Seduction of cancer. Qualities inherent in Cancers. The main character traits of a Cancer man

The operation, codenamed "Seducing a Cancer Zodiac Man," could fail for another initial stage if a woman does not take into account the peculiarities of his personality and. The Cancer man is very cautious, and you can learn how to seduce him from the advice of astrologers.

How to seduce a Cancer guy?

Sexually, Cancer men are attracted to bright, beautiful and relaxed women. However, excellent external data is enough for only a few meetings, if a girl does not attract a man as a person, you should not wait for a long time.

Second required condition The development of relationships is that Cancer needs to be confident in the feelings and fidelity of his beloved. If a lady decides to bind a Cancer man to herself, causing him jealousy, she may be left alone.

To properly build a line of seduction, you need to choose a tactic that the Cancer guy can “peck” on:

  1. Cancers are very attracted to women who have a mystery. Therefore, you can’t rush with him and lay out all the ins and outs about yourself - let there always be a little understatement.
  2. To set up a Cancer man in a romantic way, you need to organize a date near a pond. Water is the element of Cancer, next to it he feels calm, confident and reliable.
  3. Competent in many areas, Cancers are very fond of giving advice, enlightening and helping. A seductive girl asking Cancer for help will surely attract his attention and arouse a desire to assist not only with advice.
  4. Cancer men are rarely assertive and really dislike this quality in women. Even if the gentleman does not take decisive action for too long, the woman needs to wait.
  5. The water element makes Cancers sensitive and emotional. If he shares his impressions and - it means that Cancer distinguishes this person from others. In response, the Cancer man expects attention, empathy.
  6. Insecure at heart, Cancer men are very fond of compliments. But one should not flatter - if a man suspects a woman's insincerity, he will break up with her.

A man born under the sign of Cancer has a difficult character. It is difficult to subdue him, since the Cancer man “does not let” outsiders into his soul for a long time. He is characterized by a sense of caution, as people of this zodiac sign are incredibly sensitive and touchy, and are afraid that their heart will be broken.

Seduction of a man - Cancer

Cancer man can be great friend, he knows how to please a woman, as he attracts her with his delicacy, which is successfully combined with confidence in his mind and strength. In addition, a man of this sign is usually attractive in appearance. But how to seduce a Cancer man if he is interested in a woman not only as a friend?

To do this, a woman must become interesting for this man, not only as an object of sexual satisfaction, but also as a person. He must be sure that he really likes his partner, and she will not even look in the direction of other men.

A woman who wants to conquer a Cancer man must literally pray for him. Do not test him with jealousy, this may end in parting.

Demanding and jealous

The character of the Cancer man should be taken into account, who will not tolerate a woman who claims to be his heart not completely devoted to him.

This male is incredibly jealous, and his jealousy concerns not only physical contacts, but even spiritual "treason" on the part of his partner.

But the requirements that this man makes to the weaker sex, he, alas, lowers when we are talking about himself. So on the account of men born under the sign of Cancer, a lot of broken women's hearts. (By the way, Tom Cruise and Sylvester Stallone were born under this sign ...).

Even those women who know perfectly well the secrets of seducing men sometimes turn out to be powerless against the charming, but emotionally cold Cancer men. And if the relationship still ends in marriage, then the wife finds herself in emotional submission to her Cancer husband. AT rare cases the opposite happens - when a Cancer man is madly carried away by a woman who is stronger in character.

A Cancer woman is a refined, romantic nature, with a fine mental organization. Outwardly, she shows her emotions very restrained, so for many men such a lady remains a mystery for a long time. But in...

Men born under the sign of Cancer make very high demands on their chosen ones, so they often have to look for "their one" for many years.

For Cancer men, it is important that the life partner feels and understands them, knows how to respond correctly to changes in their mood, which happens quite often. How to conquer a Cancer man, we will consider in more detail in this article.

Features of men

Most often in men born under this sign, blue or grey eyes and her hair is thick and beautiful. They know a lot of interesting things, therefore they are interesting interlocutors, and women are surrounded by care and tenderness. Many cancers are intellectual and creative individuals.

What is avoided and feared

Cancer men do not accept pressure, violence and any attempt to control them, so you will have to be resourceful and find other ways to get what you want from your loved one. Cancers guard and protect self-esteem, never allowing them to be disregarded.

In order to keep Cancer, first of all, you need to be his friend, before whom he can emotionally open up. And Cancer men are far from being revealed to every woman, because they are very afraid of disappointment. Sometimes they need several years in order to.

The wife of such a man should be an excellent hostess and be able to create a cozy family nest that you want to return to after a hard day at work. Cancerians are avid household members, so it is important for them that the chosen one can create an atmosphere of comfort.

Among other things, it must be remembered that these vulnerable and deeply feeling natures need their own peace in your common world. Cancer needs the opportunity to have its territory in your common home and its own things that belong exclusively to him alone. Give him the opportunity to search for himself and "enjoy" his own temporary suffering.

How to keep a man if his mother doesn't like you

For men born under the sign of Cancer, the mother is main woman in life. A cancer man will be betrayed to his mother for the rest of his life, so resisting her is a futile exercise.

The most correct position on the part of Cancer's beloved is to show respect to her man and his mother. If you show enough patience, then over time you will become, if not the best, then at least “good” for the mother of your lover.

If you find yourself in such a situation, you should determine for yourself the right place in the world of your chosen one and his mother, or rather, the place of the second woman in her presence. If the mother of your chosen one loves to give you advice, just pretend that you are very grateful to her for this.

If you manage to ignore the criticality and constant attempts to "get into someone else's business" from the mother-in-law, then it will be much easier for you to win support and keep the Cancer man. Author: Elizabeth Bathory

> Seduction of Cancer

There are two ways to seduce Cancer. The first is to tune in to them. The second is to catch them at the moment when they are in the most appropriate mood.

Depending on the coordination of actions, everything can go easily or incredibly difficult. This is the first of many controversies that surround this complex sign.

Before we get to handcuffs and baby oil, let's talk about their personalities briefly. This is perhaps the least understood sign. Therefore, awareness of some features will greatly simplify the process.

Cancer is complex!

The good news is that all Cancers are very predictable and consistent, of course, if you know what to expect. But the bad part is that their personality can be loved or hated, and there is no middle ground.

They are emotional and caring people, passionate but holding back until they figure out if you can be trusted. They have strong intuition and are unusually sensitive to liars and fakes.

Many believe that they were greatly offended by previous partners (especially at an older age), so they can build a high wall around themselves and look pessimistic when it comes to evaluating a new applicant.

About good

In many ways, Cancers are the perfect lovers. Loyal, caring, supportive, funny, passionate, practical and sexy. If your personalities converge, then this will be an ideal option for you.

No other sign can do it this way. various aspects life and maintain everything at a decent level. This is the only zodiac who knows how to combine a peaceful couch potato and a passionate animal in the bedroom… a rare combination indeed!

About the bad

A lot of people write about sharp drops Cancer mood. Like other personality traits, this one can be looked at from different angles (most Cancers are well aware of this feature, so it's best not to bring this topic up at the very beginning).

The right mood turns them into exciting lovers whose desire wakes up at any time. If you can empathize and meet your partner's needs as they arise, you'll make a great couple (Pisces and Scorpio are great options).

However, it is worth noting that Cancer constantly needs supervision, so if you are used to putting yourself in the spotlight (Aries and Leo beware!), You will have to adjust your behavior. In return, he is almost always ready to take care of your upbringing, and will do here even more than your parents!

Based on your personality, you probably already figured out if you want to get involved with this person. Of course, sometimes independent Cancer is also found (with a fiery or airy influence in natal chart), but this description fits the vast majority.

Cancer and attitude

Cancer takes communication seriously. He puts all his strength and expects a response. Will not agree to an affair without commitment and random encounters. And this leads to a very interesting point...

They change with age. Seducing a 20-year-old Cancer is very different from conquering a 40-year-old. They start out as trusting and open partners, but after bad experience close and become extremely suspicious. There is no other sign that goes through such a radical and predictable transformation.

Cancers and romance

I would become a millionaire if they gave me a ruble every time they say that to seduce Cancer, it’s enough just to be romantic. This may be true, but far from complete:

Cancers feel lonely and vulnerable at times. At such moments, he wants to be loved and be safe. Therefore, a note with a declaration of love on the bedside table will be much more pleasant than a candlelit dinner (of course, if you do it at the right time).

If you tune in to those moments (when Cancer is overpowered), you'll get points for romance, even if you're far from being a romantic person. But if you're a romantic, that's okay too, as he doesn't need romance in the traditional sense.

It's all about the right moment. Sending a love note at the moment when Cancer feels in seventh heaven with happiness will not only not bring you bonuses, but will also expose you to ridicule. And this is the main difficulty...

How to Seduce a Cancer Man and a Cancer Woman

They want a partner who can empathize. Therefore, in order to seduce Cancer (in long term), will have to become Cancer.

On the early stages relationships is very simple. If you can become best friend, then 90% of the way is done. If you do not feel such a desire or opportunity, then this is a warning signal for both.

How to get a Cancer into bed

It is important to understand that this is not the best contender for temporary flirting. One or both will be hurt later.

Perhaps many will be surprised, but Cancer can be very spontaneous and sociable if he has good mood. If you use luck and perseverance, you can easily end up in the same bed.

But if this happened, then do not rush to praise yourself! You will have to face more of the aforementioned problems in order to try the chance a second time ...

Cancer Articles

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Cancer most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

They are probably the most sensitive and sentimental representatives of the diocese of the zodiac. If, as a rule, women usually complain that all men are completely insensitive, then Cancers are exceptions to the rule. They can give a loved one romance and intuitive sensitivity to her needs. And what kind of ladies do Cancer men like? Such people are not seducers, but rather boys who are selflessly attached to their mother. And you have every chance to become this particular "mother" for him. Let's talk about this further.

How to win a Cancer man for a long time?

If you are already firmly focused on conquering this man, then it is worth remembering that Cancers almost constantly need affection, care and support from their soulmate, even if they do not show it in any way. Rather, they create the appearance that they do not need anyone. And the stronger this is manifested, the more Cancer needs love and affection. If you think about it, then remember that your chosen one can be compared to a flower that must be constantly watered with love, otherwise it will wither and wither. This is where the first secret to conquer his heart lies. You can scare other men away by showing your feelings, but not Cancers. They will never repulse with all their heart loving women. Therefore, do not be afraid to express your feelings. You need to love him openly, and then he will reciprocate. Now you understand,

How to behave?

With closer communication with a Cancer man, you will notice that the behavior of this man is completely dependent on mood. At the same time, it is impossible to guess in advance why he suddenly becomes melancholic, everything annoys him, or, conversely, he sparkles with fun and enthusiasm. There is a feeling that moon sign the zodiac is actually in direct proportion to the moon, just like the sea with its ebb and flow. At such moments, you should be more patient with him, since Cancers are incredibly vulnerable people. If you deliberately use their trust and cause pain, then they will immediately hide in their shell, from where it will be really difficult to pull them out.

For this reason, the second advice appears on how to conquer a Cancer man - to show your betrothed that you only believe in him alone that you are ready to protect him from any adversity, and then you will see that both of you will be really happy.

How to win a Cancer man, what does he value in a relationship?

In addition to all this, it is worth remembering that for Cancer men, spiritual intimacy with a woman is much more important than physical. With all this, he is, as a rule, a real intellectual and creative person. Your loved one needs a partner who will share his interests, impulses of the soul and mind. Therefore, let him understand in everything that you are on the same wavelength with him, you like his views. It is very important that a strong bond be maintained between you. Now you know how to conquer a Cancer man. We sincerely wish you all the best!

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