Stitch mushrooms are edible or not. Morels and lines are the first spring mushrooms. Edible or not

Unfortunately, one of the areas of traditional medicine - fungotherapy (mushroom treatment) - is still rarely used in practice, although in recent years it has been successfully developing. On the example of one type of mushroom - lines (not to be confused with morels) - you can find out the tremendous effectiveness of fungotherapy.

These mushrooms are not uncommon, but are more common in the forest zone of Russia, especially in its northern part. They hatch in mid-April. When the sun strokes the drying earth a little, the lines already show their tops - real mushroom snowdrops. They are unpretentious, they take root with pleasure in any place chosen for them. People love them for their amazing healing properties.

Stitch mushrooms: description

The height of the line is only 6-7 cm, the roundness is not more than 15 cm, the cap is intracavous, the surface is sinuous-wavy, brown. The leg reaches 6 cm with longitudinal folds. The pulp is brittle, with a specific mild odor.

Mushrooms grow in flocks, often in pine copses and forests. They should be collected along forest roads, and especially in forest clearings, conflagrations with sandy non-soddy soil. Collection time: mid-April - May.

For information: in France and other Western countries, the lines are bred artificially. For a divorce at home, choose a site. They collect dried wood, rotten leaves, stakes from an old fence, and so on. Set up a fire pit. Lines are cut into pieces and scattered over the ashes. In April next year, only a few mushrooms may appear, but in five years the harvest will be plentiful.

Lines have long been popular as a food product, but they are mushrooms that are conditionally edible. Before eating, they should be boiled for a long time, and then fried for a long time. Rinse with water before frying. They should be consumed young. This is the only way to eliminate the poisonous substance gyromitrin present in them. However, under certain conditions, it is an excellent healing substance.

Line mushrooms: useful and medicinal properties

The main therapeutic effect of the lines is analgesic (pain reliever). In the old days, mushrooms were most often used for pain in the teeth, muscles, and especially joints. Scientists have proven that gyromitrin acts as a chondroprotector (restores cartilage tissue), doing the same job as chondroitin sulfate, and this is quite effective and healing (anesthetize the joint and restore its affected cartilage tissue).

It is most convenient and most effective to use a line tincture, which is excellent for various arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis, polyarthritis, lupus erythematosus. She is especially active in the treatment of joint diseases. Tincture (by rubbing) successfully heals, long-lasting, stubborn bronchitis, any neuralgia, postoperative adhesions.

To cook it, fresh mushrooms must be cleaned in the most thorough way, since a lot of debris, especially sand, gets into the furrowed surface (besides with mucus). The caps must be crushed, and filled with a container without compaction, that is, without shaking or tamping, add vodka so that it is higher than the mushrooms. It will be much more effective if you add chopped marsh cinquefoil to the lines (10: 3). You need to insist two weeks in the refrigerator. The tincture should be rubbed into sore spots, which should then be wrapped with a woolen cloth.

In the case of pronounced dystrophic processes in joints it is necessary, along with anesthesia, to take care of the restoration of their bone and cartilage tissue. Comfrey officinalis works well with this. The treatment goes like this. Usually, after two months of applying the line tincture, a positive progressive effect of anesthesia occurs, which is the basis for switching to compresses at night from the tincture of comfrey officinalis. To obtain it, 1 cup of crushed roots should be insisted for 3 weeks in half a liter of vodka, strain. About 5 weeks (every day at night) it is necessary to apply compresses. This advice cannot be ignored, since allantoin was found in the placenta of animals, which provides cell division and cell growth. Thanks to this, the fetus grows quickly. Allantoin was additionally found in only one plant, comfrey.

And here is a recipe for using a string tincture with pancreatitis. In its manufacture, mushrooms (10: 1) must be added with the same number of meadowsweet flowers and lemon balm. It is required to take according to the "slide" scheme: at first 2 drops, then add 2 drops every day. And so - a week, that is, reach 14 drops. Then you need to go in the same way at a decreasing rate up to 2 drops. Use - on the table. a spoonful of milk three times a day after meals (after 40 minutes). Then repeat the described process. You can rest for a month, and repeat the treatment again.

Por lines coincides with the time of collecting morels and falls at the very beginning of spring, April-May. Experienced mushroom pickers usually open the "quiet hunting" season with these mushrooms. Beginners, on the other hand, often get confused in the names, or collect mushrooms, considering them to be one species. Indeed, morels and lines belong to the same class of marsupial mushrooms and are very close to each other in many respects: appearance, time and place of fruiting, method of processing and preparation. From the time of Ancient Russia to this day, lines, along with morels, are eaten after preliminary boiling. In the modern classification, they are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. However, in some countries, the lines are considered poisonous, so they are bypassed in the forest. Studies by scientists have revealed in the lines (unlike morels) the presence of toxic substances - gyromitrins, which are hazardous to health. Despite this, the mushroom is still classified as edible (albeit conditionally). Dishes from it are prepared not only at home in the kitchen, but also in the best restaurants in the world. So to take or not to take lines from the forest?!

The fact is that earlier toxicity in morels and lines was explained by the presence of gelwellic acid in them, which was neutralized by boiling. Later it turned out that the substance is not dangerous at all. But gyromitrins contained in raw lines (not in morels) carry a deadly threat. When ingested, they

In the photo: lines (giant line)

cause damage to the nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal tract. Possessing volatility, these toxins also poison harmless morels, which lie along with the lines in one basket.

To get rid of the poison in mushrooms, they are first boiled twice for 15 minutes and washed thoroughly, just like morels. After such processing, soups, sauces, caviar, fillings for pies are prepared from mushrooms, fried and baked. Such a long digestion does not affect the taste of mushrooms. Gourmets will never exchange cellar-grown oyster mushrooms and champignons for fragrant “natural” morels and strings. Some connoisseurs even have their own know-how of pre-preparing these mushrooms, which significantly improves the taste of dishes. For example, instead of boiling, morels and stitches are kept for 2-3 hours in sauerkraut juice.

Scientists insistently insist that even after boiling, the remains of gyromitrins remain in food, therefore they do not recommend giving lines to children. Drying mushrooms for six months is considered the most reliable way to get rid of a toxic substance. After this time, hazardous substances evaporate from the mushrooms completely.

Lines grow in deciduous and coniferous forests, near birch trees, on clearings and edges, near roads and in young plantings. They choose for themselves sandy soils rich in humus, located in groups. Distinguish line giant and ordinary line, fruiting in April-May, their peak falls on the flowering of aspen (the appearance of catkins). Autumn line harvested in September-October. All lines have a large shapeless hat that looks like a walnut, in the autumn line it resembles three fused horns. The wavy-folded surface of the cap of the giant line is light brown or ocher, the line of the ordinary is brown-brown, the line of the autumn is chestnut (in old mushrooms it is dark and velvety). The hat of the giant line can reach a size of 15 (height) x 30 (diameter) cm. The cap of an ordinary and autumn line is no more than 13 cm in diameter. The caps of the lines are completely adherent to hollow, whitish, watery legs. At the line of the autumn leg, it grows up to 10 cm, with a diameter of up to 3 cm. The legs of the giant and ordinary line are low, often completely hidden by the hat. The pulp of the lines is brittle, waxy, as mentioned earlier, requires preliminary boiling.

What to cook from the lines?

From the lines you can cook any mushroom dishes. The easiest way to cook fried lines. Mushrooms are washed, boiled, as described above, cut into slices, salted. Fried mushrooms in a pan with vegetable oil. Separately, finely chopped onion is fried and added to the mushrooms. Fry the mushrooms with onions under the lid until cooked. Serve fried mushrooms with potatoes or as an independent dish.

Enjoy your meal!

Read about these and other mushrooms:

The edible black morel mushroom has fragile fruiting bodies 5-12 cm tall, 4-7 cm wide. Cellular conical, ovoid or pear-shaped hat, occupying 2/3 of the fungus in height, dark brown or black with light brown cells. The leg is hollow, fragile, white with a granular surface. The pulp is fragile, not bitter and not burning. There is no milky juice.

Look at the edible morel mushrooms in the photo and remember what they look like to distinguish them from poisonous species:

Mushroom morel growing in a mixed forest
Edible mushroom morel black

Grows in coniferous and mixed forests. Prefers limestone soil.
Black morel occurs in early spring. In central Russia, its fruiting falls on May 10-20, immediately after the wave of fruiting lines. The black morel is quickly damaged by the mushroom mosquito ("worms"), so you need to have time to collect it immediately after the start of fruiting. Fruits abundantly in pine forests after their fires. Grows on fires or close to them.
The black morel has no poisonous twins.
Does not require pre-boiling. The most delicious after cooking for 10 minutes.

Mushroom lines ordinary (with photo)

Mushroom lines ordinary is conditionally edible, its fragile fruit bodies are 4-12 cm tall and wide, hollow with a brown, chestnut or yellow-chestnut hat. The cap is brain-folded, like the inside of a walnut, of irregular shape with internal cavities in a fairly thick pulp. The pulp is light without bitterness and odorless. The leg is white, sometimes pink, also with cavities.

Grows in deciduous and mixed forests, often in small ravines and roadside pits.

Look at the photos of the mushroom lines of this species - they show the appearance at different periods of development:

Common line in a mixed forest
Mushroom lines ordinary

Occurs from late April to mid-May.

There are no toxic twins.

In Russia they eat it. After pre-boiling for 15 minutes and draining the water, it is boiled in salt water or fried. The smell of boiled mushroom lines. The taste of boiled mushroom is good, the texture is pleasant. In France and Germany, the common line is considered a poisonous mushroom.

Mushroom lines autumn: photo and description

If you read the description, the autumn lines mushroom is considered inedible. Fragile fruiting bodies 6-15 cm tall and 4-8 cm wide, hollow with a light brown, dark brown or purple-brown cap. The irregularly shaped cap consists of lobes and cavities. The pulp is thin, fragile, light without bitterness and odorless. The leg is light brown with a finely fleecy surface, also with cavities. Autumn lines are not damaged by insects.

Look at this mushroom lines in the photo and in the description, you should remember it and not try to eat it:

Mushroom lines autumn grows on stumps overgrown with moss
Line mushroom grows in deciduous and mixed forest

Grows in deciduous and mixed forests on destroyed stumps and trunks overgrown with moss or on the ground near them. Autumn line - tree fungus.

Occurs from late August until frost.

Has no poisonous twins.

The mushroom is considered inedible. However, in Russia they eat it. After pre-boiling for 15 minutes and draining the water, it is boiled in salt water or fried. The smell of boiled mushroom lines.

Scientists have been investigating for many years whether it is possible to eat a fungus of lines. Only a few species can be cooked and eaten, however, they must be pre-processed.

Therefore, the mushroom is more used for medical purposes. Let's take a closer look at this mushroom.

Mushroom Stitch Description

In appearance, the mushroom resembles a walnut. The mushroom is not divided like a nut into two parts, but is divided into many small parts. The hat is up to 10 cm in size.

In the photo of the mushroom lines, you can see that the hat has a brownish tint, and the leg itself is white. But in nature there are yellow caps, and the legs can be grayish with purple.

In its natural environment it grows, as a rule, in coniferous forests. Can grow along roads, on ditches. The growth period is quite short from May to June. The ripening period is greatly influenced by weather conditions.

However, in nature there is a species that is suitable for human consumption. It is called the giant line mushroom.

This raises the question of what a giant line mushroom looks like, so as not to confuse it with an ordinary one. The hat has a light shade, about 30 cm in size. Most often it can be found in deciduous forests.

Types of mushrooms

Consider only edible lines. Since going to the forest for mushrooms, after picking, you want to feast on your prey.

Autumn. The cap has a brown color, and the leg of its light brown tone. It grows on a rotten tree, its tender flesh is slightly loose. Found throughout Russia.

Giant. Its hat is from yellowish to brown, but the leg is small and thick. Grows in grass, mostly overgrown. Therefore, it can often be found in parks.

Preparation of tincture

In folk medicine, this mushroom is a real helper. A tincture is prepared from it, which can relieve severe pain. In particular, joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia.

Also, this tincture is indispensable in the later stages of cancer development. When a person is in extreme pain. The tincture can block the pain for a while.

How to make a tincture

First you need to dry the mushrooms, then chop them. For the preparation of alcohol tincture, it is better to take a glass vessel with a tight-fitting lid.

Mushrooms and vodka are mixed in it in a proportion of 10 g per 150 ml. You need to insist in the refrigerator for about 14 days. The resulting tincture is applied to a sore spot on the body. Be sure to cover the rubbed area with a woolen scarf.

Also, a decoction is made from the mushrooms of the pods for washing the eyes with a disease, conjunctivitis.

cooking mushrooms

Scientists have long proven that the use of these mushrooms is life-threatening. Due to their high toxicity content.

However, in Europe and America mushrooms are collected and eaten. They consider it a delicious delicacy.

Of course, you can cook dishes with these mushrooms. But, they need to be pre-processed. There are two processing methods in which the toxin, gyromitrin, is lost:

  • First way. Line mushrooms are dried, and then boiled.
  • The second way. Fresh lines are boiled, and their broth is then drained.

Lines can be boiled more than once. With each subsequent boiling, the level of the toxin decreases. When boiling water should be 3 times higher than the mushrooms themselves.

After boiling, the mushrooms are washed under cold water. If the lines are dried in the open air for 10 days, then the level of toxin will decrease by 90%.

In the Russian Federation, as well as in a number of European countries, the sale of line mushrooms is prohibited. However, from such a mushroom very tasty first and second courses are obtained. You can make snacks from them or stew them in sour cream sauce.

However, the main thing is to remember the need to process mushrooms in advance so that they do not harm health.

If nevertheless it happened, so that the treatment did not help, then signs of poisoning appear on the first day. You need to immediately contact a medical institution for help.

Photo mushroom lines

In addition to the representatives of the mushroom kingdom familiar to everyone - mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles, milk mushrooms and others, there are species that are unlike them.

For example, the lines of mushrooms, the photos of which we will see today, differ from many mushrooms in the structure of the cap and other qualities. We will find out what these unusual mushrooms are like, how they look, how suitable they are for eating, and whether they can be poisoned.

Mushroom lines: description of species


A marsupial fungus from the Discinaceae family, often mistaken for a morel.

If you eat a raw line, you can die. Some experts, especially European ones, believe that this mushroom is completely inedible and very dangerous.

Others say that the stitch mushroom is quite suitable for eating if it is subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

Consider the main types of lines, their features and the degree of toxicity.

Line ordinary

Line ordinaryGyromitra esculenta

Common line - Gyromitra esculenta: mushroom photo

mushroom features

  • Line growth. A rare mushroom that grows on forest edges, especially in pine forests, on sandstones without turf, roadsides, edges of ditches and paths, clearings. Fruiting lines begins in March and ends in May.
  • Line hat. The cap of the mushroom, resembling the convolutions of the brain, initially grows brown with a chestnut tint, then becomes dark brown. The diameter of the hat is from 2 to 13 cm, inside it is empty. The shape is unevenly round.
  • Leg stitch. An empty and dry flattened cylinder-shaped leg can be painted in different colors: reddish, gray, white or yellowish. The height of the folded or furrowed leg is from 3 to 9 cm.
  • Other qualities. The ordinary line has a soft, pleasant-tasting and fragrant waxy flesh of a whitish color.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered in the line of this species the strongest poison gyromitrin, which does not leave the mushroom even after boiling and drying. The mushrooms growing in Germany are especially dangerous. Although the Russians have not poisoned them to death yet, it is better to exclude lines from their diet and replace it with more familiar and time-tested mushrooms.

The line is giant

The line is giantGyromitra gigas

Other names are a large or gigantic line.

Giant line - Gyromitra gigas: mushroom photo

mushroom features

  • sprouting line. It prefers to grow on sandstones, in birch forests or mixed forests where birch comes across. In good years it occurs in whole settlements. It begins to bear fruit from mid-April, ends in May.
  • hat line. The giant line has a folded-wavy hat, which does not have a clear shape and adheres to the stem of the mushroom. When a line appears, the hat is painted in chocolate color, as it grows - in ocher. The diameter of the hat is 7-12 cm, but there are giants with thirty-centimeter hats!
  • Leg stitch. The gigantic line has a short leg no more than 6 cm high, painted white, wide and empty. Sometimes it is completely hidden under the hat.

Is it possible to eat a giant line? Russian scientists argue that it is possible, since it contains much less gyromitrin. The main thing is to boil it well.

Autumn line

Autumn line - Gyromitra infula

The autumn line is also called gyromitra, the autumn or inful-like lobe, the horned line, the smarzhok, the inful-like gelvella.

Autumn line - Gyromitra infula: mushroom photo

mushroom features

  • sprouting line. It can grow in both coniferous and deciduous forests near rotting wood or right on it. It bears fruit from the end of August or the beginning of September, for which it is called autumn.
  • Line hat. The pleated hat grows to about 10 cm in size or less. Its color, initially brown, eventually turns almost black. If you stroke the hat, you feel a pleasant velvety. The hat, which has a saddle-horn shape, grows together at the edges with a mushroom leg.
  • Leg stitch. The empty leg inside is painted in a whitish-gray or gray-brown hue, and reaches a height of up to 10 cm. It has the shape of a cylinder.
  • pulp line. The whitish tender flesh breaks easily and has no characteristic odor.

The autumn line mushroom is the most dangerous type of line: it contains much more poison than its giant or ordinary counterpart. If it is not boiled, it causes severe poisoning that can lead to death.

This species resembles the dubious line (Gyromitra ambigua), listed in the Red Book and preferring subalpine and subarctic lands. But you will not confuse them if you remember that the dubious line is smaller than the autumn one and differs from it in large spores, brownish-purple color and late fruiting: it is born in September-October. By the way, the dubious line is generally contraindicated for eating.

Now you know what the lines of mushrooms are, the photos of which will help you remember them well. We only note that none of the types of stitches can be eaten by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as by pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

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