Valerian extract in tablets during pregnancy dosage. Valerian during pregnancy: indications, restrictions and instructions for use. Which dosage form is better

The expectation of a child makes significant changes not only in the physical condition of the expectant mother, but also significantly affects the psycho-emotional stability. Against the backdrop of serious hormonal changes, a woman becomes more and more sensitive to various kinds of stress, and the body's reactions are often unpredictable - mood swings, tearfulness, irascibility, resentment, etc. And the recommendations "do not be nervous", "do not worry, so as not to harm the child", "minimum stress" and the like often don't work.

There comes a moment when expectant mother thinks about taking sedatives. And the first thing that comes to mind is a well-known and long-proven remedy - valerian. But can pregnant women drink valerian? How to take it depending on the period of pregnancy? And what effect does it have on the body of the mother and child? Our article answers these and other questions.

Valerian (or valerian extract) is one of the most widely used medical sedatives. This is facilitated by its availability, organic origin, ease of administration and the almost complete absence of side effects. In pharmacies, it is presented in the form of coated tablets and alcohol tinctures.

Mechanism of action

The medicine is an extract from valerian rhizomes and consists of the following active ingredients and chemicals, each of which has its own effect on the human body:

  • valeopatriates and valeric acid- relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs that occur during nervous excitement, relieving pain and resuming their normal functioning;
  • resins, essential oils, organic acids, glycosides and other plant components act in a complex way - they dilate blood vessels and normalize the heart rhythm.

The general effect of valerian is to suppress the central nervous system, reduce the degree of excitability, and balance emotional reactions. It also contributes to the onset of physiological sleep, therefore it is often prescribed for insomnia.

The effect of taking this medicine occurs gradually, but is quite stable.

In addition to the sedative and analgesic abilities of valerian has a set of positive effects on the body: activates the choleretic process in the duodenum, enhances the secretion of the stomach and promotes digestion, improves blood circulation, promotes recovery from pneumonia, thyroid disease, scarlet fever and asthma.

Methods of reception

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the following methods of administration are distinguished:

  • Pills- the most convenient and common way to use. There are packages of 20, 30, 60 pcs. It is in this form that valerian is most often prescribed during pregnancy.
  • Alcohol tincture produced in small bottles of various sizes: from 15 to 50 ml. Like any other alcohol-containing drug, valerian is not prescribed in this form during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

  • Vegetable raw materials Valerian is sold in pharmacies in crushed form, from which decoctions and water infusions are prepared.
  • Flavored sachets are a type of aromatherapy, especially help with insomnia. It is necessary to place several of these bags of grass under the pillow, and sleep becomes deeper, a pregnant woman falls asleep faster and better.

Despite its organic composition, valerian is nevertheless a medicinal product and you should not prescribe it to yourself without consulting a doctor, especially for pregnant women. Most often, expectant mothers are prescribed 2-3 tablets per day. In this case, a significant effect of taking the drug can be observed only after 2-3 weeks. And if before this period a woman claims that the medicine calms immediately after taking, then we are talking more about self-hypnosis (placebo effect).

Pregnant women are prescribed a sedative only in the form of tablets, decoctions or tinctures. As mentioned above, alcohol infusion is highly discouraged.

Indications for admission

  • Emotional disorders(increased emotional reactions: irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, hysteria, fear, excessive anxiety, etc.). During the bearing of a child, a woman undergoes significant hormonal changes that primarily affect the central nervous system and psycho-emotional state. And excess stress, as you know, does not benefit the successful course of pregnancy, so doctors often prescribe this medicine precisely as a mild sedative.
  • Headache(caused by nervous strain). Such habitual painkillers as during pregnancy are prohibited. And in this case, valerian extract is used as a mild antispasmodic.

  • Symptoms of toxicosis. In the complex therapy of toxicosis, a herbal preparation helps to cope with nausea and heartburn.
  • Sleep disorders. Tablets normalize the emotional state after a strong mental stress and contribute to better rest.
  • . Also, in combination with other drugs, it helps, especially caused by a nervous breakdown.
  • Cardiovascular diseases(hypertension, tachycardia, angina, etc.). Valerian lowers the heart rate, dilates the coronary vessels, and also improves blood circulation in general and, in combination with other drugs, helps to stabilize the woman's condition.
  • Digestive system (cholecystitis, gastritis). In addition to a pronounced sedative effect, the drug also has a choleretic effect, and also enhances the secretion of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Can pregnant women drink valerian?

Although valerian is a substance of organic origin and is often recommended for expectant mothers, it should not be taken uncontrollably. Any the appointment must be agreed and monitored by the attending physician taking into account the general health of the woman, the specifics of the course of pregnancy, etc. There are some peculiarities of taking this drug, depending on the duration of pregnancy.

Valerian in the early stages

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the strongest changes in the female body. Along with the instability of the hormonal and emotional background, there is an important bookmark of all vital systems and organs of the child. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe valerian during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. If there are no obvious and serious threats to the baby, doctors try to do as much as possible during this period without medical interventions, especially until the 16-18th week, while the placenta is being formed.

Even in the instructions for the drug, early pregnancy is indicated as contraindications.

But in practice, the question “is it possible for pregnant women to take valerian in the first trimester?” does not have a categorical prohibition, because in cases of threatened abortion, severe, serious emotional instability, doctors prescribe certain doses of the drug. In this case, we are not talking about the course of admission, but only about the situational removal of dangerous symptoms.

The constant intake of valerian extract during the period of preparation for pregnancy, as well as in the early stages, can cause a threat of miscarriage, since with sufficient accumulation in the female body, valerian can stimulate uterine contractions.

Valerian in the later stages

Second trimester of pregnancy the most favorable and relaxed period. The mother's body has already got used to and adapted to the new state, the risks for the child are minimal, it is still not close to the birth. The emotional background of the mother at this time is the most stable, because the need for valerian during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester often does not occur. Only in cases of increased uterine tone, sedatives can be prescribed along the posterior and anterior walls.

The third trimester is already more worrying for the expectant mother - the baby has grown in the womb, the load on the body has increased - swelling, pain in the lumbosacral region appear, the work of internal organs is disturbed, on which the pressure of the uterus increases. In addition, the date of birth is approaching, and the pregnant woman is more and more worried and worried for various reasons.

Therefore, the need for the appointment of valerian during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester increases significantly, especially with obvious manifestations in the later stages, such as heart palpitations, migraines, high blood pressure, etc. Regardless of the appointment of valerian it is very important to observe the permissible measure and frequency of taking the medicine.

Instructions for use and dosage

When taking this medication, you should strictly follow the instructions for use and the recommended doses in it. Depending on the form of release, pregnant women are prescribed:

  • Pills- the most recommended and common form of release. The doctor determines whether pregnant women can take valerian tablets, and prescribes the dosage, taking into account all the characteristics of the female body. Most often, these are 6 tablets per day, which are divided into 3 doses of 2 pcs. Take after meals with water. To achieve the maximum effect from taking the drug, it must be taken in a long course from 2 weeks to 1 month, so that a certain supply of the substance accumulates in the body.
  • Crushed valerian root is used to make decoction or infusion, unlike tablets, it acts much faster. Its action is stronger and therefore is used in cases where an urgent effect is needed. To prepare, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable raw materials with a glass of hot water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain, cool and dilute with water to the required volume. It is recommended to take 3 times a day after meals, 1 tablespoon. With increased nervous excitability, it is allowed to increase the dosage to a third of a glass.

  • alcohol solution- prohibited for pregnant women due to the alcohol content in its composition. But in practice, in emergency and extreme cases, they still use it. Due to the rapid absorption of the drug from the stomach into the blood, it is able to quickly remove such undesirable conditions in pregnant women as severe stomach cramps, sudden tachycardia, severe stress, etc.

Is an overdose possible?

  • headache;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;

  • sleep mode failure;
  • increased nervousness, absent-mindedness, overexcitation;
  • increase in blood pressure.

In addition, with prolonged use in large quantities, the child may experience an allergic complex. Therefore, despite the fact that the drug is almost natural, it is impossible to exceed the permissible rate (6 tablets per day or a third of a glass of decoction).

What can replace valerian?

There are cases when a woman has an individual intolerance to valerian extract. And then there is a need to find an analogue. Since during pregnancy a large some pharmacological drugs of the sedative spectrum are prohibited, most often recommend herbal folk remedies: chamomile tea, infusions of motherwort, lemon balm, peony, etc. As well as preparations based on them - Novo-Passit, Glycine, Persen, etc.
But the appointment must be made by a doctor.

Video about valerian during pregnancy

From this short video you will learn about the features of the use of valerian during pregnancy

Valerian is not a serious potent or toxic drug and is the most environmentally friendly and safe among pharmacological sedatives. And despite this, resorting to it is worth it only when necessary. We should not forget about other ways to balance the emotional state. A walk in the fresh air, a quiet book, a conversation with a friend, relaxing music, a favorite movie, watching family photos and other pleasant moments can calm and harmonize the condition of a pregnant woman no worse than medicines.

Take care of yourself, take care of yourself, because very soon you will have a baby, and a healthy and balanced mother is his main need for a long time. How do you stabilize your mood during pregnancy? Share in the comments, have you been prescribed valerian and for how long have you been taking it? What are your impressions?

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes: mood swings, irritability and headaches occur. To stabilize the emotional state of the future mother, doctors prescribe sedatives. As the instructions for the use of valerian describe, during pregnancy, the root extract of this plant is one of the few approved remedies.

However, like any other drug, valerian officinalis is prescribed for pregnant women only for certain indications. And when using it, the gestational age and the condition of the woman are necessarily taken into account.

Indications for use

It is believed that valerian during pregnancy has a mild sedative effect and is used for neurasthenia, insomnia, and also to relieve spasm of smooth muscles. In fact, the indications for use are wider and differ at different stages of pregnancy.

In the 1st trimester

In the first 12 weeks, the organs of the fetus are laid, so valerian during early pregnancy, like many other medicines, is prescribed only in extreme cases. In the 1st trimester, the drug can be used according to the following indications.

  • With toxicosis. Early toxicosis is a fairly frequent companion of pregnancy, which causes a lot of trouble. Nausea and vomiting not only prevent you from enjoying the expectation of the baby, but can also have negative consequences for the child: when the mother's body rejects any food, the fetus lacks vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, with severe toxicosis, gynecologists can prescribe valerian. It relieves spasm of the larynx and esophagus and softens the urge to vomit.
  • With uterine tone. In the first weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus has just attached to the uterus and the placenta has not yet formed, there is a high risk of miscarriage. The herb will help relieve spasm and relax the muscles of the uterus.

The use of valerian in the first trimester is possible only as directed by a gynecologist.

4 to 6 months of gestation

In the 2nd trimester, valerian is used more widely and can be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • pain caused by spasms (headache, pain in the heart or abdomen);
  • depressed emotional state;
  • sleep disorders.

Do not forget that in the second trimester the baby’s nervous system is developing, so you don’t need to get carried away with sedatives for no apparent reason.

In the 3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, a woman begins to prepare for childbirth, not only physically, but also mentally. During this period, many nerves are at their limit: fear of childbirth, concern for the baby and for their condition do not benefit the expectant mother and child. The use of valerian during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the mental health of the mother, puts her nervous system in order and normalizes the emotional background.

Often in late pregnancy, preeclampsia develops, accompanied by tachycardia, hypertension and anxiety. According to doctors, the herb helps to dilate blood vessels, reduce high blood pressure and heart rate.

Dosage forms and dosage

Valerian preparations are almost completely natural remedies, the content of synthetic compounds in their composition is minimal. The basis of these funds are the rhizomes of valerian officinalis, since they contain essential oils and organic acids, which have a pronounced antispasmodic and sedative effect. The dosage of valerian during pregnancy depends on the form of release of the drug.

  • Pills. Valerian in the form of tablets (forte) is most often used during pregnancy. The dosage is chosen by the gynecologist individually in each case, but the maximum daily dose should not exceed six tablets. Usually prescribed one to two tablets after meals, three times a day. For the prevention of neuroses and spasms, the medicine can be used once a day before bedtime. The effect of the drug is cumulative and noticeable after a week of treatment.
  • Alcohol tincture. This form is more effective - the result of the application is visible almost immediately. This is due to the fact that alcohol and, accordingly, the medicine infused on it, are absorbed into the blood faster. However, the use of alcohol infusion of valerian during pregnancy is undesirable, as this can harm the baby. Therefore, valerian tincture is prescribed extremely rarely, in exceptional cases. For example, with a toothache. To alleviate the condition, it is enough to moisten a cotton swab with a few drops of infusion and apply to the aching tooth. Valerian will temporarily soothe the dental nerve and help you fall asleep.
  • Dried herb or powder. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from dry matter, which are used to stabilize the emotional background of a pregnant woman. To prepare, you need to pour a couple of tablespoons of grass with a glass of boiling water, put in a water bath and heat for a quarter of an hour. After strain and take a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

Contraindications for the appointment of valerian during pregnancy

The main contraindication to the use of valerian officinalis is individual intolerance. However, it should be taken with caution in the following conditions:

  • colitis of various causes;
  • liver failure;
  • depression;
  • pre-stroke state.

Signs of an overdose

If the allowable doses are exceeded, expectant mothers may experience:

  • itching and rashes;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • diarrhea and bloating;
  • in rare cases, overexcitation.

If the listed symptoms occur while taking the drug, you should consult with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. He will adjust the dose and prescribe an overdose treatment, which will consist of taking sorbents, such as activated charcoal or Smecta.

Expectant mothers throughout the entire period of expectation of the baby need to take care of their mental and emotional state. Valerian, like its analogue, motherwort (or valerian plus motherwort), is a natural, safe sedative that has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. However, only a doctor can decide how to take valerian during pregnancy and whether it is worth doing it at all. Uncontrolled use of the drug can adversely affect the health of women and children.


Expectant mothers are forced to endure all the "charms" of hormonal adjustment. Sometimes a woman's mood can change as quickly as pictures in a kaleidoscope. Of course, this negatively affects the condition of the woman and the health of the baby. Therefore, the issue of sedatives becomes relevant. Most often, the choice falls on valerian. Such a drug is usually perceived as an effective and completely safe remedy. However, do not rush! Expectant mothers need to think about whether valerian is allowed during pregnancy and is it safe?

If you look at the annotation of the drug, you can find a warning contraindication: valerian is forbidden to be taken in the 1st trimester. And in the later stages, the use of the drug is possible only as prescribed by the doctor. But in practice, the medicine is prescribed to women at different times. Why, and what is valerian? When is the drug completely justified?

Valerian during pregnancy: benefits and possible harm

The raw material for the preparation of the drug is the root of medicinal valerian. More than 200 useful substances were found in it. It is the combination of these components that allows you to regulate the work of the nervous parasympathetic system, which is responsible for the functioning of the heart and the correct distribution of energy.

The drug provides a complex effect on the body.

  • Soothing. Valerian has pronounced sedative properties.
  • Painkiller. The drug provides a mild analgesic effect.
  • Cardiology. The drug reduces the activity of the heart rhythm and normalizes the state of the vessels. Thanks to these properties, anxiety is reduced, the heart rate is restored.
  • Choleretic. Valerian ensures sufficient production of bile and promotes its timely outflow into the duodenum.
  • Digestive. The medicine activates the digestive glands. Secretion increases significantly. This allows you to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hypotensive. Valerian has a vasodilating effect, due to which the pressure decreases.
  • Anticonvulsant. The drug is able to eliminate convulsive conditions provoked by the use of analeptics, for example, caffeine.

In folk medicine, the range of applications of valerian is even more extensive. It is successfully used in the treatment of migraine, prescribed as a detoxification drug, to suppress vomiting.

When is valerian prescribed to a pregnant woman?

Is it possible to take valerian during pregnancy? Doctors say that the drug does not contain toxic additives that can harm the fetus. Therefore, the use of a medicine is quite acceptable if the doctor has good reasons for prescribing the remedy.

Usually, valerian during pregnancy is prescribed by gynecologists under the following conditions:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • intestinal spasms are non-inflammatory and non-infectious;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • toxicosis;
  • neurasthenia, excessive irritability;
  • the threat of premature birth or miscarriage;
  • with insomnia for a good sleep;
  • preeclampsia (late toxicosis);
  • hypertension;
  • cardiac pathologies.

Features of therapy when carrying a baby

Faced with negative manifestations, the expectant mother should definitely contact a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to use valerian alone. Indeed, along with useful properties, it can cause serious harm.

Doctors focus on the following features of therapy.

  • In the early stages of pregnancy. Serious changes are taking place in a woman's body. The hormonal background is sharply disturbed. A pregnant woman faces constant mood swings, irritability, nervousness. She suffers from toxicosis. But it is in this period that the organs of the future baby are laid. Therefore, valerian during early pregnancy, as well as other medications, is not recommended for use. But if it is not possible to cope with painful toxicosis, or a woman has a threat of miscarriage, combined with emotional instability, then gynecologists prescribe a sedative. So sometimes it is possible to reduce the tone of the uterus and prevent miscarriage.
  • In the 2nd trimester. At this time, the woman is already getting used to her new status. Her psycho-emotional background begins to stabilize. The use of valerian to improve the nervous state of a pregnant woman during this period is no longer necessary. Gynecologists try to avoid prescribing sedatives at week 14, since the future baby's nervous system is being formed at this time. But if an increased tone of the uterus is diagnosed, then valerian is prescribed to protect against premature birth.
  • At the end of gestation. In the 3rd trimester, the growing uterus compresses neighboring organs. A pregnant woman is faced with swelling, back pain, and there may be disturbances in the operation of some systems. The upcoming birth frightens a woman and causes nervousness, irritation, and sometimes even hysteria. Such conditions can be complicated by gestosis. During this period, the expectant mother is often prescribed valerian.

Sometimes valerian is contraindicated for pregnant women. The drug is not prescribed for enterocolitis, some liver diseases, depression. Do not resort to medication if a woman has an individual sensitivity to the plant component.

How to apply

If anxiety conditions have completely overcome the expectant mother, stressful situations do not allow you to relax, and constant hormonal “outbursts” and fear of childbirth lead to persistent sleep disturbances, then doctors prescribe valerian for insomnia. From a medical point of view, this choice is fully justified. After all, the drug does not have a negative effect on the embryo.

What dosage form to choose

Valerian is provided by pharmacologists in several forms. Each of them has its own dosages and contains an additional list of contraindications. Therefore, a woman needs to acquire exactly the form of valerian recommended by the doctor.

In the pharmacy you can find valerian in the following forms.

  1. In tablets. This is the most recommended form of medicine for a pregnant woman. The tablets contain the active substance - 20 mg of valerian extract. This component is supplemented with starch, gelatin, sugar, talc. The medicine in tablets does not have a lightning effect. The drug begins to act on the body as it accumulates. The most common tablet medication is Valerian Extract.
  2. Dry vegetable matter. The crushed roots are used to make decoctions. Such a remedy is prescribed to a pregnant woman only if there is a need to immediately obtain the desired result.
  3. In tincture. The medicine contains alcohol. Therefore, this dosage form is not prescribed to pregnant women. But it is the drops that can quickly stop negative symptoms, such as sudden tachycardia, insomnia for two to three days, and severe stomach cramps. In such situations, a single dose of tincture is acceptable in order to quickly improve the condition of the expectant mother.


Initially, it should be remembered that the dosage of valerian for pregnant women is prescribed only by a doctor. And in each case they will be different. After all, the determination of the dose depends on the emotional state of the woman, her health and the gestation period.

  • Pills. Start with the lowest dose. For this, they are recommended to be consumed half an hour before meals, one at a time. Drink the drug with water. Other drinks reduce the absorption of the active substance by the body. Reception is repeated three times a day. How to take valerian tablets for pregnant women if this scheme did not have the desired result? In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe a double dosage.
  • Decoction. It is easy to prepare such a medicine if you use the instructions on the package. The decoction is consumed three times a day, one to two tablespoons. Start therapy with a minimum dosage and increase the amount of decoction only in case of treatment failure.
  • Drops. This remedy is not prescribed for expectant mothers. But if a single dose is needed, then the dosage can vary from 20 drops to 30. It is better to discuss the amount of medication with a gynecologist.

How much can you drink valerian? Doctors usually prescribe medication for two to three weeks. Sometimes therapy can be delayed even for the fourth week. But if the positive effect occurs earlier, then the treatment is completed ahead of schedule.

Side effects

Instructions for use indicate some of the negative phenomena that may accompany a woman during therapy with valerian. Most often, complaints arise for the following conditions:

  • severe lethargy;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • apathy, drowsiness;
  • increased weakness;
  • the appearance of nausea;
  • the occurrence of constipation or diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions (skin hyperemia, itching, small rash).

In the presence of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this indicates an individual resistance to the drug, which is quite dangerous during pregnancy. Therefore, a woman needs to replace the prescribed valerian with another remedy.

What indicates an overdose

The maximum daily dose of "Valerian Extract" is six tablets. Abuse of the drug or long-term use of this medication can lead to an overdose. In this case, the woman will experience the following symptoms:

  • tremor (trembling) of the limbs;
  • Strong headache;
  • blurred vision, dilated pupils;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • hearing loss;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia.

In such cases, delay is extremely dangerous. You need to call an ambulance immediately. While the medical team is going to the patient, the expectant mother can be offered "Activated charcoal". It will absorb all the harmful substances from the digestive tract and, as the reviews of gynecologists show, will significantly reduce the overall intoxication of the pregnant woman's body.

Medicine analogs

The original medicine can be replaced with medicines similar to valerian in composition and effects on the body:

  • "Motherwort";
  • "Sanason Lek";
  • "Valerianahel";
  • Valerian Extra.

Doctors believe that it is better for a pregnant woman to completely exclude the use of any medication. You can fight anxiety attacks with the help of walking, warm friendly conversation with relatives or visiting interesting places. But if the emotional background before childbirth cannot be stabilized, then the woman is prescribed valerian during pregnancy in the later stages. The drug will gently and safely calm the expectant mother and allow you to tune in to the upcoming birth.

Reviews: helps or hurts

They put me on the register, and that was at 7 weeks, they immediately prescribed valerian. One tablet 3 times a day! My mother drank three tablets 1 r a day, well, everything seems to be all right with me .... The doctor knows what and in what doses to drink safely.

Anqely, 2 children,

I drank valerian tablets throughout my pregnancy, one three times a day. Now the child is exactly one year old, I don’t take it already, but calm, like a tank. But seriously - I had VVD and my blood pressure jumped at the slightest pretext, so the cardiologist recommended drinking valerian tablets. Helped me.


If valerian was so harmful, then doctors would not prescribe it without exception, especially for so many years. It’s better not to use any pills at all, but if mom has health problems, then there’s nothing to think about. I myself drink 2 tablets at night, when I can’t fall asleep or the child doesn’t give, it’s very active, it immediately helps.


When I was at the day hospital with us, a girl at 34 weeks was and asked the doctor if valerian would harm, otherwise she had been drinking for a month. So the doctor said that in our brain there is a department that is responsible for gestation (damn, I don’t remember) and if he wants to give birth at 35 weeks, he will give a signal and there will be a threat of premature, and valerian prevents this, it acts on this department and he “has to end". In general, valerian is a boon for a pregnant woman. I don't know how true.


In the conditions of modern life, taking valerian has become the norm for many of us: stress, sleep disorders, overwork, stomach cramps. We love this remedy for its naturalness, availability and effectiveness. It is also prescribed to many pregnant women by their leading gynecologists. And this is perhaps the only situation in which a woman thinks about the appropriateness and safety of taking this medication.

Can Valerian be taken during pregnancy?

Valerian is a medicinal herb. Its extract in pharmacology is available in the form of tablets and drops. In addition, the pharmacy also sells simply dry rhizomes, from which, for example, you can prepare a decoction.

So, out of all this, only tincture (drops) is not recommended for pregnant women because of the alcohol content in it. And even then, the doctors stipulate, in an emergency, for lack of anything else, you can use it, because you won’t drink a liter (the alcohol content in it is negligible). And sometimes drops are even more preferable, since the essential oils contained in them help to quickly relieve acute nervous excitement. As for the tablets, they can be taken without fear at any time. This is especially true in light of the fact that many of the drugs are prohibited during the period of bearing a child, and almost all are prohibited in the first trimester.

Medical studies show that valerian does not have any negative impact on the fetus developing in the womb.

However, this does not mean at all that you can drink valerian whenever you want and in any quantities. There are specific reasons why a doctor may prescribe this drug to a pregnant woman, and certain dosages for taking it.

Why pregnant women are prescribed valerian?

Valerian has various effects on the body, but the most pronounced of them are sedative and antispasmodic. It is for this reason that pregnant women turn to this drug. Were nervous, tired, worried about something, you can’t fall asleep, quarreled or worry - the first assistant to you in this is valerian, because such a state is dangerous for the unborn baby. It is most likely that everyone understands and everyone knows about it. And what about the treatment course of valerian?

Valerian for the purpose of treatment is practically not prescribed to pregnant women separately, but always in combination with other drugs, because there are specific reasons for this, requiring not only reassurance. Most often, valerian during pregnancy is prescribed in case of a threat of interruption and in the latter - in late pregnancy. Valerian helps calm the uterus and relieve tone, which is usually an acute threat until 16-18 weeks.

Valerian has a calming effect, this effect does not occur instantly, as, for example, with sleeping pills, but lasts for a long period of time. And if you take valerian in a course, it has a certain therapeutic effect, since it tends to accumulate in the body.

How to take valerian during pregnancy: dosage?

Although valerian extract is made exclusively from natural ingredients, it cannot be taken uncontrollably. The doctor prescribes a certain dosage in each individual case, as well as the duration of the course of treatment.

Usually, pregnant women are prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. If these are drops - 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. A self-prepared decoction of valerian rhizomes is taken 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Drink the medicine should be half an hour after eating. Most often, treatment with valerian does not exceed a month, but in some cases there is a need to take the drug throughout the entire period.

If you decide to resort to taking valerian once, then you still need to notify your doctor about this: all the drugs that you took during the gestation period should be indicated. In addition, you should discuss with him the possible dosages and the advisability of taking valerian in certain life situations.

However, we want to note once again: it is impossible to take valerian during pregnancy without the need! Taking valerian in large quantities can lead to sleep disorders, nausea, heart and digestive disorders, and increased excitability.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Appointed at increased nervous excitability, migraine, hysteria, spasms of the digestive tract, cardiac neurosis, flushing of blood to the head.

Can expectant mothers drink (take) valerian?

Many women are interested in what effect valerian will have during pregnancy, and whether it can be taken at all. It is worth considering this issue from a medical point of view.

Increase during pregnancy nervous irritability, insomnia, headaches, it would seem that valerian is the surest remedy for this. However, in a special position, valerian should be taken in a special way.

Firstly, the question of the use of valerian by pregnant women is decided with a doctor. It takes into account the balance of the need for treatment for a woman and the potential threat of this drug to a child.

Valerian is prescribed by a doctor for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia, increased, as well as unrest, nervous disorders that are caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Doctors prescribe valerian during pregnancy because of its hypnotic effect, thanks to this, a woman will fall asleep faster and stronger.

Secondly, valerian is contraindicated in pregnancy. A doctor can prescribe it if there is a real one.

Third, valerian is never prescribed to cure an illness, but is taken in combination with other drugs.

How to take (instruction, dosage)

alcohol solution

Despite the rapid effect of valerian on an alcohol solution, its use by pregnant women is not allowed due to the alcohol content.

In tablets

You can safely and quickly take valerian tablets during pregnancy, but their effect can be felt only after a few days.

When using valerian in the form of tablets, their number should not exceed 2 tablets 3 times a day. Take the tablets after meals, without chewing and drinking plenty of liquid.

Valerian root decoction

To get a quick effect, use a decoction of valerian root. The effect of it is the same as that of an alcohol solution, but it does not contain alcohol that is contraindicated for pregnant women.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 15 - 20 g of rhizomes with valerian roots (2 - 3 tablespoons), pour 200 ml (1 cup) of hot boiled water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool for 45 minutes to room temperature and strain. Squeeze out the remaining raw materials, bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 200 ml.

Use 30 minutes after eating, after shaking the decoction, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

In case of increased excitability, you need to take a third of a glass 3 times a day, without mixing with food. Valerian root contains valerianoborneol ester, borneol, as well as saponins, valeride glycoside, isovaleric acid and alkaloids, and resinous and tannins add viscosity to the essential oil.

Is an overdose possible?

Can pregnant women drink valerian without fear? No. It should be remembered that valerian for pregnant women dangerous to the body in large quantities, and with its long-term use, consequences such as headaches, disruption of the working activity of the heart, increased influence on the digestive process, and sometimes a nervous state can occur.

Thus, an overdose of valerian gives the opposite effect, which leads to distraction, nausea, and excitation of the nervous system.

With all the naturalness and lack of toxicity, taking valerian during pregnancy can adversely affect the body of a woman and an unborn child if it is not taken correctly.

Expert comment

It is no secret that all the drugs that a pregnant woman takes go to the fetus. Moreover, this process occurs at any stage of pregnancy and is completely independent of the route of administration.

Exceptions are ointments and creams. because their action does not extend deeper than the subcutaneous tissue. But here, too, there is a problem.

If outdoor products contain allergens, then the fetus develops an allergic reaction. Subsequently, perhaps a few years later, at the first contact with the allergen, the child will develop an allergic shock, which in medicine is called anaphylactic shock.

In the first trimester the mother's blood enters the fetus through the chorionic villi, after the formation of the placenta (since pregnancy), the third circle of blood circulation is formed in the woman's body. The placental barrier is formed. It is impassable for many substances. That's why some drugs are used from the second trimester of pregnancy.

As for valerian, its use is not limited to the duration of pregnancy.

Valerian root does not contain substances that cause fetal abnormalities. If the expectant mother easily tolerates the drug, the child does not develop an allergenic complex.

That's why the only contraindication to taking valerian during pregnancy is an individual intolerance. It can manifest itself not only with an allergic rash, but also with undesirable side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • inhibited reaction, which is most often detected when driving a car;
  • increased intestinal motility, which leads to bloating and frequent stools;
  • paradoxical action - excitation of the nervous system and insomnia.

Mechanism of action

Valerian root contains, which accelerates the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the human body. It is a powerful inhibitory mediator of the nervous system.

This does not mean mental activity, but the work of an independent from the will, autonomic nervous system - parasympathetic.

After taking valerian there is an oppression of the stress system - the sympathetic one, and the parasympathetic system, on the contrary, prevails. That is, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is activated and the heart rhythm calms down.

Much decreased production of adrenaline. As a result, the human body is tuned to the absorption of nutrients, and not their consumption.

Indications for admission

Valerian root preparations are prescribed for the following conditions:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy at any time - the increased tone of the uterus is removed;
  • early toxicosis - the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is activated, as a result, appetite appears, vomiting disappears;
  • manifestations of late gestosis - vascular tone decreases, as a result, there is a decrease in fluid effusion and a decrease in blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • caused by increased nervous excitability.

Methods of reception

The drug is taken only inside. And, regardless of food intake.

Dosage forms

Valerian root tincture is made on alcohol and is used in cases where the desired action of valerian must begin as soon as possible.

Absorbed in the stomach, drops of ethyl alcohol enter the liver of a pregnant woman and are deactivated there. Not a single ppm of alcohol reaches the fetus.

Valerian root decoction used in cases where the drug must be continued for several weeks. The action of valerian in this case manifests itself gently and smoothly.

Valerian tablets most often act as a placebo - "dummy". The woman takes a valerian tablet and believes that it works. So you can fall asleep, but it is not always possible to achieve a therapeutic effect.

But not all pills are like that, there are quite effective ones. Determining which ones are normal and which are empty is easy. If the cat does not react to them in any way, this is not a medicine.

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