Exercise therapy for high blood pressure. Effective exercises for hypertension: a medical complex. Breath according to Strelnikova

Hypertonic disease is a chronic disease that affects various systems of the body, characterized by an increase in blood pressure above normal, the most common disease of the cardiovascular system. It has been established that those suffering from hypertension make up 15-20% of the adult population, according to various epidemiological studies, GB quite often leads to disability and death. The basis of the disease is arterial hypertension. Arterial hypertension is one of the main risk factors for the development of coronary artery disease. cerebral stroke and other diseases. Hypertension reveals a steady upward trend and this is primarily due to the fact that hypertension is a disease of civilization, its negative aspects (in particular, the information boom, the increased pace of life, hypokinesia etc.). All this calls neuroses. including cardiovascular, negatively affecting the body and its regulatory mechanisms, including the regulation of vascular tone. In addition, neurosis and stress lead to excessive release into the blood catecholamines and thus contribute to the development atherosclerosis .

Etiology and pathogenesis of GB

Regardless of the clinical and pathogenetic variants of the course of hypertension, an increase in blood pressure leads to the development of arteriosclerosis of three main organs: the heart, brain, and kidneys. The course and outcome of hypertension depend on their functional state.

BP level classification

Arterial hypertension

What causes pressure to rise?

What is high blood pressure

Hypertension - lifestyle

Blood pressure - treatment impossible?

All diseases from nerves and inactivity

Causes of hypertension

What causes hypertension

Symptoms of hypertension

High blood pressure

Stress is the main cause of hypertension

Hypertension 1,2,3 degree

Is high blood pressure a constant problem?

Hypertonic disease

High blood pressure

Stages of hypertension

Insidious hypertension

Helpful information

High blood pressure within normal limits

Treatment of hypertension

Stages of hypertension treatment

Blood pressure regulation

Before measuring pressure

Pressure readings

How to measure pressure correctly

Medical treatment of hypertension

High blood pressure treatment

Blood pressure control

Diet for hypertension

Therapeutic exercise prescribed for hypertension

The effect of physical activity on the body

Physiotherapy is of great importance in the complex treatment of patients with hypertension. After all, movement is the basis of all human life. Systematic exercises have a pronounced positive effect on the body - under the influence of intense muscular work, significant changes occur in all human organs and systems, especially in the cardiovascular system, which is sensitive to all environmental influences. Properly organized and long-term physical exercises improve the functional state of the circulatory system and increase the overall performance of the body.

Researchers have found that in people who systematically engage in dosed physical exercises, the heart even at rest works economically, the rhythm of its contractions slows down, and their strength increases, more blood is ejected per heart contraction. For example, if the heart of a practically healthy person who does not go in for sports contracts about 70-80 times per minute, then the heart of a trained person - 50-60, and a professional athlete - only 35-40 times!

The human body has about 160 billion capillaries (small vessels), which are about 100,000 km long. While the muscle is at rest, only 10% of the capillaries work.

If it begins to contract, reserve capillaries come into play, which do not function at rest. As a result, more blood enters the tissues, and with it nutrients and oxygen, decay products are removed from the body faster.

Blood vessels in the process of physical training become more elastic, and the level of blood pressure is kept within the normal range. Often, in older people who systematically engage in physical education, blood pressure is maintained at the level characteristic of a young body, and in those who are prone to high blood pressure, its normalization is often noted.

Under the influence of physical activity, the intensity of metabolic processes in the body increases sharply, which leads to the rapid destruction of excess amounts of adrenaline, the anxiety hormone that increases blood pressure. Since movement is a good stimulus for the function of the hematopoietic organs, there is an increase in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and other blood elements to a normal level.

In addition, physical training has a beneficial effect on metabolism - carbohydrate, protein, fat, mineral. Muscle work improves metabolic processes and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. According to numerous studies, the content of cholesterol in the blood of people involved in physical education is reduced, even if it is significantly higher than normal.

Systematic dosed physical activity also normalizes the work in the blood system, which greatly reduces the risk of diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, thrombophlebitis and other types of vascular pathology.

It should be remembered that physical therapy should be strictly individualized - it is necessary to take into account the level of training and the patient's physical condition, the stage of the disease, the state of cerebral and coronary circulation. In addition, when choosing the nature of physical activity, its type, intensity and duration, one should take into account the desires and tastes of a person, his individual interests - the type of sports should be pleasant and satisfying, only in this case there will be benefits from physical exercises.

Although competitive sports (tennis, volleyball, football) are more interesting and more effective, they should be avoided with arterial hypertension due to emotional tension and the threat of a sharp rise in pressure. The most suitable for patients with hypertension are walking and running. Seven to eight kilometers a day is the minimum rate that physiologists consider mandatory to maintain good health and performance. Walking is an exceptional, almost indispensable healing tool for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, who, even with slight physical overwork, have quicker breathing and a heartbeat, especially since practicing this kind of “sport” does not require special facilities and additional financial expenses.

Having passed the preliminary stage of training, you can start jogging. To do this, you must first walk daily 10-12 thousand steps on foot, and at least half of them must be performed at a distance of continuous walking at a pace of 120-130 steps per minute at least 3-4 times a week. If there is no pronounced fatigue, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area, headaches, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, then we can assume that the reserves of the cardiovascular system are sufficient for jogging. Please note that these signs can be taken as the basis for monitoring your condition when walking.

One of the important control criteria is the allowable heart rate, which should not exceed 200 minus age in years. Recall that counting the number of heartbeats for the purpose of self-control is carried out with the fingertips of the hand on the radial artery of the opposite hand or in the region of the external carotid artery (more conveniently on the right side).

For older people, even practically healthy people, the level of load during the passage of the distance must be increased gradually. First you need to get used to a certain distance at a normal, moderate pace, then increase it from the original one by about 400 m per week - up to 3-4 km. And only after this path is easily overcome, you can speed up the pace, reducing the time by about 1-2 minutes within 1-2 weeks, while you need to constantly monitor your condition. People who have had a myocardial infarction, who have heart defects, as well as heart rhythm disturbances, require a mandatory preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Experts believe that 25 minutes of continuous running, during which a person does not need to switch to walking, is enough to achieve a healing effect. A running track can be "laid" in any park, city garden, on the embankment. Outdoor activities, especially in winter, are an excellent hardening agent, which is also important for strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Unfortunately, running loads may be contraindicated in some diseases. Do not be upset if the doctor does not recommend jogging for you: complexes of gymnastic exercises, selected taking into account age, gender and health status, have a good training effect. Therapeutic gymnastics should include exercises for strength, flexibility and relaxation, covering the main muscle groups. The complex of gymnastic exercises should include sipping, walking (or running in place), exercises for the muscles of the neck, arms, shoulder girdle, torso, abdomen, legs, as well as breathing exercises, for relaxation and strength.

It should be remembered that patients with arterial hypertension should avoid exercises with quick bends and lifts of the body, since as a result of such movements, cerebral circulation may be disturbed. You should also not perform movements associated with holding your breath and tension, which can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure.

There are certain rules for conducting physical education classes. You need to deal with them with an open window or window, and best of all - in the open air. At the same time, clothing should not restrict movement or fit too tightly to the body. Before the main exercises, a small warm-up is necessary, and after them - water procedures (shower, rubdown). It is preliminary recommended to perform breathing exercises, to do a light massage of the hands and calf muscles of the legs.

As with running, when conducting gymnastic exercises, especially at the beginning of the course, self-control is necessary. It is impossible to allow overwork, the appearance of unpleasant sensations, especially in the region of the heart, palpitations, shortness of breath. You should immediately stop exercising in case of pronounced blanching or redness of the skin, sharply increased sweating, a significant increase in breathing and a violation of its rhythm, unbalanced gait, uncoordinated movements, staggering. Exercise should be alternated with walking or gentle running.

Below are the health-improving gymnastics complexes recommended for hypertension and compiled taking into account the physiological characteristics for men and women.

Gymnastics complex for men

Exercise 1. Rise on toes, arms down; shaking the brushes, make a calm long exhalation. Repeat 4-5 times.

Exercise 2. Legs apart, hands on the belt. Rotate the pelvis to the left and right. Repeat 4-6 times on both sides.

Exercise 3. Walking in the position of the arms to the sides with rotation in the wrist, elbow, and also in the shoulder joints. Perform 4-6 times, breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 4. Running on the spot or with advancement at a calm pace, a gradual increase in running time from 15-20 seconds to 1.5-2 minutes or more, after which you should switch to walking until breathing normalizes.

Exercise 5. From the starting position with arms extended forward, do 2 springy squats with a relaxed shaking of the arms lowered down and exhalation. Straightening up, inhale. Run 3-12 times.

Exercise 6. Legs apart, lean forward to the left leg, then to the right, exhaling at the same time, and when straightening, inhale. Run 12-20 times.

Exercise 7. From a prone position, hands on an elevated support (chair seat, armchairs, bench edge, etc.) Perform 10-18 push-ups with your hands.

Exercise 8. From the starting position of the hand on the belt, raise the right and left legs forward and to the side as high as possible. Perform 6-8 swings with each leg.

Exercise 9. From a supine position, arms to the sides, sit down, pulling your knees to your chest while exhaling. Then return to the starting position. Run 10-20 times.

Exercise 10. Legs apart, hands on the belt. Bend at a calm pace, take your head back, exhaling, while straightening - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 11. From the position lying on the stomach, the legs are fixed, raise the torso, head and arms higher while inhaling. Then take the starting position, relaxing the muscles and exhaling. Repeat 9-16 times.

Exercise 12. Jumps in place. Perform 2 sets of 20-45 jumps without holding your breath. Alternate each series of jumps with walking until the moment when breathing returns to normal.

Exercise 13. Turning the head to the left and right, tilting the head back and forth. Perform standing still or while walking for 20-30 seconds. Breathing is arbitrary.

Gymnastics complex for women

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body.

Exercise 1. Walking at a calm pace: 4 steps on toes, 4 steps - normal walking with arms relaxed and shaking hands for each step, do not hold your breath during the exercise. Make 16-20 steps.

Exercise 2. Walking on toes with hand movements: when stepping with the left foot - hands forward, when stepping with the right foot - hands to the sides, with the next step with the left foot - hands up, with the next step with the right foot - lower the hands. Breathing is free. Complete the exercise for 12-16 steps.

Exercise 3. Walking with the rotation of the arms bent at the elbows and pressed with the hands to the shoulders back and forth. Perform at a calm pace 6-8 times in both directions.

Exercise 4. From a stand with legs apart and hands on the belt, rotate the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise, without holding your breath. Repeat 4-6 times on both sides.

Exercise 5. From a stand with legs apart, lean your hands on the back of a chair or other support at the level of your stomach and squat on your toes for 2 counts, keeping your back straight, your head up, and your knees apart, while exhaling. Then straighten up by inhaling. Perform 10-16 squats, then switch to walking with muscle relaxation until breathing normalizes.

Exercise 6. From a stand with legs apart, make 2 springy forward bends with simultaneous exhalation. Straighten up, inhale, then lean back, slightly throwing your head back, and exhale. Repeat 10-14 times.

Exercise 7. From a prone position, resting on the floor with bent arms, push up while pulling your legs forward and sit on your heels while inhaling. Returning to the starting position, exhale. Repeat 6-14 times.

Exercise 8. From the main stance with arms spread apart, alternately swing the right and left legs forward without holding your breath. Perform 7-10 swings with each leg.

Exercise 9. From a supine position, resting your hands on the floor, raise your legs and turn them in a circle to the left while exhaling. Take the starting position by relaxing the muscles and inhaling. Do the same on the other side. Repeat 4-6 times. Then, raising your shoulders, take a prone position with an emphasis on them, perform 8-10 times alternate leg movements up without holding your breath.

Exercise 10. From a prone position with legs apart and bent at the knees, grab the ankle joints with your hands and bend, trying to raise your shoulders, head and tear your knees off the floor, straightening your legs while inhaling and lowering to the starting position, exhaling. Repeat 4-5 times.

Exercise 11. From a stand with legs apart and arms extended forward, turn the body to the right, while exhaling. Returning to the starting position, inhale. Repeat the same, but with a turn to the left. Do both exercises 8-10 times.

Exercise 12. Running in place or advancing at a calm pace for 10-15 seconds, gradually increasing the duration of the exercise to 1-1.5 minutes or more, after running, return to walking until breathing returns to normal.

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Exercise therapy for hypertension

Patients suffering from hypertension need an active lifestyle, and exercise therapy can significantly improve their condition.

In this case, it is extremely important that physical exercises take place under the supervision or on the recommendations of a doctor after a comprehensive examination. The permissible level of physical activity is determined depending on the stage of the disease, age and individual characteristics of a particular patient. The patient needs to keep a diary, in which both positive and negative changes in well-being after a particular session should be recorded. In the event that the patient notes a significant deterioration in the condition, the exercises should be stopped immediately in order to avoid the development of complications.

  • respiratory,
  • to relax various muscle groups,
  • on the development of the vestibular apparatus.

Exercises for general development contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, and special exercises have a positive effect on arterial tone. A special set of physical exercises has been developed for the development of coordination of movements, balance, as well as exercises with a strictly dosed dynamic load. It is important to consider that patients with hypertension should not be prescribed exercises that involve a significant range of motion for the head and torso or exercises that are performed too quickly and abruptly with prolonged static effort.

If the patient is diagnosed with stage I of hypertension, a set of exercise therapy exercises is prescribed, consisting of three stages - introductory, main and final. The introductory stage is necessary for the general preparation of the body for increased stress. At the main stage, exercises are carried out to stimulate breathing, improve the functions of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as normalize metabolism and form a general positive psycho-emotional mood in the patient. At the final stage, it is necessary to reduce the loads, both physical and psycho-emotional.

In stage II of the disease, classes also consist of three stages, and the total duration of each lesson should not exceed 20 minutes. At the introductory stage, exercises are carried out to stimulate the general metabolism, external respiration, as well as peripheral circulation. The main stage of the lesson involves exercises to improve blood and lymph circulation in the abdominal and pelvic region, increase the degree of diaphragm mobility, stimulate the digestive system and reduce venous stasis. At the final stage, the load on the body gradually decreases.

Moderate exercise is an effective method of treating various diseases. Physical activity normalizes the work of internal organs, reduces the risk of complications of the disease and improves the quality of life of the patient. Therapeutic exercise is prescribed to normalize blood flow, it prevents the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

Hypertension is a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system, which manifests itself as elevated. This disease affects 20% of the total adult population, and in recent years, hypertension has become much younger.

Increased pressure occurs due to a violation of the nervous and endocrine regulation: vascular tone is disturbed, the water-salt balance is disturbed, and the activity of the heart is enhanced. As a result of disruption of the work of the higher parts of the central nervous system, the lumen of the vessels narrows, and this leads to an increase in blood pressure.

There are the following causes of hypertension and factors contributing to its occurrence:

  • Neuropsychic stress. Constant stress disrupts the central nervous system and leads to diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Overweight. Obesity and closely related diabetes mellitus are frequent companions of hypertension. The development of the disease also contributes to the increased consumption of table salt.
  • Unfavorable heredity. It is noticed that cases of hypertension usually occur in several generations of relatives.
  • Physical inactivity. Reduced motor activity leads to stagnation of blood and disruption of the metabolic regulation mechanisms.
  • Closed brain injury. Hypertension can develop as one of the consequences of damage.

Hypertension is characterized by a chronic undulating course, but over time, the symptoms become more pronounced. Over time, hypertension can cause coronary heart disease.

What are the benefits of exercise for hypertension?

Physical exercise for hypertension is one of the most effective means of preventing complications. A few decades ago, experts said that any exercise is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, but now this point of view has been radically revised.

A reasonable approach to dosing physical activity allows you to prevent harm to health, as well as prevent heart failure, strokes and other formidable complications.

Physiotherapy exercises for hypertension are prescribed for several reasons:

  1. Decrease in the level and normalization of its metabolism in the body. An excess of "bad" cholesterol provokes the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and narrowing their lumen.
  2. Expansion of blood vessels and normalization of blood supply. Improving blood flow normalizes the patient's well-being.
  3. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Physical exercise maintains the elasticity of arteries and veins, which also contributes to the prevention of complications.
  4. Headache prevention. Physical education prevents dizziness, reduces the risk of hypertensive crises.

The rate of physical activity must be agreed with the attending physician. Excessive stress can have the opposite effect, so it is important to observe the measure in everything.

The best exercises for hypertension

The purpose of exercises for hypertension is to give a moderate load on all muscle groups. Cardio training improves the functioning of the heart, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and contributes to improved oxygen saturation of tissues. TO

In addition, they fill the body with vivacity, improve well-being, relieve headaches and improve the overall tone of the body.

The most useful types of motor activity for hypertensive patients:

  • Walking at a slow, moderate and fast pace. The duration of daily walks in the fresh air should be at least 40 minutes. Walking is beneficial at any stage of a chronic disease.
  • Bike. Cycling is a load on all muscles at the same time, movement at a moderate pace will not harm your health. You can replace cycling with exercise bikes.
  • Aqua aerobics. It is an indispensable sport for those who suffer from hypertension. Classes in the water do not give excessive stress on the joints, which is very important when overweight. Swimming or aerobics in the water is enough 3 times a week for 45 minutes.
  • Gymnastics. For beginners, a simple morning exercise is enough. It includes rhythmic movements, leaning forward and to the side, turning the body, walking and running in place without excessive load.
  • Dancing. One of the most effective methods to lose weight and restore body flexibility is to practice ballroom and oriental dancing. It is beautiful, interesting and exciting, classes cheer up and help expand the circle of communication. You can dance the waltz at any age.

In addition to targeted sports or gymnastics, physical inactivity can also be reduced by normal daily activities. Refuse to use the elevator, walk more, take breaks during sedentary work, performing a short set of gymnastic exercises.

Shishonin exercises

Therapeutic exercises according to the system of Dr. A. Shishonin were originally developed for people suffering from osteochondrosis of the neck, which leads to constant headaches, drowsiness, dizziness and high fatigue.

However, this exercise system is perfect for those who want to improve their well-being with hypertension and prevent complications. The technique is intended for people who are constantly engaged in sedentary work and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The exercises can be seen in the training video, they are very easy to perform. The system includes only 7 exercises, each of them is performed 5 times in each direction. A set of basic movements:

  1. Metronome. Starting position - sitting on a chair. The head slowly, smoothly leans towards the shoulder until the moment when you feel tension in the muscles. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then just as smoothly tilt your head to the other shoulder.
  2. Spring. Starting position - sitting or standing. The head is slowly lowered until tension appears in the neck. Hold this position for 30 seconds, and then pull your chin forward to the maximum. Hold this position for another 30 seconds, then relax.
  3. A look into the sky. Turn your head to the side and up until tension appears, linger in this position for 30 seconds. After that, return to the starting position.
  4. Fakir. The principle of the exercise is the same, but the starting position changes. Raise your arms, bend them at the elbows and join your palms, then turn your head forward and up. Hold for 30 seconds, then relax.
  5. Frame. The exercise is performed according to the same principle, but the shoulder girdle is also involved in its implementation. The right hand should be lowered to the left shoulder, while the elbow is kept parallel to the floor. After that, turn your head to the side and up, linger for half a minute, then relax.
  6. Heron. Starting position - sitting - hands lie on your knees. The chin should be pulled up and forward, while the elbows are pulled back. Lock in this position and then return to the starting position.
  7. Goose. Starting position - standing. Gently pull your chin forward, then turn your head to your left shoulder and tilt until there is strong tension in the muscles.

In the process of performing the exercises, it is necessary to monitor the evenness of the back and neck, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the maximum effect from the exercises. In the first week, a set of exercises is performed daily. In the future, when the condition improves, it will be possible to carry out the complex 2-3 times a week. To consolidate the result of therapeutic exercises, it is recommended to perform massage or self-massage of the neck.

Breathing exercises and yoga

Yoga and breathing exercises are an effective way to lower blood pressure without over-exercising. The use of oriental techniques requires accuracy and a sense of proportion, excess load can cause harm. However, with a dosed effect, it will be as useful and enjoyable as possible. Permissible postures and asanas are best discussed with your doctor first.

It is best to do yoga in the morning before breakfast, all exercises are performed only on an empty stomach. In any case, yoga is recommended not earlier than 3-4 hours after eating or 30 minutes after drinking water or tea.

Basic rules for performing yoga exercises:

  • Good health. Exercises cannot be performed when overtired.
  • Preliminary bowel movements to prevent discomfort.
  • Hard, flat surface. You can purchase a special yoga mat, it is placed on the floor. You can not practice on a bed or sofa, a soft surface does not provide optimal support for the spine.
  • Well ventilated area. It is desirable to ensure a constant flow of air to the place of training.
  • Mandatory rest between exercises. To prevent overload, rest should take up a quarter of the entire duration of the session.
  • Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that does not restrict movement.

Women should not practice yoga during menstruation. Classes during pregnancy must be agreed with the doctor.

What exercises should not be done?

It is undesirable for people suffering from an increase in frequency above a certain norm. It is calculated by the formula: 220 subtract the number of full years. Because of this, excessive stress on the heart is unacceptable, exercises should bring joy and well-being, and not pain and fatigue. You need to get used to the exercises gradually, at the first stage, training only 2-3 times a week is enough.

Prohibited exercises include walking uphill and climbing high stairs. If you still need to rise, you need to do it gradually, with breaks. Hypertensive patients are completely prohibited from climbing. In case of hypertension, weight lifting is contraindicated, any loads associated with sharp jerks are prohibited.

With extreme caution, you need to start running.

The duration of the first workout should not exceed 15 minutes, in the future, its time is gradually adjusted to half an hour. You can’t start running immediately after leaving the entrance: it is recommended to walk for a few minutes first, gradually increasing the pace.

More information about exercise therapy can be found in the video:

After a run, you also can’t stop right away: you need to hitch up, that is, walk or do a few exercises at a slow pace.The right approach helps the muscles to quickly adapt to the new load and prevent negative effects on the body.

Today, up to 20% of the adult population suffers from hypertension, and every year there is a rapid increase in the development of this disease in people under 30 years old.

Hypertension is often referred to as the "invisible killer", since in most cases the diagnosis is made when the patient was in intensive care or called an ambulance due to poor health.

Of course, it is not always possible to detect the disease on your own, since hypertension can be completely asymptomatic.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

However, the most obvious sign of the development of hypertension is a significant deviation of the blood pressure from the norm, and it is manifested exclusively by an increase in pressure in the arteries. To determine such an ailment as hypertension, it is enough to measure blood pressure at home, for this a tonometer is used.

A doctor can also make an accurate diagnosis after a preventive examination of the patient.

The following symptoms may be signs of the presence of the disease:

  • (in the temporal part or in the back of the head);
  • strong throbbing in the temples;
  • heavy sweating;
  • weakness, loss of strength and irritability;
  • rapid heartbeat (tachycardia);
  • the appearance of "flies" before the eyes with a sharp change in body position;
  • swelling of the face in the morning;
  • numbness of the extremities, in particular the fingers.

The ideal blood pressure is considered to be within 120/80, depending on the age of the person and his physiological characteristics. When measuring blood pressure in the arteries, the indicator can vary, even slight physical activity can increase its values.

Therefore, experts recommend checking pressure only in the morning, when the body has not yet had time to fully wake up and work actively. If the blood pressure is above 140/90, this is a serious reason to see a doctor.

With hypertension, memory often deteriorates and intellectual abilities decrease, because with a sedentary lifestyle, the brain does not receive enough oxygen. However, it is quite possible to prevent the development of hypertension and other related ailments if treatment is started on time.

7 exercises according to Shishonin

Gymnastics according to the Shishonin system consists in performing simple exercises for the cervical region. For the first time, this practice gained great fame back in 2008, when the first disc of the same name by Shishonin was released - a man who is a candidate of medical sciences, scientific director of a physical rehabilitation clinic and simply a respected academician.

Dr. Shishonin claims that this set of exercises will help normalize blood circulation, as well as normalize blood pressure in the arteries, which is so important in the treatment of hypertension.

Circulatory disorders are caused by tense neck muscles, this is especially true for people whose profession forces them to be in a sitting position for a long time. Because of this, the muscles of the cervical region get tired and lose their elasticity, which makes it difficult for the outflow of blood, and the stiff muscles begin to compress the nearby nerves.

Neck gymnastics according to the Shishonin system does not harm human health in any way, but the most important thing here is to follow all the recommendations, take into account contraindications and perform the exercises correctly.

As for the indications, practicing Shishonin's therapeutic exercises is especially recommended for people suffering from:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • manifestations of dizziness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • nocturnal insomnia and daytime sleepiness;
  • decrease in concentration.

These same symptoms can also occur with hypertension, so such gymnastics can significantly improve the patient's overall well-being.

Neck exercises will be especially useful for those who spend a lot of time in a sitting position, are often stressed and eat irregularly, and poor nutrition, in turn, leads to a slow but active deposition of salts in the joints and internal organs.

The gymnastics complex according to Dr. Shishonin's system includes 7 basic exercises that you can perform easily and simply at home and even during a work break (if you work in the office). Each exercise should be repeated five times, while turning your head in different directions.

Exercise "Metronome"
  • take a position - sitting, straighten up, slowly tilt your head to the right shoulder, linger for half a minute, then return to the starting position;
  • then do the same, but only in the other direction.
Exercise "Spring" Tilt your head down, touch your chest with your chin, stay in this position for half a minute, then stretch your neck slightly forward, also pause.
Exercise "Look at the sky" Turn your head to the left to the point where discomfort appears in the neck, fix for half a minute and repeat the same thing, only turning your head to the other side.
Exercise "Frame"
  • just as in the previous exercise, you need to turn your head to the sides, only put your hands on each shoulder in turn so that the elbow position is parallel to the floor;
  • when turning your head to each side, pause for about 30 seconds.
Exercise "Fakir" Fix your hands so that the palms are connected behind the neck, while bringing the elbows closer to each other, turn your head first to the left, then pause for 30 seconds, then turn to the right and also pause.
Exercise "Heron"
  • starting position - palms on your knees, slowly pull your chin up, looking at the ceiling, while simultaneously taking your hands behind your back, pause, then chin down, arms forward and slightly down, then pause;
  • after that, stretch: tilt the head to the right shoulder, while pressing on the neck with your hand, then the same thing only tilt the head to the left shoulder.
Exercise "Goose" Starting position - standing, keep your chin parallel to the floor, pull your neck forward, then turn your head to the left and tilt to your shoulder until you feel discomfort, linger for a few seconds and repeat the same thing, but on the other side.

As a fix, massage with your hands. If you have family or friends near you, ask them about it.

If there is no one nearby, you can do the massage yourself, the main thing is not to press hard on the neck, but to start kneading in the back of the head. To carry out this procedure, 5-10 minutes will be enough or until you feel a rush of blood to the cervical region.

Exercise for hypertension

Patients suffering from hypertension are advised to change their lifestyle. It is desirable not only to be active, but also to perform special physical exercises that can significantly improve the patient's condition.

At the very beginning, the exercises should be performed in the presence of a specialist or under the supervision of a doctor who will determine the optimal load in accordance with the severity of the disease.

There is a method of exercise therapy - a set of physical exercises, which is recommended for patients with hypertension. The exercise therapy program includes several components that are aimed at the general strengthening of the whole organism.

This includes exercises that positively affect the three main systems of the human body:

  • respiratory system;
  • muscular system;
  • vestibular apparatus.

General strengthening exercises are performed in a certain way, depending on the stage of the disease and the prevalence of one or another symptomatology.

If the patient was diagnosed with stage I hypertension, he is assigned a set of exercises, which consists of three stages:

Gymnastic exercises for different stages of the disease:

1 stage Below is an approximate plan for gymnastics recommended for the first stage of the disease:
  1. Simple walking in the middle mode, walking on toes and walking with alternately raising the knees. Next, walking is carried out according to the system: a step is taken with the left foot, then the torso is turned to the right with raised arms, a step is taken with the other foot, then the torso is turned in the opposite direction. After that, simple walking is again performed for about two minutes.
  2. To perform this exercise, you need to take a stick, place your hands on its ends. Pull the stick forward and up a little, at the same time put one foot back and stand on your toes, take a deep breath through your nose. Then take the same position and repeat with the other leg. Exhalation is carried out voluntarily. You need to repeat this exercise at least six times.
  3. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only after pushing the left leg back and inhaling, you need to tilt the torso to the left side, as if to the side, exhale, then repeat in the opposite direction with the right leg.
  4. Stand up straight, raise your arms and turn them to the left, gently raising the left half of the stick, inhale deeply, take the same position and exhale. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side. And so you need to do about eight times.
  5. Turning the torso to the left - inhale, raise the arms with the object to shoulder level also on the left side - exhale, return to the previous state and inhale again, then repeat on the other side. Perform the exercise at least six times.
  6. Stand up straight, lunge with your foot to the right, hands with the object also to the right and exhale sharply, take the original position and inhale. Repeat the movement on the other side, repeat the exercises eight times.
  7. Stand up, stretch your arms with a stick in front of you, raise your left leg so that your knee touches the object and exhale slowly, take the same position and take a deep breath, repeat the movement with the other leg and exhale, then inhale again. You can repeat the exercise up to ten times.
  8. Standing, stretch your arms back and grab the ends of the stick with them. Then rise on your toes, bend in your back, stretch your arms behind you as far as possible and take a breath, then return to the previous position - exhale. Repeat about four times.
  9. Standing, lower the stick vertically to the floor, grasp its upper end, stand on your toes and inhale, then squat, legs to the sides and exhale freely. Repeat about six times.
  10. Stand up, put the stick perpendicular to the floor, grab your hands on the top of the object. Raise the object up above your head and set it a little behind your back - inhale deeply, then take the original position and exhale. Repeat ex. about six times.
  11. Stand up straight, alternately shake your legs. Repeat - six times.
  12. Relaxed without at a calm pace for about three minutes, after a simple walking for two minutes.
  13. Stance - exactly, spread your arms to the sides, take a sharp breath, then return to the previous position and exhale. Repeat four times.
  14. Stance - exactly, feet shoulder-width apart. Fix your hands on the sides of the body, bend until you feel discomfort and exhale, straighten up again and inhale. Repeat - six times.
  15. Sit on a chair, relax your leg muscles, shake each leg in turn for about a minute, then rest. Repeat ex. six times.
  16. Position - sitting, turn your head to the left - inhale, come back - exhale, turn your head to the right and inhale sharply with your nose, then exhale through your mouth. Repeat this three times.
  17. Position - sitting, lean on your back, straighten your legs and fold forward, put your left hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Perform a breathing exercise through the diaphragm. Repeat this five times.
  18. Position - sitting, tighten your muscles, put your hands forward, tilt your torso forward a little and relax your arms sharply so that they fall voluntarily. And so repeat about eight times.
  19. Sit with your back straight. Fix your hands on your shoulders, move your elbows, shifting the shoulder blades, while the muscles are tense. Slowly bend your torso forward, slowly relaxing the muscles of your arms and back, then sharply lower your arms apart on your hips.
  20. Position - lying on your back, put your right hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Breathe through the diaphragm. Repeat four times.
  21. Stand up straight, lift one leg, bending it at the knee joint, while arms are laid forward. Hold this position for about five seconds, then repeat the same with the other leg. The exercise is repeated up to four times.
  22. Stand up straight, close your eyes, take five steps forward, turn in the opposite direction and reach the starting point. Repeat ex. about four times.
  23. Position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Tighten the muscles of the arms and legs at the same time, then relax the muscles and repeat this four times.
  24. Position - standing straight. Extend your arms to the sides, inhale deeply, lower and exhale slowly. Execute ex. four times.
2 stage For patients who have been diagnosed with stage II hypertension, experts recommend the following set of exercises:
  1. Position - sitting on a chair, spread your arms to the sides, inhale, then take the initial position and exhale. Repeat - five times.
  2. Sitting, hands to shoulders, elbows look to the sides. Perform circular movements with arms bent at the elbows, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction, and repeat this five times.
  3. Sitting, stretch your legs straight. Make circular movements with the feet in one direction, then in the other eight times.
  4. Sitting, turn the torso to the right, extend the arm from the opposite side, reach the back of the chair with your left hand, and on the right side and exhale. Then return to the previous position and inhale deeply through the nose. Do the same on the other side. Repeat ex. about six times.
  5. Position - sitting, one leg extended forward, the other bent, you need to alternately change their places eight times on each side.
  6. Position - sitting, lean back, push your legs forward, breathe through the diaphragm - three to four times.
  7. Walk with alternately raising the legs, bent at the knees, for about a minute and a half.
  8. Position - standing up straight, shake your legs, first one, then the other three times.
  9. Stand on your toes, raise your hands to the armpits - inhale, take the same position - exhale.
  10. Stand up straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders, transfer the weight of your body first to one leg, bending it at the knee, while stretching your arm from the same side and taking a breath, then do the same movement on the other side. Repeat - six times on each side.
  11. Torso tilt to the right, left hand behind the head - inhale, then back and exhale, tilt to the left, right hand behind the head - inhale again, and. p. - exhale. Repeat four times.
  12. Standing, hold on to the back of the seat, alternately swing your legs to the sides five times.
  13. Simple walking at a calm pace for about a minute and a half.
  14. Position - lying down, active breathing exercise, perform three to four times.
  15. Lying down, bend your leg and reach it to the press, exhale, take the same position - inhale, bend the other leg to the stomach and exhale again.
  16. Lying down, bend your arms at the elbows, at the same time clench your fingers into a fist and inhale, then the previous position and exhale. Repeat eight times.
  17. Lying down, raise your legs up and lower in turn, on each leg six times.
  18. Lie down so as to raise your legs, bending them at the knees, rest your feet against the wall. Do shaking your legs for about half a minute.
  19. Lying down, raise your legs up and spread them apart, six times on each leg.
  20. Lying down, perform breathing according to the system from the previous paragraphs.
  21. Lying, right hand on the side, the second on the shoulder, then swap them and repeat. Then the right hand to the side, the left leg should be bent, take the same position. Left hand to the side, bend the right leg, and come back again.
  22. Lying down, relax alternately one, then the other hand.

Important execution rules

Patients who have a constant high blood pressure are recommended to rest in sanitary-resort conditions, where therapeutic exercises should be performed under the supervision of specialists.

Do not forget to measure blood pressure during the day, the same applies to such periods as before and after therapeutic exercises. This will help control blood pressure, and if it is high, suspend training.

It is necessary to do gymnastics at least three times a week, if health permits, you can perform a simplified set of exercises every day.

It will not be superfluous to walk every day, it is advisable to walk about two kilometers at a brisk pace a day. After two to four weeks, the distance can be increased to three or even four kilometers a day.

By Strelnikova

As an additional burden on the respiratory system for hypertension, it is recommended to do gymnastics according to Strelnikova. It consists in performing simple breathing exercises that can be performed at home.

Such a healing method will help not only normalize blood pressure, but also get rid of such ailments as a runny nose, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, neurosis, depression, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Also, breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova system have a positive effect on the human body, which has not only hypertension, but also hypotension (when blood pressure is below the optimum).

In this regard, such gymnastics can make life easier for people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, characterized by headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, pulse fluctuations, insomnia, profuse sweating and various neurotic reactions.

After reviewing the Strelnikova program, you need to know some recommendations that will help you perform breathing exercises correctly.

First of all, it is worth noting that the basis of the treatment method is a sharp and noisy breath, which should be performed exclusively through the nose. Exhalation is carried out voluntarily through the mouth, while the lips should not be tense or closed.

Each element of the movements is performed within one second, for a greater effect, you need to do the exercises quickly and vigorously. With each individual exercise, four breaths are taken, with each subsequent lesson it is recommended to double the number of breaths-movements.

Before you start the main part of Strelnikova's gymnastics, you need to do a warm-up that will prepare your body for subsequent loads. First you need to take the starting position, stand up straight, straighten your back, and raise your chin. Feet should be at a distance from each other in accordance with the width of the shoulders. Hands should be relaxed and be along the body.

The warm-up always begins with the “Palms” exercise, which is performed easily and naturally. In this case, the first four breaths through the nose should be carried out as sharply and noisily as possible.

Imagine that you seem to want to inhale all the air that is in the room and fill your body with it.

Try not to keep your lips closed or too tense, otherwise you may not be able to breathe in through your nose properly, but exhalation is always done voluntarily through your mouth.

Next, proceed to the following exercises "Carriers" and "Pump". The principle of performing these exercises is the same as in the first case. Do not forget to count your breaths during breathing exercises, this will help you perform the exercises tactfully and cheerfully, but you don’t need to count your breaths, otherwise you can lose count.

In case you are tired, you can take small breaks, but the intervals between exercises should not exceed 10 seconds.

Aerobic (oxygenating) exercises of constant intensity, such as walking, jogging, cycling, roller skating, Nordic walking, swimming, as well as dancing and yoga, are best for hypertension. Sports for hypertension are normal strength exercises that do not require any adaptations and bring good results.

The heart is strengthened and the blood is pumped more efficiently, the elasticity of the blood vessels improves, so the blood circulates in them easily. Exercising for hypertension helps to shed excess weight (the main culprit of hypertension) and facilitate the fight against stress, which leads to high blood pressure.

Systematic moderate physical activity helps to reduce systolic blood pressure by about 11 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic pressure by 6 mm Hg. Art.

Therefore, playing sports with hypertension is useful, especially in the early stages of the disease. Because hypertension is often correlated with overweight, insulin resistance, and impaired carbohydrate tolerance, exercise not only affects blood pressure regulation, but also helps treat disorders in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

The disease can occur both periodically and constantly. Hypertension is primary, spontaneous (in more than 90% of cases). It is impossible to say exactly where it came from, they only talk about some genetic and environmental factors that can affect the occurrence of hypertension. When a disease is caused by a specific, known factor, such as a disease of the kidneys, endocrine glands, or brain, it is considered secondary (symptomatic).

Classification according to JNC 7

The symptoms of hypertension may be minor for many years, they are quite subtle and not very characteristic: headaches, excessive excitability, insomnia, slight fatigue, palpitations, redness of the face, neck and chest.

Complications of hypertension: damage to the kidneys (failure), damage to the circulatory system (heart failure, heart attack), damage to the nervous system (ischemic stroke). Protection: normalization of body weight (because obese people make up 30-65% of all patients), reduced alcohol consumption, smoking cessation, physical activity, breathing exercises, a calm lifestyle and proper nutrition.

A set of exercises

Breathing exercises for hypertension are therapeutic exercises using the Strelnikova technique. The pressure is reduced by 10-40 units. The method is used all over the world. The course of treatment is designed for 2 or more months.

1. Hands

  1. Stand straight with feet together.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows, elbows look down.
  3. The back of the palms are directed forward.
  4. Take 4 deep and noisy breaths through your nose and clench your palms into fists.
  5. Exhale calmly through your mouth.
  6. Lower your arms and rest for 3-10 seconds.
  7. Repeat 4 breaths and rest again.
  8. Perform 24 times for 4 breaths.

2. Shoulder straps

  1. Stand straight, raise your hands at waist level.
  2. Squeeze your hands into fists and press to your stomach.
  3. While inhaling, lower your fists sharply down, arms straight.
  4. Exhale, relax your shoulders.
  5. Take a starting position.
  6. Perform 8 movements, rest 3-10 seconds and repeat.
  7. Repeat 12 times for 8 breaths.

3 Pump

  1. Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders.
  2. Lower your arms along the body, lean forward slightly.
  3. Take a short noisy breath in the second part of the slope.
  4. Hands are directed down, but do not touch the floor.
  5. Rise up and bend down again and take a short breath.
  6. Imagine that you are inflating a bicycle tire. Bend over lightly and rhythmically (to the waist).
  7. The back is concave with the wheel, the head is tilted down.
  8. Perform 12 times for 8 breaths.

The total duration of classes on the 1st day should not exceed 15 minutes, preferably divided into two parts: in the morning and in the evening.

The Strelnikova system also includes other exercises, the effectiveness and necessity of which must be confirmed by a doctor.

Physical activity for hypertension

Therapeutic exercises for hypertension increase the oxygenation of the body. All it takes is daily exercise, cycling, swimming or jogging to improve the heart, which will beat faster and provide more oxygen to the blood vessels.

Exercise therapy for hypertension has a beneficial effect on internal organs, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and heart function.

A set of morning exercises


  1. Sit in Turkish bed. Straighten your shoulders and join your palms together at chest level and place them on it.
  2. Pull your elbows back a little.
  3. Raise your arms above your head, relax your shoulders, interlace your fingers and pull your arms up.
  4. Lower your hands to the starting position.


  1. Raise your arms above your head.
  2. Lower them and press them to your chest.
  3. Drop your chin down, let your hands relax and place them on your hips.
  4. Stay in the position for 3-6 minutes, allow yourself to rest, relax, meditate.


  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Pull your right knee towards you.
  3. Straighten your left leg and place your right foot on your left thigh.
  4. Spread your arms wide to the sides, shoulders and shoulder blades lie on the blanket.
  5. Lower your knee to the right side and turn your head to the left.
  6. Return to PI and repeat two more times.


  1. Sit on the bed.
  2. Pull both knees towards you.
  3. Wrap your arms around them.
  4. Lower your head down. Relax and unwind.
  5. Hold the position for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Repeat exercise #4 for the other side.

Uniform load and exercise therapy for hypertension stabilizes blood pressure, maintains muscle tone, and strengthens blood vessels. The heart begins to work more economically, the pulse stabilizes, with the contraction of the heart muscle, more blood enters the arteries.

The results of 13 studies on the effect of physical activity on blood pressure and a report in the American Heart Association (AHA) journal Hypertension confirm:

  • People who exercise more than 4 hours a week reduced their risk of hypertension by 19%.
  • Exercising 3 hours a week at 11%.
  • 30 minutes of exercise every day reduces the risk by five times.

Physical exercise is effective for weight loss, it eliminates or prevents excess weight. But you should not choose all, but only those that increase the efficiency of blood circulation, others can be harmful. Aerobic exercises are practiced 4 times a week for 30-60 minutes. They increase the heart rate, can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Doctors recommend kinesitherapy, that is, the treatment of hypertension by movement. Swimming is the most beneficial form of this type of exercise, which is beneficial not only for preventing myocardial infarction, but also for the condition of the whole body.

Sports will help

The whole secret is that only certain sports help in the fight against hypertension, and what sports you can do should be approached with caution so as not to harm yourself. Sports from hypertension will help if:

  • high blood pressure is well controlled with medication;
  • you are under constant medical supervision;
  • sports do not cause a sudden and intense increase in pressure.

You should carefully study what physical exercises you can do. In the case of hypertension, all strength sports are prohibited, as they require too much effort, increase muscle mass and do not improve the oxygenation of the body. It is necessary to abandon training in the gym and running short distances.


  1. Sit on a chair, spread your straight arms to the sides at the level of the shoulder line.
  2. Inhale deeply, as you exhale lower your arms down.
  3. Perform 10 rotational movements in the shoulder joints.
  4. Turn to the right side, touch the back of the chair with your left hand. Repeat 6-8 times on each side.
  5. Straighten your legs. Place your right hand on your chest, left hand on your stomach. Take 3-5 deep breaths in and out.


  1. Stand behind the back of a chair.
  2. Alternately perform 8-10 leg swings.
  3. Do not lift your legs high so as not to pull a muscle.

Hypertension and sports can work in tandem if you remember:

  • Each session should begin with a warm-up and end with a gradual decrease in intensity.
  • There should be no sudden efforts.
  • You should avoid and completely abandon sports, where strong emotions, a large release of adrenaline.

Perfect sport

Invasive sports are allowed: table tennis or athletics, the sport must be safe for your life.

If you have hypertension, always choose to run with hypertension. It can prevent disease and even help to heal completely.

Nutritionist Daria Domanskaya says that an active healthy lifestyle is the best known method to reduce the risk of not only hypertension, but also heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer.

She points out that running and hypertension is a method of getting rid of cardiovascular diseases and excess weight. Run at a pace that is pleasant for you, maintaining the same intensity and calm breathing, lasting 30-45 minutes or longer, depending on the condition. Avoid high speeds that exceed your anaerobic threshold and ways to improve your time. Measure heart rate and pressure, control the level of perceived effort.

Vibration exercises

Blood vessels are responsible for the life of the whole organism. And if there are obstacles in the form of narrowed vessels in the way of blood flow, toxic decomposition products accumulate in the cells, this leads to a disease not only in the circulatory system, but also in other vital organs.

The Japanese scientist and healer Katsuzo Nishe called blood and vessels the "River of Life" and created a system of healing through capillaries and gymnastics for vessels.

#1 - Wet dog

  • In the morning, without getting out of bed, raise your legs and arms.
  • Shake them frequently for 1.5-2 minutes.

As a result of vibromassage, lymphatic fluid is redistributed in the vessels, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and pressure normalizes.

No. 2 - Goldfish

  1. Lie down on the bed.
  2. Place your hands under your neck at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra.
  3. Stretch your toes, tighten them.
  4. Simulate movements similar to the movement of a fish.

Therapeutic exercises promote active blood circulation. Exercise therapy for hypertension is recommended to be repeated regularly twice a day - in the morning, after waking up and in the evening, before bedtime.

How to train

According to the American Heart Association, systematic exercise reduces the risk of hypertension. Study author Robin Shute said the results of the study suggest that even a moderate amount of exercise, meaning walking for 150 minutes a week, can provide health benefits. This is especially true for people with a genetic predisposition to hypertension.”

The peculiarities of exercise therapy for hypertensive patients are that the exercises must be adapted to the person's capabilities and health status, and that in each case a doctor's consultation is required. Exercise therapy helps to avoid such serious ailments as atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, destroys an excessive amount of adrenaline, which increases blood pressure.

Static efforts with a load and a condition when the systolic pressure exceeds 200 mm Hg are contraindicated. Art. Exercises that require forward bends are not for hypertensive patients - they often put pressure on the stomach and chest. Efforts should not exceed 60% of your capabilities, which is calculated individually during the exercise. If shortness of breath appears or you are tired, you should immediately stop exercising. As your fitness improves, you can increase the intensity of your workout.

A short workout is also a workout

You can perform vigorous movements such as jogging in place or vacuuming the apartment. This will allow you to reach or even exceed the 30-minute exercise limit per day, which will effectively fight hypertension.

If we don't have time to go to the gym, you can arrange it at home. It is enough to buy a simulator, dumbbells, a training ball and a yoga mat. This equipment is enough to start classes. A great solution is also to buy a bike or treadmill, which will allow you to quickly burn fat and increase overall body endurance.

Fitness for hypertension is useful, the main thing is to exercise regularly and better in the morning, and you can defeat the initial and even 2nd degree of the disease. In this case, training with sharp loads should be excluded.

Warming up before exercise and the rest after it is very important for people with hypertension, according to the American Heart Society. Due to this, the heart rate gradually increases and then falls. Walking or jogging on a treadmill for 10 minutes will prepare you well for training and, after intense effort, will gradually slow down your heart rate.

Exercise for you

For hypertension exercise to take effect, you must do it regularly, at least 5 times a week for 30-60 minutes. Start with a short warm-up (free leg swings, a few shallow forward and side bends), complete the exercises with deep, calm breaths so that the circulatory system can continue to work calmly. People who have not practiced for a long time should exercise 2-3 times a week for half an hour. It is recommended to divide 30 minutes into three 10-minute cycles.

Exercise 1

  1. Stand with your legs slightly extended.
  2. Cross your arms in front of you so that the right hand rests on the left thigh, and the left on the right.
  3. Exhaling, straighten your right leg at the knee and lift the diagonals up.
  4. Repeat the exercise for the left leg.

Exercise 2

  1. Stand up straight, with your forearms leaning against a wall or tree (elbows at a right angle).
  2. Connect the shoulder blades, slightly pull in the stomach.
  3. Exhale the air, and tighten the buttocks.
  4. Swing your left foot back, (feet towards you)
  5. Inhaling the air, take the starting position.
  6. Repeat the exercise with a change of leg.

Exercise 3

  1. Lie on your back, bend your right leg at the knee.
  2. Straighten your left and point your fingers towards you.
  3. Raise your straight leg up, exhaling air.
  4. Inhaling, return to the starting position.
  5. During the exercise, the lower back should be pressed to the floor.
  6. Change your leg.

Exercise 4

  1. Lie down on the mat. Bend your knees.
  2. Tighten your belly, lift your hips.
  3. Alternately pull your legs to your stomach with a bent knee and exhaling air.
  4. Take the starting position and inhale.
  5. Make sure the loins are pressed to the floor at all times.

Exercise 5

  1. Get on your knees. Bend your arms and legs at a right angle.
  2. Exhale and lift your right arm and left leg to the right.
  3. Count to four loudly while maintaining balance.
  4. Return to the starting position by inhaling the air.
  5. Repeat the exercise for the left and right side.

Exercise 6

  1. On all fours, inhale.
  2. Raise your leg bent at the knee.
  3. Return to the starting position by inhaling the air. During the exercise, the stomach should be pulled in.
  4. Change your leg. Repeat.

Perform each exercise 12-14 times (2-4 series). Start with fewer repetitions and series, gradually increasing the effort. Take short breaks. Inhale deeply through your nose and slowly release the air through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5 times at your own pace.

Risk group

Hypertension can affect athletes, they are the most vulnerable social group. Hypertension in athletes occurs during training of large muscle groups, when lifting weights or squats. The leaders in the group are weightlifters.

Strength sports (weightlifting or martial arts) should be avoided. The accompanying emotions or short-term heavy efforts lead to a sudden surge of pressure and can be dangerous.

Hypertension and bodybuilding are incompatible. Strength training and weight lifting increase adrenaline levels. High adrenaline is correlated with blood pressure. A simultaneous burst of adrenaline is good for you, but athletes train for 3-4 hours a day, and some bodybuilders spend all their free time in the halls. Young bodybuilders (17-25 years old) have I and II degree hypertension. Doctors, analyzing the causes of their death, issued an unambiguous verdict: the majority left because of the heart.

Exercises to heal the heart

Ideally, the recipe for a healthy heart looks like this: 7x30. Means that you need to exercise every day for 30 minutes to prevent heart disease.

Core Exercise: Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. If you do this 5 times a day, then after 2 months the level of bad cholesterol is reduced by almost 8%, which is confirmed by studies conducted in Ireland. The key to success is to overcome 90 steps in 1 minute. In 2-3 weeks you will reach your goal. 2 30-minute walks a week cut the risk of a heart attack by half. And light exercise, no later than 2 hours after eating, prevents the contraction of blood vessels and thereby reduces the workload on the heart. Strelnikova's gymnastics for hypertension will also help strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Pay attention to heart rate. Research has shown that your heart rate during exercise should be between 60% and 70% of your maximum for your age. It can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220. If you are 30, your maximum heart rate is 190 and 70% of that value is 133. Here is the formula: (220 - 30 = 190) x 70%.

And atherosclerotic plaques will no longer appear on the vessels, because of which the nutrition of the internal organs suffered. All this will create favorable conditions for the normalization of blood pressure.

A set of exercises adapted for hypertension

The set of exercises depends on (that is, the numbers of blood pressure). So, with 1 degree, a set of exercises can be performed immediately while standing.

Exercise therapy for hypertension of the 2nd degree is performed from lying starting positions in the first 3-5 days, then they switch to sitting exercises and standing exercises. The same principle is observed at degrees 3 and 4, only with each degree the time of the lying and sedentary phases is lengthened (the specific time is called by a cardiologist who knows how long you have been sick and what features of the course of the disease are observed in you).

Therapeutic exercise for hypertension of 1 and 2 degrees includes such exercises, enclosed in 3 complexes.

A set of exercises number 1

It is used when bed rest is prescribed. All exercises are performed lying on your back.

  1. Lying on your back, without helping yourself with your hands, pull your toes first towards you (toward your knees), then away from you. Repeat 6-8 times, the pace is slow, breathing is arbitrary.
  2. Slowly bend your fingers into fists and unbend them 6-8 times.
  3. Bend your arms at the elbow joints, placing the hands on the shoulder joints: the right hand on the right shoulder, the left hand on the left. As you inhale, spread your elbows (like wings) to the sides. Exhale: first straighten your arms in both joints, then put them along the torso. The pace is slow. Repeat - 2-3 times.
  4. Place your hands along the body, palms down. Inhale - turn the hands palms up. Exhale - raise your hands forward and up, and then slowly stretch your hands to your knees, straining the muscles of the body and legs. No need to sit down, just raise your head and shoulders. Execution is slow, repeat - 2-3 times.
  5. Breathe calmly for 2 minutes.
  6. Bend in turn, without lifting from the surface of the bed, then one or the other leg at the knee, sliding them along the bed. The pace is slow. Repeat - 4-6 times.

  7. Hands lie along the body, palms down, legs straight, slightly apart. While inhaling, turn your hands with your palms up and slightly move them to the sides, at the same time turn the feet of straight legs with your toes apart. As you exhale, turn your hands palms down, and feet - toes inward. Repeat 4-6 times.
  8. Spread your arms out to the sides. Bend your knees, lower them on the bed, first to the right, then to the left, while turning your head in the opposite direction. Slowly. Repeat 4-6 times.
  9. Bend your knees. As you inhale, raise your right hand up, as you exhale, stretch it to your left knee. Repeat the same with the left hand and right knee. Repeat 4-5 times.

A set of exercises number 2

It is entirely performed in the starting position sitting on a chair.

  1. Lean against the back of a chair, put your hands on your knees. While inhaling, raise your arms to your shoulders, spread your elbows to the sides. As you exhale, lower your hands to your knees. The pace is average. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. Roll your feet from heels to toes, gradually spreading your legs to the sides. At the same time, clench your hands into fists and unclench them. Repeat - 10-15 times.

  3. As you inhale, raise your arms forward and up, as you exhale, lower your arms through the sides. Repeat 2-3 times.

  4. Slide both feet back and forth without taking your feet off the floor. Repeat 6-8 times.

  5. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides, while exhaling, put your hands on your knees, lean forward. Repeat 3-5 times.

  6. Hands along the body. Raise your right shoulder up and your left shoulder down. Now swap them. Repeat 3-5 times at an average pace.

  7. Hands to the sides - inhale, with your hands raise your right knee to your chest. As you exhale, release it. Repeat the same with the left leg. Repeat 4-6 times.
  8. Calm breathing - 2 minutes.

A set of exercises number 3

Some exercises have already been performed in previous complexes, others are too simple, so they are not accompanied by illustrations.

  1. Sitting on a chair. On the inhale - hands to the shoulders. On the exhale - hands down. The pace is average, repeat 4-5 times.
  2. Sitting on a chair. Roll from heel to toe, simultaneously spreading legs to the sides, fingers clenched into fists. Repeat 15-20 times at an average pace.
  3. Sitting on the edge of a chair. While inhaling - arms up, stretch your legs forward, but do not raise. Exhale - hands down, bend your legs at the knees. Repeat 4-5 times
  4. Sitting on a chair. Feet slide on the floor, at the same time the arms move as if walking. Repeat 4-5 times.
  5. From a sitting position on a chair. Inhale - raise your hands up, reach for them and stand up. Sit down - exhale. The pace is average, repeat 4-5 times.
  6. Walk around the room for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Standing behind the back of a chair, putting your hands on it, make circular movements in the shoulder joints in one direction and the other. Repeat 10-15 times.
  8. Standing behind the back of the chair, but sideways to it, perform swing movements in the direction opposite to the chair, first with one, then with the other foot 10-15 times at an average pace.
  9. Standing behind the back of the chair, sideways to it (in case you get dizzy during the execution). Inhale - hands up. Exhale - hands down and do a slight forward bend (the exercise may be contraindicated in case of a hernia of the lumbar spine).
  10. Body rotation clockwise and then counterclockwise. Feet shoulder-width apart (exercise may be contraindicated for a hernia of the lumbar spine).
  11. Rest - walk around the hall, while inhaling, raising your hands through the sides up, while exhaling - lowering them.

Sit on a hard or medium hard surface. Lower your arms along the body and rest with your palms (if the surface is hard) or fists (if the surface is of medium hardness). Hands need to be straightened. As a result, part of the load on the spine will be removed. Next, you need to make slight turns with your shoulders. The head and pelvis must remain motionless. These movements create a pumping effect. The duration of the exercise is as long as possible until fatigue appears in the hands. You need to apply every hour or whenever possible, and also always after sleep, before getting out of bed.

The exercise is very effective, as it allows you to restore and strengthen blood and lymph flow, helps to relieve swelling and unload overstrained muscles of the spine. After this exercise, you need to get up and stretch gently, raising your hands up, swaying slightly and stretching more with one hand, then with the other.

Hypertension grades 3 and 4 need individual counseling on a set of exercises. Usually in these cases, only "lying" exercises can be used.

List of used literature

  1. Peshkova O.V. Physical rehabilitation for diseases of internal organs - Kharkov, 1990.
  2. Kokosov A.N., Streltsova E.V. Exercise therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the lungs and heart - L: Medicine, 1984.
  3. Terry Laughlin and John Delves. Full immersion. 5th edition, 2016

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