1001 horoscope interpretation of the Waite tarot. Waite Tarot: history and description of the arcana. Notes on Divination Practice

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The classic Rider Waite Tarot is one of the most famous decks, which was developed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite was a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings. The drawings of the cards were made by an American-born artist named Pamela Colman-Smith. The first publisher of this deck was William Ryder. This is how the deck of cards got its double name.

  • Features of this deck
  • Interpretation of cards

Features of this deck

A distinctive feature of the Rider White Tarot deck is that the 11th and 8th Arcana are swapped, that is, the Justice card is number 11, and the Strength Arcana is number 8. The reasons for this change have not been properly explained by Waite.

The German Tarot specialist Hayo Banzhaf suggested that this change in numbering lies in the fact that Waite was guided by the teachings of the Albigenses, Waldenses and Cathars. Despite all this, many occult and Tarot specialists did not accept this renumbering. And when using the Rider White Tarot deck, the Arcana of Justice and Strength were used with the same numbers.

In decks that were created later, the Arcana of Justice and Strength returned to their previous numbers.

In the Waite Tarot deck 6, the Major Arcana has a different image from the others. If you look at other old decks, this Arcana is called “Choice or “Decision”. These cards depicted a young man between two women, whose face expressed uncertainty and confusion.

The sixth Arcana in the Rider White Tarot deck is given the name “Lovers.” The card shows naked Adam and Eve in paradise. Image 6 Arcana speaks of love, attraction, sex, original sin. And the topic of choice or any uncertainty is omitted here.

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Interpretation of cards
I. Magician

Divinatory meanings: skill, subtlety; illness, pain, loss, a trap woven by enemies; confidence, willpower.
The card says that divine impulses have awakened in a person, that he himself is in the role of God. It also means that a person's thinking is focused on the limit.
The possible meaning of the Magician card is the beginning of change, a new life, a new project, the birth of a child.

Reversed card in the Waite Tarot: shame, anxiety, psychological problems, uncertainty, indecision, lack of will.

II. High Priestess

If we talk about the qualities of a person, then this card talks about his wit and cunning. The good qualities of this person are that he easily adapts to various situations, you can trust him with any secret and be calm, because he will never reveal it to anyone.
In love affairs, the card advises you to be careful, there is a chance of being deceived by your loved one, you should take a good look at him.

Reversed: Conceit, superficial knowledge, passion.

III. Empress

The meaning of the Empress in layouts promises happiness and large offspring for married ladies, and easy childbirth for pregnant women. But lonely people are promised non-reciprocal love, which is full of anxiety and disappointment.

The meaning of the reversed card in the Waite Tarot deck: truth, finding solutions to problems, various kinds of celebrations.

IV. Emperor

The emperor is an image of a father or a person for whom such status is very important.
The card means that there is a strong person near the questioner who can help him with his problems. If you look at it from the other side, then this person may be the one who is blatantly using the questioner for his own purposes, for personal gain.

Reversed: compassion, trust, immaturity.

V. Hierophant

In the case of fortune telling on a particular person in order to find out more about him, the meaning of “Hierophant” is as follows: the person has good oratorical abilities, knows how to persuade, attracts many people to his idea, usually becomes a big shot and has high authority.
The appearance of the Hierophant may mean that the questioner was under the influence of a strong person.

Reversed: mutual understanding, agreement, weakness, powerlessness.

VI. Lovers

In fortune telling, the Lovers Card signifies choice or problem solving. If they are guessing about a person and his character, then the card indicates that the person has an indecisive and weak character, and has a fear of responsibility.

Reversed: failure, divorce or breakdown of marriage, contradictions in relationships.

VII. Chariot

The chariot is a symbol of supreme power. If this card appears during fortune telling, it means that the person has broken out of the circle of previous interests and is ready to follow a new path. He has confidence and courage, but also inexperience. Therefore, the card advises not to overestimate your capabilities and courage when solving new problems.
Reversed: Rebellion, disputes, verbal clashes, court cases, loss.

The card represents soft, feminine strength. It is the woman who makes the lion feel his strength.

Bravery and perseverance help a person cope with many problems. If this particular card comes up, it means the questioner has dealt with his fears and anxieties in the past, and he is ready to move on.

Reversed: Even if a person has achieved success in the material sphere of life, he cannot find understanding with other people. The spiritual component of life has been lost.

IX. Hermit

The Hermit card symbolizes a person’s withdrawal into himself, into his experiences and problems, alienation, loneliness, and the search for his own self.

The appearance of the Hermit card indicates that the questioner will soon meet a person who will show the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In personal relationships, the Hermit portends stagnation or respite. There is no need to look at this as a break; perhaps this respite will make it clear to both that they simply cannot live without each other.

Reversed: The questioner does not listen to advice and rejects any help coming from management or close circle.

X. Wheel of Fortune

The questioning person is confident in his luck. The cards dropped nearby will complement the meaning and tell you exactly what you will be lucky about.
The laws of fate are favorable during this period; everything will flourish in the family and in business. In personal relationships, it portends stagnation.

Reversed: means stagnation and bad luck in affairs, both professional and love.

XI. Justice (justice)

The meaning of this card is associated not only with court cases, but also with any area where any disputes arise. If the matter concerns a trial, then the Tarot promises that it will end in favor of the questioner.

From a psychological point of view, the Justice Tarot card speaks of the ability to speak with other people in serious matters, of mature character and life experience.

Reversed: In business, it means long legal proceedings that will get boring. If the question is about a love relationship, then the card foreshadows a breakup or divorce.

XII. Hanged

In the tarot reading, the Hanged Man means that the questioner is moving on to the path of spiritual life, abandoning everything material and physical. That is, a person parts with his old self and moves towards spiritual enlightenment. The card can also mean that the questioner is open to new ideas.

Reversed: Worldly matters come first, which closes the heart and mind to spiritual growth. There may be situations when others want to deceive or hide something from a person.

XIII. Death

Death in a Tarot reading symbolizes change, rebirth or rebirth. Big changes are expected, and it is better to say goodbye to the past. You need to move forward with confidence and firmness.

In love affairs, she talks about a possible break and end to any relationship.
In work it means leaving your previous place and opening new opportunities.

Reversed: Symbolizes stagnation in work and new ideas. The death of a prominent person or some kind of disaster is possible.

XIV. Moderation

The meaning of Tarot Moderation is balance, harmony with oneself and other people, calmness. All these qualities are inherent in the questioner.

In personal affairs and the business sphere, everything promises to be stable and measured. No change or change.

Reversed: personal relationships interfere with work, and therefore work interferes with love affairs. Here you need to clarify the situation and eliminate interfering factors, put all things in order. Give each side of life its own time.

XV. Devil

This card indicates that at the moment the questioner is interested in worldly affairs. In business matters, the Devil means trials and temptations. Perhaps this will be related to drugs, weapons or bribes.

In personal relationships, it threatens separation and quarrels. The card warns that flirting, meaningful promises, and passion are possible, which in general will lead to nothing, but will manage to ruin the relationship between two loving hearts.

Reversed: Emotional fears and problems are resolved, you can move on and start a new life.

If the Tarot Tower card appears, it means that all plans and ideas are going to hell, nothing will work out in the near future.
In personal relationships, it promises urgent changes. This may be liberation from a relationship with a partner that has long outlived its usefulness. Or it may be that the relationship was on the verge of breaking, and after a serious conversation with your loved one and discussion of all pressing issues, the relationship will become better.

XVII. Star

The Star card symbolizes good health, happiness and inspiration. The one to whom this card is revealed will be happy and his intuitive powers will increase.

Reversed: The star promises a lack of sanity. Parting with loved ones, as well as other losses, are possible.

This card is associated with intuition, dreams and magical manifestations. Don't be fooled by external appearances. You have to accept that you have an animal nature. You need to try to deal with your inner demons.

XIX. Sun

If the Sun falls, it means that everything for the questioner will be on top. And good health, success at work and in business, positive achievements. Efforts and efforts in the past will bear fruit.

Symbolizes awakening and some kind of rebirth. In business he talks about the occurrence of pleasant events.
In personal and business spheres it promises good changes. Single people will find their soul mate with whom they will find happiness.

The World card is considered a very auspicious card. Means happiness, triumph, success. If it appears in the scenario, then you can move on and explore new horizons.

The Fool or Jester is open to new ideas and adventures. The questioner treats everything calmly and with trust; there is no reason for concern. In personal relationships there is an opportunity to meet new pure love.

There are many different tarot decks. Each deck has its own individual design, its own history, and origin. Behind each deck is its creator, who put his experience, feelings, knowledge and faith into the image of each card.

Rider–Waite deck of cards- this is the work of several people at once. As the name of the deck suggests, it owes its origins to Arthur Edward Waite and William Ryder.

Actually this is not true. There was also a third person who took part in the creation of the deck of cards, and an important and significant one at that.

Description of the deck

The Rider-Waite deck of cards is still very popular among both professionals and beginning tarot readers. The deck owes its origin to Order of the Golden Dawn, which existed in Great Britain throughout the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Arthur Edward Waite occupied a high position in the order, he was an explorer and mystical scientist, and had extensive knowledge of Freemasonry. In 1910, he had the idea to create his own deck of Tarot cards, each card of which would be a kind of key to knowledge.

Under his leadership, artist Pamela Colman-Smith began designing the deck, and William Rider became the first publisher of new Tarot cards. The author himself called his deck “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.”

Despite the fact that the deck was relatively close to the classic Tarot deck, it has its own important features. For example, Cards numbered eleven and eight are swapped. Waite considered it more correct to assign Strength number eight, and Justice takes its place in the deck at number eleven.

The creator did not comment on this peculiar rearrangement; he only clarified that he made this decision based on important and reliable sources. The changes also affected the major lasso “Lovers”. Traditionally, it was customary to depict this card as a certain choice that a young man must make when he is between two girls. One girl personified the mind, the other - feelings.

Waite changed not only the image on the map, but also its entire meaning. From now on, the card had nothing to do with the choice and looked like an illustration of a biblical story. The card shows naked Adam and Eve in Paradise. The card was interpreted as feelings, love, passion and nothing more.

To this day, even those who preferred the Rider-Waite deck to the others can interpret the Lovers lasso in the old fashioned way, as a fateful choice that needs to be made.

Important changes also affected the minor arcana. Now each card of all four suits also depicted simple plots, based on which the meaning of the card could be easily interpreted. Accompanying your deck Waite published a book. It contained a complete description of the deck, interpretation of each card, layouts and other information regarding the deck.

Characteristics of Tarot-Waite

The deck begins with the major arcana. Let's look at all the major arcana:

  1. Fool. This major arcana is designated in the deck as number zero. It means lightness of being, optimism, striving for new heights and horizons, even when there is a cliff underfoot, as shown on the map.
  2. Mag. Arcana number one. The card shows a young man, he is still young, but great prospects open up before him. His learning ability and determination will definitely bear fruit. He is confident in himself and knows how to convince others that he is right. This card reminds us that success is possible only for those people who know how to plan, control themselves, be decisive and act at the right moment.
  3. High Priestess. Arcanum number three means wisdom and knowledge, but not encyclopedic, but spiritual and intuitive.
  4. Empress. This card symbolizes the feminine principle, femininity, the keeper of the hearth, care, and generosity. In a scenario, it can mean a strong-willed, powerful woman.
  5. Emperor. In contrast to the Empress, this card symbolizes the masculine principle. It can mean a strong person, a man who controls the situation and himself, knows how to achieve his goal and knows exactly what he wants. In the scenario, it may indicate dependence on a stronger person.
  6. Priest. The map guides the search for truth in philosophy and reflection. May indicate a wise, authoritative person.
  7. Lovers. It was already said above that the card does not indicate making an important decision, as happens in other decks. In this case, Lovers tell us only about love and well-being in their personal lives. In an inverted position, the card warns of problems.
  8. Chariot. First of all, the card indicates the ability or need to keep everything under control and move forward. In other interpretations, the card can mean a long trip, a good moment for action, possible prospects.
  9. Force. This is a good card, especially if you are not in a stable and romantic period of your life. It says that you have enough willpower, health, self-control and prudence to act and win.
  10. Hermit. The card really means solitude and detachment from the world. This may be a forced measure or a voluntary decision.
  11. Wheel of Fortune. If the card appears in the correct position, it means that from now on you should be lucky everywhere. In an inverted position, the card, on the contrary, warns that now it is better not to take risks.
  12. Justice. The card warns that everyone will receive according to their deeds. And if you are clean before the law and your own conscience, then you have nothing to worry about, but if you are guilty, then the time has come to repent.
  13. Hanged. Most often, the card means that everything in your world is turning upside down. The best solution in this situation is to accept everything as it is; humility and dedication are your best advisers. The card can also indicate self-sacrifice, giving up one's interests for the sake of the interests of another person.
  14. Death. You don't have to be scared of this card. It can mean the end of a certain period in your life, but it can also mean the beginning of something new.
  15. Moderation. The card says that you should control your desires and not allow an excess of anything.
  16. Devil. This card primarily speaks of the temptation that awaits you. Remember that behind a beautiful picture or an alluring prospect there may be danger hidden.
  17. Tower. The card warns of the beginning of a bad period in your life. You will face the collapse of your hopes, expectations, and perhaps everything that you have already achieved, including authority. You must prepare yourself to start over.
  18. Star. This card speaks of harmony and prosperity, peace and great achievements, peace and happiness.
  19. Moon. The card warns of the presence of a secret enemy, a hidden threat. You may expect quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.
  20. Sun. A wonderful card that speaks of the beginning of a life streak of happiness and achievement.
  21. Court. This card can mean either suddenly revealed information or condemnation of you by others. Much depends on what accompanying cards are drawn.
  22. World. Your achievements and the best aspects of your personality will be appreciated and exalted by those around you.

Interpretation and description of the minor arcana

Interpretation of the minor arcana not as diverse as in the case of the major arcana. Most often, the minor arcana gives only one meaning or is adjusted by neighboring cards and is understood quite simply.

In order to interpret the minor arcana from the Rider-Waite deck, you will have to learn to understand the image on the card.

For example, ace of swords depicted as a sword raised upward, on the tip of which a golden crown floats. The card predicts victory, achievement, success. The Ten of Swords depicts a man with ten swords stuck into him. The card may indicate betrayal, great losses, or a heavy blow.

The Two of Cups depicts a woman and a man. They stand opposite each other with cups in their hands, ready to drink to good luck, love and prosperity. This is exactly the interpretation the card should have.


The fastest schedule is daily schedule, month, year. It is enough to pull out just one card from the deck to understand what awaits you in the future indicated at the beginning of the layout. The same layout can be used for YES/NO fortune telling. For more experienced tarot readers, a good option from quick layouts would be fortune telling with three cards.

This layout is also universal. It can be used when fortune telling about a situation, and when telling fortunes about the future, and when telling fortunes about love. The first card signifies the past or where it all began, the second card signifies the present and what you need to pay attention to now, and the third card will give you a glimpse into the future.

A more complex but universal layout is Celtic cross. This layout is very popular and has a lot of different options. A more complete layout consists of ten cards laid out in a specific order (depending on which version of the Celtic cross you chose). The layout gives a complete and clear answer to any question asked.

In addition to universal layouts, there are also those that are intended for fortune telling exclusively on one thing, for example, love relationships or health.

All people interested in fortune telling with Tarot cards have definitely heard the name Rider Waite (White), because the deck he created is recognized as a classic version, from which tarot readers start when making their forecasts for the future. Waite Tarot interpretation and meaning of the cards, as well as general information about the deck - that’s what we’ll talk about in this material.

The history of the creation of the Rider Waite deck, its distinctive features

The personality of Waite himself is of quite great interest - he was a comprehensively developed person, engaged in translating books, as well as writing his own works and research activities.

Rider White had his own vision of the use of Tarot cards. So, he called for using them exclusively as a mystical attribute, and was against their magical use.

Waite was helped in creating his Tarot deck by a woman with psychic abilities - Pamela Colman Street, an artist and member of the Order of the Golden Dawn. It was she who developed the graphic image of the arcana.

Perhaps her drawings at first glance seem quite primitive, but they tell in detail about the small details of the design and faces of the characters, which indicates the deep sacred meaning of the cards.

Before you begin to interpret the Waite Tarot, you need to note the characteristic features of this deck:

  • There have been changes to the plot illustrations of each of the 78 arcana. Before this, Low cards looked almost the same as playing cards - they only contained information about suit and value (with the exception of 4 “court cards”). And in his deck, Rider White developed an illustration for each of the Minor Arcana, personifying their deep meaning.
  • Changed card order. So “Strength” (11th card) in the Waite Tarot took the place of “Justice” (8th).
  • Another meaning of the “Lovers” card. Previously, the 6th Tarot card was called “Choice” and depicted an insecure young man who could not make a choice between two queens. In White's deck, the meaning of the lasso has changed dramatically - now the card depicts a biblical scene with the participation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and tells about original sin, love and passion.
  • The "Genuine Tarot" is very symbolic, while the Waite Tarot is more esoteric. All arcana of the deck are described in simple, easy-to-understand language. These cards can be used by beginners.

Description of the meaning of Rider White Tarot cards

Major Arcana

Jester (0th lasso). The card will tell about the reckless behavior, stupidity of a youth, tomfoolery, extravagance. It will also indicate uncertainty and incomprehensibility. In the opposite position: speaks of alertness, waste of energy.

Mag. A person strives for independent achievements, is distinguished by energy, strong will, skill, and dexterity. Smart intentions to influence the world. The beginning of new projects, the birth of children. In the opposite position: speaks of passivity, lack of will, conservatism, lack of experience. The real does not correspond to the expected. Inhibition of the process.

High Priestess. It is a heavy card that speaks of the unknown, deception, and concealment of information. The person does not know who is really in control of the situation. He will also talk about the intuitive perception of the world, the influence of the subconscious on our lives. Reverse: secrets are revealed, the situation becomes clearer, negative changes, materialism.

Empress. Speaks of action, initiative, and implementation of something. This is a card of creation, fertility, financial profit, stability. In the reverse position, he will talk about laziness, lack of action, creative unfulfillment, fear and addiction.

Emperor. Indicator of authority, father. The Emperor speaks of fundamentality, solidity, material wealth, and describes a strong-willed person. The mind prevails over the emotional sphere. A very successful lasso for men. The opposite position: there is no father or his influence is very weak, the routine of life is disrupted. Subordination.

Hierophant(also called Priest or Pope). Evidence of training and mentoring. Predicts contacts, communication, friendship, charity and spirituality. But at the same time there is no finances, sex, or household order. In reverse: a period of intrigue, dark plots, doubts.

Lovers. You may need to make some decisions. The main meaning of the lasso is the theme of love, and we are talking about true spiritual love, and not about sexual desire. In the reverse position: it will tell about unrealistic plans, disturbed harmony, the presence of internal personal conflicts.

Chariot. It will indicate a zealous defense of one’s position, a period of conflicts and disagreements (may talk about military action). A person will be able to cope with all challenges. In the reverse position: not enough vitality, knowledge. Period of stagnation.

Force. Finding a balance between fear and haste. Kindness and strong will help you achieve what you want. In the reverse position: intellect and instincts conflict with each other, your plans collapse, and a force is released that is no longer realistic to hold.

Hermit. It will tell about prudence, making informed decisions, but also about separation from the world, secret plans, asceticism, perfectionism, loneliness. A person does not depend on society, he lives on his own. In the opposite position: excess perfectionism, a person demands too much from himself and others. Rash behavior that is dangerous for himself.

Wheel of Fortune. It promises rather dubious luck, which is best treated as a surprise. Talks about strange gifts of fate, unexpected acquaintances, proposals, changes. In reverse, it demonstrates the desire for change, but instead, receiving delays and interference.

Justice(also called fairness). In this case, truth in any of its concepts will triumph. Karma controls a person’s destiny and decides when and to whom to give what they deserve. The beginning of legal proceedings and the conclusion of a marriage union are possible. In the reverse position: negative karma is worked out, others are biased towards you

Hanged. Arkan speaks of spirituality, the desire to comprehend higher wisdom, harmony and humility. The verdict of fate begins to take effect, negative karma is worked out. A person suffers from voluntary torment and illness. The opposite position will tell about pride and selfishness.

Death. Something new comes, often unexpectedly. The current situation is changing. A person renounces his will and gains inner freedom. In the opposite position it speaks of stagnation, a dead end.

Moderation(also called Abstinence). The map sets out certain frameworks, modes, systems. You will have to make efforts to achieve what you want. Monotonous work, lack of creativity. In reverse: it will talk about sudden disturbances in order, excessive emotionality, and anxiety.

Devil. It is a fatal lasso, the meaning of which is quite negative. Will indicate karmic attachments, selfishness, strong pride, increased aggressiveness. A person does not know how to love. In the reverse position: “insight” and spiritual improvement are possible.

Tower. Higher powers intervene in life, drastic changes. In reverse, it speaks of fear and internal tension.

Star. It is a karmic card, it promises the fulfillment of plans, but not now. An inverted “Star” speaks of depression, uncertainty, detachment from everything, and laziness.

Moon. Indicates danger, uncertainty, unknown, confusion in business. The person feels lonely and abandoned. In the opposite position it speaks of mercy and clarification of the situation.

Sun. A fortuneteller knows how to enjoy life, his wishes will be fulfilled. It is an indicator of triumph, reward, optimism. In the reverse position: the past interferes with the completion of the present. Increased egocentrism.

Last Judgment. Any restrictions are eliminated, a person rediscovers himself, works off his bad karma. The reverse card tells about a difficult period of life, resistance to change.

World. A symbol of wisdom, gaining knowledge, openness, the desire to change and improve. The reverse lasso speaks of partial victory; one feels an unpleasant limitation in development and spiritual growth.

This was the abbreviated meaning of the Rider Waite Tarot cards (Major Arcana). Also, when considering the meaning of the Waite Tarot, we must not forget about the group of Minor Arcana, which the following video will tell about

The Waite Tarot is one of the most common versions of designer Tarot decks. It was created in 1910 by Edward Waite, a researcher who studied Freemasonry, Kabbalah and other types of magical sciences, and also played one of the leading roles in the Order of the Golden Dawn. The illustrations for the lassos were drawn by an artist from England, Pamela Colman-Smith, who was also associated with the order. The deck was first released into the world by William Ryder, as a result of which it began to be called after its author and publisher.

  1. As for the structural characteristics, the main feature of the deck is that Waite swapped the 11th and 8th arcana: now “Justice” became position 11, and “Strength” - 8. However, the author did not leave an explanation for this reformation.
  2. In addition, the symbolism of the 6th Arcana (“Lovers”) has been updated in Waite’s deck. The Marseille Tarot and most other ancient decks usually depicted on this card a young man standing uncertainly between two ladies. Some decks even changed the name of the card to "Choice". As for the Rider Tarot, here the young man was replaced by a biblical picture: an image of naked Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
  3. In Waite's deck, for the first time, illustrations with a certain meaning also began to be used for the Minor Arcana (before this, only the Major Arcana had images, and on the Minor Arcana they could only draw a sign of the suit).
  4. All the illustrations are quite simple, to some extent even “childish”, but despite this, various symbols can be traced in the background, in the landscapes, and in small details. The author took the very first versions of Tarot decks as a basis, adding his own developments to them. When choosing symbols for the arcana, Waite took as a guide the work of Eliphas Levi, a famous magician and occultist of the 19th century.
  5. In 1910, Arthur Waite published The Illustrated Key to the Tarot. In it, the author dwelled in detail on the traditions and historical information about the cards, gave some examples of layouts with their interpretation, and also examined in great detail each of the seventy-eight cards in his deck.

Rider Waite Tarot Cards: Characteristics

The deck is formed from the Major and Minor Arcana.

The minor arcana are divided by suit and are found in the following varieties:

  • suits of Swords;
  • suits of Cups;
  • suits of Pentacles;
  • suits of Wands.

Suit of Swords

This is the most insidious and powerful suit of all. Swords are personified with power, the purpose of which is personal gain. They are also associated with evil and selfish intentions.

Swords also act as a symbol of a person’s plans and indicate the approach of danger, scandals, quarrels and minor defeats. Swords not only give a description of our thoughts, but also fully tell us about their essence.

The Suit of Swords, in addition, speaks of active actions and triumph, but also reminds us that triumph is impossible without failures. And what one person perceives as a triumph will be a complete failure for other people.

Group 1 is represented by:

  1. Ace of Swords "Victory".
  2. 2nd “Readiness for battle.”
  3. 3rd “Wound in the heart.”
  4. 4th “Calmness”.
  5. 5th “Defeat”.
  6. 6th “Difficulties passed.”
  7. 7th "Cunning".

Group 2 is represented by:

  1. 8th “Lack of strength.”
  2. 9th "Suffering".
  3. 10th "Loss".
  4. Page of Swords “Unsafe Encounters.”
  5. Knight of Swords "Companion".
  6. Queen of Swords "Highest patronage."
  7. The King of Swords "Power".

Cups suit

Cups symbolize significant emotional experiences. At the same time, it is said not only about the love sphere, but also about such strong emotions: excitement, happiness, disappointment, aggression, jealousy, depression.

The suit of Cups can also be found under the name of the suit of Cups. And in playing cards, Cups are associated with the suit of Hearts.

The division in this suit is similar to the previous one into 2 groups:

Group 1 is represented by:

  1. Ace of Cups “Exemplary feelings.”
  2. 2nd “Mutual love”.
  3. 3rd "Celebration".
  4. 4th "Saturation".
  5. 5th “Regret”.
  6. 6th "Sincerity".
  7. 7th “Temptations and dreams.”

Group 2 is represented by:

  1. 8th “Searching for a new road.”
  2. 9th “Realization of what you want.”
  3. 10th “Family Idyll”.
  4. Page of Cups “Imaginations and Dreams.”
  5. Knight of Cups “With the power of feelings.”
  6. Queen of Cups “Mental Harmony”.
  7. King of Cups “Stable feelings.”

Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles (or Denarii) in the Rider Waite deck will tell about financial needs and feelings. They indicate that a person controls both his career and the sphere of relationships in his life.

However, it should be remembered that the meaning of the suit of Pentacles can vary greatly. So these cards also act as a symbol:

  • poverty or wealth;
  • sexual relations;
  • families and children;
  • career growth.

In the playing deck, the Pentacles correspond to the suit of Diamonds.

The 1st group is represented by the following lassos:

  1. Ace of Pentacles “The pinnacle of success.”
  2. 2nd "Dexterity".
  3. 3rd “Mastery”.
  4. 4th "Possession".
  5. 5th "Losses".
  6. 6th "Generosity".
  7. 7th "Waiting".

2nd group:

  1. 8th "Labor".
  2. 9th “Prosperity”.
  3. 10th “Prosperity and stability.”
  4. Page of Pentacles “Purchase”.
  5. Knight of Pentacles "Lord of Life".
  6. Queen of Pentacles “Financial well-being.”
  7. King of Pentacles “The power of material wealth.”

Suit of Wands

In the deck compiled by Waite, the Wands are associated with daily affairs, plus they will tell about the state of affairs at work or study, in business, and responsibilities. The suit of Wands also tells about the implementation of what is planned, the advancement of affairs, various obstacles, and the defense of one’s position.

Wands are also called “Maces” or “Staves” in another way. In the playing deck, the suit of Clubs is associated with Wands.

The division is similar to the previous suits:

Group 1 is represented by:

  1. Ace of Wands “Success”.
  2. 2nd “Designs and prospects”.
  3. 3rd “The beginning of a new era.”
  4. 4th “The appearance of the first fruits.”
  5. 5th "Competition".
  6. 6th "Triumph".
  7. 7th “Personal interests”.

2nd group:

  1. 8th “Unimpeded advance.”
  2. 9th “Preparing for everything.”
  3. 10th “Heavy load”.
  4. Page of Wands “Business contacts”.
  5. Knight of Wands “Professionalism”.
  6. Queen of Wands "Highest patronage."
  7. The King of Wands “Career and Power.”

Major Arcana

In the process of predicting the future using the Major Arcana in the Waite deck, you can obtain information about significant events in life, serious turns of fate of the fortuneteller. The essence and reason for the current circumstances is also revealed.

Having learned the root cause of what is happening, a person gets the opportunity to control it and prevent the occurrence of some unpleasant moments in life. It is for this reason that if the questioner wants to know about serious events in his future, the predictor uses only the category of the Major Arcana, without the Minor Arcana.

The group of Major Arcana is represented by the following card positions: Fool, Jester, Magician, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Priest, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun , Court and Peace.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch some interesting video material:

Waite Tarot is a universal deck that will help you look into the past, future, and learn everything about the present. The most powerful mystics and clairvoyants use this tarot to get answers to their questions. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced magician, the Rider Waite Tarot is a great addition to your collection.

In the article:

Waite Tarot - Major Arcana

Today there are various decks of tarot cards. This is also the Baphomet tarot. This deck was created by American artist Pamela Colman Smith. The Rider Waite tarot saw the light of day at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, it has become an integral attribute in the work of every esotericist.

To this day, the teaching itself remains mysterious, a subject of debate and speculation. If you want to learn everything you can about this deck, you can use the book “Waite Tarot as a System: Theory and Practice.” The compiler of this book is Andrey Kostenko.

The book will help you answer many common questions about tarot cards in general and reveal some of the deck's secrets. In order to get started with the universal Waite tarot, you need to become familiar with the major arcana.

Fool- significant changes are coming in your life, which will most likely be unplanned and will require a lot of vitality from you. Inverted (hereinafter - P.) - instability, malfunctions, carelessness, helplessness, making mistakes.

Mage- progress, achievement of set goals, great opportunities, comprehension of something new, self-confidence. P. - fame, selfishness, loss of ties with family or friends, psychological illnesses, unfulfilled dreams.

High Priestess- intuition, the power of emotions and feelings, extrasensory abilities, a large number of secrets that will be hidden from you. P. - weakness, indecision, seething of various emotions, lack of spirituality, intuition.

Empress- love, understanding, mutual assistance, wedding, birth of children, harmony. P. - lack of balance and harmony, irritability, money problems, troubles at home.

Emperor- a powerful, strong person, purposeful, who will become a reliable support, help in the work sphere and in love. P. - pressure, powerlessness, presence of enemies, failures, moral violence.

Priest- sexual attraction, search for truth, wedding, presence of a wise mentor, powerful and strong. You should listen to this person, as he will lead to success. P. - cruelty, increased interest, violation of canons, weakness, inability to defend one’s thoughts.

Lovers- the embodiment of the first people on earth, a strong union that will be crowned with success, the right choice, harmony with oneself and others. P. - disappointments, breakdown of relationships, discussion of plans that are almost impossible to implement, illness.

Chariot- travel, victory, striving for light and triumph, confidence, overcoming all obstacles. P. - defeats, negative emotions, uncontrollable rage, lack of organization, failure.

Force- platonic love, recovery, replenishment of the body’s vital reserves, fearlessness, harmony, willingness to take responsibility and act. P. - despotism, tyranny, detachment, defeat, an unbalanced person next to you who will negatively impact your life.

Hermit- knowledge, detachment, caution, removing unnecessary acquaintances from the field, the ability to achieve success in solving the most complex problems, awareness of mystery, truth. P. - loneliness, forced isolation, fear of others, fraud, neglect of reason.

Wheel of Fortune- movement, desire for success, inconstancy, frequent mood changes, changes for the better, luck. P. - gambling, losing, problems with money, failure, inability to self-realize.

Justice- making the right decision, winning a competition, respect from colleagues, professionalism, balance. P. - fanaticism, aggression, despotism, money problems, abuse of power.

Hanged- a martyr who made a conscious sacrifice, the search for personal freedom, change, you move to a new level, renunciation of material wealth. P. - illness, passivity, creative stagnation, futile sacrifice, depression.

Death- does not imply physical death, it is the end of one life stage and the beginning of a new one. Change in life, change. P. - depression, loss, betrayal of ideals, collapse of plans.

Moderation- economy, the ability to compromise, diplomatic relations, the emergence of new employees, humility. P. - trials, struggle in the work sphere, losses, stinginess, incontinence, breakup of relationships.

Devil- various challenges await you along the way, but you have enough strength and desire to overcome them. Obsession with power and money. P. - ambition, cruelty, failure of plans, uncontrollable situation.

Tower- difficulties, devastation in the soul, collapse of plans, losses, oppression. P. - financial losses, severance of attachments, disaster, deception on the part of a loved one.

Star- your life will completely change for the better, new perspectives, recovery, renewal of spirit, happiness and peace. P. - isolation, dissatisfaction with oneself, disbelief, powerlessness, disappointment.

Moon- deception, you don’t know something and it significantly spoils your life, the presence of an enemy, illness is likely in the near future. P. - instability, illness, fears, dangers.

Sun- health, conception, birth of children, happiness, wedding, material wealth, harmony with oneself. P. - recovery, impatience, success, but excessive self-confidence.

Last Judgment- change, rebirth, new job, wedding, birth of children, good news, victory over oneself. P. - fear, illness, resistance to natural changes in life, repentance.

World- success, harmony, travel, pleasant meeting. P. - calmness, willingness to help others.

Swords - interpretation and meaning of cards

Ace of Swords- victory, impact on people, birth of children, wedding, financial stability. P. - deception, severance of communication, despotism, tyranny.

Deuce- strength, readiness to defeat the enemy, you have already passed a difficult period and there will be improvements ahead. P. - deception, betrayal, showdown, promiscuity.

Troika- broken heart, love triangle, breakup, confrontation with others, a large number of negative emotions, betrayal. P. - grievances, a situation that cannot be changed; you feel sorry for yourself too often, nothing can be changed.

Four- loneliness, escape from life, trying to relax, improving health. P. - hypocrisy, lack of funds, loss of close friends.

Five- tension, lack of faith, conflicts, someone is encroaching on what belongs to you. P. - deception, fraud, bad deal, lack of self-confidence.

Six- you managed to overcome difficulties, there will only be changes for the better, travel, success. P. - you are too slow, you need to be more decisive, problems are on the way.

Seven- next to you is a liar who pretends to be someone else, he encroaches on what belongs to you, spreads gossip, and because of him there are a lot of problems. P. - be on the lookout, they will give you good advice, offer patronage, do not refuse the help of an influential person.

Eight- the situation is getting out of control, plans collapse, health problems, conflicts. P. - you can’t hesitate, it’s time to act, since your indecision can significantly worsen the situation.

Nine- disappointment, mental illness, suffering, betrayal, betrayal. P. - hope, faith, the need to pull yourself together.

Ten- grief, betrayal by a loved one, the need to give up everything and start living again. P. - trouble, next to you there is a very strange person who is plotting.

Page- a young man who is ready to help you, laziness, lack of strength. P. - enemies, bad news, variables for the worse.

Knight- the appearance of a strong person who is ready to protect you, movement, victory. P. - accident, aggression, illness, appearance of enemies.

King- an adult domineering, cruel and strong man involved in politics or military affairs. P. - submission, struggle, conflict situation, competition.

Waite Tarot Deck - Cups

Ace of Cups- generosity, wedding for love, children, abundance, creative energy. P. - selfishness, unhappiness in love, breakup of relationships.

Deuce- love, carnal pleasures, unity with a partner, passion. P. - disagreements, cooling of feelings, unrequited love, promiscuous sexual relations.

Troika- success, material well-being, positive emotions, recovery. P. - betrayal, failure, lack of harmony.

Four- longing, depression, melancholy, reluctance to do something in your life. P. - good changes, love, new acquaintances.

Five- losses, depression, relationship breakdown, emotional wounds. P. - the emergence of new friends, rethinking the situation, calmness.

Six- financial well-being, the appearance of an old lover, family happiness. P. - vanity, learning new skills, approaching a joyful event.

Seven- flight of fancy, too strong emotions, confusion, inability to adequately assess the situation. P. - making the right decision, overcoming difficulties, moving towards success.

Eight- separation, revolution in the value system, fatigue, there is a chance to start all over again. P. - new acquaintances, strong feelings, happiness.

Nine- success, financial stability, health, control over the situation. P. - abuse of power and wealth.

Ten- happiness, marriage with a loved one, desire for success. P. - instability, quarrels with loved ones, problems at work.

Page- strong emotional connection, interesting acquaintances, creative energy, possible travel. P. - not using all resources, betrayal, intrigue and gossip.

Knight- happiness, love, success. P. - mistakes, negative news, love triangle, fraud.

Queen- love, the opportunity to realize oneself, happiness in family life, wisdom. P. - gossip, promiscuity, the desire to escape from reality.

King- strong marriage, patronage of an adult man. P. - deception, fraud, cruelty, excessive ambition.

The meaning of pentacles

Ace of Pentacles- success, harmony, emergence of prospects. P. - anxiety, ruin, obsession with money.

Deuce- luck, pleasure, positive changes, good news. P. - anxiety, money problems, delusion, loss of control over the situation.

Troika- material benefits, the emergence of new partners, professionalism. P. - criticism, inexperience, stagnation.

Four- confidence, financial stability, inheritance. P. - obsession with power and money, indecision, failure.

Five- illness, failure, collapse. P. - confrontation with failures, the emergence of like-minded people.

Six- generosity, success at work, prosperity. P. - deception, fraud, loss of a large sum of money.

Seven- financial growth, movement towards the intended goal. P. - loss, bankruptcy.

Eight- success, creative fulfillment, pleasure from life. P. - routine, lack of plans, melancholy.

Nine- rest, material wealth, stability. P. - loss of money, betrayal, loneliness.

Ten- making a profit, inheritance, getting closer to relatives. P. - collapse, bankruptcy, difficult situation.

Page- gaining new knowledge, new acquaintances, changes for the better. P. - disorganization, thoughtless spending.

Knight- profit, travel, professionalism, good news. P. - instability, disorganization, losses.

Queen- patronage, generosity. P. - deception, greed, stinginess.

King- a practical person, success, will and determination. P. - dangerous fraud with money.

Wands - interpretation

Ace of Wands- luck, money, activity, career growth. P. - apathy, melancholy, failure at work.

Deuce- belief in success, gaining new knowledge, stability. P. - uncertainty, doubt, melancholy.

Troika- stability, success, reliable cooperation. P. - illness, loss, self-doubt.

Four- financial well-being, fulfillment of desires, success. P. - good news, material well-being, you need to make every effort to get what you want.

Five- emergence of competitors, quarrels, defense of interests, emergence of a source of income. P. - conflicts, fraud.

Six- victory, ambition, leadership. P. - lack of self-confidence, problems with money, unpleasant news.

Seven- competitors, conflicts, it is necessary to show determination. P. - stinginess, depression, confusion.

Eight- travel, fulfillment of desires, haste. P. - unpleasant travel, pressure.

Nine- physical health, delay, struggle. P. - stubbornness, danger, obstacles on the way.

Ten- fame, success, taking on other people's problems. P. - cruelty, it will be difficult to achieve success.

Page- cordiality, good news, implementation of plans, ambitions. P. - rivalry, deception, trick.

Knight- trip, friendliness, egocentrism. P. - problems at work, envy, competition.

Queen- professionalism, independence, experience, money. P. - selfishness, deception, envy.

King- success, happy union, wealth and power. P. - despotism, conflict, cruelty.

The Rider Waite Tarot is a versatile and one of the most commonly used decks around the world. It was created in 1901 by the famous occult researcher Edward Waite in collaboration with artist Pamela Colman-Smith. The deck was published by William Ryder.

History of creation

The cards got their name from the two names of the creator and publisher. The deck is suitable for any type of reading and the meaning of the Waite Tarot is easy for beginners.

The deck's creator, Edward Waite, was a multi-talented man. He was interested in the history of Freemasonry and mystical knowledge. He held a high position in the Order of the Golden Dawn and was engaged in research into the occult sciences. He conceived the Tarot deck as a kind of key to understanding the subtle world. In each lasso he laid the symbolism of secret esoteric knowledge.

Composition of the Waite Tarot deck

A complete Rider Waite Tarot deck consists of 78 cards: 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana, consisting of 4 suits. Each card carries knowledge of astrology, numerology, Judaism, alchemy, and magic. Tarot is used not only for fortune telling, but also for developing clairvoyance.

Major Arcana

The major arcana reflect the basic archetypes of man of all eras and peoples. The interpretation and meaning of cards in the Waite Tarot is based on them. They provide information about:

  • human energy field;
  • emotional and physical state;
  • the reason and essence of the situation;
  • fortune teller's future;
  • and give the right advice for changing the present.

Interpretation of the Waite Tarot

Let's look at the classic decodings of the major arcana of the Rider Waite Tarot. The meaning of the cards carries the most important information in layouts:

  • Mag. Initiative, activity, skill, success. Arkan suggests increasing your skills, engaging in self-realization, and believing in yourself. A person with great potential, confident in his knowledge.
  • High Priestess. Patience, wisdom, intuitive knowledge. It may mean hidden mystical powers or the revelation of those in the fortuneteller. The card speaks of the need to trust your intuition and focus on spiritual development.
  • Empress. Motherhood, fertility, the birth of a child, the beginning of creative projects. It means entering a new happy time of life, renewal, good health. For women, it portends marriage and conception.
  • Emperor. Fatherly figure, master, boss, man in power, high rank. A call for the consistent implementation of ideas, the creation of order and structure, and the taking of responsibility. Negative traits - dogmatism, stubbornness, rigidity.
  • Hierophant. A person with the right worldview, a teacher, a guru, a saint. Arkan speaks of the influence of higher powers and calls for spiritual knowledge. Getting married, looking for a teacher, turning to God.
  • Lovers. Choice, true love, romanticism, inspiration, purity. The card invites you to surrender to the power of feelings: your partner experiences the most sincere love.
  • Chariot. Breakthrough, intensity, long ride. Arkan speaks of powerful energy that moves a person forward, towards new achievements. The person is overexcited and determined. It is important to soberly assess the situation.
  • Force. Love of life, passion, strength, fearlessness. Courage and determination helps a person to be a winner in any situation. The card symbolizes being filled with powerful energy and readiness to act.
  • Hermit. Wisdom, self-knowledge, solitude, search for truth, withdrawal from the world. Arkan says that the time has come to think about spiritual development. Stay alone - this will help you set your priorities correctly.
  • Wheel of Fortune. Luck, luck, reward. This is a symbol of fateful changes that will bring happy opportunities. Card advice: try to take advantage of the chance, all changes are for the better.
  • Justice (justice). Symbolizes harmony, justice, karma. Arcanum thought: what goes around comes around. He encourages you to think carefully about your words and decisions. Be honest, objective, responsible. Winning in court.
  • Hanged. Self-sacrifice, voluntary renunciation of something. If this card comes up, it means you need to wait it out, rest, limit yourself in order to achieve your goal. Symbolizes the transition period, trials.
  • Death. Completion, renewal, rebirth. Arkan speaks of a turning point, a new stage in life. The questioner is asked to let go of the past and move into the future. Deep transformation.
  • Moderation. Harmony, cooperation, tolerance, compromise, frugality. It is necessary to show diplomacy and maintain balance in everything.
  • Devil. Temptation, the dark side of personality, dangerous temptation. The card warns of the danger of becoming dependent and losing control of oneself. Advice - beware of wrong decisions.
  • Tower. Misfortune, black streak. Arcanum Tower portends loss of freedom, karmic retribution, collapse of plans. The card advises you to come to terms with it and wait out the period of difficulties.
  • Star. The lasso shows the protection of higher powers, the help of a guardian angel. Appearance in the chart promises recognition, goal achievement, harmony.
  • Moon. Staying in the dark, in the grip of fear. Depression, frequent mood swings. You are in illusions or you are being deceived. The Moon card advises moving towards the light, relying on intuition.
  • Sun. Happiness, fullness of life. The card carries only positive meaning. She speaks of quick success and prosperity. Often predicts the union of lovers and the birth of a child.
  • Court. The lasso marks the beginning of a new stage in a person’s life. Change, transformation, spiritual rebirth. The card predicts successful projects and endeavors.
  • World. Achieving a goal, realizing a purpose. One of the happiest cards in the deck. Its meaning: recognition, success, peace and peace of mind.
  • Fool. The card means a new beginning, absolute freedom, the state of a child, optimism. The whole world is at your feet - boldly step towards the future.

Source: https://gadaniya.me/kartyi-taro/raydera-ueyta

In the modern world, purchasing a deck of Tarot cards is not difficult. After all, you can buy this mysterious thing not only in specialized stores of magical attributes, but also in almost any bookstore. But before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of Tarot and choose the deck that will be convenient to work with.

Waite Tarot - the most popular and practical deck

The most practical and popular is the Waite Tarot deck. A characteristic feature of the attribute is that there are drawings with the plot on both the Minor and Major Arcana. For this reason, the Rider Waite Tarot is used as the basis for Tarot training courses.

The origin story of the Waite Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite was not only a researcher and translator, but also the creator of several dozen books about the occult. He also wrote biographies of famous mystics and magicians.

And in 1909, esotericist Edward Waite created his own unique deck of Tarot cards.

The name of the deck comes from the name of the ideological instigator Arthur Edward Waite, the publisher Williams Ryder and the American artist Pamela Colman Smith.

It is worth noting that Pamela Colman Smith was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, a talented artist and a woman with magical abilities.

For this reason, Arthur chose her to create illustrations for a deck of Tarot cards.

The drawings were made in a simple style, but her individuality lies in the fact that she selected the background favorably and successfully imparted emotions to the depicted faces. And after publication, the classic tarot deck gained momentum in popularity.

In 1991, the equally talented artist Mary Hanson-Roberts made her own adjustments to Pamela Colman's drawings. After modification, the deck began to bear the name “Universal Tarot Cards.”

On the front of the box there is an image of a boy releasing a dove, and on the back there is an image of the Queen of Pentacles.

Tarot cards are divided into the Minor and Major Arcana

The minor arcana are divided into suits:

  • Swords suit;
  • Cups suit;
  • suit of Pentacles;
  • suit of Wands.

Major Arcana

When doing fortune telling, the major arcana of the Waite Tarot give a description of significant events and serious turns in the fate of the person for whom the alignment is being made. Moreover, they reveal the very essence and causes of circumstances.

By getting to the root cause of events, a person can influence what is happening and prevent some unpleasant moments.

For this reason, if the client wants to find out about serious events in life, then the fortuneteller uses a shortened deck during fortune telling, consisting only of the major arcana.

List of Major Arcana

Fool, buffoon. Mag. Priestess. Empress. Emperor. Priest. Lovers. Chariot. Force. Hermit. Wheel of Fortune. Justice. Hanged. Death. Moderation. Devil. Tower. Star. Moon. Sun. Court. World. Suit of Swords


Swords are the most dangerous and powerful suit of all that exist. It symbolizes power that is directed for one's own benefit. It also reflects evil and self-interest.

Swords - Minor Arcana, reminding that there can be no victory without defeat

Even during fortune telling, the suit of Swords symbolizes our plans and can warn of approaching dangers, scandals, quarrels and defeat in business.

It is worth noting that this suit not only describes our thoughts, but also fully reveals their essence.

Also, the minor arcana indicate decisive action and victory, but also remind us that there cannot be victory without defeat. And what is a victory for one is a defeat for another.

The swords include two groups of amrahs with 7 cards in one group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Swords "Victory".
  2. Two of Swords “Ready to fight.”
  3. Three of Swords “Heart Wound.”
  4. Four of Swords "Calm".
  5. Five of Swords “Defeat”.
  6. Six of Swords “Difficulties are behind us.”
  7. Seven of Swords “Cunning”.

Group two:

  1. Eight of Swords “Powerlessness”.
  2. Nine of Swords "Suffering".
  3. Ten of Swords “Loss”.
  4. Page of Swords “Dangerous Encounters.”
  5. Knight of Swords "Ally".
  6. Queen of Swords “High Patronage.”
  7. King of Swords "Power".


The meaning of the cards in the suit of cups is a symbol of strong experiences and other human feelings. Cups denote not only love feelings, but also such strong emotions as:

  • excitement;
  • happiness;
  • disappointment;
  • anger;
  • sincerity;
  • jealousy;
  • oppression.

The suit of Cups is also called Cups. In regular cards, Cups represent the suit Hearts.

The cups include amrahs which are also divided into two groups, with 7 cards in each group

Group one:

  1. Ace of Cups “Ideal Feelings.”
  2. Two of Cups “Mutual Love”.
  3. Three of Cups "Holiday".
  4. Four of Cups “Satiation”.
  5. Five of Cups “Regret”.
  6. Six of Cups “Sincerity”.
  7. Seven of Cups “Temptations and Dreams.”

Group two:

  1. Eight of Cups “Searching for a new path.”
  2. Nine of Cups “Fulfillment of desires.”
  3. Ten of Cups “Family Happiness”.
  4. Page of Cups “Imagination and Dreams.”
  5. Knight of Cups “Power of Feelings.”
  6. Queen of Cups "Harmony of the Soul".
  7. King of Cups “Stability of feelings.”


In Waite's tarot card layouts, Pentacles indicate financial needs and feelings. The description also suggests that the person has everything under control: both relationships and career. But do not forget that the range of meanings of the cards of Pentacles is large. In addition, the Pentacles cards symbolize:

Pentacles cards can talk about sexual relationships

  • poverty, wealth;
  • intimate relationships;
  • family and Children;
  • career growth.

The suit of Pentacles also has another name - Denarii. In a deck of playing cards, it matches the suit of Diamonds.

The suit of Pentacles includes two groups of amrahs of 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Pentacles “At the pinnacle of success.”
  2. Two of Pentacles "Dexterity".
  3. Three of Pentacles “Mastery”.
  4. Four of Pentacles "Possession".
  5. Five of Pentacles "Loss".
  6. Six of Pentacles "Generosity".
  7. Seven of Pentacles "Waiting".

Group two:

  1. Eight of Pentacles “Labor”.
  2. Nine of Pentacles “Security”.
  3. Ten of Pentacles “Prosperity and Stability.”
  4. Page of Pentacles "Acquisition".
  5. Knight of Pentacles "Master of the situation."
  6. Queen of Pentacles "Wealth".
  7. King of Pentacles “The Power of Money.”


In Rider White tarot layouts, the suit is called “Wands”, the description suggests that amrakh is a symbol of everyday affairs, and also denotes work or study, business, responsibilities. The implementation of conceived plans, the advancement of affairs, obstacles, the defense of one’s own opinion - all such areas of activity are symbolized by the Wands.

The suit of Wands is also called “Maces” and “Staves”. In a deck of regular playing cards, Wands are identical to Clubs.

The suit of Wands includes two groups of amrahs, 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Wands "Success".
  2. Two of Wands “Plans and Prospects.”
  3. Three of Wands “The beginning of a new stage.”
  4. Four of Wands “First Fruits”.
  5. Five of Wands “Rivalry”.
  6. Six of Wands "Triumph".
  7. Seven of Wands “Guarding your interests.”

Group two:

  1. Eight of Wands “Movement without obstacles.”
  2. Nine of Wands “Readiness for anything.”
  3. Ten of Wands “Heavy Burden.”
  4. Page of Wands “Business Connections”.
  5. Knight of Wands “Professionalism”.
  6. Queen of Wands “High patronage.”
  7. King of Wands “Career and Power.”

What are the Waite Tarot spreads?

The Rider Tarot layouts, the Waite Tarot, the interpretation of which is quite simple for beginners, are the third type in the history of tarot cards in chronological order.

Thanks to the efforts of Arthur Waite and artist Pamela Smith, a unique deck was created that has been valued for a century.

According to tarologists, although a large number of cards have been published by other authors, the universal Waite tarot has no analogues.

Universal Waite Tarot - a deck that has no analogues

The peculiarity of the deck is that during fortune telling, the fortuneteller penetrates the client’s subconscious and intuitively, with the help of the layout and his own feelings, reveals the meaning of the questions of interest.

And to reveal small events and other details, not only the major arcana were needed, but also the minor ones.

For this reason, a complete set of cards with illustrations, called “Classic Tarot Cards,” has become a real find for fortune tellers, as well as for experienced fortune-tellers and beginners.

Description of the Waite Tarot cards

The tarot card gallery consists of 78 units. The meaning of each of them is purely individual. A big role is played by the position in which the card fell - upright or upside down. When reading the Waite Tarot, you can ask a wide variety of questions, to which you can actually get answers in the smallest detail.

But before you lay out the cards and try to correctly interpret their meaning, you need a lot of preparation. I will tell you how to carry it out based on my own experience, because I began to guess professionally and correctly interpret the meaning of the layout 8 years later, after the Tarot deck was in my hands.

Should you trust inexperienced predictors?

Fortune telling is a very serious and responsible process. After all, without having skills in this matter, it is not recommended to seriously evaluate the alignment. Let me give you an example of what a false interpretation can lead to. You have probably all heard that we ourselves attract certain events into our lives.

If an inexperienced fortune teller or, God forbid, a charlatan, “sees” something in her own way and tells a woman that her husband has a mistress and will soon leave his family, then you can roughly guess what will happen.

The wife will become a real “detective.”

She will carefully check her husband’s phone and pockets, will monitor his behavior, and if the unfortunate man stays at work for an extra hour, then the wife will have a verdict in her head: “he is with his mistress.”

As a result, his wife will still pester him with her jealousy, causing him to pack his bags and head in an unknown direction. For this reason, you should not trust a fortune teller about whom you know nothing. You shouldn’t try to tell fortunes yourself if this is your first time holding a deck in your hands.

Preparing for Tarot reading

It is required to study in detail the interpretation of the Waite tarot cards using a textbook for beginners, which is called the “classic Waite tarot.”

The above points must be completed. After all, this is required for the correct execution of the ritual. The main thing is that there must be a special desire to use the power of thought to find the desired amrah and interpret it correctly. If a person does not believe the cards, then this will only get in the way. Therefore, this ceremony must be taken seriously.

It is very important to reflect and imagine what incident might fit the scenario. Therefore, not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also your own feelings. In other words, the “sixth sense” must be well developed.

Source: http://zakolduj.ru/taro/uejta.html

Waite Tarot: characteristic features of the deck, the meaning of the cards

The Waite Tarot is one of the most common versions of designer Tarot decks.

It was created in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite, a researcher who studied Freemasonry, Kabbalah and other types of magical sciences, and also played one of the leading roles in the Order of the Golden Dawn.

The illustrations for the lassos were drawn by an artist from England, Pamela Colman-Smith, who was also associated with the order. The deck was first released into the world by William Ryder, as a result of which it began to be called after its author and publisher.

Distinctive features of the Rider Waite Tarot

  1. As for the structural characteristics, the main feature of the deck is that Waite swapped the 11th and 8th arcana: now “Justice” became position 11, and “Strength” - 8. However, the author did not leave an explanation for this reformation.
  2. In addition, the symbolism of the 6th Arcana (“Lovers”) has been updated in Waite’s deck.

    The Marseille Tarot and most other ancient decks usually depicted on this card a young man standing uncertainly between two ladies. Some decks even changed the name of the card to "Choice". As for the Rider Tarot, here the young man was replaced by a biblical picture: an image of naked Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

  3. In Waite's deck, for the first time, illustrations with a certain meaning also began to be used for the Minor Arcana (before this, only the Major Arcana had images, and on the Minor Arcana they could only draw a sign of the suit).
  4. All the illustrations are quite simple, to some extent even “childish”, but despite this, various symbols can be traced in the background, in the landscapes, and in small details.

    The author took the very first versions of Tarot decks as a basis, adding his own developments to them. When choosing symbols for the arcana, Waite took as a guide the work of Eliphas Levi, a famous magician and occultist of the 19th century.

  5. In 1910, Arthur Waite published The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.

    In it, the author dwelled in detail on the traditions and historical information about the cards, gave some examples of layouts with their interpretation, and also examined in great detail each of the seventy-eight cards in his deck.

Rider Waite Tarot Cards: Characteristics

The deck is formed from the Major and Minor Arcana.

The minor arcana are divided by suit and are found in the following varieties:

  • suits of Swords;
  • suits of Cups;
  • suits of Pentacles;
  • suits of Wands.

Suit of Swords

This is the most insidious and powerful suit of all. Swords are personified with power, the purpose of which is personal gain. They are also associated with evil and selfish intentions.

Swords also act as a symbol of a person’s plans and indicate the approach of danger, scandals, quarrels and minor defeats. Swords not only give a description of our thoughts, but also fully tell us about their essence.

The Suit of Swords, in addition, speaks of active actions and triumph, but also reminds us that triumph is impossible without failures. And what one person perceives as a triumph will be a complete failure for other people.

Group 1 is represented by:

  1. Ace of Swords "Victory".
  2. 2nd “Readiness for battle.”
  3. 3rd “Wound in the heart.”
  4. 4th “Calmness”.
  5. 5th “Defeat”.
  6. 6th “Difficulties passed.”
  7. 7th "Cunning".

Group 2 is represented by:

  1. 8th “Lack of strength.”
  2. 9th "Suffering".
  3. 10th "Loss".
  4. Page of Swords “Unsafe Encounters.”
  5. Knight of Swords "Companion".
  6. Queen of Swords "Highest patronage."
  7. The King of Swords "Power".

Cups suit

Cups symbolize significant emotional experiences. At the same time, it is said not only about the love sphere, but also about such strong emotions: excitement, happiness, disappointment, aggression, jealousy, depression.

The suit of Cups can also be found under the name of the suit of Cups. And in playing cards, Cups are associated with the suit of Hearts.

The division in this suit is similar to the previous one into 2 groups:

Group 1 is represented by:

  1. Ace of Cups “Exemplary feelings.”
  2. 2nd “Mutual love”.
  3. 3rd "Celebration".
  4. 4th "Saturation".
  5. 5th “Regret”.
  6. 6th "Sincerity".
  7. 7th “Temptations and dreams.”

Group 2 is represented by:

  1. 8th “Searching for a new road.”
  2. 9th “Realization of what you want.”
  3. 10th “Family Idyll”.
  4. Page of Cups “Imaginations and Dreams.”
  5. Knight of Cups “With the power of feelings.”
  6. Queen of Cups “Mental Harmony”.
  7. King of Cups “Stable feelings.”

Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles (or Denarii) in the Rider Waite deck will tell about financial needs and feelings. They indicate that a person controls both his career and the sphere of relationships in his life.

However, it should be remembered that the meaning of the suit of Pentacles can vary greatly. So these cards also act as a symbol:

  • sexual relations;
  • families and children;
  • career growth.

In the playing deck, the Pentacles correspond to the suit of Diamonds.

The 1st group is represented by the following lassos:

  1. Ace of Pentacles “The pinnacle of success.”
  2. 2nd "Dexterity".
  3. 3rd “Mastery”.
  4. 4th "Possession".
  5. 5th "Losses".
  6. 6th "Generosity".
  7. 7th "Waiting".

2nd group:

  1. 8th "Labor".
  2. 9th “Prosperity”.
  3. 10th “Prosperity and stability.”
  4. Page of Pentacles “Purchase”.
  5. Knight of Pentacles "Lord of Life".
  6. Queen of Pentacles “Financial well-being.”
  7. King of Pentacles “The power of material wealth.”

Suit of Wands

In the deck compiled by Waite, the Wands are associated with daily affairs, plus they will tell about the state of affairs at work or study, in business, and responsibilities. The suit of Wands also tells about the implementation of what is planned, the advancement of affairs, various obstacles, and the defense of one’s position.

Wands are also called “Maces” or “Staves” in another way. In the playing deck, the suit of Clubs is associated with Wands.

The division is similar to the previous suits:

Group 1 is represented by:

  1. Ace of Wands “Success”.
  2. 2nd “Designs and prospects”.
  3. 3rd “The beginning of a new era.”
  4. 4th “The appearance of the first fruits.”
  5. 5th "Competition".
  6. 6th "Triumph".
  7. 7th “Personal interests”.

2nd group:

  1. 8th “Unimpeded advance.”
  2. 9th “Preparing for everything.”
  3. 10th “Heavy load”.
  4. Page of Wands “Business contacts”.
  5. Knight of Wands “Professionalism”.
  6. Queen of Wands "Highest patronage."
  7. The King of Wands “Career and Power.”

Major Arcana

In the process of predicting the future using the Major Arcana in the Waite deck, you can obtain information about significant events in life, serious turns of fate of the fortuneteller. The essence and reason for the current circumstances is also revealed.

Having learned the root cause of what is happening, a person gets the opportunity to control it and prevent the occurrence of some unpleasant moments in life. It is for this reason that if the questioner wants to know about serious events in his future, the predictor uses only the category of the Major Arcana, without the Minor Arcana.

The group of Major Arcana is represented by the following card positions: Fool, Jester, Magician, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Priest, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun , Court and Peace.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch some interesting video material:

Source: https://TayniyMir.com/taro/ueyta.html

Classic Rider Waite Tarot - interpretation and meaning of cards

The classic Rider Waite Tarot is one of the most famous decks, which was developed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite.

Waite was a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings. The drawings of the cards were made by an American-born artist named Pamela Colman-Smith.

The first publisher of this deck was William Ryder. This is how the deck of cards got its double name.

Features of this deck

A distinctive feature of the Rider White Tarot deck is that the 11th and 8th Arcana are swapped, that is, the Justice card is number 11, and the Strength Arcana is number 8. The reasons for this change have not been properly explained by Waite.

The German Tarot specialist Hayo Banzhaf suggested that this change in numbering lies in the fact that Waite was guided by the teachings of the Albigenses, Waldenses and Cathars. Despite all this, many occult and Tarot specialists did not accept this renumbering. And when using the Rider White Tarot deck, the Arcana of Justice and Strength were used with the same numbers.

In decks that were created later, the Arcana of Justice and Strength returned to their previous numbers.

In the Waite Tarot deck 6, the Major Arcana has a different image from the others. If you look at other old decks, this Arcana is called “Choice or “Decision”. These cards depicted a young man between two women, whose face expressed uncertainty and confusion.

The sixth Arcana in the Rider White Tarot deck is given the name “Lovers.” The card shows naked Adam and Eve in paradise. Image 6 Arcana speaks of love, attraction, sex, original sin. And the topic of choice or any uncertainty is omitted here.

I. Magician

Divinatory meanings: skill, subtlety; illness, pain, loss, a trap woven by enemies; confidence, willpower. The card says that divine impulses have awakened in a person, that he himself is in the role of God. It also means that a person's thinking is focused on the limit.

The possible meaning of the Magician card is the beginning of change, a new life, a new project, the birth of a child.

Reversed card in the Waite Tarot: shame, anxiety, psychological problems, uncertainty, indecision, lack of will.

II. High Priestess

If we talk about the qualities of a person, then this card talks about his wit and cunning. The good qualities of this person are that he easily adapts to various situations, you can trust him with any secret and be calm, because he will never reveal it to anyone.

In love affairs, the card advises you to be careful, there is a chance of being deceived by your loved one, you should take a good look at him.

Reversed: Conceit, superficial knowledge, passion.

III. Empress

The meaning of the Empress in layouts promises happiness and large offspring for married ladies, and easy childbirth for pregnant women. But lonely people are promised non-reciprocal love, which is full of anxiety and disappointment.

The meaning of the reversed card in the Waite Tarot deck: truth, finding solutions to problems, various kinds of celebrations.

IV. Emperor

The emperor is an image of a father or a person for whom such status is very important.

The card means that there is a strong person near the questioner who can help him with his problems. If you look at it from the other side, then this person may be the one who is blatantly using the questioner for his own purposes, for personal gain.

Reversed: compassion, trust, immaturity.

V. Hierophant

In the case of fortune telling on a particular person in order to find out more about him, the meaning of “Hierophant” is as follows: the person has good oratorical abilities, knows how to persuade, attracts many people to his idea, usually becomes a big shot and has high authority.
The appearance of the Hierophant may mean that the questioner was under the influence of a strong person.

Reversed: mutual understanding, agreement, weakness, powerlessness.

VI. Lovers

In fortune telling, the Lovers Card signifies choice or problem solving. If they are guessing about a person and his character, then the card indicates that the person has an indecisive and weak character, and has a fear of responsibility.

Reversed: failure, divorce or breakdown of marriage, contradictions in relationships.

VII. Chariot

The chariot is a symbol of supreme power. If this card appears during fortune telling, it means that the person has broken out of the circle of previous interests and is ready to follow a new path.

He has confidence and courage, but also inexperience. Therefore, the card advises not to overestimate your capabilities and courage when solving new problems.

Reversed: Rebellion, disputes, verbal clashes, court cases, loss.

VIII. Force

The card represents soft, feminine strength. It is the woman who makes the lion feel his strength.

Bravery and perseverance help a person cope with many problems. If this particular card comes up, it means the questioner has dealt with his fears and anxieties in the past, and he is ready to move on.

Reversed: Even if a person has achieved success in the material sphere of life, he cannot find understanding with other people. The spiritual component of life has been lost.

IX. Hermit

The Hermit card symbolizes a person’s withdrawal into himself, into his experiences and problems, alienation, loneliness, and the search for his own self.

The appearance of the Hermit card indicates that the questioner will soon meet a person who will show the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In personal relationships, the Hermit portends stagnation or respite. There is no need to look at this as a break; perhaps this respite will make it clear to both that they simply cannot live without each other.

Reversed: The questioner does not listen to advice and rejects any help coming from management or close circle.

X. Wheel of Fortune

The questioning person is confident in his luck. The cards dropped nearby will complement the meaning and tell you exactly what you will be lucky about.

The laws of fate are favorable during this period; everything will flourish in the family and in business. In personal relationships, it portends stagnation.

Reversed: means stagnation and bad luck in affairs, both professional and love.

XI. Justice (justice)

The meaning of this card is associated not only with court cases, but also with any area where any disputes arise. If the matter concerns a trial, then the Tarot promises that it will end in favor of the questioner.

From a psychological point of view, the Justice Tarot card speaks of the ability to speak with other people in serious matters, of mature character and life experience.

Reversed: In business, it means long legal proceedings that will get boring. If the question is about a love relationship, then the card foreshadows a breakup or divorce.

XII. Hanged

In the tarot reading, the Hanged Man means that the questioner is moving on to the path of spiritual life, abandoning everything material and physical. That is, a person parts with his old self and moves towards spiritual enlightenment. The card can also mean that the questioner is open to new ideas.

Reversed: Worldly matters come first, which closes the heart and mind to spiritual growth. There may be situations when others want to deceive or hide something from a person.

XIII. Death

Death in a Tarot reading symbolizes change, rebirth or rebirth. Big changes are expected, and it is better to say goodbye to the past. You need to move forward with confidence and firmness.

In love affairs, she talks about a possible break and end to any relationship.
In work it means leaving your previous place and opening new opportunities.

Reversed: Symbolizes stagnation in work and new ideas. The death of a prominent person or some kind of disaster is possible.

XIV. Moderation

The meaning of Tarot Moderation is balance, harmony with oneself and other people, calmness. All these qualities are inherent in the questioner.

In personal affairs and the business sphere, everything promises to be stable and measured. No change or change.

Reversed: personal relationships interfere with work, and therefore work interferes with love affairs. Here you need to clarify the situation and eliminate interfering factors, put all things in order. Give each side of life its own time.

XV. Devil

This card indicates that at the moment the questioner is interested in worldly affairs. In business matters, the Devil means trials and temptations. Perhaps this will be related to drugs, weapons or bribes.

In personal relationships, it threatens separation and quarrels. The card warns that flirting, meaningful promises, and passion are possible, which in general will lead to nothing, but will manage to ruin the relationship between two loving hearts.

Reversed: Emotional fears and problems are resolved, you can move on and start a new life.

XVI. Tower

If the Tarot Tower card appears, it means that all plans and ideas are going to hell, nothing will work out in the near future.
In personal relationships, it promises urgent changes.

This may be liberation from a relationship with a partner that has long outlived its usefulness.

Or it may be that the relationship was on the verge of breaking, and after a serious conversation with your loved one and discussion of all pressing issues, the relationship will become better.

XVII. Star

The Star card symbolizes good health, happiness and inspiration. The one to whom this card is revealed will be happy and his intuitive powers will increase.

Reversed: The star promises a lack of sanity. Parting with loved ones, as well as other losses, are possible.


This card is associated with intuition, dreams and magical manifestations. Don't be fooled by external appearances. You have to accept that you have an animal nature. You need to try to deal with your inner demons.

XIX. Sun

If the Sun falls, it means that everything for the questioner will be on top. And good health, success at work and in business, positive achievements. Efforts and efforts in the past will bear fruit.

XX. Court

Symbolizes awakening and some kind of rebirth. In business he talks about the occurrence of pleasant events.

In personal and business spheres it promises good changes. Single people will find their soul mate with whom they will find happiness.

XXI. World

The World card is considered a very auspicious card. Means happiness, triumph, success. If it appears in the scenario, then you can move on and explore new horizons.


The Fool or Jester is open to new ideas and adventures. The questioner treats everything calmly and with trust; there is no reason for concern. In personal relationships there is an opportunity to meet new pure love.

Humanity learned about the mythical system of Tarot symbols in the early Middle Ages. But mystics claim that the deck appeared much earlier: either during the times of Ancient Egypt, or they are the legacy of the legendary Atlantis. Be that as it may, Tarot is still very popular.

Like any knowledge system, this one has undergone development over time. Today you can find many options for decks, which are stacked in different ways. You can even download them on the Internet for free. The interpretation of the cards sometimes differs significantly. Which ones are better to buy? They decide this on their own. The Waite Tarot stands out from all types of cards for its versatility, brevity and depth of interpretation.

History of appearance

As stated above, Tarot has always been popular. Arthur Edward Waite could not pay attention to this system in the century before last. This scientist became famous for trying to systematize the mystical knowledge of Western culture. From his pen came dozens of works devoted to the study of the occult, esotericism and bondage, and they received approval even in academic circles. With his characteristic analytical thinking, the writer studied Tarot cards. He decided to create his own version of the deck, the interpretation of which was more consistent with the realities of modern life. The classical system sometimes gave more vague answers. He introduced a number of innovations, in particular: he swapped the cards and clarified the interpretation of some.

In addition, the minor arcana received a painting. Before this, only the elders had it. The talented artist Pamela Colman-Smith worked on the drawings. She, like Arthur, was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn and was his ideological ally. The drawings, although they were simple, were pleasing to the eye with pleasant color backgrounds and faces that depicted emotions.

The first publisher of the deck was the Englishman William Rider, which is why the decks are sometimes called the Rider-Waite Tarot. The front side of the box with cards is decorated with a drawing that depicted a boy with a white dove taking off, and on the back side the Queen of Pentacles mysteriously looks at us. Photos of the deck can be found in the gallery of any search engine.

Arcana of the Waite Tarot deck

Waite's universal tarot, like classic cards, is divided into major and minor arcana. There are 78 cards in total, with 2 more empty ones. The latter is usually used to cover the deck, but is sometimes used in a layout. If they fell out, then the answer to the question asked is not known.

Minor Arcana

There are 48 Minor Arcana cards in total. They are divided into 4 groups according to certain suits, which correspond to a certain element:

  • swords - air;
  • wands - fire;
  • pentacles – earth;
  • cups - water.

Each element has 14 cards, 4 of which depict people (King, Queen, Knight and Page), and the remaining 10 are 9 numbers (two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten) and Ace. And the elements themselves are responsible for certain aspects of human life. The suits have the following meanings:

  1. Swords are the elusive wind, our spirit or thoughts. Here the spiritual triumphs over the physical. The essence of our plans, which are aimed at achieving success, is described. The suit encourages you to manage your emotions and solve problems in a logical way. At the same time, swords have several sharp sides, while the second highlights our misconceptions, fears and illusions.
  2. Cups (in other decks these are Cups) are flowing, fickle water, human emotions. The suit distinguishes the inner world of a person above the outer one. This suit indicates love, relationships with other people, creativity and the ability to adapt to surrounding life conditions.
  3. Pentacles – material interests. They are simple and constant, like the ground under your feet. The Rider Waite Tarot cards of this suit depict coins that symbolize our capabilities, the development of various situations and some abstraction from the process. Pentacles show how you can solve this or that situation; they encourage you not to despair and look at troubles with a smile.
  4. Wands (aka Staves) are manifestations of irrepressible flame, our energy and actions. The suit indicates passion, impulsiveness, enterprise, the growth of something new, responsibility.

The minor arcana describe a person’s daily life, his immediate environment, and his reaction to certain events. In other words, they help us in earthly affairs. They themselves do not teach anything, but they show the current situation and ways to solve problems.

Major Arcana

They consist of 22 cards that show a person's path, from birth to death. The major arcana of the Waite Tarot describe the deep energies of the querent, the fundamental main events in his life, and subconscious complex reactions. Here man is an individual universe. The lessons of these arcana are very important for a person. They start with the Fool card. Every person, having gone through childhood and adolescence, reaches maturity. He can enter into alliances (the Lovers card speaks about this) or do without them. His guiding star is the virtues: Justice, Temperance, Strength and Prudence (in the deck this is the Hermit). He evolves from a Fool and a Jester to a Magician.

The first half of life's journey is often filled with crisis and rethinking of what has been passed. Its symbol is the Wheel of Fortune. Having realized his path and overcome contradictions (the Chariot), a person rushes in search of eternal spiritual truths. The Rider Tarot cards show them as the Hanged Man, Death, the Devil and the Tower. At this stage, he himself is already a Priest (or Priestess), knowledge comes to him from above. Understanding the basics of spiritual life and harmonizing his personality allows him to come into contact with the highest divine principles: the Star, the Moon and the Sun. As a result, the Fool will achieve rebirth and triumph, which are represented by the Judgment and Peace cards. He becomes the Emperor (Empress) in his life.

Waite Tarot spreads

  • 3 cards. To start the layout, you need to ask a specific question. Then cards are randomly drawn from the deck. In this case, the first characterizes the present or the problem that has arisen. The second represents solution options, and the third is a forecast for the future.
  • Cross. It is used to describe the development of various situations, for example: relationships, careers, and so on. 4 cards are randomly taken from the deck and laid out in the form of a cross. The first card describes the current situation, the second what cannot be done, the third - ways to solve the situation and the fourth - the expected result.

More complex layouts require practice and knowledge of the meanings of the cards, so it is better for a beginner to use the layouts described above.

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