Why talk on the phone in a dream? Why dream of talking on the phone in a dream. Meaning of dreams Conversation

Our speech is one of the main ways of communication. With its help we convey our thoughts, emotions and feelings. What can I say, a person simply cannot live without communication.

Sometimes, of course, there are moments when you want to be alone with yourself and not see anyone. But, having rested, we are again drawn to people and conversations. In a word, this is a very important and integral part of our life. What does it mean to talk in a dream? These could be some small phrases that do not even remain in memory after waking up. But sometimes words spoken in a dream are a warning from above.

How can we understand why we dream about this? According to the dream book, the interpretation of such dreams can be either positive or negative. And in order to understand this more accurately, you need to remember as many details of the dream as possible. So let's get started.

Talking to you is like drinking honey

Often in dreams we enter into dialogue with. These could be our fathers, grandfathers, brothers, loved ones or just acquaintances. Most often, such a dream is interpreted as a sign of an upcoming trip or an interesting meeting.

It is also worth paying attention to what this familiar man told you, since what was said may turn out to be a warning, parting words or a hint for the future. But it can also indicate mistakes made if the interlocutor is for something.

Many people are interested in the meaning of the dream of a man who performs in the dreamer’s dreams. Such a dream promises the acquisition of something long desired or the receipt of an equally desired gift.

It also happens that a male representative who appears to you in a dream is a complete stranger. Such a vision may be a hint of a real person who is somehow present in your life. And perhaps it will appear soon. But in any case, you need to try to remember what he looks like and what his facial features are in order to compare him with one of your friends or find out when you will meet him. After all, it is possible that the words he speaks have quite an important meaning for you.

But for one man to see another in a dream means that in the very near future you will be able to fix something that has not gone well and has not worked out for a long time. But not all the words and actions of a night guest in dreams have such meaning. Resentment, insults and deception on his part say: there is no need to start what you have in mind, nothing will come of it, it’s not time yet.

A conversation with a loved one, even a loved one, who is very pleasant to you, is a good sign. It indicates that any difficult situation will be resolved in the most favorable way.

He knows how to stand and sit down, he knows how to carry on a conversation

An equally good sign is communication in a dream with your loved one. If a girl saw such a dream, most likely she really misses communication with her boyfriend, and the subconscious gives it away in the form of night images. But details that can change the interpretation of a dream are also important here. For example, remember where and how this dialogue took place:

  • Romantic date in a restaurant.
  • Telephone communication.
  • You hear complaints from him.
  • In a dream you receive a marriage proposal.

Thus, a dream about communicating with a loved one in a restaurant may be a harbinger of an offer to marry him in reality. At the same time, if you are separated for a long time, a conversation with your loved one in your dreams is only a reflection of your longing for him. Soon you will be together again, but for now it won’t hurt to remind him of your feelings.

Now let's see why, according to the dream book, you dream of a marriage proposal from your beloved guy. Most often, such a vision comes to those girls who often think about this event and worry about why the proposal has not yet been received. In this case, the dream book gives only one piece of advice: don’t rush things and don’t push the guy in vain. Everything will happen in due time.

If you have already been proposed to, then this dream is a reflection of your worries about how the event will go. Don’t worry, this dream is a sign that everything will be on top, the guests will be satisfied and will remember the wedding for a long time.

Those women who, in a conversation with a loved one, heard reproaches and complaints from him, should think about this. Try to remember his words, because most likely they are confirmed in reality, your partner just doesn’t dare tell you this. Take them into account and do everything possible to correct the current situation. This will help save your relationship.

Who did you dream about communicating with?

For young girls, a dream in which you communicate with your beloved guy, as the dream book explains, only means that he misses you a lot. He often thinks and remembers you, and this is reflected in his dreams. A conversation with, perhaps, talks about some unfinished business between you.

When the dialogue with your former beloved man ceases to be languid and turns to elevated tones, most likely the relationship is over, but the emotions have not subsided. Especially if after waking up you experience negativity and irritation. Conversely, the dream book explains a dream in which you had a very good conversation with your ex-boyfriend on any, even frank, topics, as a sign that you have already let him go and are quite ready for a new relationship.

It is also interesting to know why you dream of a dialogue with a former beloved man, in which he asks you to return to him. You should not cherish the hope of renewing the relationship in your soul, this is only your desire, and he probably feels completely different. Try to let him and your feelings go.

What is the meaning of a dream in which you had a dialogue with a person? He is not familiar to you, but you clearly understand that he is a dead man. Don't worry, this dream does not promise trouble. But you must remember everything he told you. We often receive important information through deceased people in our dreams - perhaps he wanted to warn you about something or convey something from your deceased relatives. In addition, if you are on the verge of making an important decision, such words will be a hint or advice.

And dead people often warn the living about impending disaster or trouble. The dream book advises not to ignore such a dream. Having deciphered it as correctly as possible, you will be prepared for the upcoming difficulties, which means you can easily cope with them.

Most often, the deceased informs about health complications, while the father comes to warn about possible financial difficulties. Often deceased people come into our dreams simply because you remember your loved ones and miss them.

Those who saw and talked in a dream with a deceased former lover will meet with a new love. This relationship promises to be long and sensual. Sometimes deceased relatives, loved ones and friends appear in our dreams to tell us something important. For example, that they love us. Or other words that were not spoken during life.

But it also happens that communication with deceased people close to us is just a projection of our subconscious. We lack them in reality, so we make up for this lack in our dreams. This explanation is given by the dream book when a conversation takes place on abstract topics that do not make any sense.

Unusual dialogue

Sometimes images of famous people come into our dreams: singers, actors, even. Why do we dream of talking with them? The dream book explains this dream as a sign of upcoming changes in life, and they promise to be bright and unforgettable.

Most likely, the president in a dream is a prototype of a person who will soon appear in your life. He will be quite influential and will be able to help you take a step towards new events. But this will not necessarily be a male representative - perhaps a woman or a child.

If in your dreams you greeted the head of state, expect support and help from a more influential person. If the president is your close friend or acquaintance, you will provide him with assistance. And don't expect gratitude in return.

Those dreamers who heard gratitude in the president’s words believe that they deserve more than they have. When talking to the ruler in a dream, did you receive advice? Expect big profits in the very near future. And vice versa, material losses threaten those who themselves gave advice to the head of state.

No matter how the president is present in your dreams, in any case they lead to important changes. So you should pay special attention to them in order to be prepared for unexpected turns.

Talk to yourself or ask for something- soon you will receive an answer to the question that has been bothering you for a long time

Solomon's Dream Book

Talk in your sleep- profit; about the worst- sadness; with an invisible face- loss of a loved one.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Hear someone talking- to gossip.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Hearing a conversation in a dream- to incomprehensible rumors about you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Speak- to a meeting or conference.

Hearing talking in a dream- see a flock of birds in the sky.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Talking in a dream with an invisible face- in reality you can lose a close friend as a result of sudden death.

Talk to the dead- you are in danger, and your loved ones- disease.

Talk to a fool- become a victim of a hoax.

Talk to God in a dream- you can receive the patronage of influential people if the conversation is friendly; if God is angry- in reality you may be condemned.

Dream in which you talk to a tree- portends wealth in the future.

Speak in a whisper- you will suffer from gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Talk to the invisible in person- loss of a friend; with the dead- danger, illness.

Dream book of the 21st century

Talking in a dream to a person you can't see- to disturbing news, with a bad person- to a quarrel, talk about his death- to health and longevity.

Lying in a dream- to simultaneous gain in one and loss in another, boast- expose the evil intent of a friend or person you trusted.

Stutter in your sleep- to joy.

Telling a fairy tale in a dream- to the news, fable- to joy.

Talk for a long time and without stopping- means that you will receive confirmation of the correctness of the chosen path.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Talk a lot in your sleep- you will have to remain silent in reality precisely when it is necessary to speak.

Speak in front of an audience- come to an agreement with enemies; give a speech from the podium- to improvement in business; saying something is out of place- actively fight the enemy, and for lovers- show selfish motives; talk to babies or hear them talk- to fulfill desires; talk to trees- to prosperity, wealth.

If you talk to an invisible person in a dream- hear about someone’s death or lose a friend; talk to the dead- to danger, illness.

Speak a foreign language in your own country or at home- find yourself in an unusual, extraordinary situation.

Islamic dream book

Interlocutor talking in a dream- means a person who is pleasant to talk to, according to the words of the Almighty: “We will tell you with the best story.” If someone dreams that he is telling something, he will be freed from fear, for the Almighty said: “And when he came to him and told him the story, he said: “Do not be afraid.” A merchant who sees such a dream will be saved from loss.

Lunar dream book

Speak clearly- to profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Talking to a deceased relative- the dream has shades of meaning depending on the family member in the dream. In any case, the dream is unfavorable when the appearance of the deceased is distorted by emotions or illness and even decay, and favorable when the appearance acquires unearthly enlightened features.

Talk to a woman- troubles should be expected from the health side. If the scenario is favorable, this dream is advice to take care of your health: diseases will try to penetrate through the mouth, eyes, hips and stomach.

When you specifically dream about your mother- the disease is based in the abdominal cavity. For a female dreamer, the appearance of mother and grandmother in a dream- is especially important.

Talk to a man- you need to beware of diseases of the spirit (conceit, selfishness, etc.), which secondarily affect any organ (depending on what emotions predominated in the dream). Diseases with this option can penetrate through the head, feet, ears and hands. Diseases come through the head when the father is seen in an unfavorable way; and this can mean both internal illness and the threat of head injury. The unfavorable appearance of an irritated (sick) father is especially dangerous, since it means a break with Heaven and a loss of information from the Cosmos, for which only the dreamer can be to blame, for someone else’s evil will can steal life, but cannot take away the connection with Heaven given by the Creator. The worldview and value system must be changed.

Talking to a deceased non-relative in a dream- dependence on particulars is the same as with a relative, but in the absence of a blood connection, such a dream is more a manifestation of energy. The physical impact (illness) is minor. We need to pay attention to the spiritual side: past relationships, the content of the conversation, which most likely will be everyday. People who are not related to us by blood, but who are spiritually close to us, more often in a dream warn or convey important information for future life.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Talk in your sleep- profit; it's bad to say- sadness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Talk a lot yourself- troubles.

Speaking in front of an audience- significant improvement in business.

Express yourself in a foreign language- great inconvenience, problems.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If in a dream you had a telephone conversation, then in reality you communicate little with other people and rarely leave the house. This leads to a natural lack of communication, which does not have the best effect on the psyche. You can find out the secrets of the future by opening a dream book and remembering the details of the dream and who you talked to on the phone. Various interpretations of the plot will be described below.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Why do you dream of a telephone conversation? Miller's dream book believes that a dream prophesies an acquaintance with a person who, unwittingly, will prevent you from achieving your goal.

If a girl in a dream was chatting sweetly on her cell phone with someone, then in reality the dream book warns of possible unpleasant conversations or gossip behind her back.

"Hello. Hello…"

The dream book advises trying to remember who the interlocutor was in the dream. This information will help you more accurately decipher the dream. Here are standard examples:

  • parents - expect tips from an experienced person on how to solve a problem;
  • children - housework and caring for family members are coming;
  • maternal relatives - arrival of guests;
  • father's relatives - guests will not be a joy, but a burden;
  • friend or employee - to career growth;
  • spouse or lover - to problems in relationships;
  • deceased - your secret will soon cease to be such.

Conversations about personal life

Why dream of talking on the phone with your lover? Try to remember the nature of the dialogue. If you believe the Wanderer’s dream book, then a woman who quarreled with her boyfriend in her dreams will face unpleasant conversations, quarrels and disappointments in reality.

If in a dream a man spent the entire telephone conversation talking to you in a raised voice, then in reality this promises minor disagreements. But for representatives of the stronger sex, a dream in which a girl talks about her feelings for him will be negative. It is likely that their relationship is not as strong as he would like.

Let bygones be bygones

Why do you dream of a telephone conversation with your ex-partner? Pastor Loff's dream book foreshadows trouble for you. The dream takes on a particularly bad hue if, after breaking up, you became enemies.

The Eastern Dream Book has a completely different opinion about this plot in a dream. Most likely, the dreamer is tormented by nostalgia, and he still regrets the breakup. Moreover, deep down in his soul he dreams of reviving mutual feelings.

Empty chatter

Why you dream of communicating with a loved one on the phone can be understood if you remember the topic of the dialogue. If in a dream you revealed some of your secrets, then in reality you need his advice. Discussed a quarrel with someone - trust less in someone’s instructions or revealed secrets.

If you dreamed that you were arguing with a friend on the phone over some minor issue, then you are too concerned about other people’s opinions, and in this way you can be manipulated.

Communicate with the deceased

In a dream, a loved one from the other world called and asked for help? Based on the information given in the Slavic dream book, this person should be remembered in real life. But the interpreter of the White Magician claims that a telephone conversation with a deceased person promises the dreamer that some ordinary event will end in the most unexpected way.

Dialing a phone number in a dream and getting stuck on the number “9” means that in reality you will be left in the cold, since those around you are weaving all sorts of intrigues behind your back.

However, the person who comes to you first or calls you on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the entanglements of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while.

If at the same time it’s hard for you to turn the disk or you can’t get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of hardship and failure will take you by surprise.

If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and will not leave a trace.

Dialing a phone number in a dream and remembering only the number “9” means needing the help of a person who is smarter than you.

Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with “18”.

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in a telephone number and get nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, you will be given a Nobel Prize or sent to prison.

Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make the calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then get ready for the worst.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation by numbers

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Dream Interpretation - Telephone

The telephone appeared quite a long time ago, but even in the most popular messages this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the appearance of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the telephone is an indispensable attribute of our lives, so it may well appear in dreams.

If you call someone on the phone: it means that you will soon be entrusted with confidential information, but, unfortunately, you will spread it “in secret to the whole world”, what will follow is better for you, because only you can really assess the importance of the information received and the degree her secrecy.

If they call you on the phone: in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not be the starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about that person, around which these gossips swirl.

Interpretation of dreams from

Talking on the phone is quite common today. But why have such a dream? Some experts claim that this is just a projection of part of reality. But is it? We invite you to delve deeper into this topic and find out what dream books say about this.

Why do you dream about talking on the phone?

It is believed that talking on the phone is a purely feminine inclination, but in fact, everything is not quite like that: today children, men, girls and women solve their issues over the phone. Perhaps this is why in a dream a person periodically observes pictures when he himself is talking on the phone, or someone is calling him.

Psychologist Freud in his dream book he gives the following explanation: a telephone in dreams symbolizes the connection of the sleeping person with the world, therefore the exact interpretation of the dream depends on many components: with whom exactly is the person going to talk in his dream, what quality of communication took place, and also who initiated the conversation. We suggest you look into the details.

Why do you dream about talking on the phone with your ex-boyfriend?

Such a dream is a sign that it is time to leave the past in the past and get more involved in your present. But here it is important to remember who exactly initiated this conversation:

  • if you dream that your ex-boyfriend called, it means that in real life he hopes to renew the relationship;
  • if she dreams that a sleeping woman called her ex, she is not ready to come to terms with the breakup, but if the conversation with her ex was unsuccessful, she is ready to move on, and soon her life will get better;
  • if you dreamed that the connection during a conversation with your ex was very bad and it was impossible to talk, there is a great threat of gossip and intrigue from her colleagues in the dreamer’s life.

Talking on the phone with a man in a dream

If you dream of a telephone conversation with a man, this can have several meanings:

  • if you dream of a conversation with a man, then for a woman this means that she is loved and desired, everything is in perfect order in her life, especially if she is talking with the object of her passion;
  • if a girl dreams about it, it promises her a quick acquaintance;
  • if a man dreams about it, this is a harbinger of the manifestation of ill-wishers, however, if he dreams that he is talking to his good friend, it means that he will soon receive tangible support from him and will be able to cope with troubles.

Miller's dream book gives the following meaning to such dreams:

  • in the real life of the sleeper, a difficult period has begun; stress and anxiety await him; if the conversation in the dream was loud and clear, the dreamer will be able to cope with his problems and the unfavorable period will soon pass without a trace.
  • if the conversation was unclear and abrupt, then another influx of negativity is expected, but if the sleeper does not focus his attention on the problems, then nothing serious will happen.

Talking on the phone with a deceased person in a dream

Vanga's Dream Book assures his readers that talking to the dead in dreams is a good sign. Especially if this is a conversation with loved ones: with a deceased grandmother, grandfather, etc.

According to the compiler, in this way relatives try to contact their relatives and give advice that they need at this stage. Try to remember the essence of the conversation with the deceased.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse In this regard, he gives the following interpretation: talking with deceased relatives means that in real life one should be wary of enemies.

Slavic dream book prepares the sleeper, who saw his conversation on the phone with the deceased, for important news in reality.

Talk to a woman on the phone in a dream

Freud's Dream Book gives an interpretation for a man who sees a conversation with his beloved woman as a manifestation of his inner desire. The psychologist believes that the dream projects the dreamer’s real desires to talk to the desired woman, see her and touch her.

Loff's Dream Book gives this interpretation - if a woman dreams, this is a harbinger of affairs, however, if this conversation was with a loved one, for example, with a sister or mother, this is a good sign, which means that in reality the woman will hear good news.

Talking on the phone with your loved one in a dream

According to most interpretations of dreams, in which the dreamer talks to his loved one is a good sign:

  • Zemma's dream book: if you dream in a dream about the voice of a loved one or a person whom both men and women really like, the dream means that they are thinking about you and are waiting to meet you;
  • Tsvetkov's dream book: if you dreamed that the dreamer was going to talk to his beloved, important changes will soon take place in his life; for a woman, this may foreshadow a quick meeting with her beloved;
  • Veles's dream book: if in a dream you dream that the sleeper is going to talk to a loved one, it means that he will receive pleasant news in reality;
  • Long's dream book: if you dream of a pleasant telephone conversation with a loved one, it means that the dreamer will soon receive help from outside; if in a dream he was prevented from speaking, someone is trying to confuse him; if a man dreamed of a conversation with his lover, this is a bad sign; in reality, unexpected difficulties may arise if I dreamed that the call went unanswered - troubles would pass by.
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