Natural territorial complexes of the East European Plain presentation. Presentation on geography on the topic "East European (Russian) Plain." Lakes of the Russian Plain

Features of the geographical location: The East European Plain is one of the largest plains on our planet (the second largest after the Amazon Plain in Western America). It is located in the eastern part of Europe. Since most of it is located within the borders of the Russian Federation, the East European Plain is sometimes called the Russian Plain. In the northwestern part it is limited by the mountains of Scandinavia, in the southwestern part by the Sudetes and other mountains of central Europe, in the southeastern part by the Caucasus, and in the east by the Urals. From the north, the Russian Plain is washed by the waters of the White and Barents Seas, and from the south by the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. The length of the plain from north to south is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - 1 thousand kilometers. The majority of Russia's population and most of the country's large cities are concentrated within the territory of the East European Plain. It was here that the Russian state was formed many centuries ago, which later became the largest country in the world by its territory. A significant part of Russia's natural resources is also concentrated here.

Factors that influenced the formation of the relief: The East European Plain almost completely coincides with the East European Platform. Small hilly areas arose as a result of faults and other complex tectonic processes. The height of some hills and plateaus reaches meters. The Baltic shield of the East European Platform was at the center of glaciation. On the territory of the Russian Plain, platform deposits lie almost horizontally. Where the folded foundation protrudes to the surface, hills and ridges are formed (for example, the Central Russian Upland and the Timan Ridge). On average, the height of the Russian Plain is about 170 meters above sea level. The lowest areas are on the Caspian coast (its level is approximately 30 meters below the level of the World Ocean). Glaciation left its mark on the formation of the relief of the East European Plain.


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Lesson topic: “Russian (East European) Plain” Geography lesson 8th grade Geography teacher of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 24” Knyazeva O.N.

Lesson objectives. Create an image of the Russian Plain, the largest physical and geographical country in Russia; show its uniqueness, specificity, provide a geographical perception of it through the emotional sphere (using works of fine art, poetry and prose of Russian poets and writers). Develop speech activity, the ability to independently obtain knowledge from various sources of information. To foster patriotism, a sense of beauty, and love of nature. Develop the ability to analyze maps and draw conclusions.

The motto of the lesson: “Who, if not us? When, if not now?

Test questions for the general section of Russian geography. 1.What is the name of the largest plain in Russia? 2. Representatives of the animal world of which of the listed natural zones are sable and lynx. A) taiga b) tundra c) steppe d) desert. 3.Which of the listed states does Russia have a land border with? A) Norway b) Moldova c) Turkey d) Mongolia 4. What objects separate the Longa Strait and the Matochkin Shar Strait?

5. In which seas are the following objects located: Gulf of Finland, Bay of Ob, Penzhinskaya Bay, Shelikhova. 6. Arrange the islands from east to west: Severnaya Zemlya, Wrangel, Novaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands. 7. Establish the correspondence between river and sea: (Don, Ob, Anadyr, Lena, Amur) - (Okhotsk, Azov, Bering, Kara, Laptev, Caspian). 8. Match the names of the mountains and the mountain peaks that are located on them: (Altai, Caucasus, Ural, Chersky Ridge) and (Narodnaya, Pobeda, Kazbek, Belukha, Elbrus).

9. Highlight the landform formed as a result of ancient glaciation: A) moraine b) avalanche c) mudflow d) dune. 10. The main part of Russia is located in the climatic zone: A) arctic b) temperate c) subarctic d) subtropical. 11. The most swampy territory of Russia is: a) West Siberian Plain b) East European Plain c) Central Siberian Plateau d) Amur region. 12. Soil fertility is ensured by the presence of: a) humus b) groundwater c) living organisms. 13.Rank the soil changes when moving from south to north: (chernozem, podzolic, gray forest, tundra-gley, chestnut). 14.Test your knowledge. A) The process of soil destruction is called erosion or liming? B) Is soil irrigation or drainage carried out in the mixed forest zone? Q) Are podzolic or chernozem soils occupying a large area on the territory of Russia?

16. Match: Climate type objects Moderate continental climate Kamchatka Continental climate Volga Upland Extremely continental climate Sakhalin Monsoon climate West Siberian Lowland Marine climate Baikal

Geographic dictation map

The great Russian poet M.Yu. Lermontov wrote such heartfelt lines about the Russian Plain. Do you agree with him? But I love - for what, I don’t know myself - Her cold silence of the steppes. Its boundless forests sway, River floods are like seas... I love the smoke of burnt stubble. A nomadic convoy in the steppe. And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field there are a couple of white birches.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898) Shishkin is a folk artist. All his life he studied Russian, mainly northern forests, Russian trees, Russian thickets, Russian wilderness. This is his kingdom, and here he has no rivals, he is the only one.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860 (1860-1900) “Levitan is an artist who sang his song about Russian nature so clearly, in such a pure, such a captivating voice.” (Ioganson B.V.)

PTK CHARACTERISTICS PLAN Geographical location. Tectonic structure and relief. Climate. Soils. Inland waters. Flora and fauna. Natural areas. Natural monuments. Problems of economic use of natural resources in the region.

Determination of the FGP of the plain.

Determination of the FGP of the plain. conclusions: In terms of area, the plain is second in the world only to the Amazon Lowland, the largest in Russia; It is located in the northeast of Europe, in the north it is washed by the Barents and White Seas, then the border coincides with the state borders of Russia and Finland, in the south it is washed by the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, in the east there are the Ural Mountains; The plain is located within the subarctic and temperate climate types; Natural zones on the territory of the plain: tundra and forest-tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppe, steppe, semi-deserts, deserts.

Reference signal

Conclusion: The largest plain in the world. Ancient plain. Diversity of relief (highlands and lowlands). The lowest point in Russia is the Caspian Lowland, 28 m. In the north, there are alpine landscape features in the absence of mountains - rocks, stone ruins (associated with glacier activity). There are waterfalls! There are earthquakes in the south!

Climate. Distribute natural objects taking into account their characteristics. 1 . Caspian Lowland, 2. Kola Peninsula, 3. Volga Upland, 4. Smolensk-Moscow Upland Territory Temperature Year. amplitude Precipitation Evaporation K January July -7 +12 19 300 250 1.2 -11 +20 31 400 600 0.8 -10 +26 36 200 900 0.2 -7 +18 25 700 550 1.3

Map work: Name the river systems of the East European Plain. Between the basins of which oceans are the rivers of the plain distributed? How can we explain the flow to the north and south? Identify differences in the density of the river and lake networks in the northern and southern parts of the plain. On the banks of which rivers and lakes are the cities of Ryazan, Vladimir, Tver, Rostov Veliky, Arkhangelsk, Novgorod located? What kind of nutrition is typical for the rivers of the Russian Plain? (mixed) What is the regime of the rivers? (with spring flood) Name the large lakes of the plain.

Distribute by natural zones Conclusion: Tundra Taiga Steppe Semi-desert

Consolidation. Finish the sentence. 1 . In terms of area, the Russian Plain occupies ... place after ... lowland in the world. 2. The length of the plain from north to south is ... km, and from west to east ... km. 3. The flatness of the relief is due to the presence of... at the base. 4. The most ancient and glorious cities of Russia are located on the Russian Plain.... 5. On the Kola Peninsula and Karelia, the foundation comes to the surface in the form of.... 6. Elevations are associated with the foundation uplifts... . 7. When the glacier retreated, huge lakes were formed…. 8. The main part of the plain is located in ... climate zone. 9. The hills are especially strongly dissected by ravines and gullies: ... . 10. The plain is influenced by ... coming from the Atlantic and receives a lot of precipitation. 11. Large rivers are: …. 12. A characteristic feature of the nature of the plain is... zoning.

Reflection on the activities carried out in the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, I ask each student to evaluate and fill out the proposed diagram using a 5-point system: - their work during the lesson (me); - work in pairs, with a classmate with whom you took part (we); - the work of the entire team (business). Next, the total is carried out (the average score for each parameter is calculated).

Homework: paragraph 27 of the textbook, take a correspondence trip through the natural objects of the Russian Plain (write a letter to your teacher or friend about the object you saw and heard). Kivach waterfall, lake Elton, Baskunchak, Khibiny mountains, Volga delta, lake. Seliger, Caspian Lowland, etc.

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  • The length of the East European Plain from north to south is more than 2500 km, the area of ​​the plain within Russia is about 3 million square meters. km
  • EASTERN EUROPEAN (RUSSIAN) PLAIN - one of the most significant plains on the globe, located within Eastern Europe.
  • Meshchera. River Pra.
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    • In the north - the seas of the Arctic Ocean
    • In the west is the state border of the Russian Federation
    • In the east are the Ural Mountains
    • In the south – the Kuma-Manych depression
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    1. KUMO-MANYCH DEPRESSION, tectonic depression separating the Ciscaucasia from the East European Plain. The width is 20-30 km; in the central part it narrows to 1-2 km. In the anthropogene - a sea strait connecting the ancient Black Sea and Caspian basins. Nowadays there is a system of lakes and reservoirs: lake Manych-Gudilo (the largest and saltiest), etc., the Veselovskoye reservoir with the river flow. Manych in the lower reaches of the Don. To the east, the Kumo-Manych Canal was created. The easternmost part of the Kuma-Manych depression is occupied by the lower reaches of the river. Kuma.
    2. Panorama of Lake Manych-Gudilo
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    • The unevenness of the crystalline foundation is explained by the fact that it is divided into blocks of different heights, which are now experiencing slow vertical movements (they are called “secular fluctuations”). In certain parts of the Russian Plain, these fluctuations in the crystalline basement range from 4 to 10 mm per year.
    • Tectonic structure

    1.What lies at the base of the Russian Plain?

    2.What is a shield?

    3.What features of the relief did this cause?

    • The Russian Plain is based on an ancient Precambrian platform. The folded foundation lies at varying depths and comes to the surface only on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia (Baltic Shield).
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    • The rise of the foundation of the platform of the Russian Plain is repeated by the Central Russian Upland, the Smolensk-Moscow ridge and General Syrt.
    • The lowest part of the Russian Plain is the flat Caspian depression; it corresponds to an extensive and deep deflection of the foundation. The formation of the low-lying Trans-Volga region, the Moscow Basin, the Oka-Don and Pechora low-lying plains is also associated with the lowering of the ancient foundation.
    • Look at the map. What vertical movements predominate in certain areas of the Russian Plain?
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    • Look at the map. What exogenous factors influenced the formation of the relief of the Russian Plain?
    • The northern part of the Russian Plain in Quaternary times was covered by ancient glaciers.
    • The extreme south of the Russian Plain was flooded by seas in the Neogene and Quaternary times, and is characterized by weak dissection and an almost flat surface.
    • To the south, large hills and lowlands alternate, through which large rivers flow. Erosive terrain is common here.
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    • During maximum glaciation, ice penetrated far to the south along the Dnieper valley. The glacier did not cover the Central Russian Upland, flowing only to its edges. As a result, moraine ridges and outwash were formed. Under the influence of a glacier, loess was deposited in the south of the Russian Plain - porous yellowish rocks, on which fertile soils formed over time. When the glacier retreated, the northern part of the Russian Plain was flooded with water, causing the formation of Lakes Ladoga and Onega.
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    • To the south there was an accumulation of material brought by the glacier. Terminal moraine ridges and hilly moraine relief were formed here.
    • Along the southern edge of the glaciation, glacial meltwater deposited masses of sandy material. Flat or slightly concave sandy plains arose here.
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    • After the plain was freed from the glacier and sea waters that covered it, the formation of river valleys began. The Central Russian and Volga Uplands and the General Syrt are separated by lowlands along which the Don and Volga flow. Erosive terrain is common here. The hills are especially densely and deeply dissected by ravines and gullies. The watershed between the Western and Northern Dvina, Pechora and the Dnieper, Don and Volga rivers passes through the Valdai Upland and Northern Uvaly.
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    • Arctic belt
    • Subarctic belt
    • Temperate zone
    • Climate zones
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    • Under the influence of what air masses is the climate of the Russian Plain formed?
    • Why do VMs easily penetrate the territory of the Russian Plain?
    • What factors have a decisive influence on winter and summer temperatures?
    • Using Figures 39-40 of the textbook (pp. 89-90), determine in which direction the January and July temperatures change.
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    • Analyze the table data.

    1. How do July and January temperatures and temperature range change?

    2. How does the amount of precipitation change?

    3. Conclude in which direction continentality is increasing on the Russian Plain.

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    • The Russian Plain is located in the temperate climate zone, only the extreme north is in the subarctic. The climate is temperate continental. Continentality increases to the southeast. The territory is influenced by the westerly transport of air masses and cyclones moving from the Atlantic, and therefore receives more precipitation compared to other large plains.
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    Rivers of the Russian Plain

    The rivers of the Russian Plain belong to which ocean basins?

    • Arctic Ocean
    • Atlantic Ocean
    • Inland drainage basin

    Distribute the largest rivers of the Russian Plain in accordance with the basins to which they belong:

    • Volga, Dnieper, Northern Dvina, Western Dvina (Daugava), Don, Pechora, Mezen, Onega, Neva.
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    What type of nutrition do the rivers of the Russian Plain have?

    • All rivers of the Russian Plain are predominantly snow-fed. Rain and groundwater play a significant role in feeding northern rivers.

    What is the regime of the rivers of the Russian Plain?

    • Most of the rivers of the Russian Plain are rivers with spring floods.
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    • Volga is a symbol of Russia
    • Volga (length - 3531 km, S basin 1360 thousand km2). The longest and most abundant river in all of Europe. It is connected to 5 seas by canals.
    • Starting from a small swamp on the Valdai Hills, the river carries its waters to the Caspian Sea.

    Seven thousand rivers, in no way equal:

    And from the rushing mountains there is a stormy rush,

    And between the fields in smooth bends

    Flowing into the distance - seven thousand rivers

    She collected from all over -

    Big and small - up to one.

    What from Valdai to the Urals

    They furrowed the globe.

    A. Tvardovsky

    Slide 19

    • The main sources of nutrition for the Volga are snow (60%) and groundwater (40%). In winter the river freezes.
    • "Strelka" at the confluence of the Volga and Oka.
    • Crossing several natural zones on its way, it reflects in the water surface large cities, majestic forests, high slopes of the right banks, and coastal sands of the Caspian deserts.
    • Nizhny Novgorod
    • Caspian lowland
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    • Nowadays the Volga is a grand staircase with mirrored steps of reservoirs that regulate its flow. Water falling from dams provides electricity to cities and villages.
    • The Volga is a working river, an artery of life, the mother of Russian rivers, glorified by our people.
    • Shipping on the Volga.
    • Volzhskaya HPP.
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    Volga in the works of Russian artists.

    • I. E. REPIN. BURLAKI ON THE VOLGA (1870–1873)
    • I.I. Levitan. "Volga after the rain" 1889
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    Look at the map fragment. Name the largest lakes of the Russian Plain.

    • Ladoga lake
    • Lake Onega
    • Lake Peipus-Pskov
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    Ladoga lake

    • The largest lake on the Russian Plain. Its area is 18,100 square meters. km. The average depth is 51 m. The lake reaches its greatest depth (230 m) in the northern part.
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    • During the Great Patriotic War, transportation along Ladoga was the only link between besieged Leningrad and the country. In winter, a road was built across the ice of the lake, called the “Road of Life.” In total, during the blockade, about 1 million people were evacuated to the rear through Lake Ladoga and 1.7 million tons of cargo were transported.
    • There are about 660 islands on Lake Ladoga with a total area of ​​435 square meters. km. The most famous on Lake Ladoga are the Valaam Islands.
    • Lake Peipus-Pskov

      • Lake Peipus-Pskov is the third largest natural freshwater body of water in Europe. The lake is located on the territory of Estonia and the Pskov region. Its area is about 3550 sq. km. It is of glacial origin and consists of three parts - Lake Peipus, Lake Pskov and the strait connecting them, called Teply Lake. There are about 30 islands on Lake Peipus-Pskov. The lake is navigable and is a rich fishery reservoir.
      • As the legend says, the famous “Battle of the Ice” took place on Lake Peipsi, in which the Russian army led by Alexander Nevsky defeated the army of knights of the Livonian Order.
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