How to determine that a woman loves a woman. By what signs can you understand that a girl loves you. She will help you

Men often ask me the question: "How can I understand if a woman loves me or not?"

And women ask: "How should a woman who loves her man behave?"

I answer both of these questions in the chapter "How to understand if this is your woman or not?" in The Not Real Man.

Your woman loves you. Not yours - does not like. Distinguishing one from the other is very easy if you know"organs" of love. They are described at the very beginning."Anatomy of love and fakes" . Let's transfer them to a hypothetical woman.

1. Your woman is faithful to you. Is always. There are simply no other men for her. They are not there not only for sex, but also for flirting, coquetry, flirting, pampering. For her, strange men are sexless creatures. She behaves with them with restraint, calmly. Don't dynamite them. Does not give out advances. Doesn't try to make you jealous. She doesn't go clubbing or drink wine with strangers at a bar.

It's not your woman who behaves in the opposite way. He tries his best to make you jealous. He flirts with might and main, flirts with other men, hints at something more. Tries to dynamize them. Or just looking for a new party. She leads an active club life, mostly without you.

2. Your woman is afraid of losing you. As in the sense of parting, and in the sense of death. She carefully creates coziness and psychological comfort in a couple. She does her best to make you feel good with her.

It is not for your woman to sneeze whether you will be with her all your life or leave right now. She won't lift a finger for your comfort with her. She will behave the way she wants. If he intends to humiliate you, he will humiliate you. Decides to dynamize - starts to dynamize. If he thinks of betraying, he will betray. And not even for a moment will feel guilty.

3. Your woman will surround you with kindness and care. She will try to help you in any way she can. Sharing your worries. Will support you. He will never nag you, yell. If she needs something or doesn’t like something, she will calmly tell you about it.

Not your woman will make you take care of her. Of course, without any reciprocity. She is the queen here, not you. She does not care about your experiences and hardships. But you will get psychological abuse in full.

4. Your woman will always come to your aid and do everything in her power. She won't leave your bed if you get sick. You are sure that you can always find an ally in her.

Not your woman will not help you - she is not a serf. If you go to the hospital, she will make you happy with a visit for fifteen minutes. He will bring tangerines and fly away about his business.

5. Your woman will always sacrifice the minor for something important. She'll skip the show for a date, she won't visit her friends to help you with your presentation for tomorrow's report, she'll put off buying earrings if the family is raising money for your expensive studies. She will sacrifice sleep to sit by your bedside in the hospital.

Not your woman will not sacrifice anything for you. The needs of her hamster Yaroslav are much more important to her than yours. If your friends are suddenly invited to the club, and you have a date scheduled for that day, then it is immediately canceled. Your learning is nothing compared to an expensive and trendy smartphone. Well, not to sleep is generally nonsense.

6. Your woman is ready to put up with your shortcomings. She will never remind you of them if she chose to be with you. She always remembers that a person nearby can create some inconvenience, but does not notice them, so as not to spoil the relationship. She is accommodating.

Not your woman will remind you every day of your shortcomings. Disgusting and derisive. She will not tolerate any inconvenience associated with you. Her comfort matters the most.

7. Your woman, if she does not like something, will say it calmly and will be ready to listen to explanations, after which - there is a great opportunity - she will change her point of view to yours. She is delicate.

Not your woman reports everything only in the form of loud claims and ultimatums. Scandal is the norm of her communication. Explanations are not accepted. Either you do what she wants, or you get out of her life.

8. Your woman is truthful. You can always trust her. Her words are accurate, without exaggeration and understatement, without substitution and concealment of information.

It’s not your woman who lies to your face, not even caring that her words are somehow like the truth. If you don't believe me, that's your problem.

9. Your woman will always respond to your kindness with hers. For your gift - yours. If you are attentive to her, she will definitely be attentive to you. Reciprocity for her is not an empty phrase.

Not your woman recognizes only the nipple system. One goal game. You owe her everything, she owes you nothing. And how did you want, lackey, being next to the queen?! Be glad that you have received the grace of sometimes contemplating her divine carcass!

10. Your woman trusts you. She does not persistently climb into your intimate psychological zone. Does not require reports and testimony. She shares her secrets with you.

Not your woman does not believe a single word of yours. She constantly doubts you, takes out checks, comparisons, surveillance. Catch on words. She demands to give her passwords from all your mailboxes and pages on social networks. She reads your messages on her phone and wants you to talk on the speakerphone in her presence. She is sure, no, she knows that you are cheating on her and withholding your true income from her. At the same time, everything connected with it is a big secret for you. She has a million secrets that she carefully hides from you.

11. But the most important sign of YOUR woman is that she is a reliable, proven fighting friend who will not leave you, no matter what happens to you. Up to disability and poverty. And never betray. She always believes in you. But this can only be learned over time, by eating together a pood of salt. Through failure. And through luck too.

Not your woman - unreliable. Vile. She will leave you as soon as the opportunity to grab a big jackpot. Or when a more wealthy or imposing man appears on the horizon. Or when you get sick and stop being an electric lackey.

The practical conclusion is simple: you are responsible for your woman. You protect her life and well-being. You are not driving yours. That's all.

Alexander Biryukov

You can listen to the "organs" of love and the anatomy of fakes

In the article, I will tell you how to understand that a girl loves (has serious feelings) for a man ...

I will talk about real things = which reflect the real state of love in girls / women.

The women themselves write/speak/tell, etc. etc. about love and feelings, frankly = nonsense bespontovy, which does not reflect the real state of affairs at all. In addition, women are, let's say, very distant creatures, and only a fool will listen to them. In addition to jokes, a woman can say one thing, think another, and do a third thing. This is what women are. Understand?

She is friends with one, meets with another, and generally sleeps with a third. This is what women are. I am showing you this as an example, so that you understand what women are and why you should not listen to them.

If you, a man, are a naive deer - you will continue to be led to all this womanish nonsense. And if not, you're welcome. I will tell you about real things, without lies and falsehood, in other matters, as usual ...

Those who have experience with girls / women understand what kind of creatures they are)) and how to interact with them. But! Most, alas, do not have such a complete picture of the world, and I also had no idea before. But time passes and everything changes. As after this release, it will change for many 🙂

All infa is taken from real life experience, personally mine (still not so big, but still) and pros of men / women in relationships. Water, delirium, snot, emotions, etc. will not be here.

If you, a man, after reading, do not find anything of what I have described - do not be upset, and end this empty relationship without any regrets. Dragged out with the introduction. All. Let's go.

No. 1. A loving girl is always faithful (devoted)

This is the NUMBER ONE item. Take my word for it, that girl / woman who has really serious real feelings for a man, truly loves him, always (pay attention to the word, always, not temporarily) faithful (devoted) only to this one man. Dot.

Loyalty (loyalty) will be even in case of separation (for example, due to quarrels, scandals, or there for other reasons, such as, for example, a flight, an army, a business trip, etc., etc.). And this is not about a week, two, a month, but also about fairly long periods (from a year or more), if any ...

If this is not there, there is no devotion (fidelity), this is not love, these are not serious feelings.

For a loving girl / woman, there are no other men at all. Jokes aside. They are hey not interesting, at all, at all. Hey, only one single man is interesting. The one she loves. All.

Loyalty = this is the most basic female quality #1.

And a loving girl, truly loving, = she will not meet anyone there already, accept courtship, flirt, flirt, flirt, communicate, will not look at other men, will not make eyes at them, etc. etc. she will stop communicating with old boyfriends (if any), acquaintances, etc., etc. understand the point - hey, no one is interesting if she loves, for real, a specific man, you understand? For her, there are no others = hey, only one is interesting.

All attention, courtship, care, affection, etc., etc., a loving girl / woman wants to receive only from a loving man. It is important for her to be with him and only with him. The rest are not interesting. Dot.

No. 2. A loving girl is afraid of losing her man...

A loving girl / woman will always openly demonstrate to you, man, that she values ​​\u200b\u200byou and the relationship with you. You are hey important. Dear. Understand?

In all quarrels - a loving girl / woman will make concessions, seek compromises in order to resolve the quarrel / maintain a relationship with you. Understand? You are important, dear!

If it doesn't, then it's not love. If she believes that she is always and in everything right, and you are always so-and-so, bad, etc., etc., then there is no love (feelings) here and cannot be.

A loving girl/woman will not walk away from you, leave you, slam the door, turn around and leave. This can only be done by a man on emotions)) but not by a woman, they don’t have this. Loving girls are ALWAYS MORE compliant, and COMPLIANT. Is always. Is always. And again, always.

The thought that you will leave her, you will break up or something will happen to you = is unbearable for her.

A loving girl / woman will always be accommodating, compliant, etc. she will make every effort to make you feel good with her, so that you are happy with her, so that you are next to her and not gone anywhere, she will make every effort to maintain a relationship with you, to be close to you, so that you are next to her, you know? You are extremely important and dear to her.

This is what love is for a loving girl/woman. Believe me. It really is.

Item number 1. fidelity (loyalty) is also largely for the sake of it. For a man to be near, a woman must always be faithful to him. Because the #1 female quality is loyalty. It is extremely important for a man to understand that a woman is worthy. Because relationships are built only with worthy ones. You can fuck with anyone, in fact, it’s about nothing, but relationships are completely different, and more serious.

A worthy woman is, first of all, a faithful (devoted) woman.

It is extremely important for a man to know and understand that no matter what happens, the girl / woman will always be by his side, will not betray, will not leave for another, in which case (quarrels, scandals, will not leave for profit, etc.), which in in the end, the children will be his (this man), and not a neighbor, if, Vasya, petit, etc. understand?

If there is no fidelity, it is not love. All these women's stories, questions, etc., in style, I love my husband, but I can't leave my lover either, I love that guy - but I sleep with another, etc. etc. This is not love…

Guys, do you still listen to what women tell you? Ahaha. She can tell you anything, and if you are a naive ol * n = then you will listen to her and be led. If so, congratulations.

Worthy men who are pumped with women understand perfectly well that listening to a girl / woman = only a STUPID will be! She says one thing, thinks another, and does a third. There is no logic with it and cannot be. Women are not guided by logic. At all. That's it, absolutely.

In general, when we speak for love, real, real, serious feelings, then there a woman automatically becomes faithful (devoted) to only one man. All. Dot.

This is a priori. I did not invent it, I invented it, because I so want to or I think so ... this is a priori.

CONCLUSION: a loving girl / woman will always openly demonstrate to you, man, that she values ​​\u200b\u200byou and the relationship with you. You are hey important. Dear. She doesn't want to lose you. She is afraid of losing you. And she does (attention, DOES, and will not do it sometime there, she does-does-does all the time) everything in order not to lose you, and maintain a relationship with you.

No. 3 (combined with No. 2). She will change for you...

A loving girl / woman (who has serious feelings for a man) will change and become better, for his sake. Literally flourish and never wither.

Again, remember the point above. You are important, dear. She cares about you and your relationship. She doesn't want to lose you. Therefore, she will want to be the best woman for her man.

She will change, become better, more beautiful, brighter, more attractive, kinder, more affectionate, will take care of her figure, her body, beauty, I don’t know, a gym, proper nutrition, health, she will flourish in every sense of the word, in in many ways for the sake of his man - so that he is happy with her and that he feels good with her, and also that he himself wants to be with this woman, i.e. to keep a man (item No. 2), by yourself. Understand? Everything is very interconnected...

A loving girl / woman will want to be worthy of this man, because she is his calling card, a man is judged by a woman, what kind of woman is such a man.

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

A loving girl/woman will only want a man by her side and no one else, and she will do her best to keep it that way. Therefore, there will be point No. 2., And No. 1. and all the following too.

A loving girl / woman will want you, a man, to be proud of her, that next to you, the best girl / woman, she will want to make you happy. Understand?

This is what serious feelings are (love). And if this is not there, nothing has changed with your (male) appearance, she is what she was, and remains so, hey, it doesn’t matter, she doesn’t change, doesn’t bloom, doesn’t get better, ala style “I am who I am - I don’t like it goodbye, it's not love...

If all this is not there, hey, don’t care about you, be sure, because a loving girl / woman will fight for you, with all her might, and above all, she will become the best in many ways for you.

If a girl / woman does nothing for you, does not try for your comfort with her, for your happiness, does not change, does not get better, does not flourish, and there are no other points = this is not love.

If she behaves the way he wants = it's not love..

The list can be continued for a long time ... I think you understand the essence.

CONCLUSION: A loving girl / woman will change for a man, become better, more beautiful, brighter, more attractive, kinder, more affectionate, more feminine, etc. etc. because you are hey important, dear. She cares about you and your relationship. She doesn't want to lose you. Therefore, she will want to be the best woman for you, for her man, so that you, a man, be happy with her and that you feel good with her, and also that you yourself want to be with this woman. Everything is interconnected.

No. 4. You are number one for her. everything else is secondary...

Family = don't count. I think this is clear to everyone. I'm talking about a few other things. Girlfriends, friends, hobbies, entertainment, study, work, business, etc. all this is the life of any person, and for a loving girl / woman, this will all be secondary, less important, compared to you.

You will be first, man. That is, a loving girl / woman will sacrifice a lot for you. Hey, you're important. Hey you dear. She may sacrifice sleep in order to see you. She can leave friends / girlfriends and be with you. She can change plans for you. She can drop everything and everyone, adjust, rearrange her schedule, etc., etc., all in order to see you, spend time with you. Well, etc. etc. You understand? The girl sacrifices a lot for you.


Remember point number 1. Again, everything is interconnected. All the time, attention, courtship, care, affection, etc., etc., a loving woman wants to receive only from a loving man. And as much as possible

If this is not the case, the girl does not sacrifice anything for you = this is not love. If hey girlfriends/friends are more important = it's not love. If you are not paramount for her, you are hey and not important / expensive, as a result, this is not love.

CONCLUSION: for a loving girl / woman, a man comes first. Everything else is secondary. Much less important than a man. Hence the certain behavior on the female side. A loving girl / woman will sacrifice a lot for a man. And all because you are so important, dear! Everything is, in fact, interconnected. I have already said this many times.

No. 5. She will invest in you(you are important / dear)

If the feelings are serious, if a girl loves a man, really, really, she will invest in him, invest her time, her strength, her energy, even her money, etc., etc., you understand?

5.1. She will help you

For a loving girl / woman = there is no division into “I” and “you”, there is us, together.

Therefore, she will perceive all problems / hardships / difficulties, etc., as joint, as common.

Therefore, a loving girl / woman will always try to help you.

Even if, in principle, she cannot help you in any specific way, she will give you moral support, she will be there, and will not go anywhere, in which case, and you will feel it inside yourself.

If it doesn't, then it's not love. If she doesn’t care about your hardships, worries, problems, etc. hey, it doesn’t matter to you, there is no support from her, help, attention, etc. = this is not love.

If she thinks and cares only about herself, if she makes you care only about her = without any reciprocity = ala style, I am a princess - you are on your own, deal with everything yourself = this is not love.

5.2. She gives you gifts / arranges surprises, etc.

I'm a princess, girl - so come on, get me, you need a s * ks, you owe me, you must, you must. A man must must, take care, give flowers, seek me blah blah blah. This I described briefly the behavior of a non-loving girl / woman.

A serious real relationship is when BOTH PARTNERS invest!

If a girl has serious feelings for a man, love, she will invest in him. For this part, arrange various surprises for him, romantic things, give gifts, etc., etc.

Everything is interconnected. Loving woman - you are dear, important. She wants to please you, this is how a woman demonstrates that she takes you seriously, you are important / expensive and she wants to please you, give you pleasure, make you have positive emotions, a smile, happiness, you understand?

Therefore, she will invest in you with all her soul, heart, sincere, from sincere.

If this is not there, she thinks only of herself, I am a princess, I am a girl, everyone owes me, a man must must must, but not about you = this is not love. I give you 100% guarantee. Read more point #11.

5.3. She calls/texts you first/initiates communication to be with you and spend a lot of time…

Again, everything is connected. Remember point number 4. You are paramount to her.

A loving girl / woman wants to spend all her free time with you (the right man), wants to receive all the attention, affection, care, love, etc. from the right specific man.

Therefore, she herself will initiate communication with you, a man, that is, she herself will write to you first (this is most likely) or even call. Understand?

She will want to see you, spend time with you, chat, walk, have fun, etc. etc. understand, the interest from a woman in spending time together clearly indicates that she definitely has feelings for a man (you). Serious feelings, real, love. Understand?

If all this is not there - ala style I am a girl, a princess, a man must take the first step and in this spirit, these are not serious feelings, this is not love. If she is interested in you once a week, a month, for sex, when there is no one else with anyone, her friends are busy, or there is nothing to do = this is not love.

5.3.3. She will be nervous, worried if you ignore her.

For example, if you don’t answer calls / sms because you didn’t see, didn’t notice, very busy, busy, a girl in love perceives such moments very sharply, take my word for it, the girl will think, hey, it will seem that you don’t need her , and all that you had was entertainment and nothing more. In style, shook and threw. Briefly speaking. There will be experiences, nerves, etc. 100% guarantee.

And this is a good sign. In terms of the fact that you are not indifferent. important. Hey, it's important, she worries and worries about where you've gone, why you don't answer, starts texting you message after message = these are all good signs, signs that the girl is in love with you.

5.4. She invests in you internally

She sincerely worries about you. She sincerely cares about you. Hey, you are not indifferent.

Hey, it doesn’t matter how you are, what you are, how your day went, where you were, who you were with, how you feel, is everything okay, etc. etc. she wants you to share with her everything, everything and everything again 🙂

If she thinks only about herself, you don't care about her, you don't burden her much = this is not love. Dot.

CONCLUSION (the ultimate essence of the entire paragraph number 5): when a person is dear to you, important - you want him to be happy and you do everything (invest time, energy, effort, money, etc., etc.) in order to make his darling happy. That's all.

No. 6. She thinks of you a lot...

If a girl / woman has serious feelings for a man (love), she will think a lot, almost constantly, about him ...

If you, dear, don’t have such a thing - you remember or think about it there, I don’t know, rarely or there on holidays or there only after work, when you have no one to be with / take a walk / have fun, etc. or there on weekends, etc., then this is not love. If we are talking about love, real, for serious feelings, then - you will think about your man - almost constantly.

There will be a lot of thoughts in your head, you will be curious, wondering what he is, where he is, who she is with, what he is doing, how he is doing, is everything okay, is he thinking about you and kuuuuuch everything. You will have a lot of thoughts in your head about him. An important point. This will take a very long time (permanently).

If it has been there for a day, two, three, a week, two = then this is not love, these are not serious feelings; if you think about him for a long time, on an ongoing basis = this indicates the seriousness of your feelings.

Another important point. If you are single - there is no competition for you among other men, then perhaps you just clung to this man - so that you have at least someone than nothing at all.

It is important here not to deceive yourself, if you are really in demand among many men, but at the same time you still think and want exactly the same thing (others are not interesting) - this really says that you have serious feelings for him, really, even don't hesitate, not for a second.

When you have other options (men), but you still think about a particular man, constantly (thinking about him a lot), = this indicates that you have serious feelings for him.

No. 7. She doesn't lie to you...

When we speak for love, serious feelings, relationships = there is no place for lies.

Relationships are built on trust. If there is no trust or it is gone, this relationship is over.

Remember point #2 and #4. A loving girl / woman is afraid of losing a man, she does not want to lose you, because you are important, dear, and she wants you to be with her and not go anywhere.

Well, point number 4. you are number 1 for her (paramount). Briefly speaking. The point, I think, is clear.

CONCLUSION: a loving girl / woman does not lie to her man, because relationships are built on trust, and without trust, no relationship is possible in principle, a priori. Therefore and so.

No. 8. Combined with #7. She trusts you...

I repeat, relationships are built on trust. Without trust, there is nothing.

A loving girl / woman trusts her man, and does not run after him behind his back and check where he is and what he is; does not check his phone / calls, does not arrange espionage, etc.

But! At the same time, she can, or rather, even will, share with her man, her experiences regarding this item (for this part), i.e. she will not hide anything, if something worries her / worries / is on her mind, she will directly and openly say about it, because you are the most important and close person for her. She has serious feelings for you. Love. Understand? Something like this…

No. 9. Female jealousy 🙂 (she is jealous of you)

All women are competitors to each other, in an evolutionary race (natural selection).

As soon as a girl / woman has feelings for a man, she immediately begins to be jealous of this man for almost everyone. Because a loving person perceives her partner as personal property ... Therefore, carefully look at how your woman reacts to the fact that someone writes to you there, calls, or there you communicate with someone live, I mean, with female gender.

Look at her reaction, how she reacts, if she is angry, if she is upset, if she asks you questions about all this, well, you will understand from this part, jealousy is felt right away.

Jealousy is not bad - it is even good, provided that it is adequate, occasionally and in a light manner.

No. 10. Separation - as a way to check ...

A very good way to understand if a girl / woman has serious feelings for you or not.

It is also good because it will show you her behavior, for example, whether she will be faithful to you to the end, what and how she will do to return you and whether she will do it at all or she will score and that’s it.

If it scores, it's not love. Because a loving girl won't let that happen, don't forget #2. the thought that you will leave her, you will disperse or something will happen to you = unbearable for her. A loving girl/woman is afraid of losing her man.

If she is not faithful (not devoted) - this is also not love.

Don't forget point #1. loving girl / woman - always faithful (devoted). And more importantly. If there is no item number 6. when separated = she doesn’t think much about you, doesn’t write / doesn’t call / doesn’t come / doesn’t appear in your life / doesn’t try to return, etc. etc. = this is not love.

The reason for separation may vary. Flight, business trip, army, quarrels, scandals, swearing, expenses from each other, etc. things. Briefly speaking. The method is effective, and really reflects the real state of affairs associated with serious feelings ...

No. 11. Reciprocity for a loving woman is not an empty phrase ...

For any of your kindness, a loving girl / woman will always respond with her own.

For your gift - yours. For your attention - mine. On your deed - yours. Etc. etc.

If this is not the case, it happens (for example, a man does everything and does everything for her, invests in her, gives gifts to her, arranges surprises, invests all of himself, his desire, time, money, energy, strength, etc., etc.) - and the girl only receives, but does not give anything in return, does not make a man happy in return, there is no 100% reciprocity - this is not love.

Some individuals even declare that this is the absolute norm. I'm a girl. Princess. Everyone owes me. I need to be interested. Surprise. Pamper. Please. This is not love. I give a 100% guarantee.

I repeat, love is when both partners invest in relation to each other. If this is not the case, one of the partners does not have feelings. If you, a man, hey, everything, but she doesn’t matter to you, this is not love.

No. 12. About sex, passion, joy, temptation, etc.

It's probably no secret to anyone that sex is an integral part of a healthy full-fledged relationship. Without high-quality and regular sex = no relationship is possible in principle. Sex is extremely important, especially for a man. We men are males, s * ks, f * x * t, mate, r * zvr * t is inherent in us. So.. A loving girl / woman will think about your sexual satisfaction.

Everything, as I have repeatedly said, is interconnected. A loving woman wants you to feel good with her, so that you are happy with her, so that you are next to her and don’t go anywhere, and sex in this regard is just one of the main elements of binding a man to herself, so she will apply every effort in your sex life. Lingerie, stockings, different places, poses, everything, everything, everything ... in order to maintain a relationship with you, to be close to you, so that you can be close to her and be happy, you know?

If this is not the case, there is no high-quality and regular sex in your relationship (she does not spoil you, does not please, does not satisfy, does not try, does not make efforts, etc., etc.) = hey, is it still satisfied you or not = hey don't give a damn = as a result of = feelings (love) are not here.


1) A loving girl is always faithful (devoted) (even during a long separation, if any)

2) A loving girl is afraid of losing her man ... (hey, you are important, dear)

3) A loving girl will change and become better (for the sake of a man)

4) For a loving girl, a man is No. 1. everything else is secondary...

5) A loving girl will invest resources in a man (time, effort, money, energy, etc.)

5.1. She will help you

5.2. She gives you gifts / arranges surprises, etc.

5.3. She calls/texts you first/initiates communication to be with you and spend a lot of time…

5.3.3. She will be nervous, worried if you ignore her.

5.4. She invests in you internally

In general, on point number 5. when a person is dear to you, important - you want him to be happy and you do everything (invest time, energy, effort, money, etc., etc.) in order to make his darling happy. That's all.

6) She thinks about you a lot...

7) She doesn't lie to you...

8) Combined with No. 7. She trusts you...

9) Female jealousy 🙂 (she is jealous of you)

10) Separation - as a way to check ... (during separation, there should be point No. 1 and No. 6)

11) Reciprocity for a loving woman is not an empty phrase ...

12) She satisfies you sexually and tries her best

Regards, administrator.

A huge number of feats were performed in the name of beautiful young ladies. Medieval knights took part in difficult fights for the attention of the lady of the heart. Renaissance artists were inspired by real muses. Numerous poems were dedicated to women, they were depicted in paintings, they became the impetus for bold and crazy deeds.

Philosophers of all times have tried to unravel the secret of the soul of a loving woman. But for many millennia, they cannot find answers to questions related to the feelings of the heart and the psychology of the beautiful half of humanity.

Those who believe that a loving woman is ready to do anything to fulfill the whims of the object of her worship are mistaken. Such relationships are doomed from the very beginning, since limitless anarchy, like total control, will soon get bored, and one of the partners will start looking for adventures on the side.

Families, where not only passion reigns, but also trust, as well as a desire to resolve emerging problems, remain together in spite of all adversity. The willingness to share a dream with a beloved man and go together to achieve it - that's what a loving woman means.


A loving woman is easy to distinguish from the crowd. Her eyes are shining, there is a half-smile on her lips, her gait is light and dancing. She shows with her whole appearance that everything is fine with her, she loves and is loved.

Let us consider in more detail how a loving woman behaves, what she thinks and dreams about.

1. She will definitely want a child from her beloved man. She is overwhelmed with love for him so much that she wants a small copy of him.

2. A loving woman will always find every opportunity to meet her lover. She is very hard going through moments of separation from a man, for her this time turns into a real torture, her mood drops, she becomes unrestrained, absent-minded.

3. A loving woman knows that she is better than others and tries to live up to this knowledge. She is always well-groomed, slim and friendly. She takes care of herself not only for herself, but also for the sake of her beloved. So that he would be pleased to go together to friends or to a corporate party. After all, men, next to whom a beautiful woman, feel much more confident in society.

4. She will sometimes make pleasant surprises for her beloved man, based on his hobbies and hobbies. He just wants to surprise him, to please him.

5. Consults with a man and respects his opinion. But at the same time, she shows independence in simple matters that do not require additional discussions. She will not call and ask which dress to buy - blue or light blue. She will solve this issue herself and make her beloved a surprise.

6. A loving woman will always support her man both in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. She will be sincerely happy for his success and will not run away from him if he is in a bad mood or has problems. She may just be silent, not saying anything, but he will always feel her presence. She will always be by his side, no matter what.

7. A loving woman takes care of a man's health. She prepares delicious, not too fatty and high-calorie meals so that her partner does not gain excess weight. She initiates trips to the gym and walks in the fresh air. She supports her man in sports, even if she does not need to lose weight. A loving woman understands that this is not only good for health, but also unites the couple.

8. She trusts her man and does not seek to control his every move. She is sure that if he chose her, then he will not seek adventure on the side.

9. She will not try to enter into all areas of a man's life. If a young lady is continuously present next to her friend of the heart at work, with family, friends and during leisure, a person will simply suffocate.

10. A loving woman appreciates her man and is always on his side. Even if he is wrong about something, she does not point out his mistakes in the presence of others. She supports him, and then, in private, expresses her own opinion.

11. Be sure to introduce her to her family and friends, whether they are her blood relatives or best friends. This means that she lets him into her world, into her life.

12. A loving woman tries to protect her man from unnecessary worries. She is sympathetic to his workload at work, gives him the opportunity to relax. But it does not take on all the responsibilities. She simply redistributes them, leaving the man with those that he can complete on the weekend or without interrupting the work process.

13. She will share her problems with her beloved man. These will be global problems that may arise in her life. Those problems, because of which her hands dropped and her soul was heavy. If he shares, then he trusts. And trust is a sign of love.

14. A loving woman has endless patience, she endures a lot, until one day a man crosses the line, after which there will be nothing and never.


The psychology of men is such that they constantly want change! Therefore, if a woman truly values ​​her man, she will have to learn not to make some typical mistakes that turn her into one that you want to run away from. Psychologists have identified several main points of "wrong behavior."

1. Do not try to change your beloved man in your own image and likeness - perceive and love him as he is.

2. Do not dare to be jealous. Jealousy is a sign of insecurity and a subconscious desire to take possession of a person as a thing, close it with all locks and contemplate from morning to evening. Nothing good usually comes of it.

3. Do not think that your passion for shopping or markets will be accepted with the same enthusiasm by your loved one. One or two crazy trips together can sometimes spoil the most rosy relationships.

4. Don't lecture. Nothing kills a relationship like constant dissatisfaction with the life and behavior of a beloved man.

5. Do not wash dirty linen in public, try to resolve your issues with your loved one.

6. Never insist that your loved one immediately and unconditionally share his thoughts and feelings with you.

7. Don't show signs of helplessness. Feel your self-sufficiency and independence. Do not pester a person with endless calls 3 times in an hour - this is a sure way to cause a negative reaction.

8. Don't try to be together all the time. A woman who drowns a man in the ocean of her love can make his life hell. Spend some time apart from each other, then the joy of the meeting will be sincere, and the meeting itself will be desirable.

9. Never make yourself wait too long.

Signs of female love

Women are mysterious and sensitive creatures. And what a man may take for true love, they may consider simple flirting. Experienced men who have gone through a lot already know at least the basic signs of true female love, while young boys and guys inexperienced in love matters have no idea how to recognize a woman’s love, how to distinguish a real feeling from a beautiful lie. That is why men often wonder how to understand what a woman loves?

Consider the main signs of female love:
- sincere interest in your affairs;
- absolutely indifferent to other men;
- never talks about marriage;
- often gives a man small or large gifts;
- hears and remembers what a man says to her;
- regrets if a man is upset, tired, sick;
- will never hurt you on purpose, never humiliate you;
- forgives his chosen one any shortcomings, regardless of the degree of their number, significance and originality.

1. Communication

Looking for a plausible pretext for communication: phone calls or neutral SMS, requests for advice on issues in which you, in her opinion, are competent. Unobtrusive manifestation of the initiative: viewing pages in social networks, comments on photos.

2. Provocation

Hints that she needs your help and care. For example, he will shrug his shoulders in a chilly way and complain about a cold evening or casually talk about a broken switch at home. Directly with a request, a woman is much easier to turn to a man who does not cause her romantic feelings.

3. Caring

Regularly offers you his help. He asks about his well-being, willingly gives advice in everyday matters, tries more often to treat him with culinary masterpieces of his own preparation.

4. Behavior

When talking, he mostly looks into the eyes. At the same time, the pupils are dilated, and the facial expression is open and interested. Or constantly furtively glances in your direction, quickly looking away. Often smiles, sincerely laughs at all your jokes. The company gives preference to talking with you, seeks to be nearby.

Looking for "points of contact". Keeps talking about fishing, football, motorcycles or bodybuilding. About anything, just to emphasize the commonality of your interests. She starts talking about your favorite topics.

6. Ownership

Nervous or upset when you show attention to other ladies. Tries to draw attention to himself. Another reaction may be a mask of underlined indifference.

7. Jealousy

Light flirting with other men or mentioning fans is a trick, demonstrating your attractiveness to the opposite sex, prompting you to act.

8. Body language
He is embarrassed in your presence, begins to fiddle with his hair, touches his face, shows his wrists, opens his neck, throwing back his hair, turns his body in your direction.

9. Touch

She doesn't pull away if you get too close and doesn't avoid touching. On the contrary, she herself is looking for the slightest reason to touch: straighten her tie, brush off a thread that has stuck to her sleeve.

Many representatives of the stronger sex periodically wonder what signs a woman gives out if she does not love a man. The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem to many - a woman rarely directly says that she does not love. However, there are signs that help to understand this.

How to understand that a woman does not love you?

It's hardest to see the signs that a woman doesn't love you anymore in a long-term relationship. A sense of duty, habit, a good attitude, the presence of children - all these reasons encourage a woman to continue to fulfill the duties of a mistress of the hearth and a good wife.

What are the signs of cooling?

  • sex becomes more formal, a woman does not strive for initiative and experimentation, at any opportunity she avoids sexual intercourse;
  • permanent employment at work increases, the wife prefers to spend time outside the walls of the house;
  • at home, a woman does not strive to look sexy or attractive; she does thorough makeup and hair only before going out;
  • the wife does not fleetingly try to hug or kiss her husband, does not accept his manifestations of tenderness;
  • a woman stops sharing her experiences, problems, is not interested in her husband's affairs.

A woman is so arranged that in the event of the disappearance of feelings, she loses the desire to give her energy, she completely closes. In fact, a wife who has fallen out of love turns into a neighbor or a housekeeper - she continues to fulfill her duties, but completely excludes emotional contact (similar signs can be observed with women).

Why don't women like good men?

There can be many reasons why a woman fell out of love. Most often they are quite objective - if a man does not behave in the best way, is a bad family man and father. But sometimes women don't like good men either. Here are the possible reasons for this:

  • a woman lacks the thrill of "conquering" a man who is not interested in her;
  • life seems insipid to a woman and she seeks to add "spiciness" by contacting a criminal element or other dubious person;
  • a woman is not interested in classic sex with a good guy, she wants to try something new, forbidden;
  • infatuation with an unsuitable man may be a sign of protest against parental pressure;
  • good men seem to the lady too boring and weak, so she is looking for an extraordinary, strong, possibly with a very bad reputation.

What to do if a woman says she doesn't love?

Attempts to awaken feelings, if a woman has really cooled down, will only cause her irritation. Try:

  1. Talk to her and find out what the problem is.
  2. Accept the situation if it is impossible to change it.
  3. Stay friends.
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