Virtual vest is the only Indian solitaire game in the world. The meaning of Indian solitaire cards and divination rules

Dear friends!

Divination solitaire is an ancient pastime and a favorite pastime of aristocrats and all free people at all times. The world of solitaire is rich and varied. The most popular among the fortune-telling public are traditional layouts, consisting of twenty cards stacked five at a time in four rows. The traditional types can be safely attributed: Arabic, Fairytale, "Four Elements", Indian, Ukrainian, Old Slavonic, Berendeev, Ekaterininsky and others.

The oracle of Maria Lenormand, presented on our website, is somewhat different from the above, because it is laid out three cards in three rows, and in the center of this layout is always the Client's card (or the Blank card, denoting the client himself). This solitaire is used for predictions. After all, as you know, the Oracle can tell not only about what is today or what happened yesterday, but also about what will happen tomorrow.

The cards of the Arabic and Ukrainian layouts will briefly, with the help of matching pictures, predict the future for you. Indian solitaire is not just fortune-telling, it is truly a living esoteric substratum, because it will speak to you. Speak like your friend, like your teacher, like your guardian angel. His answers are imbued with the wisdom of the ages. This is your assistant and support in any difficult and incomprehensible situation. He will never let you down and leave you unanswered.

Astrological solitaire or the Four Elements is used for divination by desire. We can absolutely say that the prediction obtained with its help is one of the most highly probable and accurate.

Fairy fortune-telling cards can be used even by children. After all, he is very light, joyful and pleasant. Its colorful images will delight and cheer up anyone.

Gothic or Russian solitaire will be appreciated by lovers of the Middle Ages and original predictions. We also recommend paying attention to the brainchild of maestro Swedenborg. Finding the exact answer to the question will help Empress Catherine's favorite pastime - the solitaire game of the same name.

Solitaires "Goldfish", Cheshire, Berendeev - will help pass the time on a long journey and even a daily trip to work. They are quite compact and simple, affordable even for small mobile phone screens.

As you can see, each of the proposed solitaire games has its own zest. We tried to collect the most complete collection of all popular prediction sets. You just have to choose your fortune-telling solitaire online and may the universal power of clairvoyance be with you.

A hospital bed is a disease, poor health.

Camel - wealth, income, profit, money. Big one time income. Good card!

Libra - there is an important decision to be made, no need to rush, you need to carefully weigh everything. Let's say Libra is torn apart, and next to it is a Camel (money), a Crying Eye and something else dirty ... So, you had to make a decision, having thought over the move well, but you didn't do it. Hence the loss of money, stress and all sorts of other rubbish. Well, and who is to blame for what he blundered?

Question mark - you are tormented by some question, problem, relationship. Sometimes there is no solution to this issue in these cards, sometimes it is clearly visible how it can be solved. It all depends on what cards are nearby.

Wreath - one of the best cards, means success in business, achievement of the goal. Glory and honor await you.

Valet is a young man, a loving and devoted friend next to you. A very significant card. If one line is torn apart, the relationship has deteriorated, and everything that stands between you can be read between its two halves. These are just his thoughts and failed plans. And here even halves of other cards matter. For example, half of the Question, the Crown, the Queen of Spades ... So, he asks himself: does he need this relationship? With you, he will not be able to achieve his goal, that is, the relationship becomes a fetter on his feet. His mother interferes, she does not like you. And so on… A lot can be seen in a relationship with a loved one.

A dove is a faithful and devoted friend next to you. Despite its simplicity, this card is extremely rare. Probably because so few true friends surround us! Sometimes it can mean that the husband is not "walking", is faithful to you. And one more meaning of this card - calmness, peace in the house and love await you.

The coffin is unexpected news of death. This is a one-year card, that is, a sad event will occur within a year. If the coffin is torn apart along one line (perhaps even with two cards), someone close is sick with an incurable disease.

Burning candles - optimism, faith in the future. Good card. Heralds the end of the crisis, failures. Sometimes the cards fall in such a way that you can even see where this faith in the future will come from. There may be money, and a successful trip, and a new acquaintance.

Two hearts - you love and are loved. If there is a Road between the halves of the cards, your relationship may worsen after a trip. In a word, do not lose sight of any hint of the cards!

The road is a pleasant journey, the fulfillment of plans on a business road. If the road is torn apart by one card, then you are thinking about a trip, but until it works out, perhaps the time has not come. If there are bad cards nearby, you should not embark on this journey, even if you really want to. In a word, see what the cards next to you say.

House - serious changes in personal life, up to moving, changing place of residence. It can mean the departure of a husband (or wife) from home. Can talk about good changes in life, if there are good cards nearby. Or vice versa. The card is serious and powerful.

Castle - a person has a problem that has not yet been solved. If the Key is further, the problem will be resolved soon. Bad cards may come later. For example, Hospital Bed, Crying Eye. Ok, I see! The situation is getting worse.

Snake - (a bit like a dragon) - there is gossip against you, slander, slander (maybe not unfounded!). If the Queen of Hearts fell out in the same layout, then this, of course, is a girlfriend slandering. And if Glasses are still next to her, then the behavior is two-faced: one thing in the eyes, another behind the eyes.

The envelope is important expected news that may even change previous plans. It's more of a business card than a personal one.

An envelope with wings is the long-awaited news, which, unfortunately, will not change anything. Late ... For example, the family has already collapsed, and then the husband suddenly says that he cannot live without you. And you live your life, you are quite strong, and there is no feeling for him. Even pity...

A bonfire is a flame of love that burns you, a new love or falling in love is possible. Take a close look at what's nearby. If sadness and failure - why then fall in love?

A bed with a heart - intimate relationships are wonderful, or an unforgettable night of love will be ahead. See what's nearby. If, for example, Koster is a new love, intimacy. But if they lay down in half A love bed and a hospital bed - intimate relationships do not bring joy, they bring pain. And if this happens twice, then everything is simply disgusting. Yes, if the Ring is also broken by other cards, the marriage has lost its former value.

Crown is a great card! Success in business, business, goal achieved, dreams come true.

Moon and Stars - a rare card, amazing! She accurately predicts changes in life (and which ones!), Up to the day. It is very important in which row she lay down.
Indian charts predict events on average for
one and a half to two months. Each row - up to 10 days. Hence the accuracy in dates.
So, the Stars are serious changes in life in 28 days. If each row we have means a week or ten days, then we can calculate the changes in life. Let's say the third row of cards, where the Stars coincided with the Moon. So, if today is the first day, plus three weeks, it will be almost the end of the month and plus 28 days. Changes will begin in the second half of next month. If there are bad cards around the Stars, the changes can be negative. Look closely at what lies nearby. If nothing at all fell out, except for the Stars (and this happens!), It means that the changes are unexpected and good.

Stones - there is an obstacle in your way, an obstacle in plans and deeds. You can see what exactly this obstacle consists of if the Castle, the Queen of Spades, the Skull are nearby ...

The key is finding the key to problem solving.

The king is a bright person in your destiny, if not surrounded by bad cards. The decoding of the card sounds like this: an official who you know or may soon recognize will help you solve an important issue. In general, this card is very versatile.

Ladder - advancement in life and work, success in a conceived business and enterprise. Career growth. When you guess a person who is not working, it may mean that the plan will come true.

Lightning is an unexpected unpleasant event, news. See where the wind is blowing from. Perhaps the betrayal of an official (Eagle), or maybe a loved one. Study the cards all the time and up and down.

Scissors - the situation in which a person finds himself seems unsolvable to him, but in fact - solvable. Again, it matters what kind of cards are around. Look closely! If there is a Castle, Clock, Skull nearby, then the problem is very serious, it is important to think it over well, otherwise the state (purely physical) will be close to stressful.

Points - next to you is a two-faced and hypocritical person. In the eyes of one thing, behind the eyes - another. Sometimes you can even see who the person is. For example, next to the card is the Queen of Spades or Hearts. Or even a person who loves you, or an official. In a word, look carefully, from whom the catch comes. The map is serious, gives reason for reflection.

An engagement ring has several meanings. If it matches, within a year (one-year-old card) they will make an offer to you, you can get married. But we need to see what lies next. For example, Clock. It is not at all necessary that the proposal will be accepted, you can take a time out and think carefully. An unpleasant card may go, which means marriage is in question again. If the ring is broken by another card, the marriage has lost its former value. If the halves of the Ring are in the same line, but very far from each other, the marriage may break up. If the Ring fell to a married woman, then the marriage is strong, despite the deteriorating relationship. It even happens that the husband left home, but does not want to get a divorce.

The eagle is a patron, always ready to help you, a sponsor. It means support in difficult times, perhaps even a new acquaintance with a wealthy person. If torn by one card, then you can quarrel with this person and lose his disposition, especially if bad cards come later. Sometimes it means a new acquaintance and a very significant future for you. Look at where the card landed.

Necklace (closed, buttoned) - a blow prepared behind your back, an unexpected unpleasant event that you can manage to warn if you catch yourself in time. On other cards, you can even tell who exactly will strike, what the consequences will be. For example, there will be an unsolvable problem (Castle), there will be failures, stress (Crying Eye), loss of optimism. Yes, you never know what will happen if you do not prevent the blow!

A parachute is a desperate decisive step with a happy ending. Further consequences of such a step can be seen. But if the Parachute is broken (again, only in one line - vertical or horizontal), you will be afraid to do something. We must do it, we must decide! Then you can correct some unwanted events in your life.

Queen of Spades - someone hates you, despises, envy you, jealous. Next to you - treachery, meanness in deeds. Usually this card does not denote a girlfriend, although anything can be. By age, she is not young, she is often a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, perhaps a neighbor or colleague.

Crying eye - failures, unrest, trouble, a state close to stressful. Look at what is nearby - perhaps it will find the cause of failures.

Horseshoe - good luck in life, at work, the fulfillment of some desire.

The sail is a sign that you have an indecisive person in front of you, if the Penguin is also nearby, then this person will never decide on desperate steps, perhaps that is why he is haunted by failures. Hence - distrust, indecision and obstacles in solving problems. The advice of the card is to finally show determination.

Penguin - Not an event card, but it characterizes the person you are guessing for well. It rarely falls out, but if it does, then you have a timid, doubting person in front of you. It is difficult for him to choose the path of action, he often rushes about and can "miss a convenient moment." And if there is also a Libra card nearby, but not matching, but “cut” by another (the same case of reading “underlined”), and even, perhaps, also not matching Parachute - it means that your client is an indecisive person, has not taken an important a desperate move that could bring good luck. In a word, I missed a favorable moment. It can be anything from personal relationships to business matters.

A glass - perhaps an invitation to visit. And if Knave (the one who loves you) lay down next to you, then he is a lover to take a glass, there is a danger of falling asleep.

Rybka, quarrel with a faithful friend, and if Glasses are nearby, she is a two-faced person and you should not trust her.

Goldfish - a dispute, an unpleasant quarrel, accusatory and two-faced conversation. It is better to avoid such a turn of events, especially if there are cards such as stress, illness and other troubles nearby. So, this dispute-conversation will lead to such consequences.

A torn necklace is a missed moment, a missed chance. Map of past events. Sometimes you can see which ones, if their “decoding” lay next to them. Look closely!

Rainbow - there is a wonderful mood ahead, cheerful carefree days.

A heart pierced by a dagger is a mental blow that leads to stress, the heart hurts from failed love. There may be cards nearby confirming this again and again - Broken necklace, Hospital bed, unresolved problems. You need to think about whether you really want to save all this?

A heart pierced by an arrow - unrequited, unrequited love.

The sun is a good mood, the rise of vitality. It falls out quite rarely, because serious reasons are needed for this. In any case, you can see from the neighboring cards where the surge of strength will come from.

Chest - money, profit, a successful operation with a profit, as well as - the target expense of the amount.

The Queen of Hearts is a friend, a woman next to you with friendly intentions. If it is torn and, for example, next to the Clock - a warning, advice not to rush, take a timeout to make an important decision. If there are bad cards further, then you hurry up. But in vain!

The skull is a sign of your fatigue, physical and mental, the danger of a nervous breakdown. You can trace where it comes from. For example, the Castle, the inability to find the key to solving the problem, the loss of money ... That's the reason for the breakdown!

Anchor - stop in business. Very two-faced card. If there are good signs nearby, then it can be regarded as a desire and need to just relax. If there are continuous failures, then the person’s hands simply drop.

The word "pasians" in French means "patience". Divination solitaire is, as a rule, a single ritual in which there are certain rules of alignment, as well as a certain goal. Upon reaching this goal, a prediction of the future is made or an answer is given to the question posed. In such layouts, chance and fate play a decisive role, because this is not a classic card game, where everything depends on the level of skills and intelligence!

A selection of 30 online solitaire games

In this section you will find a lot of interesting and free online fortune-telling solitaire games that can give you a prediction about love, the future, relationships, or simply give advice on the current situation!


Despite the French pronunciation of this word, the origin of the game itself and the divination based on it still remains unclear. Someone believes that Scandinavia is his homeland and was originally performed on runes.

Historian Parlet David believed that solitaire was originally played by two participants, each of whom laid out his deck. Although it is only known for certain that it was a favorite, and perhaps the only occupation of the captives of the Bastille during the time of Louis XIII.

It is interesting: According to one of the legends, Mary Stuart played solitaire the night before her execution. Rumor has it that she was promised a pardon if the alignment converged. However, what kind of alignment it was and who exactly promised her freedom is unknown. Most likely, this story is nothing more than a legend!

Principles and rules of online divination

Modern online solitaire - fortune-telling, is a kind of prediction of the future, which uses cards with symbols. Symbolic divination is very ancient: Tarot cards, and even more so ordinary Playing cards, arose much later. However, in some types of solitaire, a standard deck of 36 sheets is still used.

Advice: if you wish, you can make cards yourself and carry out fortune-telling in reality. In some cases, such as for the New Year, Christmas time, Christmas - the predictions will be very accurate!

An important point in conducting such fortune-telling is the correctly formulated question. Although most often solitaire is laid out for a specific situation in order to determine the possible directions for its development.

The most popular types

The exact number of existing types of solitaire is unknown. Approximately, there are several hundred of them. These fortune-telling captivate, entertain and of course predict the future. The accuracy of their predictions is comparable to that of any other type of divination! Most of all in Russia the following layouts are known:

  • Indian;
  • Russian;
  • Swedenborg;
  • Love;
  • For the near future;
  • On playing cards;

The layout of the cards in them is not complicated, and is almost completely performed by a computer. Online fortune-telling is carried out both on special cards and on ordinary decks with 36 or 52 sheets. If you are a beginner and would like to learn the meanings of the cards, then first of all remember that:

  • Worms - symbolize feelings and emotions;
  • Clubs - professional sphere and relationships with people;
  • Diamonds - money, finance, luck and failure;
  • Peaks - physical effort, power, violence;


How to relate to fortune-telling is solely your business. It is best to perceive any online fortune-telling as free and harmless entertainment. Don't take them too seriously, they're just one of several ways to look into the future, but nothing more.

Finally, don't get too upset about what the cards will tell you! Always remember that your life is in your hands. As long as a person is alive, he can change his fate. The main thing here is faith in yourself!

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When it comes to fortune-telling, the well-known Tarot cards or simple playing cards, which are a simpler analogue, cannot but be remembered. But not everyone knows about the unique Indian solitaire. The meaning of the cards is very easy to find out, these pictures allow you to understand what you can expect from the future. Such Indian cards are ideal for divination.

Divination features

The deck contains only twenty-five cards, they represent fifty items. Each card is divided into four parts, each part contains a half of the subject. Thus, to form a complete image, two cards are placed side by side so that a complete picture appears. It may seem that initially the deck was solid, and then it was cut, and all the images were divided in half.

The interpretation of Indian solitaire is considered the most accurate, especially regarding the time of the fulfillment of a wish. In order to tell fortunes, you need to lay out all the cards in five rows, this is how Indian fortune-telling is performed. The meaning of the cards allows you to find out what is expected in the near future. The first row gives a forecast for the coming week, the second - for the week that comes after, etc. It turns out that solitaire tells about the events that will happen in the next month.

What to do if you need to find out what awaits in a shorter period or, conversely, in the distant future? Everything is very simple. The fortuneteller himself conceives a time period for which the prediction is made. Accordingly, every five cards are responsible for 20% of this period.

The exception is the Ring and Coffin cards, they are called annual, and predictions for them always come true within one year, regardless of the period for which they were guessing. Watching the meaning of Indian solitaire cards is not recommended often.

You can do the layout no more than once a day.

It is also noteworthy that the second row cards serve as the answer to the question asked.

Basic Rules

To get reliable predictions, it is important during fortune-telling to focus all your attention on the alignment. Recall the question that worries, determine the time interval, think about the purposes of divination. When they are guessing at another, they represent this person. People with imaginative thinking can imagine a person at a crossroads, as if he does not understand where to go next. Having imagined the image, mentally ask the cards for help.

You need to shuffle the images by shuffling the deck. Just don't do it the way you would with simple playing cards. After all, the order of placement of pictures, and the side already plays a role here.

If fortune-telling is performed for another, it is necessary to give this person cards so that he holds them for some time. Taking the deck in your right hand, you can start the layout, just put the cards face down. In every the row should end up with five cards. After finishing the alignment, you need to pay attention to which drawings matched. Of course, you cannot change the location of the cards, they can only rotate around the axis.

A glass, in addition to its main meaning, can also represent a predisposition to alcoholism, there is a risk of problems against the background of addiction to alcohol. Among the images with an ambiguous interpretation are the Moon and the Sun. For a representative of the weaker sex, the Moon symbolizes motherhood, and the Sun that fell to a man should be considered as a symbol of paternity. If the Snake falls out, and she is near the lady, then a close friend is insidious. When this card is near a king or jack, it signifies strong sexual attraction.

People and animals

The interpretation of the cards of Indian solitaire is determined by the multiple images that fall out during the layout. Here are the generally accepted interpretations of the images of people and animals:

It is necessary to pay attention not only to those cards that matched. It is also important to notice the halves of the picture, separated by the third picture.

Jewelry and accessories

Sometimes adjacent cards can provide a lot of meaningful information. These are wonderful tips for a fortuneteller, and they should not be ignored in any case. If certain decorations fall out in fortune-telling, then they are interpreted as follows:

When referring to interpretation, intuition is involved and interpretations should not be taken literally. The subconscious will give a hint which value is correct.

Inanimate nature

Be sure to pay attention to the row in which the object turned out. Each row gives a prediction for 7-10 days. Images with phenomena of inanimate nature indicate the following:

It is not difficult to tell fortunes on Indian cards, unlike Tarot. In addition, you can buy such solitaire in every gift shop.

Of course, one of the most curious ways to find out your fate is fortune telling with the help of Indian solitaire. Another name is Omguru. These are special cards that have no analogues and are completely different from ordinary ones, it is very interesting to guess on them. If you could not find them, you can conduct fortune-telling online on one of the Internet sites dedicated to esotericism.

Feature of Indian divination

In Indian divination, cards are used that display certain symbols that are associated with human life. As a rule, the layout of these cards is able to predict the future for the next few months.. But if it is necessary, for example, to decompose solitaire into relationships, you can guess a certain period - at least a couple of days.

It is believed that Indian solitaire is able to feel the state of emotions of the person who lays out the cards, while he also develops logic, as well as the intuitive abilities of the latter, since the fortuneteller himself will have to collect symbols from pictures piece by piece.

History of the Indian layout

Maps appeared in ancient India. The oldest deity with the head of an elephant - the god of wisdom Ganesha (or Ganapati) - made a gift to people in the form of a fortune-telling ceremony on Omguru cards.

The people of India themselves describe it as a country of five S.

  1. S - sun, sun.
  2. S - sea, sea.
  3. S - sand, sand.
  4. S - stars, stars.
  5. S - sex, sex.

The differences between the Indian layout of Omguru and all other card layouts (for example, classic or gypsy) are in the symbols that are depicted on the cards.

With the help of this Indian alignment, you are given the opportunity to know the future that awaits you in the near future, and quite accurately. In addition, these cards will give you a hint on what to do in order to improve your position if the cards came out not the most positive.

They are also able to give you an answer to a question that really interests you, but which you might not even have guessed. There are no accidents in Omguru solitaire, and any matched picture is the answer of higher powers to, perhaps, even a question you have not expressed.

How to tell fortunes on Indian cards

This solitaire presents itself as a deck of pictures rather than cards with a variety of symbols that you will have to collect manually with the help of your intuition. There are only twenty-five cards in the deck.

In order to guess, you need:

  • lay out five rows with cards (back up), five cards in each of the rows;
  • when laid out, open all the cards in turn from top to bottom, while imagining a time period or a question that interests you. When you open them, try not to concentrate your attention and not look at the “not yet ready” pictures;
  • after all the Indian cards have been revealed, rotate the intuitively different cards in different directions, around their axis, in order to add up the complete pictures. Far from all the cards and pictures will match, in the end it may turn out a little, but it is the finished full drawings that will be your prediction. You cannot swap cards, in which case the alignment will be incorrect;
  • when you interpret the resulting drawings into a prediction, pay attention to which cards lie next to you, so the prediction of your future will be the most accurate;
  • you may also come across torn symbols - the pattern matches, but after several cards (one or two pieces). They are also worth paying attention to, since all this has its own meaning in the Indian layout.

Important Points in Omguru Solitaire

Incredibly important during this divination is the fullest possible concentration on the issue that interests you. Only after fully concentrating on the question is it worth doing a layout, this will allow the cards to give the most accurate answer.

The question, by the way, should also be given not blurry, but on the contrary, as accurate as possible.. Many people, as a rule, do not know exactly what answers they want. In this case, the cards will also not know for sure which answers to give.

In addition to all this, if you play Indian solitaire too often, then the possibility of getting the right answers will decrease. Thus, it is undesirable to engage in this layout more than once or twice during the time period that you are thinking of.

Meaning of Matched Drawings

After you have formulated the exact question, laid out the cards, folded the drawings yourself, you need, as in any other fortune-telling, to correctly interpret the symbols that you have dropped out. Here are the meanings of the drawings that you could match:

  • Bow. This picture denotes an intimate relationship soon. Perhaps the partner will be new, or maybe not.
  • Glass (or goblet). Inviting you to visit in the near future, some holiday is likely (birthday, wedding, etc.).
  • Hair (bun or curl). This picture reflects either a meeting with relatives in these couple of months. Perhaps these are your parents or the family that you created yourself.
  • Scales. Soon you will need to make an important decision that will affect your life, and perhaps not only yours. Everything is worth it, without rushing to think it over.
  • Tree. A business meeting is waiting for you. Be attentive to other cards, as this business meeting can turn out for you in any way.
  • Girl (on some cards they depict a classic card lady). If a woman is guessing, then this picture displays the likely gossip around her, but if a man is guessing, then she shows a new love in the near future, the outcome of this love, by and large, will depend on the fortuneteller, although it will not hurt to pay attention to other cards.
  • Money (pack or bag). Everything is simple here. This picture means cash flow to you in the near future.
  • Lock. This symbol indicates the presence of a problem in your life, the solution of which is beyond your power. Just let go and it will go away on its own.
  • A crescent moon and a sky covered with stars. A new acquaintance will soon take place in your life, other cards will show you what it will be like. Of course, you should not rely only on them, a lot depends on you.
  • Ship (ship). You are waiting for a trip or a change of residence.
  • Cross. If you get this picture, then it can only mean that you are trying too hard to control everything around you, and in order to solve certain problems you just need to let go of this desire for control.
  • Arrows in a quiver. In the near future, experiences on the personal front await you. Be careful and don't let your emotions consume you.
  • Key. The solution to the problem that has been haunting you for a long time will be found very soon.
  • Book. A routine awaits you, perhaps working with papers in the literal sense.
  • Ring (or rings). It is possible that you will get married soon, or just a strong, mutual love awaits you.
  • Crown. Success on the business front awaits you. This symbol also means good luck, all conceived plans will turn into success.
  • Burning bonfire. Extremely unstable emotional state. Be careful in making decisions, otherwise you risk only worsening the situation.
  • Swan. This picture displays the devotion towards you of a certain person. This can be either your close friend or spouse.
  • Tall buildings (skyscrapers). Big changes await you in the near future. Do not rush to make plans, as the whirlpool of events that awaits you, most likely, will not allow you to bring them to life.
  • Knife. Expect a quarrel or scandal. You could hurt or offend someone, in order not to get worse, try to understand the person and not react.
  • Letter. The news you've been expecting for a long time.
  • Letter in the ring. The news that you have been waiting for so long will come soon, but this will not change anything.
  • Horseshoe. A happy future awaits you. You're lucky.
  • Guy (or classic card jack). The meaning is the same as in the case of a lady, just the opposite. For a man - gossip, for a woman - a new love.
  • Chamomile flower. Your feelings for someone will go unanswered, at least for the time period you are guessing.
  • Field under the sun. Look forward to a romantic date. The outcome is up to you.
  • Sun. Good sign. A good period awaits you, relations with people will become clearer. If you want to start your own business, then this is the time.
  • One arrow. Events await you that you did not expect at all. The card closest to this one will help to give a hint about specific events.
  • Candle (or several candles). Soon you will be alone. Do not despair.
  • Heart. You will make a declaration of love. If at the time of fortune-telling you cannot decide on this act yourself, but would like to, then this is a sign that you should not be afraid of being rejected. Decide on an action.
  • Sultan (or classic card king). You will come across an influential person.
  • Tram (or train). A pleasant trip or even a whole trip awaits you.
  • Telephone. Everything is pretty straightforward here - an important telephone conversation awaits you.
  • Snail. Your cherished desires will come true in the near future.
  • Flag (or flags). Soon you will change the type of your occupation. Perhaps you will be fired from your job or you will find something better and leave the old place yourself.
  • Veil. Expect an invitation to a lavish feast.
  • Chain. Problems will sneak up on you and strike from where you do not expect them at all.
  • Clock (or dial). Some events are waiting for you, and which ones will be indicated by the symbol closest to the map.
  • Damn (devil). Serious trouble awaits you, be careful. Extremely bad card.
  • Scull. Also a bad card, denotes illness. Watch your health better, otherwise a tragic outcome cannot be avoided.
  • Anchor. Your business will stop. Perhaps you just need a rest.
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