Have you ever wondered why chanterelles are not wormy? Why chanterelles are not wormy

Chanterelles are mushrooms that many of us love to eat. Except their palatability, they are also famous for their medicinal properties. Our ancestors knew about their exceptional benefits. Chanterelles have antitumor activity improve immunity, help with inflammatory processes in the body.

These mushrooms contain several times more vitamin A than in carrots.

What are the benefits of chanterelles

Have you ever wondered why they are not wormy? And all because these mushrooms contain chinomannose which are not tolerated by insects. This natural harmless substance does not cause side effects. Quinomannose is often used in medical preparations.

Unfortunately, chinomannose is a thermosensitive substance. It is destroyed at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, as well as when exposed to salt. Therefore, for treatment, chanterelles are used as a dry powder, in capsules or as a tincture.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, which is quite rare, and they should not be given to children. Like other mushrooms, chanterelles - heavy food for the stomach. Therefore, mushrooms should not be eaten in the presence serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract.

Be careful when collecting these mushrooms, as you can fall for doppelgangers that can bring harm to health.

Bright yellow, clean, crunchy chanterelle mushrooms. They got their name from the Old Russian word "fox" - yellow. Like the fox, mushrooms are named for their color. Collecting chanterelles is a pleasure. Why?

Chanterelles are not wormy, they are noticeable, do not break and do not get wet in a basket (or even a bag), they are stored in the cold for up to 10 days. And they are just delicious mushrooms.

Where and when are chanterelles found

Chanterelles appear in mid-June and delight mushroom pickers until the end of October. They live in families. If you come across such a "family", then from one clearing you can pick up a decent basket. The ubiquitous chanterelles are found either in pine or mixed forests. They love places under old birch trees, all sorts of slopes, hillocks, soil disturbances. They really like places without grass. Either needles or fallen leaves. Often they are, as it were, “buried” in moss. it amazing mushrooms: they do not rot in the rain, they do not dry out in dry weather, but they simply grow more slowly, and worms do not eat them.

Why chanterelle mushrooms are not wormy. Is it possible to eat mushrooms that even worms "bypass"?

Chanterelle ordinary: an unusually healing mushroom

There is only one reason for the fact that chanterelles are never wormy - D-mannose in their composition. This substance allows us to talk about chanterelles as a medicine. But for chanterelles to be medicine, they must be consumed dry or fresh. Without heat treatment and without treatment with caustic substances. Mannose is capricious. And under the influence of temperature dies. But it is precisely its properties that explain why chanterelles are not wormy. To preserve the effect of mannose, preparations from chanterelles are prepared at temperatures not exceeding 50 ° C.

Another important substance in chanterelles is ergosterol, which is able to cleanse and restore the liver.

There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in chanterelles:

  • For vitamin A, they surpassed carrots.
  • In terms of B vitamins, yeast was left behind.
  • Contain vitamin C - the creator of connective tissues, immunity stimulator.
  • A nicotinic acid(Vitamin PP), which provides microcirculation, affects good blood flow in peripheral tissues. Relieves diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia.
  • Zinc is indispensable in the work of sexual and nervous systems. Supports immunity. Beneficial effect on the skin. This microelement is present in insulin. Zinc deficiency inhibits the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.
  • Sulfur, forming sulfide bonds, creates a number of enzymes and vitamins that take part in various body processes, for example, in blood clotting. Makes blood thicker.

Two more substances were found in chanterelles: polysaccharide K-10 and trametonolinic acid. They act on the hepatitis virus. Effective in hemangioma and fatty degeneration of the liver.

Chanterelles are used to correct vision, to treat night blindness. They prevent aging, being a strong antioxidant and suppressing free radicals. AT traditional medicine used for tonsillitis, pancreatic diseases, furunculosis and obesity.

Fox's "twins"

Chanterelles - yellow, yellow-orange. The hat is darker, the leg is lighter. When assembled, they are easy to break. The hat is wavy, smooth only in young chanterelles. On the lower part of the fungus there are not plates, but wrinkles (chanterelles are close to tinder fungi). Wrinkles go down the leg, imperceptibly passing into it. Very tasty mushroom.

False chanterelles (talkers) grow next to the chanterelles. They are edible, but tasteless. Mushroom - lamellar. The plates end very abruptly. The speaker is not poisonous. There is no danger of poisoning.

You can confuse the chanterelle with the yellow blackberry. There's nothing to be afraid of either. Not only is the hedgehog not poisonous, it is considered a delicacy. His sign is bottom side caps are not plates, but crumbling needles.

The benefits of chanterelles

"Twins" of chanterelles are not afraid of worms. Why are chanterelles not wormy? Maybe the worms don't eat the mushroom because it's poisonous? Not at all. This is a bogus fear. Even in the pale toadstool dangerous for humans, the larvae feel great.

Moreover, mushrooms can be treated. Neither plants nor minerals became such a sensation as mushrooms. It has been known in Japan since ancient times. Now it is becoming popular in Europe and in Russia. This science is called the future of modern pharmacology. And it turned out that most medicinal mushrooms grow in Russia.

In addition, chinomannose is very useful for human body. The only thing is that this substance is quite fragile. It can collapse at a temperature of more than fifty degrees. It cannot be salted. Therefore, it is best to eat this type of mushroom dry or infused with vodka (you can also use wine).

By the way, there are a couple more in chanterelles useful substances: These are ergosterol and trametonolinic acid. The first will help with kidney disease, the second will help cure hepatitis.
We make chanterelle tincture.

First you need to dry the mushrooms. After that, grind them into powder. Pour a glass of vodka (200 ml). Leave to infuse for a week and a half. Every day you need to stir the tincture. Shake well before use. Drink with sediment.

If you have diseased kidneys or pancreas, then you need to take a teaspoon every evening for approximately 90-120 days. If you have hepatitis, then you need to take it twice a day (morning and evening), also for 90-120 days. To do a liver cleanse, take two tablespoons in the evenings for fifteen days.

There is no price for chanterelles in natural medicine.

All edible mushrooms are to some extent medicinal, tk. contain many useful substances necessary for a person. About the very first spring mushrooms see lines. Well, now it's time to collect chanterelle mushrooms.

What are the benefits of chanterelle mushrooms?

These are the only mushrooms that worms do not eat. Do you know why? Chanterelles contain a special substance. which destroys the capsule of eggs of various worms, preventing them from developing.

Chanterelles are valued for helping to remove radionuclides from our body. Chanterelles have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase immunity. They have more vitamin A than carrots.

Chanterelles are considered valuable dietary product. They are not subject to long processing, they should not be washed for a long time, so as not to absorb a lot of water. Rinse lightly under running water, and then - at the discretion of who prepares them how.

That's what chanterelle mushrooms are useful for. Collect, cook, eat, and be healthy!

What else are these mushrooms good for?
Thanks to vitamin C, they help treat respiratory diseases.

They are also useful in that they treat not only insomnia, depression, but also hemorrhoids.
Chanterelles have medicinal properties: fight against varicose veins;
relieve irritability;
reduce fatigue;
improve vision.

Scientists have done many experiments.
It turned out that beneficial features This product is due to the presence of vitamin D.
This substance contributes to the formation bone tissue and also has the following useful properties:

Increases resistance to psoriasis;
strengthens muscle tone;
prevents heart disease.

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