Earplugs for sleep: a difficult choice. Toilet paper earplugs DIY earplugs for sleeping

Modern earplugs are very simple and at the same time effective gadgets, in the form of small elastic soft cones inserted with a narrow end forward into the upper part of the external auditory canals. They tightly and hermetically clog the auricles, cutting off extraneous sounds that prevent a person from falling asleep.

For the first time, the term earplugs, made up of parts of the words “take care of your ears”, was used by the Russian academician, professor of physical and mathematical sciences Igor Vasilyevich Petryanov-Sokolov. He gave this name to his new development - a loose-fiber fabric made from ultra-thin polyvinyl chloride fibers. Later, earplugs were called earplugs made from it.

The scope of their application is not limited to noise protection during sleep. Depending on the design features and material of manufacture, earplugs will also prevent water from entering the ear canals when swimming, help equalize intracranial pressure when diving, and save you from pain in the ears caused by pressure drops during descent and climb in an airplane.

Manufacturing materials

To understand which earplugs for sleeping are better able to provide anti-noise protection and give their owner a calm and nightly rest, you will have to understand the whole variety of their range.

All ear plugs can be divided into disposable and reusable, and their validity depends entirely on the material of manufacture. For their production are most often used:

  • Foam. Features: low price, high degree of noise reduction, short service life.
  • Wax. Features: natural origin, increased degree of comfort, no pressure, completely hermetically fills the ear canals, average service life.
  • Polyurethane . Features: soft, resilient, elastic, can be washed, long service life.
  • Silicone . Features: very soft and comfortable, can be washed, requires careful storage and handling, long service life.

Foam (foam rubber) liners look like small soft bullets. They reliably protect the ears from noise, but after one or two applications they lose their shape and tear. True, this shortcoming is fully compensated by their cheapness.

Disposable natural wax earplugs are soft balls wrapped in cotton wool. Softened by the heat of the human body, they evenly fill the ear canals and are especially recommended for people who experience discomfort or pain when using artificial earplugs.

Polyurethane and silicone earplugs are the most durable. They keep their shape perfectly, effectively protect the ears from noise, dust and moisture, and their service life depends only on how carefully they are used. Silicone earplugs are more expensive and better quality than polyurethane ones. They can be made from softer thermoplastic or harder silicone sheets and are shaped like bullets or mushrooms.

Which earplugs are more comfortable to use

Since there will be no talk of any restful sleep if the earplugs begin to put pressure on the ears or cause discomfort when in contact with the skin, the main criterion by which they should be chosen is ease of use. It is possible to adequately evaluate which earplugs for sleep are better only on the basis of personal feelings and own experience. But there are a number of general characteristics, knowing in advance that you can simplify the choice:

  • Elasticity. This is a very important quality that determines how effectively this or that model of earplugs is able to drown out the sound. It depends on how tightly the anti-noise insert fills the void in the auricle. If the material from which it is made is not elastic enough, the auditory canal will not be hermetically closed, which means that protection from external noise will not be complete.
  • Softness. The harder the anti-noise earbuds, the more discomfort they will cause during use, and vice versa, the softer the earplugs, the more comfortable they are. Solid ear plugs constantly remind of themselves, put pressure on the walls of the ear canal and prevent you from sleeping calmly and fully.
  • Hygiene. When purchasing earplugs, you need to be sure that their use will be safe. They should not cause allergies. Reusable plugs should be easy to clean and dry quickly. It is also desirable that any, no matter reusable or disposable, earplugs are connected to each other with a string, with which you can easily remove the plugs from your ears.

Overview of well-known manufacturers

In recent years, modern manufacturers have not left the niche for the production of earplugs without attention, constantly experimenting and using various production technologies. Here is a list of the most well-known brands that have proven that their ear tips have a high degree of noise protection and are quite capable of providing a quiet and restful sleep.

Calmor are Swiss-made soft hypoallergenic disposable earplugs made from natural wax, petroleum jelly and cotton wool. Calmor earplugs are comfortable and safe to use. After being introduced into the auditory canal, they gradually soften and hermetically clog it, providing their owner with complete silence. Sold in packs of 12 pairs. The cost of one package is 300-400 rubles.

Ohropax Classic are soft hypoallergenic disposable ear plugs made in Germany, made from cotton wool and a mixture of several types of paraffins and natural wax. Under the influence of the heat of the human body, they gradually and carefully fill the ear canal and effectively protect the sleeper from external noise, without causing him any discomfort. Wax liners Ohropax Classic are sold in packs of 12 and 20 pairs costing from 600 to 1000 rubles, respectively.

Moldex Spark Plugs are hypoallergenic, flexible, reusable polyurethane earplugs made in Germany. Moldex Spark Plugs earplugs are characterized by increased softness and elasticity, thanks to which they fill the ear canal very tightly without exerting any pressure on it, effectively isolate external noise and are not felt at all. Moldex inserts can be washed in warm running water, and the term of their use depends only on how carefully the owner treats them. These earplugs are supplied in plastic cases-containers of two pairs. The cost of one case is 140-180 rubles.

Travel Dream are Russian-made hypoallergenic elastic soft ear tips made of foamed propylene with reinforced noise isolation. Travel Dream earbuds are classic earplugs used to protect your hearing from noise, dirt, dust and moisture. After being inserted into the ear canal, they almost instantly fill its space and cut off external noise. The smooth surface makes these earplugs resistant to dirt. Supplied in cardboard packaging for one pair or plastic cases for 2 pairs costing from 70 to 180 rubles, respectively.

Hush Plugz Pink are ergonomic reusable ear plugs in the form of small balls made of high quality hypoallergenic medical silicone made in England. Reusable Hush Plugs are easy to wrinkle and can be an alternative to wax plugs. A distinctive feature of silicone balls is that they are not inserted into the ear canal, but are fixed in the auricle. Due to this, the balls do not cause discomfort, which often occurs when the earplugs are inserted deeply into the ear canal. At the same time, the effectiveness of anti-noise protection does not suffer. Hush Plugz Pink earplugs are supplied in plastic containers of 7 pairs with an approximate cost of 350 to 450 rubles.

Moldex Comets are reusable hypoallergenic mushroom-shaped liners made of high-tech sheet silicone material of thermoplastic elastomer made in Germany. It is characterized by increased softness and elasticity, due to which these earbuds hermetically close the ear opening, effectively cut off external noise and do not cause discomfort. Moldex Comets earplugs are easy to clean and last at least 12 months. Supplied in cardboard boxes of 2, connected with a cord. The approximate cost is 400-500 rubles.

Alpine SleepSoft are reusable ear tips made of high quality hypoallergenic medical grade thermoplastic silicone made in the Netherlands. Under the influence of the heat of the human body, the silicone softens and takes the shape of the ear canal. Due to the special design (multi-level filters and the special structure of the material), Alpine SleepSoft earplugs are able to muffle only certain types of noise, which is very convenient. So, for example, when using them, you will not be disturbed by the noise of cars or the snoring of a neighbor, but you will hear the alarm clock or the crying of a child. In addition, the filters of SleepSoft earplugs are breathable, so that the ear does not fall asleep during sleep. Earplugs are supplied in an ergonomic case, one pair each. They come with two soft acoustic filters, a special nozzle for inserting plugs into the ears and instructions for use. The high price from 1300 to 1600 rubles per pair pays off with durability. With proper care and use, their service life exceeds 12 months.

It is difficult to say with absolute certainty which earplugs are better for sleeping. Most people are more comfortable with wax earplugs as they are softer and can be cut down to size. Of the minuses of such earplugs, it can be noted only that they cannot be washed. Wax earplugs are simply replaced with new ones over time.

However, all of the above models cope with their main task - noise protection. After carefully evaluating their main characteristics, each person will be able to choose the option that is suitable for cost and comfort.

How to use

In order for earplugs not to cause discomfort, and the result from their use to be the most effective, when using them, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. 1 Wash your hands with soap and water before using earplugs. Then remove the earbuds from the case or box and, if there are creases or folds on their surface, smooth them out, since they are most often the ones that cause discomfort.
  2. 2 The plug prepared in this way must be inserted into the ear canal with slow movements, slightly turning around the axis. To form a seal and hermetically, preventing air from entering, lightly press on the base of the plug to fill the space of the ear canal.
  3. 3 After the earplugs have filled the ear canal, they must be held until they are properly shaped.
  4. 4 Since all silicone plugs are located at the exit of the ear canal, and not inside it, they do not need to be inserted too deeply.

Earplugs must be kept clean. If reusable silicone products are too dirty, sticky to hands and cannot be cleaned, and their service life has not yet expired, they still need to be changed.

In addition, when choosing earplugs, it is desirable to take into account their size. Small earbuds can fall out of the ear during sleep, and too large ones will put pressure on the walls of the ear canal and cause discomfort.

Is it bad to use earplugs all the time?

Regular use of ear plugs is not harmful. The danger from the constant use of earplugs lies only in the fact that, having become accustomed to always falling asleep in complete silence, you are unlikely to be able to do without them. The exception is inflammatory ENT diseases. Any type of infectious pathology affecting the ears and ear canals makes the use of earplugs absolutely impossible.

When using earmuffs, one should not forget about the importance of observing hygiene standards. Dirty earplugs can cause infection in the ear canal. And if wax accumulates in the ear, the plugs will push it to the eardrum. This threatens with hearing loss and inflammation of the middle ear.

Sound and healthy sleep is as necessary for a person as air and water. Constant lack of sleep negatively affects his mental and physical condition, interferes with his personal life, career and poses a threat to his environment. Not being chemicals, not interfering with the work of the human body, earplugs help to get enough sleep, which means they deserve attention.

Sleep is a physiological state and promotes recuperation in the presence of favorable conditions. Silence is a prerequisite for comfort, which is why medical experts have developed earplugs for sleeping.

Device and effect on sleep

The term "ear plugs" was coined by academician Petryanov-Sokolovsky at the beginning, in 1938, it was not a product, but a high-tech filter material. Literally, "ear plugs" is translated as "take care of your ears."

The Petryanov filter has been used in industry, incl. military industry - in gas masks. Until the end of the 90s of the 20th century, this material remained classified. However, noise-isolating ear filters have become public knowledge. The first ear plug was invented long before the Petryanov filter. However, not so effective means were used for this. For example:

  • lumps of sheep's wool;
  • densely rolled dried grass;
  • cotton balls;
  • pieces of wax;
  • crumpled paper.

Despite the specificity of improvised means, such plugs made it possible to maintain hearing under the influence of harmful noises.

Earplugs were used by gunners, hammerers and other people whose professions or habitats were associated with negative sound effects.

Later, modern models were invented, made taking into account the expansion of areas of human life. So, miners, divers (divers), members of special security operations, rock musicians and others can wear their ear plugs. Moreover, modern filters can be multifunctional: for example, in swimmers and divers, they protect the ear from non-sterile water, and also have the ability to equalize pressure as they dive to depth.

Earplugs also differ in the degree of sound absorption: some have complete sound insulation, while others only soften the noise impact. The latter are necessary for those whose professional work is impossible without the perception of sound signals.

Types of sound-absorbing ear filters

The earplug device has a variety of materials of manufacture and methods of the technological process. Modern personal means of sound protection differ in:

  • material of manufacture;
  • shape and size;
  • duration of wear;
  • care features.

Materials for the manufacture of modern ear sound filters can be both natural and artificial. They are made from:

  • wax;
  • polyurethane;
  • polypropylene;
  • silicone.

Each material is endowed with operational features and working qualities, incl. duration of use. Earplugs for sleep are made for single use - this applies to situations at home or in transport, a hotel, in nature. That is, in those places where it is impossible to take good care of them. Reusable models provide care and processing after each use (washing, storage conditions, etc.).

Photo of silicone earplugs

The size of earplugs matters not only for efficiency, but also for comfort. In view of this, the selection is carried out individually. Too large size puts pressure on the ear canal. Use causes discomfort, injury and inflammation of the ear. The use of small plugs does not isolate noise. Moreover, they spontaneously fall out of the auricle.

For a child, children's earplugs are selected from hypoallergenic materials, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the auricle.

For your information: There is no single size, like “children's”, there is a gradation of size for children of different ages, from newborns to primary schoolchildren.

What materials are used to make

Choosing earplugs is easier if you know the characteristics of the materials.


The only natural means of soundproofing. When immersed in the auditory canal, under the influence of the heat of the human body, they slightly “thaw”. As a result, the softened wax takes an ergonomic anatomical shape and completely fills the space of the auricle.

This ensures high-quality sound insulation. An additional benefit of wax is hypoallergenicity. The disadvantages of this material include low hygiene:

  • absorbs particles in the ear;
  • sticky hairs;
  • after removal, it freezes, which prevents disinfection.

Therefore, most wax models are disposable.


Known as foam rubber. Attractive affordability. The advantages of earplugs are soft, effortlessly change shape, easy to wash and dry and protect against noise. Disadvantages - there is a risk of skin irritation. Breaks after several treatments. Therefore, foam rubber earplugs are ambiguous - disposable, but it is difficult to call them reusable either.


Thick material, but soft and stretchy. It is well disinfected, can be used for a long time, provides effective sound absorption. These earplugs for sleep must be selected strictly according to the size of the wearer's auricle.

Silicone for sleep

Not without reason are considered the best for health. Advantages - hypoallergenic, effectively provide sound protection, do not irritate the ear canal. Both soft thermoplastic and more rigid molded material are used. A feature of silicone as a material for sound filters is the obligatory observance of processing conditions. If you violate the instructions for care and storage, silicone earplugs quickly fail.

Silicone should not be completely immersed in the auricle, the upper part should protrude above the opening of the auditory canal.

What are the selection criteria

Photo of high-tech earplugs

Elasticity, softness, strength and hygiene are taken into account to select the earplugs that best fit and provide the maximum sound-absorbing effect, as well as:

  • carrier age;
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to materials;
  • Terms of Use.

It is important to buy earplugs from the expensive segment if they will be used, for example, during a long flight. This is due to the fact that in transport conditions it is difficult to process after application. Therefore, it is preferable to use disposable products on the road.

For persons with restless sleep, there is a danger of losing the plug. For such cases, models have been developed that are associated with themselves and even fixed on the head like headphones.

The vast majority focuses on the cost of the product. The price when choosing is an important factor, but not the only determining quality. With the same merits, earplugs from different manufacturers differ in price, because. branding also affects pricing.

Attention! Good earplugs are not necessarily expensive, but a low price, along with the lack of complete information about the manufacturer, is a direct prerequisite for refusing to purchase the product.

The main criterion is that earplugs should fit comfortably in the ear and provide an anti-noise effect. In this regard, let's say a home-made sound filter, which can be made from improvised means if it is not possible to purchase factory-made earplugs. Basically, such a remedy is made from cotton balls and inserted into the ear. If you made earplugs for sleeping with your own hands, then one-time use is allowed.

Ways to use

Proper care and use is the key to long-term operation. Only clean and dry products can be inserted into the ear. Do not need to process funds from a freshly unpacked package.

Instructions for use:

  1. Slightly stretch the device, straighten wrinkles and irregularities, if any.
  2. Correctly insert the filter into the ear gently, without pressure, with a screwing motion. It is not worth inserting the plugs too deeply - they should slightly rise above the channel opening, as in the photo.
  3. Before inserting, not only earplugs, but also ears should be clean: you can clean them with a special ear stick or a match wrapped in cotton.

At the end of sleep, the earplugs are removed, after which the disposable ones are disposed of, and the reusable ones are washed under running warm water. The use of soap is allowed in cases where it is not prohibited by the instructions for use. After washing, they are dried and placed in special storage containers.

Important: Do not store earplugs at too high or low temperatures.

This video shows how to properly insert earplugs:

Hit parade of manufacturers

The rating of popular models of manufacturers will provide an opportunity to choose the best earplugs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the owner. This table theoretically allows you to evaluate models. However, the final selection is made on the basis of practical application.

ModelManufacturer countryProduction materialOne-time useRelease formApplication periodprice, rub.
CalmorSwitzerlandWax/Vaseline/CottondisposablePacking 12 pairslong300-400
Ohropax ClassicGermanyParaffins / natural wax / cotton wooldisposablePacking 12/20 pairslong600/1000
Moldex Spark PlugsGermanyPolyurethanereusablePlastic container 2 pairslong140-180
Moldex CometsGermanysheet siliconereusableContainer 1 pair connected with a drawstringUp to 12 months400-500
Hush Plugz PinkEnglandmedical grade siliconereusablePlastic container 7 pairsUp to 12 months350-450
Alpine Sleep SoftNetherlandsmedical grade siliconereusableCase 1 pair, with soft filters and injection nozzleOver 12 months1300-1600
Travel DreamRussiaFoam propylenereusablecarton 1 pair / plastic case 2 pairsUp to 12 months70/180

Most of the considered models have such a quality as selective noise reduction: when using them, a person will not be disturbed by snoring, the sound of a voice or motor noise, but he will hear a phone call, an alarm signal or a doorbell.

Models Moldex Comets and Alpine Sleep Soft are made in the form of a "mushroom" - multi-level earplugs that qualitatively suppress all types of noise. Moldex Spark Plugs and Travel Dream are bullet-shaped plugs, the rest of the models are spherical. The degree of noise reduction in all models is high.

Price range and points of sale

The range of prices for earplugs varies from 70 to 1500 for a pack of filters. The cost of a product depends on:

  1. Manufacturing material. Premium grade - soft hypoallergenic silicone used in medicine.
  2. Type of packaging. Budget option - cardboard. From the expensive segment - convenient plastic containers, also used to store the device.
  3. One-time use, i.e. disposable is an economical option.
  4. Options. So, cords, devices for insertion and extraction, additional sound-absorbing nozzles are supplied with plugs. The most expensive earplugs may come with care products (special cleaning solutions).

The method of purchase also affects the price. Most modern earplugs can be bought online, in which case their price will be much lower than when buying in a pharmacy or store. The disadvantages of such a purchase include the inability to check products.

Ear filters are custom-made earplugs. They are made to order in cases where standard models do not take into account the anatomical features of the individual.


Everyone can make earplugs with their own hands at home. To do this, it is enough to take a package of medical cotton wool, separate from the total mass the amount required for one plug. After, roll a ball between the palms, rubbing in a circular motion. The result is a cotton ball.

All homemade earplugs can only be used once. It is not recommended to use materials other than medical cotton for manufacturing, since their use can cause:

  • allergic reaction;
  • mechanical damage to ear tissues;
  • infection.

The disadvantage of do-it-yourself plugs is incomplete soundproofing.

Expert opinion

Doctors believe that the use of earplugs should be temporary and necessary. So, in a number of professions, these filters are indispensable, because. help prevent hearing loss. Also, earplugs are needed for people living in places with high noise levels (near railway lines, near noisy highways, etc.)

For many, such filters help to fall asleep in the case of a human factor that is difficult to get used to: a snoring spouse or neighbor in a hotel room, a crying baby behind the wall, etc. This remedy also helps those who cannot sleep in a thunderstorm due to thunder.

However, sleeping with earplugs every day, whether there is noise or not, is not recommended. Constantly wearing is not harmful, from the point of view of physiology, but psychologists note addiction to devices. That is, a person who is used to sleeping in complete silence every night will find it difficult to wean himself from earplugs: the slightest rustles outside the window, the sounds of steps, rain, etc. will interfere.

Contraindications for wearing:

  • individual intolerance;
  • sulfur plugs;
  • any ear disease.

Therefore, before you start wearing plugs, it is recommended to consult with an otolaryngologist.

To exclude the harmful effect of protective equipment on health, keep the sleep aid clean, insert it correctly and in no case reuse disposable filters.

Sound sleep is a guarantee of health. It is not often possible to get enough sleep. After all, the outside world is full of all sorts of noises. Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when the neighbors start repairs, and for days on end they get on their nerves with a loud grinder, hammer and screwdriver.

Or maybe a child was born in a multi-storey building and with night cries does not allow all the nearest residents to sleep. What to do in such situations. Indeed, in a noisy environment it is impossible to sleep and even fall asleep. Tomorrow you have to go to work, study or an exam! And this day, alas, will not bring joy to a sleepy person.

There is a proven tool for a relaxing holiday - earplugs. But, as a rule, you don't expect to hear music under the windows at 3 am. That's why you don't have this item.

A trip to the pharmacy at a late hour looks frivolous. How can you help yourself in this situation? Earplugs are easy to make with your own hands.

How to make earplugs at home with your own hands?

The method of making noise-isolating ear plugs is surprisingly simple.

To do this, stock up on the following items:

  1. food film;
  2. plasticine;
  3. small rubber band
  4. cotton wool;
  5. scissors.

Cut off a square of cling film and place a piece of cotton wool in the middle. Take the cotton in your hand and gently release the air. This is necessary so that when the plug is immersed in the ear canal, the film does not tear. If you do not trust the quality or are afraid that things will get inside the ear, try making a film in 2 layers. Now we make twists from the fleece to the end of the film. Homemade earplug is ready.

Some make earplugs out of plasticine. The manufacturing principle is identical to the previous one. Only plasticine is used instead of cotton wool. If desired, you can not make twists, but fix with a thin elastic band.

These earplugs will last 2 weeks. But for personal hygiene, it is recommended to change the film every 3 days. In addition, the item should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

In the pharmacy, the choice of noise protectors is much more extensive. And they are made from special materials. It depends on the purpose of the acquisition.

Earplugs can be:

  1. for restful sleep;
  2. to visit the pool;
  3. for music lessons.

Do-it-yourself earplugs for sleep are also recommended to be inserted when visiting excursions in exotic places. What for? After inserting plugs into your ears, you will not hear the guide's story. Don't worry about it. The quality of audibility is determined by the material from which the object is made. Some completely isolate from extraneous sounds, others slightly muffle them. But insects definitely will not penetrate and will not harm you.

As for contraindications, handmade earplugs are completely harmless. You will make them from hypoallergenic materials that can not harm your health. However, you should not get used to them. The more often you use them, the more you will feel the need for isolation from external sounds.

You will notice that silence without mutes is not quiet enough, even the smallest noises become annoying. This will spoil the ability to fall asleep naturally. But most likely you won't.

Approximately 4 minutes to read

Anna Alexandrova, somnologist, neurologist, 9 years of experience, the highest category

Snoring is not always a serious problem, sometimes it is an acceptable failure in the body. But if it is severe snoring, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. The reasons are almost always the same. Most often it is overweight, less often - features of physiology, even less often - these are problems of the nasopharynx and hormonal disruptions.

Most people like to work in silence so that no outside noise distracts them and interferes with their concentration. Fortunately, humanity has come up with many useful things for its own comfort. Of these inventions - uncomplicated earplugs.

It would seem that ordinary earplugs, however, they can immerse a person in silence and save him from all external irritants. Ear plugs will free your ears from constant noise, and it is known to be the most famous stressor. If you still think that earplugs are a completely useless thing, then you should read the medical reports on their use - everything will become clear that this is a necessary life item. Intriguing? Then read on.

Work efficiently and, most importantly, calmly. Get rid of insomnia, city bustle and noise. It's all about the devices that can provide it. Earplugs - a word made up of their related concepts - take care of your ears.

Keep in mind, earplugs are not ordinary earplugs.

There is a huge variety of earplugs. All of them have certain features. Items, in general, are simple, but the benefits of them are clearly clear.

Protect yourself from annoying noises, relax on the road, train, car - earplugs will help. This is especially practical for those people who have too sensitive or restless sleep. Even if you have relatives and they constantly snore, turn around in their sleep, earplugs will save you from many troubles and give you the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

There are earplugs that can completely isolate you from extraneous noise, but you will definitely hear the alarm signal. So, when choosing such a necessary device, consider for what purposes you will use it.

What are they used for?

By the way, about the purpose of using earplugs. Let's look at them in more detail. Doctors have specially developed different types of earplugs. And depending on the number of activities, there are different types of earplugs.

They are usually used:

  • Athletes, especially swimmers. They just need earplugs to keep water out of their ears regularly. However, they will hear everything that happens around them.
  • divers. It is vital for them that the earplugs limit the pressure on the ears.
  • People who are going to board the plane. Ear plugs during takeoff and during the flight itself prevent the passengers from getting stuffy ears.
  • Musicians.
  • Motorcyclists.
  • – household.
  • The most common type is universal. Used in different situations that do not apply to the above.

It is essential to use earplugs for professional purposes. Only they must be of high quality so as not to harm the auricle and the entire hearing system of the body. It is better to opt for silicone. However, do not abuse earplugs, it can become a habit that is difficult to break.

What are earplugs made of?

For the manufacture of ear plugs, manufacturers resort to a variety of materials. It:

  • wax;
  • silicone;
  • polypropylene;
  • rubber.

In the meantime, the most popular earplugs, which partly gained this popularity due to their low price, are foam earplugs. They are well matched quality-price and cope with the main task. However, due to the low cost, they are made of short-lived material. Therefore, consumers note their fragility.

Rubber earplugs are notable for their safety. Due to the dense material from which they are made, they have to be inserted deep enough into the auricle. Physicians consider it harmful.

There are a lot of positive reviews about silicone earplugs, both buyers and doctors. Earplugs made of this material are considered very durable, plus they do not require any maintenance. Otolaryngologists recommend silicone earplugs because they are completely hypoallergenic and do not cause any irritation.

They are also very popular. They are very comfortable to use due to their wax composition. These earplugs take the temperature of the human body. They are good at blocking sounds, noises and even loud screams.

Wax plugs are natural and, like silicone ones, have no contraindications and do not cause allergic reactions. There is, of course, one drawback - they stick to your hands because of the wax and often break. However, they are very comfortable and a person can even forget that he has a foreign object in his ears.

We make our own

You can make earplugs yourself, but as you know, they will not be so durable. You will need cotton wool, a plastic bag and a small elastic band.

Small circles of cotton balls, which must first be tried on in the ear, are wrapped tightly in a bag. Don't forget to leave a little ponytail!

We wrap, tie tightly with an elastic band, the excess bag can be cut off.

Important! Be sure to check whether these earplugs are comfortable for you - they are not big or too small. They should fit perfectly in the ear!

You should have enough of these earplugs for 3 weeks.


To achieve the desired silence and immerse yourself in your thoughts - that's what earplugs can do. It has been proven that sometimes a person just needs to be in silence. It's even good for health. Such a simple invention can save your nervous system and its cells.

Buy or make your own - the choice is yours. However, if you are already an avid lover of silence or, as a hobby, the profession needs earplugs, then, of course, it is better to opt for a more professional device.

Sleep is an important physiological process, without which no person can do. It helps to restore physical strength, replenish energy, strengthen the nervous and immune systems. But often it is not diseases and ailments that prevent you from getting enough sleep, but external irritating factors. One of them is noise. Silence is considered an important condition for quality rest, so doctors advise using earplugs - special earplugs designed for sleeping. They are able to reduce the perception of extraneous sounds and provide comfort.

Since the need to solve the problem of sleep disturbance has arisen, people have come up with ways to maintain silence and ensure a comfortable rest. Ear plugs were considered the most suitable, which were made from a wide variety of materials. Popular were:

  • densely rolled dried grass;
  • crumpled paper;
  • lumps of sheep's wool;
  • cotton balls;
  • pieces of wax.

This continued until the Soviet academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov did not come up with the simplest device made of a special filtering PVC fiber. He called his invention "ear plugs", which meant - "take care of your ears."

Sound-isolating earcups for better rest

Initially, the device was used in the military industry and industry, but quickly became public knowledge. Earplugs began to be used by musicians, military pilots, gunners, divers, hammerers, people whose professional activities are associated with negative sound effects. Modern manufacturers offer devices that can provide a full-fledged comfortable sleep even in the most adverse conditions.

Purpose of earplugs, device, mechanism of action

Earplugs are small earplugs that are inserted into the ear canal, filling the interior comfortably. Being a multifunctional device, they help isolate the ear from various noises, water ingress when swimming. For divers, special devices are produced that can equalize pressure when diving to great depths.

Since earplugs for sleep eliminate any noise, creating perfect silence, in order to avoid quickly getting used to an environment of complete silence, experts do not recommend using them all the time. Devices are an excellent solution to eliminate loud annoying sounds when there is an urgent need for a good night's sleep. They can become convenient and indispensable in the following situations:

  • long trips by train, plane, public transport;
  • loud snoring of the husband at night;
  • annoying sounds coming from the apartment of restless neighbors;
  • constant noise in the house, located near the highway, airport, railway.

Terms of use and care

Despite the simple design, many still do not know how to use earplugs for sleep correctly. For safety, you should follow simple rules.

Advice! Disposable products should be disposed of, it is recommended to store inserts for reusable use in a box, periodically washing them from contamination. Warm water and soap will work for this. In case of significant damage or deformation, they must be replaced with new ones.

Contraindications and side effects

When used correctly, earbuds are not harmful to health and do not cause side effects. Doctors do not recommend using them daily to minimize the risk of getting used to a night's rest in complete silence. They also identify a number of reasons that prevent the use of sleep plugs.

  1. Sulfur plugs that can penetrate deep inside when the insert is inserted, causing hearing loss and the development of an inflammatory process that only an ENT doctor can handle.
  2. Damage to one of the parts of the ear - outer, middle or inner.
  3. Diseases of the hearing organs.

Important product selection parameters

The modern market offers a wide range of products to eliminate noise, but in order to purchase the best option, you need to know how to choose earplugs for sleep. When buying, you should take into account your age, hypersensitivity to the materials used, conditions of use. Other indicators of product quality are the following.

Production material

Regardless of whether the inserts are intended for single use or multiple use, close attention should be paid to the material of manufacture. The following types of products can be purchased on free sale.

Foam. The most popular type of plugs. It is a soft product that looks like small bullets. They do an excellent job with the task, but have a serious drawback - they quickly fail. This quality is offset by an affordable price, which allows you to often replace faulty products with new ones.

Silicone. Made of hypoallergenic and non-toxic material, silicone earplugs for sleep are divided into two groups:

  • thermoplastic - softer and more pliable, but requiring special care;
  • sheet - hard, practically do not miss sounds and are wear-resistant.

Wax. A great option for those who appreciate comfort, quality and convenience. They are lightweight and perfectly follow the anatomy of the ear canal. A significant disadvantage of products of this type is the lack of free sale, high price and impossibility of reuse.

Degree of noise suppression

The main purpose of earplugs is soundproofing during sleep. As a rule, conventional products can suppress noise in the range of 20-40 dB. But many modern systems are capable of maximum protection against loud sounds up to 85 decibels. In order to ensure complete silence, experts recommend studying in detail which earplugs are the most effective for sleeping today.

Comfort level

If the earplugs press on the walls of the ear canal, then you don’t dream of any comfortable rest. In order to choose a product that meets personal preferences, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a number of general characteristics in advance.

Elasticity. It is considered an important criterion, since it allows assessing the degree of filling of the inner space of the ear and the quality of the anti-noise effect. If the material has low compliance, then it is not able to provide complete silence.

Softness. Hard earplugs allow you to feel constant discomfort, put pressure on the walls of the passage, making it difficult to fall asleep. Products made of soft material, on the contrary, are practically not felt in the cavity of the auricle, which creates comfortable conditions for sleep.

Hygiene. This includes hypoallergenic qualities, ease of maintenance and operation. Disposable models are recommended to be disposed of the next morning, and reusable products should be washed well and dry quickly. It is also necessary that high-quality liners do not cause side effects in the form of allergic manifestations.

Manufacturer and price

In recent years, the popularity of soundproofing filters has increased significantly. This is due to the busy pace of life, which is accompanied by a lack of time for proper rest. As a result, a person has to sleep at any free time, using modern gadgets - sleep masks and earplugs. Manufacturers did not stand aside from this problem and hurried to fill the niche with a variety of products, the range of which is constantly updated with new high-tech models.

It's important to know! To date, such countries as Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, England and Russia are considered the world's leading manufacturers. They offer products in various price categories, ranging from budget inexpensive models to premium products.

The spread of prices ranges from 70 to 1500 rubles per pack. The cost of the product depends on:

The most modern models: distinctive features

Before choosing and purchasing the necessary product, it is recommended to study the rating of popular models of well-known manufacturers, compiled according to consumer reviews. Of course, you should take into account individual preferences, and pay attention to the best earplugs for sleeping.

Model nameManufacturerProduction materialFrequency of useApplication period
CalmorSwitzerlandCotton wool, vaseline, waxDisposable


Ohropax Classic


Cotton wool, paraffins, vaseline
Moldex SparkPolyurethanereusable
"Moldex Comets"sheet silicone
Up to 12 months
"Hush Plugs Pink"England
medical grade silicone
Alpine Sleep SoftNetherlands
"Travel Dream"RussiaFoam propylene

Products on order

Each produced model has operational features, which affects the terms of application and price characteristics. However, manufacturers are trying to meet the needs of the average buyer, not taking into account people with deviations and anomalies in the structure of the hearing organ. Inserts sold in pharmacies and online stores may not be suitable for such a group. In this situation, the service of making earplugs to order appears. It takes into account the size, shape, other characteristics of the product, as well as the anatomical features of the structure of the hearing organ.

Homemade earplugs

To date, there are special kits on sale that allow you to make earplugs with your own hands to improve sleep. This is especially true for people with congenital anomalies of the ear canal. The package contains two types of porous plastic material, each of which must first be divided into two parts.

Having connected the halves of each type, you should crush them until you get a mass that is uniform in color and consistency. Having fashioned a cone-shaped insert from each part, it is necessary to insert it carefully into the ear canal, pushing it approximately to the middle of the entire length. After 10 minutes, remove the finished product from the ear and put it in a container - the earplugs made at home are ready.

Permanent application: expert opinion

Physicians believe that the use of products to absorb noise should be temporary, except in situations where their permanent use is associated with the peculiarities of professional activity. Basically, earplugs should be worn by people who have difficulty falling asleep in the presence of a human factor (noise from neighbors, snoring husband or wife). It is also desirable to have inserts for people living in places with high noise levels.

It's important to know! Given the physiology, they are absolutely safe, but from a psychological point of view, their constant wearing is considered unnecessary, since it causes rapid addiction. In addition, ear diseases, the presence of excessive accumulation of sulfur becomes a contraindication to the use of this gadget.


If a person is having difficulty falling asleep, sleep earplugs can be an ideal solution. The choice should be stopped on soft comfortable reusable products made of hypoallergenic material. They should be easy to wash and dry quickly. When buying, you need to be guided by the name of the manufacturer and affordability. It is better to use plugs periodically, when there really is a need for a full and high-quality sleep. They should be introduced carefully so as not to damage the hearing organs.

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