A selection of quotes and aphorisms about sleep and insomnia. The funniest jokes about dreams

Insomnia can visit any of us. Experience, stress, overeating, falling in love - there can be a lot.

I offer a selection of jokes about insomnia. When you can't sleep, read these funny stories. Positive emotions are provided to you. And laughter, a smile and a positive perception of the world are the key to health, good sleep and high quality of life.

With humor about insomnia

Two friends met. One complains to another that insomnia tortured.
- And how do you deal with it?
- I drink a glass of wine every hour.
- Can you sleep after that?

No, but being awake is much more fun!

A gentleman comes to the doctor and complains about. The doctor examined the patient, but did not find any deviations in health:
- I will cure you of insomnia, but I need your help. Most importantly, don't go to bed with your problems. - It's very difficult, doctor. My wife doesn't want to sleep alone.

A cell phone tower has been installed in the village. A month later, the population filed a complaint: their health worsened, headaches bothered them, sleep was disturbed, and so on. To which the director replied:
- It's all nonsense. Just imagine what will happen after turning it on ...

The patient complains to the doctor about insomnia:

I woke up 10 times last night and never again!

Doctor, I'm completely ravaged by insomnia. What to do?
Have you tried counting sheep?
I thought it didn't help.
- Let each sheep tell you its biography.

At the pharmacy. Buyer:
- I can't sleep for the fourth night. The damned cat screams at night under my windows.
- This powder is very effective.
- And how should I take it?
- It's a cat, not you!

Andrey Ivanovich, did mine help you?
- And how! I counted to 375,689 yesterday.
- Did you fall asleep on it?
- Not. It was time for me to get up.

A boxer suffering from insomnia consulted a doctor. The doctor advises him:
- Going to bed, count: one, two ... until you fall asleep.
- It does not suit me. I jump up every time I count to 9!

A sheep is more self-sufficient and perfect than a man: she will not count people when she cannot sleep.
- No, she can't count, so she doesn't suffer from insomnia.

At the doctor's appointment, the merchant complains that he does not sleep well. Doctor:
- Tell me, have you tried to apply the old method - to mentally imagine a flock of sheep and then count them?
- Tried, completely sleep goes away.
- Why?
- When I finish counting them, I load them on the train, take them to the slaughterhouse, then sell the meat. Then I suffer all night: I sold cheap or not.

If you can't sleep, have a glass of cognac. If it does not help, then drink another one, and after five to ten minutes another one.
- What if it doesn't help?
- Even if it doesn't help, you won't care if you're awake or asleep.

There are no problems in my family!
What secret are you hiding from your wife? Changed, and now your conscience torments you?

What nonsense! I love my wife and I hope she loves me too.
Why "hope"? Does her loyalty cause you doubts? Tell about your feelings.

I have no doubts about my wife! And I feel that it's running through my legs and I want to sleep terribly !!!
- And yet, your doubts do not allow you to sleep peacefully with a wife to whom you do not dare to tell about your experiences.

If it weren't for your impertinence, I would now be sleeping further!!! You got me up in the middle of the night!!!
- You see, you lose your temper because of a simple phone call. Don't worry, I can help you. The main thing is to remain calm, distract from problems, imagine something pleasant and relax. I will definitely call you tomorrow. Unfortunately, my shift is ending. Good sleep.

Dear friends, I hope the jokes about insomnia have caused you at least, smile. Or maybe you know something. I will be glad to your comments and additions.

Good dreams to you, let insomnia bypass your house!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

Anecdotes about dreams are one of the most popular topics in popular oral folklore. After all, everyone sleeps, and everyone. Thus, the "themes" of dreams can be very different, just as the dreams themselves can be varied.

Here are collected the most popular and sleep. We sorted them by characters and situations.

Dreams and medicine

Traditionally, with complaints of insomnia or nightmares, they come to the doctors. But those people are just like you and me...

Doctor, tell me, how is it better to sleep - with your head to the west or to the east?

Ay, my dear, the best place to sleep is in the West. And entirely...

Keep in mind that sleeping on your stomach is bad for your intestines, and sleeping on your back is bad for your spine. Do not lie down on your right side - the liver will hurt, you will sleep on your left side - interruptions in the heart are guaranteed. Program "Live healthy!" wishes you pleasant dreams!

Doctor, I had a dream that I was the leader of a tribe of cannibals, and my tribesmen and I ate my wife all night ...

Well, it was only a dream!

Yes, but where did my wife go?

The boxer dreamed that a pear gave him change, the milkmaid dreamed that a cow was milking her, and the pathologist dreamed that all his patients called him to wish him a happy birthday.

Husband and wife, or One man had a dream

Jokes about a man's dream, of course, cannot but affect family relationships.

One man says to another:

Estimate, at night I had a nightmare: Marilyn Monroe, Sharon Stone and my wife Zinka fought for the right to sleep with me.

Why a nightmare?

So Zinka won!

A tired man came home from work, had dinner, went to bed, and around something his wife and mother-in-law were flickering, they did not allow to relax. The mother-in-law demands that he hang a clothesline, his wife - that he pour poison from rats.

Yes, I understand, - he mutters through a dream. - What's incomprehensible? Hang the mother-in-law and pour poison for the wife...

Husband in a dream:

Lu-yuba-ah ... Lyuba!

His wife pushes him:

What is this Lyuba?

Husband, immediately waking up:

Love, brothers, love, love, brothers to live ...

Something you yourself are not yourself, what happened?

Why, my wife has been dreaming for a week that she is dating Putin.

I demanded that she stop this business!

And that night I dreamed of an FSB general and said that it would be better for me not to poke my nose where they don’t ask.

Those students who are always falling asleep during lectures...

Morning. Lecture. As usual, a rare bore. And the teacher is vigilant, does not give a nap.

Anecdotes about the dreams of students and schoolchildren are also distinguished by their diversity and variety of situations.

Student Petrov! You're sleeping in class again!

I'm not sleeping, Ivan Ivanovich.

Why are the eyes closed?

I'm just blinking slowly.

Schoolboy Valentin Sidorov set a world record for the duration of sleep. In a history lesson, he fell asleep in the 17th century and woke up when the First World War began.

Lectures from one student to another:

Listen, you're holding a book upside down.

Leave me alone too, Freud.

What's with Freud?

Where does the book have legs? Tell her again that I look between the pages to her ...

The professor is tired of the student "floating" on the exam and asks:

OK. What was the last lecture about, remember?

The student is silent.

And who read it, remember?

The student is silent.

Leading question: you or me?

After the lecture, the student comes up to the teacher and asks:

Tell me, Pyotr Ivanovich, when you go to bed, do you put your beard on top of the blanket or under it?

I don't know, to be honest, I never thought about it.

A week later, this student comes to the exam to the teacher, and he tells him:

You can’t see the triple as your ears!

I haven’t slept for a whole week - and it’s so uncomfortable, and so!

To get a good night's sleep, you need to drink a calming drink. herbal decoction, take a relaxing bath and throw a grenade at those idiots screaming outside the window!

Did you have a dream about monkeys and a hippo?

Look for sure!

Status went to sleep...and so did I!)

In bed, I am very diverse ... Every day I sleep in new pajamas!

How do you need to want to sleep in order to doze off, closing your eyes tightly, while washing ...

Call at 3 am - "Hello! Literature wakes up today ??"

Gone for a new dream playlist...

I'm slowly forgetting...

I want to dream of a Unicorn, and not this ex-goat of mine .....

Do not scare ostriches! The floor is concrete! Don't wake up! Damn it!

Today at 09:00 am I made the discovery of the century! And at 09:30 the second eyelid opened!

The one who wakes up early is a lark ... The one who goes to bed late is an owl ... And the one who goes to bed late and wakes up early is a crazy bird :)

- Do you run in the morning? - Yes! Mostly around the house, with cries of bl @, overslept!

Who, lying at the desk by the window, into which the sun is scorching, always turns over to "roast" evenly ..???

I sleep. For all questions, contact me in a dream (sleep address zZzZzZ)

Zapadlo when you sleep, you have such a cool dream and you have to get up without knowing how it ended.

The mosquito lives for a day. It turns out that he spoiled my sleep for half my life. He's a bitch!

I come home, I look at the dust. Give, I think, and I will lie down.

I have a dream today: - We are sailing on a ship and suddenly there is a hole! Well, I plugged it, plugged it, and woke up the next morning - the floor of the blanket was in the ass.

I can't sleep, well, let's count the sheep: Artem, Dima, Misha, Vova...

My brain is fucking insidious! When I wake up from work, he shows me a dream about how I got up and went to this very work!

I have so much to do that I'd rather go to sleep.

Healthy sleep not only lengthens life, but also shortens the working day.

I went to bed yesterday again today.

I was going to do exercises in the morning, lay down on the floor and fell asleep.

Sleep, my joy, sleep, bend your legs behind your neck, close your ears with your heels. What, uncomfortable, dear?

Slept alone... Frozen!!!

Who is sleeping? Who is dead? Who is blue? No, no, I'm fine!

For me, the sound of an alarm clock is like a shot ... - I'm lying like a log))))))

They raised it, but forgot to wake it up ...

Today I dreamed that my husband was snoring ... I wake up in the morning, everything is fine ... not married!

Can't sleep.... can't sleep.... can't sleep.... OH! At least not sleep..)

Life has become a day shorter, no s*x, Good night...

I didn't close my legs all night...

You ask me what I love more - you or sleep - and I won't say anything, because I'm dreaming.

I slept for 12 hours and didn't get enough sleep. Hmm... I'm so insatiable in bed.

Each person had such a dream that one could gladly change to reality and never wake up.

Night. The apartment is asleep. The cat is waking up...

So, I went to bed, otherwise I would die of fatigue. fight next week? OK?

Statuses about sleep are cool

Insomnia is the inability to shut your brain...

Hello insomnia...

For the hundredth time, I look at my watch.
The nights are long minutes.
This is the time of empty darkness.
Loneliness gnaws so terribly ...

Damn why when the evil nifiga can not sleep! (((

When the night falls, there is always something to think about ...

Did you know that when you are spinning on the bed and cannot fall asleep for a long time, someone is dreaming about you?

Another a sleepless nightdark circles under the eyes, lethargy, fatigue, complete indifference, but in all this you are ... a strange feeling of hatred and love ...

Insomnia flaps its wings in the window, can’t sleep, can’t sleep ... I wouldn’t sleep.

Love deprives a person of sleep, but also deprives him of love, because he ceases to belong to himself!

The Swedes have a new remedy for insomniacs. This is a CD with a record of the score - from one to one hundred. It would seem, what's new here? But no! The entry is in Finnish! You lie to yourself - and in the dark you whisper in your ear - “Yuksi, kaksi ...”

Suffering from insomnia? Get a s**t!

Bitches at the moment of insomnia do not represent lambs jumping over the fence, but running goats, at which they shoot from any object available to them ...

Loneliness, like a prophecy, like insomnia in my eyes...

He wished good night and ... went into insomnia.

Can't sleep... I'll go open his page, count the sheep...)))

We urgently need to make friends in Kamchatka - how I have insomnia - all virtual world extinct.

Are you trying to sleep? Hello, A THOUSAND AND ONE thought...

Every night, by one o'clock, insomnia crawls out of my bedside table, and begins to conduct some ridiculous monologues with me.

Insomnia does not interfere with sleep so much as it makes you think.

The heart is so afraid of parting. At night - damn insomnia ... Being with you is just one desire ... But I'm nobody ... just your LOVE ...

And the sponsor of my insomnia is x * nya in my head. X * nya in my head - always with me !!!)))

Most deep dream in human conscience, constant insomnia - in stupidity.

He was not guilty of anything, but he was tortured by insomnia.

Say insomnia... and I'll tell you so... A bottle of whiskey under the tongue... and you sleep... like a log!!!:)))

Share your insomnia with a neighbor!

Insomnia is laziness, coffee, the Internet and that other series you need to watch.)))

Insomnia is a generator of thoughts.

At night I sleep with open eyes, this is not insomnia - this is the calculation of your breath.

Who is "sleep" and why is it not in my eye?

Damn insomnia, terrible headache, + sincere, nerves are not to hell and just life f*ck!

If you do not sleep for three days in a row, you can see dreams in reality ...


Insomnia tormented the ghoul ...

Insomnia is harmful to health, and drowsiness is harmful to life.

I came up with a description of the state in the morning after insomnia - I went to Kherson ...

He is your illusion, he is insomnia Without starting, this story will end!

- I dream of you…
- ... And you are my insomnia.


I suffered from insomnia for a long time until I found out what the INTERNET is, now I have chronic sleep deprivation.

And I tell you that God also knows sleepless nights.


Insomnia… Who is this? And what did she come for, looking at the night?

Hello, I am the night, and we thought with your past here ... In general, you will not sleep tonight

On Saturdays after twelve, I have only two conditions - insomnia and shamelessness.

Insomnia - a long jump into the abyss of the night)

Every night, at twelve, insomnia crawls out of my nightstand and begins to conduct some ridiculous monologues with me.

Is life a dream? Is it more often insomnia?

One less illusion - one more wrinkle.


In the blood - cognac and nicotine. In the head - thoughts and insomnia. I promise it will all be over soon.

Statuses about insomnia


Love wins everything
Let us also submit to its power.

Love is a word that reveals more and more new meanings. And every day they change.
Anna Steel ...
Strong as death, love;
fierce, like hell, jealousy;
her arrows are arrows of fire.
Song of Songs (ch ... 8, st ... 6) ...
We know that love is as strong as death; but fragile as glass.

passan ...
Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life.
I. S. Turgenev ...
Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to approach and pluck it on the edge of a terrible abyss.
Stendhal ...
Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only coppers into gold, but often gold into coppers.
O. Balzac ...
Love is like a sponge: when a sponge is saturated with water, a whole sea can spill over it without adding a single drop to its contents.
V. Hugo ...
Love looks through glasses through which copper looks like gold, poverty looks like wealth, purulent eyes look like pearls.
M. Cervantes ...
Love is one of the evils that cannot be hidden: one word, one indiscreet look, sometimes even silence betrays it.
P. Abelard ...
Love is a veil between lovers.
J. H. Gibran ...
Love! It is the most exalted and victorious of all passions. But its all-conquering strength lies in boundless generosity, in almost supersensible disinterestedness.
G. Heine ...
Longing for love is love itself.
Jean Paul (Richter) ...
Love for a highly moral nature is the same as the Sun for the Earth.
O. Balzac ...
Love is just not enough. She has happiness, but she wants heaven, she has heaven - she wants heaven.
loving! All this is in your love. Just try to find.
V. Hugo ...
Love is not something field plant, breaking through the cliffs, despite the storm and snow; it is a rare bush, it is a greenhouse plant, it is a flower of luxury.
V. Sardu ...
In the world of evil, stupidity, uncertainty and doubt called existence, there is one thing that is still worth living for and that is undoubtedly as strong as death: that is love.
G. Senkevich ...
Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, takes deep roots in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart.
V. Hugo ...
Love is more precious than all treasures. She is a diamond that even kings cannot buy. She is - the whole world, although she is hugged with two arms.
M. Yokai ...
Love without desire is a chimera: it does not exist in nature.
Ninon Lanclo ...
True love knows no excess. Being wholly spiritual, it cannot cool off.
V. Hugo ...
Love is one spirit within two forms.
P. Shelley ...
We talk about love - life; dislike without hope and faith is called painful death.
E. Hubbard ...
To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good.
Aristotle ...
Love in its essence is a mystical fire.
E. Swedenborg ...
Great love is like a mother: sometimes growls like a dog, sometimes exudes tenderness.
Polish proverb...
True love differs from gold and clay in that it does not become smaller when divided.
P. Shelley ...


Quotes and aphorisms about sleep

To wake up kind and affectionate, you need to fall asleep happy and satisfied!

And you can fall asleep happy and satisfied only with your loved one!

The time it takes for anyone to really get enough sleep is five minutes more.

Well, this, of course, if he did not go to bed at 5 in the morning, otherwise it would take not 5 minutes, but another 5 hours ...)

Healthy sleep lengthens life and reduces working time.

The night is for sleeping, not for working.

The quality of sleep depends not so much on what we sleep on, but on who we are awake with ...

The main thing is that the evening wakefulness should not be with papers at work ...)

Whoever went to bed early and got up early in the morning will be healthy, rich and wise.

Everyone, I'm going to bed early tonight!

Sleep is a state of omnipotence.

In a dream, we can do everything, we even manage to rule the Universe ...)

Sleep is a little vacation.

Only vacation once a year, and sleep every day.

If sleeping, hugging, is uncomfortable, then next to you is simply the wrong person!

With your loved one, you will be comfortable even on a single bed!

Lack of sleep is not a problem. The problem is when you don't know why you wake up in the morning.

It's not enough just to wake up, you need to know why you're doing it...

Sleep is the only time we are free. In sleep, we allow our thoughts to do what they want.

Quotes About Insomnia

Boundless fatigue gave rise to insomnia, and insomnia gave birth to melancholy.

At night, when you can’t sleep, you are overwhelmed by fears and sad thoughts…

Who would have thought that insomnia breeds geniuses?

And for me, nightly discoveries do not inspire confidence, in order to think, there is a day ...

I do not sleep for days, then to sleep for days, and, waking up, again do not sleep for days.

And then, probably, you go angry and throw yourself at everyone?)

Can't sleep... I'll go open his page, count the sheep...

Look, otherwise you will be upset, sheep can turn out to be beautiful ...)

Insomnia doesn't interfere with sleep so much as it makes you think...

I don’t feel like thinking during the day, but when it’s time for sleep, hello thousands of thoughts ...)

We spent a sleepless night together - I and KOMAR. He drank and sang all night, and I applauded him ...

Mosquitoes are omnipotent: although they are small, they can make even the biggest people stay awake ...)

If you have an important day tomorrow and you need to get enough sleep to be fresh, like a May rose, you are guaranteed insomnia!

Insomnia, apparently, in friendship with the law of meanness ...)))

The main thing in the diet is sleep ... I didn’t fall asleep in time - that’s all .... overeat!

So, why does everyone who loses weight go to bed at 6 pm?)))

Grandmother could not sleep on the train, and the neighbors in the compartment woke up in knitted socks and hats.

It’s good that it was Grandma who couldn’t fall asleep ...

Still, insomnia is a pretty shameless lady! Not to myself - not to people!

Well, why is she immediately shameless, during the day you had no time to think, so she gives you time to think at night.

Insomnia is the contemplation of the stars in the night depth of your soul.

When you can't sleep, you start to understand yourself.

funny statuses

Before pregnancy, I slept on my stomach! During pregnancy - on the side! After the birth of a child, I can sleep even standing up!

With the birth of a child, mothers can only dream of sleep ...)

The father puts his daughter to bed. Half an hour later, mom looks into the room:
- Well, how? Sleeping?
- Yes, mom, sleeping.

The child knows how to put to sleep properly..)

If you are carried all the time in your arms, showered with flowers and given diamonds - wake up, otherwise you will be late for work!

A dream is a great opportunity to visit a fairy tale, become an oligarch or his wife ...)

Children's sleep is very beneficial for nervous system parents!

A sleeping child is a reason to sleep too, not to wash, clean or cook ...)

At any incomprehensible situation- Get some sleep.

Then I have to go to work only to sleep)))

Guaranteed strong and healthy morning sleep is the alarm you forgot to set.

Wouldn't that be a guarantee of getting fired?)

I can give and sacrifice everything except 10 minutes of sleep on a Monday morning...

Yes, what is there to dissemble, every day I can give everything except 10 minutes of sleep)

An extra 10 minutes of sleep in the morning is worth an hour on the Internet in the evening!

If you didn’t get enough sleep, then you didn’t leave Odnoklassniki or Kontakt on time ...)))

How do you feel about nightlife?
- Very well.
- What do you prefer: bars, restaurants, casinos, discos?
- I prefer to sleep soundly.

You know, in my dreams life is much more interesting than in your clubs...)

healthy and deep sleep- is a pledge wellness and high spirits. In order to get enough sleep, you need to go to bed in the evening, and not late at night.


Cool statuses - I'm sleeping


I’m sleeping… I’ll wake up from the kiss of the handsome prince… I’ll probably sleep forever…

Comp on download, I'm in hibernation.

The mosquito that flew into my room at 5 am almost drove me to suicide.

Cocktail "Night asshole": 50 grams of sleeping pills, 50 grams of laxative.

Sleeping… Sleeping… Spl… Sp… Hrrrrrrrr!!!

Don't wake me up. I'm at work…

I sleep when there is nothing to do.

Raise my eyelids...

Every morning I play leading role in the fantastic thriller Sleep in 5 Minutes.

I'm not lazy, I just save more energy.

Woke up, ate, and now back to sleep.

Of course, I can conquer the whole world, but alas .. I'm already in my pajamas.

We have an old love with the bed. We are perfect for each other. But the alarm clock does not like that we are together. Jealous cuckold!

Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning? Sleep standing.

Let the dwarf sleep... zadolbali, your mother!

I'm the best in bed, I can sleep for days ...

I went to sleep and I'll get up! Plush, follow me!

Nothing invigorates in the morning like the phrase: We overslept!!!

When I can't sleep, I count to 5, and sometimes to half past five.

Solving intractable problems, it is better to start with sound sleep.

I'm sleeping... join me.

It seems to me that I was created for sleep, and not for some kind of work!

To everyone who does not sleep, a big hello from the realm of dreams.

Sleeping on the subway, do not wear headphones, because you risk going to the depot ...

She hit the corner of the pillow and lost consciousness.

I sleep ... and my sleep is terrible !!!

I slept sleep and I will sleep with your girlfriend, signature-CAT!

Look for me in Podushkino or Odeykino...

I will definitely take over the world ... When I get enough sleep ...

Now good night from mom sounds like this: Daughter, it's late, turn off the computer.

Morning, well, what are you starting, you slept normally.

The magic of childhood: you fall asleep on the couch - you wake up in your bed.

I’m sleeping.. I’m sleeping… I’m sleeping….

I went into hibernation - as I wake up, I will answer !!!

There is a simple rule to get enough sleep - go to bed on the wrong day on which you wake up.

Village morning: Vasily, who did not want to get up early, moved the rooster an hour later with a felt boot!

The best rhyme for the word sleep is long.

5:50 am - ... class! I can still sleep... 6:50 - ... gotta get up... 6:57 - ... I get up on the count of three... One... two... 9:40 - fuck it!!!

Baiyu bayu bayu, do not write garbage to me, but write garbage, uncle babay will come and turn off your wi-fi.

I'm a star in bed... legs, arms spread out and sleep! And if I also spread my fingers, then in general a snowflake!

Eyes are closed - fairy tales begin.

Conscience found. I ask you to urgently pick up the lost one, otherwise the pancake interferes with sleep ...

Can't sleep.. can't sleep.. can't sleep.. hrrrr!

People who wake up every day at 7 am need to erect a monument - the figure of a man with huge bags under his eyes and with a sad face.

I fell asleep on the keyboard ... if I answer, then something is dreaming ...

You go to bed at 21:00 at kindergarten- you are cool, at school - you are a sucker, at the institute - you are a hero.

When falling asleep in a lesson, do not snore, for if you snore, you will wake up your neighbor ...

The phrase "go to bed early today" makes me go to bed later.

I sleep and saliva flows down the pillow ...

I decided to take care of myself and do exercises in the morning. She spread a blanket on the floor, lay down ... and fell asleep.

And I'll go to someone's dream today !!! I'll fool around.

Only our man can crawl home at 5 in the morning and set the alarm for 6 to go to work!

Did you know that if you fall asleep on a blue Chinese pillow, then in the morning you can wake up as an avatar.

I'm sleeping... no, I'm not sleeping... oh, I'm sleeping... AAA!!! Wake me up now!!!

Who gets up early, he wants to sleep all day!

Turn off the lights outside, I'll sleep.

I’m sleeping ... I don’t answer, it means I’m SLEEPING or I just don’t want to talk to you ...

A person spends 30% of his life in sleep. The remaining 70% he wants to sleep.

Wake up and go back to sleep, that's mine.

I'm a star in bed! I spread my arms and legs and sleep.

Who, besides me, regrets that I did not sleep during quiet hours in kindergarten?

As a child I fell asleep on the couch and woke up in bed, now I fall asleep on the couch and wake up on the floor.

I'm not sleeping, I'm just blinking slowly...

A man snores at night in order to protect his woman from a babayka.

In the morning, when I was driving my Ferrari, I was awakened by an alarm clock ...

Could you wake me up at 04:15, but for God's sake, be very careful and run right away ...

If your husband snores, gently turn his head. Until click.

Sleep is the only free pleasure we have left.

If something is on fire, wake up! And if it turns out that it doesn’t burn, then I’ll definitely set it on fire!

To avoid accidentally getting up on the wrong foot in the morning, just fall out of bed.


All the best things happen in dreams...

Good night! good night I want to see a goat and an elephant! goat until midnight, elephant until morning! Good night to you, pleasant sleep!

Who is sleep and why do I always want it?

Hit the corner of the pillow and lost consciousness

Insomnia flaps its wings in the window, no knitting needle, no knitting needle, no knitting needle for me ...

What naughty children have become! While laying down, she fell asleep herself.

Every night, before falling asleep, I remember for a long time what I most want to forget ...

What do you believe in? - I believe? I believe that he still writes these statuses in contact to me ... Stupid ... Or maybe everything that happened was just a dream? WAKE UP then please.

Whoever can wake up a sleeping person is capable of any meanness.

I'm like a she-wolf, alone, alone with the moon...

At night we try to think about what we couldn't say during the day

I'm sleeping :) Write quietly, climb the page without noise!

The eyes are already sleeping, and the fingers are still typing ...

It was a bad idea to put a cactus next to the alarm clock...

Who gets up early gets everyone. My motto is four words: “You yourself do not sleep, wake up another!”

Sleep, my joy, sleep! Bend your legs behind your neck, cover your ears with your heels, what, uncomfortable, dear?

The time it takes for any person to sleep is 5 minutes more.

Baiyu bayu bayu, do not write me garbage, otherwise I will delete you, and I will shove everyone into ignorance ...

And again you can’t sleep, you sit alone, the light streams from the window into the street, maybe that’s enough, it’s time to go to bed? your own bed has been waiting for you for a long time

Sometimes alarm clocks help you wake up, but more often than not, they just get in the way...

When you sit at night, sticking into the monitor, the first sign that it's time to go to bed is when you want to eat.

Tired students are sleeping, books are sleeping ... Evil teachers are waiting for the guys with credits ... A harmful lecturer goes to bed so that we can dream at night ...

Men's snoring is conceived by nature so that a woman is not too upset that her husband did not come home to spend the night.

"Baby, why aren't you sleeping?" - Evil does not sleep!

Every dream ends with the need to get out of bed.

The more you sleep, the more you want.

I don't want to see him... that's why I don't sleep...

This law gets on your nerves, the snorer falls asleep first ...

Sleep is like a drug - I tried it once, but the habit is for life

O winds from the mountains! Do not blow tonight, An anxious dream On the way, the wanderer was forgotten On a hard headboard.

How you need to want to sleep in order to doze off, closing your eyes tightly, while washing.

Never go to bed offended. Sit down and develop a plan for revenge!

23:30 - Go to bed early and get enough sleep. 2:55 Do birds have paws or legs?

I want to dream of a unicorn, Anya, this is my former goat.

Today I woke up from your touch… and there is nothing unusual about it… Except that you are many kilometers away from me…

Sleep, my dear, sleep well, Otherwise, I'll throw you out of bed, bayu-bayu-bayu, Sleep well, your mother!

People who answer my “didn’t get enough sleep” “I need to go to bed earlier” are so smart that they themselves are probably fucking with their logical abilities.

Of course, you need to eat less ... Leave everything to the enemy for dinner !!! Then go to bed hungry??? Ah… What the hell do I need such a dream…

I love it when he comes into my dreams.

You can sleep not on a sheet, but inside a duvet cover. This will save both sheets and pillowcases.

You know? Every day I draw dreams. Where are You and me, characters, passers-by. You and me. In the hotel, in the bathroom, on the bed. I draw dreams every night. They are so similar to each other. Every morning I dream, like... Every day, I draw dreams.

Morning Cry for Help: Help! Wake up!

Sleeping on the same pillow does not mean seeing the same dreams.

Lack of sleep is not a problem. The problem is when you just don’t know what to wake up in the morning for.

Well, why, when I go to bed early, I don’t get enough sleep in the morning, and when it’s late, at two or three o’clock, I get up before everyone at home?!

You can oversleep love if you sleep with just anyone!

Who else, besides me, regrets not sleeping in kindergarten when there was a quiet hour?

How do you feel about people who constantly want to sleep? - That's what I'm referring to.

(M) I spent the night with my beloved, In a year - she will give birth to my daughter, Well, maybe two ... It's a pity that everything was in a dream!

Here comes the second wind. Artificial.

Falling asleep together is romantic. First, yes, then lie down and listen to the snoring, Get an elbow in the eye, goodbye blanket, hello floor.

I dreamed of a golden-haired angel, He took me by the hand and took off. It was easy, warm and safe with him. It was for me ... And the weightlessness of bodies. Didn't scare. Manila height. I trusted him in a dream. In heaven, leaning on the railing, We stood in silence. Snow was falling...

What a happiness not to sleep, from the fact that you are near! And how sad it is not to sleep, from the fact that you are not around!

Do you know why you always want to sleep after eating? When you eat, the stomach fills and enlarges, the skin stretches over the stomach and pulls the eyelids, they close and we want to sleep!

I open my eyes and they close, I open them and they close. I open. Close up. How do you have fun in the morning?

If we recognize that sleep is a product of our mind, we should also recognize that not a dream is its own product.

There are times when you want to live under the covers ...

I had a great idea! But… didn’t get it…

A sleepless night is far-fetched... If you can't sleep at night, then the dream servers are overloaded And you are in line.

Love pressed. Under the eyelashes, a dream lurked ... Inhale and exhale, Love snuggled up ... The taste of desires dreamed with a smile ... We are touching dreams again ...

Napoleon slept for 4 hours. I think I now understand why he was angry, aggressive and constantly wanted to kill.

It is not those who have a clear conscience that sleep most soundly, but those who never had it.

I've been waiting for you all night! I didn't close my eyes! Such interesting dream missed!!!

Babies sniffle in cribs, gadgets sleep. on chargers. To get up early in the morning and. play, play, play

I yawn... Isn't this the poetry of sleep?

Happiness is when you fall asleep thinking how good it was, and wake up thinking how good it WILL be... ;)))

Slept late yesterday. Woke up early. The day was hard and difficult. And I decided to end it. Goodnight.

And you also have an alarm clock, the bitch rings on the very interesting moment sleep?

I don't snore. I just love motorcycles.

A real man does not lie on the road. He is lying on the couch

It's all over, I'm tired.

I want to sleep only at school in the classroom or at work. Like a weekend, you get up at 9 in the morning and don't know what to do!

A loser is when even obviously erotic dreams break off at the hugging stage.

And what is the OWL's fault? Kohl LARKS in the evening take them all their sleep. Having fully enjoyed it, only in the morning, they release it into the wild.

I'm going to bed early today. But no, it seemed!.

Reading a book, it's already about 2 am, the most interesting moment begins. There is a roar and a cry from a neighbor from above: go to sleep, you bitch, otherwise I’ll kill you! I immediately closed the book, turned off the light and went to sleep.

I sleep. Crawl silently across the page...

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