. It is important not to move and after a while you will see an image that can be anything. You can only look at the spirit from the side, since a direct look will break the connection.
  4. Ask any questions and the answers will come in the form of pictures, which also cannot be looked at directly. At the end of the ritual, say goodbye to the spirit and blow out the candle.

Why can't summon the spirit?

Often, especially for beginners, a similar question arises and experts assure that this state of affairs is quite normal. There can be many reasons for the fiasco, for example, more often the ritual to call the spirit is carried out with errors and does not follow all the rules. Many perform rituals for the sake of interest or entertainment, and therefore do not get the desired result, since in magic the belief that spirits are real is of great importance.

Why can't you summon spirits?

Psychics and other people with magical abilities claim that rituals to call entities are dangerous, and they can cause unpleasant consequences. Calling a dangerous spirit can lead to health problems, troubles in various areas of life, and even death. To avoid this, you must follow the safety measures:

  1. It is necessary to start spiritualistic sessions with a clear mind and without extraneous thoughts in the head. It is important to first stop using alcohol and drugs.
  2. It is necessary to contact the spirit personally, but before that you should ask for protection from.
  3. After the call of the spirits of the house is crowned with success, you must ask him for permission to communicate. No need to make any demands and communicate with him disrespectfully, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  4. As a protection, you can draw a circle on the floor, using salt for this.
  5. When explaining whether it is dangerous to summon spirits, it is worth pointing out that for your own safety, at the end of the session, you must express gratitude and say goodbye.
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