Magician of goodness. The magic of goodness - LiveJournal. Organizing your own psychic practice

“This school is an attempt to convey to beginners the very basics of parapsychology. I tried very hard to make everything at school simple and understandable. The main thing that must be taken into account is that you will not become a real clairvoyant in two weeks - this is work designed to last for years. To those who are patient and persistent, I wish you good luck!”

Reader comments

Anya/ 2.11.2017 what should I do? I’m dying
relatives, I worry about my life

Anna/ 05/15/2017 Dear Marina Mikhailovna, thank you for the goodness that you share with us. I wish you health, money and love!

Vova/ 12/20/2016 Life has become easier and more confident, thanks to your work. Of course they envy you, white envy, but fools and ignoramuses, of course, black envy. To be such a person, to share such knowledge, to feel and understand a lot. You are unique. If only people would start sinning less, otherwise the world is very difficult now

Tanya/ 12/28/2015 “It is the organ, its sound, that gives music properties that can bring a person into a state of light trance. Bach’s music arranged for other instruments is dead. For our practices, we will use Bach’s organ music. I do not recommend using music for this ", which is offered to us for meditation. In the majority, it is not professional and does not stand up to criticism during musical analysis. The laws of harmony are completely violated. And Bach's polyphony, with its versatility of sound, helps a person enter a trance and connect with God."

Sergey/ 12/15/2015 Any training is a work of the mind. If there is work, there will be a return.

reader/ 12/14/2015 I have a hard life. I live with those who bully me all my life, insult me, say nasty things, make me feel bad. And circumstances don’t allow me to leave these people so as not to see or hear them. My grandmother told me to be damned, but my grandfather is a freak and will even get into a fight. Information from you internally supports, helps not to slide into anger and baseness, helps to keep the soul in harmony. Someone will write stupidity and insult to someone, and another in hardship understands that by doing this you are doing good to at least someone. That’s what is important.

Galina/ 10.2.2015 It is simply unreasonable to judge Sugrobova’s knowledge, which she makes publicly available. Tell Marina a BIG THANK YOU for starting from the basics to teach all newly minted magicians and clairvoyants the rules of behavior with higher powers and unfamiliar energies that are around us.

Psychic/ 09/26/2015 A lot of water. Theory is dead without practice. There is nothing serious in her teachings. Read Castañeda, there is more information there. And also the Bible, it’s a treasure trove there.

aigul/ 08/08/2015 I would like to chat and tell you about my problems, but I don’t know how, help me

Vladimir/ 05/23/2015 Dear Marina Sugrobova. I watch your videos and understand that your soul came into this world out of compassion, to enlighten the consciousness of ignorant people. You are a wise and knowledgeable woman, you give part of your knowledge to the public - this is prudent and valuable for those who suffer. You are more worthy and significant than the herd of various psychics who are promoted on STB and other channels. A consultation with the Kiev witch Yaroslava Fedorova costs $300, and will it help a rich, arrogant businessman, or a suffering poor pensioner?

Friend/ 04/27/2015 Friends. In order to receive a channel and clairvoyance, you will need to work for the Sugrobova center. Without this, no one will receive the channel. And she will turn it off at any moment. So draw your own conclusions. This is not done and no one except her does this. It’s very strange that you write about her, a bright person. The person has delusions of grandeur and constantly says that something was stolen from her. God gives everything, but she thinks that she came up with everything herself. An old man, senile insanity, what did you want?

Guest/ 02/1/2014 Bright man

Arina/ 01/10/2014 This is an outdated version of the book, since Marina Mikhailovna is constantly adding new material. You can download the most complete version on its official website (type “magician of goodness” in Google).

Valentina/ 07/21/2013 Well, how much do our people love to discuss their personal lives, what difference does it make to all of you whether you work or not, who cares? A? A person gives training: take it, use it. No need, walk past. It even turns me over from the inside - do they themselves understand what they mean in life? We need to thank such people, and not interfere where they are not asked, and they will do without their opinion))))

Blagovesta/ 01/17/2013 The book is necessary and useful. Anyone who has encountered negative energy, especially induced, will understand and thank the author for the ABCs. After all, the author gives recommendations from simple to complex, so, one might say, we start with the primer, and then everyone independently chooses its own direction: after all, everyone has their own gift. All the best to you, people!

There are a lot of people who first did one thing, and then radically changed their views and did something unusual, for example, delved into parapsychology. It is precisely these significant changes that have occurred in the worldview of one of the natives of the city of Moscow, who is Marina Sugrobova. Who is she, what did she do, and what prompted her to change?

General information about the clairvoyant

Marina Mikhailovna was born into an ordinary Moscow family and is familiar with the Soviet past firsthand. Nothing is known in more detail about her biography. From the data posted on her official website, we can conclude that she is a hereditary sorceress, although for a long time she was engaged in a slightly different type of activity.

In particular, it is reliably known that Marina Sugrobova at one time studied sign language. Later, she completed an internship, and then remained to work at one of the large industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation, where she performed the duties of a sign language interpreter. According to certain data, she provided significant assistance to deaf employees of the enterprise, helping them resolve important issues with management.

What caused the change of course?

Later, Marina Mikhailovna began to be invited to other organizations where hearing-impaired employees worked. So, one of her places of work was a special boarding school for children with hearing problems. There, a wonderful and kind woman taught.

This is where Sugrobova experienced a change in her worldview. In her own words, she always tried to help children and people with disabilities as much as possible. Therefore, I wanted to use all possible methods in my activities. At this moment, Marina Sugrobova (the biography is extremely short and does not contain much specifics) began to become interested in extrasensory perception. She read a lot and immediately began to introduce new methods into the existing educational system.

Collaboration with the Academy of New Thinking

A few years later, Marina Mikhailovna’s passion led her to a long and quite fruitful collaboration with a specific organization called the “Academy of New Thinking.” It is known that this company specialized in the study of parapsychology.

Working with representatives of this organization, the future psychic searched for answers that emerged during the research process. At the same time, Marina Mikhailovna Sugrobova underwent a kind of internship, which subsequently prompted her to create her own business.

Organizing your own psychic practice

In 1990, Marina Mikhailovna felt that the level of her knowledge in the field of extrasensory perception and parapsychology was quite high. That's why she decided to start her own practice. The psychic began to bring her ideas to life, searching for missing people and stolen vehicles.

However, according to the clairvoyant herself, the business she organized turned out to be very troublesome and dangerous, since the clients were mainly representatives of criminal structures. In turn, the dissatisfied attackers tried to deal not only with the customers who contacted the psychic, but also with her herself. Therefore, Marina Sugrobova began to gradually move away from working with such clientele, focusing on finding new options for self-knowledge.

The work of a psychic in the Sirius group and the Magic of Good studio

After unsuccessful attempts to open her own business, psychic Sugrobova decided to devote all her strength to what she was very good at - searching for missing people and investigating existing paranormal phenomena. It was then that Marina Mikhailovna was invited to work in the Sirius group.

Having gained some experience in this group, after 2-3 years Marina Sugrobova began creating an organization under the optimistic name “Magic of Good”. According to the clairvoyant, the project began to exist in mid-1996. In the process of work, parapsychologist Sugrobova recruited students with whom she conducted classes.

The work of a parapsychologist on television

At the beginning of 2003, a psychic with already extensive experience was invited to television. As Ms. Sugrobova says, at that time there was a casting for a new show. Moreover, the script for the program had not yet been written. The enterprising woman took on this task, submitting the idea for creating a project called “Your Personal Parapsychologist.”

I liked this proposal, and filming of the project began. As it turned out, the show became extremely rated. And the presenter and heroine Marina Sugrobova (reviews of her work left by users also played a certain role in shaping public opinion) instantly became popular. According to the organizers of the project, in a short period of time the new program managed to win the hearts of numerous television viewers.

Later, Marina Sugrobova created another program, called “Beacon of Attractiveness.” It was there that the clairvoyant analyzed and solved the existing problems of other people, helped women who dreamed of a successful marriage, remove psychological barriers and taught how to work with the energy of substitution.

What activities does a psychic engage in today?

At the moment, Marina Mikhailovna Sugrobova (reviews on the Internet about her professional activities indicate a high level of qualification of the master) is the only current head of the parapsychological studio “Magic of Good” and positions herself as a senior researcher at the Center for Clairvoyance and Prognostics of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences.

In her studio “Magic of Good,” the witch teaches lessons in clairvoyance, parapsychology and extrasensory perception. In addition, the healer helps unmarried girls find out the character traits and description of their future spouse, relieves them of the “crown of celibacy” and treats various diseases.

She also conducts online training courses, posts free video conferences, and publishes books and manuals for beginning magicians. According to her, almost all people on earth can develop paranormal abilities. “The main thing is the desire to learn and listen to your teacher,” she says.

Marina Sugrobova: customer reviews

People who have attended his reception at least once can tell about the work of any magician. Reviews about the activities of Marina Sugrobova are contradictory. Some users literally idolize the clairvoyant, follow her videos and advice on social networks, and purchase, in their opinion, useful textbooks and books on self-development.

Others talk about how a parapsychologist helped them avoid health problems. Some send “before” and “after” photos, claiming that the healer saved them or their immediate relatives from complex congenital ailments. Still others are grateful to Mrs. Sugrobova for helping them avoid surgery.

Still others do not trust the work of a parapsychologist and consider her work to be a commercial project, spectacularly promoted in the media. Still others express dissatisfaction with the work of the studio itself, talking about wasted time and money. According to them, Marina Mikhailovna’s team includes experienced psychologists who are well trained and know how to beautifully present any information and maintain a conversation. But their conversations, in the opinion of such clients, are of no use.

Summary: Marina Mikhailovna Sugrobova is an experienced parapsychologist with extensive experience in the field of extrasensory perception. She opened her own school and is teaching everyone, including online. However, whether to trust her or not is a purely individual matter.

The reason for today's lesson was a television program in which they praised a fortune teller who predicted the death of her son for her client. The program talked about her insight and genius. I do not think so. I hold the fortune teller partially responsible for the man's death.
The Christian Church considers predictions to be a great sin, and it is right. Predictors of the future often see the most terrible and therefore the brightest scenario. Our lady, while doing her fortune, saw the death of her client’s loved one, although it might not have been death, but just an injury. But the “brilliant fortune teller” pronounced her verdict out loud; her client could not help but be excited when receiving such information. Natural fear and emotional upsurge led to the fact that information about the death of her son was fixed in the woman’s mind, and also established itself in the information field as the only possible scenario for the development of events. The fortune teller signed the death warrant for a young man who was not even aware that someone had interfered with his destiny.
Of course, it is possible and even necessary to predict the options for the development of fate, if they exist in probabilities, but programming a person for death is a crime. I encourage my students in the sessions they conduct to think about every phrase they say to the client. I myself try never to predict anything to a person. I had a case when, six months after the appointment, my client’s son died. She came then not only with her son’s problems. I often see that trouble can happen to loved ones, I always try to silently avert misfortune, but there are cases when trouble is destined to happen and there are no options to avoid it! Then the woman shouted with resentment: “Why didn’t you warn me!” A mother distraught with grief is understandable. But how would she live these six months, knowing that the end was inevitable? Sometimes silence is golden.
At F.I. Tyutchev has wonderful poems:

"Be silent, hide and conceal
And your feelings and dreams -
Let it be in the depths of your soul
They get up and go in
Silently, like stars in the night, -
Admire them - and be silent.
How can the heart express itself?
How can someone else understand you?
Will he understand what you live for?
A spoken thought is a lie.
By breaking in, you will disturb the keys, -
Feed on them - and be silent.
Just know how to live within yourself -
There is a whole world in your soul
Mysteriously magical thoughts;
They will be deafened by the outside noise,
Daylight rays will disperse, -
Listen to their singing and be silent!..”

These brilliant lines make a lot of sense. You dream about something, and your dream is really possible. You begin to share it with people who do not always wish you well, some out of envy, some out of bad character. Among them there are people capable of programming future events. They can easily imagine a situation in which your dream will not be realized. Therefore, if you are striving to achieve something, dream about a favorable development of events, but do not allow strangers into your dreams “Let them in the depths of your soul
they get up and go in..." And never delude yourself about your future, be on the lookout, subject everything to healthy criticism, a small amount of doubt should be present, as popular wisdom says: “Don’t say anything until you jump over.”
So it’s better to remain silent about the future, let it be what it is destined to be. Follow your golden thread of probability. Do not forget that on earth people are not only born, but also die, let this happen at the right time known to God.
I have already raised this topic at my school; previous lessons were devoted to it. I conceived this lesson in order to learn how to resist any unwanted information about the future, which, voluntarily or involuntarily, can gain a foothold in your information field.
Suppose you were wished or predicted troubles in the future. It happens that you yourself, in fortune-telling or with the help of clairvoyance, or maybe in a dream, received a negative forecast. First of all, you cannot trust the information received. Next, mentally cross out all the negative images that have arisen in your head. Then all bad events must be mentally carefully erased. In place of the erased information, you should have a more favorable picture of the development of events.

Marina Sugrobova

Lesson 1. Types of clairvoyance

Lesson 2. Training on developing clairvoyance

Lesson 3. Clairaudience and clairaudience

Lesson 4. Fortune telling

Lesson 5. Mental image

Lesson 6. Energy cleansing of the clairvoyance channel

Lesson 8. Dreaming

Lesson 9. Clairvoyance in space, or Farsightedness

Lesson 10. Psychometric ability of the soul

Lesson 12. Mediumship as a type of clairvoyance

Lesson 13. Exercises to develop astral vision

Lesson 14. Sleep and the astral body

Lesson 15: Taking Direction Using Clairvoyance

Lesson 16. Materialization of bad thoughts and energy cleansing

Lesson 17. Traditional mistakes when reading information

Lesson 18. The first stage of human diagnosis. Search

Lesson 19. Working with the past probability thread

Lesson 20. Traces in Infopol

Lesson 21. Creating and working with a phantom

Lesson 22. Astral screen

Lesson 23. Gaining knowledge from a Higher Power

Lesson 24. Induced telepathy, or Reading minds at a distance

Lesson 25. The aura of our home

Lesson 26. Deja vu, or Experienced in advance in a dream

Lesson 27. Communication in dreams

Lesson 28. Safety precautions, or Rakes that you should not step on

Lesson 29. Unconscious work of the soul

Lesson 30. What is a noisy spirit

Lesson 31. Simple ways to energetically cleanse a room

Lesson 32. The simplest methods of bioenergy purification and human protection. Treatment of the evil eye

Lesson 33. Working with fate. Intrauterine

Lesson 34. The influence of negative programs on fate

Lesson 35. Removing coding programs and clairvoyance through possession

Lesson 37. Internal dialogue with the subconscious

Lesson 38. Hiding objects

Lesson 39. Turning points of fate and their influence on the formation of threads of probability

Lesson 40. Receiving vital energy from Higher powers

Lesson 41 Magic and atheists

Lesson 42 Creation of energy intermediaries and highly accurate clairvoyance.

Lesson 43 Black magic of thoughts or astral constructions.

Lesson 45 Contacts with higher and lower powers

Lesson 46 Energy information lies or gypsy dirty tricks

Lesson 47 Creating a human psychogram using field structure diagnostics

Lesson 48 Emotional memory and magic. Emotional Clairvoyance

Lesson 49 What is damage and how to remove it

Lesson 50 Modern methods of causing damage

Lesson 51 The magic of money

Lesson 52 Magic data bank. Sirian Data Bank. All-seeing eye

Lesson 53 Divine Harp and Music of the Spheres

Lesson 54 What is the Ancestral Curse

Lesson 55 Types of energy vampires

Lesson 56 Magic Balance

Lesson 57 Places of power

Lesson 58 Self-evil eye or negative change in fate

Lesson 59 Talismans and amulets

Lesson 60 About the danger of interfering with fate using magic

Lesson 61 Divine Channel

Lesson 62 Applied clairvoyance

Lesson 63 Clairvoyance in the manifested, unmanifested and spiritual worlds

Lesson 64 About the role of clairvoyance in healing

Lesson 65 Once again about programming the probabilities of fate development

Lesson 66 About magical violence against the souls of dead people

Lesson 67 Changes in fate

Lesson 68 Substituted energies

Lesson 69 The evil eye is like the energy of envy, anger and fear

Lesson 70 The simplest mental remote influence on a person

Lesson 71 Magic of stones

Lesson 72 Everyday love spell Lesson 73 Working with the self-evil eye Lesson 74 Female curse or male dignity Lesson 75 Mental healing Lesson 76 We are in the subtle world, creating a phantom Lesson 77 Development of clairaudience with the help of musical trainings Lesson 78 Mental conversation or development of clairaudience. Training Lesson 79 Development of astral vision. Getting to the point Lesson 80 Working with the time scale. Training Lesson 81 Lapel or attracting evil energy

Lesson 82 You cannot learn clairvoyance! He can be taught!

Lesson 83 Money must be earned by honest work, and not bewitched! Lesson 84 Gaining power over destinies or the Spear of Destiny Lesson 85 About the solar magic of Sirius and healing channels Lesson 86 Guardian angels from Sirius Lesson 87 The basis of Sirian magic Lesson 88 The influence of Sirius on earthly life or the “End of the World” is cancelled! Lesson 89 Magical hypnosis (fool) or don’t fool me Lesson 90 Development of automatic writing abilities Lesson 91 Clairvoyance and the crystal ball

Lesson 92 How to get rid of a magical attack Lesson 93 Magical binding and connection of destinies Lesson 94 Magic is a “harmful production” for the human psyche Lesson 95 About testing a psychic Lesson 96 Myths and clairvoyance Lesson 97 Clairvoyance through a guide Lesson 98 Coercive magic and the human body. Love spell, quarrel, damage Lesson 99 The secret of the information field Lesson 100 Connection with fate

Lesson 1. Types of clairvoyance

Today we begin a course in magic and clairvoyance. Today we have an introductory lesson in which I will tell you what clairvoyance is. Before you reveal clairvoyance, you need to understand what you are revealing. Many people think, and they think wrongly, that clairvoyance is when you clearly see a picture in front of you, or rather a three-dimensional film, with an immersive effect, which very clearly tells you something, for example, what your friends are doing on the other side of the world. At this moment you feel good and comfortable - sheer entertainment! Unfortunately, it is not. It is true that such clairvoyance does exist and is called vision. The vision is very similar to a real event that is happening next to you and it is difficult for you to distinguish it from reality. Most often this happens in people with mental disorders. Narcologists note that people suffering from delirium tremens see similar pictures. We don’t need such “real” visions!

Let me now list the types of clairvoyance that a person can master and remain sane and have a clear memory. The first and most common type of clairvoyance is clairvoyance. What is clairvoyance? For example, they show you a photograph of a person, and you spontaneously develop aversion to him, and you don’t understand why this happened. But this is your thought, which later turns out to be correct.

It has happened to everyone that at some point, there was a desire, and without any justification, not to go somewhere or not to go. With your mind you understand that it’s stupid, but your soul screams that you can’t do this. All this is clairvoyance. I just know that this is so... but I can’t find a logical explanation for it. Our task is to learn how to use it. Now, we must be able to catch this thought that comes to us from the subconscious! This idea is a little different from others, and we will definitely learn to highlight it in our classes.

The second type is direct clairvoyance, where a slightly glowing screen appears before your eyes, where pictures appear. It is our “Third Eye” that transmits pictures from the subconscious. What is the "Third Eye"? This is the pineal gland, which is associated with our vision. What physical processes occur in the human brain at the moment of receiving information from the subconscious is a matter for scientists. Our job is to be able to turn on this process through training. The "third eye" is basically a direct vision of events in real time. This is how people learn to read with their eyes closed. This way you can spy on people who are not nearby. This is how cards, all kinds of icons and images are guessed. I want to immediately make a reservation that the pineal gland is a universal connecting link between consciousness and subconsciousness, and by training this area of ​​the brain, we, first of all, receive information that can subsequently be recognized and accepted by any type of clairvoyance. Yes, let's return to clairvoyance. This type of vision is good, but it carries almost no semantic load. It’s all the same, like a TV without sound - try it, figure out what you saw there! It’s so good to do health diagnostics, you ask the subconscious mind what is hurting a person, and you see his diseased organ. But this doesn’t always work out, what if a person has the flu? What will they show you then? Maybe a snotty nose?

The third type is clairaudience. With clairaudience, information comes to you in the form of a very clear thought, which is spoken in your brain in addition to you; here it is appropriate to say: “A thought came to me.” I ask you not to confuse clairaudience with auditory hallucinations. Clairaudience is a thought expressed in words.

The fourth type is clairsentience. Clairsentience is information that comes to us at the level of sensations in our body. Many healers, when diagnosing a patient with their hands, feel a slight tingling sensation in those places where the person has health problems. When diagnosing by photography, many clairvoyants feel, if a person is not alive, severe cold. Someone feels nauseous, etc.

The fifth type is motor clairvoyance. This is the most common clairvoyance! All fortune tellers, dowsers, dowsers, they all use motor clairvoyance. How does this happen? A person takes a pendulum in his hands, asks a question to the subconscious, the answer comes to the brain, the brain gives a command to the muscles, the muscles contract, naturally, in addition to the consciousness of the operator, the pendulum swings in the right direction. The same thing happens with a fortune teller, if she takes out cards without thinking, she reflexively, at the command of her brain, makes the right movements.

The sixth type is telepathy. Telepathy is reading thoughts at a distance, it is akin to the sensations we experience with clairaudience. Telepathy is used in practice for psychocoding, instilling, for example, in a drinker, an aversion to alcohol. You can find out the true attitude of one person to another.

The seventh type is clairvoyance based on mental images. Mental images arise in any person when he is told about something, when he thinks about something and mentally creates an image in his brain. The simplest thing is, we say: “Lemon.” Everyone immediately creates an image, and their mouth becomes a little sour. So, you must have a mental image not only in the form of a black and white picture, you must also learn to get a feeling from the image being created and see its color, and sometimes hear the sounds that come from it.

I would like to note that the ability to clairvoyance is inherent in every person; this is how the human brain, which has not yet been fully studied, works. Many thanks to Academician N.P. Bekhtereva, she insisted that “miraculous” phenomena obey scientific laws that have not yet been discovered. Our brain is capable of translating received information into visual images.

Any healer or parapsychologist who is seriously involved in his work simply needs clairvoyance. Moreover, we must learn to see the intangible world. You need to be able to see the aura, bad thoughts that harm others, see emotions, the spiritual plane. To do this, you need to clearly identify these processes for yourself in the form of symbols and signs. Many see illness in the form of a black clot, and joy in the form of scattered golden dust above their heads. How can you tell that a person is upset by holding his photograph in your hand? And this is what we will learn.

Now let's talk about the materials that we will need for training. First, these are the Zenor cards. These are six pictures that you can draw yourself. These are: a circle, a plus sign, three wavy, parallel lines, a triangle, a square and a star. We will also need simple playing cards and a pendulum (I recommend a large needle and thread). Good luck to you!

Lesson 2 Training on the development of clairvoyance.

Today in our school of clairvoyance and magic there is a practical lesson. We will need the most ordinary playing cards. It is known that playing cards contain two colors - red and black. And we will train clairsentience. And the first thing we need to do is to give our subconscious the setting that when we raise our hand to red cards, we should feel warmth, and to black cards - cold. The training is very simple - we put a red card in front of us, bring our hand to it and feel the warmth, bring our hand to the black card and feel the cold. At the beginning, we see several cards when we raise our hand, and then we try to identify them without looking at the card. It happens that at first, beginning clairvoyants determine everything the other way around: where there is a red card, they feel cold, and where there is a black card, there is warmth. This suggests that a person has an incorrect connection with the subconscious. In life, such people always make mistakes and do not find themselves in the right place at the right time. And as a result, they are completely unlucky. So with this simple training, you can correct this and learn to listen to your intuition. It often happens that you start to be friends with a person, and after some time he gives you a helping hand in difficult times. Or you choose a companion, live with the person for a year or two, and begin to understand what a mistake you made. It’s the same in business, you trusted the wrong person and they cheated you. But in all cases it seemed at first that the person could be trusted. Well, how can you evaluate a person if everything is fine on the outside? So we rely on our instinct, or intuition, which is precisely the connection between consciousness and the subconscious. The primary goal of our school is to establish a connection with the subconscious. It is very necessary to learn to correctly assess both the situation and those around you. How many mistakes will we avoid in this way!

Our second training is dedicated to working with mental images. A mental image is a holistic image of an object or one or another action of this object perceived by us, which evokes an emotionally charged attachment in us. You can evoke the image of a forest spring, and we will immediately feel its coolness, “hear” the murmur of water, and someone will feel the taste of fresh cold water. All human experience is contained in such mental images, which are designed to help us in our work. Thus, clairvoyants describe not only the pictures they see, but also supplement them with feelings and associative links. It is very possible to “feel” the state of a person being diagnosed at a distance, taking into account his ability to broadcast his Thought Images. Having learned to perceive the Thought Images of another person, you can understand not only whether he is alive or not, but also understand what state he is in.

For the training, you need to purchase a children's lotto in the store, which should contain living beings, plants, natural phenomena, inanimate objects, etc. At the first stage, you just need to take four pictures: an animate object (person, cat), a plant (tree, strawberry), an object (house, spoon), a natural phenomenon (sun, rain). Each time the task needs to be made more difficult, but only after you have already completed the previous stage. In the beginning, just four cards of the same size will be enough. Before starting the actual training, you need to look very carefully at each of the four pictures and try to remember it down to the smallest detail, creating a mental image of the picture in your brain, working out in detail every feature and detail of the object. For example, at the beginning you need to imagine not the whole cat, but only its tail, then its paws and then... Having imagined all the cat's details, you can imagine the whole cat. But it is very important to find a “fulcrum” in the subject. This can be any detail that you like best. And when starting to imagine the entire subject, start from the “fulcrum point”. And don't forget about color! The cat must be colored! To do this, you can separately represent the colors in which the animal is painted, and only then apply the color to the image.

So! At random, without looking at the image, take the picture and try to feel it by touch. You know exactly the options, and the main thing here is to understand which option you got. How do you feel when you pet a cat? What about a tree? What happens if you touch the rain? What about a spoon? Go through all four pictures in your brain one by one, “touch” them, what do they feel like? It should work! Having learned to work with mental images, we can move on to creating thought forms. A thought form is a thought image programmed for some action. And this is highly accurate clairvoyance and the highest level in magic. All astral constructions are based on complex mental images. You need to imagine, down to the smallest detail, the situation that you want to realize in reality, and then reinforce it with the necessary thought form. Treatment using a phantom is also impossible without creating a mental image.

In developing clairvoyance, it is very important to train your brain, although many believe that it is enough to undergo initiation and the Higher Power will reveal everything. Maybe the Higher Power would be happy to do this, but there is no reason, the base is not prepared. What kind of magic can there be if the magician does not see anything and cannot understand the processes that are happening around him? There are many phenomena that are not at all perceived by our vision, and for this there are many methods and techniques in clairvoyance to see and identify the invisible. How to see damage, how to see the abilities inherent in a person? To do this, we will master visualization methods - giving a visible form to virtual reality, as well as to any process. You will learn all this at our school.

Lesson 3 Clairaudience and clairaudience.

Today we will continue our classes at the school of clairvoyance. The topic of our lesson is clairaudience and clairaudience. Clairaudience is the ability to process received information, putting it into words and concepts. We can receive it both from the subtle world and hear what is happening at a great distance. I remember an incident that happened to me many years ago. I was walking home from work, and suddenly I heard the voice of my child: “Mom, mom!” I was terribly scared and ran home. It turned out that my husband was a little late and did not have time to pick up the child from the music school, then the little girl was only five years old, and she was very scared when she did not see her dad among the waiting parents. An emotional outburst reached me, and I heard the real words of my child. This can also be called telepathy. First of all, you need to learn to listen to yourself inside. First, try to reproduce within yourself the simplest sounds, the murmur of water, the voice of a loved one. I recommend doing this before bed, when you are already in a relaxed state. Claircognizance is information sent to us from the subconscious in the form of sensory perception. This knowledge came out of nowhere, similar to insight. Clairvoyance is inherent in all great scientists who have made world discoveries.

Now let's start learning how to receive information from the subtle world. Today's training will help us learn how to work with clairaudience and clairaudience. Many questions in our lives can be answered either positively or negatively. Therefore, our training will be devoted to addressing your subconscious with the question “yes” or “no”. When asking a question, as if turned inward, you need to feel either denial or agreement (they also say about this: “as the heart tells you”), and try to hear the sound of these words within yourself.

To begin with, we can practice on playing cards, asking ourselves the question: “Is this card red - yes or no.” Then you need to listen to your inner voice and get the answer. In this case, a clear internal feeling of knowing the correct answer may arise - “Well, I just know.” And the information should come without any effort on your part. In such trainings, as a rule, the first thought that comes to mind is the correct one. There is one peculiarity in these trainings: at the beginning it may work, but then problems with answers will begin. This is normal, the task is new for you and your tired brain begins to block your work. You just need to rest, even though you don’t feel tired. To work with clairvoyance, a good psychological attitude is important. Don't stress too much, it won't lead to anything good. Excessive relaxation will not lead to anything good. Here you need to feel comfortable and at ease. Pessimists have the most difficulty in clairvoyance. Every person has a subconscious mind, which means you can learn to communicate with it. And this simple training is aimed at developing intuition. I would like to add that, of course, it’s good to use cards, but if you get creative, you can train on anything, just don’t touch vital issues yet. It's good to practice on public transport. Sit in a subway car and ask your subconscious: “Who will sit in the empty seat now: a woman (man) - yes or no?” The only thing that must be taken into account when working with clairvoyance is that the question must be clear and correct. A question that does not have a clear answer may not receive an answer. Imagine that a child or an animal will sit in the empty seat. Therefore, in such cases you will experience difficulty, if you feel that there is no answer, then there is a reason and there is no need to “pull the answer by the ears.” You just need to know that when working on yes and no, there is another answer: “neither this nor that.” There is one more feature of clairvoyance; it is connected with the World Mind. With something that is many times greater than us, people living on earth. And this, the World Mind, conceals within itself both universal love and expediency, which is not always understandable to mortals. Therefore, in case of disrespect on the part of the questioner, and this often happens when questions are asked for the sake of entertainment or testing, there may not be an answer. It is very difficult to answer the questions of “scientists”: “Well, tell me what’s in my envelope!” I was always pleasantly surprised when, working in a group searching for missing people, clairvoyants accepted information down to the house number and name of the street where the missing person was located, but with great difficulty they passed the simplest tests. This does not apply to trainings; here you are doing the necessary work related to your development. But in any case, clairvoyance cannot be used for unseemly purposes. Always try to turn on clairvoyance when you really need it and do not do it for the sake of entertaining yourself and others, otherwise it may be closed, cutting off the connection with the subconscious. Good luck to you!

Lesson 4 Fortune telling

Today's lesson at the school of magic and clairvoyance will be devoted to fortune telling. Fortune telling is also a type of clairvoyance. One good fortune teller once admitted to me that she is clairvoyant, but it is psychologically easier for her to tune into the information field through cards. The most important thing for her in fortune telling was not complex layouts, but the ability to customize her cards, make them a source of information, connecting them with the information field of the earth.

There are a lot of fortune telling cards, I advise you to choose the Small Deck of Maria Lenormand with 36 cards.

The first to use this method of entering the information field were the gypsies. They brought this technique to Europe from the east in the fifteenth century and then the cards acquired another purpose - as playing cards. They say that everything ingenious is simple. We should be grateful to Mademoiselle Lenormand for the improvements she made to these maps. Although, in fact, over the past centuries, its maps have been refined more than once. For these cards, it is important that with all their symbolism and the information setting laid down before us, they are firmly connected with the information field and do not require serious work from the fortuneteller to access the information plane, being, in fact, a guide to the world of information. Their simple symbolism does not require serious study, however, one should not expect a deep analysis from them. Such cards are good for use at the household level. You can ask them whether you should go to a meeting today or not, or find out what a particular person’s intentions are regarding a situation that is important to you.

And so, we need to tell our fortunes. We take the cards in our hands and tune in to them; it would be nice to feel that they are warm and alive, and not just a piece of cardboard. To do this, we need to give them our warmth, the warmth of our hands. In our life there are two states “was” and “will be”. The present is only a connecting link between the past and the future. With the past, everything is clear, but the future may already have been formed, or it may still be forming. Cards can only count what has already been formed, or in the hands of an experienced fortune teller they can count the probabilities of events. True, there are failures and this is due to inexperienced, but very persistent fortune tellers who “break into” these probabilities of events. The result of such an intrusion may be the consolidation of not the most successful information about the development of events or its distortion, introducing one’s own vision and understanding of the situation. Therefore, fortune telling is limited to a very short period of time, about a year and no more. We shape our future ourselves, within the limits of our already given destiny, and a lot depends on what decisions we make. Maps are a universal adviser for making decisions when we do not have factual information to make these decisions. We made the right decision, and our destiny began to develop according to favorable probability. Therefore, I do not advise you to look into your future and fix one of the options. This applies entirely to the expression: “Don’t guess, you’ll lose your happiness.” Another thing is that in order to understand the future, you need to understand the past. There's no need to be careful here. But in order to correctly organize the information and get the answer, you need to start fortune telling from the past. It’s not for nothing that in their readings, fortune tellers lay out the “history of the issue” - “what happened.” And only after going through the past, finding the mistakes made by a person, working on them mentally, do they move on to the probabilities of fate. Precisely to the probabilities, without fixing any of them as fatal.

Now let's return to the technique of fortune telling. At first, you need to study in a separate room in complete silence. The main thing in fortune telling is to tune in. We take the cards, mentally charge them with our energy, if we tell fortunes to someone, then we give them into the hands of the person asking, so that he can hold them for a minute. Let's formulate a clear question. Next, mentally, with the help of a golden ray, we connect the cards with our brain through the Third Eye (frontal lobes), then we bring this one up through the crown, directing it to the information field of the earth. Next, you need to relax and, without straining the muscles of your hand, pull out the desired card, after asking a question. After pulling out the card, try to feel how it makes you feel. You only need to pull cards out of the deck spontaneously, without thinking about anything. One point must be taken into account that can bring all fortune telling to naught. This is our personal interest. If you want to receive a specific answer that would suit you, then instead of the truth you will get what you want. Therefore, at the time of fortune telling, you need to remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head and try to be indifferent to the question being asked. A special skill is the ability to ask questions correctly. The answer to the question asked should be very important to you. It must be clearly formulated and specific.

I especially want to mention Tarot cards. Tarot is a system of magical knowledge that has come down to us from time immemorial. These are magical cards with their own symbolism. They themselves can influence fate. Therefore, in the hands of a professional, it is not only a source of information, but also a serious magical tool. I would not recommend starting your training with them.

Lesson 5. Mental image

Our lesson today at the School of Clairvoyance and Magic is devoted to training in creating mental images. Have you ever wondered how clairvoyants describe this or that event? How they describe attackers who fled the scene of a crime, how they describe future husbands or wives. At such moments, they have an image in their brain that provides an answer to the question posed.

Our task is to train our brain to accept and create such images. It is very important to learn how to create not just images, but also to make them clear and understandable. And all this is achieved through constant training, some of which I will now try to describe. The first training will be to create a lemon in our brain. Just imagine, so yellow, so sour, and such a big lemon! Our lemon should be very real, with pimples and dots. And we should have a sour taste in our mouth. Once you can clearly imagine a lemon, move on to more complex objects with more small details, for example, imagine a clock hanging in the living room. And don’t try to create an image right away, but start with a small detail, like the hand of a clock, then place the arrow on the dial, draw the numbers... Gradually, you will create the image of a watch. Why do you think I suggested you create an image of a watch? And it’s very simple, we most often look at this object and know what it looks like on an unconscious level. And in this case, we take out information from our unconscious, which will also help us develop clairvoyance. The next stage of our training directly concerns clairvoyance. When we imagine a lemon, we turn on the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for mental images. Now all that remains is to connect to the information field and receive information. And so, we imagined the lemon in all its glory and kept this image in our brain. Now you need to ask the question: “What does the dog of my friend, whom I am going to visit, look like?” well, and in that spirit. One image must be replaced in your brain by another.

Imagination plays no small role in the creation of mental images. When you read a book, you imagine the characters of this book, how they walk, how they speak. And all this happens automatically. Or they tell you something about some place or person, you have never seen them, but it turns out that this is how you imagined them when you saw them with your own eyes.

Let's get back to the training. There is another training with cards. We are interested in the four suits of cards. We must learn to identify them. To do this, we take a card at random, bring our hand to it and turn on clairsentience. We learned this in previous classes. I remember. You need to bring your hand to the card and try to feel what is coming from the card - heat or cold? If it is warm, then the color is red, if it is cold, then it is black. Next, we present a lemon and ask a question about the suit of the card. This multi-step approach will give us a more meaningful result. And please note that when determining the suit, your color will be determined automatically. The less we think and stress, the more successful the work is. Now let's turn to training with Zenor cards. There are only six of them. These are: circle, square, triangle, wavy line, cross, straight line. We take a card at random, without looking at it, ask a question, and right on the lemon we should have the correct image.

How does work work in practice to describe, for example, a person who stole a chain from a jewelry box? It is very important for us to tune in to the situation that has occurred. What do we know? We know exactly where this happened. We ask the owner what the chain, the box, and the place where the box stood looked like. This description of the victim creates for us a mental image of the place where this event occurred. And then, like a lemon, you can put the actors in the theft. There are also difficulties in describing a person. It's very difficult to describe growth. Imagine that you see a person on the TV screen. He's alone in the frame. Try to tell how tall he is. This is often difficult. Therefore, when determining height, you need to compare it with yourself, mentally placing it next to it. It's even more difficult with women. Today she is blonde, tomorrow she is red. And you can change your hairstyles at least every day. Therefore, I always look at the true color of the hair, and what color the hair is currently dyed. It happens that you describe where a thing is, but you are mistaken in the temporal probability. Either it will lie there, or it used to lie there. When working on this, you need to pay attention to the fact that we have a past, present and future, and during a session, always indicate which time probability you want to get to.

Well, there are also people with an incredibly strong, naturally developed imagination. The power of this imagination is so great that a non-existent event can be recorded in the information field as a real event. I'm not saying how this affects shaping the future. Now we are talking about the fact that an inexperienced clairvoyant can, instead of the truth, count these images and then a completely innocent person will be accused. In such cases, to be on the safe side, it would be useful to use several different methods of accessing information.

The last thing I want to say is that our entire life experience is captured in mental images. And sometimes, when it is difficult to reproduce a situation in our brain, a replacement occurs, and in place of the real situation, we see a similar picture that happened to us. Such clairvoyance can be called associative. For example, a person disappeared. When asked, you have a picture of a car accident that you saw many years ago. Don’t try to discard this picture, this is associative thinking that tells you the correct answer. After all, history repeats itself, although the details may vary.

I hope you keep practicing and everything works out for you! Good luck to you.

Lesson 6. Energy cleansing of the clairvoyance channel.

We have already learned to receive information, ask questions and receive answers. But the question arises: how much can you trust the information received? Sometimes, the answer obtained through clairvoyance contradicts the rest of the information already available. And naturally, very serious doubts arise about the reliability of the answer. At first, for a beginning psychic, this can be a very big problem. So what is it and how can you avoid it? We all know that with our physical world there is a world of spirits and entities. So they connect when they are not asked to do so at all and begin to turn on and introduce interference into our divine information channel. Why is this happening? Yes, because our channel is sometimes blocked (clogged). It is blocked for various reasons. It happens that the blockage comes from our lack of self-confidence, poor emotional mood, and sometimes from poor physical well-being. There are even more difficult cases when we are mentally influenced by those around us; as a rule, these are not good wishes addressed to us. Why does this happen? Yes, because our brain, at the moment of receiving negative information from the outside, works in an enhanced mode, defending itself from mental attack and, naturally, it is no longer able to work with the channel. And of course, any clairvoyant can intentionally block your channel. At one time, we appeared on television live and gave clairvoyance sessions. Imagine how many envious competitors we had! And everyone tried to close our channels. I had to constantly monitor the channels of my speaking colleagues. There are also cases when negative magical programs are also the cause of failure. Well, what is the working technique that allows us to freely access the information we need through our channel. It's simple. First of all, a person has a reliable ally, this is his subconscious. It is always connected with the higher world. It is called the inner self. Everyone has contacts with the subconscious. The main thing here is to remember the sensations during which contact occurs. Everyone has had cases when something inside them told them that there was danger ahead and stopped them from further action. It is with this inner self that we need to establish contact. And try to artificially induce the state in which contact occurs.

Imagine that a glowing lilac ball the size of a tennis ball appears above your head. You begin to scroll it over your head, gradually raising it higher and higher. The ball unwinds in your channel and removes all the negative thought forms that clog it. These could be the faces of ill-wishers, or they could also be glowing dirty spots. Everything is subjective, everyone has their own visions, the main thing is that they can be deciphered for you. Your task is to completely cleanse your channel and feel that light divine energy is coming to you through it.

When the channel is cleared, then we can ask questions without fear of tricks and third-party inclusions. The main thing is to ask a question and with a flow of divine energy, receive an answer, clearing your thoughts at this moment, and clearly tune in to the question asked. If you thought at the time of the request about something else, then the corresponding one received an answer that was not at all what he expected.

There are other reasons why you have not received a response. First of all, these are questions that people don’t want to answer. They are closed to you. Such questions include questions about the date of death. It happens that you don’t need to know the answer to a question for other reasons. Maybe it's none of your business? There are still stupid questions...

Finally, one more tip! Don't overload the channel with information, otherwise it will start to get confusing. Before each new question, mentally clear your channel and only after that start working.

Lesson 7. The simplest ways to ask a question and get an answer from the Information field

We all sometimes need advice on what to do in a given situation. It’s good when there is a person who can help us, advise us... But in most cases, all responsibility for our actions falls on us. You know, even for a clairvoyant, this is a big problem. When you're excited, it's quite difficult to concentrate. And also, if this concerns you, then a defense mechanism is triggered. And you don’t get the true answer, but the one you would like to receive. This is how it turns out to be a fraud. You wish only all the best for your loved one. Therefore, it would be rational to use the simplest methods of fortune telling in such cases. There are several rules for setting a task:

1. The question must be very specific and not have a double interpretation. All sorts of questions like: “What should I do tomorrow?” - will remain unanswered. The question must, first of all, be asked in such a way that it can be answered negatively or positively. For example, the question: “Should I go there tomorrow?” - can only have two answers YES or NO. But the question is: “Should I go there?” may have two answers: YES and NO. Why? It’s simple, it’s worth going tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow it’s not, but today is still early. The main thing in any fortune telling is the correct formulation of the question.

2. You can't ask stupid questions. You should need an answer to your question. Don't forget that you are asking a question to a Higher Power!

3. You cannot ask the same question several times.

4. You can’t get involved in matters that don’t concern you. You don’t read other people’s letters, so don’t meddle in other people’s information. There is personal integrity.

5. Many people, when asking a question, unconsciously form an answer. Therefore, at the moment of making a request, you should try to stop wanting to get the answer you need and clear your thoughts.

To get answers, you can use a pendulum or cards. The pendulum can be made from a wedding ring or a needle. A ring is preferable. Next, it is important to set the pendulum, what oscillation or rotation will mean YES and what NO. If the pendulum or a higher power does not want to give an answer, then the pendulum must remain motionless. There is one peculiarity with this kind of work. The pendulum does not swing on its own, you swing it! Or rather, your brain gives a command, and the muscles contract. Therefore, it is very important, at the moment of setting the task, to relax the muscles of the body and remove unnecessary thoughts from the head. DO NOT stop your brain and muscles from working! Another option is cards. For convenience, write their meaning directly on the cards. Here the question of YES and NO is also important, but the principle is different. You need to take out three cards. There is a past of the question asked, there is a present and there is a future. But even here you need to relax in order to pull out the right card! The same scheme, brain - muscles, involuntary movements of the hands. There is another way of fortune telling - this is the advice of heaven. To do this, take a book, I tried this with the Bible, a question is asked and the book quickly opens, then you need to point your finger at the desired line. There is one catch here, do not take medical reference books! Nowadays they publish such fortune-telling books. But this method is more like a game. Yes, there is one book that is very suitable for such fortune-telling - this is a dream book.

The only thing I can advise not to use in such fortune-telling is runes and Tarot. There is a hidden sacred meaning in them, and you will not receive an answer. Well, the most exclusive advice from the Magic of Good! Prepare three thick cards: red - YES, black - NO, white - no answer. Ask a question and take out a card. Just remember to relax. Good luck to you!

Lesson 8. Dreaming.

The topic of our lesson today is prophetic dreams. There is a whole direction in parapsychology: Dreaming. Sleep is the path to our subconscious. In a dream, we completely spontaneously enter the Earth’s Information Field and can read information both about ourselves and about people close to us; such dreams are called visions. Just how to distinguish just a dream from a vision, it’s very simple. Dreams, and everyone dreams, and they know that they are vague and not clear. But a vision differs from a simple dream in that you very clearly see the picture of what is happening. Such information is very clear and contrasting. In visions, we are shown certain events and given the information that we need. All the previous exercises, if you did everything correctly, should have already contributed to the occurrence of such dreams.

Now we come directly to the training. It has long been noticed that some people think about complex problems before going to bed and often get their solution in the morning or at night. To be among these lucky ones, try to completely clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. Our first task is to learn to tune into our information cell at the moment of falling asleep. The point is simple, we have a question that we want to get an answer to, so we ask it while falling asleep. They lay down in the pastel, relaxed, and began to think about their question, or rather about the topic of the question. It’s a very difficult task not to be distracted by stray thoughts and force yourself to think in the right direction. And so, they lay down, relaxed and asked the question: “Do I need to move to a new place?” And we begin to reason with ourselves that it was like this in the old place, but in the new place it may be different... Or girls, who naturally want to see the groom, can dream about a prince before going to bed. By replaying the question itself and possible solutions, you tune your brain to the information field. This process will continue even after falling asleep. As a result, you will see the desired answer in your dreams. Concentrating on the task at hand is very important here. This training on concentration will greatly help in the future for the further development of clairvoyance.

The most amazing thing is that there is a technique that allows you to dream about the person you want. If you want a person to remember you and see you in a dream, then you need to try to go to his information cell and leave information about yourself there. To do this, at the moment of falling asleep, when you feel that you will soon fall asleep, you need to draw an image of the right person in your brain and put into it the thoughts and feelings that you want to convey. Do this every night, and every third or fourth time, your ward will begin to see you in his dreams. It all depends on the abilities on both sides. The main thing is to clearly imagine the image of the person you need.

And so, the first thing we need to master is the ability to generate the appropriate intention. The most important thing is to clearly set a task for yourself and remain not indifferent, concentrating not only your thoughts, but also your desires. It is important to want to get results. Do not forget to constantly concentrate on your intention to cause clarity of consciousness during sleep: “If I see a dream, then I must realize that this is a dream and not just a dream, but the answer to the question I asked, I must remember the answer after waking up.” . Such an installation for the subconscious at the beginning of the process of falling asleep is simply necessary.

And yet, we must keep in mind that we cannot see in a dream something that was not once perceived by our brain. You won’t be able to see life on distant planets, where the world order is sharply different from our world. The brain will not perceive this information. How Mendeleev dreamed of his table, which he was able to comprehend, because he was not just a chemist, but also worked in this direction. If Uncle Vasya the janitor had dreamed about this, he wouldn’t have understood anything.

We must not forget that sleep is a mirror of our destiny. Having established a connection with the information field with the help of trainings, you will receive the information you need in a dream. You will be warned about upcoming events, and you will have an informed choice about your life path.

I cannot help but mention the state of drowsiness. In this state, a channel of communication with the subconscious is open. At this very moment of falling asleep, try to ask the question you are interested in and the answer hello to you in the form of a thought, some even hear a voice answering them. Just start simple.

Have good dreams!

Lesson 9. Clairvoyance in space or far vision.

Clairvoyance, we have already said in previous classes that this term hides a lot of ways to retrieve information. How is this process classified? The first and most common method is clairvoyance in space. What it is? Clairvoyance in space is the ability to see what is physically hidden from the clairvoyant, and what he is not able to see with his normal vision. In a split second, having tuned in, you can be transported thousands of kilometers away and see the object of tuning. This is how healers and parapsychologists diagnose their patients at appointments, who for some reason could not come to the appointment themselves. This is how psychics search for missing people. Thus, tuning occurs for any extrasensory influence at a distance. Be it for good purposes, such as correction and treatment at a distance, or any psychoenergetic attack, for example, a love spell that everyone hates. For any influence or diagnosis at a distance, clairvoyance in space is required. And the better a person has such clairvoyance, the better the work will be. The basis for honest and high-quality work of a white magician is clairvoyance in space.

For a sane person, it remains a mystery why, when working with Farsight (as clairvoyance in space is also called), distances do not matter at all. Sometimes it is more difficult to determine what is happening in the next room than what is happening on the next continent. The mechanism here is simple. There is an Information Field where all existing information is collected. This is where we make the request. Not without the participation of the Higher Powers, we reach the correct cell of this information. And we take information from there. Both light and dark forces have access to the information field. Therefore, adherents of different forces can access the data bank. But, by definition, clairvoyance is better developed among light magicians, only because creative processes require greater effort and training. It doesn’t take much intelligence to hit, we know this from our human life. But to create, cure, correct - this is much more difficult. I would like to especially note that far-sighting has never been used in show programs; it is too controlled by Higher powers, and they do not allow it to be used as a special effect. And they use astral vision in their performances, which we will definitely talk about later. Farsightedness, as I have already noted, is only tuning into the information or object being sought. In most cases, the work of a clairvoyant is not limited to this. Then the long-range action is switched on, i.e. direct impact on an object or information. There are many means, or rather ways, of entering the information field; we talked about clairvoyance and clairsentience, clairvoyance as such. It's who you like. One of the most important tasks of far vision is the task of correctly setting up the information field. I think the most common mistake our clairvoyants make is artificially created frames. That, they say, to set up you need this and that, but in another way, well, no way. Some people absolutely need a thing, a person to tune in to, while others just need a photo so that their eyes can be seen. All these are unnecessary installations that begin to work and do not provide the opportunity to develop. I remember how in the early 90s, our group of clairvoyants did not even have their own premises, and I had a very small child in my arms, so everyone came to work in my house. At the time of work, a one and a half year old child could scream, or simply climb into the arms of any member of the group; in such conditions it can be difficult to talk calmly. And nothing, everyone worked. Then, our foreign colleagues told us that to work they needed a separate room for everyone and complete silence, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to get into the information field. In fact, for customization you need some distinctive feature of a person, how he differs from others. This could be your first name, last name and date of birth, the main thing here is that no two are alike. You can work by voice, by a created avatar on the Internet. The man put a thought into his avatar, he named it, came up with a name and that will be enough, you just have to try and tune in. Yes, yes, a person thinks, when he does something and a thought, it is material, and it remains and you can grab it and get to the desired cell in the information field. True, it is easier to work from a photograph of a person, it is easier to tune in, and the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and here it is even easier to penetrate the information structure, or, more simply, the book of Fates.

Now I will give you a concentration exercise that will help you learn how to enter the information field.

For the exercise we need a crystal ball, a black tablecloth and a candle. Place a ball in front of you, and behind it a small candle in a jar, at such a distance that you cannot see the candle reflected in the ball. Then you need to sit down, turning off all the lights, the room should be dark, only the candle should be burning. Now, ask a question and look at the ball, only with an absent-minded gaze, as if into infinity. Try not to think about anything, just contemplate. Breathe evenly, relax your muscles. Imagine that your head is empty. Further, we, as if from the outside, observe what thoughts began to appear in our head. What images suddenly appeared. We look at ourselves as if from the outside. Session duration is 15 - 20 minutes. The effect usually occurs after a month of training. Good luck to you.

Lesson 10. Psychometric ability of the soul.

Today we will talk about another type of clairvoyance. I would like to begin by referring to the work of priest Grigory Dyachenko, “The Region of the Mysterious,” which he wrote at the beginning of the last century. “The psychometric ability of the soul is the ability of knowledge by the soul without prior acquaintance, as if through an inner voice, of distant persons, events, objects, etc. through the medium of any physical phenomenon, or even without the medium of it.” If we translate this into a more understandable language, then this is knowledge of the soul. Well, to put it even simpler, all objects store information about the events that happened to them. A clairvoyant psychometrician is able, having picked up a thing, to describe its owner, to describe the place where this thing was located. Also, a clairvoyant can easily determine who was in the room before him, etc. At one time I took a test, they gave me a small stone, my task was to determine where it came from. I took the stone in my hand, closed my eyes and tried to feel it. The first feeling was pleasant, the stone began to warm up, a pleasant wave passed through my hand to my head and the image of the pyramid of Egypt appeared in my brain. Another test training that I can offer you is training with chairs. Place five chairs in a row. Then ask someone close to you after you leave to sit briefly on one of the chairs, then enter and put your hand to each of the chairs. Try to feel by raising your hand to a chair, where the characteristic warmth will go through the hand to the brain and the image of a sitting person will appear. I knew a doctor who had this ability, so he could test the drug for suitability and compatibility with the patient. The doctor simply took the medicine in his hands and closed his eyes. He did the same with the patient’s blood, he simply clamped the test tube in his hand and no laboratory for you. So, with the help of psychometry, you can determine the suitability of products by raising your hand to them, through a stone or a pinch of earth, you can describe the area where it was taken from. This ability of objects to store information has long been used in magic. What do you think a talisman is? Only there, in 90% of cases, we put information intentionally. But, there are items that bring good luck without any charging. It just happens that some object happened to be with you at the moment of your triumph and was charged with your luck. Now, if this item is with you, then it begins to feed you with the energy of luck that you experienced earlier. True, the opposite also happens, when a person suffers and his things absorb this suffering. Smart people, if they want to start a new life, then start it “from scratch,” freeing themselves from everything old. True, all negative information can be removed, but that’s another topic...

Now let's return to Grigory Dyachenko, I note that this was written by an Orthodox priest, and it was approved by the Moscow Spiritual Censorship Committee in 1900! I want to emphasize that there is nothing unnatural in clairvoyance, and I don’t understand why there are such attacks on clairvoyants in our blessed age. Clairvoyance is a gift from God! And so, Dyachenko wrote: “The word psychometry (definition of the soul) is far from conducive to the concept it contains. But it is very difficult to come up with the correct name for the special gifts of nature, inexplicable in our earthly world. We will try to explain with several examples what exactly is meant by psychometry, but first let us say that the soul, under certain conditions inherent in it, has the ability to place itself in some kind of connection with more or less distant events that have left their, so to speak, spiritual mark on the objects that the psychometer touches. Such an object could be a hand, a part clothing, a stone, a piece of wood, a fragment from ancient ruins, a coin, a letter or an envelope; in a word, any object through contact with which the psychometer enters into a spiritual relationship with everything around it, as well as with the era with which this object is associated, and in some way becomes the reason for the stimulation in the psychometer of the ability to see with his spiritual vision well-known events, as if passing before him in a panorama, and to feel the internal impressions associated with them." Dyachenko says that a psychometrist can work through a human hand. I would like to clarify that there is a technique that involves diagnosing a patient through touch. The clairvoyant takes the patient's hand, thereby tuning occurs, just like with a pebble. A connection is established with the ward and information is collected on a given topic or about fate or health. So try it, maybe this technique is yours! Unfortunately, this technique is also used when causing damage. Psychometry is successfully used when you need to penetrate into the past. If you want to see how your ancestors lived, this is possible if there are objects left in the house that belonged to our already distant ancestors. I have a lamp in my house; it belonged to my husband’s ancestors at the beginning of the last century. There is no value in it! But over many years, she became the keeper of the family. If you approach and hold on to it, three women, three sisters appear before your eyes. You can see how the revolution actually took place, you can see, for example, who really shot Lenin! It wasn't Kaplan! It was one of the sisters in the vision. Can you imagine what a shock my husband and I experienced when they showed a film on Channel One in which they voiced the hypothesis that it was indeed one of the sisters shown by the lamp who shot Lenin. That's how it happens sometimes. And how many more secrets can old things reveal to us?

Lesson 12. Mediumship as a type of clairvoyance.

The topic of today's lesson at our clairvoyance school is Mediumship, as a type of clairvoyance. We are all accustomed from films that a medium is a person who communicates with spirits. This is true, but it is only a very small part of the medium's capabilities. First of all, these abilities manifest themselves in a person as the ability for intelligent activity, completely unconsciously. This manifests itself, first of all, in creativity, in moments of emotional upsurge, an artist paints a brilliant picture, a musician composes divine music. All information at such moments comes to mind by itself and the person simply implements it. If we talk directly about parapsychology, the most striking example would be automatic writing. It is not uncommon for people to write and speak in languages ​​completely unfamiliar to them. All this is good, but there is no point in it except hype and show. You and I can also use the techniques of mediumship to develop clairvoyance. What is the mechanism of mediumship? First of all, information is always received by a person in a state of altered consciousness. If earlier, I suggested that you relax for work, now on the contrary, you and I need to bring ourselves into a state of some euphoria and emotional uplift. By the way, people experience a similar state in the temple. It’s not for nothing that they use incense there. It is incense that helps you enter a trance, only a very light one. We must remember that reason and consciousness are our greatest asset and we should not lose it under any circumstances. Well, there is another way to bring yourself into an altered state - this is Bach! I.S. Bach wrote church music for organ. It is the organ, its sound, that gives music properties that can lead a person into a state of light trance. Bach's music arranged for other instruments is dead. For our practices, we will use Bach's organ music. I do not recommend using the music that is offered to us for meditation for this purpose. For the most part, it is not professional and does not stand up to criticism in musical analysis. The laws of harmony are completely violated. And Bach’s polyphony, with its versatility of sound, helps a person enter a trance and connect with God. So let's not reinvent the wheel. Try listening to this music for ten minutes at the beginning, no more. Your task is to join the flow that the music creates. Imagine that musical waves are enveloping your head, they are spinning clockwise, going up. Mentally, unwind this flow, just don’t relax, let the muscles of your body participate in this. At the same time, the eyes should be closed, but the eye muscles should work. Before your mind's eye, you scroll through these streams. The eyes participate in general work. With such intense work, you will begin to see light effects in front of your eyes. But there is nothing magical here; all this can be explained from a physiological point of view. I won’t do this, solely because I’m not good at it. I just didn’t want people to delude themselves and take it for a miracle. This technique must be practiced for two months, every day, increasing the duration by one minute. The use of this technique helps to open the third eye and energetically cleanses the clairvoyance channel. Getting into an easy track is more of a side effect. But before embarking on practical mediumship, this must be mastered, although there are people who do it spontaneously, on an emotional upsurge. You know, a good fortune teller is a medium. She enters an altered consciousness and takes out a card, while she does not think, but does it automatically. I recommend starting your training with this. It is enough to take five playing cards. For example, four jacks and a queen of spades. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in front of you. Then put yourself in the right state and give yourself the command to pull out the queen of spades. Then, without thinking, pull out the card! Then, gradually increase the number of cards. The next step towards mastering this practice will be answering questions. At the beginning it's YES and NO. Again we take a deck of cards and, taking out a card, we ask ourselves: “Is this card red, yes or no?” and without thinking, we answer whatever comes to mind. In many ways, the lessons I write are written in exactly this mode. I give myself a command and write on such and such a topic. Then ideas come by themselves, all that remains is to quickly write them down. Although, of course, I have quite a lot of experience. But, alas, in parapsychology, there are not many reasonable developments. I would like to note that in any business knowledge is never superfluous. After all, ideas come to our minds, but there are still more of them, and we need to process them with our brains.

There are clairvoyants who use information reading in their work. They seem to be reading the text. And they say it out loud. At the same time, turning off consciousness halfway, they simply say what is being said. It turns out that they are talking, but they are not speaking at the same time. Usually, this is how patients are told about their situation at appointments and diagnosed. There is one trouble here, it is purely human, it’s just scary, it’s not something to say. Of course, self-control remains, but you don’t really want to get a slap on the neck from the patient. I had a case, though a very long time ago. There was such a program on TV “The Third Eye”. We were then invited to the presentation, and all the psychics who had ever participated in this program were invited. And we all had to advise those who came. This happened in a huge two-story hairdressing salon. Some were waving their arms, conducting mass healing sessions. What should clairvoyants do? About three hundred people lined up for me. Horror. And all with photographs. I served the first ones, then I realized that I couldn’t do it anymore. The queue began to get angry. There was no way to escape. A huge and roaring crowd! I cursed the organizers, swore to myself that I would never do something like this again. And they screamed. Then I decided that if they don’t let me in, then let them kick themselves. I’m not interested in the result, I’m dead tired, and I’ll say that I’m not wearing my best, just to get out of it. I took another photo and spoke. But I no longer understood what I was doing. Three minutes per person. And everyone thanked me, yes, I got in! Then, for many years, people came and remembered what I told them - everything came true. I then fell into a trance from nervous and physical overload and started working as a medium. In principle, we do this at appointments, only fear prevents us from saying the wrong thing, because there are things that the patient does not need to know.

How can mediumship be applied in everyday life? I have one practice that I want to offer to you. You have a difficult task ahead of you. And you are completely unsure that you will do everything right. Here we had a case with the Unified State Examination. Through no fault of their own, the children were not prepared for the Unified State Exam; they were simply not told that they would have to take it. Mr. Fursenko was to blame, and he felt sorry for the kids; they had only two months to prepare. Before the Higher Powers, children were victims of the arbitrariness and stupidity of officials. An option was proposed, at the moment of falling asleep, to give a command to the subconscious: “I must write tomorrow the Unified State Exam in Russian for 60 points.” Then, at the appointed time, the child put himself in the right state and began to tick the boxes. Result - 70 points! There is only one limitation: everything must be fair! Now, if the children were idle, this would not help them. And this is the fault of the adult idiots.

Lesson 13. Exercises to develop astral vision.

It's no secret that there is no justice in our state. All courts are corrupt, the police do not simply come to the aid of citizens, officials only work for bribes.
In a state where laws cease to work and there is no righteous court, divine and satanic courts begin their work. A very good example of such lawlessness are the results of curses that arose in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century. Then masses of innocent people were destroyed. We are dealing with these curses now. The descendants of people who did evil are now working off the accumulated negativity of their ancestors.
Unfortunately, the experience of our ancestors teaches us nothing. But, if our ancestors extremely rarely resorted to magical justice, now magic has become almost the only means of human disputes. All modern courts are simply covered with magical programs. “Incorruptible” judges are zombified and punished, and this state of affairs further aggravates the already difficult situation with justice. Zombification of judges, lawyers and prosecutors is common. A lot of magic salons offer their services to “correct” the case in court. Often, with the help of magic, criminals manage not only to reduce their sentences, but also to avoid punishment altogether. The injured party often also resorts to “punishing” the criminals, seeing no other alternative to achieve justice. In civil cases it is even worse, everyone considers it their duty to go to the magician with a request to influence the court so that the case is decided in his favor.
They cast spells not only on government officials, but also on eliminating rivals in civil cases. It’s scary to approach our ships, the field there is black and hopeless, just a branch of hell, and that’s all. Therefore, many citizens intuitively bypass this place, resorting to another, magical court. In my practice, there were a lot of victims of such showdowns. I remember a case when some neighbors decided to sue other neighbors for part of the land. Our laws are imperfect and the matter could have been resolved in favor of both neighbors. Although, in all fairness, those people from whom they tried to take the land bought it at the market price and were bona fide buyers. So, in order to win the case, the neighbors built a magical altar for these conscientious buyers from a small dog skull and bones. And what’s even more disgusting is that they built this structure under the hood of their victims’ car. The conscientious buyers lost the court of first instance, and if it were not for the intervention of the magicians then, no appeal would have helped them.
Unfortunately, we cannot do without magical lynching. Our valiant police ignore minor offenses. You may be beaten, robbed, or your property damaged, and no action will be taken. You will simply be ignored by the people who are supposed to protect you. So magical protections are created from dashing people. In my practice, there was a case when magical protection turned out to be an even bigger disaster for hooligans than a showdown with the police. The teenagers amused themselves by throwing stones at the metal fence enclosing their summer cottage. No complaints from the owners to the police yielded any results, although stones sometimes fell onto the site, which could have led to more serious consequences. When empty bottles flew at people, the owners’ patience ran out and they turned to magicians for help. Magic protection was installed around the site, working on the principle: “where it came from, there it went.” Imagine that another thrown stone ricocheted and hit the boy’s head. The injury turned out to be very serious. Magical punishments of offenders are by no means uncommon. I cannot condemn people who act in this way; our state pushed them towards this. So real magical wars are raging in our country. With the help of magic, people divide their inheritance; many times I have encountered the fact that close relatives are trying to destroy each other with the help of magic and take over someone else’s share of the inheritance. And recently, I worked with a woman whose husband was bewitched by a visiting lady. At the same time as the love spell, we filmed another program. A man was given a program in his subconscious, according to which he had to not only divorce his wife, but also file for division of property. My patient immediately remembered that, when leaving home, her husband took with him the documents for the apartment and the dacha. Now all that remains is to process the judge, and the job is done.

Everything related to magic is “harmful production” for the human psyche. A person receives unusual and unexpected opportunities to influence the world around him. He does this secretly. He can easily imagine himself, if not equal, then as close as possible to the gods. Moreover, without receiving any additional education, or culture, or the ability to think. This gives rise to conflict with other people and the person becomes lonely. He tries to compensate for this with his new magical powers, which actually only makes him more lonely. And as a result, loneliness progresses and a mental disorder gradually develops. Having worked in magic for ten years, he turns from white and fluffy to angry and offended by everyone and everything, and since he considers himself an exceptional “gift of God,” he believes that he has the right to take away health, luck, and happiness from donors (people around him).
People who start practicing magic are faced with the fact that it turns out to be a profitable business. As they come to the conclusion of their exclusivity, they begin to consider themselves entitled to demand larger and larger sums for their work, gradually reaching completely inadequate figures. And when their ambitions are no longer satisfied, they finally lose their minds and stop behaving adequately. The unprepared human psyche cannot withstand such a load.
A woman, about forty years old, a fully established specialist in her field, in the wake of perestroika, lost her usual job and decided to try herself in magic, to which she had felt an attraction since childhood. Having attended short-term courses, of which there were a dime a dozen in Moscow at that time, she got a job in a magic salon and began working. Experience gradually came. For several years, my friend worked successfully, gave appearances on television, in a word, became an accomplished specialist. At the same time, her financial situation became stronger, and she solved her housing problem. However, her children grew up, started families, and she again faced a housing problem. The financial crisis came, our heroine’s income fell. The woman decided to compensate for the drop in her income by intimidating patients and extracting excess profits from them. And since any magic is, first of all, the interaction of a person with Higher powers, then when his attitude towards people and his work changes, the magician involuntarily changes those forces that help him. In fact, it is not the person himself who heals, corrects fate, or removes damage. He is just a guide. By changing your attitude to work, the forces that, in fact, influence patients automatically change. If a magician starts doing nasty things, then naturally the patients get worse. But that's not what we're talking about now. We talk about how this affected the magician himself. The magician became disabled, chronic heart disease worsened, and asthma began. Although the lady was a healer, neither she herself nor her colleagues could help her. The result is disability and semi-bed rest.
This lesson was written with only one purpose, to warn novice magicians about the danger that awaits them on the difficult professional path that they have chosen.
Marina Sugrobova

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