Gurina Irina. A story about night terrors. A dream flies over the bed. Quietly beak knocking

It was getting dark outside, a warm spring evening was coming. The sparrows were tired of fighting and wearily chirped, settling down to sleep on the branches of an old birch. The sun was gently lowering behind the city, comfortably wrapping itself in pink clouds. Soon the moon will appear in the sky, the stars will shine in tiny droplets and everyone will fall asleep. Only Alyosha will spin in his bed and cry with fear.
Alyosha is a very good and obedient boy, he is not a coward at all. He always helps the little ones, does not offend the weak and stands up for his friends. But at night, an evil wizard flies to him and turns all the things in his room into scary and dangerous objects.
One evening, Alyosha, as always, did not let his mother go for a long time, crying and not allowing him to turn off the light. Mom patted him on the head and turned on a small nightlight over Alyosha's bed.
As soon as my mother left the room, the usual transformations began. First, the evil wizard hid fear behind a cloud of the moon. The street immediately became dark. Then fear tapped on the window pane with an old birch branch. Alyosha cringed and pulled the blanket up to his chin. Fear flew across the room and enveloped everything in a magical dark cloud. The closet turned into an evil giant, angrily gleaming with two eyes on his stomach. Alyosha's toys: bears, cars and robots were turned by a magic cloud of darkness into terrible monsters who stared terribly at Alyosha and whispered something. A terrible thing crawled along the ceiling White spot. It crept closer and closer to the trembling boy. Fear crawled under the bed and lurked there.
- Hey, - a quiet voice came from under Alyosha's pillow. - How long can you wait, soon the night will end, and you still can’t fall asleep.
- Who is there? Alyosha whispered in horror.
- It's me - a sleepy dwarf, - the pillow answered and moved.
Alyosha cautiously poked her with his finger. The voice was not at all scary, even affectionate. But I did not want to lie down on a talking pillow. Does she bite?
Suddenly the pillow jumped aside, and Alyosha saw a tiny dwarf.
- Fu, how stuffy it is to sit there! grumbled the dwarf, smoothing out the wrinkles on his jacket.
- Why did you go there? Alyosha asked politely. He was glad to have someone to talk to. Alyosha was very afraid that the dwarf would disappear, and that Fear would come out again and begin its sorcery.
“I always sit there when you go to bed,” replied the dwarf. “I told you I was a sleepy dwarf. I bring dreams to children: different fairy tales and happy holidays. But you're bothering me because you don't want to sleep. Lie down, I have prepared a new wonderful fairy tale for you. Today we will fly on a magic swan.
"I can't sleep," Alyosha sobbed. - The evil wizard Fear is sitting under my bed, he has bewitched everything around, see for yourself!
- I do not see! - the gnome was surprised. He looked under the bed and waved his wand. Silver stars in a cheerful ringing stream, giggling and pushing, climbed into the darkness.
- There is not anyone! There is not anyone! - heard from under the bed their sonorous voices.
The merry stars folded into a small silver butterfly and began to flutter around the room. First, they sat on the shoulder of a terrible giant with eyes on his stomach, showered him with silvery dust, and Alyosha saw that in fact it was an old wardrobe, and he had no eyes on his stomach. These are round pens.
Then the star butterfly flew over to the window sill and showered it with luminous sparks. Alyosha saw that in reality it was not Fear knocking at his door, but a birch branch on which sparrows were sleeping sweetly.
The butterfly flapped its wings, the wind rose and blew away the dark cloud that covered the moon and stars. The room immediately brightened up.
The butterfly circled over Alyosha and sat on a shelf with terrible monsters, and Alyosha saw that in fact they were his toys. They smiled merrily at him, their plastic eyes gleaming fervently.
Butterfly last time fluttered its wings and crumbled into small stars, whirling in a cheerful round dance around the dwarf.
- You see, - the sleepy dwarf giggled, carefully collecting small stars into a magic wand. When he touched the last star and it disappeared, Alyosha asked:
- And what are these white spots that crawled along the ceiling.
- It's headlights. Some people work at night, they drive by, and curious headlights look into the windows of houses. Because it's dark and boring outside at night. So they run along the ceiling in other people's rooms. They light up the darkest corners and help little boys see that there is no Fear. Now go to sleep faster, you and I need to see long long dream. You don't want it to end in the most interesting place in the morning, do you?
- And if I fall asleep now, will I have time to watch it to the end? Alyosha got excited.
“Of course,” the dwarf nodded importantly. “Only if you fall asleep right now.” And for the future, promise me that you will fall asleep on time. I will give you a magic spell. Say it every time before going to bed, then no one will be able to get into your room at night, except for me and my mother.
- What spell? Alyosha asked.
The gnome straightened his cap, stood up and whispered: - Clap your hands: bang-bang!
Like a balloon burst fear!
Byaki-buki, well, shoo!
Baby is not afraid of you! - Remember?
"Yes," muttered Alyosha, falling asleep. - Thank you. And now I want to see a dream.
- Well, look, - the dwarf waved his magic wand, and Alyosha fell asleep soundly. All night he watched a wonderful fairy-tale dream.
Since then, Alyosha always repeated a magic spell before going to bed and calmly fell asleep, and the sleepy dwarf showed him wonderful tales.

Night with a warm blanket
Covered my little one
Tucked in from all sides
Brought a sweet dream.

Beyond the seas the sun sleeps.
Mom sits next to me.
Sleep, baby, sleep! Gently shines from the window
Round apple moon.
The stars dance
Waiting for the baby to fall asleep.

Eyes sleep and cheeks sleep
Tired kids.
Eyelashes and palms sleep
Sleep tummies and legs.

And tiny ears
Sweetly dozing on the pillow.
The curls are sleeping, the hands are sleeping,
Only noses sniffle.

The most important thing is to tell the tale slowly, in a quiet voice, but in such a way that by the end the pace becomes slower and the voice quieter. Only preschoolers can change the details: add animals, insects, name fish and, accordingly, dreams. Fish can dream of a delicious bun, birds of grains, carrots for a bunny, nuts for a squirrel, etc.

If you see that in spite of everything your child does not sleep well, complains of night terrors, cannot fall asleep for a long time or wakes up at night, try to examine him with a neurologist. Remember that the importance of sleep for the baby is huge. Without sleep, a person is able to live only 7-10 days, after which irreversible changes begin. nervous system. In addition, during sleep, the brain produces growth hormone.

Try to establish the correct daily routine, explain to the baby the need and importance of night sleep. We hope that our poems and fairy tales will help you with this.

Night terrors

Anyuta says to her mother:

- I don't want to sleep tonight!

Crying bitter tears

Terrible fear will come again!

Buzzing a pipe in the bathroom,

Something creaks on the floor

A terrible and strange shadow

Black fear will freeze in the corner!

He knocks on the window

The stars will hide the moon,

Hide under the bed!

No way will I sleep!

- What you! Mom answers

There is no fear!

Click - and mom turns off

Bright lamp yellow light.

Water bubbles in the bathroom

The floorboard goes to sleep

And in your window a titmouse

Quietly beak knocking.

The bus blew important

The neighbor's dog barked - Woof!

And in the corner is not scary at all

Quietly dormant old wardrobe.

Don't be afraid of strange sounds

The shadow hides the magic.

Don't worry about anything:

There is no one evil here!

Mom sat on the bed

Anna's mom says:

- Sleep, my baby is sweet!

Sleep is under the bed!

He is a merry fellow and a prankster,

He is plump and handsome.

A dream will show you a holiday

If only you fall asleep!

The dream is magical and mighty,

This is the best friend of children!

Sorcery will disperse the clouds

Glorious, kind sorcerer!

And his sisters, brothers,

Your friends live.

Who is in the closet, who is under the bed!

Sleep, Anyutochka, hurry up!

Dreams only come to those who sleep

There will be fairy tales, miracles,

It will be a real holiday

Just close your eyes!

A dream flies over the bed,

Sleep soon, he, after all, is waiting!

Terrible fears melt away

A good fairy tale will come!

^ A story about night terrors
It was getting dark outside, a warm spring evening was coming. The sparrows were tired of fighting and wearily chirped, settling down to sleep on the branches of an old birch. The sun was gently lowering behind the city, comfortably wrapping itself in pink clouds. Soon the moon will appear in the sky, the stars will shine in tiny droplets and everyone will fall asleep. Only Alyosha will spin in his bed and cry with fear.

Alyosha is a very good and obedient boy, he is not a coward at all. He always helps the little ones, does not offend the weak and stands up for his friends. But at night, an evil wizard flies to him and turns all the things in his room into scary and dangerous objects.

One evening, Alyosha, as always, did not let his mother go for a long time, crying and not allowing him to turn off the light. Mom patted him on the head and turned on a small nightlight over Alyosha's bed.

As soon as my mother left the room, the usual transformations began. First, the evil wizard hid fear behind a cloud of the moon. The street immediately became dark. Then fear tapped on the window pane with an old birch branch. Alyosha cringed and pulled the blanket up to his chin. Fear flew across the room and enveloped everything in a magical dark cloud. The closet turned into an evil giant, angrily gleaming with two eyes on his stomach. Alyosha's toys: bears, cars and robots were turned by a magical cloud of darkness into terrible monsters who stared terribly at Alyosha and whispered something. A terrible white spot crawled across the ceiling. It crept closer and closer to the trembling boy. Fear crawled under the bed and lurked there.

Who is there? Alyosha whispered in horror.

It's me - a sleepy dwarf, - the pillow answered and moved.

Suddenly the pillow jumped aside, and Alyosha saw a tiny dwarf.

Phew, how stuffy it is to sit there! grumbled the dwarf, smoothing out the wrinkles on his jacket.

And why did you get there? Alyosha asked politely. He was glad to have someone to talk to. Alyosha was very afraid that the dwarf would disappear, and that Fear would come out again and begin its sorcery.

I always sit there when you go to bed, - the dwarf answered. “I told you I was a sleepy dwarf. I bring dreams to children: different fairy tales and happy holidays. But you're bothering me because you don't want to sleep. Lie down, I have prepared a new wonderful fairy tale for you. Today we will fly on a magic swan.

I can't sleep, Alyosha sobbed. - The evil wizard Fear is sitting under my bed, he has bewitched everything around, see for yourself!

I do not see! - the gnome was surprised. He looked under the bed and waved his wand. Silver stars in a cheerful ringing stream, giggling and pushing, climbed into the darkness.

There is not anyone! There is not anyone! - heard from under the bed their sonorous voices.

The merry stars folded into a small silver butterfly and began to flutter around the room. First, they sat on the shoulder of a terrible giant with eyes on his stomach, showered him with silvery dust, and Alyosha saw that in fact it was an old wardrobe, and he had no eyes on his stomach. These are round pens.

Then the star butterfly flew over to the window sill and showered it with luminous sparks. Alyosha saw that in reality it was not Fear knocking at his door, but a birch branch on which sparrows were sleeping sweetly.

The butterfly flapped its wings, the wind rose and blew away the dark cloud that covered the moon and stars. The room immediately brightened up.

The butterfly circled over Alyosha and sat down on a shelf with terrible monsters, and Alyosha saw that in fact they were his toys. They smiled merrily at him, their plastic eyes gleaming fervently.

The butterfly flapped its wings for the last time and crumbled into small stars, whirling in a cheerful round dance around the gnome.

You see, - the sleepy dwarf giggled, carefully collecting small stars into a magic wand. When he touched the last star and it disappeared, Alyosha asked:

And what are these white spots that crawled along the ceiling.

This is headlights. Some people work at night, they drive by, and curious headlights look into the windows of houses. Because it's dark and boring outside at night. So they run along the ceiling in other people's rooms. They light up the darkest corners and help little boys see that there is no Fear. Now fall asleep faster, you and I need to see a long, long dream. You don't want it to end in the most interesting place in the morning, do you?

And if I fall asleep now, will I have time to watch it to the end? Alyosha got excited.

Of course, - the dwarf nodded importantly. “Only if you fall asleep right now.” And for the future, promise me that you will fall asleep on time. I will give you a magic spell. Say it every time before going to bed, then no one will be able to get into your room at night, except for me and my mother.

And what spell? Alyosha asked.

The dwarf straightened his hat, stood up and whispered:
- Clap your hands: bang bang!

Like a balloon burst fear!

Byaki-buki, well, shoo!

Baby is not afraid of you!
- Remember?

Yes, - muttered Alyosha falling asleep. - Thank you. And now I want to see a dream.

Well, look, - the dwarf waved his magic wand, and Alyosha fell asleep soundly. All night he watched a wonderful fairy-tale dream.

Since then, Alyosha always repeated a magic spell before going to bed and calmly fell asleep, and the sleepy dwarf showed him wonderful tales.

Night with a warm blanket

Covered my little one

Tucked in from all sides

Brought a sweet dream.

Beyond the seas the sun sleeps.

Mom sits next to me.


Sleep, baby, sleep!
Gently shines from the window

Round apple moon.

The stars dance

Waiting for the baby to fall asleep.

Eyes sleep and cheeks sleep

Tired kids.

Eyelashes and palms sleep

Sleep tummies and legs.

And tiny ears

Sweetly dozing on the pillow.

Curls are sleeping, pens are sleeping,

Only noses sniffle.


The most important thing is to tell the tale slowly, in a quiet voice, but in such a way that by the end the pace becomes slower and the voice quieter. Only preschoolers can change the details: add animals, insects, name fish and, accordingly, dreams. Fish can dream of a delicious bun, birds of grains, carrots for a bunny, nuts for a squirrel, etc.
"Sleep Tale"

Once upon a time there was a boy named Deniska. He went one evening to magical forest. He walked and walked along a narrow path, and came to a huge magical clearing. All the inhabitants of the magical meadow were getting ready for bed. Beautiful colorful flowers folded their petals and closed their eyes. Pink, blue and yellow butterflies hid at night in the green silk grass to sleep and in the morning again flutter over fragrant flowers. Multi-colored birds nestled comfortably on the branches of the trees that surrounded this fabulous clearing. In the hollow of an old oak tree, with a soft fluffy tail under its head, a red squirrel fell asleep. And under the roots of a tall, tall birch, a little mouse drank tea before going to bed. A merry blue brook flowed through a magical clearing. He quietly murmured and lulled the colorful fish, who were tired of playing and, together with everyone else, were waiting for the night to come. They hid among the multi-colored pebbles that adorned the bottom of the stream. Bright red flew up to Deniska Ladybug and sat down on his arm:

Deniska-Deniska, why aren't you sleeping yet. Come on, I'll lay you down.

I don't want to, - said Deniska. - I haven't played enough yet.

Deniska, look around! whispered Ladybug. - Look, there is no one to play with, everyone goes to bed. It's time for magical dreams. Nobody wants to be late. You don't like being late for cartoons either, do you? And dreams are even more interesting, so everyone tries to fall asleep on time.

I also want to see magical dreams, - said Deniska.

Then come with me, - Ladybug smiled.

She led the boy Deniska to a large, very large chamomile, laid him on a soft yellow center and covered him with delicate white petals. Then Ladybug flew onto a green blade of grass, covered herself with a plantain leaf and also closed her eyes. Everyone was asleep, and only at the edge of the magical clearing did the nightingale sing its lullaby.

The sun looked at the sleeping clearing, smiled at the nightingale and whispered to the moon:

Moon! Everyone has already fallen asleep, it’s time for me too, come shine instead of me and bring, please, more fabulous dreams for the boy Deniska.

With these words, the sun dived into a soft fluffy cloud behind the forest and fell asleep sweetly there, and the moon swam up into the sky and lit one after another magical stars. Each star was the mistress of some magical dream. They extended their thin rays to the sleeping fish, and the fish had magical dreams about a delicious dancing bun and about a singing blue stream. A thin ray climbed into the hollow to the red squirrel, gently touched her fluffy tail, and she had a dream about magic nuts that played hide and seek, danced, and then jumped into her mouth. A fabulous ray climbed half the leaf where the Ladybug was sleeping, gently touched her wing, and she dreamed of a delightful flower with large blue petals. On each of its petals stood a cup of nectar or sweet pollen. The stars gave the tiny birds funny dreams about tasty yellow grains. A cowardly bunny, hiding under a bush, dreamed of a sweet carrot the size of a bear: she cheerfully shook her green tail and sang a lullaby to him. And the tiniest star went down into the hole to the little mouse and gave her a dream about delicious, delicious cheese.

The moon carefully looked to see if everyone had enough dreams and, making sure that everyone was happy, and some were smiling sweetly, she went down to Deniska and gave him the most wonderful, most beautiful, most fabulous dream. She gave such dreams only to obedient and good boys who closed their eyes and fell asleep together with all the inhabitants of the fabulous meadow.

So another day of your baby has ended, and with it our book. We hope that our poems and fairy tales have helped you in the difficult task of education. little man. He learned a lot of new and interesting things, now he needs to rest, sleep, see in a dream another fairy tale and start a new day with renewed vigor. Kiss him goodnight and leave him alone with the "sleepy gnome".


A story about fear. To work with childhood fears I was once afraid of dogs... as well as cats, cockroaches, moths, grasshoppers, snakes and the dark...

It is very unpleasant to be afraid of something... And I was so afraid that even at night I did not close my eyes and tried not to blink so that it would not be dark... Yes, you yourself know how terrible it is to be afraid. Not only do you get goosebumps from horror and you feel your throat dry up, you also need to pretend that no one has guessed about your fear - they will laugh at you! And they laughed... And how they laughed at me! And friends, and older brothers and sisters, and parents, and what is most unpleasant, it seemed that even these very boogers and dogs in the alley were giggling and winking, looking at me ...

But now all this is in the past ... I completely calmly stay in an empty dark room, make friends with cats and dogs, in general, I feel confident in the world around me ... How did I achieve this? Now let me tell you the secret...

One day I met a clown. Yes, the real thing. I was with my parents at the circus. A clown was grimacing in the arena. I do not like the circus - during the performance it is dark and there are a lot of all living creatures. But this clown intrigued me. He invited everyone who wants to write their cherished desires on a piece of paper, put their name below and put the notes in a bag. I thought, “What if? It's a circus after all!" and wrote - “I want to stop being afraid ...” The clown collected desires, closed his eyes and put his hand into the bag, pulled out a piece of paper - read it and suddenly, becoming completely serious, said: “This note is from a very brave man, his wish will definitely come true... today... Please, and he said my name, come backstage after the performance." Surprised, I didn't even have time to get scared...

And now I'm in the closet at the clown. He washed off his makeup and turned out to be a very nice man - the same age as my dad. From him I learned a lot of clown secrets and mysteries, but, unfortunately, I can’t tell you - I gave my word!

And then the clown put me in an easy chair, started a machine that blows soap bubbles, and the room was filled with some kind of incomprehensible magic.

The clown said: “And you know that you are the biggest fellow of all fellows - after all, even adults strong men be afraid to admit that you are afraid of something ...

Yes, yes, they think that by confessing their fear, they will finally lose their power. Well, to find what your real strength is - that's the secret. And fear is one of the wisest and most reasonable mechanisms invented by Nature. Fear in a person is like the brakes in a car. Imagine that suddenly all of humanity was completely devoid of fears: everyone would run across the road without hesitation, would try to wade the seas and oceans, would eat everything in a row - there are no restrictions! So a car without brakes - it just rushes somewhere, it brings it to the right, then to the left, or even just off a cliff - really, it's scary!

That's it - it turns out that it is dangerous to completely remain without fear. And by the way, you know that there are entire institutions in the world that study fear. And there are only a few people in the whole world who are completely devoid of fear. Attached to them special people who are nearby around the clock - after all, such a person can easily step from the balcony, cut off his hand - that's what "fearlessness" means. Do you want to be like this? Not? Well, great. And our problems with you are just nonsense ... Let me teach you the trick. Ready?

Here are some balloons for you. The most common. Choose any color. Do you want green? - Good. Now focus. Take a deep breath, now inflate your cheeks as much as possible. Behind your cheeks now is the fear of the dark, dogs and everything - do you feel it? Now exhale it all into a ball. Happened? - well done. And now once again collect fears inside yourself, inflate your cheeks and exhale them into a balloon ... The balloon grows, swells - swells - swells, do this a few more times until you feel that the balloon is completely inflated. Happened?

Now tie the base of the ball with a thread and look at it. Here it is, the ball is beautiful, big; the color you chose. And all your problems are now in it. It has everything scary dogs, in it the most terrible and ominous darkness. And for you in the world there is all the brightest, joyful, friendly and beautiful. If you want, now draw on this balloon what you used to be afraid of and what is now inside. Take felt-tip pens - here, smart girl, is this a dog? Yeah. And what is this - ah, "darkness" - well, just well done, I probably could not draw "darkness".

And now, when you see what used to scare you, just imagine this ball or mentally place this “problem” in the ball, and it will cease to be a problem. You will feel protected. Well, think for yourself, is it really possible to be afraid of a dog hidden in a small balloon ... Isn't it funny?

And the next day the circus left...

Like this. A few more times I "exhaled" my fear into the balloon. Represented dogs and cats inside it. And then, imperceptibly for himself, he ceased to be afraid. Try it, maybe you will need the recipe of my clown friend....

Remember, you need to concentrate, imagine how you collect all your fear from the inside, place it on your cheeks and blow it into a ball. Then, you draw on the inflated balloon what you "blew" into it. And that's all ... And the ball - you release it out the window, burst it or admire it at home, as you like ...

If your child has fears, print out this fairy tale and read it in a monotonous chest voice to your child.

Our conversation today is about how a therapeutic fairy tale saved six-year-old Varia from night terrors and nightmares.

A bit of theory

Nocturnal anxiety attacks are sudden psychomotor agitation they happen and when it's time to go to bed

in bed, and in my sleep in the first half of the night. Their duration is from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

With night fears, the child is difficult to wake up, he does not make contact upon awakening, does not remember what happened, but falls asleep easily after calming down.

It is clear that you always rush to the baby, console him, convince him that you will protect him from everything and no danger at home threatens him, but this does not always help. The next night, everything repeats itself ... All because you appeal to reason, and fear has settled in a small body at the level of emotions, in the soul.

Unlike night terrors, nightmares occur in the second half of the night, in the phase deep sleep and are accompanied by frightening dreams. The child quickly wakes up, can tell what he dreamed of, but it is extremely difficult to return to sleep. This disorder sleep is recorded in children from 3 years of age. Nightmares are often symbolic. For example, a toddler with asthma may dream of scenes of suffocation, and a toddler suffering from heartburn may dream of fires.

Specific example

Little Varya was only two months old when she was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the infectious diseases department. Of course, they were hospitalized without their mother. For two weeks, the baby lay alone in a hospital bed. She was devoid of warmth mother's hands, her touches and kisses. Nobody cradled the girl, nobody sang lullabies to her. It was her first serious injury associated with separation from the mother.

The second separation trauma happened when Varya was three years old. Mom went to India to study. The baby missed her very much, and she had problems sleeping. They were so serious that the father had to bring Varya to her mother. And although the family was reunited, sleep problems continued to intensify.

Three years have passed since then. Every night Varya was afraid to fall asleep and woke up every night from nightmares. She dreamed of dragons, one-eyed pirates and other scary characters who wanted to kidnap her and take her away from her mother. The girl's consciousness understood that it was only a dream, but the trauma, forced deep into her soul, turned out to be

looking for a way out

It is known that normal psychological development children under three years of age is based on a sense of the strength of the “attachment” of mother and child.

In the case of Varya, the thread connecting her with her mother was broken twice. After a detailed discussion of the situation and agreement on prospects psychological help it was decided to decode the girl's traumatic memories, to give her the opportunity to experience a new experience: "Mom is always there" - and thereby create the basis for a restful sleep.

And then the therapist decided to write a fairy tale for Varya, where a hidden message-suggestion would be hidden: there was no separation, mom was always there. We wrote several stories for the baby, one of which we suggest using for all parents who are faced with a similar situation.

It would be a mistake to count on what will help the first time. It is important to remember that anxiety state lasted for some time and with a wave magic wand not get rid of it. Here you need patience on the part of parents, their sincere desire to help and involvement in therapy. However, with the first positive changes, this involvement cannot but arise.

So you told your baby a fairy tale, put him to bed, scratched his back, kissed him and ... left the room. The first time the effect will be barely noticeable. For example, no one will run after you, no one will start sobbing in the crib. The kid can agree to turn off the general light and leave only a nightlight, or he himself will “appoint” the protector of his dreams - a plush puppy. Such changes indicate that the fairy tale is valid. So we must continue!

The next evening, tell your son or daughter the same or a different story. You can add details, make the hero very similar to the baby himself. A series of tales about the same character is also a great option.

A new level of therapy is when the child himself wants to participate in the formation of the plot of a fairy tale. This technique allows you to talk about your experiences and not be afraid to seem weak, because we are talking about the hero, not about the child himself. And do not be afraid if the fairy tale seems frightening to you, and instead of a happy ending, the little one will offer a not too positive ending. So he explores his fear in a safe environment, learns to cope with it and voices it. various options solving the situation. It is important here not to evaluate, not to deny, not to interfere without an invitation from the crumbs. And soon you will see that the fear of the child recedes, he becomes more confident. Actually, this is exactly what happened to Varya, now she sleeps peacefully.

TALE: A wonderful ball for Mishka

There lived a bear. Once, after a long winter, a little Bear was born to her. On Mishka's birthday, the magic fairy gave them a wonderful ball, and the bear and her daughter often and merrily played with it.

It so happened that Mishka got sick. The mother bear tied the end of the thread from the ball with a beautiful bow on the paw of her beloved daughter while she was sleeping, and went into the forest in search of fragrant honey and medicinal herbs. When Mishka woke up, she saw that her mother was not around. She got scared

and lonely. She began to cry.

Suddenly a magic fairy appeared and reminded

Mishka about a magic ball. Fairy said:

Look, mom left and took the ball with her, and she left its tip for you. Do you see a beautiful bow on your paw? Pull on the thread. Mom will answer. Mom always listens. MOM IS ALWAYS HERE. Mishka was happy. She pulled the rope - and mom was immediately there. The bear gave her daughter a drink fragrant tea with healing forest honey - and Mishka immediately recovered.

Razida Weaver, cand. psychologist. Sciences,

fairy tale therapist, head of the school

therapeutic metaphor "Doctor Fairy Tale"

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