The skin on the knees is white. Rough skin on the elbows and knees: why does the skin on the elbows and knees get rough and flaky? Causes of pain in the elbows

I do yoga and some poses need to be done on my knees. I began to notice that the skin on my knees gradually turns into a heel, and even darkens ... Thorough peeling, regular use of scrubs just brought me to contact dermatitis and in the midst of summer with forty-degree heat, I have to wear trousers.

I had to look for a way to whiten my knees. I reviewed all the recipes, and most of them are quite adequate at first glance, but I did it my own way. I am very pleased with the result, which I share.

How and how to lighten the skin on your knees

First of all, I give exactly the recipe with which I lightened my skin. For more than a month I have been regularly doing a face mask with aspirin, and I decided to try it on my knees. Happened!

  • 4-5 aspirin tablets
  • 1 tsp toothpaste

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, in regular tablets) crush in a mortar. I immediately take a couple of blisters of 10 tablets and grind them in a coffee grinder. I use this powder as needed.

Mix a teaspoon of the simplest toothpaste with the resulting aspirin powder and apply to wet, steamed knees. You can walk around with this mixture for a while, 15 minutes was enough for me. Before rinsing, massage your knees to remove dead cells.

It was with this mixture that I was able to lighten my knees in 1 time. Such knee care should not be done daily, after all, the paste significantly dries the skin, but why not once or twice a week. After the mask, use a fat cream. I didn’t use the recipes described below, but I liked the composition of the masks. Take note.

A few more recipes for dark knees and elbows

  • 1 tbsp soda
  • 1 tsp milk

Make a smooth paste with milk and baking soda. Massage your knees for 2-3 minutes, rinse. After each such procedure, be sure to nourish the skin with cream.

  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp olive or almond oil

Use the mixture as a scrub. Turmeric brightens the skin and removes unwanted hair (fluff above the lip definitely removes). The oil immediately nourishes the skin.

There are many recipes with lemon juice:

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vitamin E (as alpha-tocopherol acetate oil solution)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • a pinch of starch to thicken the mass

Mix and apply on knees, massage, leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes.

  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp lemon juice

Apply the mixture for 10 minutes, massage and rinse.

  • 1 tsp unrefined coconut oil
  • 1 tsp sugar

This recipe can be enriched with soda or aspirin, then there will definitely be whitening.

  • Cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, sour cream

Lactic acid also does its job. First of all, it is gentle, delicate skin care. Sour-milk products not only whiten, but also soften the rough skin of the knees. Mask-compresses with cottage cheese are also suitable for heels.

Any fruit acids do a good job of whitening the skin. It is especially pleasant to use raspberries as a whitening mask. In winter, frozen berries help out.

I did not write anything about salt, although there are recipes for scrubs with salt. Salt was too traumatic for my knees. Although mixed with butter or sour cream, you can try. I think soda is more acceptable.

Why knees get dark and how to avoid it

Rough skin on the knees is more of an age-related problem. The drier the skin, the higher the risk of getting these spots.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of dark spots:

  • Wearing tight pants and rubbing fabric
  • Frequent use of scrubs and peels
  • Sports exercises and washing the floor on your knees
  • Self-tanners better "cling" to dried skin in these places.

The simplest prevention, which I naturally neglected, is to drink a little more water than you want and moisturize not only your face. The second mandatory rule is sunscreen.

Areas on the skin that we actively deprive of the protective lipid film and fat are especially sensitive. The knees we are trying to whiten are the first to be compromised.

For knees you can do glycerin moisturizing balm:

  • 2 tbsp glycerin
  • 1 tbsp coconut or shea butter
  • 1 tsp vitamin E

Melt the butter in a water bath, add glycerin and vitamin E, mix thoroughly and let the mixture rest in the refrigerator. This is an excellent evening care for dry areas of the legs, elbows, cuticles. Sometimes I am too lazy to prepare a cream and just take a small jar of the cheapest baby cream with a simple composition, add glycerin and an oil solution of vit. E. It’s also quite decent (but it’s liquid, it all depends on the cream).

I had a pleasant cooking experience with my own hands, I suggest you try it too.

The human body needs constant care.

Weather conditions, age, health status and even mood leave their mark not only on its open areas. Modern people, especially women, spare no time in caring for the skin of the face and neck. Not deprived of attention and hands with nails. But elbows are often left unattended.

In this place, the skin quickly coarsens, becomes dense and dry. Gradually, it begins to peel off and even crack. This causes not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also physical pain.

If you let everything take its course, then you can’t do without the help of specialists. Why is the skin on the elbows dry and flaky?

Causes of peeling skin on the elbows

Many reasons contribute to the appearance of rough and flaky skin on the elbows.

I. External factors

  • Physiological features and mechanical effects. The elbows are very mobile and sometimes serve as a simple support. Sitting at a table and talking with someone, a person often leans on his arm, while bending his elbow. That, in turn, is on a solid surface and is under pressure. If such gatherings are rare, then the skin on the elbows does not suffer. And if the work is sedentary and during its execution you need to constantly use, for example, a computer? In such cases, regular mechanical action on the skin of the elbows is indispensable. So she reacts: at first it becomes dense, and gradually - dry and painful.
  • Environmental impact. The time of year has an impact on the condition of the skin in general. In the winter and autumn months, the humidity in the premises decreases. Outside - cold air and piercing wind. The combination of these factors leads to the fact that the body loses moisture and the skin becomes dry and vulnerable to any irritants.

    Excessive sunbathing in the summer brings not only pleasure and a beautiful tan. UV light ages the skin. It dries out, cell renewal slows down, and the epidermis layer thickens. Gradually, dryness intensifies and peeling appears.

  • Water and chemical irritants. Under no circumstances should hygiene be neglected. But frequent bathing affects the skin in the same way as excess ultraviolet radiation. In addition, water contains chemical elements, in particular chlorine. Similar ingredients are found in shower gels, soaps and bath foam. Often they irritate the skin and cause peeling.

II. Peeling skin is a symptom of health problems.

  • Pathologies of the endocrine system, namely:
    • Hypothyroidism- insufficient production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. As a result, besides the fact that more serious problems appear in the body, the elbows peel and darken.
    • Diabetes- this disease is accompanied by dehydration and thinning of the skin as a whole. It becomes very vulnerable: even a slight damage leads to inflammation and infection. Hardened places appear on the elbows, heels, hands and palms become rough.
  • Skin diseases:
    • psoriasis;
    • dermatitis.
  • Lack of vitamins. Lack of iron and vitamins A, D and E in the body provokes iron deficiency anemia and beriberi. This cannot but affect the skin, including the ulnar surface.

Putting elbows in order: treatment

You can get rid of peeling skin on the elbows, even if it is caused by diseases. Doctor's instructions must be followed strictly. The dermatologist will suggest a solution and prescribe ointments that will help soften the skin and heal cracks. The use of cosmetic procedures will help to quickly put your elbows in order.

You need to start by doing simple steps:

  • Switch to proper nutrition: balanced and varied, without frills and starvation.
  • Take vitamin preparations. Consulting a therapist will help you choose the right ratio.
  • Don't forget to drink clean water. This will fill the body with moisture.
  • Replace hot baths with contrast showers.
  • Monitor your emotional state and improve your mental health.
  • Skin care: massage, apply moisturizing and nourishing creams.
  • Moderately use gels, soaps, various bath foams. It is advisable to see if any of these remedies cause allergies and deterioration of the skin on the elbows.

If it is not possible to completely remove the peeling, you need to try to reduce it. Help with this natural ingredients and creams. Here are some of the treatments.

Immerse your elbows in a warm bath for twenty-five minutes. You need to prepare it using cosmetic oils or decoctions of medicinal herbs: calendula, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. The bath will steam the skin and open all the pores.

Gently wipe the elbows with a soft brush and grease them with a nourishing cream. It is desirable to carry out such a procedure several times a week, and preferably daily, until the skin becomes soft.

Prepare masks:

  • orange:
    • Mix a teaspoon of warmed olive or other vegetable oil and fresh orange juice.
    • Apply to elbows.
    • Massage the surface for five minutes.
    • Rinse and dry.
  • Honey:
    Heat a spoonful of honey and almond oil a little and mix.
    • Apply to the elbows and wrap with a film of polyethylene, wrap with a cloth on top.
    • Hold for twenty to thirty minutes and rinse.

Apply masks every other day until there is a result.

Before going to bed, you need to smear your elbows with a nourishing and moisturizing cream. It can also be used after washing off the masks.

You can wipe your elbows with cotton swabs soaked in lemon or grapefruit juice.

Constant care of your own body will make the skin on the elbows soft and smooth. You just need to do simple things every day.

Dry skin on the knees and elbows is at least an unaesthetic sight.

In addition, it causes itching, peeling and other unpleasant sensations.

And any girl wants to have smooth skin all over her body. and knees reflects health problems.

Therefore, the solution of this problem should be given attention.

A provocateur of the appearance of roughness and dryness of the skin on the knees can be a number of reasons.

Dry knees: causes

1. Seasonal lack of vitamins A, E.

2. The habit of leaning on the knees, this leads to hardening of the skin.

3. Wearing tights and trousers.

4. Hormonal failures.

5. Lack of vegetable fats in the body.

All problems associated with dry skin on the knees can be solved by correctly determining the cause of their occurrence.

So for starters, it’s worth going to an endocrinologist who will determine if there is a problem with the hormonal background. If it is, then you need to solve it with medication under the supervision of a doctor.

In other cases, the skin can be moisturized at home with cosmetics or home-made effective moisturizers.

You also need to eat foods rich in vitamin C, A, E. You should also eat foods that contain fat.

At home, you can easily prepare several effective remedies.

Dry knees: folk recipes

Lemon oil for knees

You need to mix the juice of ½ lemon with vegetable oil, mix everything well and apply on the hardened areas on your knees.

This mask should be held for twenty minutes, then wash off the mask and apply any moisturizer.

Exfoliating scrub for dry knees

Exfoliate dead skin on your knees with a sea salt and honey scrub. In addition to the direct action, honey will help to significantly moisturize the skin.

You need to take 2 tablespoons of salt and honey, add to them, mix the product well.

Apply the composition on your knees and rub your knees in a circular motion, then rinse everything with warm water and treat with any cosmetic oil.

Rubbing the skin on the knees with juice

A simple daily remedy is to rub the skin of the knees and elbows with a slice of fresh lemon or cucumber. You need to wipe it in the morning and in the evening and the skin will be soft and smooth.

If your knees are very dry

For very dry knees, you need to use a more complex solution. For him, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of 70% alcohol, 2 teaspoons of glycerin, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass bottle and close the cap.

Within 3 days, apply the product in the evening for 1 hour in the form of a compress. After three days, cleanse the skin with a scrub. And your knees will be soft.

Before taking a bath, it is advisable to apply a scrub on your knees, hold it for 7 minutes, massaging. After the bath, use a moisturizing oily cream every time.

Apply a light moisturizer to your knees several times throughout the day. Do not be afraid of greasy spots, the skin will quickly absorb the cream.

The main thing is to give daily and there will be no problems with dryness.

It is also worth monitoring nutrition, because dry skin on the knees also reflects problems with hair and nails.

You can maintain good skin condition with simple home remedies that you can easily prepare yourself.

An article about why the skin on the elbows flakes and dries, and what diseases it is associated with.

  • due to skin diseases
  • Due to hormonal imbalance
  • Due to lack of vitamins A, C
  • Not enough water in the body
  • From wearing synthetic clothes
  • Due to frequent bathing in water with chlorine
  • Due to frequent stress and overwork

What are the diseases of the skin on the elbows?

Flaky skin on the elbows due to dermatitis


The skin on the elbows can peel off due to dermatitis - skin diseases in the form of redness, rashes and peeling all over the body or in areas.

The result of dermatitis can be:

  • Transferred stress
  • After chemical, thermal burns and received from overheating in the sun
  • Frostbite in winter
  • Due to allergies to food, synthetic clothing, cosmetics

Dermatitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute dermatitis characterized by features:

  • sudden itching
  • A slight increase in body temperature
  • Redness and swelling of certain parts of the body
  • With allergic dermatitis - runny nose
  • With infectious dermatitis - rash

For chronic dermatitis the inflammatory process is weakly expressed, a rash may appear, and if dermatitis is not treated, then the rash turns into a scab, abrasions, ulcers, cracks, from which pus will come.

Flaky, cracked skin on the elbows with psoriasis


Psoriasis - "scaly lichen", a skin disease in the form of red spots, sharply defined, covered with flaky silvery scales. Then the spots turn into dry plaques.

If the disease is not treated, it can spread to the nails and joints. Psoriasis is most commonly affected:

  • Elbows and knees
  • Small of the back
  • The part of the foot that we walk on
  • Thighs and calves
  • Genital area
  • Palms
  • The part of the head where the hair grows

Cause of psoriasis there may be the following signs:

  • Stress, emotional distress and pent-up anger
  • Heredity
  • Decreased immunity
  • Skin injury
  • Medications (some blood pressure medications, chloroquine, lithium, indomethacin, progesterone)
  • Feature of the body to the active division of skin cells

Why does the skin on the elbows flake and dry?

Sitting at a computer for a long time and resting your elbows on a table can cause flaky skin on your elbows.

Passive lifestyle

The skin on the elbows can dry and peel off due to a sedentary lifestyle, if you sit at a table or computer for a long time, and lean your elbows on the table.

Anemia can cause flaky skin on the elbows


The skin on the elbows can dry, peel and darken due to iron deficiency in the body, such a disease called anemia.

Symptoms of anemia:

  • Fatigue and shortness of breath
  • Dizziness, tinnitus
  • Paleness of the mucous membrane of the skin
  • Menstrual irregularity
  • With prolonged anemia - perversion of taste (I want to eat chalk, paint, ice)

Why does the skin on my elbows hurt?

Diabetes can cause painful, flaky skin on the elbows

On the elbows, palms and heels, the skin can be dry, thin, flaky and hurt with diabetes.

There are 2 types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes symptoms develop quickly, for a few days, and then a diabetic coma may occur. Symptoms:

  • A person drinks up to 5 liters of water per day and still feels very thirsty
  • The smell of acetone from the mouth
  • A person eats a lot, but still loses weight
  • Wounds don't heal well
  • Itchy skin, frequent rashes
  • Frequent urination at night

Usually, type 1 diabetes appears after severe stress, an infectious disease: measles, rubella, influenza.

Type 2 diabetes develops slowly, for several years. Its symptoms:

  • Fast fatiguability
  • Decreased vision, memory
  • Whole body itching
  • fungal diseases
  • Wounds don't heal well
  • intense thirst
  • Frequent visits to the toilet at night
  • Leg numbness
  • Ulcers on the feet and legs
  • Women often have thrush
  • Late stage - sudden weight loss

Cracks in the skin of the elbows, causes

Thyroid disease can cause flaky, cracked skin on the elbows

The cause of rough, dry, flaky skin on the elbows, with cracks, may be hypothyroidism - a disease of the thyroid gland.

In addition to dry flaky skin on the elbows, knees and feet, there are other main signs of hypothyroidism:

  • General weakness and fatigue
  • Chills, skin cold to the touch and pale
  • Hair becomes dry and brittle and begins to fall out
  • Anemia
  • Voice got rougher
  • Hearing loss
  • Pain and cramps in the muscles
  • Shortness of breath and pain in the heart
  • Bradycardia is a violation of the heart, expressed in a heart rate of less than 55 beats per minute
  • Frequent cases of bronchitis and pneumonia, which are not cured for a long time
  • Flatulence, constipation, loss of appetite, and nausea often occur
  • Lethargy and apathy towards the outside world

Causes of goose bumps on elbows

Flaky goose bumps on the elbows can be the cause of a lack of vitamins A and C in the body.

Goosebumps on the elbows can be the cause of a lack of vitamins A and C in the body.. To find out the cause of the disease, you need to consult a doctor, and he will first prescribe vitamins A and E, and then C.

Vitamin A absorbed only together with fats, can accumulate in the liver. Vitamin A (retinol) is abundant in such products:

  • Yellow, green, red vegetables and fruits
  • Liver
  • In fish oil and sea fish
  • In egg yolks
  • In butter, whole milk and cream

Vitamin E is most in such products:

  • in vegetable oil
  • in nuts
  • In sunflower seeds, pumpkin
  • In flax seeds
  • In whole grain
  • In fresh vegetables (spinach, green onions, broccoli, carrots, radishes, cucumbers and potatoes)
  • oatmeal
  • In the leaves of raspberry, dandelion, nettle
  • In rose hips

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is destroyed by contact with light, air, water, high temperature, does not accumulate in the body, therefore it needs to be replenished every day. Most vitamin C in the following products:

  • In the wild rose
  • Coriander greens
  • In sweet and hot pepper
  • in sea buckthorn
  • In blackcurrant
  • In the greens of parsley and dill
  • In kiwi
  • In broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kohlrabi
  • In citrus
  • In strawberry

In addition to vitamins for the elbows, you need properly care: make baths with herbs, lubricate with nourishing cream in time, because there are no sebaceous glands in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, and besides, the lack of vitamins additionally dries the skin, and therefore the skin here is dry.

Why does the skin on the elbows darken and turn black?

Poor adrenal function may be the cause of dark, flaky skin on the elbows

Darkening of the skin on the elbows may signal poor adrenal function..

adrenal glands are above the kidneys. They look different: the right one is in the form of a triangle, the left one is a crescent, but they have the same function - produce adrenaline, norepinephrine, sex hormones.

Thanks to the adrenal glands:

  • Our body is more resilient to stress
  • Better processed proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • Better functioning of the heart, kidneys, central nervous system
  • Increases muscle volume
  • Faster recovery of mental and physical health of the body
  • Controlled blood pressure
  • Supports the immune system
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Sex drive is regulated

If there is a malfunction in the body, this can affect the work of the adrenal glands and manifest itself in serious diseases. If you have the above symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

How to care for and treat the skin on the elbows?

Recommendations for the care of flaky skin on the elbows

So that the skin on the elbows is always soft and does not peel off, you need adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters.
  2. If before every day you took a bath, then some of the baths need to be replaced with a shower.
  3. Do not wash your elbows with soap, but with special emollients.
  4. Take multivitamins, especially in winter.
  5. Do not use cosmetics with an irritating effect.
  6. If your elbows are already sore and flaky, use an anti-inflammatory cream.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows with dermatitis

Treatment of the skin on the elbows with dermatitis

If there is a suspicion of dermatitis, then you need to contact a dermatologist and find out why you have this disease, and first treat the disease, and then the skin on your elbows.

At allergic dermatitis You need to pay attention to the foods you eat. In addition to medicines prescribed by a doctor, rashes at home can be treated with such methods:

  1. Apply gauze bandages soaked in decoctions of succession, celandine, periwinkle, Japanese Sophora.
  2. If the rashes are not very advanced (weeping wounds), then it is useful to wash the places of redness and rashes tar soap made from birch tar, which has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
  3. If dermatitis is caused by burns, injuries or insect bites, then it helps well tea tree oil. The oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, a good antiseptic against microbes, viruses and fungi.
  4. raw potato puree, as for potato pancakes, apply to places affected by dermatitis for 2 hours, and then rinse and lubricate ointment with propolis.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows with psoriasis

Treatment of the skin on the elbows with psoriasis

Psoriasis can be treated in several ways.:

  1. Usage ointments and creams(vaseline, cetafil, eucerin).
  2. Tablets and injections.
  3. Phototherapy - use of light.
  4. Treatment hydrogen peroxide. Take orally in the morning for the 1st week, 10 drops, the 2nd for 20, the 3rd for 30.

Patients with psoriasis need eat more:

  • Foods rich in folic acid(liver, asparagus, green leafy vegetables, fruits and especially oranges, peas and beans, yeast).
  • Foods with Omega-3 fatty acids(sea fish).

In addition to the treatment of psoriasis with medications, you need take care of sore skin take one of the following baths:

  1. Baths with baking soda (250 g for a full bath of warm water), duration 15-20 minutes.
  2. Baths with juniper berries (1 kg of berries per bath).
  3. Baths with a decoction of wheatgrass roots (1 liter can of dry roots per bath).
  4. Baths with a decoction of herbs (1 tablespoon of chamomile, calendula, succession and motherwort, 2 tablespoons of celandine); pour the dry mixture with boiling water, insist, filter into the bath, you can add small piece of propolis
  5. Smear the affected areas with elecampane ointment, and take inside the tincture from the roots of elecampane.

Elecampane tincture

Recipe 1.

  1. Cooking 120 g fresh elecampane roots 10 minutes, strain, add half a liter of red wine, take before meals 50 ml 2-3 times a day.

Recipe 2.

  1. Grinding 250 g elecampane roots, fill half a liter of vodka, insist 2 weeks, filter.
  2. The finished tincture is taken orally 15-20 drops 3 times a day, and we smear the places affected by psoriasis.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows in diseases of the thyroid gland

Treatment of the skin on the elbows in diseases of the thyroid gland

For thyroid diseases the doctor prescribes medicines, but in addition to medicines, you need diet food:

  • Foods rich in calcium (fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese and green vegetables).
  • Foods rich in iodine (seaweed, fish, squid, cod liver).
  • Raw vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, spinach, onions and garlic).
  • Vegetables subject to minimal heat treatment (zucchini, eggplant, potatoes and beets).
  • Fruits (persimmons, apples, currants, dates, oranges).
  • Buckwheat and millet porridge.
  • Beef liver.

A few rules that should be followed by patients with hypothyroidism:

  • The consumption of protein foods is increased, and carbohydrates and fats are reduced.
  • Replace meat with fish and seafood.
  • Eat more raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Replace sweets with dried fruits.
  • Eat warm food and chew thoroughly so that the body spends less energy on digestion.

If you treat hypothyroidism, follow the above rules, diet and proper skin care, then dry, flaky elbows will clear themselves.

Whitening of dark flaky skin on the elbows in violation of the adrenal glands

Treatment of the skin on the elbows in violation of the adrenal glands

In violation of the work of the adrenal glands the doctor prescribes the medicine to be taken, and dark skin on the elbows can be bleached with such means:

  1. Lemon juice.
  2. A solution with ammonia(1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 liter of warm water, a little liquid soap), do baths for 20 minutes.
  3. Raw potato porridge.
  4. Diluted apple cider vinegar(2 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar).
  5. starch solution(2 teaspoons starch, 1 cup warm water).
  6. Homemade scrub of fat sour cream and coarse salt.
  7. A solution of baking soda.

Treatment of flaky skin on the elbows with anemia

Treatment of the skin on the elbows with iron deficiency anemia

If the elbows are peeling, and the doctor diagnosed "Iron deficiency anemia", you need to take iron supplements. In addition, you need to remember that some foods contain a lot of iron, which can be replenished.

Most iron in such products(amount of iron in descending order):

  • Beans
  • Hazelnut
  • Halva tahini and sunflower
  • Cereals
  • Skim milk cheese
  • fresh mushrooms
  • Millet
  • Pork liver
  • Peas
  • Yeast
  • sea ​​kale
  • Dried fruits

So, we figured out that dry, flaky skin on the elbows can be the cause of serious diseases.

Video: How to care for elbows and knees?

Alas, body care is done very unevenly. Maximum attention is attracted to its individual zones, but some are not remembered at all.

Quite often, they completely forget that the elbows also need proper care, hydration and nutrition. This happens for several reasons:

They do not fall into the constant field of view of their master;

Most of the time they are hidden under clothing;

Some consider such care superfluous and unjustified.

Most often, they are remembered with the advent of the spring-summer period, when it is time to put on T-shirts and short-sleeved blouses, dresses and sundresses. And then they begin to wonder: why on the elbows, and most importantly, how to get rid of this problem as soon as possible, returning them to a presentable appearance?

First you need to determine the cause of dryness, as treatment may depend on this.

Dry Elbows: Cause and Treatment

This problem can be inconvenient, as dry itches, clings to clothes. If this trouble happens periodically, then you can get by with moisturizing creams and lotions, but if the dryness of the elbows is chronic, then you should take it more seriously, consult a doctor, and undergo the necessary examinations. Experts will more accurately say why dry elbows, because the cause can be both banal mechanical damage and the wrong daily routine, as well as problems associated with hormonal imbalances.

Main reasons

1. Avitaminosis. If the body receives less vitamins of groups A, E and D, then this primarily affects the condition of the skin: both the elbows and the whole body.

2. Mechanical impact. This reason is more common in office workers, in people of sedentary professions, whose working day is spent at the table. Not everyone knows, but one of the rules of good manners - do not put your elbows on the table - was originally invented for young noble people. Girls were forbidden to rub their delicate elbows on a wooden tabletop, so that the skin would not ruin and darken.

3. Hot bubble bath. Almost every person likes to lie in a warm bath, relax after a hard day's work. It has been proven that this method really helps to relieve tension, especially if sea salt, various aromatic additives and special foam are added to the water. Frequent relaxation in such a bath is fraught with overdried skin, since the water contains chlorine. And soap bubbles contain cofires, which also adversely affect the neutral pH of the skin.

4. Health problems are another reason why elbows have dry skin. Dark and dry elbows are a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor, especially an endocrinologist. Because on the face of hormonal disruptions in the body caused by improper functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands. Also, nervous shocks and regular stress can cause hormonal imbalance.

5. If you have very dry elbows, the cause is most likely caused by atopic dermatitis, which is a type of eczema. In this case, the affected skin should be protected from injury, as they can turn red and inflamed. If you find yourself with dry elbows, the cause and treatment should be determined and prescribed not by yourself, but by a qualified specialist, in this case a dermatologist.

6. Seasonal problem. Dry skin on the elbows is more often observed in the autumn-winter period, since this time is characterized by sudden temperature changes, as well as dry air in living and working areas caused by the operation of air conditioners and heating radiators.

Methods for dealing with dry elbows

As soon as the reason why dry elbows is established, you must immediately begin to eliminate it, so as not to start and aggravate the situation. There are many ways, but the doctor will help you choose the right one.

Change in diet

It is possible to eliminate the problem of "dry elbows", the cause and treatment of which lies in the lack of vitamins and their replenishment, not only with the help of medications, but also by correcting your own menu. For example, you should increase the consumption of sunflower seeds, almonds, chicken eggs, as they are high in vitamin E.

To compensate for the lack of vitamin D, you need to eat sour-milk products, cheese, fish liver.

If you eat more spinach, carrots, sorrel and beef liver, then the problem of insufficient amounts of vitamin A will be unfamiliar to you.

If a change in nutrition does not improve the condition of the skin, then you should resort to the use of more concentrated multivitamin complexes.

Dry elbows in men and children

This problem is faced not only by women, but also by men, even sometimes there are dry elbows in a child. In babies, this is usually due to the fact that delicate skin rubs against diapers, also due to hard water and inappropriate bathing products, so it is recommended to rub children after each bath with oil to properly moisturize and nourish sensitive skin.

If men have dry elbows, the main cause of the problem is the lack of proper care for this part of the body. From strong friction, corns can even appear on them. A greasy cream will help to cope with this reason, which must be rubbed twice a day into the skin of the elbow bends for at least 10 days.

Traditional medicine recipes

The main assistant in the fight against dry elbows, according to traditional healers, is a lemon.

The recovery procedure should begin with steaming the skin. Softened integument can be lightly rubbed with a hair brush, and then apply a fresh chopped lemon to the elbows and hold for at least 30 minutes. There is a wonderful compress, which includes grated cheese, honey and boiled potatoes. It perfectly softens the skin. But despite this, after any mask, you need to lubricate your elbows with a greasy cream.

Save your elbows with a mask

There is one old, proven over the years way to improve the condition of the elbow joints. To prepare a miraculous mask, you need to take fine salt, heavy cream or sour cream, hydrogen peroxide and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This mixture is applied to softened, exfoliated elbows. All this is wrapped with cling film and not removed for half an hour.

If you are faced with such a common problem as dry elbows, the cause and treatment should be determined as soon as possible, and the course of treatment should be continued for at least 10 days, and for best results, you need to extend it by a month. The next stage is prevention, which consists in lubricating the elbows with cream every two days, and doing moisturizing and nourishing baths 2-3 times a week.

If you regularly take care of the skin on the elbows in the same way as on the hands, then there will be no serious problems with them, and they will always look healthy and soft to the touch.

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