Eli Lilly preparations. Eli Lilly Company

If people have been working in a company for many years, and a head hunter's call is answered with a polite refusal, this is the best confirmation that everything is fine in the company. However, there is more solid evidence. Last year, according to the results of an authoritative international study by AonHewitt, Eli Lilly entered the top ten best employers in Russia. The day spent in the company showed that there is a truly unique atmosphere in which people are pleased and comfortable to work.

In 1876, Colonel Eli Lilly, a veteran of the American Civil War and a pharmacist by profession, being dissatisfied with the quality of the production of drugs of that time, opened his own pharmaceutical business in downtown Indianapolis. Today, his brainchild is one of the largest pharmaceutical corporations in the world. Eli Lilly products are present in 125 countries, have factories in 13 countries, and employ more than 38,000 people worldwide. The Moscow office of Eli Lilly is located in the business center of the Russian capital and occupies several floors of one of the high-rises of Moscow City.

We go to the office. We are greeted by friendly reception staff. Right from the door you can understand that you are in the office of a pharmaceutical company: a stand with drug samples, booklets and medical literature on a coffee table. The working day has already begun, but not all employees are still in the field. The company has adopted a flexible work schedule: “owls” or those who need to come at a later time, in agreement with the management, start work a couple of hours later, “larks” can start from eight in the morning, explains our company guide, internal manager communications Anastasia Rostovtseva.

Eli Lilly opened in Russia more than 20 years ago. Today it is one of the most actively developing divisions of the corporation with offices in Moscow, Kyiv and Alma-Ata and a staff of about 500 people. Representatives of the company work in all major cities of Russia and the CIS in a space covering 9 time zones. Let's get acquainted with the head of the representative office. Eric Patrouillard took over the Russian branch almost a year ago. In addition to his native French, he speaks Spanish, English and already speaks some Russian. We found Eric preparing for the central event of the day and a very important event in the life of the company - the Lilly Bridge teleconference with the participation of employees from all regions.

Every quarter the members of the Board of Directors sum up the results of the representative office's work on-line, note the achievements of the employees and, what is most interesting, answer questions. Each employee has the opportunity to directly ask any question that concerns them - whether it is a work problem or a market trend. The main principle is that no question should be left unanswered.

We are meeting with Marketing Director Oksana Balvanera. Her career at Lilly is in its 13th year. It is interesting that it began in the company's branch in England, where Oksana went to study under the MBA program. Returning to Russia as an experienced marketer, she did not change Lilly.

Oksana discusses with colleagues the interactive cards for patients "Let's talk about diabetes", which are designed to teach patients with diabetes Type II is correct to live with this disease. This unique interactive patient education method was developed in collaboration with the staff of the Endocrinology scientific center. Moreover, it has been approved and recommended for use by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).

To date, interactive maps are actively used as part of an educational program that has been operating for three years. In 46 cities of Russia, 57 regional educational centers for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes were created, where they can receive free training for three months. Educate all patients, regardless of which manufacturer's drug they receive. The training focuses on how to build your lifestyle in the presence of the disease "diabetes mellitus" in order to live an active life. full life and effectively control the disease.

The portfolio of drugs for the treatment of diabetes is the backbone of Eli Lilly's business in Russia. Among other areas: oncology, urology, psychiatry, neurology and other therapeutic areas.

“Employees who come to our company can be sure that they will work with the best innovative products,” says Oksana. - Our drugs help in the treatment of serious social significant diseases and are highly regarded by physicians. But even more highly, healthcare professionals appreciate the contribution we make to the education of patients and doctors.”

Oksana shows the book "Coco and Goofy's Merry Birthday" - the result of the collaboration between "Eli Lilly" and the publishing group Disney Publishing Worldwide. Its main character, the monkey Coco, suffers from type I diabetes. The main purpose of the book is to educate children and their parents about this complex disease like diabetes, in a language they can understand.

Another important initiative of the company is the Lilly Partnership to Combat Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB), established in 2003 and bringing together 20 partner organizations working on five continents, including Russia. One of the main objectives of the partnership is to unite the efforts of public health institutions, the private sector, non-profit organizations in the fight against tuberculosis, as well as draw attention to the disease itself, motivate people to take care of their health. To date, the partnership is working to ensure access to medicines, the transfer of production technologies to developing countries, the training of medical workers, and public awareness. Work is also being done to promote scientific research and disease prevention. At the same time, the partnership provides assistance to communities, defending the rights and interests of patients.

Looking ahead, let's say right away: in conversations with us, all employees noted one of the main motivating factors for working at Lilly - a sense of belonging to the serious contribution that the company makes to the development of medicine. Hence the satisfaction from their work. Without continuous research, there can be no medicine of the future. That is why great attention"Eli Lilly" devotes to the development of innovative drugs. “At the stage of the 3rd phase of clinical trials, we now have 12 molecules,” says Medical Director Vyacheslav Burmistrov. - Research is carried out in various therapeutic areas: oncology, endocrinology, psychiatry, neurology, autoimmune diseases. These are all serious chronic diseases that represent a serious burden for both the patient and the state. That is why the innovative approaches to treatment and diagnostics that our company brings to Russia are so important.”

Vyacheslav has just returned from Kyiv, where he spent a very busy day. A new drug is planned to be launched in Ukraine. In addition, a large educational project on diabetes will be implemented jointly with the Ukrainian Ministry of Health. Employees of the medical department are also involved in these projects. “Our medical advisers work not only in the office, but also in the “fields” to be as close as possible to the doctors and convey the most up-to-date information to them. Now more and more doctors expect from pharmaceutical companies not marketing messages, not "selling" drugs, but help in solving problems associated with the treatment of patients. Therefore, the focus of all our activities is the patient.”

Vyacheslav joined Eli Lilly in 2001 as a clinical research specialist. A few years later he went to a significant promotion in a large Russian company, but in 2010 he returned again. "Lilly" attracts people who once fell into its orbit.

We ask: what is attractive to work in the company? “First of all, people,” Vyacheslav answers. - You know, even such a concept has been formed - “the Lilly person”: smart, intelligent, benevolent, focused on the needs of doctors and patients, living in harmony with his conscience, because he works according to the laws of ethics. It is pleasant and comfortable to work with such people.”

Business ethics is one of the main goals of the company, continues our next interlocutor, Olga Ivanova, head of the ethics department for product promotion. She joined Eli Lilly nine years ago and also believes that the main value of the company is people: “We perceive work not as a duty, but as a favorite thing that you get tremendous pleasure from. There are a lot of examples when, even after receiving an attractive offer from outside, employees remain in the company. And if someone leaves, then parting is usually very painful.

Olga became head of the ethics department a month ago. Prior to that, she worked as the head of the supply department. As she settles into a new position, she tries to understand how the rules governing the actions of employees are perceived and easy to apply.

“Guided by the good goal of working correctly and ethically, it is possible to regulate all processes so much that it will be difficult for people to work. The rules must be explained so that employees understand why they must be followed, what risks arise if this is not done. Then it will be easier to build the work.” We are served coffee. Lilly employees switched to branded cups, ditching disposable plastic cups when the company joined Greenpeace's Green Office program. Environmental protection is one of the four areas of the corporate safety program. The program also includes initiatives to reduce driving accidents. Cars of employees are equipped with all modern systems safety, trainings on accident-free driving and so on. Another area is ergonomics in the office. The company cares about the health and comfort of its employees, sparing no expense on ergonomic furniture, “customizable” individually.

The next meeting is with Irina Zaporozhets, Sales Development Director. “Now we are launching a new model of interaction with doctors,” she says. - We are trying to understand what the doctor's professional needs and priorities are, and to talk about our products from this point of view. All our activities are aimed at collaborating with doctors at the partnership level.” Irina has been working at Eli Lilly for over 10 years. She started in the company in the marketing department, was engaged in the Six Sigma project, and headed the personnel department.

She became the head of the sales development department two years ago. Eli Lilly is one of the few companies that gives employees the chance to try their hand at different roles. This approach allows you to identify talents, opens up new horizons for people. There are many examples when field employees went to work in the office. There are also examples of the opposite, when a financial analyst or an employee of the personnel department became medical representatives.

According to Irina, the company has a clear picture of staff development - people know what skills need to be developed in order to get promoted or move to another function. Individual development plans are drawn up, training is provided. If vacancies are opened, first of all internal candidates are considered. About 80% of the positions of regional managers are filled by employees who have grown from medical representatives.

We look into one of the rooms where preparations are underway for the “Day of Good Deeds” action. This is not the kind of charity that you can simply allocate a budget for. The event lives by the efforts of the employees themselves - it is done by their "hearts and hands". Last year, for example, two holidays were organized - for orphans and for children with diabetes and their parents. This year Good Deeds Day is scheduled for October 10th. Where it will be held, what the scenario will be - these questions are being discussed by the organizers.

Interestingly, at the global level, the company has a Connecting Hearts program. Every year, 200 participants travel to various parts of the world to help those who need it most (the employees of the Moscow office have already been on such trips to Yaroslavl, Tanzania, Peru). They work mainly in hospitals, but sometimes they help their wards in everyday matters. By initiating volunteer actions, the company not only provides humanitarian assistance to those in need, but also develops emotionally its employees. According to the participants, after such trips “horizons expand - you begin to see many things differently, work differently.”

“By helping millions of patients around the world to live a healthy and happy life, our company wants the same for its employees,” continues the theme of the Director of Human Resources Ekaterina Maksimova. “We offer a variety of opportunities for a balanced life at work and outside of it: programs to support the health of employees and their families, a flexible compensation package, the ability to work flexible hours and work remotely.” Ekaterina came to Lilly right after graduation. For 10 years she has made her way from an assistant in the medical department to the director of the personnel department. There are many such examples when people rose from starting positions to leadership positions in the company. This is largely the result of a multi-stage selection process focused on attracting talent.

“To join the Lilly team, you need to pass an interview, a series of tests and an assessment center,” says Ekaterina. “We protect our culture, therefore, in addition to meeting professional requirements, it is important for us that a person fits the spirit of the company and shares our values ​​- respect for people, honesty and openness, striving for excellence.”

Leaving the company, we were convinced that satisfaction, involvement, loyalty of employees - the very criteria by which the participants in the rating of the best employers in Russia were evaluated, are at their best here. If you are a caring person, if you want to become part of a team that makes the world a better place, if you want to develop, discover new talent in yourself, if you are ready to work energetically and enthusiastically to achieve results, Eli Lilly is what you need.

Lilly is a leading innovative corporation that develops new pharmaceuticals based on the latest scientific advances from its own laboratories located around the world, as well as discoveries obtained through collaboration with other reputable scientific organizations. The company's headquarters is located in Indianapolis. Lilly is ranked 7th in the AON HEWITT Top Employers Russia 2012 ranking.


Create new. Answer questions that were previously unanswered. Offer cures for diseases that were previously incurable. Develop qualitatively new drugs where the needs of the patient are not fully satisfied. For over 140 years, Lilly has been making products that help people live long, healthy and active lives.


The history of Lilly goes back over 140 years. This is a story of successful solutions and innovative discoveries in the field of healthcare that have improved the quality of life of millions of patients around the world. We believe that people are the main source of all our success. Lilly's future lies in the hands of a team of tens of thousands of employees whose knowledge, skills and experience drive the company's continuous innovation.



Support for the development of innovations in Russia

  • Free transfer of technology for the production of an antibiotic for the treatment of tuberculosis to Biocom
  • Support for the Russian-American Forum for the Development of Medicine and Science, created by the National Institutes of Health of the US government
  • Assistance in the organization of the Training GMP Center in St. Petersburg on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy with the participation of the Association of Parenteral Drugs
  • Transfer of the exclusive license to R-Pharm for the Opioid Receptor Antagonist II (OpRA II), a molecule under clinical investigation for the potential treatment of alcohol and other addictions

Lilly is a leading innovative corporation that develops new pharmaceuticals based on the latest scientific advances from its own laboratories located around the world, as well as discoveries obtained through collaboration with other reputable scientific organizations. The company's headquarters is located in Indianapolis. Lilly provides solutions to the world's most important medical problems with the help of their products and providing the necessary scientific information.

The company develops partnerships with the largest scientific organizations around the world, which allows it to find answers to the most pressing health issues and meet the most urgent medical needs of people.

Staff has more than 41,000 people worldwide. The company conducts clinical trials in 55 countries, has research laboratories in 6 countries, manufacturing facilities in 13 countries. The corporation's products are sold in 120 countries.

Lilly's Russian office was opened over 25 years ago. During this time, more than 30 products have been introduced to the market of Russia and the CIS countries, including insulins, antitumor, urological drugs, and psychotropic drugs.

Our Awards

Our Awards

Changing people's lives for the better is reward enough for our work. However, we are proud of the awards we have received for our achievements and the contributions we have made to the pharmaceutical industry and society at large.

  • 10th place Aon Hewitt "Best Employers in Russia" in 2014
  • 5th in Science Magazine's Best Employers 2013
    Science Magazine "Top Employers 2013"
  • 7th place Aon Hewitt "Best Employers, Russia 2012"
  • 6th place in the Medpred.ru rating "Dream Employers of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Russia 2011"
  • Top 50 Leading Companies for Women in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation region
    Top 50 Women's Companies in the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Region
  • Corporate Responsibility Magazine, "100 Best Corporate Citizens" list
    Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility "100 Best Corporate Citizens"
  • Aon Hewitt/Fortune Magazine, "Global Top Companies for Leaders"
    Aon Hewitt/ Fortune Magazine Top Biggest Companies for Leaders
  • Top Companies for Executive Women, National Association of Female Executives
    Top Companies for Women Leaders, National Association of Women Leaders
  • Science Magazine, One of top 20 employers in the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries
    Science magazine, one of the top 20 biotech and biopharmaceutical employers
  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Top Company for Women
    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Top Companies for Women
  • PM360, Pharmaceutical/Biotech Company of the Year
    PM360 Pharmaceutical/Biotech Company of the Year
  • The Scientist Magazine "Top 30 Best Places to Work in Industry"
    The Scientist magazine "List of 30 the best places to work in production"
  • Fortune Magazine "Global Top Companies for Leaders"
    Fortune Magazine, World's Best Companies for Leaders
  • Reputation Institute "The World's Most Reputable Companies 2012"
    Reputation Institute, World's Most Admired Companies 2012
  • Points of Light Institute "Award of Excellence Corporate Engagement"
    Rays of Light Institute, Special Achievement Award in Corporate Engagement
  • Forbes.com "Most Generous U.S. Companies»
    Forbes Magazine "US Most Generous Companies"
  • Science magazine "Best Companies for Scientists"
    Science Magazine "Best Companies for Scientists"
  • Working Mother Magazine "100 Best Companies for Working Mothers"
    Working Mom Magazine "100 Best Companies for Working Moms"
  • U.S. Department of the Interior «Take Pride in America»
    U.S. Department of the Interior "Pride of America"
  • United Way Spirit of America® Award
    The Way Together Charitable Foundation Award "Spiritual Origins of America"
  • Human Rights Campaign Foundation "Corporate Equity Index - 100 Ranking"
    Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Stock Index - Top 100 Companies List
  • Institutional Investor "Top Shareholder-Friendly Companies"
    Corporate investor "List of the best companies for shareholders"
  • Med Ad News "Most Admired Global Companies"
    Magazine "Medical Advertising and News" "World's Best Companies to Follow"
  • U.S. Small Business Administration "Outstanding Rating for Supplier Diversity Initiatives"
    U.S. Small Business Administration "Best Company for Developing Supplier Collaborations"
  • United Way of America "Summit Award for Corporate Philanthropy, Community Investment and Community Impact"
    Awarded by the charitable foundation "The Road Together" "For corporate charity and investment in the development of society"


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Our mission

In 1900, the average life expectancy was 47 years. Today it is 77 years old. There is no more impressive example of the impact of medical innovations on human life. And this is not only saving millions of lives, it is completely new experience that the person is experiencing.

Eli Lilly creates drugs that help people live long, healthy and active lives.

Research is the heart of a business, the soul of a corporation

Eli Lilly, grandson of the company's founder, Colonel Eli Lilly

For over 140 years, the company has been a leader in innovative medicine. From a breakthrough in solving the problem of diabetes, to the discovery of a new class of drugs for the treatment of depression, we see what Lilly's dedicated scientists and researchers are capable of. We are working so that more parents can see how their children create their families, more grandparents can rejoice at how their grandchildren grow up. Faith in what we do gives us enthusiasm and fills us with strength - even in the most difficult circumstances. And we are not going to stop there.

Our values

Integrity - We operate in accordance with all laws and are honest in our dealings with employees, shareholders, partners, healthcare professionals, patients and competitors.

The pursuit of excellence- The development of innovative drugs is a key priority for us. We are constantly looking for new ways to improve what we do and strive for meaningful results in every aspect of our business.

Respect for people- we respect the interests of all people who are somehow affected by our activities around the world: employees, medical professionals, patients, partners, shareholders.

Benefits of working at Lilly

We strive to help people live healthy and happy lives. We want the same for our employees, so in addition to competitive wages, we offer our employees various opportunities to create a balanced life at work and beyond:

  • professional education and development
  • support for your health and the health of your loved ones
  • flexible compensation package
  • incentive programs
  • Ability to work flexible hours and work remotely
  • rich corporate life

The history of Lilly goes back over 140 years. This is a story of successful solutions and innovative discoveries in the field of healthcare that have improved the quality of life of millions of patients around the world. We believe that people are the main source of all our success. Lilly's future lies in the hands of a team of tens of thousands of employees whose knowledge, skills and experience drive the company's continuous innovation.

We are always open to talented people. At the same time, we treat every decision to hire an employee as an important and long-term investment. We are looking for people who share our values, are motivated to achieve results and long-term cooperation, are able to learn quickly and build a versatile career.

If you are such a candidate, we will be very glad to meet you. By joining the Lilly Russia-CIS team, you will find yourself among hundreds of energetic, passionate employees and will participate daily in improving the lives of people in Russia and around the world. In return, we will provide you with all the opportunities and conditions so that you can realize your potential and get the most out of your professional life, no matter what stage of your career development you are at.

What are the advantages of internship and work in Russia?

The Russian pharmaceutical market is one of the ten largest pharmaceutical markets in the world and ranks third in terms of growth rates.

This is one of the most promising markets for both further development existing brands as well as launching new ones. Despite the change in the regulation of the pharmaceutical market, as well as in other countries of the world, innovative drugs and best-in-class drugs will continue to be in demand on the market. This is due to unrealized demand for medicines, rising GDP per capita and rising spending on medicine.

The Russian pharmaceutical market is a fertile ground for investing your knowledge, an interesting and dynamic environment for professional development.

Visit Lilly's global MBA Opportunities website to find out what benefits await you when you join our team.

There is no project internship at Lilly - they don't work in a limited business area where there is a beginning, a narrow circle of colleagues and a few project report slides at the end. At Lilly, they give professional and life experience, introduce them into real business, help you adapt, and then everything is in your hands.

Olga Ivanova, Director of Promotion Ethics Department

Opportunities for MBA students and graduates

Since 2006, the Lilly Russia-CIS office has had a line of work in which we offer MBA students and graduates interesting opportunities to develop and build their careers in Lilly. During this time, our team was joined by talented professionals who were able to unlock their professional potential in Lilly, reach high career levels and make a significant contribution to the development of our business.

Our MBAs are graduates of leading business schools and universities with unique professional experience and knowledge. In these people we see our future leaders. We are constantly looking for talented MBAs around the world to work in key areas of our business. We offer ever-expanding resources for development, coaching and mentoring, as well as opportunities to work on cross-functional projects. We will help you develop your leadership potential with the Lilly Leadership Development Program (LLDP), which is a corporate initiative specifically designed to develop and motivate the talent that joins Lilly.

Our focus on employee career development has been repeatedly recognized in the publications of respected business publications. In 2012, Fortune magazine included Lilly in the top 25 global companies for leaders Global Top Company for Leaders, Reputation Institute - in the top 100 most respected companies in the world. And according to the results of a study by AON Hewitt, the Russian branch of Lilly entered the top ten best employers.

All questions about the internship and work in the Russia-CIS representative office should be sent to [email protected] * *By sending your resume to the specified email address, you confirm your consent to the processing of your personal data contained in your resume in accordance with federal law RF dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

Eli Lilly & Company (Eli Lilly & Co. Inc.) is a leading innovative pharmaceutical corporation developing new drugs that help people lead long, healthy and active lives. From the very beginning of its existence, the company offered effective, unparalleled drugs, among which drugs for the treatment of serious illnesses in the field of endocrinology, oncology, psychiatry and urology.

The activities of the Eli Lilly company are quite multifaceted. First of all, it focuses on the development of drugs that are the best or first in their class. Eli Lilly's research centers, in addition to the United States, are located in Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, Germany, Japan, Singapore, and Spain.

The company's manufacturing facilities are located in Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Spain, UK. In addition, great attention is paid to the dissemination of accumulated scientific and practical experience.

Company in numbers:

  • 136-year history: the company was founded on May 10, 1876;
  • More than 38350 employees worldwide;
  • 7530 employees are involved in research activities;
  • Clinical researches are held in more than 50 countries;
  • Research laboratories are located in 8 countries;
  • Own production in 13 countries;
  • The sales market covers 143 states.

Historical reference:

The company was founded by Colonel Eli Lily on May 10, 1876 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. A 38-year-old pharmaceutical chemist and American Civil War veteran, Colonel Lilly is frustrated by poorly prepared and often ineffective drugs. In this regard, he set himself the task of creating a company that would produce the highest quality medicines based on advanced scientific developments.

1880s: Improvement in methods for assessing the quality of medicines. In 1886, Ernest Eberhard, a chemist and one of the first graduates of the new pharmaceutical course at Purdue University, was invited to the position of the company's lead researcher. The company's tradition is to focus on the quality of existing medicines, and then move on to creating new, better ones.

1920s: Company researchers collaborate with F. Banting and C. Best to isolate and purify insulin. In 1922, the world's first insulin preparation appeared on the market.

1940s: a method is being developed industrial production penicillin.

1950s: creation of vancomycin, production of erythromycin started.

1960s: The first generation of cephalosporin antibiotics, the antitumor drugs vincristine and vinblastine, was launched.

1970s: Production of Ceklor (a second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic) was launched, the creation of the drug Dobutrex.

1980s: breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes - in 1982, the first human recombinant insulin Humulin was introduced to the market. The first new class of antidepressant drug, Prozac, was launched and remains one of the most widely used antidepressants in the world.

1990s: the release of a number of new drugs - the anticancer drug Gemzar, the antiplatelet drug ReoPro, the treatment for schizophrenia Zyprexa, the fast-acting insulin analog Humalog, the drug for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in women during menopause Evista.

2000s: launch of new drugs - for the treatment of sepsis Zigris, for the elimination of erectile dysfunction Cialis® and a number of others.

Representation in Ukraine:

, Eli Lilly is an American pharmaceutical company with more than centennial history. Eli-Lilli was the first in the world to start producing insulin in 1923.

At the moment, the company produces various drugs - antibiotics, drugs used in the field of neurology, psychiatry, oncology, and of course, endocrinology.

Manufacturer:, Eli Lilly (USA)

Name: Humalog ®, Humalog ®

Name: Insulin lispro

Compound: 1 ml of the drug contains - 40 IU or 100 IU. Active substance- a solution of neutral Lieproinsulin - an analogue of human insulin.

Pharmachologic effect: DNA recombinant analogue of human insulin. It differs from the latter in the reverse sequence of amino acids at positions 28 and 29 of the insulin B chain.

Humalog is characterized by a faster onset of action, more early attack peak action and more short period hypoglycemic activity (up to 5 hours) compared to conventional human insulin. The earlier onset of drug action, approximately 15 minutes after administration, is associated with a higher absorption rate. This allows the drug to be administered immediately before a meal (15 minutes before), in contrast to conventional human insulin, which is administered 30 minutes before a meal. The rate of absorption of insulin lispro and hence the onset of action may be affected by the choice of injection site.

Manufacturer:, Eli Lilly (USA)

Name: Humulin L ®, Humulin L ®

Compound: Sterile suspension of 30% amorphous and 70% crystalline human insulin, zinc suspension, pH=6.9-7.5

Pharmachologic effect: Insulin (human) (Insulin (human)). hypoglycemic agent, insulin long-acting. After s / c administration, it begins to act after 4 hours, has a maximum effect develops after 8-24 hours and lasts up to 28 hours.

Manufacturer:, Eli Lilly

Name: Humulin Regular ®, Humulin Regular ®

Compound: 1 ml of Humulin Regular solution contains neutral soluble biosynthetic human insulin 100 IU.

Pharmachologic effect: Short-acting insulin preparation. Interacting with a specific receptor on the outer membrane of cells, it forms an insulin receptor complex. By increasing the synthesis of cAMP (in fat cells and liver cells) or directly penetrating into the cell (muscles), the insulin receptor complex stimulates intracellular processes, incl. synthesis of a number of key enzymes (hexokinase, pyruvate kinase, glycogen synthetase, etc.). The decrease in blood glucose is due to an increase in its intracellular transport, increased absorption and assimilation by tissues, stimulation of lipogenesis, glycogenogenesis, protein synthesis, a decrease in the rate of glucose production by the liver (decrease in glycogen breakdown), etc. After s / c injection, the effect occurs within 20-30 min, reaches a maximum after 1-3 hours and lasts, depending on the dose, 5-8 hours. The duration of the drug depends on the dose, method, site of administration and has significant individual characteristics.

Manufacturer:, Eli Lilly

Name: Humulin N ®, Humulin N ®

Name: Insulin isophane (human genetically engineered)

Pharmachologic effect: Intermediate-acting insulins. After s / c injection, the effect occurs after 1-2 hours. The maximum effect is between 2-12 hours, the duration of action is 18-24 hours, depending on the dose.

Indications for use:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2 stage of resistance to oral hypoglycemic drugs, partial resistance to oral hypoglycemic drugs (combination therapy); intercurrent diseases, surgical interventions (mono- or combination therapy)
  • diabetes mellitus during pregnancy (with the ineffectiveness of diet therapy).

Manufacturer:, Eli Lilly

Name: Humulin M ®*, ®*


Humulin M1 is a suspension of human insulin in the proportion of 10% soluble insulin and 90% insulin isophane.

Suspension of human insulin in proportion: 20% soluble insulin and 80% insulin isophane.

Suspension of human insulin in proportion: 30% soluble insulin and 70% insulin isophane.

Sterile suspension of human insulin in the proportion of 40% soluble insulin and 60% insulin isophane.

The active substances of the drug are neutral soluble insulin, identical to human insulin, and isophane, a prototype of insulin, identical to human insulin.

Manufacturer:, Eli Lilly

Name: Humulin NPH ®, Humulin NPH ®

Name: Insulin isophane

Compound: 1 ml contains the active substance insulin 100 IU. Excipients: m-Cresol distilled 1.6 mg / ml, glycerol, phenol 0.65 mg / ml, protamine sulfate, dibasic sodium phosphate, zinc oxide, water for injection, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide.

Pharmachologic effect: Humulin NPH is an intermediate-acting insulin preparation. The onset of action of the drug is 1 hour after administration, the maximum effect of action is between 2 and 8 hours, the duration of action is 18-20 hours. Individual differences in insulin activity depend on factors such as dose, choice of injection site, physical activity of the patient.

Manufacturer:, Eli Lilly (USA)

Name: Iletin® II Regular , Iletin™ II Regular

Compound: The active substance is monocomponent porcine insulin (30% amorphous, 70% crystalline).

Pharmachologic effect: Short-acting insulin preparation. Beginning of action 30 minutes after injection. The maximum action is between 2 and 4 hours after administration. The duration of action is from 6 to 8 hours.

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