What exactly to say in confession. A broken heart God will see. I have very difficult life circumstances, I'm afraid that a simple priest will not understand me

How should one prepare for the first confession? Kseniya

Dear Xenia! The most important thing is not to change your mind and not put off until later what the soul asks for and strives for. External preparation can be different, and you will later determine its measure together with the priest who will someday become your spiritual mentor, don’t even think about it now. And try to carefully remember your life from adolescence, from the time when you began to distinguish between white and black, bad and good - and everything that your conscience reproached for, all those pages that you want to quickly turn over, everything that the evil one will whispering: “But don’t say this, it’s too long, it’s too embarrassing, it’s too impossible to pronounce and explain,” - this is exactly what to bring to confession, along with the determination to never return to some sins, but with others, rather skills, passions, sinful habits to wage an uncompromising struggle.

Another practical advice - try to find out in advance about the temple where you are going to go to confession, when there is an opportunity to confess in detail. It is even better to agree in advance with the priest, warning him that you will be at confession for the first time. Priest Maxim Kozlov

How should you prepare for confession? According to what principle should a confession be composed - according to the commandments, or according to the chronology of the sins I have committed? How Much Should You Talk? Is it enough to simply confess that you have sinned? Olga

Dear Olga. You need to come to the temple for confession, listening to the advice of the priest already given to you. You can pre-record a confession, starting from the age of 7. Recurring sins can be simply named, or you can describe the situations that led to the sin. Sometimes a person painfully feels that under some circumstances his soul was severely crippled by sin, and wounds remained on the heart, touching which causes acute or dull pain with time.

Then it really takes courage to reveal to the priest what is sometimes painful and embarrassing to tell. But if not opened, then the hidden sin will continue to destroy the soul and heart from the inside. It happens that some sins cannot be remembered, and some actions or thoughts may not seem like a sin, then regular further confessions and fervent prayer will lead them out of the darkness of oblivion.

You must come to confession, especially the first one, when the priest has enough time to talk with you, i.e. at the evening service. Having accepted your confession, the priest will decide whether you are ready to take communion, or whether you need to fast, pray, go to church. But you can resolve all this with him directly in a conversation. As for tears during confession, they are natural for a penitent. May the Lord and your Guardian Angel help you overcome all obstacles that prevent the purification of the soul. God help, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Can I confess by correspondence without going to church? Tatiana.
Hello Tatyana, confession is a sacrament that the Lord Himself performs, and the priest is a witness that repentance has happened. A penitent person overcomes the most terrible and constant adversary - himself. He wins a major victory over himself, and the priest testifies that it really happened. We repent in order to change inwardly, to correct ourselves with the help of God. God help you find a confessor to whom your soul would be located, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

I confessed by email, is that correct? Irina.
Hello Irina. In my opinion, confession on the Internet is an unacceptable thing. Of course, confessing sins can be both bitter and shameful. Confession is a sacrament in which the priest is a witness to your repentance for sin. Repentance separates sin from a person; it is a grace-filled change in the state of the soul.

Why is it bad when a priest witnesses how a shameful sin is separated from a repentant person? If a person really repents, then the priest will rejoice for him and thank God. And if there is no repentance, then it is not easy to open up in confession. Repentance is a gift from God, one must ask the Lord for it. There have been cases in history when a person could not, due to circumstances, confess to a priest. But these were extreme situations. For example, a person dies far from the temple and gives his last confession to a friend, so that when the opportunity arises, he retells it to the priest. There was a case described by Bishop Veniamin (Fedchenkov) when the Governor General Byunting, who was in mortal danger, had the opportunity to confess for the last time in his life by telephone. But you need to overcome embarrassment. Repentance exists for this purpose, to bring to light that which hinders the union of the soul with God. Help you Lord! Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

The closer to confession, the stronger the “twists”. Such thoughts climb into the head, which seems to be from shame and I will die of fear ... ... What to do, what prayer to read in order to endure? I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart! Marina.

Hello Marina.
You can pray in your own words that the Lord will help you resist all these thoughts. But you still need to come to confession in any case and in any condition. God help you, priest Mikhail Nemnonov.

I went to confession many times and did not feel relief. I often come across people who say they feel such joy and lightness after confession. If you do not feel relief, joy and lightness, does this mean that sins are forgiven anyway? Irina

Dear Irina!
St. Theophan the Recluse says that to whom joy is useful, joy is given, and to whom sorrow is useful, sorrow is given, if only this sorrow was according to God. This means that our repentance should become more serious and the testing of our relationships with other people more severe.
The Monk Macarius the Great testifies that he knew many who at the beginning of their journey were exceedingly blessed, but then fell in the most miserable way. And even more are those who have labored all their lives in the humble obedience of faith, having no special consolations, and have attained salvation in the eternal Pascha. With sincere repentance for sins, a person receives from the Lord their forgiveness in the sacrament of confession, even if after confession there is no feeling of any special joy.

Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

In confession, I forgot a lot from excitement. Does this mean that my confession is invalid, and I forgiven? When I prepare for confession, I always write down sins on paper. And all the same, from excitement, I will forget something. After the last confession, there was no feeling of lightness, there was a feeling of annoyance. Julia

Dear Julia! Forgotten sins are not scary, they are forgiven. Try to write down sins further, and those sins that you forgot to say will be said at confession next time.
God help you, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

How often does a person need to confess to a priest? Svetlana.
Hello Svetlana! It is better for you to discuss the regularity of confession and communion with your confessor. In my opinion, the best option is once every two or three weeks, plus big church holidays. Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

About the sin of youth in confession she said: “I have sinned by fornication.” Is this confession enough, or is it still necessary to say something more concretely? Irina.

Dear Irina! Yes, indeed, there is no need to describe sins in detail at confession, so you confessed correctly, I don’t see your mistake. But fornication is one of the grave sins, so one confession is not enough. It is necessary to constantly and fervently repent before the Lord about the sin once committed and pray for his forgiveness, to monitor the state of your soul. Confess regularly about your sins, even everyday ones. Hope in the mercy of God, help you Lord.
Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

I want to confess and I don't know if this is considered a sin? When I was 8-9 years old, and my brother was 7-8 years old, we watched a bad movie and, out of our stupidity, began to repeat what we saw. My conscience bothers me a lot. N.

Dear N.!
Temporary shame in this transient life means nothing in comparison with the glory that awaits those who have resorted to Holy Repentance! Confess it as simply as you asked now - no names are needed here: just tell everything to the priest sincerely, praying to the Lord for forgiveness, and God's mercy will be with you! Remember: there is no sin that cannot be cleansed by repentance! Remember the joy that happens in Heaven for repentant sinners - repent and this joy will touch your heart too!
Strength to you and fidelity to the Lord! Priest Alexy Kolosov

Do I need to again confess the sin of fornication more honestly? I confessed it several times, but without details, pitying the ears of the priest. Elena

Dear Elena!
A sin once confessed does not need to be confessed again if you have not committed it again. When confessing fornication sins, it is usually not recommended to describe in detail what was done, therefore, if you did not name some details, then this is not “understatement” and even more so “withholding”. I advise you not to confess your confessed sins a second or third time, and if your thoughts confuse you, then you need to pray and repent before the Lord and ask His forgiveness. From you - sincerity and constancy, and the result - from the Lord.

I have problems with confession and with my spiritual life... Once upon a time I went to church regularly. I read that you need to hate this world, but I don't want to hate it. My husband is very jealous of me. I can imagine what a scandal would be if I went to church and lingered on confession, even if we went together, I would get on another issue “what did I confess for so long? Victoria.

Dear Victoria. It is necessary to hate the evil in the world, and not the world itself, and in this you are absolutely right. Judgment is a sin, a violation of God's commandment: "Judge not, lest you be judged." This sin is a manifestation of pride. The Apostle John the Theologian says: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” It seems to me that the lack of your husband, about which you speak, can be overcome with love. The more you will be gentle, affectionate, friendly and delicate towards him, the sooner this shortcoming will pass. Try to be sincere and open with your husband. You need to go to confession, but warn your husband that you will be late so that he does not worry.
God help, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

I am tormented by doubts that I did not fully confess at the general confession! I did not name individual episodes, and now I cannot remember what is confessed and what is not. Olga
Dear Olga!
For the Lord, it is not a scrupulous enumeration of sins that is important, but the depth and sincerity of a repentant feeling. The Lord is a knower of hearts, not an accountant. But if some sin torments your conscience, you can name it at the next confession.
Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

I made my first confession to the priest in a state of intoxication, but it was for courage. Does this count as confession? Yuri.
Dear Yuri!
The Sacraments should be approached with dignity and purity - of course, the sacrament has been performed, but one should still repent for being drunk during confession. And remember: drunken "bravery" is of little use! And the priest, most likely, noticed, but, feeling your condition, and showing anxiety, he showed tact and understanding.
Sincerely, Priest Alexy Kolosov

Batiushka dozed off for a few moments during my confession. Is my confession considered perfect or not? Larisa

Yes, Larisa, your confession is considered perfect, because at confession you do not repent to the priest, but to the Lord, the priest is only a witness to your repentance. Help you Lord! Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Can I repent of sin, realizing that I am not yet able to get rid of it? Thinking about this sin causes me suffering. Katerina.
Hello Katherine!
Isn't it hypocrisy that I constantly repent for my pride, envy, temper...? I think you understand that such sins are not eradicated immediately and irrevocably at once. So why not repent?
See how often we wash our body, even if we don't get very dirty. And we know, we realize that we need to wash constantly and all our lives. Maybe don't wash?
So, Katerina, go to confession and repent of what weighs on your conscience. Remember, as St. John Chrysostom said, that the Lord not only accepts fruits, but also kisses intentions. Pray with warmth of heart: Lord, You see how this sin oppresses me, how I suffer from it! Help, give strength to get rid of it! And so on, as advised by the confessor. Ask him for prayers and advice on how to be in your position.
Help you Lord! Priest Pavel Ilyinsky.

Is there any point in the next confession, if you have not got rid of the sin, because of which you were not admitted to communion? Rita
Rita, hello!
There is always a meaning in confession, except for those cases when we do not want to get rid of the sin in which we confess. And if you still want to part with this sin, but have not yet succeeded, then you need to confess.
Sincerely, Priest Mikhail Nemnonov

I want to confess, I am embarrassed by the fact that a priest can take a negative attitude towards such sins as: blasphemy against the Church and clergy, doubting the power and ridicule of God, listening to songs of satanic content. Evgeniy

Hello Eugene!
Do not be afraid that the priest will treat you negatively. It is he, like no one else, who is well aware of how weak a person is, how often he is able to err. Realizing both his shortcomings and the fact that there are no sinless people, any priest always welcomes with great joy if a person has found faith and embarked on the path of salvation.
Therefore, one should not be afraid of either condemnation, or contempt, or, especially, anger. Tell him in confession simply and unsophisticated, everything that is in your soul and that now you have the intention to live according to the Commandments, and for this, ask for his prayers and instructions.
Father will give you advice for spiritual life and bless you in the name of Christ.
Help you Lord! Priest Pavel Ilyinsky

I recently confessed my sin of fornication. I entered into an extramarital relationship with a guy I love and with whom in the future we are going to legalize relations. Before, I didn’t understand what was sinful in an extramarital affair, and therefore I didn’t go to confession, I just didn’t want to repent of what I don’t understand, only because the Church said so. After all, after confession, one must also not return to sin. It's hard when you don't understand the meaning. I was waiting, I thought. Then the understanding of everything came, and it was as if an abyss opened up before my feet. Although I repented at confession, my soul is heavy, gloomy. Everything hurts inside.

It used to happen after confession that you leave the church, and the world around you seems to become brighter and happier, and everything inside sings. And now she was leaving the temple as if she were an operating room - with the same heavy feeling of pain and loss. Depression has not let me go since then, I can not cope with it on my own. What should I do, it seems to me that God does not love me as before - because I am not so pure anymore. How does repentance for fornication occur, because it is considered a mortal sin? I know many holy years have been tormented for such a sin. Is this how it should be? How much do I need to suffer in order to regain my former spiritual state, which was before my fall?


Dear Catherine, firstly, it is very good that the Lord gave you the courage to repent of a grave mortal sin before the cross and the Gospel in the sacrament of confession, to recognize it as a sin, and not just as a norm of everyday behavior, which is characteristic of so many people today. You ask why there is no relief in the soul, why it did not immediately become light and clear. But Katya, sin and sin strife, it happens that a person stumbles, does some kind of dirty trick, repents of it - and that's it, as if he had washed himself with water, this is no more. And it happens, as with a serious illness: a person will have an operation, they will cut out his appendicitis, or some malignant tumors - oh, how long the whole body still hurts. So it is with sins. When we decide to cut out something malignant, painful, which greatly distorts us, then after the operation we will come to our senses for a long time. The same patient - he is sick and does not want to live, and for the first week it seems that he will die now, but still there is no oncology, what poisoned and made it impossible for life in the future is no more. So with such a sin - at first it will be hard, and then further, by correcting your life and not returning to this sin, you will testify to God that your repentance was valid, and in this effort of life the Lord will gradually give you peace, and joy and further directness of your path to salvation.

priest Maxim Kozlov


Those who, for the first time in their lives, will participate in one of the most important Christian sacraments, are wondering with what words to begin confession before the priest. A person who wants to repent and may not know how to talk about their sins.

A well-known church figure of our time, Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), identified two options for constructing a confession:

  • according to the ten commandments;
  • according to the commandments of happiness.

In his book on confession, the hierarch gives an example of how one can pronounce confession and repent of one's sins. The archimandrite analyzes each of the commandments and describes what duties Christians should have before God according to these commandments. John points out to readers the mistakes in everyday life that lead to forgetfulness of faith.

He analyzes the beatitudes and points out what people neglect. Considering the second beatitude ("blessed are those who mourn"), he asks the reader if he mourned the desecration of God's image in himself, his non-Christian life, surges of pride and anger. He shows readers how far they stand from the steps of moral perfection.

This book is recognized as a good manual explaining what should be considered sin in human life. But it cannot be an instruction on what to say. The penitent must himself choose the words that will come from his heart, and sincerely desire to repent.

Preparing for confession and conducting it

A person who wants to confess for the first time must carefully remember all the sins that have been committed. For convenience, he can draw up a summary that will allow him not to forget anything during the sacrament. He can speak in advance with the clergyman, who will appoint a time for him during the general confession or especially.

People confess to the clergy in turn. The visitor must wait his turn. After that, he, turning to the audience, asks them for forgiveness for their sins. They say God will forgive and forgive him. After that, the confessor goes to the clergyman.

A person approaches the lectern, crosses himself, makes a bow, and then begins to confess. Approaching the priest, he must turn to God and say that he has sinned before Him. At the beginning, he may introduce himself to the confessing priest, but this can also be done at the end, when the priest will have to call his name in prayer. Then comes the time of enumeration of sins, the story of each of which should begin with the word: "sinned / sinned."

Also, approaching the lectern, the believer can say “The servant of God (the servant of God) is confessing” and give the name. Then say "I repent of my sins" and start listing them.

When the penitent finishes listing his sins, he must listen to the word of the priest, who can absolve him of his sins or impose a punishment on the layman (penance). After that, the person is baptized again, bows, and venerates the Gospel and the Cross.

Confession is one of the most important sacraments in the life of a Christian. For new converts and those who came to the faith late, the question often arises with what words to begin confession before the priest. . A person must show that he has realized his sinful life and wants to change.

Every believer must understand that in confession he confesses his deeds to the Lord. Each of his sins must be covered by the desire to atone for his guilt before the Lord, the only way to achieve his forgiveness.

If a person feels that his heart is heavy, then it is necessary to go to church and go through the sacrament of confession. After repentance, you will feel much better, and a heavy burden will fall from your shoulders. The soul will become free and conscience will no longer torment you.

The essence of confession

The Holy Fathers call the Sacrament of Repentance the second baptism. In the first case, at Baptism, a person receives cleansing from the original sin of the forefathers Adam and Eve, and in the second, the penitent is washed away from his sins committed after baptism. However, because of the weakness of their human nature, people continue to sin, and these sins separate them from God, standing between them as a barrier. They cannot overcome this barrier on their own. But the Sacrament of Penance helps to be saved and acquire that unity with God acquired at Baptism.

The Gospel says about repentance that it is a necessary condition for the salvation of the soul. A person throughout his life must continuously struggle with his sins. And, despite all sorts of defeats and falls, he should not lose heart, despair and grumble, but repent all the time and continue to carry his life's cross, which the Lord Jesus Christ laid on him.

How to start a confession before the priest, with what words?

The seven deadly sins, which are major vices, look like this:

  • gluttony (gluttony, excessive food abuse)
  • fornication (dissolute life, infidelity)
  • anger (temper, vindictiveness, irritability)
  • love of money (greed, desire for material values)
  • despondency (laziness, depression, despair)
  • vanity (selfishness, narcissism)
  • envy

It is believed that when committing these sins, the human soul can die. By committing them, a person moves further and further away from God, but all of them can be released during sincere repentance. It is believed that it was mother nature who laid them in every person, and only the strongest in spirit can resist temptations and fight evil. But it is worth remembering that every person can commit a sin, experiencing a difficult period in life. People are not immune from misfortunes and difficulties that can drive everyone to despair. You need to learn how to deal with passions and emotions, and then no sin can overcome you and break your life.

Preparation for confession

Repentance must be prepared in advance. First you need to find a temple in which the ordinances are held and choose a suitable day. Most often they are held on holidays and weekends. At this time, there are always a lot of people in the temple, and not everyone will be able to open when strangers are nearby. In this case, you need to contact the priest and ask him to make an appointment for another day, when you can be alone. Before repentance, it is recommended to read the Penitential Canon, which will allow you to tune in and put your thoughts in order.

You need to know that there are three groups of sins that you can write down and take with you to confession.

Vices directed against God:
These include blasphemy and insult to the Lord, blasphemy, interest in the occult sciences, superstition, suicidal thoughts, gambling, and so on.

Vices against the soul:
Sloth, deceit, use of obscene words, impatience, disbelief, self-delusion, despair.

Vices against neighbors:
Disrespect for parents, slander, condemnation, rancor, hatred, theft, and so on.

How to confess correctly, what should be said to the priest at the beginning?

Before approaching the representative of the church, put bad thoughts out of your head and prepare to open your soul. You can start confession like this: “Lord, I have sinned against you,” and after that you can list your sins. There is no need to tell the priest about the sin in great detail, it is enough just to say "Committed adultery" or confess to another vice.

But to the enumeration of sins, you can add "I sinned with envy, I constantly envy my neighbor ..." and so on. After listening to you, the priest will be able to give valuable advice and help you do the right thing in a given situation. Such clarifications will help to identify your greatest weaknesses and fight them. The confession ends with the words “I repent, Lord! Save and have mercy on me a sinner!

Many confessors are very ashamed to talk about anything, this is an absolutely normal feeling. But at the moment of repentance, you need to overcome yourself and understand that it is not the priest who condemns you, but God, and that it is God that you tell about your sins. The priest is just a conductor between you and the Lord, do not forget about it.

What sins to speak in confession and how to call them

Everyone who decides to go to confession for the first time thinks about how to behave correctly. What is the correct way to name sins in confession? It happens that people come to confession and tell in detail about all their life ups and downs. This does not count as a confession. Confession includes such a thing as repentance. This is not a story about your life, and even with the desire to justify your sins.

Since some people simply do not know how to confess in a different way, the priest will accept this version of confession. But it will be more correct if you try to understand the situation and admit to all the mistakes.

Many write their sins for confession in a list. In it, they try to list everything in detail and tell about everything. But there is another type of people who list their sins only in separate words. It is necessary to describe your sins not in general terms about the passion that seethes in you, but about its manifestation in your life.

Remember, confession should not be a detailed account of the incident, but should be repentance for certain sins. But you should not be especially dry in describing these sins, unsubscribing with just one word.

Behavior at Confession

Before confessing, you need to find out the time of confession in the temple. In many churches, confession takes place on holidays and Sundays, but in large churches it can be on Saturdays and on weekdays. Most often, a large number of people who want to confess come during Great Lent. But if a person confesses for the first time or after a long break, it is best to talk with a priest and find a convenient time for calm and open repentance.

Before confession, it is necessary to endure a three-day spiritual and bodily fast: give up sexual activity, do not eat animal products, it is advisable to give up entertainment, watching TV and “sitting” in gadgets. At this time, it is necessary to read spiritual literature and pray. There are special prayers before confession, which can be found in the Prayer Book or on specialized sites. You can read other literature on spiritual topics that the priest can recommend.

It is worth remembering that confession is, first of all, repentance, and not just a sincere conversation with a priest. If you have any questions, you should approach the priest at the end of the Service and ask him to give you some time.

The priest has the right to impose penance on the parishioner if he considers the sins grave. This is a kind of punishment to eradicate sin and receive speedy forgiveness. As a rule, penance is the reading of prayers, fasting and serving others. Penance should be taken not as a punishment, but as a spiritual medicine.

You must come to confession in modest clothing. Men must wear trousers or trousers and a long-sleeved shirt, preferably without images on it. Hats should be taken off in church. Women should dress as modestly as possible; trousers, dresses with a neckline, bare shoulders are not allowed. The length of the skirt is below the knee. There must be a headscarf on the head. Any make-up, especially painted lips, is unacceptable, because it will be necessary to kiss the Gospel and the Cross.

Confession is one of the seven sacraments established in the Christian church. “Confess your sins to one another,” says the apostle James in one of his epistles.

Among the early Christians, each person openly spoke about his misdeeds in the presence of the entire church assembly. This practice exists to this day in some currents of Protestants. In the Orthodox Christian Church, repentance for sins is accepted by the clergyman.

How to confess correctly, what to say to the priest? An example of confession, what this sacrament is and why it is necessary for believers - we will talk about everything below.

The sacrament requires the Cross and the Gospel. What to talk about in a personal conversation with the priest? The man talks about his misdeeds.

It is most convenient to do this in a church or a special confession room. But how can one confess in a church if a person, for example, cannot walk?

The sacrament can take place anywhere - in a church, at home or in another room. If necessary, confession can be made by letter or telephone.

There is an example of a confession in the life of Macarius the Great: it tells about a woman who brought a scroll with a list of her sins to the elder, and he, without opening it, was able to beg for all of them. According to the Orthodox tradition, people confess at least four times a year. In the Catholic Church, it is customary to resort to this sacrament much more often, almost every day.

Confession can be complete or incomplete, individual or joint:

  • Full confession can only be individual. During it, a person talks about his sins throughout his life, starting from birth. The sacrament can last a very long time. This helped many to cope with the disease or overcome a difficult life situation. It is necessary to confess like this at least once every five years. For example, one elderly woman was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. Doctors said he had less than a month to live. When she confessed to the priest and took communion, she felt much better. Didn't die in a month or two. Examinations showed that she is absolutely healthy.
  • Incomplete confession is called the one on which they talk about the sins committed since the last confession.
  • An individual is called one during which a person is alone with the priest.
  • Joint is taken by several people at once. As a rule, the priest reads sins, and people say whether they have sinned or not.

According to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, the sacrament of confession is performed only through specially assigned persons - a priest (father, priest) or a bishop.

The justification for such an exclusive role of the clergy is found in the Gospel of John “To whom you forgive sins, they will be forgiven; on whom you leave, on that they will remain, ”Christ said to his disciples - the apostles.

Need to understand! Only God forgives sins, and the priest acts as a witness and mentor.

Of course, not everyone can confess. To perform the sacrament of confession, you must:

  1. Be a member of the Church. Membership is achieved through faith and baptism. Faith is an internal component of every Christian, but it inevitably manifests itself in external deeds (almsgiving, gentleness, love for one's neighbor). And baptism already acts as a “seal” of a believer, a symbol of his communion with the Church of Christ.
  2. Admit your wrongdoings and have a firm intention to eradicate them. Without these two components, confession can turn into a mere formality. Such an example of confession is presented in the Gospel of Matthew, which describes the repentance of a Pharisee, supposedly a righteous man. The evangelist and apostle makes it clear that empty words are disgusting to God.

What to say in confession?

First of all, you need to remember, and it is better to write down what sins have been committed. All this list is voiced before the clergyman.

It is not worth going into details here about why the sin was committed and how. It will suffice to name it briefly.

If a Christian does not know how to correctly name sins in confession, and finds it difficult to answer whether he did the right thing, there is a list of questions that the priest can ask in the process:

  • Are you not participating in divination or divination?
  • Are you not stealing?
  • Have you missed morning and evening prayers, as well as prayers before and after meals?
  • Do you wear various amulets and talismans?
  • Do you attend Church on the prescribed days - Sundays and holidays?
  • Did you conceal any sins in confession?
  • Do you gamble for money?
  • Didn't you swear?
  • Did you eat fast foods on fasting days?
  • Do you have envy for someone else?
  • Are you ashamed of your faith?
  • Do you honor your father and mother? Do you treat them with due respect and do not offend?
  • Didn't gossip?
  • Did not mention the name of God in vain, in vain?
  • Didn't you fight?

This is not a complete list of possible questions, and not all of them may be asked. In the process of the sacrament, the priest himself understands what sins prevail over his spiritual child, and selects questions individually, based on age, gender, marital status, and mental state.

How to confess in church?

Usually the sacrament begins in the morning or in the evening during the service. But by special agreement with the priest or in case of special urgency, the time may change.

You need to arrive on time, without being late, go in quietly and not interfere with other confessors.

Before the sacrament itself, a certain order of prayers follows, and after that everyone goes to the priest one at a time for repentance and remission of sins.

What do they say in confession to a priest? First, a prayer is made together and all the sins committed and not repentant from the last confession are called.

It is important to know the whole range of sins that any person can commit. As a rule, they are divided into three main groups:

  1. Sins against God. Here the first commandment is violated - love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength. This is blasphemy and grumbling, prolonged impenitence, skipping church services, distraction from prayer or liturgy, blasphemy against sacred objects (books, the cross, etc.), belief in dreams, divination and divination.
  2. Sins against neighbor. The second commandment to love your neighbor is trampled under these vices. Lack of love for one’s neighbor and related deeds, disrespect for parents and elders, lack of desire to raise one’s children in the Orthodox Christian faith, voluntary or involuntary murder, insult, desire to have someone else’s own, cruelty to animals, anger, curses, hatred, slander, lies, slander, condemnation, hypocrisy.
  3. Sins against yourself. Neglect of those values ​​that God has given. Talents, time, health. Addiction to various entertainments and passion for useless activities. Gluttony is excessive consumption of food, leading to relaxation, laziness. Love of money - the desire for endless enrichment and the use of wealth is not good.

How to confess for the first time? For those who go to the sacrament for the first time or have not been a participant in it for a long time, an example can be given. The course of confession largely depends on the priest himself, but the spiritual state of the confessor himself is also important.

After a certain rite, there will be a dialogue between the priest and the confessor. As a rule, it begins with a question from the priest, “What did you sin in?”, In response, sins are listed. To each of them the priest replies, "God will forgive."

Then the spiritual father can begin to ask questions that will help find forgotten vices and deepen repentance. After, according to church rules, the priest can impose penance - a punishment for grave misconduct committed. The Church establishes excommunication from communion for:

  • intentional murder for 20 years;
  • reckless murder for 10 years;
  • adultery for 15 years;
  • fornication for 7 years;
  • theft for 1 year;
  • perjury for 10 years;
  • magic or poisoning for 20 years;
  • incest for 20 years;
  • visiting wizards and fortune tellers for 20 years.

Important! A person who has denied Christ can receive communion only before death.

The role of confession for the believer

Repentance for sins is one of the necessary components for a full life of a Christian.

The holy fathers call this sacrament the second baptism, based on a similar property to cleanse from sin. The Lord forgives any sin here, on the condition of sincere repentance.

Usually, after confession, it is determined whether a Christian will be able to participate in one of the main events in his life - union with Jesus Christ in the sacrament of communion.

It follows from the Gospel that the Lord commanded us to perform this sacrament: “And while they were eating, Jesus took bread and, having blessed, broke it and, distributing it to the disciples, said: take, eat: this is my body. And taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them and said: drink from it all, for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

And today, Orthodox Christians keep this covenant, each liturgy ends with the embodiment of the gospel lines to life. Ordinary bread becomes the body of Christ, and ordinary wine becomes the blood of Christ.

Useful video: How to prepare for confession for the first time?

Summing up

Confession is the most important sacrament of the Orthodox Church. Cleansing a fallen person after baptism is possible only with her help. But how will it be formal and superficial or deliberate and deep? Depends to a greater extent separately from each Christian.

It must always be remembered that such a practice was established by the Son of God himself - Jesus Christ, and only He is able to purify and save all of humanity and each person personally, which will serve the general welfare.

Confession is a sacrament of repentance, when a believer sets forth his committed sins to a clergyman in the hope of God's forgiveness. The rite was established by the Savior himself, who spoke to the disciples the words recorded in the Gospel of Matthew: chapter 18, verse 18. The topic of confession is also covered in the Gospel of John: chapter 20, verses 22-23.

In the sacrament of repentance, parishioners state the main passions (mortal sins) committed by them:

  • gluttony (excessive consumption of food);
  • anger;
  • fornication, debauchery;
  • love of money (desire for material values);
  • despondency (depression, despair, laziness);
  • vanity;
  • pride;
  • envy.

The representative of the church is empowered to forgive sins in the name of the Lord.

Preparation for confession

The need to confess in the vast majority of cases arises when:

  • committing a grave sin;
  • preparation for communion;
  • decision to get married;
  • mental anguish from the offenses committed;
  • serious or terminal illness;
  • desire to change the sinful past.

Confession requires preparation. You need to know the schedule for when the ordinances are held and choose a suitable date. Usually, confession is performed on weekends and holidays; daily rites are possible.

Attention! During the sacrament, a significant number of believers are present. If there are difficulties with opening the soul to the priest and repentance in front of a large crowd of people, it is advisable to contact the minister of the church and choose a day when it is possible to be alone with him.

Before confession, it is recommended to make a list of sins, correctly identifying them. Offenses committed by word, deed, in thoughts are taken into account, starting from the last repentance. In the case of the first confession in adulthood, they remember their own sins from the age of 7 or after baptism.

In order to tune in to the right mood, it is advisable to read the Penitential Canon in the evening before the sacrament. It is important to go to confession in the absence of ungodly thoughts, forgive your offenders and apologize to those whom you have offended yourself. Fasting before the ceremony is optional.

Confession should be done once a month, if desired and the need arises, you can do it more often. Women during menstruation abstain from the ceremony.

How to confess properly

It is important to come to the sacrament of repentance without delay. Confession is held in the morning or evening. Repentant believers read the rites. The priest interrogates the names of those who came to confession, you should tell him in a calm voice, without shouting. Latecomers do not participate in the sacrament.

It is recommended to conduct a rite of repentance with one confessor. You need to wait for your turn, then turn to people with the words: “Forgive me, a sinner (sinner).” The answer will be the phrase: "God will forgive, and we forgive." After that, they approach the clergyman and bow their heads in front of the lectern - an elevated table.

Having crossed himself and bowed, the believer confesses, listing sins. You should start the phrase with the words: “Lord, I have sinned (sinned) before You ...” and reveal what exactly. They report misconduct without details, in general terms. If you need clarification, the priest will ask. However, to speak too briefly: "Sinful (sinful) in everything!" also not allowed. It is important to list all misconducts without hiding anything. They end the confession, for example, with the phrase: “I repent, Lord! Save and have mercy on me a sinner (sinner)!” Then they carefully listen to the priest, take into account his advice. After reading the "permissive" prayer by the clergyman, they cross themselves and bow twice, kiss the Cross and the book of the Gospel.

Important! For grave sins, a representative of the church appoints a penance - a punishment that may consist in reading a long prayer, fasting or abstinence. Only after its fulfillment and with the help of a “permissive” prayer is the believer considered forgiven.

In large Temples, with a significant number of people, a “general” confession is used. In this case, the priest lists the main sins, and those who confess repent. After that, each parishioner approaches the representative of the church under the "permissive" prayer.

sacrament of repentance

Confession is considered the second baptism. If at baptism a person is cleansed of original sin, then at repentance there is a liberation from personal passions.

When conducting the ceremony, it is important to be honest with yourself and God, be aware of the misconduct committed and sincerely repent of them. You should not be embarrassed or afraid of condemning the priest - this will not happen, the representative of the church is only a conductor between the believer and the Lord, you do not need to make excuses before him, only repent.

One cannot continue to be tormented by a sin that has already been repented, since it is considered forgiven. Otherwise, the church perceives this as a manifestation of lack of faith.

Examples of sins that are listed to the priest during confession include various categories.

Common female transgressions include:

  • turned to witches, fortune-tellers, and so on;
  • rarely attended church and read prayers;
  • had sexual relations before marriage;
  • during prayer, she thought about pressing problems;
  • was afraid of old age;
  • had impious thoughts;
  • had an abortion;
  • was superstitious;
  • excessive use of alcohol, sweets, drugs;
  • wore revealing clothes;
  • refused to help those in need.

Common male sins are:

  • lack of faith, blasphemy against the Lord;
  • cruelty;
  • pride;
  • laziness;
  • mockery of the weak;
  • greed;
  • evasion from military service;
  • insulting people around, the use of violence;
  • weakness in resisting temptations;
  • slander, theft;
  • rudeness, rudeness;
  • refusal to help those in need.

In Orthodoxy, there are 3 main groups of sins that are subject to presentation during confession: in relation to the Lord, relatives, and oneself.

Sins against God

  • interest in the occult sciences;
  • apostasy;
  • an insult to God, ingratitude to him;
  • unwillingness to wear a pectoral cross;
  • superstition;
  • atheistic upbringing;
  • mentioning the Lord in vain;
  • unwillingness to read morning and evening prayers, visit the temple on Sundays and holidays;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • passion for gambling;
  • rare reading of Orthodox literature;
  • non-observance of church rules (fasting);
  • despair in difficulties and problems, denial of God's providence;
  • condemnation of representatives of the church;
  • dependence on earthly pleasures;
  • fear of old age;
  • hiding sins during repentance, unwillingness to fight them;
  • arrogance, denial of God's help.

Sins towards relatives

The group of vices against neighbors includes:

  • disrespect for parents, irritation with old age;
  • condemnation, hatred;
  • anger;
  • quick temper;
  • slander, rancor;
  • raising children in a different faith;
  • non-repayment of debts;
  • non-payment of money for work;
  • rejection of people in need of help;
  • arrogance;
  • quarrels, swearing with relatives and neighbors;
  • greed;
  • driving a neighbor to suicide;
  • having an abortion and encouraging others to do so;
  • drinking alcohol at funerals;
  • theft;
  • laziness at work.

Sins against the soul

  • deception;
  • foul language (use of obscene language);
  • self-delusion;
  • vanity;
  • envy;
  • laziness;
  • despair, sadness;
  • impatience;
  • lack of faith;
  • adultery (violation of fidelity in marriage);
  • laughter for no reason;
  • masturbation, unnatural fornication (proximity of people of the same sex), incest;
  • love for material values, the desire for enrichment;
  • gluttony;
  • perjury;
  • doing good deeds for show;
  • dependence on alcohol, tobacco;
  • idle talk, verbosity;
  • reading literature and viewing photos, films with erotic content;
  • extramarital intimacy.

How to confess to children

The Church teaches children from an early age to a sense of reverence for the Lord. A child under 7 years old is considered a baby, he does not need to confess, including before communion.

Upon reaching the specified age, children begin the rite of repentance on an equal basis with adults. Before confession, it is recommended to set up the baby by reading the Holy Scriptures, children's Orthodox literature. It is advisable to reduce the time of watching TV, pay special attention to reading morning and evening prayers.

When a child behaves badly, they talk to him, awakening a sense of shame.

Children also make a list of committed sins, it is important that they do this on their own, without the help of adults. To help the child, he is given a list of possible sins:

  • did not miss the morning or evening prayers before the meal?
  • did not steal?
  • didn't you guess?
  • Do you brag about your skills and abilities?
  • Do you know the main prayers (“Our Father”, “Jesus Prayer”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”)?
  • Do you hide your sins at confession?
  • do not use amulets, symbols?
  • attend church on Sundays, don't play around in the service?
  • not fond of bad habits, do not use foul language?
  • did not mention the name of the Lord unnecessarily?
  • are you not shy about wearing a cross, do you wear it without taking it off?
  • did not deceive parents?
  • did not snitch, did not gossip?
  • help your loved ones, are you not lazy?
  • did not mock the beasts of the earth?
  • didn't play cards?

The child may name personal sins not listed. It is important that he understands the need for awareness of his own misdeeds, sincere and sincere repentance.

Confession examples

Speech during the sacrament of repentance is made up arbitrarily, depending on the enumeration of the sins of the believer. A few examples of what to say in confession will help to make an individual appeal to the priest and God.

Example 1

Lord, I have sinned (sinned) before You with adultery, lies, greed, slander, foul language, superstition, the desire for enrichment, extramarital carnal intimacy, quarrels with loved ones, gluttony, abortion, addiction to alcohol, tobacco, vindictiveness, condemnation, non-compliance with church rules . I repent, Lord! Have mercy on me, a sinner (sinner).

Example 2

I confess to the Lord God, in the Holy Trinity glorious, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, all sins from youth to the present, committed by deed, word and thought, voluntarily or involuntarily. I put my hope in God's mercy and wish to correct my life. I sinned (sinned) with apostasy, impudent judgments about church laws, love for earthly goods, disrespect for elders. Forgive me, Lord, cleanse, renew my soul and body, so that I can follow the path of salvation. And you, honest Father, pray for me to the Lord, the Most Pure Lady of the Theotokos and the saints, that the Lord will have mercy on me through their prayers, forgive me from my sins and make me worthy to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ without condemnation.

Example 3

I bring you, merciful Lord, the heavy burden of my sins from early youth to this day. I have sinned (sinned) before You by forgetting Your commandments, ingratitude to You for mercy, superstition, blasphemous thoughts, desire for pleasure, vanity, idle talk, gluttony, breaking fasts, refusing to help those in need. I have sinned in words, thoughts, deeds, sometimes involuntarily, but more often consciously. I sincerely repent of my sins, I do my best not to repeat them. Forgive and have mercy on me, Lord!

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