Why do you dream of a white knitted sweater? What could a blouse mean in a dream? An item was stolen. What does such night vision mean?

Experts say that any nightmare should not be considered a symptom of an impending illness, since it can be caused by a stressful situation or some kind of emotional experience. Sometimes nightmares are a reflection of previously experienced unpleasant situations.

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A jacket in a dream: what does it mean and how does the dream book interpret it?

This item of clothing is quite common in everyday life, so it can appear in dreams very often, and in a variety of forms. How is this dream interpreted?

Let us list the general features of this dream, as set out in dream books:

  • The more beautiful the dreamed symbol, the more favorable the dream for you;
  • Its appearance is a reflection of your inner state, and its strength and warmth reflect the degree of protection from external influences and problems;
  • If it is completely new, as it was recently purchased or given as a gift, then you will be able to make your deepest dreams come true;
  • The troubles that happen to her in a dream extend to real life;
  • If it belonged to someone else, then changes will occur to the one who owns it.

Now a little more about how to interpret such a dream.

Did you dream that you were trying on or buying a jacket?

In a dream, did you have to put it on or try it on yourself? This dream warns that you will commit an unpleasant act, which will subsequently become known to others. You will also have to communicate with a person who is not friendly and depresses you.

Buying a new jacket in a dream means dooming yourself to inevitable shame in real life. If you managed to buy a very beautiful jacket, then soon you will be able to realize your wildest fantasies, successfully complete the work you started and avoid many troubles.

Did you especially remember its color in the dream?

It is always very important to remember what color the wardrobe item you dreamed about was, since it is a reflection of your mood and can determine what changes will happen in the near future.

A white jacket is a harbinger of hard work, which will ultimately be rewarded with career growth and improved financial situation. In addition, an event may occur that at one moment will change your life for the better.

Red symbolizes strong emotions and passion that will engulf you in the near future.

The black clothing featured in the dream corresponds to the prejudices surrounding this color and is interpreted as a coming series of bad luck. If at the same time you yourself were dressed in it, then soon, through negligence, you will commit an act for which you will later be very ashamed.

You dreamed of a pink jacket, which means it’s time to think about whether you were too carried away by your own fantasies. Most likely, you are very amorous and are currently experiencing this strong feeling.

Will a dreamed warm knitted sweater warm you up in reality?

No dream book can give a definite answer to this question, since such a dream is a kind of hint advising you to reconsider your attitude towards life. You run the risk of turning the public against you, so don’t put everything off and in the near future analyze your behavior and the principles that you so strictly follow.

In a dream you were given a jacket - what will happen in reality?

Very soon you will have a chance to fulfill a desire that for many years seemed impossible to you. You remember who gave you such a gift in a dream, which means that in real life you will find a true friend in this person. If this person is familiar to you, then you will not quarrel with her for a long time and will find complete mutual understanding.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream of a “jacket”: what it means in a dream and a full interpretation from various points of view.

If you consider what part of the body the jacket covers, it’s easy to guess that what this piece of clothing means in a dream symbolizes a person’s emotional experiences and emotions. Dream books associate this item of clothing in a dream with secret thoughts and desires, warmth and care.

Special signs

An old or dirty jacket in a dream, according to the Dream Book from A to Z, predicts an unsuccessful deal. If you dreamed of a product with holes, it means that in reality, get ready to go through a disagreement with a loved one.

A warm, knitted woolen jacket in a dream is a kind of hint to the dreamer to reconsider his attitude towards life, otherwise public opinion may radically change for the worse. If the dreamed item of clothing consists of fabric, it means that in real time you should beware of betrayal and the associated condemnation of people around you.

The general dream book describes what a long jacket means in dreams. Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s desire to hide from difficulties and obligations that are quite boring.

A new blouse in a dream is a harbinger of successful endeavors, positive changes and good luck in any endeavor.

Color characteristics

According to the Wanderer’s interpreter, what you dream of wearing a sweater reflects a change in the sleeping person’s mood, so the dream must be considered from the perspective of the color characteristics of the dreamed item of clothing.

Thus, a red blouse in a dream predicts strong emotions and passionate desires. According to Miss Hasse's interpretation, a red jacket prophesies happiness in love. And according to astrologer Tsvetkov, a red piece of clothing means excellent health and honor.

A white blouse in a dream, according to the Wanderer’s dream book, represents fidelity, happiness, luck, and spiritual purity. According to the interpretation of the Dream Book from A to Z, white products predict positive changes in life. Seeing a white jacket is a sign of good news; putting it on is an opportunity to experience pleasant sensations.

It's no secret why you dream of a black product. According to Tsvetkov’s explanation, such a dream bears the imprint of grief and bad luck. Seeing someone wearing a black sweater in a dream means dark thoughts; walking on your own means a careless act, fear, danger.

A pink blouse in a dream characterizes the dreamer’s level of childish self-awareness, being in illusions. Also, a dream with a pink wardrobe item promises sublime, loving experiences, a state of being in love.

A yellow jacket, according to the Wanderer’s dream book, warns of treason, illness or betrayal. The psychoanalytic interpreter positions the yellow item of clothing as cowardice, and in combination with blue or light blue – a manifestation of intuition.

A gray sweater in a dream reflects a state of despondency, passivity, and hopelessness. Green – denotes real time as a period of reflection, promises financial success. A blue jacket warns of danger, of revealing a secret.

Shopping and gifts

Buying or receiving a new and beautiful jacket as a gift predicts the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

As the General Dream Book explains, what you dream of trying on or putting on a new blouse predicts the commission of a shameful act, which people close and dear to your heart will find out about. Watching someone try on a sweater means stay away from this person, otherwise you will tarnish your reputation for a long time.

Other manipulations

Wearing a sweater from someone else's shoulder indicates hardships and difficulties in a matter undertaken at random. Witnessing that someone took this item of clothing indicates in the General Dream Book that you will soon witness a shameful act of a loved one, which will cost a considerable amount of money to “hush up.”

Every dream, if you look carefully, has a reason or some logical explanation for its occurrence. After all, very often we have to deal with such a phenomenon as meeting a familiar person who you dreamed of the previous morning, right? Although until the moment of sleep we didn’t even remember about it. This is indeed a very strange phenomenon. Until now, many scientists cannot understand what the actual nature of sleep is. Many dream books interpret our visions and give an explanation for the sight we see.

Interpretations of night vision

Let's talk today about what the sweater we saw in night vision means in the dream book. To understand the causes and consequences of such a dream, it is worth remembering all the smallest details. Only then can one correctly interpret and understand what it meant.

In the dream book, a jacket means the presence of some kind of emotional experiences and problems that are eating you from the inside. Think, maybe you really have some unresolved issues and problems that are preventing you from living in peace. Or maybe you are missing some kind of family hearth and warmth from your beloved man, and in night vision this is all realized in such an absurd way.

What was the thing?

So, let's figure out what a jacket means in the dream book. To do this, remember what she looked like. If it was dirty, worn, looked disgusting or had an unpleasant smell, then soon you will have a major quarrel with a person dear and close to you.

If the jacket looked soft and cozy, then such a vision means that you need to reassess your values. In the dream book, a warm jacket may mean a lack of information about any object or phenomenon. Take a closer look at the people around you. Perhaps someone close to you harbors some kind of enmity. And this is fraught with unpleasant consequences and, possibly, betrayal. Therefore, be careful.

New thing. Why do you dream?

In the general dream book, a jacket symbolizes the need on your part for help and protection. You are not independent and constantly expect solutions to problems from other people.

In the dream book, a new jacket most likely means that soon some event will happen to you that will completely change you and those around you. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the nature of this event is negative. It is quite possible that incredibly good things will happen to you. They will turn your life for the better.

So, we have considered most of the options, now let's try to figure out whether the color of the sweater that was in your dream matters. Here we can answer unequivocally that yes. Color, in principle, plays a huge role in the real world, and in a dream, in any case, it symbolizes something.

Red and white thing

So, in the dream book, a red jacket is interpreted as a strong emotion or even passion. It is quite possible that, without noticing it, you experience (or will experience) strong passionate feelings for some object. In some interpretations, the presence of this wardrobe item in red can mean good health and a long life without loss.

If you saw a white sweater in a dream, then this is a pretty good sign. This color is generally considered positive. He has positive energy. This is the color of spiritual purity and noble moral qualities. Accordingly, if in a dream you see a white sweater, then in the near future you will have pleasant discoveries, kind people nearby and many surprises.

Black and pink thing

If you saw a black jacket in a dream, you should be upset. This tone symbolizes the bitterness of loss, longing for the person who has left your life and sad news. But don't jump to conclusions. Black is also the color of mystery and uncertainty.

If you saw a pink sweater in a dream, it’s time for you to grow up and take off the “rose-colored glasses” through which you look at the world. Try to evaluate your loved ones and your actions objectively. Don't rely on anyone's support and take care of your personal life. Also, such a dream may mean that you may soon be overcome by a wonderful feeling of falling in love.

Yellow and gray thing

A yellow sweater is not the best sign. Such a dream foreshadows betrayal, and possibly betrayal of a person close to you. Be careful and do not ignore this sign. Perhaps this is some kind of warning.

Gray basically means a neutral attitude towards any events. Therefore, a jacket of this color may represent your lack of desire to act decisively and deal with pressing problems. Don't think that everything should work out by itself. To achieve something in life, you need to constantly do something, constantly stimulate yourself and step over your weaknesses, whims and desires for low pleasures.

Buy an item as a gift

In the dream book, buying sweaters as a gift means that your secret dream will soon come true. Most likely, what you have been working towards for so long will happen in the near future. The main thing is to believe and not give up.

measure a thing

In the dream book, trying on sweaters is not a very good sign. If you have something to hide from your loved ones, hurry up and tell them yourself.

This dream warns that your relatives and friends may find out about some bad act on your part. Make sure this happens in a milder manner. It is advisable to admit what you did. You will see that it is much better if they learn this from you personally than from some dubious acquaintances who can embellish the reality not in your favor.

It’s good if you have a dream in which you put on someone else’s jacket. This vision can be explained by the imminent exposure of your loved one. Perhaps you will suddenly see his true colors.

If a man gives you a jacket as a gift, then one of your friends feels a feeling of envy. Also, this kind of dream may mean that you are protected from troubles. And in some unforeseen circumstances, you will certainly be able to get away with it.

An item was stolen. What could such night vision mean?

If your jacket is stolen in a dream, this is not a very good sign. Most likely, troubles in the financial sector may await you. You may be framed in such a way that you will end up owing a large amount of money. Therefore, be vigilant and careful.

If you wear a jacket inside out in your night vision, then most likely you will commit some strange act. It will cause great surprise among your friends or work colleagues.

A little conclusion

We looked at a variety of variations of dreams in which a jacket appears. Of course, only you can decide how to perceive this or that sign. The main thing is to remember that you need to rely only on your feelings. They will never deceive. In general, always tune in to the good. We wish you good luck in life!

If you take into account which part of the body the jacket is worn on, it won’t be too difficult to guess what this item of clothing may mean in a dream. This is a symbol of the dreamer’s emotional experiences and tossing. In addition, it can also be a dream for someone who dreams of warmth, affection, and care. Are you interested in finding out more details? In this case, open the collection of interpretations and carefully read about everything related to the jacket.

By style and material

The dream book from A to Z describes why a dirty, old blouse is dreamed of. Such a thing warns that in the near future it is extremely undesirable to conclude deals and sign important contracts. A dream about a thing with holes suggests that quarrels and disagreements with a loved one are likely.

Did you dream of a warm knitted wool jacket? This means that your behavior causes confusion and irritation among others. Listen to the advice: you need to change your attitude towards people, life, otherwise you will find yourself a sort of persona Non Grata, and besides, you will lose friends.

A dream about a blouse made from fabric is interpreted completely differently. In this case, you will have to survive the betrayal of your comrades. It is possible that such actions of loved ones will put you in an awkward position and you will have to justify yourself, proving that you are not guilty of anything.

Why did you dream about a long jacket? The General Dream Book says that this style is associated with the desire of the sleeper to avoid responsibility, to hide from problems and worries that tire him and seem meaningless.

But a new jacket, which was noticed in night dreams, portends success and victories in business, as well as positive changes in life.

If you dreamed of putting on a blouse, then the Wanderer’s dream book considers this to be an indication of a change in mood. And here it is very important to remember what color the thing was.

Product color

It’s easy to guess that a scarlet blouse is dreamed of by a person who, tormented by serious passions, experiences strong emotions. In her dream book, Miss Hasse writes that a red product is an omen of victories on the love front. But astrologer Tsvetkov is sure that such a thing is a symbol of good health and high authority of the sleeper.

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a white blouse promises fidelity, happiness, and good luck. In a collection of dream interpretations from A to Z, a snow-white piece of clothing is described as a sure sign of change for the better in fate. In any case, a white blouse is a symbol of good news, and if you try it on according to the plot of a night vision, then upon awakening you will experience pleasant sensations and positive emotions.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a black blouse is a sign of sorrows and failures. When you notice in a dream a certain person dressed in a black tunic, then do not be surprised by the sad, pessimistic thoughts that will come to your mind. And if in a dream you yourself dressed up in such a gloomy outfit, then in reality you risk making an irreparable oversight, a serious mistake.

What does it mean to see a pink blouse in a dream? Such a thing indicates that the dreamer is naive; often his intentions and dreams are more like unrealistic illusions. However, sometimes people in love see such a dream, as if they were wearing rose-colored glasses.

A yellow jacket dreams of illness and treacherous betrayal. From the point of view of psychologists, the color yellow signals that the dreamer is afraid of something. If in a dream you preferred an ensemble that included both yellow and blue items of clothing, then you have extremely developed intuition, and your doubts are by no means groundless.

A gray jumper indicates that the sleeping person is in a depressed state of mind. He is passive, dejected. Green, traditionally, is the color of money, predicting budget replenishment. As for the blue product, it is dreamed of on the eve of the revelation of a certain secret, but sometimes it signals danger threatening the dreamer.

Shopping at a fashion store

A dream that you have purchased or received a luxurious new jacket as a gift promises the fulfillment of an old dream or desire.

Why do you dream about trying on new clothes? The general dream book warns against committing a rash act, for which you will later have to blush in front of your family.

In a dream, did you recognize your friend putting on a blouse? Then in reality, take a closer look at this person; it is possible that communicating with her could ruin your reputation.

Item from someone else's wardrobe

The interpretation of a vision in which you are wearing someone else’s blouse indicates that in reality you will fail in the business you took on without considering the consequences and without weighing your strengths.

The general dream book describes a plot in which you observe someone taking an item that belongs to another person. It turns out that very soon you will have to witness an unseemly act of a loved one. You will try to make amends for his guilt, but it will cost a tidy sum of money.

The sweaters in the dream were new, just out of the packaging.

One is white fabric with green buttons and a collar decorated with a frill of small frills. The other is knitted from dark red wool, with a relief pattern along the deep neckline.

The new clothes felt pleasantly cool on the skin while trying them on, and it seemed they even smelled like some kind of perfume. So I woke up in a good mood and, having barely washed my face, typed the query “dream book jacket” into the search engine.

At first, the abundance of interpreters made my eyes dazzle. Which dream book to choose? Miller or Vanga? Nostradamus or Freud, or maybe Jung? Astrologers, keepers of ancient Hebrew wisdom, dream casters according to Roman custom, hereditary shamans, heirs of the Egyptian pharaohs and Mayan leaders also offered to tell me why the jacket was in my dreams.

Inner self

I'm a persistent girl, so I looked through most of the options. I started my search with the meaning of clothes in a dream. I found out the following - many dream books agree that when a person dreams of clothes, this is a reflection of his inner self, as well as a hint of his state of health and mood.

If you dreamed about a jacket, then this is a reason to understand your hidden desires and secret thoughts. Such a dream may also indicate that a person subconsciously desires changes in his life.

Detailed interpretations:

  • A new jacket seen in a dream promises good times.
  • An old, worn blouse hints that the dreamer needs rest.
  • A clean jacket dreams of financial well-being.
  • A blouse with dirty stains warns against communicating with strangers.
  • Trying on a blouse means achieving your goal.
  • If the dreamer buys such clothes, then changes are coming in his life.
  • Receiving a blouse as a gift is a fulfillment of a cherished desire, or a sign that the giver is disposed towards you.
  • A jacket worn inside out warns against committing an extravagant act.
  • A knitted blouse encourages a person to change his attitude towards life.
  • Dreaming of a blouse made of thin fabric may mean that the dreamer should be more attentive to the opinions of others.
  • An expensive jacket indicates a person’s readiness to spend big.
  • Seeing a warm jacket in a dream for unmarried people means a quick marriage, and for family people - warmth in relationships with loved ones.

The color will tell you the answer

When interpreting such dreams, color plays a big role. It is believed that in this way the dreamer’s subconscious reflects his position and what is happening in life.

  • White symbolizes well-being in the family.
  • A red jacket in dark shades promises happiness and passion.
  • Raspberry is a sign that some significant problem will be successfully resolved.
  • A blue blouse portends health and happiness, and also characterizes the dreamer as a person of sober mind.
  • If the sweater you dreamed of has a blue tint, then in the near future a person will receive the support of friends in an important endeavor.
  • Seeing a yellow blouse in a dream means the dreamer needs to be careful in conversations with friends.
  • Green promises quick profit, as well as a quiet life.
  • A purple jacket speaks of hidden attraction.
  • Seeing multi-colored clothes is a sign of a series of significant events in life.

Having studied all these interpretations, I understood why the jacket was dreamed of. To ensure that everything in life will be fine!

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A dream in which you put on a jacket foreshadows the forced need to deal with a person whose unfriendliness demoralizes you. Wearing a jacket inside out means in reality you will perform an act whose extravagance will shock literally all your colleagues and acquaintances.

An old, dirty or torn jacket foreshadows an unsuccessful deal in business or entrepreneurship. Buying or receiving as a gift a new jacket that is absolutely stunning in all respects predicts the fulfillment of a secret desire. Wearing a jacket from someone else's shoulder in a dream is a sign of upcoming hardships and difficulties in a business undertaken at random.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Buy and sell

Buying in a dream is always better than selling. But to dream that you are giving away money or a wallet for something means losses and damages, especially in your personal life. Buying something in a dream means a small profit.

Seeing goods at the bazaar is a warning about the need to be careful because of the danger of deception. Buying them means gossip. To see a lot of purchases in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive a significant amount of money that you will spend on necessary things.

Buying cheap in a dream is a sign of an imminent love victory or an unsuccessful deal that you enter into due to greed. Selling a lot and successfully in a dream is a sign of success in business and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows new opportunities. Unsuccessful sales in a dream are a sign of failure in business in reality. See interpretation: seller, gifts.

If you dream that your friend’s things are being sold, then you will soon have to go through a lot because someone will betray this person. Selling in a dream often means betrayal.

A conversation with a seller in a dream often foreshadows a trial, a quarrel, or a division. Managing trade in a dream is a harbinger of ill-gotten gains. Underground trading in a dream means that you are not pretending to be who you really are, or other people are not thinking about you the way you would like. See interpretation: smuggling.

Profiting from something in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. Shopping in a dream is a harbinger that fate will favor you if you bought essential items.

Making some valuable acquisition in a dream foreshadows changes for you. More precisely about the meaning of sleep, look at the names of what you bought. Planning large (expensive) purchases in a dream means that you will soon have to pay dearly for the mistakes you have made.

If you dream that someone is talking to you about acquiring (buying) expensive (large) things, then soon someone will make an important decision that concerns you, and will not hesitate to inform you of his decision.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you consider what part of the body the jacket covers, it’s easy to guess that what this piece of clothing means in a dream symbolizes a person’s emotional experiences and emotions. Dream books associate this item of clothing in a dream with secret thoughts and desires, warmth and care.

Special signs

An old or dirty jacket in a dream, according to the Dream Book from A to Z, predicts an unsuccessful deal. If you dreamed of a product with holes, it means that in reality, get ready to go through a disagreement with a loved one.

A warm, knitted woolen jacket in a dream is a kind of hint to the dreamer to reconsider his attitude towards life, otherwise public opinion may radically change for the worse. If the dreamed item of clothing consists of fabric, it means that in real time you should beware of betrayal and the associated condemnation of people around you.

The general dream book describes what a long jacket means in dreams. Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s desire to hide from difficulties and obligations that are quite boring.

A new blouse in a dream is a harbinger of successful endeavors, positive changes and good luck in any endeavor.

Color characteristics

According to the Wanderer’s interpreter, what you dream of wearing a sweater reflects a change in the sleeping person’s mood, so the dream must be considered from the perspective of the color characteristics of the dreamed item of clothing.

Thus, a red blouse in a dream predicts strong emotions and passionate desires. According to Miss Hasse's interpretation, a red jacket prophesies happiness in love. And according to astrologer Tsvetkov, a red piece of clothing means excellent health and honor.

A white blouse in a dream, according to the Wanderer’s dream book, represents fidelity, happiness, luck, and spiritual purity. According to the interpretation of the Dream Book from A to Z, white products predict positive changes in life. Seeing a white jacket is a sign of good news; putting it on is an opportunity to experience pleasant sensations.

It's no secret why you dream of a black product. According to Tsvetkov’s explanation, such a dream bears the imprint of grief and bad luck. Seeing someone wearing a black sweater in a dream means dark thoughts; walking on your own means a careless act, fear, danger.

A pink blouse in a dream characterizes the dreamer’s level of childish self-awareness, being in illusions. Also, a dream with a pink wardrobe item promises sublime, loving experiences, a state of being in love.

A yellow jacket, according to the Wanderer’s dream book, warns of treason, illness or betrayal. The psychoanalytic interpreter positions the yellow item of clothing as cowardice, and in combination with blue or light blue – a manifestation of intuition.

A gray sweater in a dream reflects a state of despondency, passivity, and hopelessness. Green – denotes real time as a period of reflection, promises financial success. A blue jacket warns of danger, of revealing a secret.

Shopping and gifts

Buying or receiving a new and beautiful jacket as a gift predicts the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

As the General Dream Book explains, what you dream of trying on or putting on a new blouse predicts the commission of a shameful act, which people close and dear to your heart will find out about. Watching someone try on a sweater means stay away from this person, otherwise you will tarnish your reputation for a long time.

Other manipulations

Wearing a sweater from someone else's shoulder indicates hardships and difficulties in a matter undertaken at random. Witnessing that someone took this item of clothing indicates in the General Dream Book that you will soon witness a shameful act of a loved one, which will cost a considerable amount of money to “hush up.”

Dream interpretation jacket

A sweater is a part of the wardrobe that we wear literally every day. In a dream, it has a rather sacred meaning.

If you think about what part of the body we wear it on and for what purpose, it becomes clear what this symbol means. It personifies our inner experiences and describes our emotions.

If you dreamed of a jacket, then you should take a closer look at all, even the most insignificant details. In this case, the prediction will be complete.

Wardrobe detail in a dream

Interpreters often say that a dreamed sweater is a symbol of our hidden thoughts and hopes. It is possible that the sleeping person lacks warmth and care.

Dreamed of old-fashioned clothes

Dream book predictions

To thoroughly understand this vision, a couple of hours is not enough for you. Not only the style or color is important here, but also the quality of the fabric, condition, and your feelings. It is also important to include your sleep activities.

Dream book of the 21st century

Wearing an old-fashioned jacket means that in reality you will ignore the opinions of the people around you and do everything at your own discretion. The interpreter believes that your actions will defy any logic.

If you put a new, beautiful blouse on someone, then positive changes will occur in your life.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

Why do you dream about a sweater? Your mood will change. To find out in more detail what will cause it, it’s worth remembering the color of the sweater.

What else happened in the night vision:

Interpreter from “A” to “Z”

Putting a blouse on someone means you are forced to communicate with a person who does not like you. Such “friendship” depresses you and prevents you from enjoying life.

If you notice a stain or a hole, the business has failed, the deal has been disrupted.

If the dreamer bought herself a beautiful new thing and received it as a gift, then in reality she will be able to bring her plans to life.

To be in someone else's sweater in a dream - you, without thinking, made a certain decision.

Seeing torn clothes in a dream

Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

You dreamed of a warm and comfortable knitted sweater - your loved ones love you, they surround you with their care and warmth.

Seeing yourself in similar clothes means you will be able to achieve the necessary support.

Receive a jacket as a gift, give it yourself - you have sincere friends who will not betray you, because they consider you an excellent friend.

Holes in clothes indicate that you will soon quarrel with the person who was dear to you.

Color spectrum

The color of the blouse is of decisive importance when making a prediction.

Look at the prevailing shade, it is its interpretation that will be fundamental:

Special signs of sleep

A warm jacket suggests that you should reconsider your vision of the world. Don't change your behavior - expect contempt and alienation from the people around you. If it is not knitted, but made of fabric, then you may be betrayed. This will be done by people from whom you did not expect such meanness.

Dream about unusual clothes with long hems

If you dream of the long hem of a sweater, when it literally reaches your knees, then such a night vision speaks of your inner state. You try to hide from others.

Perhaps things haven’t been easy in the dreamer’s life lately. But instead of starting to deal with troubles, he simply hides from them and does not want to notice.

A new jacket always means changes for the better. No matter what has been happening to you lately, life will soon begin to get better. You will be happy, troubles and adversities will pass you by. If you had difficulties with your loved one, or did not have a soulmate at all, the dream book promises you happiness in your relationship.

Dream details

After dreams in which you saw children dressed in sweaters, you may find out the news about your pregnancy. If this vision visited a man, then his other half will soon tell him good news.

For those who have had their own children for a long time, this vision predicts good behavior of the offspring, their health will not cease to please you.

Seeing a neatly hung item in a dream

Taking off your jacket and hanging it carefully means you are not afraid of running into trouble. You boldly accept their decision.

Taking off your jacket and feeling extreme cold means you shouldn’t take decisive action. It’s better to prepare more thoroughly, try to gain more experience and knowledge.

Wearing clothes taken from another person - when you find yourself in a difficult situation, you do not hesitate to ask for help. You gratefully accept wise advice, analyze it, and only then follow it.

A vision in which a women's jacket appeared is an order of magnitude more favorable than one in which you saw a men's sports jacket or sweater. Such a dream promises positive changes in the life of the sleeping person, success at work, happiness in the family circle. You can also very well enlist the support of influential people who will help you on your life path.

The dreamer's actions

According to the dream book, the jacket that you purchased in a dream promises you the implementation of bold plans and ideas. What you have been dreaming about for a long time may come true.

Choosing which sweater to wear in a dream

This dream is favorable and promises you improved health and respect from the people around you.

Couldn't find the jacket in your dream? You don’t feel safe, you lack the support of loved ones, and the whole world seems hostile.

Choosing which sweater to wear means you don’t have to worry about your financial situation. Soon you will receive a fairly significant amount of money or an inheritance.

Altering a sweater means your relationship with your loved one will soon change. The interpreter believes that changes will be for the worse; you will begin to quarrel and make scandals over trifles.

If you witness someone trying on a sweater, you should stay as far away from this person as possible. She can ruin your reputation.

Seeing another person knitting a sweater is a negative vision. You will learn about the ugly act of a loved one. To help him get out of a dangerous situation, you will have to spend a lot of time and money.

A bright, colorful sweater means that the situation will soon get out of control. You won’t be bored, nor will you be able to analyze what’s happening.

A man asks to wear your sweater - your personal life will cause unhealthy envy of those around you. But dream books believe that this will not harm you at all.

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