Moving to a new apartment, a new house with a cat or a cat. An adult cat in a new home - how to help with adaptation

Moving is always stressful not only for a person, but also for a cat. Even if the move is long-awaited and is accompanied only by positive emotions. Still, the changes are accompanied by a shake-up. Cats are under a lot of stress. They lived calmly and peacefully - every day they had a schedule: where to go, what to do, but it’s not clear what, where is it, where is the toilet, where is the feeding, where is the bathroom and water, where is the playhouse?

How do cats cope with the move? At the beginning, the cat experiences a feeling of fear and shock, she walks around a new apartment or house on half-bent legs and sniffs everything, trying to realize where she is and where she was brought?

If at this moment of the cat’s acquaintance with the room you scare it with something, for example, loud sound furniture or anything else, then she will hide in the farthest corner and sit there until she calms down herself, this may take more than one day. Cats, in general, are attached to the house, not to people, so it is very difficult for them to part with their homes, for the first time they will sleep on things taken from a strict house, since there is the smell of everything they love that they have left behind.

Often, when moving, cats and cats get lost, they do not understand where they need to go to the toilet, so at first they can mark the territory anywhere in the house..

Moving for a cat is psychological trauma. The cat will overcome it, but only with the help of the owner, who will also find time for his pet to calm him down and caress him, talk to him, explain through dialogue that they have moved to a new place, that this is now your toilet, and here you eat, here you play and here you bathe. “Everything will be fine” - this is the thought that needs to be conveyed to your pet.

When moving, you should treat your cat's well-being with great care. Be sure to take the time and show the entire apartment or house to the animal, you can do this several times. Buy treats for your pet to somehow relieve stress: they, like people, need to eat something tasty.

Bathe your pet in a new place, show him where the tray is, encourage going to the toilet in a new place in the tray for the first time with a treat and a piece of food. You explain to her what's what in your house. What you can take and touch, and what you can’t, where is her playground, and where it’s not worth playing, where you can sharpen your claws, and where you can’t, where a cat should eat and this is her place to eat, and where you can’t bring pieces of food.

You should pet your cat more often, pay attention to it, bathe and dry it, comb its coat at night and comb out clumps or undercoat. When the owner strokes the cat, this is a sign for her good relationship to yourself, respect. If the cat is guilty somewhere, never allow yourself to raise a hand on the animal. This is your friend, besides, completely dependent on your mood. You explain where the cat is wrong and try to avoid these situations next time. Also, to make it clear that you love a cat is to walk with her on the street, you can use a leash, tell her about the world around her as a person, consult her.

Since ancient times, the cat has been considered the keeper of the hearth. It scares away all evil spirits, contributes to the creation of comfort, peace and an atmosphere of home warmth. Apparently, for this reason, it is customary to let the cat into the house first at a housewarming party, while the owners enter only after it. This is a kind of ritual that should bring happiness to a new home.

It’s good when they specifically take it for these purposes, which will immediately become the “master” in the new house and a full-fledged member of the family. In this case, the animal will immediately get used to the territory that will become its home. But it happens that the family moves to a new place of residence already with a pet. It is not a fact that he will be “delighted” with new possessions, since cats, unlike dogs, get used to the house, and not to their owners. An animal can calmly accept a new habitat, or it can behave unpredictably, therefore, in order not to overshadow the joy of moving and not to make your pet nervous, you need to prepare in advance for this significant event for everyone.


The move should begin with the fact that the cat must be properly transported from the old place of residence to the new one. It is better to do this in the car, seating the pet in a special container or basket for animals. What is it for? So the cat will not remember the road along which he is being taken, and will not be able to return back. Yes, there really were such cases when the animals did not want to get used to the new housing at all and returned to their original place.

During the trip, it is better not to stop anywhere so that the cat does not jump out and could not mark the road along which it will then return home. Of course, the cat will not be able to get to the old property if the family moves to another city. To run to the house, to which there will be only a few kilometers, is quite realistic for him, there have been such cases.


The next thing pet owners should do is prepare the apartment. The bottom line is to bring the new housing as close as possible to the old one that the animal is used to. Perhaps a cat will not run away from a new apartment if it immediately smells familiar smells in it. To do this, it is necessary to pre-place the accessories of the animal (toys, rug, sleeping place). If the house will have the same furniture, then the cat will also recognize it by smells. This must be done without fail, because the animal, once in a new environment for it, can get severe stress and simply run away from it.

In addition, cats similar situations they begin to rush around the apartment, some destroy everything in their path, so everything in the house must be cleaned in advance extra items(especially breakable and fragile). Another piece of advice is at least, at first to keep the interior that was in old apartment. So the adaptation of the cat to a new place will be much easier and faster.

In a new apartment

When the cat enters the house, watch her behavior. Perhaps at first she will sneak, look around, sniff. it normal reaction, as it should be in such situations. You can pre-place a tray with a toilet, allocate a corner for the "dining room" of the pet. Of course, it is better that they are in the same places as in the old apartment. Soon, the cat's wary behavior may be replaced by curiosity, which he will show, exploring everything around. If the cat soon starts drinking or even eating, then we can conclude that the move was a success and he "accepted" his new possessions.

But it may be different. The cat clogs under beds, behind wardrobes, hides wherever possible, does not eat or drink. This reaction is a consequence of stress, which is likely to time will pass. In this case, the cat needs to be given some time to adapt, but not very much, so that the animal does not become exhausted and starve. If this behavior continues for a long time, then you can not do without consulting a veterinarian. In any case, the animal must be observed, but not overly persistent (a cat in this state will still not be disposed to communicate).

What to do if the cat runs away?

As mentioned above, there are cases when cats ran back to where they were brought from. They returned to their old house, despite the fact that completely different people could already live in it. If possible, they should be warned not to feed the animal, not let it into the house, but on the contrary, drive it away in every possible way. In this case, he will have no choice but to return back to his former owners, albeit in new housing.

The main thing is to know and remember that a cat or a cat is also a living creature that has its own emotions, needs and attachments. This must be taken into account when planning a move. The new house should become a cozy haven not only for people, but also for their pets. So it will be if you follow the above tips. But the most important thing is to show patience, care, attention in relation to the animal, then the adaptation process will be much faster and easier.

Cats are somewhat reminiscent of conservatives who oppose any reform.

Even replacing a shabby sunbed with a brand new cozy house is perceived with caution. What can we say about the change of housing: stress in a cat after moving is almost inevitable. Even calm, balanced pets accustomed to travel and exhibitions survive.

But it is especially hard for pets who have never left the apartment. For them, there is no world outside the window, they are extremely attached to the place. In fact, moving with a cat is the expulsion of a pet from its territory; the pet instinctively treats what is happening in this way. And for a predator, expulsion from hunting grounds often ends in death. It is easy to guess how cats endure the move in this case, because an adequate animal always puts the instinct of self-preservation at the forefront.

On the day of the move, the cat should feel protected, be in shelter, in a reliable "catch". To do this, you need to accustom your pet in advance to carry - solid, made of metal, plastic or wood. The carrier is placed on a sofa or in another place that the cat has chosen to relax, and a mattress is laid inside. Moving a cat to new apartment it will be calmer if the pet has time to get used to the “house”: the walls and the mattress will be saturated with the smell of a cat. Prepare a blanket in advance, which will need to cover the box on the appointed day - than smaller cat sees, the less fear.

For reinsurance, you should consult a veterinarian about the advisability of using sedatives. Soft sedative drug will help reduce stress in cats during the move and after, if the pet fails to get used to the new house in a couple of days. It is unreasonable to use human remedies, valerian, valocordin and other commonly available drugs - the reaction of the cat's body can be unpredictable, up to aggression or poisoning.

Feeding is stopped six hours in advance - this will help to avoid trouble on the road and upon arrival (vomiting, diarrhea). But you still need to grab napkins and disposable diapers, just in case.

It is known that a dog is attached to a person, and a cat is attached to a house. Therefore, when we move to a new place, the dog does not get upset at all, because her beloved owners are nearby. But for a cat, moving is usually a personal drama. After all, she is losing what is so dear to her: her favorite nooks, places of ambush, observation points, etc. And what does he get in return? What does a cat feel in a new house, and how can you help it?

New house and a cat in it

A completely unfamiliar, unsniffed place, perhaps full of danger. And it is not yet known whether it will be possible to hide safely. Against the background of such experiences, the cat can become aggressive, start going to the toilet anywhere, and even stop eating and drinking. Of course, for the owners, this will be an additional cause for concern during the move. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance for changing the place of residence of a cat.

So, it is best to transport a mustachioed girlfriend after all things have been transported and placed in their places, including cat bowls, trays and houses. The presence of familiar smells in a new place will calm the purr a little.

How to behave as an owner with a cat

When the cat arrives new house, then, most likely, the first thing she will try to hide. Do not interfere with her, this will only increase the cat's panic. Go about your business calmly.

Sooner or later, curiosity will take over and the mustachioed will crawl out for reconnaissance. You should not rejoice noisily at this - it will only scare her and the shaggy baby will immediately return to her previous position. You can talk to her affectionately, and even better buy cat food and give her her favorite treat.

It is able to temporarily return the lost feline optimism. Let the cat slowly explore new territory room by room. But ... if she is used to going out, then at first in a new place it is better to refuse walks altogether. AT last resort you can use a cat harness. Then the pet will not be lost and will not return to its former home.

But what if you are going on vacation and want to settle a cat with relatives or friends for just a couple of weeks? As practice shows, it is better not to do this.

As mentioned above, cats are tied primarily to the house. And loneliness endure much easier than dogs.

During the holidays, it will be better if relatives come and take care of the pussy 1-2 times a day. The cat will endure this much easier than moving to a new home.

Moving is stressful even for a person, although he usually does it consciously. And what about the cat, who was happy with everything in the old place, and she did not plan to change it at all - and then the owners suddenly begin to pack their bags? It is very important that the process of moving does not cause stress, panic in the pet, and in connection with this, health problems.

Preparing to move

Some owners use to move the cat collar with leash. But these devices only help to keep the pet close and do not allow him to run away.

It is best to purchase a special carrying. In it, the cat will feel safe. The mesh door will allow her to observe what is happening outside, and behind the plastic walls the animal will hide from noise, flickering light and traffic.

Important accustom in advance cat to . About a month before the planned move date, place the fixture on the floor in the room where your pet spends most of his time. habit will depend on individual features character of the animal. It is known that cats always show interest in new items, like to climb into all kinds of boxes and packages. It is possible that your pet will immediately climb into the carrier, love to sit in it - and this will successfully complete the addiction process.

If the cat wary to a new object that appeared in the apartment, proceed as follows. Leave the door of the carrier open and put some treats next to it. Gradually move the plate with delicious pieces closer to the entrance, and finally put it inside. Thus, the connection between the carrier and the favorite food will be fixed in the cat, and the cat will enter it with interest in search of treats.

The collection process itself should not cause the pet discomfort. Cats love hustle and bustle. They are very curious and try to be in the center of events. Beware of just closing the animal in a suitcase or closet where it can suffocate.


The most unpleasant emotions in a cat will cause moving day. To protect the animal from escape or accidental injury, it must be isolated during the removal of things from the apartment. in the bathroom or toilet. Be sure to leave it on indoors light, put there toilet tray, a bowl of food and a towel so that the pet does not have to while away the time on the cold floor.

Some cats endure this time calmly, others constantly remind of themselves with heart-rending cries.

The next step is a public transport trip. All this time keep carrying door closed no matter how plaintively the cat meowed. This is necessary, because out of fear she can jump out and try to escape, scratching the owner or crippling herself.

If your cat is having a hard time with stress or you have a long-distance move (or flight), buy her sedative drops.

In a new place

Once in a new home, the first time the cat will be unsociable. She can hide in a corner and sit there for several days, refusing food and going to the toilet. This behavior is not associated with staying in a new territory, but with leaving states of stress after the trip. As mentioned above, this is the most traumatic stage of the move for the animal.

Place a bowl of fresh food and water near your pet every day. Be sure to take to a new place old the smell of which is familiar to the cat. If you do this, then you will have no problems with toilet training your pet in a new place. He will go to the old tray. And you will buy a new one a little later, when a period will pass adaptation in unfamiliar territory.

The cat will examine the apartment carefully, but with great interest. Soon she will have her favorite corners here.

The more often your pet has to leave their familiar place (for example, for country trips), the calmer he will endure moving and staying in transport.

And most importantly, do not forget about the cat for a minute, talk to it and pet it. The presence of the owner, his care will give her a sense of peace and security. The more she feels your attention and support, the easier it will be for her to move, and the faster she will restore peace of mind.

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