Can pregnant women drink valerian tablets. How to calm down: is it possible for pregnant women to take valerian. Folk recipes from valerian roots

Valerian-based preparations are considered one of the safest sedative medicines. Often, gynecologists recommend pills and herbal teas based on this plant to expectant mothers.

Valerian root is safe for the embryo, and practically does not affect its development. Therefore, it is drugs with valerian that are prescribed to pregnant women in the early stages. Of course, just because a plant is safe doesn't mean it can be taken in unlimited amounts at any time. Any drug, even the safest, requires adherence to the regimen of administration and dosage. Read on to find out how to take it for health benefits.

Valerian during pregnancy

For treatment, the roots of medicinal valerian are used. They are rich in useful substances, but scientists have not yet fully studied them all and the full therapeutic effect of the plant. According to research results, valerian activates the synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acids. They are responsible for the stability of the nervous system, energy metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. So, valerian root extract has a complex effect on the body.

Also in the composition of valerian secrete alkaloids, which have a sedative, antitussive, antireflex, analgesic effect on the nerve endings. They also work with the cardiovascular system, providing antiarrhythmic, vasodilating. Alkaloids lower blood pressure, increase the secretion of bile and urine. In case of an overdose, side effects are possible.

Resins and tannins, included in valerian, have astringent properties. Helps to cope with intestinal upset, digestive problems and constipation. It acts as an antiseptic, inhibiting pathogenic microbes in the intestines, cleanse the blood of toxic substances.

Valerian extract also contains essential oils. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, contribute to the normalization of sleep and the removal of anxiety syndrome, which is characteristic during pregnancy.

Potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium bring no less benefit. Elements improve heart function, blood composition, condition of hair and skin. They are necessary for pregnant women in double quantity.

Indications for use

Valerian root is a naturally occurring tranquilizer. It relieves nervous tension, emotional and physical excitability, tone and spasms of muscles and nerves.

Indications for the appointment of valerian root for pregnant women:

  • High emotional excitability, tantrums.
  • Sleep problems. Both insomnia and drowsiness.
  • Severe headaches caused by migraine attacks.
  • Heartburn and pain in the stomach on a nervous basis.
  • Anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Nausea and vomiting in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Gestosis in the later stages.
  • Increased heart rate caused by stress.

Most often, the emotional state of expectant mothers is unstable due to the fear of losing a child at an early stage, when the risk of miscarriage is highest. Especially if the tone of the uterus is increased, problems with the placenta, or poor blood and urine tests. All this is curable, but against the background of nervous overstrain, it can worsen and lead to adverse situations, up to the death of the fetus or the development of serious complications associated with pressure drops during pregnancy and poor functioning of the heart muscle.

cope on your own with anxiety and stress it is difficult for a pregnant woman, as her hormonal background changes. In cases of complications in early or late pregnancy, neurologists and therapists prescribe complex treatment. Including, and sedatives based on valerian root and other natural tranquilizers. In addition, valerian products are recommended for gastric diseases and problems with blood vessels and the heart.

Valerian is recommended with cholecystitis and colitis, as it has a good choleretic effect. This herb activates the production of protective gastric mucus. So, the walls of the stomach are not corroded by juice.

Valerian tinctures are effective for problems with cardiac muscle. More precisely with the acceleration of the heart rate. The substances contained in valerian normalize the heartbeat, making it even.

With coronary insufficiency and problems with blood vessels in a pregnant woman, strong vasodilators should not be used. Therefore, valerian root is prescribed, which has a slight vasodilating effect and stimulates blood flow to the heart and other organs.

The mechanism of influence at different times

For whatever period you take this drug, remember that this is not just an herb with a pleasant smell, but a strong sedative drug. Therefore, follow the dosage and regimen prescribed by the neurologist.

In the early stages

Valerian during pregnancy in the early stages- perhaps the only sedative that is safe for the expectant mother. It relieves nervous tension, reduces signs of early toxicosis and preeclampsia. In the first three months, all body systems are laid in the fetus. It is recommended in the first three months of an interesting situation to do without drugs at all.

Hormonal changes in the mother's body during this period provoke toxicosis. Constant vomiting causes a lack of water and nutrients in the body, which negatively affects the condition of the future baby and mother. Taking valerian officinalis along with drugs that lower blood pressure, reduce vomiting, replenish fluid loss in the body and increased saliva secretion helps to cope with this condition of the body and prevent dehydration.

In addition, the substances contained in the valerian root have an antispasmodic effect and reduce uterine tone. This prevents the risk of miscarriage. However, valerian root tablets should not be taken during the first trimester of pregnancy unless directed by a doctor.

Before the start of the second trimester

Valerian root tablets are recommended before the second trimester of pregnancy if there is an increased risk of miscarriage. If there are no indications for use, then even in the first trimester, therapists do not prescribe valerian.
The second trimester, and this is about the sixteenth week, is much easier.

Toxicosis go away, as the female body adapts to the effects of hormones. At the same time, body weight is not so great, there are no pains in the lower back and pelvic bones. The woman is calmer. But sometimes valerian tablets are prescribed for insomnia or increased nervousness.

The herb has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps to fall asleep faster. However, it is from the sixteenth week that the nervous system is formed in the unborn child. Therefore, the expectant mother should be careful not to exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

third trimester

The third trimester is characterized by frequent stomach pains, heartburn, and insomnia. Valerian has a calming effect, reduces stomach pain and cramps.

Sometimes during this period comes late toxicosis or gestosis. These conditions are characterized by tachycardia, hypertension, emotional instability. In these cases, a course of valerian is prescribed.

Valerian acts as a sedative and vasodilator, relieving attacks of high blood pressure, normalizing the rhythm of the heartbeat. It is in the third trimester of pregnancy that it is safest to take drugs made from the root of the plant. But in the first and second periods, it is better to limit the medication, as this can adversely affect the nervous system of the unborn child.

Dosage forms of valerian

A herbal medicine related to natural tranquilizers. The effect of valerian on the nervous system is to relieve excessive nervous tension, reduce the severity of experiences, balance all reactions of the body.

There are many ways to use this plant for medicinal purposes, because it acts in a complex way on all body systems.

With headaches in pregnant women, a course of valerian is prescribed, since it has a cumulative and prolonged effect. Assigned either herbal collection, which contains valerian root or a preparation in tablet form.

If the headache is small, then it will help to relieve it. aromatherapy - place a sachet with dried valerian not far from the headboard. You can leave it overnight or for several hours.

Plant root decoction more powerful and effective, used if you need a quick result. Pregnant women should not drink it on their own, side effects are possible.

Dosage and side effects

Tablets and tinctures with valerian officinalis are made only from raw materials of natural origin, do not contain synthetic additives and dyes. But any drug of natural origin can adversely affect the body of the expectant mother and baby.

To prevent this, you must strictly follow the dosage and recommendations. This is especially important for pregnant women. In this case, the dosage is determined individually, depending on the state of health.

  • Valerian tablets: up to three times a day. Drink a maximum of two lozenges at a time. Thirty minutes before meals.
  • Valerian decoction medicinal: 1 tbsp. l. three to four times a day. An hour before meals.

The duration of therapy with valerian in a dragee is about three weeks. After you need to interrupt the course. And resume it after ten days or stop taking it completely. In some cases, valerian is prescribed along with other drugs that relieve spasms and stress. The duration of treatment with valerian should not exceed a month. If you take this remedy for a long time, then side effects are possible.

In any case, the dosage of valerian for a pregnant woman should be determined by a doctor. The optimal rate is no more than six dragees or six tablespoons of decoction.

Remember that valerian is not a remedy that helps with all ailments during an interesting situation. This is a light therapeutic drug with an auxiliary effect, so it is not necessary to increase the dosage, hoping for a quick and powerful effect. On the contrary, it can harm the body.

Side effects in overdose:

  • Headache attacks.
  • Insomnia or vice versa severe weakness and drowsiness.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Uterine tone.

Exceeding the dosage is also possible with prolonged use of valerian root. Since the plant has a cumulative effect, it is not recommended to drink it for more than four weeks.

Folk recipes from valerian roots

Since ancient times, our grandmothers have been treated with valerian. The rhizomes of the plant were mainly used to prepare all kinds of decoctions and infusions. Most of these recipes have been passed down from generations and are still being successfully used today.


For a calming effect pour 250 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of dried rhizomes of the plant. Cover and leave for two hours. Put on a slow fire and boil for fifteen minutes. Cool down. Take 20 ml. Every three hours two hours before meals.

You can use another decoction recipe. For three tablespoons of dry root - 250 ml of boiling water. Cover the broth so that the herb steams out. Drink after about an hour. Dosage: one tbsp. three times a day. Thirty minutes before or after a meal. The decoction acts quickly, and in a short time has good sedative effect.

No less effective as a sedative the following recipe: pour two tablespoons of powder from the roots of valerian officinalis with a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. Remove from heat, let cool and filter. Pour a glass of cool purified water into the finished mixture. Take no more than three tablespoons per day two hours before meals.

From abdominal colic and bloating a special infusion is needed. Pour boiling water over the finely chopped root, leave to infuse for three to four hours. Strain through a double layer of cheesecloth. Take one teaspoon every three hours. Another recipe: in equal proportions, take chamomile flowers, dill seed, valerian. Pour 250 ml of boiling water. Take as in the recipe above. You can not only take this herbal collection inside, but also rub it into the abdomen. Light circular movements of the fingers in a clockwise direction. Then you need to wrap up well.

stomach pain easy to remove with a decoction: take one teaspoon of: fennel seeds and black cumin, mint leaves, chamomile flowers, valerian officinalis rhizomes. Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. Keep in a warm, dry place for two weeks. Filter the tincture. Pregnant women can take a teaspoon three times a day. Also, this decoction can be used to treat heart pain.

Can you make valerian relaxing bath concentrate. For three tablespoons of ground roots - a glass of boiling water. The mixture should be poured into a warm bath. The procedure should take no longer than twenty minutes. At the slightest sign of discomfort, stop the procedure and call a doctor.

Alcohol tincture

You can also use tincture on alcohol or cognac. For pregnant women, this medicine is recommended in emergency cases, if there is no alternative. The recipe is simple. You need to take lemon mint leaves, valerian root, yarrow, St. John's wort - all the ingredients in a teaspoon. Pour the mixture with a liter of cognac. Keep in a warm place for five days, strain. Take half a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening half an hour after eating.

Valerian is available not only in pills, but also in drops. This is one of the most convenient forms of using this drug, but it is done on alcohol (70% alcohol for 30% valerian officinalis extract).

Alcohol tincture of valerian is not recommended for pregnant women, as alcohol has a negative effect on the nervous system of the fetus, and may affect its development. But at the same time, it acts much faster, because it is absorbed into the blood in just a couple of minutes.

Doctors advise drinking it with sharp stomach cramps, during severe stressful situations, prolonged sleep disturbances, and increased heart rate. If it is not possible to go to the doctor, then taking an alcohol tincture of valerian will help to cope with these conditions.

In addition, an alcoholic infusion of valerian roots can be used as aromatherapy agent. Vapors of valerian relax, soothe, normalize sleep and blood pressure. To remove the harm of alcohol, but to preserve the benefits of a herbaceous plant, you need to evaporate it. It is very simple to do this: drop fifteen drops of alcohol infusion into a tablespoon and hold over low heat for a minute and a half.


Valerian officinalis is a remedy obtained from the roots of the plant. Doctors prescribe pills and other drugs from it if there are no contraindications:

  • depressive disorder;
  • high blood pressure;
  • liver failure;
  • pre-stroke state;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • individual intolerance.

It is especially necessary to carefully consider contraindications when using valerian in the first twelve to sixteen weeks.

It is important to remember that taking the rhizomes of a medicinal plant for more than a month in the first trimester of pregnancy leads to spontaneous abortion. Since the active substances stimulate contractions of the muscles of the genital organ, if there is an excess of it in the blood.

Allergy signs:

  • small rash on the skin;
  • urticaria on the body;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • black dots in the eyes;
  • periodic itching;
  • constipation.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop drinking drugs with valerian and consult a therapist.

Doctors advise to be wary of sedatives when carrying a child. Most are generally strictly prohibited, because they depress the nervous system, change the composition of the blood, which is undesirable for the fetus. However, valerian for pregnant women seems like a fairly harmless option. Natural origin, prevalence and mild action seem to speak in its favor.

But is everything so simple? Before you immediately write down this drug as your best friend, you should figure it out. To begin with, the optimal solution is precisely the valerian herb during pregnancy, and it is far from always necessary to do something special with it. Sometimes it’s enough just to pack it in bags and put it under the pillow.

Why do we need such an original and extravagant ceremony? It turns out that valerian helps with insomnia during pregnancy. The advice is indeed somewhat exotic, but if at least partly to believe the reviews of patients, then this option works pretty well. Although the placebo effect as an explanation cannot be completely ruled out.

Scope of application

And in what other cases is the remedy under discussion prescribed? As it turns out, valerian during pregnancy from pressure helps a lot.

It is also prescribed from:

  • stomach pain;
  • excessive nervousness;
  • with increased fatigue;
  • stress;
  • tachycardia.

And valerian is also prescribed for headaches during pregnancy. True, it does not always help, here it is already necessary to take into account the reasons and the degree of the corresponding sensations. Doctors also pay attention to character. For example, with migraines, ordinary painkillers do not work, special ones are used: "Anti-migraine" and others.

And this is not all situations in which the tool helps. Often valerian with uterine tone brings the body to life. It's no secret that spasms can be associated with excessive excitement, stress, fears. In this case, a mild sedative is what you need.

How to use?

It would seem that a means of a wide spectrum of action, which many of us are well aware of. What problems can there be? But in fact, the dosage is still extremely important here. 2 tablets per dose is enough. You can drink a maximum of 6 per day. But with an increase in the named amount, a reverse reaction will occur, that is, there is a risk that the pressure will rise, the susceptibility of the nervous system to stimuli will increase.

And pay attention to the form in which this medicine is taken. So, alcohol tincture is highly undesirable, so you should drink drops of valerian during pregnancy only as a last resort, with a strong disorder, when there are simply no other, safer methods at hand. And, of course, this is not an option for permanent reception.

Doctors can also prescribe the drug in a course. As a rule, we are talking about 2-3 weeks, during which 3 tablets are taken per day. After such treatment, women note that it becomes easier for them to relax, pressure stabilizes, and the number of sudden muscle cramps decreases.

Alcohol tincture of valerian is highly undesirable, therefore, drops of valerian during pregnancy should be drunk only as a last resort, with a strong disorder, when there are simply no other, safer methods at hand.

Contraindications and side effects

Since we are talking about a medicine that is safe enough for expectant mothers, contraindications for valerian during pregnancy are associated only with individual intolerance. It can manifest itself as classic allergy symptoms, as well as unpleasant side effects. This is drowsiness combined with the inability to fall asleep, increased nervous excitement, flatulence, diarrhea, inhibition of reactions.

As a rule, patients themselves already know about cases of individual intolerance, since the medicine is very popular. And with him, most likely, at least once, but in life they have already encountered. But sometimes it happens that the reactions of the body also change due to restructuring. Therefore, it is possible to say unequivocally whether valerian is harmful to pregnant women only after the first dose.

That is why you need to be careful with the medicine. It is worth starting during pregnancy with valerian tablets, then you can switch to a decoction of the root. One, firstly, has a stronger effect on the body, and secondly, it is much more difficult to control the dosage with it.

Pills and the placebo effect

With regard to valerian tablets, sometimes on different resources you can read that their effectiveness is equal to the placebo effect. In fact, this is indeed the case, only it does not work for all drugs and not even for all forms, but only for tablets.

To make a concentrated product in this form with a sufficient amount of active ingredient is expensive. Therefore, some manufacturers are cunning. You can understand whether the pills are in front of you by the price: it will be surprisingly affordable. As a rule, this is already the basis for suspicion.

There is another way to establish that there is something unclean. Just let the cat sniff the pill, unless, of course, the medicine is coated with some kind of shell. Is the animal not responding? Then before you "dummy".

Valerian at different stages of pregnancy

It is possible or not to take this or that medicine, it also depends in many respects on how long the woman is. There are no big surprises here. Everything is quite clearly shown in the table.

As you can see, gestation time matters. So, valerian during early pregnancy is considered more dangerous. This is due to the fact that the placenta has not yet formed, as mentioned above. That's why It is best to use the medicine after consulting a doctor.

Is it possible to drink valerian when a boy is pregnant?

In anticipation of a child, women become very suspicious. And any, even the most ridiculous rumors, begin to seem true, especially if they are frightening. The same applies to the fact that when carrying a male baby, you cannot drink valerian, because it allegedly depresses the nervous system.

In fact, science has not found any difference depending on the sex of the child. But if you are very afraid of harming the baby, then you can consult a doctor and honestly tell about this rumor. The gynecologist will not laugh: he understands the condition of the woman. Therefore, you can openly share your experiences with him.

Valerian for scabies

Patients are often interested in non-traditional ways to use known drugs. For example: does it help with scabies or not? As the main active ingredient - no. But it can remove the irritability associated with itching, as well as just the general discomfort experienced by a woman suffering from this disease.

What is the best dosage form?

Several dosage forms have been repeatedly mentioned above: alcohol tincture (drops), tablets, decoction. Since we are talking about the same tool, the difference cannot be called critical. Nevertheless, it still exists.

Alcohol tincture acts much faster than all other options. But because of the presence of alcohol such a remedy for pregnant women forbidden. It can be conditionally taken in small quantities when the level of stress is very high. Or when there is a need to quickly calm down, and there are no other alternatives at hand.

The decoction is compared by many in terms of effectiveness with the previous form, but it is allowed to be taken, since there is no alcohol here. True, there are moments here too. Firstly, for some women, the decoction is comparable in effectiveness to alcohol tincture, and for some it is not.

Secondly, not every pharmacy can find just such a dosage form. But there are enough recipes for self-cooking on the Internet. In principle, it is really not difficult, another thing is that it takes time.

In addition, it is problematic to figure out on your own how concentrated the composition turned out, whether there will be an overdose. So, taking into account the latter, the decoction cannot be unambiguously called a completely safe solution. When planning to take such a remedy, consult your doctor.

And finally, pills. Some by the amount of active substance are “dummy”, others help, but not always immediately. That is, there may be problems with the selection of a specific option.

Thus, each dosage form has its own nuances. If you are not sure which valerian to choose, ask your doctor to recommend a trusted manufacturer, read reviews about him on the Internet on various sites. So there will be more chances to find a working tool.

Combination with other drugs and analogues

Valerian is perfectly combined with other drugs, with the exception of sedatives. It is a bad idea to use several drugs that affect the nervous system during pregnancy at once. The effect may turn out to be too strong, instead of relaxation, a depressed, depressive state will come out.

But with other medicines, valerian works great. Unless about drugs that affect the functioning of the heart and pressure, you should consult a doctor.

As for analogues, there are quite a lot of sedatives in general. But only a small part is allowed for pregnant women. Among them is motherwort, but it is considered worse than valerian in terms of possible side effects. Most often, this composition is advised to drink before bedtime. Again, medical advice is needed here.

Valerian is an excellent remedy, which many have already become accustomed to as an indispensable medicine in the first aid kit. It acts gently, soothes, normalizes blood pressure, helps to fall asleep. But in large quantities it can cause the opposite effect. In addition, during pregnancy it is very rare, but individual intolerance may develop to valerian.

Valerian is used with caution during pregnancy. The complex of biologically active substances can have both positive and negative effects. It is necessary to take into account the period of bearing the child and the general emotional, physical condition. Essential oil, which is part of the plant, rich in acids (isovaleric, malic, acetic, formic, palmitic), tannins, glycosides, terpineol, borneol, free amines, alkaloids, bornylizovalerianate. Valerian extract has the highest concentration, tincture and tablets have the lowest concentration, therefore, strict adherence to the dosage is required (instructions are attached to the preparations) and the correct treatment regimen.

Is it possible to drink valerian during pregnancy?

Valerian roots and rhizomes have a sedative effect and are prescribed during pregnancy, often in the first trimester, during which pronounced dizziness, nausea, vomiting and irritability are noted. Reception is combined with other drugs to enhance and lengthen the effect, for example, rehydration, antihypertensive, antiemetic.

Valerian for pregnant women is also useful as a means of preventing premature birth. The doctor prescribes it in combination with drugs to enhance their action, up to a period that captures the 3rd trimester.

Insomnia is an unpleasant symptom of pregnancy.

According to statistics, 78% of pregnant women experience a sleep disorder and this deviation haunts women in the third trimester or before childbirth. The reasons may be different:

  • psychological - fear of childbirth, stress, chronic fatigue;
  • physiological - hormonal changes, heartburn, shortness of breath, convulsions, skin itching on the abdomen due to stretching, constant urge to urinate.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to take chemical preparations for insomnia during the period of gestation, no matter how well they helped before. Only a specialist can prescribe them in case of urgent need. The best medicine is rest, tea ceremonies to calm the nerves, and the absence of great physical exertion.

If you resort to the treatment of insomnia during pregnancy, then only to herbal remedies, for example, decoctions of valerian root, motherwort or chamomile flowers.

High blood pressure is a risk to the fetus

High blood pressure provokes the development of diseases associated with blood vessels. A pregnant woman can learn about hypertension by her own well-being, which is accompanied by headaches, dizziness, impotence, and also with the help of a tonometer. The causes of the pathological condition are:

  • increased blood volume;
  • a sharp weight gain;
  • strengthening of metabolic processes in the body.

At high pressure, the dosage must also be observed, otherwise the opposite effect is possible - an increase in blood pressure, nervous excitement.

Valerian with uterine tone

Hypertension of the uterus occurs for the following reasons:

  • nervous tension;
  • experience;
  • fear;
  • uterine disease (myoma, endometriosis);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit.

Important! Valerian tablets have a less pronounced effect than prepared decoctions from the roots or rhizomes, so an overdose of them is less likely, except for uncontrolled use.

During early pregnancy, from increased uterine tone, you can take 3 tablets of valerian per day, divided into 3 doses, before meals and with ½ a glass of water.

Some are wondering: why is valerian prescribed in early pregnancy if women in the position are at risk in the instructions for use? Increased uterine tone is one of the indications, therefore, doctors, comparing the benefits and harms for the mother and child, prescribe during the period of threatened abortion and an unstable emotional state.

Safe use of valerian for headaches

How to take valerian pregnant for headaches? Pain treatment is carried out in a course, since the herbal remedy does not give an instant effect. This may be a medicinal collection, which includes the root and rhizomes of valerian, as well as tablets.

A mild headache is relieved with the help of aromatherapy: a bag with plant roots is placed next to the pillow at night or at lunchtime.

The use of valerian

Experts prefer to prescribe valerian in tablet form to pregnant women. This makes sense for several reasons:

  • low concentration of essential oil in this dosage form;
  • lack of ethyl alcohol in the composition;
  • a convenient form of admission that does not require time-consuming preparation.

A decoction of valerian root is also allowed both in the early and late stages of bearing an unborn child, but its effect appears faster than after taking the pills. How to drink and how to cook?

There are several recipes for decoctions for pregnant women.


2 tbsp. l. crushed rhizomes pour boiling water and bring to readiness, putting in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and add chilled boiled water to the previous volume, that is, up to 200-250 ml. How much can you drink? The dosage is prescribed by doctors, but independently, without possible risks, 1 tbsp is recommended. l. 3 times a day, before meals.

Important! The broth should always be fresh, that is, once every two days it must be prepared again. Keep only in the refrigerator to avoid the growth of bacteria in a warm environment.


3 art. l. crushed roots pour 1 cup boiling water and leave to infuse. A dry plant should steam out within 1-1.5 hours, after which it is filtered and consumed 3 times, 1 tbsp. l.

Valerian can be used as a concentrate (3 tablespoons of roots are brewed with 1 tablespoon of boiling water). 200 ml is poured into a bath of non-hot water and the bath is taken for 20 minutes.

Contraindications for use

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is important to limit yourself to the use of any drugs, even plant-based, because during this period all the organs of the unborn child are formed. For this reason, indications for use should be subjective, that is, the doctor must compare the possible risk to the fetus and the benefits of taking valerian for the mother, for example, with the threat of miscarriage, painful uterine muscle tone, and toxicosis. This applies only to the systematic treatment of a particular pathology. A one-time appointment, which involves the rapid removal of stress, nervous tension, mild headache and feelings of anxiety, is allowed for pregnant women.

Important! The plant cannot be considered a cure for all diseases, despite its plant origin and a wide range of indications. Valerian tincture is a prohibited dosage form for pregnant women, since it contains alcohol, which negatively affects the cells of the brain and spinal cord of the fetus.

Contraindications to the use of a medicinal plant is an allergic reaction to one of its constituent components. Allergy symptoms are:

  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy.

In the second trimester, taking any sedatives can adversely affect the development of the baby's nervous system, respectively, valerian is also prohibited.

So, can pregnant women take valerian? No matter how long, a medicinal plant is prescribed by specialists for anxiety, headaches, uterine tone, insomnia, stress, emotional instability. A prerequisite is the observance of the correct dosage and a certain course of treatment, and also take into account that the tablet form, in comparison with fresh infusions and decoctions from the roots, has a less pronounced effect.

Almost every person at times feels the need to take sedatives that minimize the negative effects of stress and anxiety. The most common, effective and affordable drug of this kind is valerian tincture. The composition of the drug includes natural ingredients, it does not have contraindications and side effects. Valerian extract can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

On the modern pharmaceutical market, there are several types of drugs based on valerian root. These are tablets, alcohol tincture, as well as dry raw materials, through which you can prepare an effective remedy at home.

To prevent a negative effect on the fetus, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount of the drug taken, the dosage, as well as the auxiliary ingredients that complement its composition.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes not only physiological and hormonal, but also psycho-emotional changes. Against the background of changeable mood, irritability, tearfulness, most women need to take drugs that have a calming effect.

But is it possible to use them if at this time almost all medicines are banned due to the negative effect on the body?

Light sedatives made on the basis of natural raw materials, which include valerian, do not adversely affect the fetus and the woman's body.

It should be noted that none of the sedative drugs will cause such harm to the body as emotional and nervous tension, stress and irritability.

The only exception in this case is valerian tincture during pregnancy. Its reception is not recommended due to the content of a large amount of alcohol. However, to obtain an almost instant result, it is permissible to use this drug one-time, but, of course, it should not be abused.

For pregnant women, valerian tablets are suitable, as well as a decoction from the root of the plant.

In accordance with laboratory studies, it was found that drugs made on the basis of valerian rhizomes do not intoxicate the body of the fetus and woman.

Only an insignificant part of the subjects felt slight dizziness and weakness, but these negative effects were, as a rule, the result of individual physiological characteristics.

Instructions for use states that the drug has the following positive effects on the body:

  • If necessary, it reduces, or, on the contrary, increases the tone of the muscle fibers of the uterus.
  • Prevents the manifestation of insomnia, and also eliminates it.
  • It has a quick calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Helps to stabilize the psycho-emotional state.
  • Quickly relieves stress, irritability and tearfulness.

Why pregnant women are prescribed valerian?

In some cases, valerian during pregnancy is more of a whim than a really necessary drug. This is due to excessive suspiciousness, which is inherent in almost every pregnant woman who experiences strong feelings about her current condition.

During the period of bearing offspring, any, even the most insignificant outbursts of emotions, can deliver significant physical discomfort to the expectant mother, expressed in the appearance of insomnia.

It is for these reasons that gynecologists recommend taking valerian to eliminate the negative effects of stressful situations. Taking even a large amount of a natural sedative drug will not cause as much harm to a woman and a baby as emotional experiences can cause.

Medications based on valerian root extract are used not only to provide an instant calming effect, but also for therapeutic effects.

However, in such cases, valerian is used as an auxiliary component of complex treatment measures, which also involve the use of other, more potent drugs.

For example, in the early stages of pregnancy, before the onset of the second trimester, it is permissible for a woman to take only those medications based on exclusively natural ingredients.

That is, the use of even alcohol tinctures can have a significant negative effect on the fetus. In such cases, valerian is prescribed in combination with other drugs as a preventive measure to prevent miscarriage.

There is an interesting fact that not everyone is aware of: valerian extract is able to have a calming effect only after a long course of use.

That is, medicines based on this plant act on the body in accordance with the accumulative scheme: a positive result can only be achieved if a sufficient amount of active substances is accumulated in the body.

So, why is alcohol tincture, decoctions, and valerian tablets during pregnancy so often recommended as a medication that can have a noticeable positive result after a single use?

Everything is explained by the so-called placebo effect, according to which the body reacts to taking the drug in the way that the brain “believing” in the effect of the drug orders it.

That is why, in most cases, women in pregnancy are advised to take a drug based on an extract of a medicinal plant in accordance with the prescribed course, the duration of which is about several weeks.

How to take valerian during pregnancy? Dosage

As mentioned above, the safest sedative drug during pregnancy that has no contraindications and side effects is valerian tablets.

The instruction, however, warns a woman against self-administration of the drug in order to avoid possible negative consequences. It is recommended to take the medicine in any form only if there is a prescription from the attending physician.

Depending on the individual physiological characteristics and the current condition, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment for a pregnant woman, the duration of which is from 1 month. It is also possible to prescribe medication throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

With the constant use of the drug, the intake occurs in accordance with the following scheme: at least two tablets, or two tablespoons of decoction for a single use. Take 2-3 times a day. The dosage may be slightly modified, but the variations are usually not significant.

A decoction of valerian is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of crushed root are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Then the broth is cooled at room temperature, filtered and squeezed, after which its volume is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. The decoction is taken 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 30 minutes after a meal.

Despite all the safety and naturalness of medicines, which are based on valerian rhizome extracts, it is not recommended to take these drugs without the knowledge of a gynecologist.

It is during the period of bearing offspring that the risk of developing allergic reactions increases significantly, including in cases where a woman has not previously suffered from anything like this.

Accordingly, if even the slightest signs of discomfort appear immediately after taking the drug, it is recommended to completely exclude it.

You should also be careful when taking valerian tincture, which, in addition to the plant extract, also includes alcohol. The use of this kind of drug can be carried out only after the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy.

Useful video about valerian officinalis

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