Robin Hobb - Ship of Destiny (Volume I). Robin Hobb - The Ship of Destiny (Volume I) Robin Hobb the Ship of Destiny pdf

Ship of Destiny Robin Hobb

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Title: Ship of Destiny

About the book "Ship of Destiny" by Robin Hobb

The Lords of the Three Elements, proud and beautiful dragons are returning to the world. Tintaglia broke free from centuries of captivity, spread her shimmering blue wings - and discovered that she was the only one of her tribe soaring in the skies. After all, in order for sea serpents to turn into dragons, they need to climb up the river, to the banks covered with the sand of memory, and the path there is blocked by a sandbank. There are no more Elders, who from ancient times helped dragons and protected their cocoons. This means that there is nothing left to do but turn to “instantly living” people for help. The trilogy about living ships was translated by the master of artistic expression, writer M. Semyonova, author of “Wolfhound” and “Valkyrie”.

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Book Description: Proud and beautiful dragons, known to the rest of the world as the Lords of the Three Elements, are ready to return. The glittering wings have already been spread, the long-awaited hour is not far when they will all break out of their centuries-old imprisonment. It just so happened that Tintaglia, the only one in her family, was destined to acquire real wings that would carry her high, high into the heavens. The fateful creature will now have to go on a long journey through the sands of memory, straight to the lair of the Elders, to seek help. But who else is destined to help the dragons? Little people, oddly enough...

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Robin Hobb

Ship of Destiny


She tried to imagine what it would be like to be perfect. Unencumbered by flaws...

The day she hatched, she was captured before she could crawl across the sand and into the cool, salty embrace of the sea. She Who Remembers did not bear her name in vain: she was doomed to remember with terrifying clarity the smallest detail of that sad day, for memory was her most important property, and what’s more, the main justification for her existence. She was a vessel of memories, a living repository of memory. And not only about your own life, even from the moment of the initial formation of the embryo in the egg. She Who Remembers carried within her the memories of an almost endless chain of lives that had happened before her. Egg - sea snake - cocoon - dragon... and again an egg. They were all in her, all her ancestors. Not every sea serpent had such a gift and such a burden. There have always been few people like her, who preserve the cumulative history of their family. But a large number was never required.

But she was born perfect. The tiny body was smooth and flexible, and flawless scales covered it. She got out of the egg by cutting the leathery shell with a special spike that was equipped with her muzzle. I must say that she was a little late with her birth. The rest of the brood had already freed themselves and crawled into the water, dotting the coastal sand with winding footprints - a ready-made path that she only had to follow. The sea imperiously beckoned her with every breath of the surf, every splash of the wave. And she set off, fidgeting on the dry sand under the rays of the scorching sun. She already smelled, already felt the taste of sea salt in her mouth, the sun’s reflections were already very close, dancing on the waves...

But she never managed to complete her first journey.

She was discovered by the Godless.

They surrounded her, blocking the path to the alluring ocean with their heavy carcasses. She was lifted from the sand and placed in a cave pond that filled at high tide. And they began to keep me there, feeding me carrion and not allowing me to swim in freedom. She never once traveled with her people to the warm southern seas, so abundant in food. I did not gain the bodily strength and strength that free life gives. But nature still took its toll, and she grew and grew, until the pond, carved out of the stone rocks, turned into a cramped puddle for her. There was barely enough water in this puddle to wet her gills and scales, and what kind of water it was, half consisting of her own poison and bodily waste. And the lungs couldn’t even really expand inside the tightly coiled body.

This is how she lived - a prisoner in the dungeon of the Godless.

How long did she have to languish there? She had no measure of time, only one thing was clear: her captivity lasted several lives of ordinary representatives of her kind. Again and again she felt the imperious urge to go on a journey and found no peace, exhausted by the need to travel and the unbearable desire to see her family. The poison glands in the back of her throat swelled, painfully overflowing. She almost went crazy from the memories that were rushing out, demanding an outlet. She struggled in her prison, plotting merciless revenge on the Godless who kept her here. A burning hatred for her jailers was already the usual background of her thoughts, but during such periods this feeling reached an unprecedentedly fierce intensity. The overflowing glands exuded hereditary memory into the water, she floundered in continuous poison, inhaling and exhaling myriads of memories.

And then the Godless Ones came to her.

They filled her prison, took water from the stone pond and got drunk. And then they shouted crazy prophecies to each other and simply went wild and raving violently in the rays of the full moon.

They were stealing the memory of her people. And on the basis of this stolen memory they tried to look into the future.

...And then she was freed by this biped - Wintrow Vestrit. He came to the island of the Bogomerzkikhs to collect for them treasures washed up by the sea on the coastal sand. In return, he expected a prophecy from them. Even now, as soon as She Who Remembers thought about it, a surge of poison rose in her mane. The Godless prophesied only when they could smell the shape of the future in the past they had stolen from her. They did not possess the true gift of Vision. If only they knew, she thought, they would probably realize that destruction had come to them along with the two-legged creatures! And they would certainly have stopped Wintrow Vestrit. But no - after all, he was able to find her and free her...

By the way, the unexpected liberator was a mystery to her. She touched his skin, their memories mixed thanks to her poisons. And still she could not understand what prompted the biped to release her to freedom. He was one of the breed of instantaneous living creatures. His memories were so short that most of them didn't even register in her mind. But she felt his participation, compassion and mental pain. She understood: he risked his short-term existence in order to return her freedom. And she was touched by the courage inherent, it turns out, in a creature that so fleetingly comes into this world. And she killed the God Abominations who tried to capture her and Wintrow. And then, when Wintrow and the other bipeds were ready to die in the raging sea, she helped them return to her ship...

She Who Remembers opened her gills wide, absorbing the mystery carried by the waves. So, she returned the little biped to the ship, only to unexpectedly discover how this very ship beckons and frightens her. There he is in front - a silvery shadow near the surface. The water is saturated with its disturbing aroma. She Who Remembers continued to follow him, absorbing something vague, giving rise to unsteady shadows of memories.

The ship did not smell like an ordinary ship should smell. It was the unmistakable scent of her tribe! For twelve tides she swam after him, but she was never closer to the solution and did not understand how such a thing could even happen. But she knew well what a ship was. The Elder People had ships, but nothing like what she saw and smelled now. Her dragon ancestors - could their memories lie? - I often had the opportunity to glide in the skies above ships, with a playful flap of the wing causing the tiny shells to sway furiously.

Yes. Those ships were no miracle. And this one was.

How can a ship smell like a sea snake? And not just a snake? His scent was the scent of She Who Remembers, and there was no explanation for it.

Meanwhile, the snake was consumed by a keen sense of duty, a need more acute than hunger or the desire to find a mate. It's time for you!- the inner voice sounded powerful. - Moreover: you may be late!

She definitely should have been with her people now. Lead them along an eternal path, carefully preserved in her memories. Feed their less stable memories with your powerful poisons, capable of awakening what lies dormant in their own souls.

The call of the clan boiled in the blood of the One Who Remembers. The time has come to change - and nothing can be done about it. She once again cursed the ugliness of her green and gold body, twitching so clumsily in the water. The long imprisonment had deprived her of the stamina that was urgently needed now. It was easier for her to swim in the wake of the ship, whose movement carried her forward.

Life, as a rule, does not particularly care about our desires, and She Who Remembers had to persuade her conscience. She will follow the silver ship as long as it moves in a direction more or less suitable for her. This will help her adapt to long-term swimming, develop strength and endurance, which she so lacks now. At the same time, she will be able to think about the mystery of this ship and solve it, if possible. But she will never allow this secret to distract herself from her vital goal. Closer to the shore, she will leave the ship and search for relatives. She will find the snakes by smell and lead them to the mouth of the great river, in the upper reaches of which there are wonderful mud fields. Cocoons will be made... and in a year, around this time, the young dragons will begin to try their wings for the first time.

She repeated this oath to herself all twelve tides while she followed the ship. And when the water rose for the thirteenth time, a sound reached her ears that almost broke the heart of She Who Remembers.

Somewhere a sea serpent trumpeted!

She immediately left the wake of the ship and dove down, away from the distracting voices of the waves on the surface. And she shouted back, and then hung motionless in the water and froze, listening.

But there was only silence all around.

The disappointment was immense. Was she deceived? In the dungeon of the Godless Ones, at times she began to scream heart-rendingly, pouring out her grief, so that the repeated echoes of her desperate cries rang under the vaults of the dungeon. Thinking about this, She Who Remembers even closed her eyes briefly. No, she will not suffer from self-deception. She opened her eyes wide again. She was, as before, alone.

The living ship "Perfect" goes to sea under the command of Brashen and Althea. But can the young captain and his girlfriend trust the crew, recruited among the port scum, and even the ship itself, whose behavior is unpredictable?

The dragon Tintaglia circles above the world, which has changed beyond recognition during her sleep in the cocoon. She is looking for relatives, but soon becomes convinced that she is left alone. Perhaps people will be able to help her?

Malta, by the will of fate, travels in a small boat with the satrap - a capricious, spoiled young man. Will she be able to turn a difficult situation to her advantage?

Ruthless enemies are storming the trading city of Udachny. However, during the decisive battle, something unthinkable happens!

And the pirate “king” Captain Kennit is tearing the last threads connecting him with the past. For this he is ready to do literally anything.

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