Taurus is a woman created for love. ♉ Zodiac sign Taurus

With the help of the stars you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person; just find out his date of birth and look at the horoscope. Of course, it is very difficult to find 100% matches in the description of the zodiac sign and a person’s character, but the main features can be predicted with high probability. In this article we will consider the character of women born under the sign of Taurus.


“Patience and work will grind everything down” - words that most accurately characterize stubborn Taurus.

The Taurus woman rarely changes her life attitudes, so she tends to choose the beaten path. Their rationalism does not allow participation in adventures, because the outcome of risky undertakings is unpredictable. Even following a certain plan of action, the Taurus woman usually tries to think through other options for the development of events in order to be ready for anything. However, despite their static character, they have a very rich inner world.

People born under the auspices of Taurus are rightfully considered one of the most homely and family-oriented people. This is especially clear when it comes to representatives of the fair sex. They are gentle, patient and very economical people. In their apartment, every thing has a purpose, while the overall appearance of the interior is decorated laconically and tastefully. As a rule, this woman is not attracted by noisy parties and public events; she is more willing to spend her free time at home, with her family and friends, and will spend the saved money on arranging her nest.

Outwardly, the representative of this sign looks quite feminine. She usually has beautiful, glowing skin. A beautiful neckline and soft features always attract the attention of men, which this woman is not at all surprised by. Her equanimity and confident behavior add even more charm to her appearance. Her silhouette is not devoid of rounded shapes, and if a Taurus woman does not watch her diet, she can gain extra pounds.

Despite all her positive qualities, the Taurus lady does not tolerate comments or objections. She really likes everything to be according to the plan drawn in her head, and is sincerely upset when they try to disobey her. If she is often unfairly offended, she may harbor a grudge, and the person will not soon be able to rehabilitate himself in her eyes.

There are many famous singers and actresses among Taurus; they often have a naturally pleasant voice. Among them are Natalia Oreiro, Rene Zellweger, Penelope Cruz, Natalia Andreichenko, Marina Vladi, Svetlana Svetlichnaya.

Natalia Oreiro

Penelope Cruz

Svetlana Svetlichnaya


The value of girls born under this sign lies not only in their thriftiness and reverent attitude towards home. They are real women who do not try to compete with a man by pulling the blanket over themselves. Taurus respects the masculine qualities of his companion and knows how to maintain the balance of energy in the union.

After all, her ideas about the family can be called absolutely classic: the husband is the breadwinner, the wife is his support, the keeper of the hearth and the mother.

From an astrological point of view, Virgo and Capricorn are suitable life partners for her. They also support traditional ideas about marriage and are able to make a wonderful couple with Taurus. Cancer and Pisces will also get along quite well with her, the main thing is to be able to compromise and accept some of the partner’s inconsistencies with the ideal. Astrologers consider the union between two Taurus not very successful, since at least one of the partners must be more active, and sometimes capable of taking risks, in order to move forward. Astrologers do not recommend Taurus-Sagittarius and Taurus-Aquarius marriages. The first one is too unstable and independent for her, the second one is even worse - he always has his head in the clouds and expresses incredible ideas.


The Taurus woman is ready to disappear into caring for her family and home. She gladly receives guests, treats them to a variety of dishes, creates an environment conducive to communication and demonstrates herself as an exemplary wife. Children appreciate her love and even in adolescence can share their problems with their mother, knowing that she will be able to give practical advice and gently guide them to the right decision.

Like any insult, she will definitely remember her partner’s flirting with other women and will keep everything to herself, suffering from the injustice that is happening. But she is unlikely to let her man get away with such behavior. Gradually, quiet aggression will result in righteous anger, and then the person who dares to offend her will receive a huge scandal with far-reaching consequences.

Winning the heart of a Taurus lady is not so easy, because she prefers to decide for herself who she should be with, and she clearly knows what she wants. Annoying seducers often fail with her. Expensive gifts, gourmet restaurants and the impeccable appearance of the suitor himself can help charm this lady. Primitive intimacy, even in extreme conditions, is not to her liking. It is much better if everything happens in an elegantly furnished apartment, with all the attributes of a romantic night of love. If a man prepares everything properly, then she will not skimp on affection and passion.

If a representative of this sign has met her great love and the person suits her in everything, then she will be devoted to him to the end. Undoubtedly, she has many positive qualities, but her husband must also correspond and be on the same level with her. A man who relaxes too much in marriage with her and begins to take her virtues for granted risks becoming a cuckold.

Having realized that her partner is not “the one,” Taurus is able to be polygamous, love several men at once and at the same time value relationships with them.

Career and finance

Since Taurus values ​​stability in everything, money is very important to her, because it gives her a much-needed sense of security and confidence in the future. Our heroine is not chasing easy prey and knows that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, so she is ready to work hard and hard. People who have achieved everything through their hard work evoke genuine admiration from the Taurus woman.

Most often, her area of ​​interest is specific activities with clearly defined responsibilities. If this is a creative specialty, then it should be related to the arrangement, repair or design of a house, handicrafts, and agriculture. Such a woman can show herself well in the sale of property. She likes to create beautiful things. You can realize yourself in this area as a couturier or a fashion magazine publisher, for example.

But despite the craving for beauty, such a woman rarely becomes a “free artist” who creates at the behest of a capricious muse. Taurus is characterized by high efficiency and spares no effort at all on the path to success. Her will and determination can be envied - natural restraint and the ability to behave correctly in society help with this. Taurus may seem too slow at work, but they are able to really delve deeply into the essence of the matter, not missing important details that others may overlook. Having become a boss, which a Taurus woman is quite capable of, she remains polite and friendly in her interactions with colleagues, makes informed decisions and will never sacrifice work for the sake of personal matters.

As you know, each zodiac has 30 degrees in the zodiac circle, and they are divided by astrologers into decades.

Here are the main distinguishing features of Taurus born on different days.

The first ten days (from April 21 to May 1) are ruled by the planet Venus. Astrologers endow these women with higher sensuality than their “colleagues” in the constellation. Important years in life: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57. Such women especially like to enjoy life, are drawn to beauty, and sometimes they themselves try to develop vocal and theatrical talents.

The second decade (from May 2 to May 11) experiences the powerful influence of Mercury. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. Luck favors them in such professions as lawyer, teacher, salesman, editor, diplomat.

They are especially careful and know how to make the right decisions to advance their careers.

The third decade (from May 11 to May 20) is under the auspices of Saturn. These are truly stubborn Taurus, but they often limit themselves to too narrow limits. But in their quest for success they can move mountains and achieve impressive results. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. It is recommended to include all professions related to land, real estate, as well as management, entrepreneurship and engineering in their area of ​​interest.


The main animal mascot of this sign is the bull, which is not surprising, since this is the “face” of the constellation. The owl gives wisdom and self-control to the Taurus woman. And for those who especially value career success, astrologers advise acquiring a horse figurine as a symbol of efficiency and success.

According to professional astrologers, stones as talismans for Taurus should not be too active. Their main task is to concentrate and direct the innate energy of representatives of a given zodiac in the right direction.

Taurus women value their loved ones very much and stability in love and professional relationships is important to them, so most astrology experts recommend that they wear turquoise jewelry. In order for a man to be devoted to his partner, she can sew small stones of this mineral into the lining of her clothes.

For Taurus who have not yet tied the knot, who are searching for themselves and striving for knowledge, sapphire will be useful. He will also help to attract a wealthy gentleman who will help her fulfill all her dreams. Since Taurus is sensitive and vulnerable, they can be advised to wear green agate. It will help drive away sad thoughts, get rid of the blues and increase your energy. Green agate also helps to weed out everything unnecessary and concentrate on what is truly important.


Green agate

Jasper is another natural stone recommended for our heroine. The mineral protects against negative forces, the evil eye, envy, and helps attract success. Bloody jasper is especially good for those born in the first ten days - from April 21 to May 1. Relieves its owner from accumulated fatigue, restores vigor and self-confidence.

Coral increases the vitality of Taurus born from May 2 to May 11. Helps remove negative attitudes that make her doubt herself. Representatives of this sign whose birth date falls in the third decade are especially recommended to wear diamond jewelry.

The stone increases the sociability of its owner, develops all the best qualities in a person and gives the ability to think clearly in any situation.



What plants are suitable?

Taurus is instinctively drawn to agriculture and gardening, because it is the first sign of the zodiac circle of the Earth element. You can often see indoor flowers in her house. For her, growing plants is not just an opportunity to decorate her home and bring comfort to it, it is something that helps her feel harmony and restore her strength.

Taurus has many mascot flowers.

To maintain positive energy in the house and attract success, they are advised to “plant” the following plants:

  • Kalanchoe;
  • cyclamen;
  • primrose;
  • tulip;
  • lily of the valley.



All of them are plants that attract wealth, but astrologers advise Taurus to pay special attention to Kalanchoe. With a neat appearance, it has great power. This green friend will become not just a talisman for its owner, but will also help in the fight against many ailments. Cyclamen will help Taurus find harmony with themselves and bring peace and tranquility to their home.

Among the trees, Taurus talismans are called:

  • hazel;
  • aspen;
  • linden;
  • ash.



All of them are very firmly anchored in the earth, and Taurus, in a sense, also have “powerful roots,” which is expressed in their reverence for ancestors and traditions. These trees are also characterized by healing properties. You can use them to make a small amulet that will protect the owner from negativity and attract good luck.

Oak, hazel and linden allow these women to gain energy for great achievements. Aspen helps soft Taurus to defend their opinion, despite the pressure of others. Walnut increases the communication abilities of modest representatives of the zodiac sign and helps to maintain strength for work.

Lucky numbers

According to numerologists, our lives are ruled by numbers, and every person, in one way or another, experiences the magic of numbers.

Every month Taurus has favorable days. They are conducive to business meetings, financial transactions and even romantic dates. 2 is the number of contact of opposites. At the same time, it represents the number of balance, which means its energy is consonant with Taurus. The lucky number by date of birth for Taurus is 4. This is the symbol of a square: it is characterized by strength, stability, like the harmony of the four elements or four seasons. Also successful will be the endeavors that Taurus started on the 3rd of any month.

The main number that determines the successful days of Taurus is the number 6. In addition, other numbers that are multiples of six also favor them. They have two threes or three twos.

According to numerologists, all this should be taken into account when setting dates for important events.

Taurus woman- a real woman. She is called a superwoman: she contains everything that nature can give to the weaker sex. She has a calm, soft look, she is graceful, beautiful and fresh.

The Taurus woman has an excellent sense of smell, and she knows how to select perfumes and cosmetics, and does not smoke.

She has smooth movements and a calm voice. It is pleasant to be around her, plunging into peace and tranquility. She communicates affably, in a pleasant manner, with dignity, knows how to be a patient listener, she is not characterized by any harshness, rudeness or antics, she attracts with her liveliness of mind.

Taurus is the woman men dream about. She is a wonderful life partner, respecting the woman in herself and the man in her husband and not trying to change their places and take a dominant position. She with dignity gives her husband the right to be first in everything and does not try to get ahead herself in order to overshadow him. She knows her purpose - to be a support to her husband, a good mother and to lead the house.

The Taurus woman is an excellent housewife, she has a talent for housekeeping, and she has no competitors among other women. Her house is in order, incredibly clean, the house is well, tastefully furnished, it is cozy from the flowers, from the wonderful smells. She is thrifty and economical, but the house has everything. Friends love to come here, they will be hospitably greeted, fed with magnificent dishes, they will spend time in a warm family atmosphere, and see an example of a virtuous mother and a loving wife.

Children mean a lot to this woman. She devotes all her free time to them. With her, children feel protected, she is always ready to help and advise them. And they see in her a model of devotion and love. They feel her more like a friend than a mother, they share their troubles and sorrows with her even in adolescence and adolescence, when children usually leave their mothers.

This woman loves nature and being around children. It suits her to live in the village, to have her own estate, where her garden would bloom, the air would be filled with smells and children’s voices would ring.

For all their femininity, Taurus are not sissies; they love and know how to work. They are strong, have excellent self-control, patient and strong-willed. Whatever they do, they do it with pleasure and always want to receive satisfaction from the results of their work.

The Taurus nature manifests itself in this woman in the same way as in a man: although she is restrained and calm, she does not like to be objected to, and if a remark made to her is heard by strangers, this will take her out of her usual state. True, this happens very rarely: she is incredibly self-possessed. But still, those around you should know that their claims, objections, and comments must be truly weighty and have a basis. You cannot blame her without reason: she will take frivolous suspicions and teasing with offense and will react to them quite violently. If this happens again, this woman may become simply unbearable and vindictive.

The Taurus woman has enough jealousy. She patiently endures her suspicions, may not pay attention to the corresponding antics of her chosen one and his compliments to other women for a long time, and will hide her storm of feelings. But all this is for the time being, and her husband or lover, who tests her patience for a long time, will then bitterly regret it, because, after all, she is a person born under the sign of Taurus, and the anger of these people knows no bounds of decency.

Like a man, a Taurus woman chooses her partner herself, and the one who pursues her, tries to bring her closer to himself, will not enjoy her favor. She, for all her charm, will be unapproachable and cold towards annoying seducers.

Anyone who decides to court this woman must know that he must be beautiful, brilliant, impeccable and be ready to ruin his pocket: she loves attention, loves flowers, beautiful, even luxurious things, and whatever he offers It must be exquisite for her, starting from places of relaxation, wines, cuisine, ending with sex.

The Taurus woman despises primitive sex just as she despises artlessness in everything else. She is very sensual, magnificent in intimate relationships, giving her partner all the wealth of pleasure that is possible, giving herself over to erotica with the same pleasure, rejoicing in the fullness of sensations.

If a man is not interested in sex, he will not attract her attention, although she may tease him because she knows she is attractive.

Taurus woman is a polygamist; she can have several partners at the same time, and she is able to give her feelings to each and is afraid of losing each one. Because of this, complications often arise in her relationship with her husband, and family life can be unstable. But if Taurus truly loves, then she is rarely capable of betraying her beloved - she is a very reliable life partner.

Taurus Woman: Thanks to the patronage of Venus, she is endowed with special charm and femininity.

Women born under the sign of Taurus are distinguished by their knowledge of the price of their beauty, the price of a luxurious life. It’s as if they were specially created for a beautiful life. They are attracted by flowers, fine wines and gourmet cuisine, and expensive perfumes. These women are wasteful for men. But, despite her love for sophistication in everything, this woman will not actively seek boyfriends. In her search, she relies on delicacy and wisdom. The Taurus woman has a very important trait: she will not abandon her friends in trouble, she will help. All her friends are different from each other. She tries to understand people and is endowed with intelligence. A typical Taurus woman has practically no dislikes, because she simply does not communicate with a person who is unpleasant to her.

Men of all ages who have been exhausted by the difficulties of life always strive for a woman like her. Men are attracted by the fact that a Taurus woman easily creates a pleasant environment and atmosphere in a company; she changes the mood of the company, quietly defusing even the most tense situations. Taurus achieves her goals, but she does it calmly and beautifully, not at all demanding. The Taurus woman is a persistent woman, sometimes she makes it clear exactly what she wants. Those who try to confuse her and convince her retreat from their own.

The Taurus woman is interested in fashion and art. She knows a lot about various talents, because she herself is endowed with them, grace and excellent taste. Because of her strong principles, she may lag behind the flow of life for some time, but she will never lose her charm and charm that nature itself has endowed her with. She is cheerful and friendly.

In relationships with the opposite sex, this woman strives to build emotional and harmonious relationships; she needs stability. Outwardly, this woman is very attractive, personified by sensuality. She is inherently feminine. A typical Taurus woman's wardrobe must include turquoise, blue, pale blue, and green colors. She loves blouses, light dresses, casual suits, but despite this subtlety, she is not alien to a sporty style. It's rare that a man is indifferent to her. She does not hide or disguise her character under a mask, but remains as soft even at the beginning of acquaintance. She is a good housewife, knows a lot about delicious food and a cozy interior. Conflicts arise extremely rarely with children; being in complete harmony in her emotional life, she knows how to behave with a child. It is important for them to remain in parental authority and feel the love of their children.

This woman is one who knows how to not only spend, but also save money. It is no secret that when choosing a life partner, she pays attention to his social status. However, if her man has financial problems, she will go to work without hesitation.

To conquer such a woman, you need to be smart about financial spending. It is necessary to find a “golden mean” between her desires and the permitted norm. You need to be able to hold a conversation with her about cinema, music, theater. And this topic should not be limited to just conversations, invite her to the theater, to an exhibition, or on an excursion. Remember that she is jealous, even possessive, but you should not focus on this too much. Taurus does not like weakness in people, she needs a strong person.

This is a faithful friend who knows how to support and cheer in difficult times. This is a great hostess who surprises with new dishes. This is a loving mother. You will never regret that this person came your way.

Women's horoscope for Taurus

Women's horoscope - choose your zodiac sign
a lion

There are few like her: against the backdrop of naive, flirtatious, defenseless ladies, the Taurus woman seems wise with experience even in her youth.

This interesting zodiac sign is characterized by incredible willpower, remarkable intelligence, complete calm in difficult situations and the ability to accept what is happening around.

She is fearless and calm, and knows how to solve any problems without straining or fussing. And when everyone around is panicking, she remains calm and finds a way out of the situation. The Taurus woman understands how things work, she is very strong, but she knows how not to show this strength to men, and anyone feels comfortable around her.

What is she like in love?

The Taurus woman is not particularly prone to bright and ardent manifestations of feelings, she is not overly romantic, but she is a man of her word. If she said that she loves, it’s true, and it’s forever. If you choose a man, you will be faithful to him. Intrigue, betrayal, coquetry - these are not her traits.

In bed, this zodiac sign is not very ardent, but she knows how to obey, be gentle and soft, and surround her with warmth. A Taurus woman can show a man that he is the only one and the best; being with her is calm and pleasant.

In a marriage, a Taurus woman is an ideal housewife, wife and mother. This zodiac sign is created for the family, while she finds time for self-care, relaxation and a career in which she can reach the top.

She knows how to plan competently, manage everything without fuss, is not afraid of difficulties and is very independent. This wife respects her husband, does not put pressure on him or limit his space, and will be able to create harmony in the marriage.

Are there any prospects?

An intelligent and calm Taurus woman seems to be able to understand anyone and will find a common language with everyone. Bright Aries, fickle Libra and Gemini, soft Pisces and Virgo - everyone feels good with her, and they feel a kind of kinship. But which zodiac sign suits her best?

1. Aries can capture her with his ardor of feelings. Aries is passionate, Aries is a wonderful lover, it is Aries who will be able to conquer her. This zodiac sign has what she lacks - passion.

Aries is a good partner for her! They have excellent compatibility in love, bed and marriage.

2. A Taurus woman, having found someone like herself, that is, a Taurus man, can be calm - they will live in marriage and harmony soul to soul. Here, a horoscope is not needed - their harmonious union evokes envy and admiration, the compatibility is ideal.

3. Gemini is a contradictory zodiac sign, any horoscope speaks about this. Gemini is a fickle man, Gemini is always looking for something, Gemini is emotional and freedom-loving.

They are different! However, a wise Taurus woman will be able to understand him, the characteristics of the couple are quite good, they will be able to be together and complement each other.

4. Harmony and idyll - this is a Taurus woman and a Cancer man, created to be together. A calm Taurus woman in love with a romantic and faithful Cancer will be completely happy and realize herself as a wife, lover and companion for her other half.

5. Leo is an ardent and passionate sign of the zodiac; these are the qualities he will give to his calm chosen one. They are like a puzzle: a Taurus woman and a Leo man will improve each other and be happy together. The couple's compatibility is excellent.

6. Virgo – calm and soft. Virgo is a romantic, but in moderation. Virgo knows how to listen, is smart and reasonable. Virgo is the perfect match for a Taurus woman!

7. Libra is a difficult sign. The horoscope describes Libra as a creative person, Libra is sensual and fickle, Libra gravitates towards beauty. They are different, but their compatibility is good, there should be no conflicts, and there is every chance of happiness.

8. Such a strange union - a sensible Taurus woman and a passionate, ardent Scorpio man. Do you think their compatibility is low? Against!

When a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man find each other, their lives change. She will teach him to be more restrained, he will open up a bright new world to her. They belong next to each other!

9. Balanced Taurus woman, bright and unrestrained Sagittarius man. They are attracted to each other and can create an incredible couple! This is surprising, but a couple in which a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man of such opposite character come together has great compatibility.

10. Of course, a calm and prudent Taurus woman and a conservative Capricorn man are made for each other. They are not looking for adventure, do not like conflicts, will understand each other perfectly and will be happy. Unconditional compatibility of the couple!

11. Even though the intelligent Taurus woman and the unpredictable Aquarius man are different, they belong in the same boat. An understanding and gentle Taurus woman is a godsend for him; an Aquarius man will be happy with her and learn a lot.

The couple has good prospects, especially if both partners do not try to change or remake each other, but love and accept each other with all their characteristics.

12. What does a Pisces man want? Support, understanding and tenderness. Pisces is a soft sign, Pisces is a dreamer, Pisces is non-conflict and does not like surprises.

Having met a Taurus woman, this man will find true happiness and will understand that it is she he has always been looking for. She will feel comfortable and at ease with such a partner. Good couple!

Details on the eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope will help you learn a lot about the Taurus woman and create a more detailed and clear picture of her character.

  • The Rat makes enormous demands on itself and those around it; it is smart, successful and all about business. This is a businesswoman, a charming beauty and a wonderful housewife all rolled into one. Everyone is surprised how she copes with such loads, without getting tired, looking great and not complaining.
  • The bull has no sense of humor, but this person is very smart and resilient. She has no time for jokes, she does not like parties and useless pastimes, but she achieves incredible success in her work and knows how to build an impeccable family. She is independent, responsible and an example for many.
  • The tiger is a fighter, but this combination makes a woman fearless, but not aggressive. She solves her problems calmly, gracefully and without panic. He is not afraid of anything, is not in a hurry, does not enter into conflicts with anyone - he simply always takes what he wants. A sense of duty and justice are her virtues.
  • A cat or rabbit makes the Taurus lady even more peaceful. She is not particularly sociable, her circle of friends includes only the most worthy people, she does not make acquaintances for the sake of the collection and values ​​her time. She loves peace, quiet and tranquility; harmony and complete order reign in her family. You feel happiness and warmth next to her.
  • The snake is a philosopher. The woman is smart, erudite, very sensitive and charming. Attracts with inner strength, without standing out from the crowd. She knows everything in advance, reads people like open books, it is impossible to hide anything from her.

  • The horse is purposeful, brave and very strong. Ready to help, open to the world and communication, resilient and not afraid of difficulties.
  • Goat Taurus - two different people. She is strong, knows how to reach heights, overcome difficulties, but in her personal life she can get confused and even become naive. She needs a smart and reliable partner nearby.
  • The monkey is like a catalyst for all the qualities of the Taurus. She is a strong, strong-willed person, very wise, she knows the answers to questions, never gets unsettled and does not get confused in a difficult situation. An excellent leader, a brilliant leader, the first in everything and always.
  • The Rooster is a fighter and a conqueror, but in this combination he is restrained and reasonable. Calm for the time being, this woman will be able to rush into battle if necessary. He will protect the weak, defend interests, win recognition and stand up for himself.
  • The dog is careful and prudent. He will measure seven times before cutting, prepare the ground for any circumstances, and be able to predict everything. She does not like surprises and surprises; she tries to find out everything in advance and plans everything carefully.
  • The Pig knows how to analyze and trust intuition, trust and check, be careful and take risks. She is not contradictory, but simply successfully combines different qualities and knows how to use them correctly. Kind, but not naive, open, but not to everyone, a very good friend, wife and mother.

Any horoscope helps to recognize a person, but only in theory. To check whether the stars are right, you need to use live communication, intuition, sincerity and the desire to know someone else's soul. Author: Vasilina Serova

What influence does a strong and stable zodiac sign have on the character of representatives of the fair half of humanity? A woman whose personality characteristics represent a combination of rare magnetism, beauty and strong-willed character is rightfully considered one of the most interesting figures in the zodiac horoscope.

Description of character

Taurus is an amazing woman who combines true femininity, sensuality and gentleness with pragmatism and the ability to see things in their true light. They are real materialists and prefer stability and well-being, so they lead a rather measured lifestyle, trying to create a comfortable environment around themselves.

Women born under the sign of Taurus are conservative and do not like shocks and changes. They are responsible, decent, and their word of honor can be trusted. In difficult situations, they always show their best side, demonstrating amazing endurance and self-control.

Outwardly, Taurus women may give the impression of being strong and unbending, but in reality this is not the case. They are vulnerable and sensitive, but never show their vulnerability to others. Taurus are very forgiving and patient, but you should not abuse their generosity. Representatives of this sign are proud and do not allow their best intentions to be played, and the angry Taurus lady is truly terrible in showing her offended feelings.

Modesty is not inherent in Taurus; they do not like to be content with little and adore luxury, glitz, social events, gourmet food, and the company of smart and rich people. However, with all their love for a beautiful life, they are not one of those who spend money left and right. They are prudent and know how to manage money wisely.

Main positive qualities:

  • patience;
  • friendliness and optimism;
  • reliability and stability.

Main negative qualities:

  • laziness;
  • complacency and selfishness;
  • stubbornness.

Taurus are under the protection of Venus, so they know how to appreciate and, what is especially valuable, build relationships. This applies to both friendship and love. Taurus are always attentive to their loved ones and show concern for them, rather through real actions than through advice and heart-to-heart conversations.

In love relationships, Taurus women are passionate, sexy, liberated and temperamental. Sex is very important to them, and they know a lot about it. Men are often fascinated by representatives of this zodiac sign, because such a sensual and charming partner, who also has all the qualities of an ideal wife, is not so easy to find.

Taurus women are wonderful housewives who know how to create home comfort. A patient and indulgent beautiful wife, well-groomed children, a beautiful home and an invariably delicious dinner - this is what awaits the man who is lucky enough to put a wedding ring on a Taurus finger.

But winning her heart is not easy. Such a woman wants to see a strong man next to her. She is able to forgive many shortcomings, but she will never forgive betrayal, lies and cowardice, since she herself is a devoted and faithful nature and will never leave her husband in trouble.

Career and finance

Capable and diligent, Taurus women are excellent workers. They may seem too slow, but you should come to terms with this feature, because their reliability and responsibility more than compensate for other shortcomings. They are excellent analysts and know how to find a common language with people, which helps them in their career growth.

A rational attitude towards money and perseverance towards the goal makes them successful businesswomen with an iron grip and business sense. Taurus women in leadership positions are distinguished by stability, balanced decisions and excellent relationships with their subordinates.

Women of this sign often choose creative professions and tend to work in areas related to aesthetics - the beauty industry, fashion, floristry, and publishing.

Taurus women have excellent compatibility with men born under the signs of Virgo and Capricorn. Such unions are ideal in all respects, thanks to similar moral values ​​and the same rhythm of life. This is a wonderful example of a family in which people complement each other perfectly and build a family based on mutual understanding and mutual respect.

A Taurus woman and a Cancer man, as well as a Taurus woman and a Cancer man, have a good chance of happiness. If spouses can understand each other’s characteristics and come to terms with some shortcomings, then they will be able to avoid conflicts and disagreements.

The Taurus-Taurus couple is very harmonious, but it will be difficult for them to develop relationships because of their laziness and fear of change.

But the combinations Taurus - Sagittarius and Taurus - Aquarius are definitely doomed to failure. The Taurus woman, with her love for calm and serenity, will not be able to tolerate the changeability and independence of Sagittarius and the unbridled fantasy of Aquarius, who has her head in the clouds.

Taurus is a zodiac sign in which a woman and her characteristics are influenced by two opposing forces: the craving for beauty and spirituality and the desire for material well-being. In order to find happiness and harmony, a woman born under this constellation needs to bring these aspects of her life into balance. The forces of nature will help her in this, which will help overcome materialism and fill her soul with beauty.

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