Old things according to the dream book. Interpretation of the dream of throwing away in dream books I dreamed that I was throwing out garbage

The article on the topic: “dream book about throwing away food” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Throw away in a modern dream book

You dreamed about throwing things away; you are in for home repairs, even cosmetic ones, or even moving to a new place of residence. If at the same time you were sorry to part with them, and you were grieving, then you will easily endure changes in real life and will even be pleased with their consequences. But if you threw it away cheerfully and recklessly, it means that you will be upset that everything will go contrary to your plans and expectations. If you see yourself throwing away garbage, you will be able to free yourself from the burden of some long-standing guilt. If you threw away some material values ​​or food, it means that your life aspirations will soon change. If you threw away some old trash or unnecessary rags, you will soon abandon an outdated relationship or job. You need to let go of your past and make room for a future relationship or new job. If you throw household utensils out of the house, big things await you, and maybe travel, which will distract your thoughts about all household problems and worries.

Throwing away in Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of throwing things away, a relationship that has been an important part of your life will soon break. If you parted with these things without regret, then you will part painlessly, and there will be no remorse on your part. If you throw away the mask in a dream, expect a new sexual partner to appear who will help you diversify your life. If in a dream you throw away an old unnecessary broom, it means that in real life you are very tired of someone, and you dream of getting rid of him. Maybe you are very tired of some thing. This irritates you greatly, but you cannot do anything. There is no need to worry, the situation will change soon, and all you have to do is take advantage of it.

The one who snores falls asleep first.

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Why do you dream about food?

It is hardly worth paying attention to a dream about food if you saw it on the eve of a festive feast. Such night dreams are simply a reflection of your thoughts in reality. But in all other cases, it is advisable to understand why food is dreamed of.

Food in a dream

A lot of food - dream book

Conventionally, dreams with food can be divided into groups. At the same time, it is the actions with food that are performed in night dreams that are very important. Many people want to understand why they dream about eating a lot. Such a dream is interpreted unambiguously, it symbolizes the dreamer’s desire for great and bright love, and the dream can also express the desire for power in reality.

Cook food

If you dream that you are cooking food in a dream, then this indicates that pleasant events will happen in your life in the near future.

Moreover, when interpreting a dream, the following should be taken into account:

  • If you cook food at home, then wonderful moments await you in your personal sphere;
  • When you have to cook food in your friends' kitchen, this means that you can count on the support of loved ones;
  • If you are preparing food in a completely unfamiliar place, then you have to learn a new business that will turn out to be profitable;
  • When you have to cook outdoors, you will soon have fun in the company of friends.

For a girl to cook many different dishes in a dream means she will soon get married. Moreover, if a young lady in her night dreams is absolutely sure that she is preparing very tasty dishes, then the marriage will be successful.

Cooking with a friend

A dream in which you are cooking with your closest friend foreshadows a party at your home.

Over-salt the food during cooking

And over-salting food during cooking in a dream is not a bad sign at all; it indicates that you will make peace with your offender, and life circumstances may develop in such a way that you become friends.

Why do you dream about food that doesn’t taste good?

Cooking food is a positive sign for the dreamer, even if he realizes that the food was not tasty. Such a dream predicts the fact that in real life a new employer will be interested in you and will make a very lucrative offer. But if you dream that you have prepared delicious food, then this means that people close to you are proud of your success.

Eating in a dream

Quite often a person may dream that he is eating in a dream. Why do you dream about such a plot? If such a dream is not associated with a feeling of hunger, then it is very important to understand what it may portend.

First of all, pay attention to where you ate in your night dreams:

  • If you ate at home, then this indicates that you are very diligent and patient, and it is these character traits that will help you become a successful person;
  • If you ate in the canteen, then this portends that you will have to express your opinion in a team and receive the support of colleagues;
  • When you have to eat with friends, this foreshadows a real invitation to visit;
  • If you eat in nature, then in real life a period of pleasure begins, so you need to discard all unnecessary thoughts and enjoy to the fullest;
  • If you eat in bed, then in real life you will be able to realize your plans.

Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:

  • If you do not like the food you consume, then this indicates that problems will arise in real life that will require willpower to resolve;
  • If you dream that you are eating your favorite dish, then this symbolizes your peace of mind;
  • Eating fruit in a dream means meeting a person with whom you will begin a romantic relationship.

Buying your favorite food - interpretation of sleep

If you dream that you are buying your favorite food, then this means that you will soon enjoy a good rest. And if you have to buy food that is not to your taste, then in love you will be able to achieve reciprocity.

When in a dream you see yourself in a supermarket, pay attention to the following:

  • If you are carrying groceries in a cart, then this portends a long journey in pleasant company;
  • If you carry groceries in a bag, then in real life you will have to solve other people's problems.

Buy food for the feast

When in your night dreams you have to buy food for some kind of holiday feast, then soon you will have to go on vacation. When the dream focuses on the fact that salt and bread are being purchased, then in reality you should wait for the arrival of dear guests.

Why do you dream about sharing food?

A very good sign is a dream plot in which the dreamer has to share food with another person. This is a harbinger that in reality you will be presented with a valuable gift. And if in a dream you give part of the food to your best friend or girlfriend, then in reality you can count on financial help from friends.

Get food during a robbery

If you dream that you got food after robbing a grocery store, then in real life you should prepare for a serious conversation with your superiors. Moreover, it will most likely be unpleasant for you.

Steal food

But if in your night dreams you steal food from a friend, then this foreshadows reconciliation with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.

You should pay attention to the products that had to be stolen according to the plot of the dream:

  • Stolen bread portends that you will soon have to engage in charity work;
  • A stolen piece of meat predicts a party with a large number of guests;
  • Stolen fish focuses on the fact that loved ones need your help;
  • Stolen milk indicates that it is time to pay attention to the children.

Throwing away spoiled food - the meaning of sleep

If in a dream you have to throw away spoiled food, this means that you are trying to get rid of the past, which is preventing you from leading a full lifestyle. And when you dreamed that in your night dreams you threw a piece of bread on the ground, then in reality you should prepare for financial difficulties.

Dreams in which food appears, in most cases, do not bode well. Night dreams are mainly of a warning nature. That is why the correct interpretation of dreams with food is important, which will help you react correctly to certain events in reality.

What does food mean in a dream?

The modern dream book describes in detail what food means in dreams, taking into account all the details of the dream.

Cooking in a dream is a good sign indicating pleasant events that are about to happen in your life.

For example, cooking food at home means experiencing wonderful moments in your personal life. And doing this with friends means feeling the support of loved ones.

Cooking in an unfamiliar place means learning a new business that will later bring profit. And cooking in nature is a sign that soon you will be able to have a lot of fun.

  • Over-salting the dish means reconciliation with the offender.
  • Cooking with a friend - for a party at your home.
  • Grilling shish kebab in nature is a sign of a romantic walk.
  • Dropping a pot of soup or borscht is a valuable find.
  • Cooking a lot of dishes is a sign of a marriage proposal.

If you dream that the food you have prepared is completely tasteless, then a promising employer will soon be interested in your talents. And delicious food in a dream means that your loved ones are proud of you.

According to the dream book, you dream about the food you cook in a frying pan when friends arrive. And cooking in a saucepan means inviting relatives over.

A dream where you eat at home speaks of your perseverance and patience. And food on a friend’s table is a sign that they want to invite you over.

Eating in the canteen means expressing your opinion in a group and receiving support. And eat in nature - discard unnecessary thoughts and enjoy life.

  • Food that you don’t like is a manifestation of willpower.
  • Eating your favorite dish brings peace of mind.
  • Dreaming about the food your mother prepared for you is a sign of pleasant memories.
  • Eating fruit is a sign of kisses and romance.
  • Eating in bed means realizing your plans.

If the food you eat is on a large plate, it means your colleagues respect you. And eating from a small plate or saucer means that a lot of interesting work awaits you ahead.

If you dream that your food is in a bag, then try to keep your opinions on controversial issues to yourself. And eating from a large bowl or pan means being satisfied with your financial situation.

A big holiday with a luxurious feast is what you dream of about food that you share with a poor person. And if it is a piece of bread or a roll, then the guests will give you a valuable gift.

Sharing your portion with a child means fulfilling a childhood dream. And if you dream that you gave part of your food to a rich person, then a significant increase in money awaits you soon.

Buying your favorite food means enjoying your vacation. And to acquire something that is not to your taste means to earn reciprocity in love.

You dream of groceries in a cart before a long journey in pleasant company. And carrying them in a bag means taking responsibility for solving other people's problems.

  • Buying food for a holiday means going on vacation.
  • Buy bread and salt for the arrival of dear guests.
  • Taking only the essentials will save money.

If you dream that you bought food, but when you came home you found that it was not there, then strangers may deceive you. And to see products in a package that you did not buy means to suspect your loved one of cheating.

You dream of stale food before general cleaning. And wormy food means you need to throw away old things you haven't used for a long time.

If you have a dream in which you got food as a result of a store robbery, then in reality you will have a serious conversation with your superiors. And stealing food at the market means getting what you want in a short time.

To be visiting a friend and steal food there is to make peace with him. And picking it up from a random passer-by means meeting a rich person.

Stealing a loaf of bread means wanting to do charity. And taking a large piece of meat without asking means throwing a party with a large number of guests.

Stolen fish is a sign that your loved ones need your support. And the milk that you stole in a dream reminds you that you need to spend more time with your children.

Throwing away spoiled food in a dream means getting rid of echoes of a past life. And if you dream that you put fresh food in the trash bin, then your previous hobbies will be useful to you in the future.

Throwing away someone else's food means arguing with a stranger. And getting rid of unloved dishes means coping with the desire to take revenge on the offender.

If you dream that you threw a piece of bread on the ground, then temporary financial difficulties await you. And throwing salad into the trash can means forgetting all the old grievances.

Pouring milk down the sink means breaking off relations with your ex-partner forever. And vegetables in the trash can speak of your belief in a better life.

If you notice food in a dream, be sure to open your dream book and read what food means in your dreams.

And the most important advice

  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Food?

    Interpretation of sleep Food in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

    Food in a dreamThrowing away food in a dream- to get rid of illness or gossip.

    For those who were not injured by hedgehog thorns in a dream, a meeting with a friend is coming. This also means that your opinion about someone may be wrong. Think about what was said. Those from whom the hedgehog ran away in a dream should beware of quarrels and abuse.

    Food has always been a symbol of home, where there is prosperity, hospitality and friendliness. It has long been believed that workers in the family, and these are, of course, men, should receive the largest piece. Our ancestors believed that God sent food, and therefore it was considered a sin to condemn what was sent today by the Almighty; they always rejoiced at food and gave thanks for it, as for the greatest mercy. There was even a special ritual of eating food: people gathered for a joint meal and ate from the same cauldron. Thanks to this ritual, many different sayings about family and spiritual ties between people appeared. After all, the ancestors believed that people who did not know each other could become related during a joint meal, and even more so by eating from a common cauldron.

    A hedgehog in a dream, which is a forest dweller, speaks of caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain, and protection. In folk legends, he personifies freedom and thrift. The hedgehog is smart and agile, it’s not for nothing that with the help of its numerous needles the heroine from the fairy tale quickly made herself a flying carpet. A hedgehog can fight back anyone who tries to offend him. Despite his small size, he is brave, as well as hardy and very cunning. They say about a heartless person who has finally been taught a lesson: “I was looking for a knife and ran into a hedgehog.”

    If you dreamed of food, then such a dream may portend poverty for you or the arrival of a large number of guests in your home.

    If you dreamed of delicious food that you cannot tear yourself away from, it means that success awaits you in life. An abundance of food symbolizes prosperity and peace in the family.

    If you dreamed that you were eating all alone, this means that you will face big troubles associated with a loss or illness.

    If you dreamed that they brought you food, this is a good sign: you will soon be lucky in life. Giving food to someone in a dream means discord with your loved one.

    If you dreamed that you were attached to only one food and did not like anything else, it means that in life you may remain misunderstood.

    If you dreamed that you saw a baby hedgehog, then this means that you should be careful, since your enemies are plotting various intrigues against you and will do everything to ensure that you crash.

    If you dreamed of a hungry person who could barely stand on his feet, who sat down at the table and immediately lost consciousness, then this dream suggests that in the near future you will be busy taking care of distant relatives, or this dream is a sign of malaise, misfortune, which may something will happen to you on the street.

    If you dream that you are cooking food- such a dream portends well-being.

    If you dream that you are cooking something, then in real life you will have bright and pleasant events. Don't prepare, wait for them.

    If you dream that you are eating– in real life you may have a problem with your feet, to avoid this you should brew coffee and water your feet.

    If you dream that you are eating pudding- such a dream brings joy.

    If you dream that you are eating cottage cheese- Expect a date in life.

    If you dreamed about food, then such a dream speaks of changes in your life.

    If you were pricked by a hedgehog in a dream, then this can be a warning that you should not waste time establishing friendly relations with someone who does not want this at all.

    If you see a hedgehog in a dream, this is a warning from a two-faced and cunning person, you should be extremely careful with the people you trust. Seeing a hedgehog running away from you in a dream means caution, prudence, inaccessibility and sudden, unexpected pain. It is also possible that the dream warns you of the appearance of a crafty enemy in your life.

    If in a dream you see how a hedgehog was killed, it means that the trouble approaching you will be resolved safely.

    If in a dream you are eating in the company of your family and friends, such a dream foreshadows a successful deal.

    If in a dream you eat meat– a dream means the well-being of your home or wealth.

    If you are whipping pudding- your income will increase.

    If you see oil in a dream- you will quarrel with a friend.

    If you see a hedgehog coming towards you, this means that soon you will be relaxing among relatives or you will have a serious conversation.

    If you share food with a certain person in a dream, then that person is your true friend.

    If you have held a hedgehog in your hands, get ready for envy, intrigue and gossip.

    If you eat in a company that is pleasant to you– the dream is quite favorable, it means that benefits, success and luck in important matters await you.

    If you eat raw meat- expect losses.

    If you eat food on your own, alone, then such a dream portends minor losses for you, but, nevertheless, be prepared, this can be prevented.

    If you buy lard in a dream– a dream means a quarrel in everyday life.

    If you saw in a dream a table on which there is an abundance of many different dishes, and you, in turn, quickly eat one dish after another, then this means that guests will soon come to you, or this dream may be a sign that soon you will get sick.

    If you prick yourself on the needles of a hedgehog, expect unpleasant things to happen with a “prickly” person. In that case, if you dreamed of a hedgehog with hedgehogs, there will soon be a scandal with your neighbors over children.

    If you are successful, and in a dream the hedgehog bristles with its thorns, someone is greatly offended by your success.

    If the hedgehog is hiding from you, then soon you will have to be patient with some matters.

    If a man dreams of food– expect melancholy in real life.

    If you dreamed that a hedgehog suddenly pricked or bit you, this could mean sudden acute pain, injury, or an unexpected break in an established relationship that was pleasant for you.

    If you dreamed of a hedgehog, perhaps in reality you will meet a sarcastic person who, moreover, is too cunning.

    If this little creature is chasing you around in your dreams, it's time to rest. Most likely, you are tired of constant forced communication with people. It's time for you to retire. In that dream, where there was a walk through the forest in which the hedgehog was, there was a hidden threat. Take a closer look, your loved ones are in trouble.

    Eating bland, tasteless food in a dream means that you are still far from reaching your goal.

    Eating in a dream among a noisy crowd- to gossip and unnecessary waste.

    Eating sweet food- to guests, sour - to a quarrel, bitter or sharp - to a quarrel with a friend.

    To dislike the person who sits at the table with you means hidden orders.

    When a hedgehog appears in the dreamer’s house, he will meet a very extraordinary person.

    Eating spoiled food- be prepared for big troubles.

    Smear pudding on your body- to illness.

    A hedgehog found in a forest or field demonstrating friendliness means a strong patron or philanthropist, a person who is ready to take your side in a difficult situation. A lot of hedgehogs accepting food from your hands is a sign of your victory over gossipers or a turning point in public opinion in your favor.

    Taking food from someone- to empty troubles.

    Buying pudding- someone will harm you.

    Buying food for yourself in a dream- to big profits for the poor, and big losses for rich people.

    A hedgehog in a dream means a quick meeting with an ill-wisher, a proud and selfish person, or an expressive insolent person. You may have to endure several unpleasant minutes under fire from caustic glances and malicious words.

    A hedgehog drinking milk portends a meeting with an old friend.

    Collect food on the street- to wealth.

    A dream that you found a hedgehog in the forest foreshadows the unexpected patronage of a very influential person.

    The dream that you are breeding hedgehogs suggests that you are striving to free yourself from the will of others and do not want to obey anyone.

    A dream in which you see a house full of hedgehogs indicates that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation from which it will be quite difficult to get out.

    Seeing food in a dream can also mean that you are too careless and careless with important documents, which will cause significant problems and damage to your business.

    If you see in a dream a table that is full of food, but the dish does not evoke any feelings and you eat through force, then such a dream promises you to make an important decision.

    If you have a dream where you eat dishes at dinner, and they are all bland, but at the end they serve you seasonings, then this means belated news or the fact that you will see a person whom you have been looking for for a very long time and to no avail.

  • Probably, to see garbage in a dream means that in reality you will become the subject of gossip, gossip, and general discussion, since this dream symbol is closely related to the saying: “washing dirty linen in public,” that is, to flaunt personal problems and family affairs.

    If in a dream you see mountains of garbage, then this dream foreshadows that in the near future you will be in a gloomy and depressed mood, so you should not start new things or plan joint family entertainment.

    Picking up trash - in reality you will cause disagreements in your family or team at work, although you won’t even notice how you will involve everyone in the conflict.

    If in a dream you carefully collect garbage in a dustpan, and it wakes up again on the floor, then this means a major quarrel with a loved one or a reprimand from your superiors; in any case, try to control yourself and do not add fuel to the fire.

    If you dreamed of construction debris, this means that after a conflict or unpleasant conversation you will be able to restore your previous relationship.

    Seeing in a dream how the wind lifts garbage into the air is an unpleasant dream that foreshadows discord with others, which will become known to everyone.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    Dream Interpretation - Garbage, rubbish

    Unsatisfactory completion of activities; discomfort in the soul.

    Heaps of all sorts of rubbish and scattered garbage generally reflect our emotional state after any unsatisfactory events or incidents (for example, after holiday drinking, a scandal, the arrival of guests, a divorce from a spouse, etc.).

    Sometimes, according to the law of inversion, garbage means great things, accomplishments and making money.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Throwing garbage into someone’s yard with your spouse symbolizes “taking out the garbage in public” (emotional litter), the Dreamer’s excessive emotionality. Here the Mistress of the Yard rides on a bicycle, the Dreamer and his wife sit on one Bicycle, the mistress of the Yard remains behind - she shows the consciousness lagging behind and the emotional comfort of the Dreamer ahead, meaning that the Dreamer is not the master of his emotions and is emotionally dependent. A male dreamer falls from a Mountain (social peak), tries to cling to the loose Earth and slides down to a Pond under transparent Ice - symbolizes the undeveloped Yang - social qualities of the Dreamer and his unstable financial situation due to exposure to emotions. A plastic Box, frozen to the ice and forming a Bridge, which broke under the Dreamer, so that the latter ended up in the Water - symbolizes in reality the predominance of emotions over the mind, the lack of a firm position and social advancement (The Dreamer is Far from the Shore, knows that it is deep, but does not drown - this is the future Consciousness, as a supporting support, far from Emotions). The wife and Mistress of the Court on the slope of the Mountain, the remaining Telephone symbolizes the Dreamer's unawareness, social instability and material dependence. An impulsive desire to dive for a phone that has fallen into the water, but the awareness of cold water means in reality one’s own balanced and promising decisions, dictated by a cold mind despite emotional comfort (cold water). This is what the dream is about.

    Dream Interpretation - Throw cats out the window

    Here, cats, these are other people’s opinions, other people’s expectations about your actions (your cat, this is your intuition, your intention) a man is your spirit (well, or soul, given that you like him) cleaning the house is like clearing your consciousness from destructive thoughts, worries, fears...

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

    Dream Interpretation - Threw away my old closet

    The dreamer saw her previous emotional structure (chaos and bustle in the house), implying emotional interactions that were not always favorable and deprived of freedom of action. At this time, the Dreamer consciously controls her Emotional sphere (desires, needs) and does not give free rein to her feelings. The Old Wardrobe, in this case, personifies former emotional attachments, although the Dreamer in reality realizes that she is now much better off without any attachments.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

    Dream Interpretation - The first dream that I can’t get out of my head

    According to the dream, the Dreamer will soon open a different Vision of his life (everything Material is perceived as temporary and unstable) and will open a second wind (this is the Meaning of life in an immaterial context, Ideas and their embodiment, self-realization). That’s why the dreamer dreamed about this dream-messenger - the time has come to balance his “existence” in this world with other concepts. You should not be afraid of such an unusual Dream; only worthy and hopeful conscious Souls see it.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

    Dream Interpretation - Another person threw away the sleeping person’s slippers

    Hello. I think that the old slippers that were thrown away are the completion of the journey in life. And cleaning the apartment (that is, changes in life) only testifies to this. Ahead of you is a new stage of life and a new road along which you will need to walk.... Good luck to you and success in life! With respect to you, I.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

    Dream Interpretation - Two weddings in one dream

    The dream suggests the Dreamer's missed opportunities due to ideal views of the world (beautiful room, beautiful Bride, take out the extra Trash). But in general, the dream also shows the possibilities of the future, encountered at every step, the main thing is not to miss them (an unexpected meeting with a short Groom on the landing).

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

    Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

    Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries, ordinary people feared this disease as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

    Are the unlimited possibilities of a person in a dream a reality?

    It is believed that a person lives in two worlds at the same time. He lives one life in his waking moments, and the second, more interesting and giving him unlimited possibilities, in his dreams. How are they different?

    One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

    The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a shared dream. One dream for two is the highest level of lucid sleep, which, however, can be achieved by every person by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Joint dreaming is a special type of interpersonal communication in reality created in a dream.

    Why do you dream about throwing it away?

    Throwing away in a modern dream book

    Throwing something away in a dream means that in order to achieve your goals and achieve what you dreamed of, you need to get rid of some complexes or problems in real life. If in your dream you were putting things in order and throwing things away, expect to move or do some repairs. If parting with things was joyful, most likely you will be upset by obstacles to your plans. They threw it away with great reluctance and sadness - the changes will be easy and for the better. Throwing out garbage in a dream means real getting rid of a heavy long-standing burden or guilt; successful outcome of a difficult case. If you throw away something that has some value, such as money, food, gold, etc. - your positions in life will be rethought. A dream in which you throw out ashes promises peace in the house.

    Throwing away in Miller's dream book

    Seeing trash in a dream that no one threw out suggests that you are not coping with your responsibilities. The more garbage, the more contradictions and failures.

    Throwing away in Vanga's dream book

    Throwing something away in a dream means that deliverance will come in reality. If you keep old and unnecessary things, afraid to throw them away, you expose yourself to ridicule and slander.

    Throwing away in Freud's dream book

    If in a dream you throw tadpoles onto land that you first catch, then we can talk about the sadistic inclinations towards children living in you. Throwing things away in a dream means that relationships that have become part of life will be broken. And the easier it will be to part with your partner, the more pleasant it is to get rid of things. Regret about things will be reflected in the pain of a breakup.

    If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed.

    Benjamin Franklin

    Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious

    Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and development of one’s personality are only a small part of the opportunities that the world of lucid dreaming can provide. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books that has ever existed. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such precision in the interpretation of a world that is practically beyond scientific comprehension?

    Why do you dream of Throwing It Away

    Throw away in a modern dream book

    You dreamed about throwing things away; you are in for home repairs, even cosmetic ones, or even moving to a new place of residence. If at the same time you were sorry to part with them, and you were grieving, then you will easily endure changes in real life and will even be pleased with their consequences. But if you threw it away cheerfully and recklessly, it means that you will be upset that everything will go contrary to your plans and expectations. If you see yourself throwing away garbage, you will be able to free yourself from the burden of some long-standing guilt. If you threw away some material values ​​or food, it means that your life aspirations will soon change. If you threw away some old trash or unnecessary rags, you will soon abandon an outdated relationship or job. You need to let go of your past and make room for a future relationship or new job. If you throw household utensils out of the house, big things await you, and maybe travel, which will distract your thoughts about all household problems and worries.

    Throwing away in Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed of throwing things away, a relationship that has been an important part of your life will soon break. If you parted with these things without regret, then you will part painlessly, and there will be no remorse on your part. If you throw away the mask in a dream, expect a new sexual partner to appear who will help you diversify your life. If in a dream you throw away an old unnecessary broom, it means that in real life you are very tired of someone, and you dream of getting rid of him. Maybe you are very tired of some thing. This irritates you greatly, but you cannot do anything. There is no need to worry, the situation will change soon, and all you have to do is take advantage of it.

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