What does a plate mean in a dream? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a plate? Dream about a broken plate

Dream interpretation of plates

Seeing dishes in a dream is a sign that there will be prosperity and comfort in the house. The house will be comfortable, life will be smooth, and all household members will enjoy spending time under one roof.

Seeing plates in a dream means home comfort, the ability of the housewife to keep the fire burning, and the owner to take care of the home and prosperity. This is a symbol of that gentle and reliable happiness that one dreams of in adulthood.

A clean white set means a cloudless life, unclouded happiness, family harmony. Fate will present an excellent gift - a soul mate that you can rely on at any moment. It is important not to miss a meeting and have patience in building a family life - then it will be happy and long.

Dishes with beautiful patterns

If there is a beautiful design on the dishes, it means that you will live under the same roof with a creative person who will fill the dreamer’s life with bright colors.

New dinnerware is a good symbol for those who prioritize family and household chores. This is a symbol of peace and comfort, the opportunity to spend time at home and prosperity, which helps to maintain the desired standard of living.

Detailing dreams with dishes

Dreams in which dishes appear can be different. It can be clean or dirty, folded into beautiful piles or scattered. The plates on the table deserve a separate interpretation - are they clean, with food, or dirty, with leftovers? To correctly interpret why plates are dreamed of, you need to accurately remember the details of the dream:

  • Clean or dirty dishes.
  • Where are the plates located - in the kitchen, on the shelf, on the table, in the sink.
  • Availability of food.
  • The actions that take place with the dishes are buying, breaking, eating from them.

A clean plate is a sign of a cloudless family life

Clean plates - for marriage

If a girl dreams of clean plates, it means that she will soon get married and be happy. She will be able to maintain the house at the proper level, and her husband will be an excellent owner.

Seeing beautiful, clean dishes on the shelves for a married woman means she is managing her household carefully, and the savings she has collected will soon be invested in a new profitable project.

Cleaning things up and washing dishes in the sink are household chores that will bring you pleasure. Undoubtedly, it is an excellent sign to wipe dry a clean, beautiful dish - such a dream speaks of an inevitable rapid increase in prosperity.

A man dreams of plates for an imminent wedding. He will get a good, modest girl as his wife, who will become an excellent housewife in his house.

Cracks on the plates definitely mean losses or a quarrel. Eating from such dishes in a dream means poverty.

A chipped old set means monetary losses, financial difficulties, inability to manage a budget.

Interpretation by location and availability of food

Beautifully placed plates mean complete harmony in family relationships. If a young girl of marriageable age dreams about them, she can have no doubts and boldly get married, everything will turn out well.

Collected dirty dishes in the sink - the situation requires immediate action. If you miss the moment, it will be very difficult to return to your previous standard of living.

It’s a pleasure to put things in order, wash dishes, wipe them and put them back in their places - a correct life position and set priorities will not allow ill-wishers to take you by surprise. No matter how hard they try, you will not lose either your home or your income.

Served table for guests

A beautifully set dining table is a welcome treat for guests, a party and a fun time.

Seeing food neatly laid out on plates means a new business will be very profitable and will attract a lot of attention. Perhaps there will be proposals for further business development.

Dishes and activities with them

Choosing a large set in a store means a big celebration, a wedding, or a large crowd of people. If you look for the right dish very fastidiously, your soul mate will turn out to be a very worthy person.

Eating from beautiful plates means good luck and prosperity. From old and worn out - to financial difficulties, poverty, inability to provide for oneself.

Breaking dishes means family discord, quarrel. If you dreamed about this before the wedding, the marriage will not last long and the spouses will be relieved to give each other freedom. This can be confirmed by any dream book: a plate, in this case, means a broken family life.

Collecting dishes and carefully placing them in piles is a sign of careful housekeeping.

Important experiences

Women dream of dishes more often than men. And the different experiences that can be experienced during sleep are more vivid in women.

If a woman feels pleasure when choosing a dish, her chosen one will meet all her requirements, they will have a good family life.

Disdainfully collecting dishes from the table and washing them means perceiving housekeeping as a heavy burden, a desire to get rid of routine responsibilities.

Breaking dishes with anger means hidden grievances will play a cruel joke, and possible divorce.

Giving a large set to your children means passing on life experience and wisdom to your descendants. Raising responsible children that parents can be proud of.

If there were new plates in the dream▼

New plates are a harbinger of the next stage of life, in which many changes will occur that affect almost everyone. All changes that occur will be positive and pleasant.

If you bought the new plate, then you will have to achieve everything yourself, you don’t need to count on anyone. What you have planned will work out if you have a really strong will to do it.

What do clean plates mean according to the dream book▼

Seeing clean plates in a dream means unexpected events or news. They will take you by surprise and amaze you, but they will turn out to be very joyful and useful in business.

However, not all news received during this period will be favorable. Some of them may be somewhat upsetting, but do not pay attention to such information: the information will most likely be false.

If you had to wash the kitchen utensils - the dream shows your efforts to present yourself in a more favorable light, to appear better than you really are.

Don't overdo it, you won't be able to pretend all your life. Better improve yourself to become a role model yourself.

If you dream about beautiful plates▼

As the dream book says, beautiful plates mean family happiness and peace in your home. All matters will fade into the background, you will plunge into the atmosphere of a home idyll. This will be facilitated by some circumstances, perhaps not the most favorable, but the main thing is the result.

If you dreamed of beautiful dishes neatly placed on the table, expect a visit from guests. A noisy and fun event is coming up, which will be remembered for a long time by pleasant moments.

A neatly folded stack of plates means stable material wealth and well-being in any endeavor. Everything will go according to plan and no extraordinary events are expected.

Was there anything on the plate in your dream?

Empty plate according to the dream book▼

Felomena's dream book explains an empty plate as a harbinger of deprivation and disappointment. Problems in material terms will lead to a deterioration in the atmosphere in the circle or with. You will experience spiritual emptiness and indifference to life.

Don't let negative feelings completely take over you; this condition is extremely difficult to recover from. Use your intelligence and resourcefulness - there is a way out of any difficult situation.

Why do you dream about a plate of food▼

A plate with in a dream symbolizes prosperity and well-being. Relationships deliver, the house is a cup, affairs are in impeccable order. What more could you ask for?

For some period there will really be nothing to want. You will simply begin to enjoy what you have, dark thoughts will no longer come to your mind.

But the calm will not last long, new plans will soon appear, because a person with your character cannot do nothing. From the contents of the plate one can judge the most successful side of life in the near future.

Dream interpretation broken plate

Often in dreams we see everyday things that we encounter in real life almost every day.

Why do you dream of a broken plate? Does such a dream promise happiness or predict the onset of difficult times?

Dream about a broken plate

Dream books often suggest that if you dreamed of broken plates, then there will be many conflicts in the dreamer’s life. He will quarrel and make scandals at the slightest reason.

It is possible that your hopes will not come true. To detail the essence of the dream, it is worth taking a closer look at the interpretations of various dream books.

Gustav Miller's opinion

I dreamed of broken dishes

If we take Miller’s interpreter as a fundamental principle, then a beautiful plate in a dream promises the dreamer a good marriage, a kind and loving husband. Accordingly, if you dream of broken plates, then something in the dreamer’s life will go wrong.

Perhaps your husband will cheat on you or turn out to be not at all the person he introduced himself to you for the first time. An unmarried girl runs the risk of being left without a groom.

Predictions of other interpreters

You can find many predictions about broken dishes. As for broken plates, this symbol can actually be found in some dream books.

21st century interpreter

According to this dream book, breaking a plate in a dream is not a very good sign. Such a dream means that you will soon be deprived of the support of people who occupy a fairly high position in society.

A lot of broken plates - quarrels and squabbles in the family.

Interpreter Hasse

Broken appliance on the table

A plate seen in a dream promises an invitation to visit, to a dinner party or lunch. Accordingly, when it breaks, the dreamer will be overcome by disturbing thoughts. Unpleasant events will happen in life.

Esoteric interpreter

This dream interpreter views broken dishes positively. According to the dream book, a broken plate promises quick fun. The dreamer will go to a fun holiday or organize it on his own.

It’s negative to see a pile of fragments on your doorstep. Such a plot promises a lot of troubles that will annoy you for a long time. The interpreter even gives a hint: all the dreamer’s troubles will come from a stranger who comes to his house.

Psychology of sleep

Sigmund Freud viewed plates as a symbol of communal living. It is important who else the dreamer saw nearby in the dream, where the other half was.

Breaking dishes in a dream

If the dreamer breaks a plate in a dream, then his significant other is no longer happy with him. Perhaps you often begin to quarrel, do not find a common language, your feelings have cooled. Sigmund Freud advised immediately interrupting all communication, because you will no longer receive any benefit.

When in night vision you break plates and then try to glue them together, then all your quarrels arise literally out of nowhere. You really love each other, you should forget old grievances and reconcile.

Remember your emotions

The exact interpretation of dreams will depend on what emotions the dreamer had at the time of sleep and after awakening:

  • breaking plates and having fun - a good time, a joyful event, a win;
  • to experience fear, bitterness, resentment - in reality, the business to which you devoted a lot of effort and time will turn out to be a loser, it is possible that people whom you offended with a careless word will have a hand in this.

Attention to detail

Since the plate promises the arrival of guests and a fun time, a split or broken plate is a symbol that the event will be postponed. Something will happen and you will not be able to gather guests or go on a visit yourself.

Positively break the dirty plate you are washing. In this case, you will be able to get rid of the troubles that have been bothering you for a long time. If the plate cracks on its own, then you will receive news that will be negative.

I dreamed of broken porcelain

It’s good if you managed to note the material of the broken dishes:

  • glass - a misfortune will happen to a sleeping person in the house;
  • porcelain - you will start a quarrel, and it will end in a huge scandal;
  • plastic - you will soon complete work that you do not like;
  • the dishes were clean - changes will be for the worse;
  • full of food - you will lose something important to yourself;
  • dirty dishes promise the beginning of a new, better period in the life of a sleeping person;
  • empty - you will start a quarrel over nothing.

End of a certain period

Why do you dream of breaking plates? Dream Interpretations believe that in this way higher powers warn the dreamer that a certain period of communication between the dreamer and another person has come to an end. This will not necessarily be a breakup with your significant other; perhaps you will break up with a companion or end your friendship with an old acquaintance.

Depending on the plot of the dream, interpreters will be able to tell you whether your life will change for the better after this.

Seeing fragments in a dream

It is also worth remembering: breaking dishes with your own hands in night vision means that the initiative to break will come from the sleeping person himself.

Just seeing fragments means communication will stop for reasons beyond your control.

To see in a dream how another person is trying to break a plate - you have a real enemy who will ruin your life.

A few more predictions

When a woman dreams that she is breaking plates and destroying everything in her house, then this is a significant dream. The dreamer is tired of gray everyday life, routine, and responsibility for the whole family.

Dream books advise you to drop everything and rest for at least a couple of days. Don’t worry about how your household will cope without you. Believe me, if you don’t do this, you will significantly undermine your health. If you are dead, who will take care of them in the future? This is exactly the kind of therapy that many psychologists offer for women who flatly refuse to let go of the reins of power in the home.

When dishes break frequently in a dream, it is possible that you have already been taught a lesson, but you have not learned it.

Until you understand what you are doing wrong, life will continue to “hit you in the forehead.” Particular emphasis is placed on past mistakes if the same plate is beating in a dream.

Cleaning up shards and broken dishes means you will have to listen to other people’s complaints, help people, and give advice.

Watching the plate itself fall from the table and break - you will soon be faced with a difficult choice. Your decision will have an impact on the rest of your life.

Why dream of breaking a plate in a dream during a quarrel with your spouse? Your life together will not only be happy, but also financially secure.

It happens that different sources interpret the same event, dream or just vision differently. A very motley picture emerges if we study all the interpretations of such a common phenomenon as a plate broken in a dream. Dishes break in the kitchen, at a wedding, through negligence or in the heat of a quarrel. Further developments of events are interpreted in the most contradictory variations. And yet there is something in common between them. Why do you dream of a broken plate?

We all remember well the wonderful saying that accompanies broken dishes in life.

  • « For luck!“says the hostess, who accidentally let go of the saucer.
  • « For luck!“- the bride and groom exclaim at the wedding, sending empty glasses of champagne, in which a noble drink was foaming a moment ago, to the floor.

For the most part, seers also tend to interpret dreams in which only fragments of the dishes remain as phenomena with a happy ending:

  • dishes scattered on the floor into small pieces, according to the dream book, symbolizes an invitation to the house of happiness and good luck;
  • if the sound of a plate being thrown on the floor is loud, then happy changes will not only come soon, but will also be large-scale - according to the sound;
  • in case of deliberate breaking of a person's plate If you do this, truly unspeakable luck awaits you; in a very short period of time you will be able to conquer peaks that you have not been able to conquer for many years;
  • if the breaking of dishes happened by accident, then this may not portend the most pleasant surprises, which, however, may turn out in favor of the hostess.

The general conclusion from the dream books is clear: a deliberately broken plate - fortunately, by accident - means trouble. However, is everything really so clear?

Troubles can turn into... a holiday

Dreamers agree that some dreams are things. Dreams are signals from the subconscious, which accumulates information regardless of the owner’s mood, and then sends him “bells.” Therefore, having seen a dream and correctly interpreted it, a person thus prepares himself for possible turns of events.

This also applies to such a meaningful object, indispensable in everyday life and having many symbols, like a plate. Big or small, more like a dish or a small saucer, it definitely cannot appear in a dream without a reason. It is very important to pay attention to the interpretation, and here's why:

  • An absolutely accidental broken saucer is very important to interpret in time, it usually portends minor troubles in the family due to misunderstanding between spouses each other, and if you prepare for this in a timely manner, you can successfully bypass the stormy sea of ​​everyday disagreements;
  • the same could be interpreted like rough edges between friends or work colleagues, in this case you should also prepare for their possible appearance and keep the situation in a positive way.

At the same time, if the dishes are large, then broken or cracked, or if there are several such items, this is a symbol of the upcoming holiday with many guests.

Where we only dream of optimism

Here are a few more interpretations, but not so optimistic:

  • small fragments- this is what remains of the porcelain bowl: this is a sign of disruption to previous plans, and harmonious relationships can give an annoying crack;
  • chipped, noticed in the seemingly ideal form of the dish - to the alarm that the well-being in the family is only externally so, one of the spouses is actually planning a divorce;
  • as the personification of financial well-being, dishes cannot appear by chance if a large and beautiful dish cracked or, even worse, broke, this may mean the impoverishment of the source of well-being, and this can be blamed only on the dreamer;
  • the same action in a dream represents the collapse of an entire enterprise, if its leader is the dreamer;
  • a beautiful bowl crashed– business, partnership relationships have come to an end, this may also mean the end of a romantic relationship;
  • who dropped or broke the dishes, he is the initiator of future events, but if only fragments appeared, everything will happen by itself, without your participation;

A dream in which you saw a failed attempt to break dishes by someone you know is indicative - this means that this is the same secret enemy who has been trying to screw you all this time.

Emotions and experiences of night dreams

Having a dream is one thing. Feeling something at the same time means new colors in the interpretation of a dream. The dreamer’s emotions and experiences determine the general background of upcoming events - from negative to positive:

  • breaking dishes, you felt cheerfulness and a surge of positive mood- to very great, long-awaited success;
  • if the dreamer is a gambler such a vision promises truly fantastic luck and incredible winnings;
  • sensations during night dreams with a broken plate turned out to be sad or sorrowful- to the failure of a cherished project, it is possible that the reason for this will be a loud quarrel;
  • the hilarity of a dream about dishes may promise a pleasant pastime in all respects, but if it suddenly shatters into small fragments, it makes sense to postpone the arrival of guests and the accompanying celebration until better times, so as not to invite trouble;
  • the same dream, but with neutral or sad emotional background- a harbinger of failure in leading an economical lifestyle; this will not give a positive result;
  • and here is a dirty plate, broken while washing dishes,- a sign of deliverance from an old misfortune.

If you just saw such a bowl scattered, this means unexpected bad news.

Worry about broken dishes will become reality

Broken dishes in themselves mean restless sleep. Household troubles cannot be avoided. A married woman will lose the respect of her husband. The marriage as a whole may also enter a turbulent phase. Possible losses in the ranks of friends. It is better to recognize such dreams in time. And prepare for them in advance.

The article on the topic: “dream book choosing plates” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

There is nothing wrong with seeing a plate in your dream. It symbolizes wealth and well-being, but in an everyday, everyday way. Such a dream has nothing to do with the subtleties of family happiness and financial prosperity. This is how dream books interpret the meaning of what a plate means in a dream.

Who saw the dream?

If a very young girl or girl dreams of plates, such a dream means that in the future she will be a good wife. Her house will shine with cleanliness, and the table will always be covered with delicious food. A married woman's dream of a plate indicates that her husband is very pleased with the way she runs the household.

Such a dream is not very good for those born in the first quarter of the year - from January to April. Household members will greatly offend the dreamer in some way, causing considerable torment and pain.

Is the plate new or old?

Why do you dream of new plates just from the store? Such a dream promises changes for the better. It is quite possible that the sleeper will decide to change his place of residence, leaving the province for a big city. Nina Grishina's dream book gives the opposite meaning. In his opinion, new plates foreshadow difficulties in life, and old ones speak of confidence and stability.

Did the plates you saw in your dream strike you with their beauty? An event is just around the corner that will change family life for the better. If they were lying evenly next to each other, this indicates that everything will continue to proceed well in the family. And if the table was set with plates in a dream, it means it’s time to welcome welcome guests into your home.

Why might you dream of fragile and thin dishes? Such a dream does not foretell anything bad, only if it was not made of porcelain. In this case, the sleeping person will soon be drawn into a major quarrel, the Chinese dream book promises.

Clean or dirty?

According to Maria Fedorovskaya’s dream book, if you see clean plates in a dream, good news awaits you, and, on the contrary, they will be alarming if the plates are not sparkling clean. But don’t worry ahead of time. If you tried to wash dirt off the dishes, these difficulties will only strengthen you and will be able to add to your life experience.

If in a dream you put washed dishes in piles and take them to their place, Loff’s dream book explains this by saying that you want to show your best side. Maybe someone's opinion is very important to you. Seeing dirty plates means the sleeping person is very modest, but it’s time to come out of the shadows and receive well-deserved honors. It is very good to see how you wipe a large dish in a dream - peace and prosperity will reign in the family.

Full or empty?

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, being in need is what dreams of an empty plate mean. Moreover, this need is not necessarily monetary. There is a high probability that you lack communication, attention, or someone close to you has greatly disappointed you.

A plate filled with delicious food promises favorable relationships in the family, and also indicates that the one who saw it made the right decision with his spouse. From all sides, your marriage can be called successful. Try to remember what food was on the plate. According to Grishina’s dream book, depending on her, the meaning of the dream will be different:

  • Seeing a plate of soup in a dream is a sign of good news, against the background of which your material well-being will increase.
  • The dumplings promise that their plans will soon be fulfilled.
  • Noodles – joy and good luck.
  • Pasta promises minor everyday troubles.

Why might a person suffering from diabetes dream of a plate of food? The Dream Book of Health says that your blood sugar level will drop significantly. Keep it under control and don't let hypoglycemia catch you by surprise. If a healthy person had such a dream, he should think about it: maybe he eats too much?

Buy plates

Buying new things is always nice, and dishes are no exception. The meaning according to Miller’s dream book is that being in a store filled with dishes is a very good sign. It says that your life is filled with joy and good fortune. Your marriage can be called happy, your friends can be called loyal and true, and your material wealth can be called very high.

Why dream of buying a plate with a crack? Miller's dream book advises remembering what the store was like. If its shelves were empty and the sales floor was in disarray, problems would soon arise in the business sphere. And if you happen to sell a cracked plate, in reality you will have to admit very unpleasant things.

For a girl who has not yet tied the knot, the dream book for lovers interprets such a vision as follows: her married life will be filled with happiness, and she will not need anything. This will happen very soon, so it makes sense to take a closer look at the young people around you. If in a dream she chooses dishes for a long time and persistently, harmony will reign in the marriage, and if you buy what she found, life will change very soon.

Broken dishes

Few people can be happy about broken plates in reality, and seeing them in a dream even promises quarrels with family and friends. If the sleeper is about to get married, a broken plate indicates that family life will not be happy. And a dream in which you broke a plate warns of minor incidents. They can be avoided if you are careful and careful.

But we should not forget about the sign that the dishes break for good luck. Breaking a plate in a dream of your own free will will bring good luck and joy to you. If the dishes were banging, there is a high probability of winning a substantial jackpot in gambling or losing, depending on the broken dishes.

What might you dream about when you ate from a broken plate? You fear that you will be consumed by poverty and want. Cast aside doubts, be determined and boldly move towards your plans. Everything will work out if you believe in yourself.

Annoying little things

Unpleasant dreams are not always interpreted negatively. For example, what good could it do to find a hair on your plate? And such a dream suggests that changes are about to occur in the sleeper’s life, life will be filled with joy and new meaning.

Did you dream that tableware was flying around the kitchen? A very rare dream, and it indicates great luck in real life.

Any flying object that you cannot identify, according to Vanga’s dream book, hints that the sleeper is mired in sins. He should pay attention to his own life and think about where he made mistakes, and most importantly, whether they can be corrected.

And exactly the same vision, according to the Universal Dream Book, suggests that a person will soon come into the sleeper’s life, a relationship with whom will quickly develop into a love affair. If an unmarried girl saw such a dream, the feelings will be completely mutual and will last for many years.

Dream Interpretation

Choose plates

Dream Interpretation Choosing plates dreamed of why you dream about choosing plates? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Choosing plates in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Plate according to the dream book

Seeing plates in a dream is not bad at all. This is to some extent a symbol of wealth and prosperity, but ordinary, not related to a subtle analysis of the harmony of relationships or significant financial breakthroughs. Dream books talk about this, interpreting what plates mean in dreams in various situations.

Who dreamed it?

For a girl to see plates in a dream means that she will be an exemplary wife, clean, efficient and thrifty. A married woman may dream of them as a sign that her husband is proud of her wise management.

Birthday people born from January to April will be upset when they find out why such dishes are dreamed of - in reality they will be offended by their family, and not unreasonably - someone will really cause them mental pain.

New and old

If you dreamed of new plates, this foreshadows pleasant changes, for example, moving to a new apartment or a larger and more comfortable city. According to Grishina’s dream book, they dream, on the contrary, about complications in life, and old ones - about stability.

Beautiful plates promise some good events that will happily affect family well-being. If in a dream they were neatly folded, it means that prosperity and tranquility will be established for a long time, placed on a set table - you need to prepare to receive guests.

Those who know why elegant white dishes are dreamed of, and this is usually a good sign, should remember the interpretation of the Chinese dream book - if it is porcelain, then quarrels and mutual insults cannot be avoided.

Dirty and clean

According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, mountains of clean plates mean good news, and dirty ones mean alarming news. However, if you dreamed of washing dirty dishes, then do not rush to get upset - this news will help you benefit from the current situation.

Loft’s dream book interprets washing, stacking and carrying clean plates as a desire to show one’s best side. Obviously, in the dreamer’s life there is a person whose opinion he values ​​very much. Loft points out that dirty people are a symbol of unjustified modesty, it’s time to demand deserved attention and strive for comfort. A wonderful sign is to wipe a washed dish, a harbinger of family peace and harmony.

Empty and full

Why do you dream of empty or full plates? The Wanderer's Dream Book explains: if you dreamed of an empty one, this is a sign of need. Perhaps the dreamer is experiencing a lack of communication, disappointment in a loved one.

A beautiful dish with something tasty is a symbol of family happiness or a sign of a close, very successful marriage in all respects. If you see plates of food in a dream, you can get a lot of interesting information depending on what they were filled with. Grishina's dream book gives a detailed interpretation of such dreams.

A bowl of soup is good news, after which there will be an increase in financial wealth, and with dumplings it promises the fulfillment of desires, with noodles - fortunately, with pasta - to failure.

The Dream Book of Health clarifies why a person with diabetes dreams of a plate of food - this is a sign of an approaching state of hypoglycemia, the main thing is not to let yourself be caught by surprise. And this sign warns a practically healthy person against overeating.

Buying plates

Buying new plates can be a lot of fun both in your dreams and later in reality. The dream book for a bitch states: visiting a luxurious china department in a dream means that everything in the dreamer’s life is going as well as possible - wonderful friends, material wealth, a happy marriage, marital fidelity.

For an unmarried girl admiring the bright windows of a porcelain shop, the dream book for lovers predicts a prosperous life with her beloved husband. It's time for her to prepare for the wedding, but first she needs to pay close attention to the eligible bachelors in her circle. Pay special attention to why you dream of persistently looking for the right service - the upcoming marriage will be harmonious. Choose and buy - changes in life will definitely happen.

Buying a cracked plate means unpleasant losses. Miller's dream book warns that if the store was in disarray and half-empty shelves, this promises a decline in business. Selling it yourself means you will have to admit to an unseemly act.

Broken dishes

Broken plates do not bring joy either in reality or in a dream; this is a prediction of unpleasant squabbles between family members. If the dreamer is about to get married, life together will be stormy and short-lived, and the spouses will part with relief. Accidentally dropping a plate in a dream is a warning against carelessness; beware of accidents.

Meanwhile, there is a sign that a dish smashed into shards brings happiness. Breaking it intentionally means attracting positive changes, luck and love. Hitting with a ringing sound means winning in a casino or lottery.

Why dream of using an old broken plate? Neither in reality nor in a dream should you keep dishes in the house that have burst, cracked, or chipped. The dreamer subconsciously lives in anticipation of poverty. It's time to take fate into your own hands and move towards happiness.

Unpleasant incidents

Often a bad dream has a positive and useful interpretation. For example, what could be more disgusting than eating and finding a hair in the plate? Meanwhile, this indicates that the dreamer is tired of the hopeless monotony of his life and is on the threshold of change, which inspires the most joyful hopes.

Tableware flying around the kitchen is a rarity; such a vivid scandal in a dream leads to undoubted success in reality.

If you dreamed of a flying saucer as an unidentified flying object, then Vanga’s dream book is full of reproaches for unbelief and sins. The dreamer should look back at his life and analyze his unsightly actions.

Dream Interpretation For the whole family suggests that those who dreamed of a UFO prepare for a new acquaintance that will develop into love. For an unmarried girl, the feeling will be mutual and will lead to a long, happy union.

Not bad in principle, but very confusing.

What if there’s a plate of raw chicken thigh and books, what does that mean?

Why do you dream about a plate?

A plate seen in a dream is a very good sign. It symbolizes prosperity, wealth and a well-fed life. For a more accurate interpretation, it is recommended to mentally scroll through the entire dream in your head. Even minor details and minor details should not be overlooked.

What if you dream about a plate?

Why dream of a plate filled to the brim with dishes and delicacies? Such a dream portends good luck and wealth. In the near future, a person can expect a rapid rise up the career ladder, a “full cup” of home, material well-being and a comfortable existence. Eating food from this plate is a good omen. It means that the gifts presented by fate will be used in full. Not a single chance will be missed. Life will go well and develop in the best way.

An empty plate, on the contrary, foreshadows poverty and financial difficulties. Soon you can expect troubles at work, useless waste and losses. If the plate is filled with scraps or leftovers from food, this is not the most favorable sign. Financial troubles will affect your general physical condition. Poor health, depression and possibly depression will continue for a long time.

Washing a dirty plate in a dream means hard work that will not bring the expected results. Labor will not be rewarded either morally or financially. Therefore, if possible, in the near future you should refuse additional assignments and tasks. Also, don't start any new projects.

Breaking a plate in a dream means a quarrel. The more fragments scatter, the more swearing and insults there will be. The person who picks up the pieces from a broken plate or tries to glue them together will in reality be the injured party. They will accuse him of all mortal sins, throw mud at him, curse him in front of important people - his family, his superiors. Excuses will not be heard.

Seeing a lot of plates or a set in a dream means household chores. Perhaps unexpected guests will soon arrive or preparations will be made for a family celebration (wedding, anniversary). In any case, the feast will not be limited to a narrow circle of close people. The celebration will be crowded and magnificent.

Choosing a plate in a store or buying it is a sign of respect and praise. All efforts will be appreciated by loved ones. At this moment, it is important not to become arrogant from the abundance of warm words and gratitude.

What does it portend?

One can only envy the person who dreamed of a flying saucer. It symbolizes a cherished desire that is destined to come true. By how high the plate was in the sky, you can judge how much effort will be required to make your dream come true. If the aliens fly very low, there will be no obstacles or obstacles on the way to their plans, everything will happen by itself. If a flying saucer flies at great speed, the fulfillment of your desire will have to wait for some time.

Finding yourself on board a flying saucer is an omen of adventure and adventure. In the near future there will be events filled with fun, positive emotions and unforgettable impressions. It could be an exciting trip, a noisy holiday or a visit to an amusement park. Nothing and nothing will spoil the fun, and the good mood will last for a long time.

Playing at the plate portends health problems. The nature of the upcoming illness can be determined by the color of the flying disc: red - heart problems, green - vision, blue - internal organs, white - joints.

Don’t worry if the dream foreshadows sad events. After all, no matter what dream you have, good or bad, a person’s fate is only in his own hands. Dreams should be taken as a warning, a hint from fate. And forewarned means forearmed.

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Dream Interpretation choosing plates

Seeing dishes in a dream is a sign that there will be prosperity and comfort in the house. The house will be comfortable, life will be smooth, and all household members will enjoy spending time under one roof.

Seeing plates in a dream means home comfort, the ability of the housewife to keep the fire burning, and the owner to take care of the home and prosperity. This is a symbol of that gentle and reliable happiness that one dreams of in adulthood.

A clean white set means a cloudless life, unclouded happiness, family harmony. Fate will present an excellent gift - a soul mate that you can rely on at any moment. It is important not to miss a meeting and have patience in building a family life - then it will be happy and long.

Dishes with beautiful patterns

If there is a beautiful design on the dishes, it means that you will live under the same roof with a creative person who will fill the dreamer’s life with bright colors.

New dinnerware is a good symbol for those who prioritize family and household chores. This is a symbol of peace and comfort, the opportunity to spend time at home and prosperity, which helps to maintain the desired standard of living.

Detailing dreams with dishes

Dreams in which dishes appear can be different. It can be clean or dirty, folded into beautiful piles or scattered. The plates on the table deserve a separate interpretation - are they clean, with food, or dirty, with leftovers? To correctly interpret why plates are dreamed of, you need to accurately remember the details of the dream:

  • Clean or dirty dishes.
  • Where are the plates located - in the kitchen, on the shelf, on the table, in the sink.
  • Availability of food.
  • The actions that take place with the dishes are buying, breaking, eating from them.

A clean plate is a sign of a cloudless family life

Clean plates - for marriage

If a girl dreams of clean plates, it means that she will soon get married and be happy. She will be able to maintain the house at the proper level, and her husband will be an excellent owner.

Seeing beautiful, clean dishes on the shelves for a married woman means she is managing her household carefully, and the savings she has collected will soon be invested in a new profitable project.

Cleaning things up and washing dishes in the sink are household chores that will bring you pleasure. Undoubtedly, it is an excellent sign to wipe dry a clean, beautiful dish - such a dream speaks of an inevitable rapid increase in prosperity.

A man dreams of plates for an imminent wedding. He will get a good, modest girl as his wife, who will become an excellent housewife in his house.

Cracks on the plates definitely mean losses or a quarrel. Eating from such dishes in a dream means poverty.

A chipped old set means monetary losses, financial difficulties, inability to manage a budget.

Interpretation by location and availability of food

Beautifully placed plates mean complete harmony in family relationships. If a young girl of marriageable age dreams about them, she can have no doubts and boldly get married, everything will turn out well.

Collected dirty dishes in the sink - the situation requires immediate action. If you miss the moment, it will be very difficult to return to your previous standard of living.

It’s a pleasure to put things in order, wash dishes, wipe them and put them back in their places - a correct life position and set priorities will not allow ill-wishers to take you by surprise. No matter how hard they try, you will not lose either your home or your income.

Served table - for guests

A beautifully set dining table is a welcome treat for guests, a party and a fun time.

Seeing food neatly laid out on plates means a new business will be very profitable and will attract a lot of attention. Perhaps there will be proposals for further business development.

Dishes and activities with them

Choosing a large set in a store means a big celebration, a wedding, or a large crowd of people. If you look for the right dish very fastidiously, your soul mate will turn out to be a very worthy person.

Eating from beautiful plates means good luck and prosperity. From old and worn out - to financial difficulties, poverty, inability to provide for oneself.

Breaking dishes means family discord, quarrel. If you dreamed about this before the wedding, the marriage will not last long and the spouses will be relieved to give each other freedom. This can be confirmed by any dream book: a plate, in this case, means a broken family life.

Collecting dishes and carefully placing them in piles is a sign of careful housekeeping.

Important experiences

Women dream of dishes more often than men. And the different experiences that can be experienced during sleep are more vivid in women.

If a woman feels pleasure when choosing a dish, her chosen one will meet all her requirements, they will have a good family life. Rating 4.9 Votes: 107

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